View Full Version : Varisian Pathfinder Campaign assistance.

2016-11-15, 08:57 PM
Let me start this off. I don't want to do a word for word railroaded module, and I don't want to do Rise of the Runelords. I have a moderate amount of DM experience, but have hit a creative wall. I'm at a roadblock, with a party consisting of a gnome alchemist, an elf witch, a catfolk rogue, a human fighter, and one other to be determined character. They're a crazy party, and I want to show them some more serious story driven, roleplay heavy campaigns with less silliness then a lot of people usually go for. I don't mind winging some of what I'm writing, but I've chosen Varisia, and am now drawing blanks on how to start this campaign/beginner adventures.

They are all level one, and I'm going mostly for the lore Paizo has, while excluding most of the tech heavy stuff (gunslingers exist but are rare, and airships will likely be excluded in my campaign.). And I will not be allowing alternate classes or psionics or occult. So before any of those kind of suggestions are given, I don't like the rules or the flavor of those things.

Now I'm sitting here trying to find them a low level setting in Varisia as well as a a low level adventure. Growth will be a key, as I want them to feel like they are. They are not heroes that fight dragons yet, they're men that can get in physical combat with big animals, dominate common folk, and minor magical creatures. So yes, they're adventurers, but they're not legends. And so epic adventure should be something I could build into later.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a starting location and adventure in Varisia, keeping Pathfinder lore in tact?

2016-11-15, 09:11 PM
Well, big cities like Korvosa, Magnimar, Riddleport, Janderhoff and Kaer Maga are good starting locations. For the hooks I suggest the 'Varisia: birthplace of legends' supplement

2016-11-15, 09:33 PM
If writer's block is the problem, stop trying to write a plot.

Bandit random encounter? If the players chase them, they find a few abductees (you decide what that means) and some shallow graves at the hideout. Your paladin-types get an emergent plothook.

Can't figure out how to bring them together? Tell them they arrive by boat, they all happen to be on the same boat, sink it with them on it in session 1. Bam, instant party.

Don't try to write these interconnected plots that weave through eachother. People are too smart for that. People are, however, stupid enough to make up such things when there isn't one. Drop a few lines of flavour text here and there that players might go after.

The villagers mutter at the sight of [catfolk], retreating to homes to glare from afar...
Despite empty market squares, filthy streets, and beggers on every corner, the carriages of the rich show no shortage of golden finish or lesser-bred horses.....
The shopkeeps attempt no haggling, accepting the first price named even up to selling at cost...

then you wing it. Your players won't help but be a surprised as you are about what's happening! Are they labyrinths of adventure and conspiracy? ARE they just flavour? Your players will decide!

2016-11-16, 12:28 AM
Let me start this off. I don't want to do a word for word railroaded module, and I don't want to do Rise of the Runelords. I have a moderate amount of DM experience, but have hit a creative wall. I'm at a roadblock, with a party consisting of a gnome alchemist, an elf witch, a catfolk rogue, a human fighter, and one other to be determined character. They're a crazy party, and I want to show them some more serious story driven, roleplay heavy campaigns with less silliness then a lot of people usually go for. I don't mind winging some of what I'm writing, but I've chosen Varisia, and am now drawing blanks on how to start this campaign/beginner adventures.

They are all level one, and I'm going mostly for the lore Paizo has, while excluding most of the tech heavy stuff (gunslingers exist but are rare, and airships will likely be excluded in my campaign.). And I will not be allowing alternate classes or psionics or occult. So before any of those kind of suggestions are given, I don't like the rules or the flavor of those things.

Now I'm sitting here trying to find them a low level setting in Varisia as well as a a low level adventure. Growth will be a key, as I want them to feel like they are. They are not heroes that fight dragons yet, they're men that can get in physical combat with big animals, dominate common folk, and minor magical creatures. So yes, they're adventurers, but they're not legends. And so epic adventure should be something I could build into later.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a starting location and adventure in Varisia, keeping Pathfinder lore in tact?

If you need a level 1 adventure in Varisia, you may check out the module Murder's Mark, which is a RP heavy and very story driven adventure. (Though admittedly, it does tend to get a bit railroady in the middle.) It should have enough content to get you to level 2 or 3, and gives you a stable of NPCs you can use as recurring characters. (Some of which return in a higher-level Varisian module, The Harrowing).