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View Full Version : Any good interactive character sheets for 3.5 with room for lots of information?

2016-11-12, 11:48 PM
Hey everyone at GiantITP.

As the subject reads: Any good interactive character sheets for 3.5 with room for lots of information? I already have a few interactive sheets for 3.5, but I find them to be lacking in the department
space - making them ill-suited for characters with lots of information on them - typically ending up with a character sheet thats full of information in places where they're not supposed to be.

So do any of you good people here know a good source for these types of character sheets or maybe have an interactive one that could be shared?

It's much appreciated - Thank you :smallsmile:

2016-11-13, 03:42 AM

Not exactly sure what you mean by "room for lots of information", but mine is in Excel. Any place that doesn't have the room for more info, you should be able to add some rows/columns and autofill the relevant formulas. Only catch is that you'll probably need to remember to unhide some stuff to make sure you're getting it all.

2016-11-13, 04:56 AM
It would help, if you'd say what do you have, or don't want.
Mad Irishman ?

2016-11-13, 12:05 PM
Didn't we just have this thread a few days ago?

Bump for rrwood's sheet, and also the one in my signature. If you're using mine, fill in white and light gray cells with your data; dark gray are for temporary buffs.

Edit: in regards to space for lots of info, mine has: 7 CL increase spaces; 5 weapon spaces; 3 ammo spaces; 6 daily use spaces; 20 magical item body slots; 57 spaces for class abilities and feats; 6 currency slots; 9 class slots + LA; all the PF, 3.0, and 3.5 skills except trunaming; 3 spell-tracking lists. That's not to mention a few places that are open for you to just type out things like ongoing buffs, notes, favours, and all your wacky movement speeds.