View Full Version : Witch class

2016-11-13, 05:10 AM
I know the dmg has the witch spell list, but is there any official witch class in 3.5? I know pathfinder has a class, and the dread witch prestige class, but is there anything else? Or just a sorcerer casting off a custom list = witch as per the suggestion in the dmg?

2016-11-13, 06:56 AM
I personally have not found an official witch class in my searches through books. That could just be an oversight, though.

Incidentally, I did make a more functional spell list from the DMG example a while back. One of my players wanted to play a witch, so I compiled the info into a useful format similar to some spell list pages we found online. I found that some of the spells listed were either unedited from 3ed, or didn't exist exactly as listed in DMG, but I used context clues and guides to fix that and make the full spell list. If you're interested, said lists can be found in the spoiler.

PHB Base classes (Bottom of Page)

Witch Spell List, as compiled my yours truly (Via my old campaign's website)

2016-11-13, 06:59 PM
There is also the Quintessential Witch book (3rd party) that has bunch of Witch related things in it, and a base class called Witch.

I personally didn't like how they handled it, but your mileage may vary. (I didn't like the fact that Witch needed a spellbook)

Whenever one of my players wants to play a Witch, I just have them play a sorcerer that casts off the Witch spell list in DMG.

2016-11-13, 09:58 PM
As the Witch spell list presented in the DMG is fairly limited, maybe treat the Witch as a Sorcerer, who gets full access to all spells at each level as per Beguiler?

2016-11-14, 12:30 AM
That was my thought, giving full access to all the spells once you can cast them. Also they get a familiar and brew potion as a bonus feat, and have knowledge:nature, heal, and a few other skills, but likely still 2 plus int SP/level.

2016-11-14, 01:00 AM
For witchy characters I personally like the Warlock class in CArc especially with some of the invocations added in CMage

2016-11-14, 01:16 AM
Take a step or two back to refine the concept before you start implementing.

2016-11-14, 01:34 AM
Polymorph, and a weak fortitude save is the minimum requirement. Maybe a weakness to sunlight?

2016-11-14, 03:12 AM
Hilariously my friend and I both saw tehe list in the DM and homebrew ed in different directions. I think we took hints from each other and now they are more unified, but it is a base with a promise.

2016-11-14, 03:32 AM
There is also the Quintessential Witch book (3rd party) that has bunch of Witch related things in it, and a base class called Witch.

I personally didn't like how they handled it, but your mileage may vary. (I didn't like the fact that Witch needed a spellbook)

Green Ronin has "The Witches Handbook" that presents another Witch core class - a spontaneous Wisdom based caster. It gets a familiar, bonus feats (as per Wizard), A Thousand Faces (as per Druid) and Timeless Body (also as per Druid).

2016-11-14, 03:44 AM
I would just backport the witch from pathfinder to be honest. It's a fun class, with a unique spin on spellbook casting (using their familiar to "know" spells instead of a spellbook). Some things would need to be changed to fit in with 3.5 design philosophy (no infinite cantrips etc etc) but otherwise it's a pretty cool class

2016-11-14, 06:24 AM
Sounds like Sha'ir.

2016-11-14, 06:48 AM
I second taking the Beguiler/Warmage/Dread Necro approach. As for complementary class abilities; they should be able to enchant a single cleaning implement with permanent overland flight around lv 8 or so.

2016-11-14, 12:37 PM
Running a witch as some sort of arcane caster / warlock theurge type seems like it'd make a lot of sense too. Perhaps take the DMG list, make it all known like beguiler etc, but with slightly fewer spells per day than a sorcerer. Build them back up again with the ability to grab a few warlock invocations.