View Full Version : I need Multiclassing help!

El Scorcho
2016-11-18, 11:51 AM
So I've been in a campaign for quite a while now, and have a character that is a level 7 ranger. I'm wondering what I could gain from multiclassing to another fighting class, or maybe a cleric, and I'm not sure I want to level up to 8 as a ranger. What are some options I might have and what wouldthe benefits be? I do a fair amount of damage as an archer with extra-attack, but am wondering how I can improve my character.

2016-11-18, 11:55 AM
So I've been in a campaign for quite a while now, and have a character that is a level 7 ranger. I'm wondering what I could gain from multiclassing to another fighting class, or maybe a cleric, and I'm not sure I want to level up to 8 as a ranger. What are some options I might have and what wouldthe benefits be? I do a fair amount of damage as an archer with extra-attack, but am wondering how I can improve my character.
There are plenty of options to multiclass. Rogue/Ranger always works well thematically, but it would help to know what kind of party you have, what your stats are and what kind of campaign you are playing (number of battles a day, till what level are you going to play etc).

2016-11-18, 12:05 PM
It would help to know your stats and feats.

In general, good multiclassing cut points for ranger are level 8 (for the ASI) and and 9 for 3rd-level spells. If you don't have Sharpshooter, then wait for level 8 and take it. If you do, it's up to you to see if 3rd-lvl spells (like the sweet Lighting Arrow) are worth it.

With that said...

- Fighter 3: Another fighting style FTW, Action Surge for massive arrow-firing and either maneuvers or improved critical. Both are nice.

- Rogue 3: Sneak Attack, better skills, Cunning Action (for hiding more easily, essential for archers) and Assassinate for making the most out of stealth.

- Cleric (War) 2: access to Healing Word and Divine Favor (to attack multiple people); Bonus action attacks and a +10 to one attack. The former goes nicely with Hunter's/Divine Favor, and the latter is great for sharpshooting by negating the -5 to attack.

These are your best options, I guess. A good final build would be Ranger 12/Battlemaster 4/Assassin 4, for instance.

El Scorcho
2016-11-18, 05:29 PM
It would help to know your stats and feats.

In general, good multiclassing cut points for ranger are level 8 (for the ASI) and and 9 for 3rd-level spells. If you don't have Sharpshooter, then wait for level 8 and take it. If you do, it's up to you to see if 3rd-lvl spells (like the sweet Lighting Arrow) are worth it.

With that said...

- Fighter 3: Another fighting style FTW, Action Surge for massive arrow-firing and either maneuvers or improved critical. Both are nice.

- Rogue 3: Sneak Attack, better skills, Cunning Action (for hiding more easily, essential for archers) and Assassinate for making the most out of stealth.

- Cleric (War) 2: access to Healing Word and Divine Favor (to attack multiple people); Bonus action attacks and a +10 to one attack. The former goes nicely with Hunter's/Divine Favor, and the latter is great for sharpshooting by negating the -5 to attack.

These are your best options, I guess. A good final build would be Ranger 12/Battlemaster 4/Assassin 4, for instance.

The problem I'm going to have is leveling up quickly. My DM is going to move in a few months, so Im looking for a class that would help me in only a couple levels. I am leaning toward cleric, but a friend was trying to convince me to try going with a monk?

2016-11-18, 05:38 PM
Don't do monk: its too little too late at that level.

ASI at level 8 is probably the best. You are not going to get a lot of cool stuff with a level 1 dip into anything as you are playing a ranged archer-type that is going to remain a ranged archer type.

If you are adamant about getting a single level out of something, Cleric gives you the most diverse benefits, while rogue gives you the best additions to what you already do. Fighter has nothing you really need since you already took the archery fighting style. Monk would be okay if you were more melee oriented but offers nothing in terms of ranged benefits.

2016-11-18, 08:00 PM
If you're using a bow or a crossbow and don't have Sharpshooter, spending the ASI on Sharpshooter at level 8 will be the best thing you can grab. Other then that, maxing out your Dexterity is your next best bet. Both of these options require you to push to level 8 though, so let's look at 1-2 levels after level 8 (given your DM's incoming departure).

Cleric and Rogue stand out to me. Rogue for the sneak attack + Cunning Action, and Cleric (read War) for the extra +10 to hit. If you make it three levels of War Cleric, you even gain access to Magic Weapon, which is fantastic for a bow user.

2016-11-18, 10:56 PM
The problem I'm going to have is leveling up quickly. My DM is going to move in a few months, so Im looking for a class that would help me in only a couple levels. I am leaning toward cleric, but a friend was trying to convince me to try going with a monk?

Cleric is very likely the best 1-level dip, forget Monk.

2016-11-18, 11:30 PM
Cleric is very likely the best 1-level dip, forget Monk.
Pretty much the best caster dip. Go life for goodberry cheese.

I think I would rate ranger 8 for crossbow expert first, then rogue 1 for skill and SA, some cleric dip coming third. In my opinion, war is only good of you have SS, otherwise tempest offers more fun with fog cloud and thunderwave.

Pick whichever fits best with your RP concept, anything is good enough.

2016-11-19, 02:13 AM
Volley is 11th level away. It is that good.