View Full Version : Cool weapon/armor ideas - non-magical prefered

Cirtona Pox
2016-11-18, 02:11 PM
Tower shield with a large round emblem on it. The bottom has a small, horizontal flat part that can be stepped on to brace the shield against the ground and hold it up. The emblem is actually a small (or large) shield that detaches leaving a 1/2 cover shield for a crossbowman and the fighter can close in further for melee.

Shield with a small diameter Portable Hole sandwiched between two sheets of metal Sovereign Glueed together. The shield is enchanted with +5 so it is a true prize. You can use Ethereal Armor to pass through the metal plate and stay in the shield. Inside is a Bottle of Air (or some other breathing device). If you wear a Ring of Sustenance you could effectively allow a bad guy to get a hold of it and camp out in it until your enemy stashes you in his stronghold. Use Universal Solvent to pop the plate apart and rob him blind using the Portable Hole to store loot. Port out with the shield.

Anything else... comments?

2016-11-18, 02:20 PM
Well, Battle and Mountain Plate are pretty hardcore, if not exactly the most effective pieces of kit in the game.

I've always liked the idea of spring-loaded weaponry, where you flip a switch somewhere on the grip and the weapon's purpose or means of use changes. Not to RWBY levels of gun-scythery, but a sword which sprouts serrated edges at the pull of a trigger or an axe with blades that slide forward to form a spearhead. Would they be durable? Probably not. Expensive? Sure. Realistic? We left that crap behind a few editions ago, thanks.

2016-11-18, 08:55 PM
An eyepiece containing a series of mirrors. It just looks straight forward but of someone is a vampire you'll know because you won't see them in that eye but you will in the other eye

2016-11-18, 09:33 PM
If we use the story of Perseus & Medusa as the way things work, your mirror scope will also negate gaze attacks. If the DM rules that mirrors don't protect against gaze attacks, a medusa with the "monster vampire" template would kill you as soon as you look at where you can't see it.

2016-11-18, 10:10 PM
Id like to mention alchemy blades and spikard weapons. I think both had topics not too long ago as well.

As for something made up, a 3 headed flail, that used locks for heads. Practicing picking the locks would provide a small bonus on lock picking.

Cirtona Pox
2016-11-19, 12:53 PM
I've always liked the idea of spring-loaded weaponry, where you flip a switch somewhere on the grip and the weapon's purpose or means of use changes.

Me too. I currently have a char that has a short spear that can extend to long spear and MANY of my characters have carried switchblades.

An eyepiece containing a series of mirrors. It just looks straight forward but of someone is a vampire you'll know because you won't see them in that eye but you will in the other eye

LOVED the idea until the vampire medusa kibosh. I am the kind of DM that would do that too.

2016-11-20, 01:46 AM
Id like to mention alchemy blades and spikard weapons. I think both had topics not too long ago as well.

Pretty sure you liked my alchemy blade idea last time. But I added the oil sprayer and hilt hollow you mentioned.

Anybody who is anybody uses one of these babies:
310gp alchemy blade (Magic of Eberron p138)
+300gp masterwork
+2500gp gold (Magic of Faerun p179)
+450gp triple capsule (Complete Adventurer p120)
+100gp <3 quick elements, 1 alchemist's frost> (Complete Adventurer p122)
+300gp hilt hollow (Dungeonscape p30)
+100gp wand chamber (Dungeonscape p30)
+1000gp oil chamber (Dungeonscape p30
= 4610gp


Since OP is looking for some abstract ideas, if you can find an Alchemist Savant (Prestige Class in MoE), then you definitely should. Get them to make you some spellvials (an Alchemist Savant ability), but mix an Explosive Pack (SoS) in as an alchemical component.

You now have explosives that deal huge damage to structures/objects, can be thrown (or launched) and can be mixed with deadly spells or poisons to cause some wacky effects to happen to anyone in the blast range. Now if you're like me, you are the type of sicko who likes a double edged sword. Pour these concoctions into your triple weapon capsules, and your oil chamber, and your hilt hollow. Now, go to the BBEG, do your full sword-swingy-combo and end it with your ultimate finisher move... a massive swift-action-technicolour-poison-explosion.

2016-11-20, 08:30 AM
I love me some nonmagical devices!

2016-11-20, 08:41 AM
A weapon that looks like a hammer/greataxe/polearm but is actually a clever launching mechanism. Swing the hammer, press a small button at the right moment, and off flies the head!

For bonus points, the headless weapon then becomes a quarterstaff.

John Longarrow
2016-11-20, 09:46 AM
One I ran a dwarven fighter type who used a tower shield. Each corner had a small round indent and he carried four polls. Would insert the polls into the indents and use the shield as a field bed!

2016-11-20, 07:31 PM
a custom magical weapon:

combine a "immovable rod" with a Greatsword or a Lance. Now you stick your weapon into big enemies and activate the rod for more fun.
There are a few other things (among the regular immovable rod options) you can do if you get creative.
This is an idea I want to build a character around for the next time I am going to play a martial class/build.

2016-11-21, 11:47 PM
Steam cannon