View Full Version : DM Help An odd pregnancy request

2016-11-24, 10:21 PM
So, my wife is currently pregnant, due to deliver in just a week. Today, she asked me if I would make a little game for her in the delivery room, as a method of distraction. This is our first kid so I don't know how much she's really wanting to do this, but she does think it would be nice to have something to keep her mind off of things. The problem is, I have no clue how to make a 1 person adventure. I'll probably have an NPC in there to help her out, but whatever I do, it needs to be simple enough yet enveloping enough. I figure a simple dungeon with simple rooms structured with encounter, puzzle next, encounter puzzle next type of setup. Her character has to be simple yet be able to run all day, so a lot of spell casting is out, with the exception of a warlock. Likely no battlemat as I don't feel like draggin the miniatures out in the middle of a delivery room. I have no real clue as to how to do this so I ask the forum in it's infinite wisdom for some aid.

2016-11-24, 11:32 PM
So, my wife is currently pregnant, due to deliver in just a week. Today, she asked me if I would make a little game for her in the delivery room, as a method of distraction. This is our first kid so I don't know how much she's really wanting to do this, but she does think it would be nice to have something to keep her mind off of things. The problem is, I have no clue how to make a 1 person adventure. I'll probably have an NPC in there to help her out, but whatever I do, it needs to be simple enough yet enveloping enough. I figure a simple dungeon with simple rooms structured with encounter, puzzle next, encounter puzzle next type of setup. Her character has to be simple yet be able to run all day, so a lot of spell casting is out, with the exception of a warlock. Likely no battlemat as I don't feel like draggin the miniatures out in the middle of a delivery room. I have no real clue as to how to do this so I ask the forum in it's infinite wisdom for some aid.

You need something that is specifically suited to her tastes. She likes battles? Upgrade a Ring of Regeneration to grant actual regeneration-1, and give her a fighter who's taking on the hordes of Mordor. She likes intrigue? The local king has announced he needs a bride for his firstborn, and one of the neighboring countries has contracted her bard to 'clear the way' for their chosen princess. Stealth? The Thieves guild has been contracted to quietly replace a particular item before the king's inquisitors have time to properly examine it, and your wife is the rogue for the job. And so on. You seem to already have something of a plan. You know her better than we do - try running with it.

Be prepared to wing it (e.g., have a few maps even if they're not battle maps of reasonably-set areas - a manor, a dungeon, a forest, et cetera; have a library of opponents, both humanoid and not, to swap in as the plot demands), and be prepared to simply drop all your preparations if it doesn't work out. Some women have easy childbirths, others rather hard ones. She might be in agony, she might be loopy from correctly-used pain medicine, she might be perfectly fine.

2016-11-25, 08:18 AM
Well, she likes horror movies, Loves the walking dead. So I suppose I could do a sort of zombie survival situation.

2016-11-25, 08:43 AM
Well, she likes horror movies, Loves the walking dead. So I suppose I could do a sort of zombie survival situation.

This actually works really well with one person. There's more tactics available (no squishy or noisy party members), combat is less attractive, and the loss of roleplaying isn't that bad in such a game.

Do you have Heroes of Horror, by any chance?

2016-11-25, 09:14 AM
Actually yes i do. I got it for my wife who was playung a dread necromancer in our last game which has been put on a small hiatus for related reasons.

I can see her and her partner arriving in a town and when getting ready to bed down for the night the town being overrun by a custom zombie type. Im wondering what class for her and what for her partner. Probably a crusader partner. Just for the healing. Id say a warforged but then we couldnt have the ending where she has to kill her infectd partner

2016-11-25, 09:28 AM
Actually yes i do. I got it for my wife who was playung a dread necromancer in our last game which has been put on a small hiatus for related reasons.

I can see her and her partner arriving in a town and when getting ready to bed down for the night the town being overrun by a custom zombie type. Im wondering what class for her and what for her partner. Probably a crusader partner. Just for the healing. Id say a warforged but then we couldnt have the ending where she has to kill her infectd partner

Warforged are still living. If this is the 'evil curse' kind of zombie instead of the 'rabies on steroids' one, it wouldn't be unthinkable for them to be able to succumb to said curse. Eberron even has pseudo-undead warforged; the woeforged.

Perhaps pure evil is slowly 'bleeding' into our world, twisting its inhabitants into undead? Spending time in corrupted areas, or being damaged by an infected creature causes one to become tainted as well, until they succumb and turn into zombies. HoH's taint rules should work for this.

2016-11-25, 09:51 AM
You can use old Choose Your Own Adventure (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choose_Your_Own_Adventure) books for this - they are designed for solo runs, without a DM.

Jay R
2016-11-25, 11:46 AM
The problem is, I have no clue how to make a 1 person adventure.

This is the crucial issue. Stop thinking about it as a 1 person adventure. It's a one player adventure, which is different.

Give her a wizard with a cohort and a couple of hirelings. I would only have one caster, because running a caster takes more thought, but a cleric cohort who only buffs and heals shouldn't be a problem.

2016-11-26, 11:30 AM
First, Congratulations.

this is actually 4e but can you take a laptop and get wyfy?


John Longarrow
2016-11-26, 11:37 AM
If she likes horror movies, how about letting HER be the BBEG?

She gets the almost unkillable evil being and she gets to go out hunting teens at a summer camp... Let her have a crusader/cleric/RKV who's gone Lich or something. Totally up to her how she want's to hunt down the people in town.

Plus it lets her take out any frustrations on poor, pathetic NPCs!

P.S. Congratulation!