View Full Version : Bard class build help

2016-11-19, 08:22 PM
Hey everybody, I'm in need of assistance.
I'm going to be playing in a game where no one really cares about optimization but I still don't want to die.

My plan is to make a dwarves bard and lay him like a viking skald. I want him to cast buff spells through speeches and war cries(which will be lyrics from heavy metal songs) and I want him to have an axe and a shield and be able to hold his own in a fight.

We'll be starting at level 3 and only using the PHB. I'm pretty familiar with 3.5 but this is my first time making a character for 5E so any help on build and spell selection would be great.

2016-11-19, 08:56 PM
Try this:


2016-11-19, 09:07 PM
Great concept! Here's a few character ideas for you, based on a build I built a while back based on the same concept. Since your group seems more interested in story and fun than optimization (I find this very admirable), this might help!

Name: Hersir Ulfsark (from Age of Mythology; a combination of the Norse hero and scout units, respectively)

Class: Bard

Race: Dwarf (I personally picked Human for mine, but Dwarves are thematically appropriate)

College: Valor (starting at level 3 is perfect; you get the weapon and armor proficiency you need, so be sure to ask your DM to roll for starting wealth)

Background: Acolyte (pick a Norse God; for this build I would pick Thor or Heimdall, and try to convince your DM to allow Norse Temples in your world)

Instrument: Horn (incidentally, this could double as a Holy Symbol for Heimdall, if your DM allows it)

Concept: A travelling, Norse-inspired, God of War worshiping Skald that seeks out heroes and participates in combat with them, aiding, inspiring and wreaking havoc with a combination of healing and noisy combat spells, invoking the gods and singing praises to them and composing Eddas afterwards. He's based on the Age of Mythology idea that the Norse need only fight to please their gods; when he blows his horn, allies are glad, though enemies shall tremble!

Alignment: CG (Thor) or LG (Heimdall)

Skills: Religion, Insight (Expertise), Athletics (Expertise), Arcana, History

Equipment: Buy for 5d4 x 10 = average 100, should be enough to get Scale Mail, a Shield, a Battleaxe (or Hand Axe if your budget is tight or you like the idea of throwing Axes around, because it's cool), and a Horn with some left over for an Explorer's Pack and loose change (since the starting gear for Bards doesn't favor the Valor Bard at level 3).

Stat Investment: Prioritize Strength, then Charisma, then Constitution, then Dexterity (DEX must be at least 14), decent Wisdom, and hopefully decent Intelligence to take advantage of the INT based skills (Easy to do with Point Buy tough; if not, hope you roll well!)

Feats: Pick Inspiring Leader (Thor) or Observant (Heimdall) for thematic appropriateness

Cantrips: Light, Dancing Lights, Thunderclap (Vicious Mockery is also my favorite cantrip ever; swap it out for Light if you want to trash talk your enemies to death and impose disadvantage in group fights!)

Spells (1st Level): Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Faerie Fire, Thunderwave (Heroism is also a great pick at low levels; fits your theme too)

Spells (2nd Level): Lesser Restoration, Pyrotechnics, Shatter

Notes on Spells: Pick those that create light or fire, create loud sounds and invoke thunder or lighting, or heal and buff in combat. Oh, and pick spells with only Verbal components where you can; Bards have lots of them, and you'll need your hands free to fight with your weapons. (Thor and Heimdall would be proud, I assure you!)

Hope that helps your concept! Welcome to 5e :smallsmile: Let us know how it goes!

2016-11-19, 09:10 PM
Mountain dwarf valor bard
16 14 14 8 10 14

Note that you cannot cast with shield and weapon, and you'll want you first ASI to shore up Cha16. This means you will not get warcaster before level 8.

If you go lore, you can use battleaxe / warhammer with both hands and still cast, but no shield then.

Seen another way, at level 6:
- valor gives you a second attack every round
- lore gives you spells such as find steed and crusader's mantle

Which image matches your RP concept?

2016-11-19, 09:59 PM
Mountain dwarf valor bard
16 14 14 8 10 14

Note that you cannot cast with shield and weapon, and you'll want you first ASI to shore up Cha16. This means you will not get warcaster before level 8.

To add to this spells with a somatic and/or material component require a free hand.

You can sheathe your weapon as part of your movement but wouldn't be able to draw it again until your next turn. This is important to note because if you cast a spell you can't attack with your weapon at all until your next turn namely using your reaction for opportunity attacks.

The War caster feat eliminates this problem.

There aren't many buffing spells in 5e but are quite a few debuffing spells - which bards specialize in. And most of those have material and/or somatic components.

Asides from that for spells id recommend dissonant whispers and healing word over cure wounds. Dissonant whispers does fair damage at low levels but is awesome because it's verbal only and makes people run away from you triggering opportunity attacks from anyone in melee range with it - together this spell not only can be used as an "oh crap get away from me" button but also really lay on the hurt. I like healing word over cure wounds because it is verbal only, has range, and is a bonus action so it works really well for reviving a downed ally in combat. Cure wounds has somatic component to it and is a touch spell so it's not quite as good in combat (though this is mitigated somewhat by you also being in melee range). Cure wounds heals more but would eat up your turn whereas with healing word you can heal smaller at a distance and still make an attack in the same round.