View Full Version : Watch Where you Step: The Boundary Mage, 3.5 Base Class (PEAR)

2016-11-25, 08:23 PM
Boundary Mage


Watch your step.... --Maki Arhun, Boundary Mage

The Boundary Mage is a type of caster who has dedicated his life to studying the laws of the universe and how to weaken or empower them within certain areas.

Adventures: The Boundary Mage may adventure to increase his or her knowledge of magical boundaries and how to weaken or strengthen them.

Characteristics: The central ability of a Boundary Mage is to summon a series of zones within which they can augment or decrease the power of a particular school. They can manipulate the locations of these zones so as to create a series of safe havens for their allies, or a minefield for their foes. The Boundary Mage functions as a ranged support and battlefield controller.

Alignment: Boundary Mages tend towards lawful, but there is no one truly dominant alignment among their ranks.

Religion: Boccob's cold, clinical take on combat is a popular take among Boundary Mages.

Background: How you become part of your class and why.

Races: Any race has the potential to become a Boundary Mage, but they tend to be most respected among the races that already boast a long and distinguished magical tradition, as their abilities can be incredibly useful to any school of magic.

Other Classes: Boundary Mages are often strongly appreciated by parties that have a strong magical presence, as spellcasters of all types receive a notable boost to their abilities by having a Boundary Mage in the party.

Role: A Boundary Mage controls the battlefield, protecting his friends and trapping his foes.

Adaptation: How a DM might change your class to fit into their campaign or unique world setting.

CLASS NAME's have the following game statistics.
Abilities: A Boundary Mage's key ability is Intelligence, as the number of zones she can summon is based on her modifier. Dexterity and Constitution are useful to staying alive.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d6
Starting Age: As Wizard
Starting Gold: As Wizard

Class Skills
The Boundary Mage’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

CBoundary Mage

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save





Zones I





Class Feature





Zone Alterations





Class Feature










Zones II, Zone Alterations










Danger Zone





Zone Alterations










Zones III





Zone Alterations










Store Boundary





Zone Alterations





Zones IV





Class Abily





Zone Alterations










Zone of Total Control

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Boundary Mage.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Boundary Mages are proficient with all simple weapons, with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy), and with shields (except tower shields).

Zones I-IV (Su, Sp): The core ability of a Boundary Mage, this ability allows the user to create areas, or "zones", within which the user can channel the power of one of the eight schools of magic to create powerful effects. These effects can range from healing to teleportation to illusions. At first level, the Boundary Mage only begins with knowledge of a single type of Zone, pertaining to a single school. At each subsequent level until 8th, the Boundary Mage gains the power to summon a new type/"school" of Zone.

A Boundary Mage can have a number of zones equal to their caster level or their intelligence modifier, whichever is lower. Calling forth a zone is a standard action which does not provoke. Zones cover a 5 foot square and can move at a speed of 5 feet per round, but may move at any time, even off turn -- this allows the Boundary Mage to better protect themselves and allies. An enemy that would move into a zone as a result of this movement is entitled to a reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 Boundary Mage level) to avoid the zone's approach.

At first, the Boundary Mage can only call forth the first level of ability of the school, but with practice he becomes able to call forth a wide range of effects. A zone can also only contain the power of a single school at first level, as well as any Alterations that might be in effect (see below). All zone abilities that allow a save, regardless of level, use the same save DC (DC = 10+1/2 Boundary Mage level + Int modifier).

Reshapings (Su, Sp): At 7th, 13th, and 19th level, the Boundary Mage may reshape their Zones in uncommon ways. Unless otherwise noted, these reshapings use all of a Boundary Mage's available zones. Each time this ability is gained, select one of the following options:

The Zoneshaper gains a zone surrounding themselves with a radius of 10 feet. The circle moves with them at their normal speed.
The Zone fills a square within close range. The dimensions of the square are 2 feet on each side per Boundary Mage level (round up to the nearest 5 feet). This larger zone can be moved 10 feet per round, and the reflex save for moving enemies to avoid it is therefore higher (DC = 10 + 1/2 Boundary Mage level + int mod).
All zones now affect 2 5-ft squares.
All zones now require less time to be summoned. Decrease summoning time by one step: Standard -> move -> swift. Zones can be summoned as a slower action if so desired.

Zone Alterations (Su, Sp): Experienced Boundary Mages may add a variety of rider effects onto their zones. At 2nd and every 3 levels past, choose one from the list below -- all zones you summon now have the following rider effects. The same Zone may be chosen various times. Rider effects may be suppressed in all Zones at the Boundary Mage's discretion, but all Zones must contain the same riders.

Healing Zone: All allied creatures in this zone gain fast healing equal to 1. Enemies take an equal amount of damage if standing inside a zone. Every subsequent level adds 3 to the fast healing.
Wormhole Zone: As a standard action, the Boundary Mage may swap the positions of any two willing allied creatures within his zones. Each subsequent level lowers the action by one step (Standard to Move to Swift to Immediate), but this cannot ever be lowered past immediate.
Elemental Zone: The Boundary Mage may designate this zone as a sonic, acidic, fiery, electrical, or cold zone. All enemy creatures with a vulnerability to this type of damage take a bonus 10% damage while in this zone. Spells dealing elemental damage of the appropriate type are cast at a +1 CL while within the zone. Each subsequent level increases bonus damage by 10%.
Misty Zone: The Boundary Mage fills the zone with mist to confuse her enemies. All allies gain 10% concealment while within the zone, and can automatically see through the mist. Enemies within the zone have a 10% miss chance. This miss chance increases by 5% with each subsequent level.

Overload: At 10th level, the Boundary Mage gains the ability to vastly increase the amount and power of zones she can control. As a swift action every turn, she may overload his abilities to gain one of the listed effects below. However, each round she remains in this mode is extremely taxing, and the Boundary Mage takes two points of ability damage to her lowest mental score for each round in this state. The damage may not be prevented or healed by any means except by natural rest.

Add the Boundary Mage's Intelligence modifier to the DC of all Zones.
Summon twice the normal number of Zones.
Combine the effects of two Zones in all your Zones. Requires Boundary Mage level of 15+.
Instead of your standard Zones, you gain a single Zone with a 30 foot radius, centered on yourself.

Manipulate Boundary: The Boundary Mage is familiar with the various methods of trapping magic within a localized area. As a standard action, the Boundary Mage may attempt to dispel or reinforce an ongoing magical effect with a touch. The Boundary Mage's knowledge of magical boundaries is so extensive that even the effects of instantaneous spells, such as Wall of Stone as the original conjuration effect is isolated and reversed. If dispelling, the Boundary Mage makes a check as per Dispel Magic, with a caster level of his Boundary Mage level + 4. If successful, the boundary is dispelled. If reinforcing, the Boundary Mage may increase the difficulty of dispelling the particular effect by up to half his Boundary Mage level.

Store Boundary: The Boundary Mage can use his knowledge of magical boundaries to temporarily isolate a certain number of instances of such boundaries from reality. As a full-round action, the Boundary Mage can touch an ongoing magical effect, such as a Forcecage or Wall of Thorns. The Boundary Mage must succeed on a level check with a DC of the original caster's caster level + 10. If successful, the effect ceases to exist, and is stored in a pocket dimension controlled by the Boundary Mage. The Boundary Mage can later bring the effect back into reality, and the effect is treated as if cast by the Boundary Mage, albeit with the original caster's caster level and spell DC. The Boundary Mage can store a maximum number of effects equal to half his Boundary Mage level.

Zone of Total Control: At 20th level the Boundary Mage is a master of the art of creating boundaries. The Boundary Mage gains a permanent Zone with a 30 foot radius centered on herself. Furthermore, as a swift action for one round per level per day this Zone can be expanded out to 100 feet. Other Zones can continue to be summoned within the Zone of Total Control's area.

Abjuration – Protection from x, Globe of invulnerability, Antimagic field, Mindblank
Conjuration – Knight's Move, Sleet Storm, Dimension Door, Dismissal
Divination – Detect Alignment, Arcane Sight, Legend Lore, Foresight
Enchantment-- Charm Person, Zone of Truth, Hold Person, Dominate Monster
Evocation-- Gust of Wind, Fireball, Sympathetic Vibration, Forcecage
Illusion -- Disguise Self, Invisibility, Major Image, Phantasmal Killer
Necromancy – False Life/Negative, Ghoul Touch, Bestow Curse, Waves of Exhaustion
Transmutation – Enlarge/Shrink, Greater Magic Weapon, Polymorph, Flesh to Stone

2016-11-25, 08:26 PM
I started this for a base class challenge a few months ago, but ended up dropping it due to real life, and so I've decided to finish it up for once and for all. Still a work in progress, obviously, and perhaps a bit disjointed, but I think the idea is there.

My main concern is the way Zones move. Currently, they're able to move slowly on your turn, to control the battlefield, or off turn, to block the way of enemies. This seems a bit...clunky, though I get the feeling it would be easier to control than it seems in an actual game.

My secondary concern is filling in another couple minor class features, or perhaps one more big class feature.

Please feel encouraged to leave comments or suggestions, any help would be appreciated! Even just a short message if you like or dislike the class and why could be super helpful! Thanks!

2016-11-25, 10:16 PM
seems like a cool concept, nice work :smallbiggrin: