View Full Version : Pathfinder Stats, Race, and Alignment, and Class for this character concept

2016-11-13, 11:47 PM
Billy Layman is the sort that never sits still. He lived life traveling the world without much of a goal in mind, but he would often do small favors for an excuse to do things he's never done before. He might clear a cellar of giant spiders for a villager because he has never tasted spider gut jam before and wanted to try making some, or he might retrieve an item from a pit because its the lowest he has ever been. He greatly resents having to get stuck in a routine or acknowledge anybody's authority and will lie, cheat, and turn people against each other to return to his life of freedom, lollygagging, and exploration of all things new. He often returns to old places because he is quite forgetful and leaves things behind places. In addition, his mind is so full of possible things to do next and day dreams that he sometimes misses what is right in front of him. He never plans and instead lives moment to moment. He has a friendly demeanor and will not harm others who are not a direct threat to him. If somebody is a threat to him, he prefers to deal nonlethal damage then run off, not even looting the creature or person he defended against. If nonlethal defense is not an option, he uses a well concealed dagger to attack. He knows quite a bit more than he should, and can be mildly annoying, albeit engaging. He sometimes says things he shouldn't, but his generally large knowledge base and friendly nature allow people to look past this most of the time. He likes telling stories to entertain people, usually retellings of things he did in other lands. He usually does this free of charge, but encourages people to put tips in his hat as he tells his tales. Truth and good are subjective to Billy, but he will sometimes do things like sweep a patio of an unsuspecting villager or give sugar to somebody requesting salt at the dinner table, often laughing wildly when his pranks come to fruition. He randomly gives coppers and silvers to passerby to see how they react, or will sometimes just make up a story that is outlandish and see if people believe it and then see how they react to that. He has a crazy big appetite and is always munching on something.

2016-11-14, 12:07 AM
Sounds like he has "extreme ADHD" as a flaw.

Alignment-wise, he's definitely Chaotic, and this part suggests Good:

He has a friendly demeanor and will not harm others who are not a direct threat to him. If somebody is a threat to him, he prefers to deal nonlethal damage then run off, not even looting the creature or person he defended against. If nonlethal defense is not an option, he uses a well concealed dagger to attack.

However, this part seems to conflict with that:

He greatly resents having to get stuck in a routine or acknowledge anybody's authority and will lie, cheat, and turn people against each other to return to his life of freedom, lollygagging, and exploration of all things new.

It's difficult to see how cheating people and turning them against each other wouldn't harm them. Maybe not physically, but it's definitely not a nice thing to do either.

In any case, I'd peg him at Chaotic Neutral unless the bit in the second quote is a lot more benign than you're making it sound.

2016-11-14, 12:17 AM
Sounds like he has "extreme ADHD" as a flaw.

Alignment-wise, he's definitely Chaotic, and this part suggests Good:

However, this part seems to conflict with that:

It's difficult to see how cheating people and turning them against each other wouldn't harm them. Maybe not physically, but it's definitely not a nice thing to do either.

In any case, I'd peg him at Chaotic Neutral unless the bit in the second quote is a lot more benign than you're making it sound.
Mostly if he gets stuck in a situation, he might say a few things to draw attention off of himself and onto another issue or person, anything to get back on the road. Also, while playing a game, he might do prestidigitation on the dice to make all sides a 6. He will do this especially to win a bet to get back his freedom or get a few coins to help a homeless person outside.

2016-11-14, 05:16 AM
I strongly encourage you to check the Ardent Dilettante in the Planar Handbook. It is not particularly powerful, but it fits your fluff almost perfectly. Plus, it's a PrC I've always wanted to play and never had the occasion.

For the base class, Bard or Paladin of Freedom seems fitting. I also support his alignment being Chaotic Good.

2016-11-14, 07:09 AM
You could go for a Sap Master Rogue if you want to deal nonlethal damage. Quite a fun build as well.