View Full Version : Destined for the Estin Region! [PTU IC]

2016-11-22, 04:36 PM
"Wow, ladies and gentlemen! I've never seen a Sewaddle take a hit like that and keep on fighting!" The announcer's microphone rang out through the small stadium amidst raucous cheers. The little bug Hasami stood defiant, unafraid of the opposing Fletchling's Acrobatics. "What? That should've been a finishing blow! That's not fair!" cried the Fletchling's trainer, a shaggy-haired boy in a pinstriped suit. "I call hax! There must be some kind of trick!" Ignoring his outrage, the Sewaddle surged forward, hitting the worn-down bird with a nasty Bug Bite. The bird pokemon hit the floor hard. "And there we have it folks! The comeback bug! Sewaddle is the winner!" The crowd was electric, fired up by the underdog victory. "Sewaddle and her trainer Zaharina will go on to the next bracket! Michael and Fletchling, you put on a good show. We all wish you luck on your League Challenge!" The furious boy recalled his Fletchling and ran off the stage without a word, ignoring the traditional handshake.


"Leoooo~!" cried the lion cub as it spat fire at its opponent. The Nincada had weathered most of Litleo's attacks, moving underground to strike but there was only so much punishment it could take before... "And Nincada goes DOWN!" The announcer jumped into the air, firing up the viewers into a frenzy as they cheered for the winner. "A spirited showing, that is for sure, but Litleo kept the pressure on and the little bug couldn't keep up!" The other trainer recalled her Nincada, grinning ear to ear. "Good fight, Leo! Can't wait to run into you again for sure!" She stepped forward, extending a carefully wrapped hand. "You better remember the name Lanita Marello because I'm gonna be a Bug Pokemon Master!" "Wonderful, wonderful! A friendship forged in the fire of battle and a bold claim for the future! You gotta love this kind of spirit, folks! It's what makes the Pokemon League great! Leonardo, you move on to the next fight! Lanita, your run ends here but we all have high hopes for you and your dream!" As the two trainers shook hands the crowd chanted excitedly for the both of them.


A small burst of fire turned into a sudden roar! The Chimchar's attack against the evasive black bird turned into a critical strike, bringing his foe crashing down onto the battleground. "No... Its over already?" A hooded boy in beat-up bluejeans ran forward, taking a knee next to his fallen Murkrow. "I thought we'd do better this year... I'm sorry, Cesar." "That last Ember was a real doozy, folks! It was almost a baby Flamethrower for sure! Looks like Rudy's Murkrow is out of the fight!" The downtrodden boy returned his companion to his ball, halfheartedly shaking Jess' hand. "Your Chimchar was strong. Stronger than I thought..." Rudy stands silent before giving his opponent's hand a more confident squeeze. "I have to be stronger too." "That's the way, Rudy! You can do it!" A voice rings out above the crowd, bringing a smile to the boy's face. "Jesabelle moves into the semifinals with that amazing Ember attack! Rudy your Murkrow's agility was enthralling but your run ends here! Good luck on your league challenge!"


"Bon bon!" A Bonsly stands victorious. His opponent, a Snubbull, knocked out cold on the ground. "I can't believe Dario lost to... that!" laments the sharp-tongued blonde in the designer dress. "That Copycat is a real tricky move, folks! Everything the Snubbull threw at it, Bonsly threw right back! Tackle for Tackle, Lick for Lick, it was quite the endurance match and Bonsly proved who was tougher!" "Hmph! Having to rely on dirty tricks instead of actual power? What an amateur. Even so..." The haughty girl put away her pout, extending her hand. "A Markinswell always accepts defeat with dignity. Next time we meet I won't go so easy on you, you hayseed." She breaks contact as quickly as possible, clearly uncomfortable with shaking Bryar's hand. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that wraps up this bracket! Louisa, I'm sorry but your tournament run ends here! We wish you luck out there on your challenge! Bryar, you move on to the semifinals! We will be back shortly with an updated bracket and a fresh battleground for our Final Four!"


"The Semifinals. Where the toughest trainers duke it out to determine who moves on to the final fight! They may be young, their pokemon may be low-level but these trainers fight like gladiators for the glory of the Estin League!" Striking a dramatic pose, the announcer presses a button on his microphone triggering a few fireworks to the delight of the roaring crowd. "Yes, Fortune and Glory is the name of the game here! The winner goes home with P10,000 as well as the Excellence Medal and the Mystery Prize! What could it be? Last year's prize was a set of custom-designed high-performance Pokeballs provided by our sponsors at Brecker Fab! Who knows what the winner will receive this year! It's! A! MYSTERY!" Each word is punctuated by a different equally over-the-top posture. The crowd is eating it up, ready and raring for the next fights to start.

"In our first match, we have Jessabelle and her Chimchar facing off against Leonardo and his Litleo! Fire against flames! Oh man, folks, I can't wait to see this heated battle!"

"Following that we have Zaharina and her Sewaddle taking on Bryar and his Bonsly! Two tough pokemon with clever trainers backing them! My oh my this will definitely be a match to see!"

"Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen! The battleground has been cleaned up and the stage is set! Who will go on to the final match? Who will take home the Mystery Prize? Let's find out right here, right now! Trainers! On your marks! Get set! FIGHT!"

Rudimentary maps are HERE! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bvDS2IEyHByh2nZpecvT0eK9xLTj7Vl14npaAoxvrj0/edit?usp=sharing)
Breaking speed ties - [roll0]
For convenience both matches will be happening at the same time. Follow League Standard rules and have fun everybody!

2016-11-22, 06:23 PM
Bryar slowly smirked as the announcer brought the crowd to a fever pitch. City folk were so easily entertained. Granted, Bryar was loving every second of it, but that didn't mean his smug sense of superiority diminished in any way. The Snubbul had been an absolute cakewalk; after all, Tackles and Licks couldn't do much to a Pokemon as rock solid as Bonban. He'd barely used even a fraction of his tricks and he'd still easily handled the battle. That was the beauty of the partnership; Bonban was a powerhouse in his own right; the tricks were just gravy.

This battle, however, was a might bit more concerning. If it's appearance was anything to go off of, Sewaddle was a Grass Type, which could be a slight problem for Bonban. Still, that's why the two of them were a team.

"Funny, ain't it?" Bryar says to his opponent, slowly sitting down on the ground as Bonban hops from foot to foot. "Fire 'n Fire, Grass 'n Grass. Got a poetry to it," he says, slowly tilting his large straw hat down. "Sorry 'n advance but Bonban 'n I are gunna have to show ya who the real Forest King is, right little buddy?", Bryar says, volume rising for that last bit. "Let's squash 'em!" he finally cries, playing up his accent as much as possible.

Bonban does his best to avoid rolling his eyes at his Trainer's encouragement; he knew it was all an act, but still. When he played up his accent this much it got a bit difficult to understand commands...

Bonban: 56/56 HP, Brutal

Bryar uses Brutal Training as an Order! Bonban is Brutal x2!

Also, Guile to convince that Bonban is Grass: [roll0] It probably doesn't affect your strategy, so I suppose it's purely for RP. Opposed by Intuition or Pokemon Edu probably?

Entirely up to you as to whether you bother RPing it.

Also, if you see any typos let me know! Phone posts are hard!

2016-11-22, 09:42 PM
Jesabelle brushed an errant bang back behind her ears, studying her opponent and his Pokemon in a moment of narrow-eyed stillness before her usual excess of energy and enthusiasm overwhelmed her composure. "Hit it hard and fast!" she shouted, bouncing animatedly as her bright blue eyes sparkled with excitement and a broad grin split her face.

The little Chimchar charged into battle, chittering and howling as it bounded towards the enemy, springing over the enemy in an acrobatic spin to claw at it from above before landing right behind the Litleo.

Chimchar "Son Goku": 44/44, Focused and Inspired
Jessie uses Focused Training as Orders to double the to-hit and skill bonuses.

Son Goku shifts towards the Litleo, then uses Scratch. It's a Pass move, so Son Goku winds up behind the Litleo.
Attack: vs AC 2, [roll]1d8+24 damage.

Yeah, it's not taking the damage roll at all.

2016-11-23, 02:18 AM
Zaharina Enbi

Zaha twirls and poses for the audience after her latest win, once again showing off the fall-colored kimono she and Hasami made just for this tournament.
"It's all thanks to your support... and the great folks back home at Enbi Tailor Shop! Cheer hard for me in the semifinals, okay~<3!"


Zaha smiles sweetly at Bryar as she sizes him up at the start of the next match.
"A Grass-type trainer, right? Sorry hun, looks like this block is just bad luck for you. As a consolation prize, I'll give your Pokemon a fashion makeover! Hasami, first step is to rip out the old seams!!"

The stylish little bug lunges across the battlefield, eager for a bite of delicious Grass-type!

I took the liberty of squaring up our tokens on the provided map; feel free to readjust them if the displacement was intentional.

Zaharina: Inspired Orders > Hasami!
Hasami has +2 Evade and +4 on Save Checks!

Hasami: Shift 4 meters and Bug Bite > Bonban!
Attack: [roll0] vs AC 2
Damage: 28 Bug/Physical (see OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21420906&postcount=19))
If crit: add [roll1]
If Bonban has a stored Digestion/Food buff, Hasami may gain its effects.

Let's see if that's all formatted correctly...
EDIT: Nope! But all the numbers should be there now.

2016-11-23, 10:10 AM
"Garsh!" Bryar shouts in feigned surprise at the Bug Bite, masking his smug grin when Bonban is barely hurt. "Those are some mighty fine chompers you got there! But Bonban has finer still! Bonban, Bug Bite!" Bryar shouts. The small tree shakes its branches as a small horde of tiny insects descend on the Sewaddle, biting into its leafy cloak.

Bonban: 43/56 HP, Brutal, +1 Defense, 5 Temp HP
Bryer: 4/5 AP

Bonban uses Copycat! It automatically hits!
AC for Flourish Critical: [roll0], Crit 18+
On Crit, Bonban will gain 1 Tick of Temporary HP.
Bonban activates Copymaster! Bonban gains +1 Defense CS after this Move resolves!

Bonban uses Bug Bite! It's Super Effective!
AC: [roll1] (Using AP to boost), Critical 18+
Damage: [roll2]
Critical: [roll3]

2016-11-23, 11:02 PM
Zaharina Enbi

"Wh-what?! There's no way a Grass type could take Hasami head-on without flinching! So that means... Bonban must really be a Bug type! Now that we know your secret, we won't be tricked again! Hasami, don't let it hit you again!"

Zaharina: Inspired Orders > Hasami!
Spending 1 AP to boost Hasami's accuracy!

Hasami: Bug Bite > Bonban!
Hit: [roll0] vs. AC 2
Damage: [roll1] Bug/Physical
If crit: add [roll2]

Hasami: 25/47 HP, Inspired x2
Zaha: 2/5 AP

2016-11-23, 11:10 PM
"Good guess, but Bonban 's just that tough!" Bryar cries. "Now, Bonban, let's mix things up! Flail!"

The Bonsly leaps forward, swinging branches rapidly from side to side in wide, desperate blows!

Bonban: 38/56 HP, Brutal, +1 Defense
Bryar: 3/5 AP

Bryar uses Brutal Training!

Bonban uses Flail!
AC 2: [roll0] (AP Boost!), Critical 18+
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

2016-11-23, 11:51 PM
Zaharina Enbi

"Ugh... A fashion disaster like this might be more than we can handle on our own... But there's no way we'll give up! Not until the very end, and even after!"

Zaharina: Inspired Orders > Hasami
Spend 1 AP to boost Hasami's accuracy!

Hasami: Bug Bite > Bonban!
Hit: [roll0] vs AC 2
Damage: [roll1] Bug/Physical
If crit: [roll2]

Hasami: 9/47 HP, Inspired x2
Zaha: 1/5 AP

2016-11-24, 01:33 AM
Bryar raises an eyebrow at his opponent's persistence. A losing battle, and still driving forward? That was certainly something commendable in a foe, despite how useless it would be.

"Bonban, end it with 'nother Bug Bite!" the hick says eagerly, watching as the swarms descend from Bonban's branches once again.

Bonban: 27/56 HP, Brutal, +2 Defense
Bryar: 2/5 AP

Bryar uses Brutal Training!

Bonban uses Copycat! It automatically hits!
AC for Flourish Critical: [roll0], Crit 18+
On Crit, Bonban will gain 1 Tick of Temporary HP.
Bonban activates Copymaster! Bonban gains +1 Defense CS after this Move resolves!

Bonban uses Bug Bite! It's Super Effective!
AC: [roll1] (Using AP to boost), Critical 18+
Damage: [roll2]
Critical: [roll3]

2016-11-24, 01:54 AM
Zaharina Enbi

Zaharina recalls her fainted Sewaddle, gives a quick bow to Bryar, then turns to address the crowd. She's a little upset, but doesn't let it show beyond the sparkle in her eyes and slight quaver in her voice.
"Well... looks like this is the end of the Enbi Zaha run! Thank you again for your support, and let's all give a hand to Bryar and his Bonsley in the finals! I can't wait to see you here again next year - 'cause I'm gonna have some awesome new outfits to show you, and an awesome new team to claim the championship!"

"Beaten by damn knockoffs and copycats again... I'll show them all one day! I won't let the Enbi name die in shame!" She mutters as she exits the arena.

2016-11-24, 09:19 AM
Bryar slowly stands up as Bonban defeats the Sewaddle, running his finger across the brim of his hat before crossing the battlefield for the traditional handshake before turning to the crowd.

"I just wanna thank y'all for giving Bonban and I the chance to compete, and thank Arceus for showerin' us with his blessings so far. People back 'n town are gonna be so proud of the two of us doin' somethin' good with our lives," he adds, throwing in an emotional choke for good measure. "Hope Bonban and I can count on y'all's cheers in the final," he adds even as Bonban makes the largest puppy dog eyes possible.

As soon as the duo was off stage and out of the public eye, Bryar starts cracking up as tears stream down Bonban's face, both beside themselves with mirth.

"She thought you're a Bug?" he cries, accent nearly gone. "Of all the things, why in the hell Bug?" he asks, still laughing as Bonban makes his most terrifying Bug face while waddling from side to side, causing Bryar to laugh all the harder.

"One more con and we're home clear with that prize," Bryar says happily. "Let's get you patched up before they tickle you a bit with some fire," he says, a note of honest concern finding its way into his voice. After all, he really did care for Bonban.

Guile to get the crowd to feel pity for these poor country bumpkins: [roll0]

big teej
2016-11-26, 03:05 PM
Leonardo eyes the opposing fire type, twirling his baton in one hand. "ooooooh." he says to himself watching it soar over Loki. "I might have to ask where she caught that... it could make a grand addition to the show."

he brought his attention back to the present. "Loki! Make some space for yourself! Own the stage!"

Loki arches its back and growls in anticipation before charging at Son Goku and running into him (http://orokos.com/roll/459465), knocking the Pokemon away.

Leonardo issues Focused Orders on top of Focus Training (+2 Accuracy)
Tackle: To Hit: 1d20+2 = 13 (http://orokos.com/roll/459465)
Son Goku is pushed 2 Meters Away.
Tackle: Damage: 2d6+21 = 23 (http://orokos.com/roll/459466) Damage vs. Defense!

Oh man.... that damage roll. *headdesk*

OOC: Sorry for making you wait Solaris.

2016-11-27, 05:02 PM
Jessie winced inwardly at the impact when she saw her little Pokemon go bouncing away from his fierce little foe. It quickly recovered itself, though, and then bounced back up as it sprang agilely to its feet. Son Goku whirled around and charged the Litleo again without so much as waiting on its trainer's order.

Jesabelle was fine with that, though. That was just the way she trained him. "Dodge to its left!" she shouted as she saw the Chimchar ready to jump over its enemy again, then sighed.

"Its other left, you idiot!" She gesticulated wildly, showing the Pokemon her left hand with thumb and forefinger extended in what looked like an 'L' from her perspective but served only to perplex the little thing more.

Chimchar "Son Goku": 30/44, Focused and Inspired
Jessie uses Focused Training as Orders to double the to-hit and skill bonuses.

Son Goku shifts two meters towards the Litleo, then uses Scratch and moves a further four meters afterwards. Positions updated accordingly on the map; I took the liberty of moving Litleo as necessary. Feel free to do the same to the Chimchar next Tackle.
[roll0] against AC 4 (base AC 2, +2 for evasion), [roll1] damage.
I got a couple of good rolls when testing that, which is how I can tell it's going to end horribly.

big teej
2016-11-28, 10:01 AM
One way or another, this should be over quickly. Leo thinks to himself, watching Loki buckle but not break under Son Goku's attack.

He strikes the arena with his baton twice, drawing Loki's eyes towards him. He then gestures towards Son Goku with the baton. "Once more, with feeling. Eyes on the prize." Leo calls to him, his toothy grin still fixed in place.

The cub rushes at Son Goku once more, bodily tossing the small pokemon back.

Leonardo uses Focused Orders again!
Loki used Tackle: to hit: 19 (http://orokos.com/roll/459946)
Son Goku is pushed 2 meteres away
Damage: 29 (http://orokos.com/roll/459947) Vs. Defense

2016-12-01, 09:56 AM
"And there we have it folks! The crafty Bonsly and powerhouse Litleo both move on to the finals! Our two Semifinalists Jesabelle and Zaharina will receive a consolation prize of P1000 and a set of five Premier Balls so they're not going out empty-handed! Bryar! Leonardo! To the Center Stage!" The crowd cheers as the two trainers take their positions, eager for the final battle. "We've had some good fights so far! It's been a whirlwind tourney this year with more than twice the turnout of last year! It all comes down now to these two pokemon: Bonsly and Litleo! Trainers! Let's put on a good show, eh boys?! Ready? Set! BATTLE!"

2016-12-01, 10:20 AM
Bryar sits on the ground once again, looking at the massive crowd cheering him on. When the announcer says to put on a good show, Bryar can't help but grin. Like he could do anything but.

"Alright Bonban, looks like we got a' Fire Type here!" the boy says in an almost bored tone. Bonban glares at the Litleo for a long second before bursting out into tears, shaking visibly. "Bonban, stop yer cryin'! Fire only burns a little!" the Trainer shouts, tilting his oversized straw hat over his face to conceal his smirk. "Either way, can't have you gettin' burnt up on me! Keep movin'!" the hick says confidently, his tone implying for the first time that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't as bored as he appeared.

At the order Bonban starts to rock back and forth, swinging its branches side to side every few seconds, ready to spin away from whatever attack comes his way, crying all the while.

Bryar Binds Capricious Whirl on Bonban!

Made another map on the semifinal sheet for us; let's get this going!

big teej
2016-12-01, 10:45 AM
Leonardo raises his hands to the crowd and spins to look at them all, his toothy grin fixed firmly in place, basking in the attention. He looks at his opponent sitting at the other edge of the arena. He bows to his opponent, he tries to lock eyes with Bryar as he straightens and calls out loudly enough for Bryar to hear, but not the crowd.

"Bryar, I've not quite figured out the game you're playing, which I figure means we both know how this ends." He gestures at the crowd with his baton. "Obligates us to put on as spectacular a show as possible, doesn't it? Make it last."

He twirls his baton around the fingers of one hand and instructs Loki to prepare itself for the grand finale.

Loki tosses it's head around and stamps in place, belching fire.

OOC: Being something of a professional con himself, I figure by this point Leo would know Bryar's lying about Bonsly's typing and capabilities, not that it helps him figure out what's actually going on.

also, Loki uses Work Up, +1 Stage to ATK and SPATK

2016-12-01, 10:54 AM
"First things first," Bryar states, stifling a yawn. "Whatever yer Pokemon can do, mine can do better," Bryar states, slightly annoyed that the other Trainer seems unexcited by the prospect of a Type Advantage. "Bonban, Growth!" Bryar states, glad that he and the tree had long worked out a code: if it was a Move that Bonban didn't know, it was time to Copycat.

The tiny Bonsly dashed towards the Litleo, pumping up its branches as it dashes, its form seemingly growing larger and more powerful.

"Second, Bonban cheats," Bryar says, his smirk just visible over his hat as Bonban shakes one of its larger branches into the Litleo's face, a cloud of dust obscuring the Pokemon's vision. Long gone were the tears in the Bonsly's eyes, replaced by a vicious glare that said exactly how this battle was going to go.

Bonban Shifts to H8!

Bonban uses Copycat! Auto-hit, but still have to roll for crit:
[roll0], Critical 19+
Bonban gets a Tick of Temporary HP.

Bonban uses Work Up!
Bonban triggers Copymaster! Bonban gains an additional stage in Attack!

Bryar triggers Flourish off Copycat! 1 AP!
Bonban uses the Blind Manuever! It automatically hits!
Stealth: [roll1]
Resisted with Stealth.

big teej
2016-12-01, 11:12 AM
Leo stops twirling his baton and sighs, his bolted-on, ear-to-ear smile never faltering. He rolls his eyes.

"if you're not cheating, you're not trying." He observes with a shrug as Loki splutters and coughs away from Bonsly, it's eyes squeezed shut against the dust cloud. The tiny fire cub coughs and belches a blast of flame into the arena floor in front of it.

not going to bother to oppose, box cars leaves me short.
but, playing the long odds, Loki uses Ember and Fails spectacularly. (http://orokos.com/roll/461364)

2016-12-01, 11:19 AM
Bonban simply nods as the Litleo misses splendidly. The other Trainer couldn't know this yet, but the battle was already over. No way a Fire Type could dish out enough to stop Bonban now.

"Bonban, take 'is legs," Bryar states, smirking as the Bonsly swings its head low, aiming for the Litleo's knees in a mighty sweep.

Bryar unbinds Capricious Whirl!
Bryar uses Brutal Training!
Bonban uses Low Kick!
AC 2: [roll0] (AP boost), Critical 18+
Damage: [roll1] Should have been +28
Critical: [roll2]

big teej
2016-12-01, 11:34 AM
"Loki! Center stage, give everyone a good view!" Leo orders.

The cub squints one eye open, glares at the faux-grass type and crashes into it bodily, shoving it back towards the center of the arena.

Loki uses Tackle!
To-Hit: 12 (http://orokos.com/roll/461371) (6, but apparently I'm only blind one round)
Damage: 32 (http://orokos.com/roll/461372) vs. Defense
Leo grows tired of the Charade!

2016-12-01, 11:41 AM
Bonban slides back a few feet at the solid connection by the Litleo but, unsurprisingly, didn't appear to truly be hurt, although the murderous glare from the Bonsly at actually being touched was slightly terrifying.

"Right Bonban, club the lion!" Bryar shouts, smirking as the Bonsly leaps forward to slam its branches down on the Litleo's head with a heavy thud. There were times for finesse, and times for brute force. This was certainly the latter.

Bonban takes 10 damage!

Bryar uses Brutal Training!

Bonban uses Flail!
AC 2: [roll0] (More AP) Critical 18+
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

big teej
2016-12-01, 12:03 PM
Leonardo's expression doesn't change, his eyes follow Loki's limp body as it bounces across the arena and flops to a halt. "A riotous calamity! who could have possibly foreseen such an outcome! He cries out.

He pulls a pokeball styled like a circus tent, it's top half covered in a red and yellow swirl, from his belt and returns the Litleo. "Well done Loki, an enduring performance to be sure, though only the opening act."

He puts the metal sphere away and tucks his baton under his arm as he approaches Bryar, hand extended. "An appropriate end, I'll not insult you asking what the angle is, far too much fun to figure it out on my own." The blue-clad carny almost seems to speak through his teeth, his smile barely faltering.

after their handshake, Leonardo will bow to the crowd and then depart the arena so the champion may be showered with his earned praise.

And now.... the real fun begins :smallamused:

2016-12-01, 04:32 PM
"And That Is IT, Ladies And Gentlemen!" the announcer jubilantly blares. The crowd roars excitedly, amped up by that big finish. "Bryar who comes to us all the way from Hermat Town has taken this year's Beginner's Grand Prix! Let's hear it folks! Who woulda thought a kid like this with such humble beginnings would go all the way to win it big here at Triumph Harbor? What a story, am I right?!" The overzealous MC continues to work the crowd as a man, bald head glinting in the sun, approaches the two trainers. He adjusts his glasses, carrying a large silver case with him. "Exzellent show, gentlemen. You really put ze crowd on fire today. My name is Edouard Grantt, a representative of Chateau Delmez. You may have heard of it, ze premier breeder's club of ze region. Leonardo, you fought hard and while you did not win ze finale I hope you enjoyed yourself," he says with a polite nod to the boy. "Here is your runner-up prize. Five thousand dollars and a coupon for our catalogue. We hope to be of service to you in ze future." Turning to the winner, he seizes his hand and shakes it with much aplomb. "Bryar, congratulations on your victorie today. It was hard-fought and you did quite well with your Bonsly. Ze Copycat strategie is classique. For you I have a hefty sum of ten thousand dollars, ze Exzellence Medal to prove your title and last but not least zis year's Mystery Prize..." He opens up the thick suitcase, revealing inside a freshly polished pokemon egg nestled in a plush velvet lining. "Zis egg is speciale, my boy. It has come from a faraway region and what it is? Well let us just leave zat as a surprise. After all, what is ze Mystery Prize without ze Mystery?" he adds with a grin and wink. "Ze case itself is also an incubator so you do not need anything speciale to take care of it. Just be careful and what it is inside will reveal itself to you with time." He hands Bryar an envelope and a small case which contain the prize money and medal, bows to the two of you once more and makes his way off stage hurriedly as the announcer wraps up his closing monologue to the shuffling crowd. "-end of the starting ceremonies for this year's Estin League Challenge! We hope to see you all again soon and don't forget to check out our Gift Shop for all your souvenir needs!"


After the tournament the trainers who had registered meet up at the Triumph Harbor Registration Hall. A bank of blonde-haired assistants stand behind a row of desks, each with a stack of forms in front of them. "Now that the tournament is over it is time to set up your challenge proper. Will you be heading out solo or as part of a group?" asks a tired-looking official. "There is nothing to lose or gain by taking on the gyms yourself or with friends except for bragging rights. Hotshots head over to the right, socialites to the left." he says, clearly bored with the routine. "If you have any questions, I probably have an answer."

2016-12-01, 07:53 PM
Bryar looks at the crowd, then at the almost undamaged Bonban. The small town hick pulls of his hat, sweeping it to the side as he takes a deep bow, which is instantly copied by the Bonsly, Bonban dipping low enough to nearly lose his balance. He'd known this tournament was going to be a piece of cake; hell, until the last Trainer nobody had even seemed to figure out that Bonban wasn't a Grass Type. If he stayed out for a little longer, maybe he could make even more...

As the bald man comes onto stage, Bryar dons his hat once more, nodding towards him as he gives his prize to Leo. When it's his turn, Bryar simply stands there awestruck, mouth half hanging open the whole while.

"Thank ye sir," the Trainer manages to stutter out, amazed at the amount of money in his hands. In all honesty, the Egg was a secondary focus at the moment: do you have any idea how much you can purchase with 10,000? To somebody that normally worked in the 10s and 20s, it was a nearly unfathomable amount of money.

Still, Bryar could never lose his composure for long. He calmly shakes hands with the bald man once again, bows to the crowd once more, then makes his way off stage, only just now beginning to wonder what could possibly be contained within the Egg.

As Bryar walks into the room to decide what he does in the future, he looks at his two options. On the one hand, he could move so quickly if he didn't have a party. On the other hand, he'd just won. Everybody here would want to party up with him, just to have a better chance at the Gyms. One of those had a lot of room to make money, the other not so much.

With a nod towards Bonban Bryar heads towards the group line, carefully holding his incubator as he walks.

2016-12-02, 01:32 AM
Zaharina Enbi

Zaha buries her indignation during the process of healing Hasami and collecting her runner-up prize, putting on a cheerful attitude to go schmooze with the crowd at the 'group' line; throwing out compliments and fashion tips, engaging in girl-talk, and subtly making sure everyone gets a good look at her outfit.
She does her best to give Bryar a wide berth.

Charm with an AP to work the crowd, maybe make a few connections now that could pay off in the unforseen future.

Oh yes, is there any TXP/PXP for us semifinalists? :3

big teej
2016-12-02, 10:30 AM
Leonardo enters the hall, somehow having found time between the award ceremony, having Loki healed, and arriving at close to the same time as everyone else to have changed from his barker's uniform into a well-taken care of, but threadbare outfit consisting of a maroon button-up shirt and black cargo pants. He looked around at the assembled trainers, his toothy grin replaced by a quieter smirk.

He walks up to the tired looking official and asks quietly. "Are we committed to one or the other? if I sign on with some fellow champs in the making, am I obliged to spend the entire season with them? or if I struck out on me own could I join up with a crew later?"

Regardless of the answer, Leo thanks the man and, baton twirling, moves over to the 'group registration' side of things, eyeing the crowd. He spots Bryar's hat moving through the crowd and is tempted to seek him out, but didn't see the point in trying to engage his fellow huckster amongst the flock.

He can't help but notice the one-girl bustle of activity moving through the crowd. "Curious sort." He mutters to nobody.

Leo waits for his turn to either fill out forms, be added to a group, or approached by someone from the crowd... who might be dissuaded by the faint buzzing of the baton twirling at speed in one hand.

2016-12-02, 10:25 PM
Jessie, disinterested in the tournament after her Pokemon's defeat, had wandered off to sulk peruse the vendors while the finalists hashed it out. Her mind wasn't really on the kitschy crap so much as it was on the battle; she'd done pretty well until she fought that goofy kid in the purple shirt, and losing so... thoroughly had rather demoralized her.

She wasn't used to losing, and found she rather disliked the taste of it.

She found herself at the edge of the crowd, surveying them with narrowed eyes and arms folded across her chest. Jessie heard the choices listed off, and while ordinarily she would have preferred to have gone it alone the tournament revealed the crippling weakness of having only one Pokemon with her. Still... that didn't mean she had to pick up some second-rate schmucks who would just hold her back. She wanted to hang out with people who were special. People who had potential. She couldn't stand boringly mediocre people.

"You," Jesabelle said as she thumped Bryar in the chest to get his attention, then jabbed a finger rudely close to his face. "You're going to come with me."

2016-12-02, 10:55 PM
"Now listen' here missie," Bryar says, grabbing the girl's hand and gently moving it away. "I don't think you're in any place to make demands,"" Bryar states, taking a step back as Bonban skips forward. "That said, I am lookin' for some companions. Keep me from gettin' too hored, you know? Why should I pick you?" the boy demands, his accent fading with every word. "Bonban is very particular 'bout the company he keeps," he states, the Bonsly nodding emphatically in agreement.

2016-12-03, 11:31 AM
Zaharina Enbi

In Zaha's course through the crowd, she comes face to face with Leo and greets him with a cheery smile.
"Hey! Congrats on making the finals! That outfit is, uh, quite the eyecatch! You're a performer, right? Who does your costumes?"

Although she doesn't seem particularly phased by the whirling baton, she does stand at a... safe distance, in case it should slip...

2016-12-03, 04:33 PM
The clerk sighs, staring blankly into space. "If you don't like your group you can come back and change to single. If you can't make it on your own and find a friend, same deal. Anything else?" He sighs again as Leonardo leaves, pulling out his phone and texting.


As the gathered trainers all move about the registration area a sudden burst of sultry guitar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur8lm97BMcA) punctuates the atmosphere. Sitting by the wall is a man in a crimson leather jacket, plucking his guitar next to its case which is propped open. A Roselia stands next to him, putting on a little dance show to his tune. He suddenly jumps to his feet, staring out into the crowd. "Trainers! If you wish to know which path you should walk, come to me, Antonio! I can help you discern the tangled web of fate which is so tenderly woven between us all. Let me aid you in finding your true path!"

2016-12-04, 08:37 AM
"That's easy," Jessie said with an air of unconsciously smug arrogance as she brushed an errant strand of hair back behind her ear. "I'm not making a demand, I'm stating a fact. You want people who won't hold you back. People who can keep up and challenge you." She grinned. "And the only people here who stand a ghost of a chance are you, me, and the two people we fought."

2016-12-04, 06:03 PM
"Challenge me?" Bryar states with an overconfident smirk. "Bonban came out of the fight 'gainst the guy that beat you without barely a scratch. You'll have to do better than that," Bryar states with a smirk. It wasn't an outright rejection, but he wasn't exactly impressed. Still, the girl had a point. Bryar found himself scanning the crowd for the girl he had battled the first time: if his Pokedex was right, that Sewaddle could help make Bonban an even more convincing Grass Type!

"I'm gonna go see what Mr. Music Man has to say," Bryar states, watching as Bonban begins waddling over towards the Roselia at a rapid pace. "Try to keep up," the boy states as he begins to expertly slip through the crowd.

2016-12-04, 11:04 PM
"You don't need to play stupid with me," Jessie said as she hustled alongside. He was playing games, and she wasn't keen on that. "You brought a Rock-type to a tournament where just about everything is neutral or weak to it. If that kid with the Snubbull hadn't been so stupid that he couldn't figure out you were copying his moves, he would've beaten you with Bite instead of messing around with trying to paralyze you or push you into a corner."

She started pointing out their other opponents. "The guy in the stupid suit who brought the Fletchling was too busy showing off to actually win, despite having all the type advantage. He had no excuse for not making it to the finals, 'cause Fletchlings are doombirds. The girl with the Nincada did okay, but she's obsessed with Bugs - there's no future in that. Bug Pokemon are weak, and she'd just be holding us back. And that kid I fought? He's watched too much anime. Thinks he's gonna be the next Pokemon Master, but this is the third year he's come here and lost horribly. He's too soft - he doesn't train his Pokemon, he just hangs out with them." She looked back up at Bryar. "So that just leaves the four of us as being the only trainers who stand a real chance at actually doing anything. The rest of these people are either dilettantes or talentless hacks."

Jesabelle didn't even bother speaking in an undertone as she cycled through the reasons why everyone around them was a failure as a trainer. They were practically nonentities to her now that she'd determined they weren't even good for the competition.

Jessie's easily the biggest bitch I've played, and that includes the racial-supremacist elf wizard who regarded humans as being something on par with dogs.
Honest, there's a pleasant side to her.

2016-12-05, 07:40 AM
"-then you will understand the power of teamwork. The cards have it, clear as day. You three are a perfect team!" Antonio exclaimed, strumming his guitar. The kids walked off together talking excitedly, charged with new enthusiasm for the league challenge. Quickly spotting Bryar on approach Antonio nodded to him, shuffling a deck of cards with one hand. "This year's winner! Congratulations on your victory." Seeing (and hearing) Jess hustling behind him he gives her a curt nod. "A semifinalist too. You did well in the fights, young lady. It is a shame your sharp tongue could not aid your Chimchar. Have you two come seeking advice or would you like me to play you something?"

big teej
2016-12-05, 10:08 AM
Zaharina Enbi

In Zaha's course through the crowd, she comes face to face with Leo and greets him with a cheery smile.
"Hey! Congrats on making the finals! That outfit is, uh, quite the eyecatch! You're a performer, right? Who does your costumes?"

Although she doesn't seem particularly phased by the whirling baton, she does stand at a... safe distance, in case it should slip...

The baton stops spinning and Leo takes a small bow. "Thank you. More of a Hype-Man than a performer myself, but I'm hoping that could change yet." He then looks a bit perplexed at the origin of his barker's uniform. He digs into his pack and checks the tag, it's been washed completely blank over the years. "Hm." he says and stands back up. "It would seem, that my uniform is a Estin's Traveling Extravaganza of the Magnifique and Bizarre original, and has been passed down from barker and ringmaster to concessions agents over the years, whoever can wear it best. Which would currently be me."

He tilts his head to the side, "why do you ask? Oh, name's Leonardo, by the way."

you know, you'd think, given how central it is to the character, I would have bothered to name the freaking circus he's from... but NOPE. I have not, in any capacity, given thought to that.... I am open to suggestions, otherwise, I'm going to change the name every time I reference it. :smallbiggrin:

@ Solaris - Jesabelle's hilarious though, don't change unless she grows.

2016-12-05, 10:56 AM
"You don't need to play stupid with me," Jessie said as she hustled alongside. He was playing games, and she wasn't keen on that. "You brought a Rock-type to a tournament where just about everything is neutral or weak to it. If that kid with the Snubbull hadn't been so stupid that he couldn't figure out you were copying his moves, he would've beaten you with Bite instead of messing around with trying to paralyze you or push you into a corner."

She started pointing out their other opponents. "The guy in the stupid suit who brought the Fletchling was too busy showing off to actually win, despite having all the type advantage. He had no excuse for not making it to the finals, 'cause Fletchlings are doombirds. The girl with the Nincada did okay, but she's obsessed with Bugs - there's no future in that. Bug Pokemon are weak, and she'd just be holding us back. And that kid I fought? He's watched too much anime. Thinks he's gonna be the next Pokemon Master, but this is the third year he's come here and lost horribly. He's too soft - he doesn't train his Pokemon, he just hangs out with them." She looked back up at Bryar. "So that just leaves the four of us as being the only trainers who stand a real chance at actually doing anything. The rest of these people are either dilettantes or talentless hacks."

Jesabelle didn't even bother speaking in an undertone as she cycled through the reasons why everyone around them was a failure as a trainer. They were practically nonentities to her now that she'd determined they weren't even good for the competition.

Jessie's easily the biggest bitch I've played, and that includes the racial-supremacist elf wizard who regarded humans as being something on par with dogs.
Honest, there's a pleasant side to her.

Bryar's grin only grows with every word Jessie says, culminating in a deep, honest laugh that threatens to never stop. The small town hick laughs hard enough to his hat to fall off, although Bonban manages to snag it like some strange, sentient coat rack. As we he wipes away a few mirthful tears, Bryar slides his hat back on, still chuckling slightly. He'd let the slight about the Snubbull slide because, frankly, the girl was entertaining.

"I'd be lying if I didn't say I agree," Bryar says jovially while idly straightening his hat. "I'm mighty pleased to not be counted as one of the talentless hacks," he adds, before turning to the guitarist. "But just sayin' why everybody else belong by the tail end of a Taruos doesn't mean you don't."

Still smirking from Jessie's tirade, Bryar focuses on the guitarist. He had no idea where to go from here other than forward, so whatever guidance the man could give would be appreciated.

"Why not both?" the hick asks, thinking back to the music played home. "You know Sweet Home Alomomola?"

2016-12-05, 08:30 PM
The baton stops spinning and Leo takes a small bow. "Thank you. More of a Hype-Man than a performer myself, but I'm hoping that could change yet." He then looks a bit perplexed at the origin of his barker's uniform. He digs into his pack and checks the tag, it's been washed completely blank over the years. "Hm." he says and stands back up. "It would seem, that my uniform is a Estin's Traveling Extravaganza of the Magnifique and Bizarre original, and has been passed down from barker and ringmaster to concessions agents over the years, whoever can wear it best. Which would currently be me."

He tilts his head to the side, "why do you ask? Oh, name's Leonardo, by the way."

"Woooow, an outfit with a legacy! You must take really good care of it, to keep it in such good shape! Shame about the colors. It's great to meet you, Leonardo! I'm Zaharina Enbi, of the Enbi Tailor Shop, but you can call me Zaha! You're looking for a team, right? Taking a break from the show circuit to tour the region?"

big teej
2016-12-06, 09:50 AM
Leonardo nods. "Good to know ya, Zaha. Please, call me Leo, or Lee, if you prefer." He looks around at the crowd of trainers. "A team? one could call it that. I am certainly seeking companionship for the circuit. Loki is part of the family, but an inspired conversationalist he certainly isn't." He pauses, considering how much to reveal of his true goals to Zaharina, "I am... hoping to collect some exciting pokemon, make a little of my own money." He decides the details aren't worth mentioning. "What about you? what's brought on all this?" He makes a sweeping gesture, meant to take in the entire circuit, not just the room.

2016-12-06, 11:42 AM
Zaha glances aside nervously. She anticipated having to answer that question eventually, but the moment itself still came as a bit of a shock.
"Ah, that's..."
In an instant she regains her composure, though to the trained eye, her bright smile this time holds a hint of sadness.
"Things have slowed down at home, so Hasami and I are taking the free time to get out and see the world! Gotta do things like that while you're young, right? If I study all the styles and fashions Estin has to offer, by the time I come home I'll be a master clothier!"

With a dancelike step that makes her kimono flutter, Zaha puts herself next to Leo and starts scanning the crowd.
"Alright, Leo! Let's find a couple more teammates and take Estin by storm! Got your eye on anyone? I met a boy with a cute Pikachu earlier; shame about the Rhyhorn run-in in the quarterfinals. Never aim for the horn..."

big teej
2016-12-06, 12:16 PM
"Hm...." Leonardo considers the crowd more closely, trying to pick out anyone who made an impression during the tournament. He twirls his baton idly, this time in a lazy arc instead of the buzzing blur of before. Nobody springs to mind... although I did hope to speak with the girl I fought in the semi-finals, I was hoping to speak with her about her pokemon and learn where she got it." He shrugs and looks at Zaharina "I suppose it's a place to start, at least. Seemed a bit... fiery tempered though."

2016-12-09, 01:39 PM
"I do, actually." Antonio says with a grin. "Picked that one up in the mountains about a year ago." He adjusts his strings a bit, reaching for a something in his guitar case. "You know this one can't be played properly without one of these." He holds up his find, angling it so the light hits it just right. It's a large scale with a rainbow design on it. "That's what I'm told, anyways." He plucks a few strings and starts strumming away (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOkKXepTWNw), the tune drawing a few more bystanders. "I've seen a few trainers coming and going through here without much direction. That is why I am here. To help them navigate the currents of fate. Carmen, get the cards, please." His Roselia picks up the deck of cards resting on the floor. "If you would like a reading, it will be one dollar."

2016-12-09, 01:47 PM
"Alrighty then," Bryar says with a bemused grin, pulling out a dollar. He'd just make $10,000; throwing away one wasn't going to hurt him, well, at all. Plus, hearing a familiar song didn't exactly put him in a bad mood. The fact that the man had a scale handy was convenient, but if he could supposedly see the future, well, he knew he'd need it, right?

Bryar chuckles to himself at that thought. If the man could see the future and his aspiration was to point Trainers in the right direction for a dollar, well, he wasn't really putting his talents to good use.

"TEll me what fate wants from me," Bryar says confidently, figuring it was a might bit better than just asking where he could make the biggest profit.

2016-12-09, 02:40 PM
Finishing his song up, to some applause and some cash in his guitar case no less, the musician sits down next to his Roselia. "Let us see what the cards say..." He draws one card from the deck, the Four of Diamonds. "I'm seeing prosperity in a group of four. If you plan on traveling with friends, that number seems to be your lucky one. The next card is... Hah. The Ace of Clubs. Notice how it looks like your Bonsly. This is a good omen for the two of you. Now, the final card. The Two of Hearts? Ohoho~ Perhaps there is also a little romance in your future, you lucky dog."

Actual screencap of random card results. Pretty fitting, no?

2016-12-10, 11:16 AM
Bryar nods with each of the cards, although his grin vanishes slightly at the last card. He didn't have time for romance; Bonban was the only important person he needed in his life! At least the cards recognized the Pokemon as his ace in the hole.

"Four, huh?" Bryar states, turning to look at Jessie. "You heard the man. Find two more that belong 'least five yards from a Tauros' rear," Bryar states before tipping his hat to the guitarist, trying to determine if he just made it up on the spot as he drew cards or had something more at play.

Intuition: [roll0]

2016-12-10, 11:01 PM
Zaharina Enbi

Zaha nods to Leo with a wink. Don't worry, just leave this one to me!"

The fashionista then hustles up and gives Jesabelle a friendly pat on the shoulder from behind. "Hey there! I love your hair - do you get it styled, or is that all you? We're looking for a couple more members for our Estin whirlwind tour! You look like a girl who knows her stuff; want in?"

2016-12-15, 02:55 PM
"Actually, I think the 2 of Hearts means the worst luck with romance..." Antonio says under his breath. "Oho! What have we here? Two more travelers seeking adventure? Why it is just as the cards said. It is even our Runner-Up and- Oh my." He leans his guitar against the wall, suddenly advancing towards Zaharina and gingerly taking her hand. "Such lovely colors! And the silk sash! I was hoping to get a closer look at this design! Where did you get this outfit miss..?"

2016-12-15, 11:28 PM
Zaharina Enbi

Zaha looks shyly aside, glancing back at the musician out of the corner of her eye, and even manages to blush a little. She squeezes his hand ever-so-slightly, to show that the gesture isn't entirely unwelcome for all its boldness.
It's all a calculated presentation, of course, but the best way to play a role is to make yourself feel it inside.

"Ah, such praise for my amateurish handiwork! You are too kind, sir guitarist! You'll find far superior designs at the Enbi Tailor Shop; in fact, I think my family has a few pieces on display that do proper justice to this fabric print... I could take your sizes now, if you might be interested~"

Her free hand is already reaching into a hidden pocket - slowly, so as not to divert attention from the main attraction - where she could as easily withdraw a rolled-up tape measure, a pair of scissors, or Hasami's pokeball, depending on where the situation turns. It's not as if she's never been hit on by creepy older men, but they've not caused her much trouble before, and she'd like to think she knows how to keep it that way.

2016-12-16, 05:21 AM
"The Enbi Tailor Shop, you say? I'll have to look them up." Antonio replies, giving the girl her hand back. "I have a similar garment I bought as a souvenir while in the Johto region which needs some repair after my Mawile chewed a hole in it, the naughty girl." Nodding to Leo bringing up the rear he returns to leaning against the wall, slinging his guitar back over his shoulder. "So we have our Final Four all together, all of them looking for powerful allies to challenge the Estin League... I was just telling these two that four is a prosperous number for them, just as the cards predicted." He shuffles his deck theatrically. "The cards never lie."

2016-12-16, 12:27 PM
"I suppose that settles it then," Bryar states, Bonban nodding beside him. "If the two of ya wanna join up, I won't complain," Bryar says, Bonban continuing to nod like some kind of broken toy. "Whatcha say? The four best join up?"

It wasn't that he was horribly superstitious, but Jesabelle had made a good point. Out of everybody here, these four were the least incompetent, meaning that they were far and away the best choices to join up with. And, maybe, just maybe, that tailor girl could help him get a better Grass-Type costume for Bonban.

big teej
2016-12-16, 12:54 PM
Leonardo looks around the room at the other trainers. Lanita, the would-be Bug Master, is the only one that sticks out to him. His knowing smirk glows into a toothy grin. He looks back at Bryar and says "It almost doesn't seem fair... I'm all for it!" Provided everyone is on board with the plan, he gestures towards the registry with his baton and asks "Shall we?"

2016-12-16, 04:27 PM
Bryar takes his hat off in a wide sweeping motion, giving Leo the go ahead to sign them up, a sly grin on his face.

big teej
2016-12-17, 04:41 PM
Leo, expression unchanged, shrugs and turns on his heel and approaches the nearest petty functionary with a clipboard and signs up the group. "Do we need to hang around for anything now that we're registered as a group? or are we good and we can go start our journey?"

2016-12-18, 05:35 PM
Jessie, taken aback at the question about why she ought to be in the group - it was simultaneously completely obvious to her and touched a nerve at her own insecurities - blushed furiously at the mention of romance.

Emphasis on furious.

"Waste of money," she muttered angrily, though far less demonstrative in her upset than she ordinarily would have been. Her tone was low enough that it was easy to miss in the chatter and din of the excited young trainers plotting their future careers as Pokemon Masters. "Everyone knows fortune-telling and psychic powers are all fakes and frauds, anyways," she grumbled.

Jesabelle was about to tell Bryar she'd already told him who should be in the group when the very same pair walked up to them. Well, one of them patted her on the shoulder, at least.
The irony of the occurrence was completely lost on her.

She grinned at the other girl's compliment; although Jessie would never admit it to anyone, she was quite vain about her hip-length hair and the time she put into making it look good in its Kalosian braid. "Oh, I do it myself," she said as she brushed an errant bang back behind her ear. "I was the only girl on dad's ranch, so I kind of had to learn how."

"I don't see why we need to wait around," Jessie declared at Leo's question. "The sooner we get going, the less chance there is one of these losers accidentally beats us to a rare Pokemon."

2016-12-19, 08:17 PM
Zaharina Enbi

"Oh, I do it myself," she said as she brushed an errant bang back behind her ear. "I was the only girl on dad's ranch, so I kind of had to learn how."

"That's incredible! You could go into hairdressing if you wanted to, you know - after we challenge the Estin League, of course!"

With things well underway for their departure, Zaharina lets the more... bombastic members take the lead on paperwork and soforth. She hangs back, quietly studying her three new teammates and considering how to upgrade their styles. She'll follow along once it's time to hit the road, wherever they decide to go.

Rolling Intuition to either:
A: learn something interesting about each of the other three?
B: get a wishlist of Fashionista or Crystal Artificer accessories you might want?
Entirely voluntary, of course. If you've no explicit preferences, Zaha will probably decide on gifts herself when she has enough materials.

The roll... [roll0]

big teej
2016-12-21, 10:09 AM
Looking at Jesabelle, Leonardo raises his arms in a wide shrug. "Could be expected of us. You know, some grand send off, a starter pistol, some extravagant fanfare for the occasion.... a chance for the gym leaders to check out the group? But, if you want to head on out, by all means, lead on Major." He winks at her.

2016-12-27, 12:53 PM
"Uhm, I only just started here yesterday. Let me, uh... ask my manager?" the freckle-faced teen says awkwardly in response to Leo's question. He shuffles off to another floor receptionist, who points him towards the same apathetic worker from before. After a few seconds of chatter they both head back over. The shaggy blonde-haired man looks at Leo and sighs heavily. "You again? I guess you're all ready to get out there. If each of you are in a group I'll need to see your dexes." Taking them from each of you he slots them into his laptop and hands them back one by one. After a few seconds of typing he turns the screen around, showing that all four of you are now officially registered as a challenge group. "There. Now you guys are in. This also syncs up your pokedex records in real-time and lets you use our secure messaging client to communicate when you split up. If you have any more problems, please hesitate to ask..." he says with an irritated tone and returns to doing nothing on the other side of the room.

The newbie assistant blushed with embarassment. "He's... kind of a jerk. I'm sorry. You guys are free to head out though. There's no fancy ceremony or anything. That was the tournament, y'know. Get the people excited for pokemon league stuff. It's still a pretty new concept after all. Not everyone was onboard for the idea when it started a few years ago, like th-"

"Hey! You don't get paid to gossip! Get back to work!" The annoyed floor manager is staring daggers in your direction. "Oh, y-yes sir! Sorry guys, gotta go. Good luck on your challenge and if you have questions try asking Mei!" the assistant says with a nervous smile as he scurries off.

2016-12-27, 05:25 PM
Jessie waited with as close a semblance to patience as she could muster while they processed paperwork and Pokedexes, self-consciously playing with her hair while she practically vibrated with suppressed excitement and energy.

"See?" she demanded of Leo after the teen returned their 'dexes and answered the question. "No stupid fanfare! Kids get Pokemon all the time, it's not a big deal. Let's go and make ourselves big deals!"

And with that, she spun on her heel and headed for the door. "Come on! Laziness is weakness of character, you know!" she announced as she marched out without so much as checking to see if the others were following her.

The only jewelry or decoration Jesabelle appears to indulge in is the choker she wears on her neck. The choker has a rose at the throat. The rest of her garb is more utilitarian than stylish, right on down to her footwear being work shoes and jeans being suspiciously stained at the knees and cuffs. Her only readily-apparent vanity seems to be her hair.

2016-12-27, 05:55 PM
Bryar tips his hat to the assistant as he scurries off, glad for the help. Well, that made his job significantly easier, right? All he had to do was head out and show everybody that he was the best Trainer around. He slowly turns towards the door, sticking a hand up to wave as his back becomes turned to the crowd, only for Jessie to storm past him, knocking the boy off balance.

"Well tha's not gonna get annoying," Bryar says, continuing to stroll towards the door at a leisurely pace so that Bonban could easily keep up. "How's about we let 'er go ahead and see how long 'til some Wild Pokemon eat her face off," the hick says, drawing a rolling chuckle from Bonban.

Bryar doesn't seem to be particularly interested in clothes or fashion, besides his large, gaudy hat that seems to be glued to his head. However, you do get the feeling that he'd appreciate anything that would help Bonban look more like a Grass Type, no matter the cost.

That being said, Bryar's clothes are threadbare and basic to the point of poverty. While it doesn't seem to bother him, they could certainly use an upgrade, although you get the feeling he wouldn't appreciate anything particularly flashy, but a pair of jeans without holes could certainly help.

2016-12-28, 12:13 AM
Zaharina smiles for the cranky manager and tries to make the assistant's job as pleasant as she can.
While the others are in processing, she retrieves a small notebook from somewhere in her voluminous sleeves (it has a cutesy floral print) and starts jotting things down. She remains absorbed in it while mindlessly following the party out into the wide world, until she notices that her slow pace has left her side by side with Bryar.

For a moment she considers trying to catch up to Jessie, but quickly concludes that leaving her new teammate behind is just in bad taste, even if he rubs her the wrong way at present. Instead, she pockets the notebook, gives him a once-over while bracing herself, and makes an attempt at small talk!

"Bryar... Thunderson, right? So, what does your family do? Did you become a trainer to help the family business, or maybe hoping to start one of your own?"

As an accomplished conman, Bryar can probably tell that Zaha's making a concerted effort to be amiable - and the facade comes naturally to her - but beneath that is a genuine desire to bridge the gap her first impression created, now that they'll be teammates for the long haul.

big teej
2016-12-28, 02:13 AM
Leonardo lengthens his stride to catch up to Jesabelle, mischief on the mind. As he passes Bryar and Zaharina, he looks over his shoulder and offers "Don't fall too far behind lads an' lassies, The Major seems awfully keen. But there's no need for our dear major without the band in tow ey? ey? aye." His face disappears behind a toothy smile and he moves on up to Jesabelle.

Catching up to Jessie, he slows down to match her pace and spins his baton in a habitual, buzzing whirl. His toothy grin is still locked in place. "So Major, what's the scheme? If kiddos like ourselves ain't nothin' special for having Pokemon to our name... what's your plan for turning something that ain't so big a deal, into a big enough deal for you?"

He pounds the ground with his baton twice. "Also, no need for our dear Major if she leaves the band behind." he gestures back towards Bryar and Zaharina.

Leo is deliberately nit-picking at Jessie's choice of words, trying to get a glimpse under the hood and see what makes her tick. He is, in fairness, trying to use a non-antagonistic tone.

also kinda assumed based on other posts that Jessabelle had gotten a decent distance away from us.

2016-12-28, 02:52 AM
"Hell nah," Bryar says emphatically at Zaharina's question. "My pa, oddly enough, mines Thunderstones, just like half the other folk in that craphole of a town I grew up in. Plan is get rich, go back and gloat a bit, then never see that place again," Bryar says jovially, as if he was talking about the weather. "What aboutchu? You aimin' to send some of yer winnings home?"

It wasn't that Bryar had any particular interest in Zaharina's life but, well, might as well get to know your allies, right?

2016-12-29, 06:04 PM
"It's easy," Jessie said with a blithe grin. "We beat everyone."

It's difficult to tell whether or not she's joking, or even aware of the absurdity of her statement. There exists the spine-chilling possibility that she is completely serious.

"Pokemon trainers are gauged by how strong they are, which is itself judged by who they can beat. Who we can beat is predicated upon how strong our Pokemon are, so first we need to get the strongest Pokemon and train them up to be even stronger! You're from around here, right? Where can we find the strongest Pokemon? We need to catch them to win!"

Nietzche's line about gazing into the abyss seems appropriate here. She's kind of oblivious to others, which works both ways - it's rather difficult to offend Jessie, although her calling someone an idiot isn't exactly out of the question.

big teej
2016-12-29, 06:36 PM
Despite his best efforts to hide any nonverbal 'tells' in response to Jessabelle's goal, one eyebrow noticeably quirks up. He looks away and coughs. "It has... a certain direct charm." He shrugs and twirls his baton lazily around his fingers. "Sorry Major, I've never been anywhere for more than a fortnight or so. I couldn't begin to tell you where to what you're looking for."

He tilts his head to the side, considering the brash girl beside him. He shrugs and decides to risk it. "So tell me, what happens after you've beaten everybody?" He mentally adds "if you can." He decides to leave the bigger questions for later.

2016-12-29, 08:24 PM
Jesabelle shrugged, perhaps a glimmer of sanity showing through as she took on a momentarily thoughtful expression. After a moment, she answered: "Then I find something else to do. If it happens that quickly, then just anybody could do it and I don't want to do something that just anybody can do. Being like everybody else, doing things that ordinary, everyday people can do is just boring!"

2016-12-30, 11:18 PM
"Hell nah," Bryar says emphatically at Zaharina's question. "My pa, oddly enough, mines Thunderstones, just like half the other folk in that craphole of a town I grew up in. Plan is get rich, go back and gloat a bit, then never see that place again," Bryar says jovially, as if he was talking about the weather. "What aboutchu? You aimin' to send some of yer winnings home?"

It wasn't that Bryar had any particular interest in Zaharina's life but, well, might as well get to know your allies, right?

"That's... too sad! Not having anywhere to belong... There has to be at least someone who'll miss you, right?"

"I'm not just sending money home. I'm sending... the world! Cheap imitations and mass production have made too many people forget the value of quality craftsmanship, so I'm gonna to take the Enbi name to the national stage and make everyone see what they're missing!"

"Incidentally, you, uh... Listen, it'd be bad if I let my teammates go around with their clothes about to fall apart at the seams, so as soon as I get a chance to buy some fabric, let me make you something special. Call it a victory prize, if you want. What kind of style would you like, hm?

2017-01-01, 11:40 PM
Bryar is momentarily offended by Zaharina's proposition, but then he bothers to look himself over. He'd been wearing the same three sets of clothes since he left his town, and it definitely showed.

"No problem," Bryar states. "And I'm not too picky 'bout the particulars, but keep it simple? Like clothes I can rough up a bit," he says simply. "They can look nice, but they better be hikable," he adds. "I don' mind lending you a bit for the clothes, but don't splurge on 'em Zaharina," Bryar requests, struggling slightly to get the name through his accent.

"Mind if I just call you Z? Would make my life a bit easier," Bryar requests sheepishly, looking more at Bonban than the girl.

2017-01-03, 12:08 PM
As the group heads out of the registration lobby the surroundings become abruptly more wild. The town of Victory Harbor is known for its preservation of natural wildlife. As the newly-formed quartet walk and talk following the path back to Route Zero a strange pokemon suddenly bursts out from the clump of bushes! Its metallic blue body float in midair, a single large red eye staring directly at the group. "BEL- BELDUM!" it cries angrily, blocking your path.

big teej
2017-01-04, 11:18 AM
Leonardo's eyes light up as the floating mechano-arm pokemon blocks their path. "Excuse me for a moment Major, this one seems an excitable sort, and I do so want to entertain."

He releases Loki and instructs him "We want this one, but end it quickly."

Loki growls in acknowledgement and then dashes forward, running headfirst (http://orokos.com/roll/472060) into the Beldum!

I assumed Loki and Leo would have initiative.
Leonardo releases Loki! (Shift)
Leonardo gives Focused Orders (Standard)
Loki moves into range (if needed)
Loki used HeadButt!: 7 to hit! (http://orokos.com/roll/472060)
it did 29 Damage! (http://orokos.com/roll/472061) (before Def and Type Resistance)

sorry for the orokos confusion, I was halfway through typing my post when it dawned on me I was probably going to kill it. I figured since I hadn't hit post yet, it was fair game to change my planned attack.

2017-01-04, 12:28 PM
The Beldum is knocked back by Loki's attack but is barely damaged. It narrows its mono-eye and rockets forward in retaliation!

This is gonna hurt!
ATK: [roll0]
DMG: 37

18+ roll means Loki is tripped and Beldum is not.

big teej
2017-01-04, 01:25 PM
Leonardo cringes when Loki lands in the dust. Mercifully, the little fire-type quickly rises to its feet and leaps, teeth first, onto the beldum, embers dribble out of its mouth as it clamps on growling in frustration as it tries to find purchase.

"Loki! get clear!" Leonardo orders, Loki immediately lets go and drops so his trainer can peg the beldum in the eye with a pokeball.

Leonardo Delays his action to Initiative 6
- Conditional: if need be, he'll spend an AP for Fast-Pitch to get his turn in before Beldum goes.
Loki stands up (shift)
Loki uses Fire-Struggle! 8 to hit! (http://orokos.com/roll/472075)
it did 21 Fire Typed Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/472076)before DEF and Type Effectiveness
Leonardo uses Curve Ball! 8 to-hit (http://orokos.com/roll/472077)
it dealt 17 (http://orokos.com/roll/472078) damage before DEF and type resistance

Capture Roll: 7 (http://orokos.com/roll/472080) + whatever else I'm supposed to add.


so... I hadn't realized it, but when I got my new laptop I didn't get all the playtest packets back, I don't know what all goes into the 1d20 capture roll. I prefer the d100 myself, so I haven't looked at it in awhile. :smalltongue:

2017-01-04, 02:21 PM
Bryar looks at the lion flailing against the Steel Type with some amusement, idly scanning the Beldum with his Pokedex. For some reason, Bryar doubted that Pokeball would have any effect; after all, why the hell would something as rare as a Beldum be floating around here? It had to belong to somebody, right?

2017-01-04, 03:07 PM
Weathering the Litleo's second assault the Beldum rears back to ram it again but is suddenly blinded by a fast-pitch pokeball to the eye. "BEL! BELDUM-DUM!" it cries, reeling from the impact. The pokeball falls idly to the ground. The steel pokemon glared at Leonardo furious and teary-eyed before speeding off into the brush. A few moments later you hear a woman's voice from farther behind you. "Markov! Markov? I swear I heard him over here... Did he- Oh!" she starts, noticing the group. "Hey, have you four seen a Beldum? I've swear I heard him over this way."

2017-01-04, 03:10 PM
Bryar has to stifle a laugh as the woman comes out after the Beldum flees, giving Leo an amused look.

"Sorry mam, haven't seen anythin' but bushes," the boy says, lying coming naturally to him. "We'd be willin' to help you look though, right?" he adds with a pointed look at Leo.

Guile: [roll0]

big teej
2017-01-05, 09:38 AM
Of. Course. Leonardo thinks to himself. face disappears behind a toothy grin and he says to the woman. "We'd be overjoyed to help reunite you with your missing companion, one might question how he got loose in the first place, it might help track him down, you said his name was... Markov?"

piling onto Bryar's statement

Guile 12 (http://orokos.com/roll/472369)

2017-01-08, 06:51 PM
Jessie paused a moment, realizing what the two were doing. That was something she simply could not stand for - the capture attempt was an honest mistake, but outright lying to someone looking for their Pokemon was simply unconscienable! "Markov... that little Beldum?" She pointed in the direction it went. "It looked like it had gotten into a fight with some knucklehead or something, so it's probably hiding scared."

2017-01-12, 01:59 PM
The woman looks confusedly between Jessie and the boys. "Oh, so you have seen him? I thought they said... Nevermind. I appreciate the help." Rummaging around in the bag slung over her shoulder, she hands Jessie a small device with a large screen. "This should help narrow down his location. I need to find him as soon as possible. He's an invaluable part of my research, which is probably why those ruffians broke into my lab."

2017-01-14, 09:19 AM
Bryar looks at Jessie in annoyance, snorting as she's handed the device. Still, it was a job, right?

"Sorry, did ya say ruffians miss? Were ya robbed?"

big teej
2017-01-14, 10:56 AM
Leonardo rests his chin on Jessie's shoulder and looks at the contraption she's been handed. We might have to have ourselves a troupe meetin' about that Major. He whispers.

Then, on to business. "any idea how to work that gizmo Major?"

Loki, for his part, looks around somewhat confused, and trots over and looks up at Leonardo, awaiting further instructions.

2017-01-14, 12:00 PM
The agitated woman nods to Bryar. "I was working on an important project; a pokemon translator. It is a device based on Beldum's unique physiognomy, but with some modifications I hypothesize it could be adapted to function universally I was making some real progress in..." The woman trails off, snapping back to the problem at hand. "Oh, I got a little carried away. We should focus on finding Markov. My name's Mei, by the way." Following introductions she motions to Leo and Jessie. "All you've gotta do is follow the signal on that screen. It's keyed to Markov's collar. The closer you get the faster it beeps. Simple enough. Now, I have another favor to ask. I... kinda ran out without grabbing and of my pokemon so... would two of you come with me? I don't want to run into those thugs again unarmed."

2017-01-14, 07:26 PM
The agitated woman nods to Bryar. "I was working on an important project; a pokemon translator. It is a device based on Beldum's unique physiognomy, but with some modifications I hypothesize it could be adapted to function universally I was making some real progress in..." The woman trails off, snapping back to the problem at hand. "Oh, I got a little carried away. We should focus on finding Markov. My name's Mei, by the way." Following introductions she motions to Leo and Jessie. "All you've gotta do is follow the signal on that screen. It's keyed to Markov's collar. The closer you get the faster it beeps. Simple enough. Now, I have another favor to ask. I... kinda ran out without grabbing and of my pokemon so... would two of you come with me? I don't want to run into those thugs again unarmed."

"We'd be happy to 'blige," Bryar states, looking to Leo. "How 'bout the finalists help you back. Only the best," Bryar says with a dirty look at Jessie and an apologetic one at Zaharina. "Now, how 'bout we get you back so we can help find tha' Beldum."

2017-01-14, 08:12 PM
Zaharina blushes slightly in response to Bryar's apologetic look. There might be a bit of irritation masked by that coy tinge...

At some convenient point, Zaha will appear at Mei's elbow. "Oh, your sleeve... Please, allow me."
Speaking softly, and without waiting for consent, she starts stitching up a spot where a stray twig must have caught and torn Mei's outfit. The thread isn't quite perfectly matched to the cloth, but sets off an agreeable contrast.

Intuition as a crafting roll for good measure (since cooks use it for their art):

Still in "background" mode, just a small interjection to prove Zaha and I are still here~

big teej
2017-01-15, 12:59 AM
Leonardo's face disappears behind his toothy grin. His scrunched up eyes slide between the two girls. "Sounds about right." he says.

He'll swing within whispering distance of Zaharina on his way to follow Mei. "Stay safe." He looks like he wants to say more, but shakes his head and moves on.

"Are those rough-types also chasing your pokemon, or simply after you ma'am?" He asks Mei

2017-01-16, 05:39 AM
Jessie's eyes narrowed at Leonardo's statement and gross violation of her personal space, shoving him off of and shrugging her shoulder away from him. Her expression was one of barely concealed revulsion as she stepped away. Oh yes, a conversation about propriety and being a decent human being seemed definitely in order here. On that point she certainly agreed with the slimy little man.

Jesabelle took a deep breath as the trio departed, then looked to Zaharina. "We'd better get moving, too. That thing's only getting more distance on us while we sit around. Let's let the boys handle the easy part; we'll do the job that actually requires brains."

Jessie's shoving in a 'get off of me' kind of way, not a 'try to knock you on your ass' kind of way.

2017-01-16, 09:06 PM
Zaharina's eyes light up at Jessie's proposal. She speaks in a hushed voice, just loud enough to be easily overheard by anyone who would find that convenient to themselves (that is, not very quiet at all).

"Hasami and I can weave a trap for everyone else to steer Markov into...! It's brilliant! Okay, just tell me where to go!"

A Stealth roll just to see how hilariously bad this could be:

And a pair of rolls for the picking of ambush locations, though I'm sure someone else would be better at this than Zaha:
Survival: [roll1]
Guile: [roll2]

What kind of terrain is available for the weaving of spiderweb traps? Like, dense foliage, trees, things like that?
Of course, Zaha might have trouble getting close enough to the spot to help Hasami; just have to toss her Pokeball and hope for the best!

2017-01-21, 11:42 AM
Jessie nodded, letting her own Pokemon out of his Pokeball; Son Goku could be helpful in chasing the little lost Pokemon, and the little ape was definitely more at home in the woods than the humans were.

And then her brain had to go and disquiet her by pointing out something... unpleasant.

"A thought occurs to me," she remarked when she looked at her Chimchar. "Why did Markov run away? I mean, the lady said it was a couple of thugs that scared it off, but she also said she's experimenting on it. Maybe it doesn't want to be part of the experiment?"