View Full Version : Optimization Goliath Barbarian Fighter - query

2016-11-21, 07:38 PM
Hi all.

Very new to all this.

Have wanted to partake in tabletop DnD for over 20 years, but could never find the people.

My brother has just introduced me to a play by post group, but I'm struggling with my character creation...

I have a few ideas for backstory, but a lot is up in the air.

In all my RP gaming (Baldur's Gate and Ultima Online - both on the PC) I have played human wizards or rangers. I fancied a change.

The group I am going to request to join is running off the the Players Handbook PLUS Elemental Evil and with the choice of PHB Ranger OR Revised Ranger.

With this in mind I have set my sights on creating a Goliath Barbarian Fighter.

I'm posting here because of giantitp /showthread.php?389546 -I-ll-NEVER-Die!-(A-Guide-to-the-5E-Barbarian).
(Can't post inks yet)

I have a couple of other questions...

Should I start as Lvl 1 Barbarian OR Fighter?

Fighter grants heavy armour proficiency without using a feat, but I don't know if I'll actually want/need that.

So right now that is my BIG question, which class to start with.

However, I do have further queries.

Should I level both alternately until I get to L3/4 fighter then go all in barb, should I lvl barb then fighter then barb or just lvl fighter then barb?

I'm going to go down the Totem Warrior route on the barb, and my brother has just informed me he is going to create a Goliath alongside me, if I can convince him to go TW as well I reckon we will have a wolf and a bear in the group.

As for the fighter archetype, I'm torn between fighting styles

I like Archery if I were to equip a heavy crossbow - although the description just says "ranged weapons" so I wonder if that includes the barbs javelins???

But I also like Duelling and Great Weapon Fighting.

not keen on 2 weapon fighting.

Champion and battle Master also have me torn.

As I'm only dipping I get the choice of increased chance of a crit (on a 19 or 20) OR manoeuvres AND a set of tools.

Lastly, is hanging a fighter out to 4 worth the possibility of losing the 3 extra crit hit die for an earlier ability score increase?

2016-11-21, 09:38 PM
You can't rage in heavy armor - so there's that.

Your split should raise one of the classes up to level 4, because Extra Attack won't stack. I'd start Barb for more HP, then a single Fighter level for Great Weapon Fighting or Dueling (according to whether you prefer greataxe or axe+shield). After that, go Barb 5 for Extra Attack, and after that Fgt2 for Action Surge. After that, it's up to you.

If you plan on focusing on Barb, definitely go Champion to enjoy those Brutal Criticals more often. And definitely take Fgt4 instead of Brb17, you need to boost STR and CON along with grabbing a feat or two, so you want ASIs.

2016-11-21, 11:53 PM
Typical barbarians use reckless attack with great weapon master, wearing medium armor. You really want to get your extra attack as soon as possible, aiming for barbarian 5 / fighter 1.

Ranged weapons are in separate sections of the weapon table. Dart and net are the only thrown ranged weapons.

Fighter bring +1 damage per attack (great weapon fighting style) or +1 AC (mariner or defense). Champion offers (proven) crappy DPR as a dip. Battlemaster is the optimal choice.

Barbarogue has great synergy with TWF, if you ever change your mind.

Still, don't let optimization get in the way of a good story.

2016-12-11, 07:30 AM

I've started as a Barb, I'm up to 275xp and planning to dip fighter when I level.

I've also made a decision.

I'm going to (if I ever make lvl 20) have a Barbarian (Bear Totem Warrior) 9/Fighter (Champion) 11.

So I'm going to dip fighter for 1, then Barb to 3.

But what would be the best route to B9/F11 ?

2016-12-11, 09:21 AM
Fighter bring +1 damage per attack (great weapon fighting style) or +1 AC (mariner or defense). Champion offers (proven) crappy DPR as a dip. Battlemaster is the optimal choice.

It's slightly more complicated than you're putting on. GWM raises the damage per hit on a greatsword by one and a third damage points, or a greataxe by 0.83 repeating. So, obviously, you take the greatsword - until brutal critical becomes a bigger deal. And the brutal critical calculation isn't even just level dependant - it's enemy dependant.

And champion is just encounter length dependant, which can get weird in PBP


I've started as a Barb, I'm up to 275xp and planning to dip fighter when I level.

I've also made a decision.

I'm going to (if I ever make lvl 20) have a Barbarian (Bear Totem Warrior) 9/Fighter (Champion) 11.

So I'm going to dip fighter for 1, then Barb to 3.

But what would be the best route to B9/F11 ?

You want as few dips as possible on your way to extra attack. You also probably care a lot about ASIs in this build, so breaks like Fighter 5 / Barb 4 / Fighter more are natural. That second fifth class level is a dead level.

Im also just gonna throw out Revised ranger as a dip you might want, depending on how things go. If there is one dependable recurring enemy type, Favored Enemy is huge, and then at level 2 primeval awareness is kinda crazy and a second fighting style can be great, and at level three you can get a conditional extra attack. Very campaign dependant though.

2016-12-11, 10:51 AM
I would recommend going straight to barb 5, as others have said extra attack is like the main course of martial characters in 5e.

2016-12-11, 02:33 PM
Typical barbarians use reckless attack with great weapon master, wearing medium armor. You really want to get your extra attack as soon as possible, aiming for barbarian 5 / fighter 1.

Ranged weapons are in separate sections of the weapon table. Dart and net are the only thrown ranged weapons.

You forgot spear, javelin, handaxe, dagger, light hammer and trident. All thrown.


You want as few dips as possible on your way to extra attack. You also probably care a lot about ASIs in this build, so breaks like Fighter 5 / Barb 4 / Fighter more are natural. That second fifth class level is a dead level.


I would recommend going straight to barb 5, as others have said extra attack is like the main course of martial characters in 5e.

So are you guys recommending

Barb 1
Barb 1 / Fighter 1
Barb 5 / Fighter 1

Barb 5
Barb 5 / Fighter 1


I know the 2 extra attacks don't stack, that's one reason I want to get to Fighter 11.

2016-12-11, 02:39 PM
You forgot spear, javelin, handaxe, dagger, light hammer and trident. All thrown.
None of which are ranged weapons.

2016-12-11, 03:05 PM
So are you guys recommending

Barb 1
Barb 1 / Fighter 1
Barb 5 / Fighter 1

Barb 5
Barb 5 / Fighter 1


I know the 2 extra attacks don't stack, that's one reason I want to get to Fighter 11.

Multiclass only after level 5.

2016-12-11, 03:08 PM
None of which are ranged weapons.

I've just re read my original post.


2016-12-11, 06:26 PM
I've just re read my original post.

No problem.

2016-12-11, 08:10 PM
I wouldn't considering multiclassing before 5 personally - the extra attack is really important and you'd have to be getting something pretty amazing to justify delaying it. You're also delaying access to ability score increases/feats.

Honestly, if this is your first character I'd recommend just sticking with straight barbarian rather than trying to fix something before you know if its not to your liking.

2016-12-11, 10:52 PM
I have a similar character, the difference is I started as Fighter until I hit level 6. I multiclassed Barbarian for 3 levels then went back to Fighter, currently he's level 12 and I'm having a blast. When you multiclass you should wait till about level 5 or 6, you'll get your extra attack plus if you get the level after that your next Barbarian feature. A 2 to 3 level dip into Fighter is what you want by what I'm reading, if you go Champion your Reckless Attack works nicely with their Improved Critical cause those features are always there. If you go Battlemaster you will get Superiority Dice and your maneuvers which could change the battle but requires a bit more forethought to use.

After your dip into Fighter go back to Barbarian and kick some ass, though one thing to consider: if you go for a 4th level in Fighter you could get an ASI, though you lose out on your final boost to Brutal Critical. Just my two copper OP, have fun :smallsmile:

2016-12-12, 01:01 AM
Barb 5
Barb 5 / Fighter 1

that one

You want extra attack at level 5, because the power level of enemies usually jumps pretty hard right there, and level 6 is a looooooong drive from level 5, especially when you're stuck on one attack per round.