View Full Version : Creative Uses for a Robe of Infinite Twine

The Glyphstone
2016-11-17, 12:53 AM

I have a solo game offsite, and so far this 1,000GP item has been an MVP all-star of my equipment list. With some bells, it's made a network of tripwires to safeguard my camp. With some nearby branches and an anytool, it's build a crude sled to haul my loot. With a folding pole, it's a remote trap disarming device. What other ways can an infinite supply of twine and/or hemp rope be used?

John Longarrow
2016-11-17, 01:29 AM
First, you can become a rope salesman and recoup your initial investment... :D

More to the point you can start making rope ladders, weave the rope together to make a sleeping area, make mats, unroll for the whole "Follow the rope out" trick underground, endless tinder for starting fires, use to bind together broken objects, ect..

Only thing that could possibly be better would be an endless spool of duct tape!

2016-11-17, 01:39 AM
1. Make the biggest ball of twine in [insert world name here] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tcw326PJuDw).
2. Sell tickets to tourists

2016-11-17, 12:56 PM
I don't have too many immediate ideas (since the whole point of something like that is to enable weird ideas that you come up with that fit your specific situation), but I just want to say that that item is amazing. Most of the "endless rope" items in non-PF 3.5 don't let the rope stick around if it's cut, but this one does, which is awesome. Having that sort of item would be enough to make me want to max out (and even find lots of bonuses to) Use Rope, because I'm sure that we could get into all sorts of trouble with that sort of thing. (Is Use Rope a thing in PF? Maybe it got turned into Profession: Sailor or something?)

2016-11-17, 01:04 PM
Free crafting materials for a twine golem.

2016-11-17, 01:17 PM

2016-11-17, 01:30 PM
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/toonami/images/f/f2/Lubbock_(Akame_ga_Kill).png/revision/latest?cb=20150609131710And here I was going to post this:


2016-11-17, 02:12 PM
With some Ion Tape one imagines priming multiple Grenades at once pull-cord style could become possible. Beware though, had to scrap this idea in our game as it would have enabled more damage per round than the game can handle.

Antigravity centered on the twine/a spool and just let it rise and rise... Skyfishing becomes a thing.

Run it out through some tar or oil as you draw the twine and viola, wick for setting off powder charges.

Enough firearms and twine and you can jury-rig quite the defensive salvo for your campsite. All tripwired of course. As an added bonus the firearms should wake all but the heaviest of sleepers.

Keep an extradimensional space full of twine snippings and you can suddenly a fluffy wad of flammable frayed strings whenever you want.

Again, loads of twine snippings piled together could act as an Assassin's Creed style haypile.

Shrink Item and now you have endless string instead of endless twine.

Animate Objects on a massive pile of twine should certainly get the Entangle special attack, GM willing.

Continual Flame on random spots along a massive length of twine and drag it through a large body of water or bog to lure out or scare away curious parties.

Set up a tiny or diminitive Construct to endlessly harvest twine on your own private demiplane. Set up Ring Gates to said demiplane and have as much twine as you want whenever you want it.

Check with you GM to see if enemies can be drowned in twine, twine snippings, or powdered twine.

Throw copious volumes of twine all over the property, dwellings, estate of any nobleman npc who irritates you.

2016-11-17, 02:31 PM
Make a twine ball to attract a cat familiar. Of course, if you make a really BIG ball, maybe you can attract a really BIG cat.

Sorry, I just had to do it. :smallbiggrin:

2016-11-17, 02:44 PM
Add this effect to something else that cannot be removed from your body, like a graft. That way, you'll always have access to as much rope as you might need.

Also, I dunno about Pathfinder, but the MIC has rules for combining effects from different magic items, and this would be a nice thing to do that with. How about adding it to a rod of ropes, so you can release more rope as needed, so you have access to as much rappeling rope as you might need?

John Longarrow
2016-11-17, 04:00 PM
Step 1) Animate a skeleton
Step 2) Order Skeleton to pull rope off of robe
Step 3) Place Skeleton in a stable orbit.
Step 4) Wait... A really really really long time.

You now have created Hempworld! A planet entirely made of hemp rope! Make sure you stop the skeleton after you get to about a 1g environment, otherwise it will keep growing and growing and growing until you've created a black hole.

2016-11-18, 03:01 AM
Swiss Family Robinson up a hempen paradise.

Tie the tip to an arrow and use a bunch of stakes and weave together a canopy/bridge over a gorge the brute force way. Or tie it around a boulder and have a pair of giants chuck it back and forth.

Arm a slave revolt with monkey's fist knot-based bludgeons and rope darts.

Produce an infinite number of quarterstaves and make all kinds of orienteering projects.

2016-11-18, 07:28 AM
combine with adamantine harpoons to become Spider Man:smallbiggrin:l

2016-11-18, 10:02 AM
Distract a horde of kittens, or one really big one

2016-11-18, 10:56 AM
See how deep the deepest part of the ocean is by attach a weight and dropping it into the trench :)

2016-11-18, 01:57 PM
Hmm, this has got me to wonder what a good cost would be for a robe of infinite silk instead, with thread and line being options in addition to twine and rope.

With a folding pole, it's a remote trap disarming device.

Wouldn't you need a pole and a weight to tie to the end to trigger or disarm traps, essentially making a sort of fishing-pole/flail-like object? :smallconfused: How does what you describe work?

The Glyphstone
2016-11-18, 02:29 PM
Hmm, this has got me to wonder what a good cost would be for a robe of infinite silk instead, with thread and line being options in addition to twine and rope.

Wouldn't you need a pole and a weight to tie to the end to trigger or disarm traps, essentially making a sort of fishing-pole/flail-like object? :smallconfused: How does what you describe work?

For trapped doors, tie the string to the handle then pull it open from a safe distance. Or have a noose at the end of your string and land it on switch triggers. You'd need a weight as well if you were setting off a pressure plate, though.