View Full Version : In play what is better

Sir cryosin
2016-11-23, 02:01 PM
So I was thinking of magic missile and hex so here is the set up. cast hex then Eldritch blast. Then next turn set up 5th lv bestow curse then Eldritch blast. Then from there use magic missile. I know it's a long set up but. Is it more advantageous to use Aldrich boss over magic Missile if you have hex or bestow curse setup.

2016-11-23, 02:07 PM
Bestow Curse is a little risky as something purely added for additional damage due to the save, whereas Hex has no save.

Definitely more useful on a longer fight. I would pair it with a bard (other PC) that can add the d8 to the difficulty of the save to make sure it hits home - because those same longer fights also usually have beefier defenses.

In a normal encounter, Hex alone is a fine damage buff.

Sir cryosin
2016-11-23, 02:20 PM
I didn't realize how nice hex and magic missile complimented each other. A magic missile dart does d4+1 and a lv1 spell slot has 3 darts so that's 3d4+3+3d6 were a Eldritch blast is doing 1d10+3(for mod)+1d6
The magic missile it doing a minimum of 9 damage. We're a Eldritch blast is doing 5 damage. Now on max damage magic missile is doing 33 and Eldritch blast is doing 19. But you also have to keep in mind magic missile is a first lv spell can can't do it all day. So in the long run the Eldritch blast wins because it's a cantrip. But for a tough fight magic missile and hex is a very nice combo I'm going to use every now and then.

2016-11-23, 02:28 PM
I didn't realize how nice hex and magic missile complimented each other.

they actually don't. Hex adds damage to "attacks", but magic missile has no attack roll and is thus not an attack. A damage dealing spell, sure, but not an attack.

2016-11-23, 02:29 PM
Magic Missile doesn't proc extra damage from Hex. Hex requires an attack roll which MM doesn't do.

Sir cryosin
2016-11-23, 02:44 PM
Well I just feel silly now.

2016-11-23, 03:23 PM
Hex + any spell is going to have the same issue: cannot cast a spell with a bonus action and a regular spell, thus you cannot cast Bestow Curse and Hex as set -up, or Hex + (say) burning hands.

So, really:
Round 1: Bestow Curse, no bonus action
Round 2: Hex + Cantrip
Round 3: any spell

OR skipping Bestow Curse
Round 1: Hex + Cantrip
Round 2: any spell

I was ignoring the Magic Missile because I was focusing on the Bestow Curse / Hex combo

Sir cryosin
2016-11-23, 04:20 PM
Now bestowe curse and magic missile work because curse say every attack and spells deal a extra d8 damage.

2016-11-23, 05:32 PM
Also no: Magic Missile is not an attack. Instead, the missiles 'hit' your target and deal damage -- no attack commences.

2016-11-23, 05:42 PM
Wow this got long, sorry about that.
Until you get lvl 5 slots Bestow Curse and Hex won't be able to stack since both take concentration. Using a 5th lvl slot removes the Concentration requirement on BC so that would work, two turn set up though.

BC would work with Magic Missile, but it only adds 1d8 once since MM would get it for the + to spells but each missile wouldn't get one as their is no attack rolls and they all hit at the same time.

The combo would work with Eldritch Blast though. So at lvl 9 you can do:

Turn 1 - Bestow Curse
Turn 2 - Hex + Eldritch Blast

If BC hits (should be a DC 16-17 by then) and you've the Agonizing Blast Invocation then your EB can do up to (1d10+Cha+1d6+1d8) or (1d10+1d6+1d8) if no invocations for each beam. At lvl 9 you have 2 beams.

Magic Missile cast at the same level (5th lvl slot) would do (7d4+7)+1d8

So would be good for a boss fight but EB would be more resource friendly.

EB+Hex+BC should average about 37dpr with invocation or 27 without and would take at least a 5th and 1st lvl slot (or both slots if a Warlock) with a 1.5 turn set up then Cantrip spam away. (Action for BC, Bonus Action to Hex, Action for EB)

MM+BC would take a 5th level slot to set up then burns a slot each round after, doing less as you run out of higher slots. A 5th lvl MM has a 1 turn set up and heavy resource drain after. (Action to BC, Action to MM each turn) MM with BC dpr per spell lvl should be about:

5th - 29
4th - 25.5
3rd - 22
2nd - 18.5
1st - 15

If you have the spells, you could do Bestow Curse, Hex, then burn slots for Scorching Ray. Since SR does 3 beams at lowest lvl (2) and +1 beam each level higher for 2d6 per beam and each beam has it's own attack roll it would work for the Hex+BC stack. Very resource heavy and 2 turn set up then a slot per turn to attack. For for it per spell lvl should be about:

5th - 69
4th - 57.5
3rd - 46
2nd - 34.5