View Full Version : EMPIRE 2 - Epilogue

2016-11-13, 10:23 PM
It's finally over. It's been quite a ride everyone, and it's been a pleasure to take up the reigns as GM for you all. In this thread you may post the epilogue for your people from the round of the game's end all the way to their demise or rise as a major world power. The only rules here are to make sure others are okay with it before you do anything to affect their people.

As the tale of Empire 2 is finally put to an end, please keep some things in mind when deciding your people's fate.

- Do not implicate the fates of other factions without first PMing them and gaining their consent.
- Even players who quit or dropped empire for whatever reason may post here.
- Please keep this purely IC. The ooc thread is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?500601-EMPIRE2!-CWBG-VI-Save-The-Hufflepuffs!).
- Anything magical or divine in nature still needs to be approved by the GM!
- You are free to decide the effect your people have on the world, or the world on them. Try to keep things reasonable though. Unless you PM everyone in the game and ask if they're okay with their fate being to be united or conquered by the next super-nation that is Arandi United things like these cannot come into effect.
- Think long term! While we may only have the present to work with, the faction will continue to live on until it crumbles or becomes a permanent fixture of the world.

Lastly, make it something interesting! When we think about how this all ended, who wants to say that they just maintained themselves into the future completely stable forever, or allowed themselves to be carried away by the whims of fate? We've invested time and love into building our factions, so lets not let them down on our last stretch before the finish line.

2016-11-13, 10:44 PM
Dynasty of Esacye:

Under the rule of the new Queen they just maintained themselves into the future completely stable forever, allowing themselves to be carried away by the whims of fate. :smallwink:

(To be completed in the near future - For real this time. Not like all those battles I said I'd write up.)

2016-11-26, 05:59 PM
Empire!2 Five Tribes Epilogue

In a large dark room, a man, a small man sits alone by his desk. His hair is grey from age and his pure black eyes are tired. On his desk are old charts and plans for the new age.

There is a paper upon which he has writ his will. So easy it would be to die. All he would need is to wait, wait for them to come for him.

“How had it gone so wrong”

The man cries.

He looks upon the first plan.

The one that started it all. It had seemed so perfect. All that was required was a war, a grand war between good and evil. Between freedom and slavery, liberty and oppression. Surely they would see. Surely they would not abandon him, yet abandon him they did. All he wanted was a golden age for his people filled with happiness, freedom sans rules. For years he had dreamed of this beautiful place he would build, where everyone would work together in harmony, not because they had to but because they wanted to.

Now that dream is gone.

Dashed by those who could not understand that he was not a conqueror but a liberator. He destroyed the armies, the law so the people could be free.

Why couldn’t he just make them free.

Why does no-one understand.

He looks at his old garments. Niran Olygritcht is writ upon them. Now they are torn from the battles fought. He fought for the world, the ones he loved and even those he didn’t. He risked his life for those miserable ingrates, and those of his people. By rights he should be a great hero, but instead he is cast out except for the few who are truly free from fear and law. The people, the leaders, they call him crazy, but he knows, he knows what he is talking about and it is truly they who are mistaken.

How could they!

How could they!


He screams slamming his fist down on his desk.

But wait they have come. He saw but a glint, yet he knows they are here. It won't be long now. He feels sharp pain in his back and collapses onto his desk. All his dreams are truly dead, his shadow is gone. He sees the pale white visage and pointed ears of the one who slayed him, if only he could have freed this person too.

2016-12-12, 03:53 PM
King Leonard helped the Aeldir exterminate the onyx cult as best as he could before returning the Furfolk people to their simple nomadic lifestyle, deciding that being an international power was not in the best interest of a bunch squirrels.

2016-12-15, 01:03 PM
It started slowly at first. Truserchen scholars working in foreign lands quietly selling their interests and moving back to the Great University. Diplomats and teachers taking time off to attend to personal matters. But within 6 months, a great repatriation was evident. The surrounding regions found themselves on their own, with locals quickly and quietly put into positions of power so that the Truserchen natives could go home.
Similarly, non-natives found themselves being gently, if firmly, removed. Students and low level Bestrewen found resources and facilities becoming unavailable. Former friends turned a cold shoulder to the immigrants. Secret meetings and closed gatherings gradually consumed the society, forcing non-natives out. Diplomatic missives went unanswered, supply agreements unmet.
A few precious rumors filtered out of the Gran Fingardinum in the pair of years that followed. Rumors that the Pontisep had uncovered a vast underground beneath the University. That entire Bestrewen were relocating into the uncovered ancient archives, a university under the university. Other’s claimed a vast plague had swept through the university, reducing the few survivors to deformity-wracked shells of their former selves. They spoke of mass graves and entire blocks of the city reduced to mortuaries and crematoriums. They spoke of the ravings of these insane souls that remained, tortured utterances about vicious and hungry shadows from the deeps.
The surrounding regions closed the borders to the Gran Fingardinum, tearing up the once great trade roads and forbidding sailing along the coasts. No one was ever certain what happened there, but travel into the region was forbidden. Some interested parties mounted illegal expeditions into the region as the years went by. None returned, at least not in any sane state. Some even burned themselves alive, despairing of ever being in the dark again.

2017-01-05, 01:03 AM
Aneira continued to rule over a time of peace, orchestrating a land grab in the west among former territories of the Crystal Union. But as time passed, discontent emerged among a certain faction within the domain, and eventually the Nihoni's first Imperatrix met her end on her own sister's blade. Liliwen was crowned Imperatirx, ushering in a new and uncertain age in the Dominion.