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2007-07-14, 02:29 PM
You walk inside, as you enter many NPCs are running around, some are doctor, some nurses, and some are friends and family of some patients, Anyone can apply for a job as long as they have a clean record with the law
The hospital is indestructible, it also has a moddified anti-magic field, only healing magic may be used inside

2007-07-14, 02:30 PM
gnomas requets another strecher for the guy that just landed.

2007-07-14, 02:31 PM
Four NPCs run out with a pair of stretchers

2007-07-14, 02:32 PM
gnomas goes back outside

2007-07-14, 02:34 PM
two of the NPCs rush back in, carrying Kertath on a stretcher, they rush him into a room and hook up some machinery to him, then the other two run back in, taking the man to a differant room they begin asking him what is wrong

2007-07-14, 02:42 PM
Sieges enters:
Do you have blood for transfusion?

2007-07-14, 02:42 PM
gnomas looks back to see if the others are coming.

2007-07-14, 02:43 PM
The receptionist looks at Seiges

do you have an appointment?

2007-07-14, 02:44 PM
seeing that they are not, he heads outside

2007-07-14, 02:44 PM
"Well, I would have to guess that my kneecap is shattered and needs replacement, and my left shoulder is dislocated. Might want to check the old ribs, I think I cracked a organic one impact as well."

2007-07-14, 02:45 PM
The doctor writes some notes

okay, before we can begin surgery we need your name and permission to operate

2007-07-14, 02:46 PM
I have a ******* hole through my chest, and you ask if I have what? Is this a hospital or a ******* brothel?
Just give me the blood, or I'll take it myself. I have only 1 hour left!

2007-07-14, 02:47 PM
"My name is Incom Morgan. That's I-N-C-O-M, space, M-O-R-G-A-N. You have permission to operate and repair whatever is wrong."

It should be noted that by this point, despite the kneecap twisted at a unnatural angle, there is no blood. What seems to be more painful to Incom is his dislocated shoulder.

2007-07-14, 02:49 PM
very well then, nuse, we can begin the op

Incom should fall unconcious and is wheeled out to the operating theatre, while the receptionist glares at seiges

very well then, this doctor will see you through the process

A doctor comes up to him and begins telloing him what they will do and ask for his permission

((and i can no longer be bothered running every NPC here, anyone can take command of them if they want))

2007-07-14, 02:50 PM
gnomas walk back in.

2007-07-14, 02:51 PM
((Wait... the brother's back? Shouldn't Lillith have recognized him? *looks confused*))

Lillith walks in and takes a seat in the waiting room. she picks up a magazine and starts flipping through it, her wings ruffling idly and her tail slowly flicking back and forth.

2007-07-14, 02:52 PM
could you direct me to the elivator? id like to sample the music in it.

a confused nurse points to the elivator

thank you

2007-07-14, 02:52 PM
The NPC medic Siege is talking to stammers:
"An hour? To what? I can't just hand out blood and tissue?"
Blood! Now! he lifts the medic from the floor:
"Over there... Please don't hurt me!"
Sorry, but I really need it...

2007-07-14, 02:53 PM
Incom falls unconscious and is wheeled away.

As they work on cutting away the jeans from his leg, they see that his leg is not flesh and blood, but a metallic construct shaped like a thin leg. The knee joint is torn nearly in half, slowly leaking a blue fluid and the occasional spark. Not sure what to do, they leave it alone for now.

Checking Incom's shoulder, they see that it is of the flesh and blood variety, and snap it into place. At this Incom awakens screaming in pain for a minute before blinking.

"Oh, that's nice there. Sorry to be a pain and wake up, but the stupid implant decided that I needed to be awake. Listen, as for my knee, well, that's going to be a little more complicated, so here is what you need to do."

Incom describes to the surgeons what needs to be done, and after a relatively short period of time, the knee joint is working again. Getting a wheelchair, Incom rolls himself out towards the reception area, grumbling about the torn jeans.

((Oh you shall see there, you shall see, if only you came in sooner :smallyuk:))

2007-07-14, 02:53 PM
gnomas walks back from the elivator, looking dissapointed, and sits down next to lillith

2007-07-14, 02:54 PM
Moose walks in, and pulls out what looks like a comic book from his back pocket. The cover says 'Crimson Skies.'

2007-07-14, 02:54 PM
A commotion arises from kertaths room, then the sound of shattering glass is heard, anyone outside would see the seraph crash through it, his eyes still blank and all three of his wings extended to thier full length, though the upper half of his armor was removed to examine the wound

2007-07-14, 02:55 PM
what the hell was that?
*looks over at the demon to make sure his comment didn't offend her*

2007-07-14, 03:00 PM
she doesn't seem to have noticed the comment, and stands at the sound of the breaking glass. Looking around the room and at it's occupants she can only draw one conclusion. "Kertath." she looks to a random doctor who happens to be running by. "What happened?"

2007-07-14, 03:04 PM
Siege sits down next to Lilith with a package of blood, and starts to drink from it

2007-07-14, 03:05 PM
The doctor that lillith spoke to stops and turns to her

that one with wings, shouted something about exile and crashed through the window

2007-07-14, 03:05 PM
Hearing the commotion, Incom turns in his chair to observe the source of it.

"Of course I crash land on yet another insane world. Ah life."

He the rolls over to the receptionists desk at the waiting room.

"Hi, my name in Incom Morgan, I was just taken in. I know I have a slight attitude problem at the moment, and I'm sorry, but I want to take care of the payment I owe for the minor work done. Watching the surgeon, I don't think he sees many artificial limbs here."

2007-07-14, 03:08 PM
soo, should we go after him, oorr...

2007-07-14, 03:09 PM
Lillith sighs and turns to exit the building, but Incom's words cause her to spin around. "Did you just say your name is Incom Morgan?" the fiend looks a bit surprised.

2007-07-14, 03:10 PM
Sieges exits with the blood package, tossing some golden coins to one of the medics

2007-07-14, 03:11 PM
gnomas looks on, interested.

this fiend seems to know a lot of people...she may be my best bet for meeting some powerful people in this crazy place

2007-07-14, 03:13 PM
Incom spins around in his wheelchair, revealing his artificial leg, and flashes Lillith a dazzling smile.

"That's my name there, don't wear it out! Why you look so surprised, you think a man falls out of the sky and doesn't have a name?"

2007-07-14, 03:19 PM
Moose almost immediately hates him. :smallannoyed: Great. Some flashy celebrity.

2007-07-14, 03:21 PM
She's even more surprised by the artificial leg. the Incom she remembered did not have that. "Where are you from? Do you have any family? A brother perhaps?"

2007-07-14, 03:23 PM
BM appears

hey, can i get a job here? i know alot of high level white magic spells

well, we'll need a CV and some time to look at it


She walks outside, casts Summon CV and walks back in, handing it over to the receptionist

anything else?

nothing thank you, we'll get back to you

okay, bye

She is about to teleport out when she sees a few papers about Kertath

um excuse me, is Kertath Seraph a patient here?

yes he is, down the hall, third on the left

thank you

she runs down, and finds the room empty with a smashed window

what... where is he?

2007-07-14, 03:25 PM
The man starts laughing, deep belly laughs. Wiping a tear from his eye, he smiles at Lillith.

"I'm from a world where the dead refuse to stay dead. I was the only child of my parents before they were killed, then killed again. What is this nonsense about a brother?"

2007-07-14, 03:27 PM
Uh, Lillith, how, exactly, do you know this guy? :smallconfused:

2007-07-14, 03:29 PM
A pair of NPCs run out with a stretcher

2007-07-14, 03:30 PM
gnomas amuses himself by turning the nurse's hair green.

2007-07-14, 03:31 PM
"I don't know him, but I knew a man who shares the same name." she reaches into a pocket and pulls out the amulet the Crone had given her. "Do you recognize this?"

2007-07-14, 03:32 PM
Incom takes a nice long look at it, then shruggs.

"It's pretty, but nope. Should I?"

2007-07-14, 03:32 PM
:smallconfused: Hmm. Wierd.

2007-07-14, 03:33 PM
The NPCs run back in with kertath on a stretcher again, as they wheel him into a differant room he wakes up, BM notices hmi on the way

Ker? you okay?


He is wheeled into a room which is then locked so he can be examined

i thought i told him never to use my name in public!

2007-07-14, 03:36 PM
Pwenet enters the hospital, and looks around.


Seeing Lillith, he waves and walks over, then stops suddenly.

"Where.... did you.... get that..... medallion?"

2007-07-14, 03:37 PM
ah, lillith, i think THAT may be your guy

2007-07-14, 03:39 PM
She turns and smiles. "Pwenet! I found it in the Castle earlier. I told you you had left it there. I would have given it to you sooner, but you were deadtimed." She hold it out to him.

2007-07-14, 03:43 PM
The doctor walks out of kertaths room

you are friend or family of this Kertath?

friend, is he?

he'll be fine, he just needs to rest

BM walks in

you idiot!

nice to see you too BM...

you used my name out there!

sorry, no-one knows but the doctors though...

i suppose, so how long have you been here? last i saw of you...

oh, the coros temple troubles... when volox trapped me on some other world...

yeah, i can't believe you ended up here

well it's kinda nice here but... i've killed so many... and... i've had time to think about my past... i'm nothing but a monster Estran...

you're not...

no! i am, i've killed hundreds of thousands of innocents, and five years of exile is no excuse for my actions...


go, leave me...

ker... i...


BM leaves, closing the door behind her, as kertath begins to cry very quietly to himself

2007-07-14, 03:48 PM
"Ah. Okay then. Just out of curiosity why were you showing it around?"

"Cause she though that I was the brother some some looser and I would recognize it! Just because we have the same name!"

"Ah, interesting. Wait. How did you know my brothers name?"

2007-07-14, 03:52 PM
:smallannoyed: Oi...

2007-07-14, 03:56 PM
*Terrence walks in carrying nick*

The Black Prince
2007-07-14, 04:00 PM
Rob, arrives carrying Nick's head. He hands him of to a nurse. He took a pretty heavy beating there, might have a concussion, unfortunately I took a bullet in the arm. Rob says as he walks off to get fixed.Uhhh, I'll see you later Terrence, thanks for the help.

2007-07-14, 04:03 PM
Your wecome.

*He leaves*

2007-07-14, 04:03 PM
Moose runs over, recognizing Nick. What happened?

2007-07-14, 04:04 PM
gnomas sits down again. and goes into dead time.

The Black Prince
2007-07-14, 04:06 PM
He got pounded in the head pretty hard. Rob says as he walks off with a nurse.

2007-07-14, 04:08 PM
Kertath gets up, he makes sure no-one will check his room for some time, then he spreads his wings and flies out

2007-07-14, 04:37 PM
Ouch. Sucks to be him.

2007-07-14, 04:59 PM
Lillith undeadtimes.

((Sorry I didn't say anything, There were Thunderstorms and I lost power.))

"You must have mentioned him before, Pwenet. I recognized the name." She hopes that he'll just blame his recent experiences for not remembering telling her about him.

2007-07-14, 05:17 PM
Pwenet frowns, then shruggs.

"Yeah. That's probably right."

He takes the medallion and puts it on.

"Anyways, I'm going to get going here, so have a good evening. I might see you around later."

Pwenet exits the hospital.

Meanwhile Incom watches the proceedings with interest.

"You just so lied to him didn't you?"

((And now I deadtime))

2007-07-14, 05:22 PM
Lillith sighs and after Pwenet leaves, looks quite guilty.

2007-07-14, 05:23 PM
A man is rushed in on a stretcher.
"He's got sever axe wounds everywhere. We're lucky he's alive."
"That's the third one this week."
"Atleast they're surviving the attacks now, the culprit is obviously getting sloppy."

2007-07-14, 05:23 PM
*Therin appears*

Hi sis.

2007-07-14, 05:25 PM
Lillith smiles sadly. "Hi Therrin."

2007-07-14, 05:26 PM
Guess what? i know were Raril is!

2007-07-14, 05:39 PM
Lillith nods. "On the Blackout Raiders base ship, where I left him."

2007-07-14, 05:41 PM
Wow! I thought he was still in jail!

2007-07-14, 05:46 PM
Incom snaps out of deadtime and hops out of the wheelchair.

"Much better, this old knee is working again. Don't worry cute lady, I won't tell that sap that you lied to him."

2007-07-14, 05:48 PM
Ohhh! lied! i love secrets. tell me what happened!

*Therrin has light blond long hair, dimond earing's, hie heels, and a green dress*

2007-07-14, 05:50 PM
she nods again "He was, but now he's been drafted." The fiend then turns her gaze to Incom. "You had better not. His mind is in a bit of a fragile state right now."

2007-07-14, 05:51 PM
oh, don't hurt him sis.

2007-07-14, 05:53 PM
"Why so fragile. Hm, I guess I would be bored with the answer. So what does one do here for fun? Also are you prepared to accept 54.3 million refugees here?"

2007-07-14, 05:54 PM
"I'm not going to hurt him, and what do you mean, Refugees?"

2007-07-14, 05:55 PM
One does what ever one wants.

2007-07-14, 05:55 PM
One of the illusionary Haydns walking around the town hears this about refugees. They aren't, but I am.

2007-07-14, 05:59 PM
"Ah yes, I'm sorry."

Incom clears his throat and straightens his torn dress shirt.

"On behalf of the United Terran Council, we have been overwhelmed by a alien species. As part of our fallback plans we have modified our ships jump drives to teleport people across dimensions in hopes of finding a place to save some of our people. I was sent to this dimension to ask for permission to transport 54.3 million refugees here."

2007-07-14, 06:00 PM
Theres no way you'd find enough room for the refugees in this town. However, I'll show you where you can.

The illusionary haydn is replaced by the real one.

2007-07-14, 06:02 PM
:smallconfused: "Well, there is supposedly an infinite population of NPCs here, I'm sure a few million more people wont hurt"

2007-07-14, 06:05 PM
"Excellent. Give me a minute here and I shall return letting you know what my superiors say."

Incom pulls out a device on his belt, and hits a button. A crackling globe of energy surrounds him, then it *POP*'s out of existence, taking him with it.

You might be able to hear someone screaming in terror then a loud crashing sound from the outside.

2007-07-14, 06:06 PM
Theoretically. But don't you think they would adapt better JUST with people in the same boat?

2007-07-14, 06:07 PM
"I think he crashed again." She turns to walk back outside.

2007-07-14, 06:08 PM
An illusionary Haydn appears outside, While the real one remains inside.

2007-07-14, 06:20 PM
I think I saw some plans on the Blackout Raider baseship, something about evacuation and civilian ships. I think we might be able to store them there until the situation with AMEN cools down.

2007-07-14, 07:13 PM
Moose leaves.

2007-07-14, 10:06 PM
EMTs run into the building with Xerillum on a stretcher. He has a deep stab wound in his lung. He is on a respirator, and he is losing blood at one unit per ten minutes. He also has multiple stab wounds in his intestinal area, and his intestines are cut.

2007-07-15, 09:44 AM
gnomas undeadtimes, sees no one he knows, and leaves.

The Black Prince
2007-07-16, 06:39 AM
Rob and Nick leave, their room, thank the nurse and check out of the hospital. Where to now? Let's go find Terrence, he's the only guy we know here.

2007-07-17, 10:16 AM
Afrid walks in and walks up to the counter. He reveals a large gash in his side.
Excuse me, but can anyone here help me. The wound doesn't hurt but it feels odd to have a chunk of my body missing.
Afrid looks into the corner, gets a worried look, and runs off.

2007-07-26, 12:41 PM
martini rushes in and lowers BM onto a bed. he feches water and a cloth and starts to wash the horific wounds.

2007-07-26, 12:43 PM
A doctor walks up

excuse me what are you...

He then sees BM

Good lord, what happened to...

Unable to tell by the hat still maintained it's concealing effects well enough

is it a him or her? no matter

He runs out and comes back with several doctors that begin examining her wounds

2007-07-26, 12:48 PM
so mister doctor sir what's gonna happen to her now?

finishes washing the wounds

2007-07-26, 12:50 PM
well we need to examine the wound properly which would help if you kindly stop that, but these wounds seem unusual

He takes a closer look at an uncleaned wound

hmm... we may need to check these soon...

2007-07-26, 12:55 PM
go ahead do your stuff doc but im staying put!

pulls up a chair and sits by the bed covered in bm's blood. ((hint))

2007-07-26, 12:59 PM
((hint towards what exactly?))

right, we need to operate now

They wheel her off to an operating room, one nurse stays behind to talk to martini

don't worry, your girlfriend will be fine

((nurse is only assuming, don't take this as serius))

2007-07-26, 01:02 PM
under breath

i wish


she isn't actually my girlfriend

martini follows them to the operating room but waits outside peering through the window

(( hint to me being covered in her blood))

2007-07-26, 01:03 PM
Inside the doctors are examining the wounds closer, the nurse follows martini

oh, i had assumed that by how much you appeared to care for her that she was...

The nurse walks off

2007-07-26, 01:05 PM
watching through the window


i hope she's alright

Dark Demon Lord
2007-07-26, 01:35 PM
Appearing outside the hospital, Rozar brings in Gaith, Dez and the man in the streets. ((If you've allowed it))

An NPC doctor comes over and takes Gaith to a ward.

Another two nurses come and attempt to take Dez and the other man.

2007-07-26, 01:38 PM
Dez stirs slightly and the burn increases burning his feathers. He is taken by the nurses.

Dark Demon Lord
2007-07-26, 01:41 PM
Rozar mutters to himself and then goes back to the streets.

2007-07-26, 01:42 PM
((Dark, feel free to tell me what the nurses or whatever do to heal me as I don't know anything about this place.))

2007-07-26, 01:47 PM
((generally you can say what you do yourself, it's easier that way))

BM wakes up, she quickly looks around, noticing first the amount of robe thats been torn, she discards it, not wanting to be covred in the blood, her clothes she wore before quickly appear, a garment traditionally worn by thieves

wow, i forot about this...

She then looks at her injuries

Dark Demon Lord
2007-07-26, 01:47 PM
((same here lol. First visit.))

I guess you just control the NPC's to do what you want to your character.

2007-07-26, 01:49 PM
((ok then))
The nurses carry Dez to the Curses and Burns Emergency room, where the doctors immediately start trying to dispell the curse. Succeeding, the start working on his burns. A few minutes later, he is completely healed and awake. They say he can leave if he so chooses.
((by the way, my color for the magic test is red))

2007-07-26, 02:54 PM
martini find bm in the hospital room marked 'recoop'

bm... oh thank god your allright... i thaught you was a gonner for sure.

2007-07-26, 02:58 PM
Half asleep she looks at him

hey... what happened after you arrived with that voilon? i kinda blacked out after you fired at it, thanks for that...

Martini may notice the large amount of bandages all over her, and the fact that her face isn't hidden under the mage hats effects now that it's gone.
Her long, dark brown hair mainly lying under her head

2007-07-26, 03:06 PM
i fired at it a bit more then it ran off so i ran you over to this hospital.

going slightly pink

it was nothing realy

2007-07-26, 03:08 PM
She smiles weakly

thats nice... maybe it's the morphine or the injuries but i think i can trust you with two secrets...

2007-07-26, 03:14 PM
oh yeah im listening.

smiles and waits. he closes the door.

2007-07-26, 03:17 PM
okay... you make it sound like im gonna tell you something a little more private than this...

She laughs a bit

My real name, Is Estran Coreth... the reason i keep iot secret is my second secret, you know Coronox, fiery guy? well... he's my brother... coronox coreth...

She appears pretty high on morphine

2007-07-26, 03:21 PM
wow... its a small world aint it... sometimes abit too small... you do know he has tryed to cook me already.

2007-07-26, 03:25 PM
yeah... he tried to kill me too, shame he's nott himslf, what with the fire creature called flammalox controlling him, ah well... not much we can do unless we have some kind of mind thingy...

She puts he head back on her pillow and closes her eyes, still awake, she listens to see if martini has anything more to say

2007-07-26, 03:31 PM
no... i dont have any mind controling stuff... i used to have a car airfreshener they can be pretty mind altering at times, but i sold it and baught this.

holds up plasma rifle

it does stun, fire and absolute zero plasma charges.

2007-07-26, 03:34 PM
BM smiles

thats nice, it can stop him for a bit if it hits...

She smiles some more

y'know, i get the feeling you like me...

2007-07-26, 03:38 PM
goes very red

wow, would you look at the time ive gotta go... and... wash my clothes... yes they seem to be a bit mucky...

martini exits very quickly.

2007-07-26, 03:40 PM
She laughs and becomes upet at the same time

aww... he's running away... i know his clothes are dirty but i'm sure i've got some water spells that i can use...

She yawns and goes sleep

2007-07-26, 04:08 PM
martini arrives and knock on the door and quietly walks in. and whispers

are you awake estran?

2007-07-26, 04:09 PM
She murmers something and turns over in her sleep

2007-07-26, 04:12 PM
martini mutters


he leaves the flowers on the side table and writes a message on a bit of paper it reads "From Your Not So Secret Admirer"

martini leaves for trogs

2007-07-26, 04:14 PM
A while later she wakes up a bit, noticing the flowers she looks at the paper

aw... how cute...

She looks at the flowers, humming happily, then goes back to sleep

2007-07-27, 04:29 AM
several hours later martini arrives and sees estran is still asleep and so sits in the chair by her bed and doses.

2007-07-27, 04:40 AM
She wakes up, kinda drowsy still but awake enough, not really awake enough to notice martini

2007-07-27, 04:45 AM
martini dosnt notice estrans awakeness

2007-07-27, 04:53 AM
She yawns, this should make martini realise shes awake

2007-07-27, 04:55 AM
ahh, estran, your awake. you frit me to death then.

2007-07-27, 04:57 AM
She looks over

oh, hey martini...

2007-07-27, 04:58 AM
so... how are ya feelin?

2007-07-27, 05:00 AM
absolutely fine, but they say i hafta stay here until the wounds clear completely... don't know why....

2007-07-27, 05:02 AM
alright... want me to get you anything?

2007-07-27, 05:04 AM

She thinks for a bit

help getting outside?

She laughs a bit as she says this

2007-07-27, 05:10 AM
you sure?

flicks the green switch on the plasma rifle ((stun))

i could cover you

2007-07-27, 05:13 AM

She shoots him a quick glare

i was having a joke...

2007-07-27, 05:19 AM
oh, ok. so...

martini goes red

2007-07-27, 05:25 AM
you are so silly sometimes...

She puts her head back on the pillow and looks at the ceiling

2007-07-27, 05:29 AM
thanks, i think. how are the wounds healing?

2007-07-27, 05:32 AM
i think that they're fine but the doctors say differantly...

2007-07-27, 05:37 AM
oh yeah, they probably wanna run TESTS and find out about them.

2007-07-27, 05:40 AM
no, they already checked them, apparently it would panic me if i knew exactly what these wounds do...

2007-07-27, 05:43 AM
oookay, im going to find out what they do.

martini leaves the room in search of a doctor

2007-07-27, 05:46 AM
Noticing the flowers for the first time not high she smiles at them

yep... i think he does...

2007-07-27, 05:48 AM
martini finds a doctor

so wats the deal with her wounds then?

2007-07-27, 05:50 AM
Ah, those were troubling, what they do is that they hurt at first, then after a hwile theres no pain, a while onger and they become lethal, so we need to keep her here until the wounds are truly dealt with

2007-07-27, 05:53 AM
what do you mean "a while longer and they become lethal"!?

2007-07-27, 05:55 AM
we don't know too much about them, the theory is a form of slow acting poison, that cannot be removed until fully active

2007-07-27, 05:57 AM
right so do i need to warn you when it becomes active? If so how will i know?

2007-07-27, 05:59 AM
the machines will tell us, but if they don't and you notice thaqt she's in pain tell us

2007-07-27, 06:03 AM
ok i will

martini rushes back to estrans room looking extremely worried

ok estran the doctors sed that if at any time your wounds begin to hurt, tell me and ill tell them. ok?

2007-07-27, 06:04 AM
okay, you look worried, why? oh and thanks for the flowers...

2007-07-27, 06:14 AM
oh thats ok i thought this place could use brightening up

goes bright red

and just tell me when they start hurtin and ill get a doctor.

2007-07-27, 06:17 AM
y'know, you can say it if ya want...

She smiling, a kind of evil smile though

2007-07-27, 06:24 AM
fine the doctors told me exactly this... "Ah, those were troubling, what they do is that they hurt at first, then after a hwile theres no pain, a while onger and they become lethal, so we need to keep her here until the wounds are truly dealt with we don't know too much about them, the theory is a form of slow acting poison, that cannot be removed until fully active."

2007-07-27, 06:26 AM
okay... not what i meant though... i meant how you feel about me? it's obvious...

2007-07-27, 06:28 AM
oh, right...

goes red

i like you estran

a tear rolls own his cheek

i dont want you to die...

2007-07-27, 06:30 AM
aw... how sweet... well then, now that you've finally admitted it...

She casts a few cure spells on herself, the poison SHOULD have been nullified

that was fun

2007-07-27, 06:32 AM
right... thanks, now i feel like a right pillock...

sits down in the chair

2007-07-27, 06:34 AM
Oh, Meta didn't tell you about some things like that i did?

She laughs a bit

come on... i'm off, this place bugs me for some reason

2007-07-27, 06:36 AM
alright where shall we be off?

2007-07-27, 06:39 AM
I fancy a drink in the tavern, let's head to trogs

2007-07-27, 06:45 AM
fine by me

heads out towards trogs

2007-07-27, 06:46 AM
Estran Teleports to trogs

2007-08-02, 10:27 PM
Two REBEL soldiers enter dragging in Pwenet.

2007-08-02, 10:38 PM
A nurse sees Pwenet in his current condition and she calls for a doctor. The REBELS help put Pwenet on a stretcher and they go off to a room where he is cared for.

The REBELS leave the hospital and head back to Trog's.

2007-08-02, 11:05 PM
After examining Pwenet, the doctor place him into a dialysis machine to filter out his blood of the toxins, while giving him fluids and treating his fever. During this process Pwenet falls into a recovering deadtime.

2007-08-07, 03:42 PM
*Truck walks in*

2007-08-07, 03:49 PM
Sheezu staggers in with two badly burnt NPC's. several other injured people follow her in. These people need medical attention.

2007-08-07, 03:50 PM
*Lanno Drives up and walks in*

I can heal them.

2007-08-07, 03:51 PM
The doctors and nurses rush to help the hurt NPCs one of the pauses to ask Sheezu "What happened to them?"

2007-08-07, 03:53 PM
I can heal them lanno says again.

2007-08-07, 03:55 PM
I'm not sure, but I believe it was some form of explosion. One of teh dead was holding this. She shows the Nurse the paper.

2007-08-07, 03:57 PM
*Lanno sighs and takes a seat*

2007-08-07, 04:05 PM
Estran runs in and casts a quick teleportation spell, it drops off Kertath Seraph, still unable to move, looking badly slashed up, a doctor walks up to them

what happened to him? We'll transport him to a room, tell us on the way

Some NPCs bring a bed, and place Kertath on, they head off to a room as Estran explains what happened

2007-08-07, 04:07 PM
The nurse looks over the paper. "Well I can't make heads nor tails of this, sorry."

2007-08-07, 04:15 PM
She looks slightly dissapointed, and heads out into the streets again.

2007-08-07, 04:17 PM
*Lanno fallows*

2007-08-14, 01:19 PM
Sheezu helps Iko into the hospital. she then steps to the front desk. He needs medical help right now. He's suffered a blow to the head. The nurse replies "Oh, that is serious. I'll get someone to takehim back right away." A doctor comes out and examines Iko right there, since business is slow. "This isn't too bad, He'll just need a healing spell or two." A healer comes in and casts cure moderate wounds on him. Where am I? Hospital. Can we go? Okay. They leave.

2007-09-25, 04:07 PM
Edsern carries Estran in and lays her down on a bed. He sits down and waits for her to undeadtime while the doctors treat her.

2007-09-26, 06:47 AM
She wakes up

aw... not this place again...

2007-09-26, 06:58 AM
*Sam walks in.*

2007-09-26, 07:04 AM
aww geez... this is gonnna be hard to explain...

2007-09-26, 02:13 PM
Edsern looks around. Oblivion is still in his hand.

2007-09-26, 02:16 PM
nothing... don't you think you should put the sword away? we're in a hospital...

2007-09-26, 02:18 PM
Oblivion vanishes.

(Just updated his equipment. Added Oblivion and Fenrir. Fenrir is the other sword.)

2007-09-26, 02:20 PM
so... have any doctors said i'm allowed to go yet? or do i have to blast my way out?

She smiles

2007-09-26, 02:24 PM
"She'll have to-
Edsern gives him a look saying "She means it"
"- Uh, I mean, you're good to go."
The doctor heads off to discuss the possibility of an anti-magic field that effects only hostile magic with his boss.

2007-09-26, 02:26 PM
((slight problem there... it's already up ^^ and an approx 15 min deadtime))

y'know, if it's best for me to stay here i might aswell... i did run out on them last time, some slow acting posion, nothing's happened with it yet...

2007-09-26, 02:28 PM
After giving her the clean bill of health, the doctor recovers from sort term amnesia. He stands there thinking.
We'd better- wait, you mean Dee didn't have a cure for it? But he's got everything! That's his motto, isn't it?

2007-09-26, 02:46 PM
that poison? It can't be removed until it's active...

2007-09-26, 02:56 PM
Then why wait? I think I've found a way to get Dee to a certain spot immediately. Let me try it. What do you expect, the waddle inquisition?

(Yes, he remembers that.)

2007-09-26, 02:59 PM

Three waddles run in, wearing red capes, one wears goggles, none of them are waddle himself though

Nobody Expects the waddle... wait, we're not contracted anymore... are we getting paid overtime for this? oh sorry... i'll come in again...

They walk out

2007-09-26, 03:00 PM
Before they can leave, Edsern gets between them and the door.
I'd sugest you get Dee. Now.
Oblivion appears.

2007-09-26, 03:01 PM
do we get paid?

2007-09-26, 03:02 PM
Yes. You get to live.
Oblivion pulses. It is clearly capable of shredding a waddle in seconds.

2007-09-26, 03:03 PM
Estran gives him a look

you're really going to kill them just for something that can't happen?

2007-09-26, 03:04 PM
I'd say that they're perfectly capable of finding Dee.

2007-09-26, 03:05 PM
well yeah they can find dee, but it isn't curable while it's inactive...

The three waddles attempt to slip out, if they do, waddle runs in shortly after

2007-09-26, 03:07 PM
I know. I told you, that was a test run. Had to make sure it would work as a way of contacting him.
He points at Dee, then realizes he's still holding Oblivion.

2007-09-26, 03:09 PM
what do you need? can we make this quick? i'm trying to do something very important right now

His usual smile is on his face

2007-09-26, 03:12 PM
We will if that posion starts acting up. I needed to see if that would work for contacting you.

2007-09-26, 03:13 PM
so i can go?

either way, it might be best for me to stay here for a while...

2007-09-26, 03:16 PM
Yeah, go ahead Dee.
Edsern starts to walk out, calling over his shoulder at Estran.
I'll be back later, okay?

2007-09-26, 03:17 PM
Waddle hands something to Edsern

press that if you need me... if you try to get me by saying...



Waddle inquisition

Nothing happens

then i have to pay them...

He runs out

Estran watches them go

alright... be safe both of you...

2007-09-28, 03:36 PM
Estran gets an odd feeling in her stomach

definately not hunger... maybe it's just the morphine...

She lies back and looks at the roof... that same roof... the same roof for two days...


She sighs

if only all my magic worked here... then again... i don't feel like i can cast spells anyway...

2007-09-28, 04:14 PM
*Sam walks in and sits down next to her*

2007-09-28, 04:17 PM
oh, hey


2007-09-28, 04:19 PM
Edsern walks in and sees Sam.
So, who's the guest?
Oblivion reverts to a black longsword.

2007-09-28, 04:20 PM
*He takes out a cigarette and a lighter, but decides its probably not healthy for her, so he puts it away. instead he puts his feet on the bed and tips back in his hair*

How are you felling?

*He turns around*

I'm her friend.

2007-09-28, 04:21 PM
Edsern, this is Sam, Sam, Edsern. as for how i'm feeling... a bit better... and bored

2007-09-28, 04:22 PM
*He hands her a deck of cards*

Then play with these.

2007-09-28, 04:23 PM
Nice to meet you.
Edsern's face might have shown a little anger, but the burns make it impossible to read his expression. However, Estran may recognize the pulse coming from Oblivion. The same as before it became the void rapier.

2007-09-28, 04:24 PM
She takes the cards

not good...

come on... think...

uh... sam, can i talk to Edsern alone please?

2007-09-28, 04:25 PM
Sure. he walks out.

2007-09-28, 04:26 PM
So, how long have you known him?
There's a hint of jealousy in his voice.

2007-09-28, 04:28 PM
((Why wouldn't there be? Sam's not a half bad looking guy:smallamused: ))

2007-09-28, 04:29 PM
since the party, don't worry, i love you, and no-one else... i just... haven't got round to mentioning you...

2007-09-28, 04:32 PM
*Sam lights a cigarette. He is not listening, but he knows what is going on between them. If he is sad, he is good at hiding it*

2007-09-28, 04:35 PM
(Nightwing, Edsern doesn't give a damn about that. He knows that he could easily give Sam the same makeover he gave Pyrolox. Namely being sucked into a rift in the time space continuim.)

Alright. I trust you. For now.

2007-09-28, 04:39 PM
((I just felt like say some thing... Besides, Sam is better than you think.))

2007-09-28, 04:48 PM
(No one is that good. The attack homes in on you at the proverbial speed of darkness. In other words, it simply appears where you are, and then triggers, opening the rift. And it only triggers on contact with the main part of the intended target. However, the energy needed will kill Edsern if he's at anything less than full power.)

Edsern walks out, and turns to Sam.
So, why are you here?

2007-09-28, 05:02 PM
((Sorry about the dead time. Didn't think you were still on))

To visit my friend.

*he blows a puff of smoke into his face*

2007-09-28, 05:03 PM
And probably has the lit part of his cig removed by Oblivion.
How did you meet her?

2007-09-28, 05:05 PM
*He lights another one*

We met at the party. I offered to buy her a drink and she excepted.

2007-09-28, 05:11 PM
And that's all?
Edsern sighs. The smoke seems to avoid even existing within 10 feet of him.

(Smoke as in the gas, not slang term for cigarette.)

2007-09-28, 05:14 PM
He disedes to have a little fun

I'm not done yet. So we talked all night, and made out, and then I when to to her room and...

2007-09-28, 05:16 PM
Doubtful. She wouldn't lie to me. Much less succeed.

2007-09-28, 05:19 PM
Heh.:smallamused: You got me.:smallamused: She is much to nice a girl for the likes of me.

2007-09-28, 05:23 PM
You've never seen her drunk. So, what did you talk about?
His face is unchanged, but his tone sounds more relaxed.

(It's impossible for him to make faces. Half the nerve endings in his face are burned beyond repair.)

2007-09-28, 05:25 PM
Pyrolox mainly. *He puts the cigarette out*

2007-09-28, 05:28 PM
Well, He's a problem soon to be solved. Meta found how he keeps coming back, and a repeat of my last encounter with him should be fairly successful.

2007-09-28, 05:33 PM
well, from my experience, the best course of action is to telleport him into a void from witch he can disappear and reappear, or just rip the reality from him. I have head that works to.

2007-09-28, 05:35 PM
I used the second option you listed. Nearly killed myself doing it, though.

2007-09-28, 05:37 PM
((He meant and grasp of reality. A magical trick used to drive people insane. But I think you mean it in the literal sense:smallbiggrin:.))

*Dead time*

2007-09-28, 05:41 PM
(Then how would he respond? This is how Edsern would have answered him.)

2007-09-29, 04:35 AM
((sorry about the sudden dissapearance, i had to come off near instantly))

Estran yawns, and starts playing with the cards

2007-09-29, 06:30 AM
*Sam walks back in*

Is he your boyfriend?

2007-09-29, 07:33 AM
Edsern also walks back in. He looks deep in thought.
Meta, I hope you find him quickly.

2007-09-29, 07:38 AM
You really love her dont you?

2007-09-29, 07:46 AM
Of course. I recieved these burns trying to protect her from Pyrolox.

2007-09-29, 07:51 AM
See this incredibly nice tan? I got that fighting prolox. :smallamused:

2007-09-29, 07:55 AM
are you fighting over me?

She appears to be high on morphine

2007-09-29, 08:24 AM
No. We are arguing over ho has the best tan. :smallamused:

2007-09-29, 08:28 AM

She lies back, and continues watching that same roof

2007-09-29, 08:33 AM
Is he your boy friend?

2007-09-29, 08:38 AM
i guess you could say that... sorry i didn't mention him...

2007-09-29, 08:40 AM
Thats alright. Do you love him?

2007-09-29, 08:44 AM
yeah... he means everything to me.

2007-09-29, 08:47 AM
He loves you too.

2007-09-29, 08:51 AM
i know...

A nurse walks in

we need to do some checks


The nurse has a look at the cuts aused by a Volon several months ago

you haven't felt any pain from these have you?

none... that posion's still dormant

alright, make sure to tell us if it does...

2007-09-29, 09:01 AM
*He sighs and leaves*

2007-09-29, 09:02 AM
The nurse walks out

huh... how long am i going to have to stay here for?

2007-09-29, 11:19 AM
He's a strange one.

2007-09-29, 11:34 AM

She stretches

the only reason they're keeping me in here is because of that dormant poison...