View Full Version : will save immunity?? possible??

2016-11-18, 05:37 AM
Simply anyway to gain immunity to having to do will saves ...or is this just stupid idea?

2016-11-18, 05:41 AM
No, there isn't, thankfully, though a good Concentration and the proper maneuver can be effectively close enough a good chunk of the time.

2016-11-18, 05:54 AM
No, there isn't, thankfully, though a good Concentration and the proper maneuver can be effectively close enough a good chunk of the time.

By which you mean, once per round at best, if you spend your full round action on your turn regaining your maneuvers.

2016-11-18, 06:32 AM
I'm not aware of a way to make yourself immune, but if you use the Steadfast Determination feat, the Choose Destiny spell, obtain access to the pride domain and somehow get a Shambling Mounds Immunity to Electricity, you have a very low chance of failure.

2016-11-18, 06:34 AM
By which you mean, once per round at best, if you spend your full round action on your turn regaining your maneuvers.

1/encounter, yeah. That's going to be enough "a good chunk of the time".

2016-11-18, 06:56 AM
Serene Guardian 9 (Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde) can use Unclouded Mind to make a Concentration check after a failed Will save. Crank up your Concentration high enough, and that should make you functionally immune to most Will saves.

2016-11-18, 01:50 PM
Is there anything specific you're trying to protect yourself against?

2016-11-18, 01:58 PM
If the will save in question is Mind-affecting, there's plenty of ways to be immune to those.

2016-11-18, 02:08 PM
If the will save in question is Mind-affecting, there's plenty of ways to be immune to those.

Isn't everything that requires a Will save mind-affecting by definition? Since Will saves are, well, saves based in the mind? I can't think of anything immediately that requires a Will save and doesn't have that tag.

Slithery D
2016-11-18, 02:57 PM
Isn't everything that requires a Will save mind-affecting by definition? Since Will saves are, well, saves based in the mind? I can't think of anything immediately that requires a Will save and doesn't have that tag.

Plane Shift, Slow, Bestow Curse...

2016-11-18, 03:10 PM
Isn't everything that requires a Will save mind-affecting by definition? Since Will saves are, well, saves based in the mind? I can't think of anything immediately that requires a Will save and doesn't have that tag.

No.Even creatures that completely lack a mind have WILL saves (skeletons, most vermin+oozes). Shadow spells, anything that teleports you against your will, Inflict Wounds, are just an example of will-but-not-mind-effecting.

2016-11-18, 03:20 PM
Anything without a wisdom score, that is, an object, is immune to most will saves (but magic items get saves separately). Trouble is, objects do not typically get a save at all (except when carried or magic), if spells are designed to work on them. In addition, objects tend to make bad characters.

2016-11-18, 04:04 PM
The closest I've gotten is:

Touchstone -> Catalogues of Enlightenment -> Pride Domain + Mettle + Alter Fortune + 20 Phaant's Luckstones (Ghost p. 72) + a Will save mod north of 35.

As long as you make your save normally, Mettle gets rid of anything that would apply regardless. Having a sufficiently high mod leaves you with the 1/20 chance of autmatic failure. Pride's reroll makes that 1/400, the Luckstones make it 1/8000 and lastly Alter Fortune makes it 160.000, requiring 4 natural 1's in a row. If you're subject to a continuous effect that affects you 1/round; you should have about 11 days of saves.

2016-11-18, 04:27 PM
Serene Guardian 9 (Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde) can use Unclouded Mind to make a Concentration check after a failed Will save. Crank up your Concentration high enough, and that should make you functionally immune to most Will saves.Combine this to Wedded to History (Survivor) and Concentration optimization to ensure that you never, ever, ever miss a save. Not even then.

2016-11-18, 04:49 PM
Combine this to Wedded to History (Survivor) and Concentration optimization to ensure that you never, ever, ever miss a save. Not even then.

I have doubts as to whether serene guardian works as advertized. Unlike Moment of Perfectly Mind, it doesn't use the "concentration check instead of the Will save" wording, or have a clause regarding Nat 1s. It's worded "use that check 's result as your save result", which may not be enough to for a DM to exempt you from the nat 1 rule; as it's still a will save result you're getting.

It can swing either way; but I don't think it's RAW tight.

EDIT: Either case, Mettle is still required; as auto-succeeding on a save doesn't make you immune to things that have effects even on a successful save.

2016-11-18, 04:55 PM
I have doubts as to whether serene guardian works as advertized. Unlike Moment of Perfectly Mind, it doesn't use the "concentration check instead of the Will save" wording, or have a clause regarding Nat 1s. It's worded "use that check 's result as your save result", which may not be enough to for a DM to exempt you from the nat 1 rule; as it's still a will save result you're getting.

It can swing either way; but I don't think it's RAW tight.Skills never auto-fail on a nat 1, though, so hitting a nat 1 on your Concentration check just means you've got a lower result than if you had a nat 20 (which likewise doesn't auto-succeed).

EDIT: Either case, Mettle is still required; as auto-succeeding on a save doesn't make you immune to things that have effects even on a successful save.That's true.

2016-11-19, 12:42 AM
There is a method. You need instantly resetting Contingencies, one of Flesh to Stone and the other of Stone to Flesh. Just get the wording of your Contingencies right and every time you're called to make a Will save you're a statue, a split second later and you're you again.

Now mind you, if someone throws Mind Fog over you then you'll be stuck as a statue until it wears off.