View Full Version : Destined for the Estin Region! [PTU OOC]

2016-11-22, 01:19 PM
Alright mi amigos, mes amies, all those fancy words for friends, here we are! You've made it! I'm as excited as I am nervous about running all this but I'm confident that we can all have some fun as long as we don't flake out. We'll be kicking off our IC thread with a tournament, as promised, but I have a question to throw at you guys. My time for the next week will be at a premium since I'll be traveling out of state for Thanksgorging while also hunting for apartments. In light of that, would you mind if I just jumped to you guys being in the semifinals and battling each other? You all could get a feel for characterization and do some good ol' fightan and whoever wins your two matches gets to fight the other winner for Le Grand Prix de Mystère (that means "really cool thing").

Does my totally-not-shirking-my-duties-on-all-of-you-so-I-can-do-life-stuff idea sound like a decent plan or do you guys have a suggestion of your own? Like, maybe those who are more mechanically inclined can run a battle in an earlier bracket against someone else or something? Feel free to shoot out any spicy notions you may have to make this more interesting!

2016-11-22, 01:40 PM
Well, Bryar's here y'all! (http://arcran.wikidot.com/arc:bryar) He'll be speakin' in bold Saddle Brown, if none of y'all mind.

And I'm perfectly fine with jumping into the semifinals, although we would need some housekeeping info to make it easy to just keep going without much GM intervention.

1. Whatever map size you want to use would probably need to be set at the start.
2. Will each battle be it's own Scene? In a tournament they normally are, I just want to check.
3. EXP Significance Multiplier for winner/loser of our fights?

Also, just because of Type matchups, I'd suggest the first two fights are Zaharina/Bryar and Leonardo/Jesabelle. At the moment the Fire Types will have a really hard time against Bonsly and an extremely easy time against Sewaddle. Sewaddle and Bonsly can only hit each other for Neutral going off what they know right now, so it's a bit fairer of a fight. Feel free to line them up however you feel though!

And as a more general note, it looks like we have a large amount of skill/role overlap in the party. Not sure if it's a cause for concern, but it looks like most of us have identical or very similar primary skills.

I'm excited to get this thing going though! Bryar is going to be a hell of a lot of fun. :smallbiggrin:

big teej
2016-11-22, 02:02 PM
Let's see.

which of these

isn't going to make my eyes bleed?

also, for reference, Leonardo's sheet and background have been added to my signature.

Also, Also... does anybody mind or care if I use Orokos (http://orokos.com/roll/m-bigteej) instead of the forum dice roller?

Also, Also, Also... are there any format tags that have become standardized in my prolonged absence from pbp here?

Bold Speech? Thoughts and the like?

Preemptive edit: Leonardo will speak in Teal, it matches his barker's uniform.

Actual Edit: I have zero opinions on how the tournament is laid out, nor do I really see our share skill-set as a problem or detriment /short answer.

2016-11-22, 02:46 PM
Oh yeah, I was going to make up some simple maps for you guys so don't worry about that. Battles do count as their own scenes so feel free to fire all barrels in your respective bouts. EXP will be awarded after the tournament concludes for general convenience.

Regarding match setups I was actually planning on having a firefight and bug vs potted plant exhibition match. It's about as fair as I can make things though it may lead to a pretty one-sided final.

2016-11-22, 02:49 PM
Let's see.

which of these

isn't going to make my eyes bleed?

also, for reference, Leonardo's sheet and background have been added to my signature.

Also, Also... does anybody mind or care if I use Orokos (http://orokos.com/roll/m-bigteej) instead of the forum dice roller?

Also, Also, Also... are there any format tags that have become standardized in my prolonged absence from pbp here?

Bold Speech? Thoughts and the like?

Preemptive edit: Leonardo will speak in Teal, it matches his barker's uniform.

Actual Edit: I have zero opinions on how the tournament is laid out, nor do I really see our share skill-set as a problem or detriment /short answer.

Only stuff that I've seen as pretty common is OoC/rolls in spoilers, but that's not exactly new. I'll let you know if there's anything weird you do. :smalltongue:

And it's probably up to moon, but I think it'd be a bit more convenient if everybody just does spoiler'd rolls IC.

Oh yeah, I was going to make up some simple maps for you guys so don't worry about that. Battles do count as their own scenes so feel free to fire all barrels in your respective bouts. EXP will be awarded after the tournament concludes for general convenience.

Regarding match setups I was actually planning on having a firefight and bug vs potted plant exhibition match. It's about as fair as I can make things though it may lead to a pretty one-sided final.

That sounds perfect to me then! Definitely ready to club a bug to death with a tree.

Actually, one quick question! Will we heal Injuries between fights?

2016-11-22, 03:04 PM
Of course. Most proper league-sanctioned events will provide full healing between bouts.


big teej
2016-11-22, 03:13 PM
Only stuff that I've seen as pretty common is OoC/rolls in spoilers, but that's not exactly new. I'll let you know if there's anything weird you do. :smalltongue:

much appreciated.

I know my devotion to Orokos over forum rollers is already an anomaly though, so no need to point that one out. :smallbiggrin:

2016-11-22, 03:59 PM
I would appreciate if we kept the rolls here for my laziness our convenience. It'd keep things nice and tidy. Also, I'm almost done writing up the first post for the IC thread. IT HAS TAKEN LONGER THAN EXPECTED.

2016-11-22, 04:59 PM
THE DEED IS DONE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?506916-Destined-for-the-Estin-Region!-PTU-IC)

2016-11-22, 05:07 PM

Also, I have two more questions:
1. Are our Trainings applied?
2. Can I say I fed Bonban his Baby Food at the start of the day?

2016-11-22, 08:35 PM
Jessie will speak in this shade of blue. My action is waiting on me to figure out how to make the dice roller work.
It's still surprisingly reluctant, but with that attack roll it really doesn't much matter.

2016-11-22, 09:31 PM
Jessie will speak in this shade of blue. My action is waiting on me to figure out how to make the dice roller work.
It's surprisingly reluctant.

You're going to want to use the following, without the apostrophes: [roll']XdY+Z[/roll']

2016-11-22, 09:39 PM
"S-sorry I'm late! I'll speak in this color, o-okay?"

Will be free to check the IC in a couple more hours. Only got to skim the OOC so feel free to yell at me if I missed something that needs specific response.

2016-11-22, 09:51 PM
You're going to want to use the following, without the apostrophes: [roll']XdY+Z[/roll']

Yeah, figured that out.
Just trying to figure out why it won't let me put a damage roll in the same post as an attack roll, despite being perfectly happy doing that in the test thread. I suspect it might have something to do with the spoiler text.

2016-11-22, 09:52 PM
Sol, just a note, you can't edit rolls into posts.

2016-11-22, 10:45 PM
It was in the original post. The editing was me trying to make it work.

2016-11-22, 10:55 PM
It was in the original post. The editing was me trying to make it work.

That's strange...

In any case, a 1 means you don't need to worry about damage. :smalltongue:

big teej
2016-11-23, 12:30 AM
I would appreciate if we kept the rolls here for my laziness our convenience. It'd keep things nice and tidy. Also, I'm almost done writing up the first post for the IC thread. IT HAS TAKEN LONGER THAN EXPECTED.

so would it be problematic to include things like...

Originally Posted by Me, Pitching the use of Orokos

The Scyther raised it's claw, the sunlight glinting off of the translucent razor-edge, it chittered at it's hapless prey, and then swung down in a fatal arc....

only to lodge helplessly in an overhead tree branch!

1d20+0 = 1 (http://orokos.com/roll/458620)

I like Orokos because it lets you type up descriptions and reactions with the knowledge of your relative success/epic failure rather than having to type up in ignorance and then hoping your roll justifies the description. Orokos shows the dice rolled, the result on each die, and keeps a history so one can look back on previous rolls for reference (or to make sure a player didn't keep rolling until they got a good result)

if it's an issue I'll go re-learn the forum roller, but I had to ask. Hopefully that 1 isn't my diplomacy check.

2016-11-23, 02:24 AM
Messed up my damage roll, redoing it here:

The lesson being that the GitP dice roller can only accept 1 modifier per roll, so add up your DB/stat/item bonuses into one number before adding them to the dice.

EDIT: How do people feel about using Roll20 for maps and verifiable rolls? The main downside is that it's hard to use on mobile.

2016-11-23, 04:36 AM
I hope I set a satisfactory stage for you guys with that intro post. Trying to really hype up the ends of those battles was fun to write even if it was a lot more words than I was expecting, heh. Teej if you're set on using that site I don't really mind so long as it has adequate records. Regarding Roll20 I suppose it's an option even if a google sheet lets me put something together lazily quickly. I'm not super worried about you guys cheating rolls. I recall some advice I heard a long time ago: Behind the screen a GM only rolls dice for the sound it makes. Sometimes fudging the numbers for the sake of fun is better than using the result.

In any case, if I need to make a big map I'll use something better suited for it. Right now these simple means will suit us just fine.

2016-11-23, 11:48 AM
I definitely felt like it was a great opening! I also feel like it might be setting up some potential rivals... :smalltongue:

And I've always just used Google Docs for maps just because of mobile access, but whatever is easiest for you!

big teej
2016-11-23, 04:58 PM
I've been uh.... volunteered to go to a family event by/with my fiance, I'll get around to posting either late tonight or.... friday if that doesn't happen.

2016-11-23, 06:43 PM
That's strange...

In any case, a 1 means you don't need to worry about damage. :smalltongue:

Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured.
It's nice to see Arrenji still hates me; that was the second 1 I rolled in sequence.

2016-11-24, 07:26 AM
And I'm off for Turkey Day festivities! Will be back Sunday night or Monday~
I can keep an eye on the thread via mobile, but probably won't be able to do anything with the battle map - which means Zaha's run ended just in time! Best of luck to the other semifinalists; I expect a blazing hot battle!

(My grandfather has a flock of wild turkeys that roam through his back yard. I don't think we'll be eating any of the locals, but you never know...)

2016-11-24, 09:05 AM
And I'm off for Turkey Day festivities! Will be back Sunday night or Monday~
I can keep an eye on the thread via mobile, but probably won't be able to do anything with the battle map - which means Zaha's run ended just in time! Best of luck to the other semifinalists; I expect a blazing hot battle!

(My grandfather has a flock of wild turkeys that roam through his back yard. I don't think we'll be eating any of the locals, but you never know...)

It was a good battle! Have a great Turkey Day!

Also, Solaris, quick note: Son Goku does not qualify for Twisted Power, although you seem to be using it when calculating damage. You need 5 points invested in both offensive stats and you only have 4.

2016-11-24, 11:41 PM
Also, Solaris, quick note: Son Goku does not qualify for Twisted Power, although you seem to be using it when calculating damage. You need 5 points invested in both offensive stats and you only have 4.

You sure you aren't thinking of Mixed Sweeper and the 9-15 Playtest Mixed Power? The 2-16 Playtest Twisted Power doesn't list any prereqs.

2016-11-25, 12:08 AM
You sure you aren't thinking of Mixed Sweeper and the 9-15 Playtest Mixed Power? The 2-16 Playtest Twisted Power doesn't list any prereqs.

2-16 doesn't have any Edges, just Abilities/new Statuses, unless I somehow have a wrong version. You want the 9-15 Playtest Edge.

2016-11-25, 12:13 AM
2-16 doesn't have any Edges, just Abilities/new Statuses, unless I somehow have a wrong version. You want the 9-15 Playtest Edge.

It has that thing on the first page where it has Twisted Power turned into a Poke Edge (albeit one with no entry whatsoever; I took the TP cost from the sheet). I don't see why they'd do that if it's not changed from the 9-15 Playtest.

2016-11-25, 12:14 AM
It has that thing on the first page where it has Twisted Power turned into a Poke Edge (albeit one with no entry whatsoever; I took the TP cost from the sheet). I don't see why they'd do that if it's not changed from the 9-15 Playtest.

That note was to say that Pokemon no longer get it naturally. You still have to take the 9-15 Edge.

2016-11-25, 12:21 AM
That note was to say that Pokemon no longer get it naturally. You still have to take the 9-15 Edge.

Eh, that'd hardly be the first really weird decision they made on 2-16.
I've shuffled the critter around to make it qualify.

big teej
2016-11-26, 02:45 PM
Okay.... so I'm pretty sure I'm done with various familial obligations....

All I have left is NaNoWrimo (http://nanowrimo.org/participants/big-teej/novels/it-ends-here/stats), a pile of laundry looming over me.... and this thread. :smallredface:

I'm going to go ahead and write up a post for the IC so we can keep it moving, but I had 2-ish questions.

the first is about our rudimentary map. (well, first series of questions)

are the white and red bits the extent of the arena? like, the pokemon are confined to the relatively small space and the trainers are a safe-ish distance away so they can't get caught in blasts of shrapnel/errant fireballs?

if so, wouldn't Son Goku need to land 'above' or 'below' Loki instead of behind him?

the last question is mostly pedantic.

my REAL (2nd) question, is - if the arena is that tiny, can one win by Ring-Out?

Not really expecting an answer before I post IC, but I'll check for it.

EDIT: not seeing an answer, so I'll go ahead and post.

Also, sorry everyone for holding us up. come Monday I'll be able to post with greater frequency.

2016-11-27, 08:06 PM
I assumed the map to be largely flat terrain, and any trainers taken out by errant attacks written off as natural selection at work.

OOC: Sorry for making you wait Solaris.

No worries, man. I've been voluntold to go to family events myself.

2016-11-27, 08:16 PM
No problems here either! Holidays happen.

Also, just because I've found them useful for games in the past, I've set up a chat pad. Usually they just end up being an extended OoC, but real time answers is fairly convenient. (https://edupad.ch/3nTX3qdrOz)

2016-11-28, 10:45 AM
Excitement! Who will make it to the finals and face off against the terrifyingly clever Bonban...?

big teej
2016-11-28, 07:36 PM
Hey, I'm not trying to nit pick or anything....

I'm really un-used to these excel sheets and I confess I don't have the level of system mastery with PTU I typically pride myself on.

but is there something I'm missing that Son Goku has 30 HP left?

the sheet I have for reference says DEF 4.

/potentially ignorant question. :smallredface:

EDIT: Also, for transparency, I changed Loki's ability to something he can actually have... because I'm blind. >.>
EDIT:EDIT: I've since been informed I got it right the first time.... stupid playtest packets. :smallredface:

2016-11-28, 07:40 PM
Actually, that's true. First hit did 23 damage, so 19 after defense, putting Goku at 25 HP, not 30.

Second hit is 29 damage (25 after Defense), so that's an exact KO. Quick fight!

Guess we know who I'm fighting then... :smallamused:

2016-11-28, 09:40 PM
No, you didn't miss anything. I... have no idea how that happened, actually. It doesn't even line up with the old Defense. It's not even matching up with subtracting the Defense twice. Weird.

But yeah, don't worry about asking me to explain something, Teej. I've apparently been pretty sloppy lately.

2016-11-28, 09:47 PM
Well, I guess that means this fight is over then!

moon, do you want to do a hype post for the championship or anything, or should we just dive into it?

As a note, I'll be Binding Capricious Whirl as a Priority (Limited) at the start of the next fight, just in case teej gets a chance to post before me since Loki is faster.

2016-11-29, 10:39 PM
Well, I guess that means this fight is over then!

The swiftness of the action bodes well for this campaign. I admit I was dreading things taking three weeks to reach the end of the first round.

big teej
2016-11-30, 12:30 AM
The swiftness of the action bodes well for this campaign. I admit I was dreading things taking three weeks to reach the end of the first round.

I'd cover the odds that it would have moved even faster if we hadn't decided to start right before thanksgorging/turkey day.

2016-11-30, 12:57 AM
I'd cover the odds that it would have moved even faster if we hadn't decided to start right before thanksgorging/turkey day.

Yeah, that definitely doesn't do any favors for posting speed. Hopefully we can get this Championship knocked out really quick and get out into the brave new world of Estin!

2016-11-30, 05:13 AM
I'll get us rolling again in the sunlight hours.

big teej
2016-12-01, 12:13 PM
and that's a wrap kiddos!

time for consolation prizes, grand prizes, and plot points! :smallbiggrin:

2016-12-01, 12:19 PM
Whoo! A couple good battles! Now it's time for swag. :smallamused:

big teej
2016-12-01, 05:11 PM
what.... precisely can I find in that catalogue? :elan:

2016-12-01, 06:33 PM
Dear god I hope that Egg is a Mimikyu...

Also, what kind of EXP do we get for us/our Pokemon?

Finally, I believe this is going to be an item in 1.06. I can't find a price for it, but is there any chance I could purchase it for 4-5k?

Cursed Eye: The user gains a +2 Bonus to Critical Hit Range. Instead of doing additional damage on Critical Hits, the user's Critical Hits cause the target to lose 1 Combat Stage in each Stat. Status Moves may crit this way. Accessory Item for Trainers.

2016-12-02, 09:00 AM
For participating in the tournament, everyone gets 25xp for their pokemon and 2 Trainer exp for taking part in what was likely the largest scale battles of your short career.

Teej, if you want to know what is in the catalogue you will have to order one or see if it is in stock in the stores you visit. Delmez is a very prestigious and fancy-pantsy group, after all. The coupon you received doesn't even really look like a coupon. It's more like an embossed keycard gilded with fancy gold filigree that just has a sequence of numbers and letters on it.

Arcran, I'd rather hold off on prototype items until we have an actual release.

2016-12-02, 08:30 PM
Updated the game sheet, and am working on a post right now. The downside to being your boss's go-to guy is that you get lots of work, so bear with me a moment whilst I try and recall the vestiges of intelligence I have left to get a decent couple of paragraphs together.

2016-12-07, 03:56 PM
Still here, just having some trying days what with shifts getting longer and planning a move to a new apartment in another state. Bear with me a little, I ain't giving up on this so easily don't worry.

2016-12-07, 08:13 PM
No worries! I hope everything goes smoothly for you!
I was waiting to give Jesabelle or Bryar a chance to capitalize on Leo & Zaha's interest if they wanted; might go up and tap her on the shoulder tomorrow if nothing happens in the meantime.

2016-12-08, 09:26 AM
No worries here! I was going to have Bryar wait for magic guitar man before doing anything else.

big teej
2016-12-08, 01:17 PM
I.... have figured out Leo's final class in the interim period.

do we still have that summary sheet floating around? :smallbiggrin:

No wonder I couldn't find it, it was a PM :smallsigh:

2016-12-13, 05:43 PM
So, what are we waiting on at the moment?

big teej
2016-12-13, 11:08 PM
So, what are we waiting on at the moment?

This one assumes.... (in descending amount of assumption and certainty)

- for Jesabelle to respond to Zaharina
- for Bryar to respond to Zaharina
- for Music Guy to comment on the new arrivals
- for other GM input
- for Leonardo to make a comment following up on Zaharina's introduction.
- for something this one has not thought of at the time of this posting.

.... yeah that's all I got for. :smalltongue:

2016-12-14, 03:37 AM
Yeah I was waiting on Solaris to respond but I can see about moving things on a bit when I get home from work.

2016-12-14, 05:07 PM
Well I had planned on doing that but errands happened plus shoveling snow and ice and now it's bedtime for me already...

If Solaris hasn't posted by tomorrow I'll do something.

2016-12-18, 03:17 PM
Sorry about the delay, folks. I was unexpectedly without internet (or home, for that matter) for about a week. I'm getting caught up now and will be banging out something as soon as I can.

I have a place now, but we don't have an internection there. Posting won't be quite as quick as I would like for the immediate future, but I'll try and get in at least two or three a week until we get the place hooked up.

2016-12-18, 03:29 PM
No worries. Hope your situation isn't as bad as it sounds and thanks for checking in. I'm not super adamant about post frequency and I don't think the others will grudge you taking it slow for a while as you acclimate. Just pop in when you can and we'll be hunky-dory.

big teej
2016-12-21, 10:05 AM
@ Elfbird

I'm pretty sure someone with Zaharina's background would notice that all of Leonardo's jumble of tokens, amulets, necklaces, medallions, pendants, lockets, torcs, chains, and any other form of neck-worn adornment.... are worthless junk, most of which are also of questionable quality.

How obvious this would be to anybody else? I dunno.

also, that baton of his? come on, it looks like cheap plastic, and flings an apparently endless supply of glitter EVERYWHERE

@ Party/GM:

so is there a reception or send off ceremony or anything? or should Leo go ahead and escort the group out onto the open road?

big teej
2016-12-26, 10:33 PM
Hope everybody had a Merry Christmas,

I get it's the holidays and posting is down (likely globally)... BUT I have to ask, are we ready to get back moving? or do we want to hold off til after new years to expect regular posting again, or what?

expect PMs in the next two days. :smalltongue:

2016-12-27, 11:28 AM
I'm still keeping an eye on these threads~
I figure between work and the holidays, the others are just completely burnt out. Though it would be nice to have notice~

2016-12-27, 11:28 AM
I'm still here! I'm just waiting on the others to post...

big teej
2016-12-27, 11:50 AM
glad to see both of ya :smallbiggrin:

hopefully we can get rollin' again soon.

2016-12-27, 05:00 PM
I'm still here! I'm just waiting on the others to post...

I've been waiting to see if you were going to post.

Looks like MD posted, though.
Well then, time to bang out something.

big teej
2016-12-28, 02:16 AM
sorry for taking so long to reply... Leonardo's original response was..... more antagonistic than I felt was appropriate.

I may or may not try to work him into having a rhyming speech pattern if that wouldn't drive anybody insane. :smallbiggrin:

I also might have been accidentally channeling 5-cant from my last pbp...


big teej
2016-12-29, 09:43 PM
might be a good time for Zaharina and Bryar to catch up to Leonardo and Jesabelle, they just met, so Leo wouldn't be prying much deeper than he just has.

2016-12-29, 10:44 PM
I mean, you guys ran ahead and Bryar is kind of just leisurely strolling at this point. He's in no hurry!

2016-12-30, 11:19 PM
Maybe we're due for a wild encounter?
There's always time for leisurely conversation in the midst of battle!

big teej
2016-12-31, 01:26 AM
Oh, Aye, "Leisurely"


big teej
2017-01-04, 09:57 AM
1 pokemon, 4 trainers....

hello party conflict. :smalltongue:

is anybody super attached to the idea of catching a beldum, or can I go for it?

2017-01-04, 10:14 AM
1 pokemon, 4 trainers....

hello party conflict. :smalltongue:

is anybody super attached to the idea of catching a beldum, or can I go for it?

All yours! Beldum sucks at low levels anyways.

big teej
2017-01-04, 10:48 AM
All yours! Beldum sucks at low levels anyways.

Painfully so.

BUT! it's a weird, unusual pokemon THAT FLOATS a metang would make a pretty cool barker's platform. floating around the big top over the crowd shouting at people.

2017-01-04, 10:20 PM
Alas, already owned~

I think Zaha will be hanging back for this encounter, unless something crops up that would make her getting involved more than just a delay. Proceed at will, I'll still be watching~

big teej
2017-01-12, 12:42 PM
For the sake of transparency:

I went ahead and emailed moondoggy earlier today

2017-01-12, 01:51 PM
Sorry for the lack of response. I quit my job two days ago and have been busy getting ready to move to another state. Packing, cleaning, all that good stuff. I should've posted something here saying updates will be a bit delayed, sorry. Going to toss up a post right after this one.

2017-01-12, 03:36 PM
Sounds exciting! I hope everything goes smoothly for you~
Don't worry too much about us, we're pretty patient, and there's always inter-party roleplaying to keep ourselves occupied.

2017-02-01, 09:09 AM
So it's been just shy of two weeks. Is another post going to happen anytime soon?

big teej
2017-02-01, 10:10 AM
has anyone tried getting in touch with the GM?

2017-02-08, 10:35 AM
I dropped him a PM today. I figure he has only intermittent internet until his new residence gets connected, but it'd be nice to have an idea how long until he's back - or if we need to maybe start looking for a new GM.

big teej
2017-02-08, 11:33 AM
I dropped him a PM today. I figure he has only intermittent internet until his new residence gets connected, but it'd be nice to have an idea how long until he's back - or if we need to maybe start looking for a new GM.

Hopefully all is well, just delayed