View Full Version : Roleplaying Idea for my bard character story hook.

2016-11-25, 02:34 AM
So I have a bard running in a game currently but the DM just pointed out that despite his backstory I wrote to explain why he was an adventurer I didn't give him a great reason to keep being one. So I did a little thinking and this is basically what I have come up with, all bards tell stories and sing songs but what if there was one singular story teller? One that was basically the god of Story telling? Think of the character from Jim Hennson tv show 'The Story teller' for how they look. Anyway a person can seek them out and after under going a long and periloud journey they may find themselves standing before The Story teller and his hearth. They get the chance to tell their story and if he likes it then he will award the person with their own patch work story teller coat [I am guessing that the coat will be magical and give some bonuses to things.]

2016-11-25, 02:39 AM
So I have a bard running in a game currently but the DM just pointed out that despite his backstory I wrote to explain why he was an adventurer I didn't give him a great reason to keep being one. So I did a little thinking and this is basically what I have come up with, all bards tell stories and sing songs but what if there was one singular story teller? One that was basically the god of Story telling? Think of the character from Jim Hennson tv show 'The Story teller' for how they look. Anyway a person can seek them out and after under going a long and periloud journey they may find themselves standing before The Story teller and his hearth. They get the chance to tell their story and if he likes it then he will award the person with their own patch work story teller coat [I am guessing that the coat will be magical and give some bonuses to things.]

Are you the DM of this game? Because that story sounds like it would have a pretty big impact on the pantheon of the campaign. Why not just say that the bard wants to keep adventuring because that's the best way to learn of fantastic stories firsthand, to actually be there?

2016-11-25, 02:48 AM
Sadly no I'm not the DM he has said that every character needs a specific reason to keep going on with the adventures. So simply saying my character wants to see the adventures se he can tell the stories of them won't fly according to the DM [I thought of that as well.] The Storyteller character doesn't have to be an actual god just a mythic figure, I may have explained that poorly before.

2016-11-25, 03:41 AM
Sadly no I'm not the DM he has said that every character needs a specific reason to keep going on with the adventures. So simply saying my character wants to see the adventures se he can tell the stories of them won't fly according to the DM [I thought of that as well.] The Storyteller character doesn't have to be an actual god just a mythic figure, I may have explained that poorly before.

How is wanting good story material not a reason to adventure?

Sure, there are less dangerous ways to get said material, but going on great adventures is still a way.

This is actually something you should ask your DM. Does he want something more specific to the adventure in question?

2016-11-25, 06:07 AM
Sadly no I'm not the DM he has said that every character needs a specific reason to keep going on with the adventures. So simply saying my character wants to see the adventures se he can tell the stories of them won't fly according to the DM [I thought of that as well.] The Storyteller character doesn't have to be an actual god just a mythic figure, I may have explained that poorly before.

How is wanting good story material not a reason to adventure?

Sure, there are less dangerous ways to get said material, but going on great adventures is still a way.

This is actually something you should ask your DM. Does he want something more specific to the adventure in question?

I suspect the DM wants a character hook with which to weave into the narrative to personalize the story. For that reason I assume he wants the hook to be somehow related to the adventure at hand, do you actually know the purpose of your adventuring group? Or are you currently just adventuring, just 'cause?

2016-11-25, 06:21 AM
My bard joined the group largely for the 'to witness great stories first hand' kind of reason but the DM calls that an [I might spell this wrong] intangible goal. From what I can gather he wants something my character is driven to obtain, we have a character questing to find this certain kind of exotic rare magic sword,another wants to find some lost ancient powerful magic tome [he is a spell caster, and I honestly have no idea how to spell the name of the book or scroll he is looking for]. So like I said from what I can tell whatever the goal is has to be something you can't just walk into a shop somewhere and buy, and it can't be something intangible I am guessing that goals like 'to be the greatest swordsman' or 'to gain mystic power' and 'to witness great stories' are intagible. I was planning on my character seeking the story tellers coat as a way to make a tangible goal while also holding true to the original motivation of wanting to see great stories of adventure being born.

2016-11-25, 06:43 AM
Well, if that's what your DM wants, I suppose a storyteller's cloak is not the worst thing you could have come up with.

Doesn't actually feel that related to stories, though. It's just a prize for telling a story that one specific person likes.

2016-11-25, 06:57 AM
Well, maybe say that your character wants to write a book based on the real life adventures, almost like a memoire or biography, something to record truly legendary tales, and spread the book across the world for all to know of the glory he and his companions have achieved.

2016-11-25, 05:42 PM
Dm shot down the idea of just writing a book, he seems to like the idea of the story tellers coat so I hope that ends up working out. Thanks for the little bit of help guys.

John Longarrow
2016-11-26, 09:34 AM
Were it me, my answer to the DM (in front of the other players) would be "I want to record the deeds of these brave, honorable adventurers to inspire generations to come. I care not for transitory bobbles or petty items for they have not truth or beauty in themselves."

I'd ask the DM why you would need an object your looking for. If he doesn't have a good reason tell him you'll play in the next game, maybe. If he can't run an adventure where you don't have some object your looking for I'm not sure he'll run a game you'd like.