View Full Version : Rules Q&A Create Moving Portal new prerequesite?

2016-11-14, 02:44 PM
I think Portals are neat. Originally, you needed the Create Portal feat, which appears in FRCS and SBG, to create them; but PGtF p. 42 changed that, stating "Portals are now considered wondrous items and are built with the Craft Wondrous Item feat."

What bugs me about this is that there is a feat called Create Moving Portal (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pg/20030611a), which added the very much needed ability to make portals that aren't fixed in space, had create Portal as a prerequesite.

So, from a rules perspective, what does it mean that the prereq feat no longer exists? Does Create Portal as a prereq just get replaced with Create Wondrous Item? Does the ability to create moving portals now just come bundled in with Create Wondrous Item? Am I missing some piece of rules somehwere?

2016-11-14, 06:36 PM
A similar problem I've never found an answer to is the Create Crawling Claw spell from Monsters of Faerun.
The Crawling Claw got a 3.5 facelift in Lost Empires of Faerun becoming a swarm instead of a single crawling hand.
However the original 3.0 spell that made the hand never got an update.
So the spell still exists as-is but the creature it creates is no longer the same.

Apoligies for not having an answer to your question. Am glad you asked it though as I was unaware Create Portal had been overwritten.

My best guess is that Create Portal now acts as a dead feat and becomes a feat tax for Create Moving Portal.

2016-11-15, 09:07 AM
My best guess is that Create Portal now acts as a dead feat and becomes a feat tax for Create Moving Portal.

As a player I wouldn't be happy to pay a precious feat slot which literally does nothing. The very least I would require to change the prereq to match Create Wondrous Item. Then again, the reason for the merge was because the Create Portal feat is highly specialized. That is true for Create Moving Portal. As DM I would consider a merge of Create Moving Portal as well.

2016-11-15, 05:26 PM
You'd think that at some point during the update process they would have made a note of what to do when they don't print a new version of something but its prerequesite gets scrapped.

Isn't there some kind of precedent somewhere?

Something where the functionality of X was rolled into Y, while X used to be a prerequesite for Z, which never got updated?