View Full Version : Fantasy job, Looks good job, and Real job?

2016-11-22, 10:28 PM
To keep hours/pay out of consideration, let's say that you work from 1500 to 3000 hours a year for the median pay in your area, or for what you're currently paid.

For "fantasy job", it can be something that only one in ten million people do (superstar athlete, successful web comic author, etc.), for a "that looks like it would be good job", maybe something that one in ten thousand do (bus driver, teacher etc.), and for real job, maybe your actual job (or just one you did for a long time).

My "fantasy" job: Astronaut,

My "that looks good" job: Librarian,

And I've been a plumber for 16 years.

How about you?

2016-11-22, 10:36 PM
I'll play.

Fantasy job: martial arts instructor--get paid to do something I love, and stay in shape.

Looks good job: artist--the kind that actually makes a comfortable living off it and still enjoys what he does.

Real job: sociopath. Er, I mean interaction with vendors in the purchasing phase of sales order fulfillment. So yeah, I'm going to stick with "sociopath".

2016-11-22, 10:46 PM
Fantasy job: famous author - famous enough that a small-to-medium sized fanbase would recognize me, and maybe a book would be optioned for a miniseries.

Looks good job: federal government employee. I hear they have excellent benefits.

Real job: Copy editor. I proofread owner's manuals.

2016-11-23, 03:57 AM
It's like asking "what do you want to be when you grow up," except we're all grown up and miserable! Yay!

Fantasy job: WotC game designer.

Looks good job: I would actually like to go into teaching at some point - either physics or design & technology - but also, teachers are not 1-in-10,000 (http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Education/Teachers-as-percentage-of-labor-force). In Iceland, they're more than 1-in-13!

Real job: M&E engineer. I'm basically a person who manages plumbers.

2016-11-23, 04:23 AM

Fantasy job: Twitch Streamer. Play games all day/do what you want all day and get paid by the people who watch you? Yes please.

Looks good job: I uh... I dunno. I think a looks good job is what I'm looking for right now, and I have no idea what that is.

Real job: Meat/Seafood Grocery Retail Clerk. I hate my job, I hate my boss, and I want out. I want out so badly.

2016-11-23, 05:29 AM
Fantasy: Cryptozoologist and folkbiologist.
Looks good/borderline fantasy: Collection management and exhibition design in a combination scientific and cultural museum.
Real: Audio transcriber for court cases.

2016-11-23, 06:38 AM
Fantasy job: Airframe driver
Looks good job: Successful game developer
Real Job: Part of the Chair-borne division, assisting IBM business partners and to an equal degree my own colleagues, so perhaps more accurately helping my colleagues to help the business partners.

2016-11-23, 10:14 AM
My fantasy job: Space scientist

My that looks good job: Space scientist

My real job: CPAP technician in my brother's CPAP store. Also, "CPAP Technician" is a fake title. It's just a guy who works in a DME that knows about CPAP. After like 7 years here, though, I know more than anyone would ever want to about this stuff.

Looks good job: federal government employee. I hear they have excellent benefits.

There are two types of Federal Blue Cross insurance, so far as I've seen. Both are jaw-droppingly good, especially these days. Other benefits, I can't speak to specifically, but I also hear very good things (father-in-law works for NASA).

2016-11-23, 10:20 AM
Fantasy job: Writer

Looks good job: Teacher in elementary school

Real job: Insurance broker (I manage worldwide insurance programs covering assets and revenues of major French companies)

2016-11-23, 04:33 PM
Fantasy Job: Guy in the Godzilla suit.

Looks Good Job: Teacher

Real Job: Supervisor with Child Protective Services (actually, does that look good?)

2016-11-23, 06:27 PM
Fantasy job: Researcher somewhere in the fields of cognition, learning, linguistics, culture and the brain. Writer in the side.

"Looks good" job: Dance instructor/dance therapist

Real job: Translator & proofreader (in the side of my studies)

Honestly, I'll probably do something artistic in the side no matter what my primary job becomes and my primary job can become pretty much anything though I don't particularly need an awful lot of money so I'd rather do something productive. It's fully possible that I'll go on to become a dance instructor (our instructor claimed that out of the people on our level, about 50% go on to become professional teachers after a stint in competitive dance) and that would of course look awesome on the outside, and wouldn't be that bad far as preferences go either, but ultimately I want to do something more to advance our collective understanding of ourselves and existence, preferably through helping other people learn more easily and efficiently by understanding the underlying processes involved in our learning and how to manipulate them to do our bidding.

Ultimately, it's highly likely that I'll get to do something I want once I graduate, mostly because a lot of my dream jobs are actually fairly realistic for someone of my persuasion and education. Or I could just become a politician and waste my life away trying to make a difference while earning ridiculous paychecks.

2016-11-23, 07:40 PM
This is interesting.

Fantasy job: author (games, (graphic-)novels,...)

Looks-good job: Social worker in a youth club

Real job: Social worker in a youth club

Yes, I like my job and am not ashamed to admit it. Okay, pay could be better. But I get to play RPG's and being paid for it, how cool is this?!

2016-11-23, 07:47 PM
To keep hours/pay out of consideration, let's say that you work from 1500 to 3000 hours a year for the median pay in your area, or for what you're currently paid.

For "fantasy job", it can be something that only one in ten million people do (superstar athlete, successful web comic author, etc.), for a "that looks like it would be good job", maybe something that one in ten thousand do (bus driver, teacher etc.), and for real job, maybe your actual job (or just one you did for a long time).

My "fantasy" job: Astronaut,

My "that looks good" job: Librarian,

And I've been a plumber for 16 years.

How about you?

My "fantasy" job: Air Force Jet Pilot

My "that looks good" job: Computer Programmer (Fantasy: That only has to work 40 hours a week max)

Current Job: Tech Support over the phone.

2016-11-23, 09:52 PM
Fantasy job: Indie Game Developer

looks good job: Indie Game developer.

Real job: Home service IT guy in sub-poverty. "Hello. Have you tried turning it off and on again? Is it plugged in? You're welcome." (Usually followed by "Crap, I can't bill for that.")

I'm planning on making the "real job" column read the same as the other two once I get closer to the end of my physical therapy. :smallbiggrin:

2016-11-24, 05:35 AM
Fantasy job: TV show or video game writer. Figure I would work best in collaboration, always have before. We are a pack of wannabe writers, aren't we?

Looks-good job: Full-time trivia show host (did this for four years part-time, gave it up when I became a family man and got a full-time job. Also wrote some of the questions, but that was a bit less fun after the first couple thousand)

Real-life job: Trainer for the cards department of a credit union. Not bad work; I enjoyed myself more when I worked card fraud directly, but this still keeps me connected to my old team and the pay is way better.

2016-11-24, 05:41 AM
Fantasy job: Billionaire fantasy novelist a la JK Rowling.
Looks Good Job: Librarian
Real job: Electronics retail worker at a local Walmart. :smallsigh:

2016-11-25, 01:39 AM
Fantasy job: Artificial Intelligence expert with a ton of research funds, probably employed at a major university.

Looks good job: Programmer.

Actual job: Student. :smalltongue:

Brother Oni
2016-11-25, 07:22 AM
Fantasy Job: "Freelance Security Consultant". It would be short but fun while it lasted.

Looks Good Job: RAC officer. Get to drive tanks, travel the world, meet interesting people and turn them into a fine red mist with HESH.

Actual Job: Dealing with people who appear to have downloaded their degree from an online university which is slowly turning me into a misanthropic sociopath Analytical Development Support scientist

2016-11-25, 09:31 AM
Umm... is it bad that I have the same for all three categories? :smalleek: Although currently I'm a student, but I'm high likely to get in an internship at a place I can really see as my future place of work, especially if I do well with my time there. (The particular place actually hasn't been built to completeion yet, but there is still ground work and some research do).

The place has to do with information and digital database services from a pedagogic perspective.

2016-11-25, 04:25 PM
Umm... is it bad that I have the same for all three categories? :smalleek: Although currently I'm a student, but I'm high likely to get in an internship at a place I can really see as my future place of work

Not to be negative about it or anything, but that means that your "current job" is not, in fact, the same as the other two. It's hopefully soon to be.

2016-11-25, 06:19 PM
Not to be negative about it or anything, but that means that your "current job" is not, in fact, the same as the other two. It's hopefully soon to be.

Shhh, shhhh, don't tell that to my hope filled student brain... :smalltongue:

2016-11-25, 07:19 PM
Shhh, shhhh, don't tell that to my hope filled student brain... :smalltongue:

In that case, it's GREAT to have the answers to all three be the same (and a few of us here are clearly working towards that). Go you!

Domino Quartz
2016-11-25, 11:45 PM
Fantasy Job: Successful Indie Game Developer
"Looks good" Job: Software Developer / Web Developer
Current Job: Unpaid Intern at a software development company

2016-11-26, 12:44 AM
Fantasy Job: Programmer with 40 hour work week OR Successful Artist
Looks Good Job: IT drone with 40 hour work week
Current Job: Cashier at a craft store

Prince Zahn
2016-11-26, 02:26 AM
Fantasy job: Singer/songwriter who can at least sing and play an instrument to sustain himself.
Looks good job: Clinical Psychologist. Even though I'm putting aside my opportunity to learn psychology to study Behavioural science next year, instead. it's mostly psychology but I can't start a clinic with it, but there are more career options with just a B. A. though.
Real job: sales clerk at a supermarket / pharmacy chain. I'm not a pharmacist though so I can't talk medicine. I've been praised for my good service with customers and at the cash register, but relatively slow with instrumental tasks like arranging shelves and bringing in new goods. It's not a fun job but the people I work with are awesome. And minimum wage is a godsend after two years of volunteer work.

2016-11-26, 06:29 PM
Umm... is it bad that I have the same for all three categories? :smalleek: Although currently I'm a student, but I'm high likely to get in an internship at a place I can really see as my future place of work, especially if I do well with my time there. (The particular place actually hasn't been built to completeion yet, but there is still ground work and some research do).

The place has to do with information and digital database services from a pedagogic perspective.

you lucky *badword* :smalltongue:

Fantasy Job: Successful Author/Creator

Looks Good Job: Vet?

Current Job: Designated Horse-watcher/canary

2016-11-27, 12:45 AM
Fantasy Job: Historical accuracy advisor for movies and tv shows.
Looks good: state department or department of the interior employee.
Real job: social studies teacher.

Angelika Tatsu
2016-11-27, 01:10 AM
Fantasy Job: Actress/Model, Advocater/Spokesperson for Equal Rights
Looks Good Job: Retail
Real Job: unemployed

2016-11-27, 03:29 AM
Fantasy job: basically any of my hobbies but for a living (author, songwriter, professional video game streamer etc.)
LG job: R&D in chemistry
Real job: nah m8 I'm sixteen

2016-11-27, 05:03 AM
Fantasy job: I mean in most of my fantasies, I wouldn't have a job. I would just be rich. So trust-fund kid.
Looks good job: I taught adult education classes while in college, and discovered I'm actually a pretty good teacher. I'd love to keep doing that, getting to teach people who actually want to learn, but at a way higher salary than I made back then.
Real job: Application engineer for a medium-sized engineering sales firm. Basically I'm glorified tech support for the products we sell. I really don't like it at all, but it pays the bills.

2016-11-27, 06:20 AM
Fantasy Job: Historical accuracy advisor for movies and tv shows.

Love it! Like a professional nit-picker!

Real job: nah m8 I'm sixteen

I'm 12 years old and what is a job? :smalltongue: