View Full Version : Still Ugly but maybe this one will go to the prom

2016-11-17, 07:19 AM
Ok so I posted a ugly build using one of the ugliest classes out there but now I think I have something that is ugly but that could get a date to the prom.

So we will start off with the basics.
Race shifter

Stats after racial effect
Str 18 Dex 18 Con 16 Int 6 Wis 16 Cha 6

Monk: Shackled beast fighting style 13 ( the point for this is to get to greater furry you could stop at 11 if you wish)

Fist of the forest 3 ( enough said lots of goodness and flavour)

Stoneblessed Goliath 3 you will understand in a min

Barbarian 1 Goliath Mountain Rage alternate class feature

2 levels left if you stop at 11 with monk. Could be 2 class levels of something or a template

Key feat
Great fortitude for fof
Power attack it is power attack
Shifter Savagry
Extra shifter feats
Extra rage
Sacred vow and VOP I think it would fit the flavour of this kind of char.
Rightous wrath is a semi key feat to.

Ideas thought what have you.

Thanks playground

Karl Aegis
2016-11-17, 12:08 PM
Is Greater Furry really an ability that Monks get?

2016-11-17, 01:56 PM
Oops missed the l it is flurry greater flurry

2016-11-17, 03:20 PM
Is Greater Furry really an ability that Monks get?

Only Shifter monks. :smallbiggrin:

2016-11-17, 07:18 PM
To be fair at a big enough school a Greater Furry probably does get a date to the prom.

2016-11-17, 07:30 PM
That is true and with a Cha of 6 it for sure is a greater furry I think I'll call this build that greater furry lol. I'll post the whole thing on my next posting. Just have to figure out to go VOP or not. Like I said it fits the flavour of the build very well.

I have one question if you have a magic item but it has no monetary value at all but offers you effects because of race or class can you still get the effects of VOP?

2016-11-18, 02:39 AM
I have one question if you have a magic item but it has no monetary value at all but offers you effects because of race or class can you still get the effects of VOP?

VOP doesn't say you can't have valuable material possessions, it says you can't have material possessions at all, with the exception of a very small list of nonmagical items. I'm fairly sure a magical-but-worthless item still violates that oath.