View Full Version : Ideas for Custom Artifacts/Magic items (3.5)

2016-11-13, 01:55 PM
So right now i'm running a mid op campaign in 3.5 and to add some to the campaign I wanted to design some artifacts or magic items just to bring flavor to the game. To this point I have an Idea for a Artifact Set of items which all are powerful on their own right but get more when used together, a caster killer dagger, a rod that has a Great wyrm gold dragon in it the user can control and a Water altar that when attuned to the player gives various buffs. Any other ideas? I'm looking for something powerful, flavorful and unique abilities. If you want some examples of what kind of stuff I want, look at the stuff I have designed at the bottom although to this point I have only designed Artifacts and a single magic item.

Oerth Essence Set (Major Artifacts)
When a Oerth Essence piece of the set is within 30ft of another piece of the Oerth Essence piece it glows bright green getting brighter if both other pieces are within 30ft and when all pieces are equipped by a same creature they all start to glow red for 4 rounds each second growing brighter after which all the red glow disappears and transforms into a glowing red aura which creates illumination equivalent to that of a torch within 60ft. When reunited they all become more powerful if worn by the same creature. A creature wearing all the pieces gets a -20 circumstance bonus on Hide checks due to the glowing red aura around him.

Oerth Essence Sword:
This sword is a peculiar sword, it can change shape between a Longsword, Scimitar, Great sword and a Rapier which can be done as a free action even between attacks but with a concentration check DC 15+1 per change each round. It is fashioned of an Oerthblood Adamantine alloy. The sword is a +5, Doom Burst, Greater dispelling, Ghost strike, Profane, Illuminating and Everbright. In addition when the whole set is used it becomes a +7 sword, can be drawn as a free action, its critical threat range is doubled from the form it is currently in, its critical multiplier becomes x4 and in addition can be thrown without penalty as a ranged attack to any creature within 30ft as a free action which returns to the wielder as soon as it hits or misses, this ability only functions if the wielder succeeds on a Concentration check DC 20 and can be used only once a round, if the wielder fails the concentration check or attempt to throw the sword more than once a round the sword just falls to the ground with no effect but can be picked up as a move action.

Oerth Essence Armor:
This armor is a one of a kind armor, it is a special breastplate which has a Maximum Dexterity Bonus of +12, 0% Arcane Spell Failure and +0 Armor Check Penalty. This armor is made of an Oerthblood Adamantine alloy. The armor is a +5, Deathward, Ghostward, Retaliation, Mobility, Blueshine and Magic-Eating. When reunited with the rest of the set it becomes a +7 piece of armor, gives you SR 10 +character level and gives the user the ability to make a concentration check, that concentration check divided by 5 reduces damage by that amount of percentage damage received, this only works for one attack per round that is not based on elemental damage, if the wearer tries to do so again it just fails.

Oerth Essence Amulet:
This amulet is a special amulet, it gives the wearer a continuous immunity to fear, stunning, gives the ability to the wearer to store a spell as a contingency that does not expire with time but can be changed at any time. This item is made of an Oerthblood Adamantine alloy. When used with all the set of Oerth Essence it also gives a +6 enhancement bonus to any 2 abilities of the characters choice and in addition allows the character to as a free action once a round teleport within 10ft of his original location if he succeeds on a Concentration check DC 25. If the wearer of this amulet desires to teleport further he can as a free action do a concentration check DC (Distance in feet x3) to teleport that distance but must make a will save DC (Distance in feet teleported +15) or become stunned for his next round regardless of is the wearer is immune to stunning or not.

Mystical Silver Dagger (Major Artifact)
This mystical silver dagger is a powerful one, it acts as a +10 Magebane Steel dagger but has the special ability that if wielded by a non-spell caster it gives them the ability to absorb up to 6 spell levels per round of which all go to the casting of a heal spell to the wielder or harm if the wielder is undead when the user is at half health or less, this ability has a cooldown of 1d4+6 rounds. The wielder if so desires can use the dagger and 5 spell levels in it to channel a Feeblemind spell to the next person attacked as a free action. The dagger may only absorb up to 100 spell levels. As a bonus ability the dagger has the ability to create an Antimagic field once a day for 1 minute. As a last resort, a wielder of this dagger can attune his life force to the dagger as a standard action and do an attack which will force any Spellcaster hit by it to do a Will save DC (10 Character level +Cha bonus of user) or be destroyed as by the destruction spell after which the wielder also dies regardless of the result.

Dragon’s Might Rod (Major Artifact)
This staff is made of a pure gold rod with an extremely valuable pure ruby on its top. The rod has a Great Wyrm Gold Dragon in it that is bound to the staff which can be called on once a month. When used the Great Wyrm Gold Dragon stays in service of the wielder of the rod for a whole day and will follow all orders typically being used for combat. This dragon follows orders from whoever wields the rod whether good or evil. After a day has passed the dragon will return to the inside of the ruby of the rod until it I next released. When the dragon is summoned the user of the rod can release him as a more powerful version of the dragon by having full HP per hit dice, +4 DC to saves against abilities/spells from the dragon and a +6 Untyped bonus to strength but this magic drains the power of the staff at an extremely rapid pace making the effect last for only 2 hours after which the dragon is returned to the rod. If the dragon is ever killed then it starts to slowly reform after which it takes a whole month for it to come back to life and another for the staff to recharge. If the dragon is willingly let go of his duty early by the user of the staff, then the staff can be ready to release him a day early for each 2 hours it is released early and if using the more powerful version he can be summoned a day early for each 10 minutes early it is let go of its duty. Were the rod ever destroyed it will require 3 wishes or miracles to fix which need not be consecutive, 1 for fixing the rod itself, 1 for attuning the dragon to the rod again and finally 1 to allow the dragon to be let in and out of the rod.

Water Altar (Minor Artifact)
A character can at any time attune himself to this altar, by doing so he removes the previous person attuned from the altar and adds himself. Being attuned to the altar requires the character to do any 2 ability score checks DC 25 with no retry. After doing so the character gains +40 HP, +2 Untyped bonus to Dexterity, can no longer drown in water (But can still suffocate from any other source) and no longer needs to sleep or eat while he drinks at least twice the amount of usually needed water per day. In addition when in contact with water the character gains fast healing 5 but this ability drains 1 gallon of water per 5 HP healed, if the character is in less than 1 gallon of water this ability does not activate. Any Spellcaster who must learn spells automatically learns the Create Water spell and keeps it even after.

Spell channel gauntlets (Unique Magic Item)
When wearing these gauntlets a character may channel the magical potential of another creature. When the wearer of these gauntlets touches a willing target he can drain the target’s life force to increase the power of his next spell. When this is done the wearer chooses how much of a CL bonus he wants to add to his spell and he just multiples the result by 5 to determine how much HP this drains the target of. Additionally the wearer can do the same to increase the save DC of his spell but instead he damages the target by the bonus squared multiplied by 1.5 rounded down. The target may not reduce the damage in any way if he or she is willing, the effect simply does not work against an unwilling creature. A creature that is magically compelled by any spell or spell-like effect that is not a permanent effect like the Monstrous Thrall spell just simply is not affected unless the creature is not genuinely willing to do so even without the magic compelling him.

Wearable Construct Armor (Major Artifact)
This construct is a special one, on its own it does nothing and can’t even move but it can be worn by a medium sized creature to control from inside. This construct armor is made of refined steel and can be donned by taking 3 minutes to put it on and takes 1 minute to take off, or instantly if the armor is destroyed. When worn the wearer is treated as Large size for all purposes and gains a +20 circumstance bonus to strength, -4 circumstance penalty on dexterity and the character gains +4 circumstance bonus on all fortitude saves that are not poison or disease related. When inside the construct the character does not actually take damage but the construct does, the Construct has 400 HP and a DR 30/Adamantine and +3 with Cold resistance of 20, Fire resistance of 20 and Acid resistance of 15, half of the electricity damage is also received by the wearer. The armor when not being used or when the wearer is completely motionless for at least 2 rounds receives Fast Healing 5 until the next movement the wearer takes. Along with that the wearer also receives the ability to create an Earthquake spell like effect once a round and the wearer can use a Maximized scorching ray CL 20 once a minute. When the armor goes to 0 HP it simply falls apart useless. The AC of the construct to determine if it takes damage is the same the character has but without an armor bonus or shield bonus to AC from his armor or shield but he has +8 Armor bonus instead and no maximum dexterity bonus. The wearer of the armor can use Large size or Medium sized weapons with no penalty unless he is not normally proficient with the weapon itself. If the armor ever receives more than 40 Cold damage in a round after including the Cold resistance then the wearer must make a Reflex save DC 10+ ½ cold damage or be effectively stunned until the character succeeds on a strength check DC 25 without the circumstance bonus from the armor, he gets one chance at the strength check per round. He can also be removed of stunned if he receives just as much sonic damage or waits a whole minute. All spells that can affect objects made of metal affect the armor. Brilliant energy weapons and similar things that bypass nonliving matter just go normally through the construct but the wearer acts as if he had total concealment (50% miss chance) as they can’t really see where to aim well.

2016-11-15, 09:36 PM
So anyone got ideas? I seriously need some, next session is coming up soon and I'm going to add hints toward their existence, lore, show the BBEG with one of these maybe and similar.