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View Full Version : Computer First ever steampunk sandbox RPG with a multiplayer coming soon!

2016-11-21, 07:38 AM
Hey there!

​We’re the SF team behind Steam Hammer, the first sandbox-style RPG in a steampunk setting.
In August of this year we got the greenlight from Steam to start signing up alpha testers, and so far we’ve raked in over 10,000. That has been a huge indication for us of how many people really want to play Steam Hammer. And so, with that in mind, we’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign that will help us wrap up development faster and add some great new elements we have in mind to make the game even better. To learn more, check out our Kickstarter page.

If you don’t have time to read anything else, just watch our promotional video:


The Game
Steam Hammer is the first hardcore sandbox-style RPG set in a dark and mysterious steampunk world. Experience the intensity as you try to survive on the mysterious Acribo Islands. Steam Hammer features:

a classic Victorian steampunk setting with wondrous mechanisms, machinery, weapons, armor, clothing, and—of course—steam and smoke.
an open-class system that frees you from arbitrary constraints. Engineer, scientist, farmer, gunsmith, stormtrooper, sharpshooter, and more can all be combined and switched depending on your skill set.
a huge open world for you to explore, travel, and terraform. Go where you will and master the land.

Craft your Glory. Craft your Victory. Craft your Steam Hammer!


Classic Steampunk vs. Biopunk: Play as either a technocrat of the Victorian Empire with mighty steam-powered artifacts or as an Acribian rebel that has fused machinery with living flesh. Each has its own crafting tree, weapons, equipment, and architecture.
Conduct Daring Air Assaults: Use your steam jetpack to hijack enemy airships and assault impregnable forts protected by blazing turrets. Engage in PvP with up to 64 players using a non-target combat system that makes the players’ skills matter.
Extensive Crafting System: Go from cobbling together a makeshift machete to building your own airship fleet. Construct multilayered modular structures and build unique equipment including steam motorcycles, military airships, and even flying leviathans. Team up with your friends to build whole cities.
Steam Hammer and Leviathan: Create and customize steam-mechanical and biomechanics weapons, equipment, and vehicles to suit your style of play.
Terraform the Terrain: Your world – your rules. Modify the terrain to suit your needs. You will need to dig mines, tunnels, and ditches to harvest the priceless celebrium sap, develop your technology, and conquer your foes.

If you have any questions, definitely let us know. We’ll do our best to answer them!

SteamForge team

2016-11-21, 10:19 AM
Nuthin' to say but... looks great!