View Full Version : Optimization [3.PF]Building a Library with Lesser Planar Binding

2016-11-25, 05:59 PM
So, I've recently gotten access to Lesser Planar Binding, and can probably get my hands on a scroll/single casting of Genesis (pathfinder version) fairly easily to begin constructing what I want to be a massive library, eventually extending between planes (but not for right now).

Between myself and another who's agreed to help me, we have a Wizard 9 and an Archivist 9 for spells/access. I'm particularly interested in using Lesser Planar Binding to have minions to do the work of building for me, and I want to keep costs as low as reasonably possible. I have Craft Wondrous Item, so I intend to do as much of the crafting myself as possible.

1. I plan to use copious castings of Wall of Stone followed by Stone Shape and Stone Metamorphosis to make my interiors nice and marble at no cost (Labor provided by castings of Unseen Crafter and Unseen Laborer)
2. I plan to use a Lyre of Building, but need someone able to play it (Outsider with 6HD or less and a high Perform score. So far I'm looking at the Lyrakien, but I'm wondering if there's a better option)
3. I'd like to have a floor be a lovely garden, with all sorts of magical plants. This means that I need an outsider with 6 hd or less that has a high Knowledge (Nature), which I'm having trouble finding.
4. Is there some way to make it so that I can have books teleport from a storage area to reading rooms on command?
5. Decanter of Endless Water supplies my plumbing needs.
6. Already planning on using Plant Growth and Rejuvinate to keep my garden healthy, along with Nurturing Seeds. Is there anything better?
7. Is the Create Demiplane line from Pathfinder better to use than Pathfinder's version of Genesis?

Book Availability: All of 3.5 (including Dragon) and non-third-party PF. If there's a PF version of something, I have to use it.

So, key problems:
1. Outsider 6HD or less with Perform bonus better than +11 (Lyrakien)
2. Outsider 6HD or less with Knowledge(Nature) better than +9 (Stag Archon)
3. Teleporting books to people? If not possible, I'll just bind servants to manually do it.
4. Create Demiplane vs. Genesis

2016-11-25, 06:07 PM
Check Frostburn for the Midgar Dwarf. Check with your GM to ensure he's OK with you having a surrogate crafter for some things.

2016-11-25, 06:08 PM
Check Frostburn for the Midgar Dwarf. Check with your GM to ensure he's OK with you having a surrogate crafter for some things.

Oh, hadn't heard about that one. I was gonna get myself a dedicated wright to do something similar.

The campaign's ending soon-ish; this is for my own personal edification. He's generally okay with me doing whatever so long as I don't use it for combat applications.

2016-11-25, 06:25 PM
3. Teleporting books to people? If not possible, I'll just bind servants to manually do it.
You'll likely need to go with binding servants. Pretty much anything with manipulatory members and Greater teleport will do. Well, unless the books themselves are Codex Archons (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/archon/archon-codex). Which... hmm. Also means you can Lesser Planar Bind a book on a topic, and with Pathfinder's version of Simulacrum, you can even create books on topics which you know nothing about, and keep them forever. Nifty!

4. Create Demiplane vs. Genesis
It's ... mixed. I'd suggest using Genesis for the base place, then the Create Demiplane line for customization.

Genesis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/genesis) permits you to create a Demiplane in an Instant manner with no further investment. However, it's fuzzy on what you can and can't do with it (which is where you get people talking about creating their own fast time planes at 1,000,000:1 and such). The Create Demiplane (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/create-demiplane) line of spells, on the other hand, is reasonably explicit about what you can do, but requires another spell to be made even Permanent; it'll always be subject to dispelling, which is not what you want for something that you're going to be investing a lot in... but then, Create Demiplane lets you throw people out, Genesis does not.

So you probably want to use a mix of both. Genesis to create the base demiplane (so that it can't be dispelled) to whatever limits your DM interprets into the situation, then the Create Demiplane (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/create-demiplane) line to customize it - make it "Timeless" with respect to magic (none of the spells you cast will expire - so you can use Summon Monster to make your servants, rather than Planar Binding, and skip the negotiation and the occasional recast... including a Trumpet Archon via Summon Monster IX to get yourself a 14th level Cleric helper); use "Structure" so you don't have to worry about all the walls of stone, stone shape, and similar; "Gravity" so you can use the space more efficiently (pick "subjectively directional"), "Bountiful" so you don't have to worry about supplies; "Energy" to make it grant everyone you bring Fast Healing 2; "Morphic" so that you can reshape is as you please; "Portal" if you want to make it accessible to others.