View Full Version : Pathfinder [PF] Drake Companions

2016-11-17, 09:18 AM
Okay, so Legacy of Dragons gave a few archetypes for classes that give them Drake Companions. Looking them over...they largely suck. You give up most of your class features for a Drake Companion that fails to out perform even a Vulture as an Animal Companion/Special Mount.

The rules for them can be found here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/animal-companions/drake-companions

One of the biggest hurdles to jump with things is their refusal to wear Armor/barding, or most magical items save 1 ring OR amulet.

An idea hit me though, and I was wondering how kosher it seems to the forum at large. There are three options I can think of for getting around this incredibly annoying limitation.

1) Magical Tattoos, they cost double to craft, but are not one the taboo item types.

2) Shadow Piercings, they cost 150% market value to craft, but are not one of the refused item types

3) Casting Charm Monster on your Drake Companion and telling it to wear the gear. This would require an opposed Charisma check, but the Drake only has a Charisma of 7, so should be relatively easy.

The first two are a bit costly gold wise, and seem more like loopholes than intent. One of those things that works by RAW, but seems against RAI.

The third option seemed a bit risky to me about the Drake just getting pissy and flying away never to return again. That was until I reread the section that states in order to get them to do just about anything requires a successful Diplomacy or Intimidate check. Intimidate may make a creature act Friendly towards you, but their true disposition is Hostile. If the creature will still work with you while being Hostile, then a failed Charm Monster attempt shouldn't be any worse for your working relationship.

So any other thoughts within the rules to get around the no gear limitation of Drake Companions?

2016-11-17, 10:26 AM
It's a tad ironic to me that you worry about the RAI of tattoos, then suggest that you could abuse the rules to mentally subvert your Drake's desires and still keep them loyal to you instead :smalltongue:

The intent is pretty clear that they don't want you gearing these things out the wazoo, so you have to then ask yourself if that intent matters to you or not and go from there, I'd say.

I don't have that book, so could you name or link to the archetypes that use this companion?

2016-11-17, 01:25 PM
Draken Rider Cavalier: http://archivesofnethys.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Cavalier%20Drakeri der

Draconic Druid: http://archivesofnethys.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Druid%20Draconic%2 0Druid

Silver Champion Paladin: http://archivesofnethys.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Paladin%20Silver%2 0Champion

Drake Warden Ranger: http://archivesofnethys.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Ranger%20Drake%20W arden

Draconic Shaman: http://archivesofnethys.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Shaman%20Draconic% 20Shaman