View Full Version : Mixing Miramax and Dimension studios in with Kingdom Hearts.

2016-11-26, 07:13 AM
A really strange thought started percolating in my head quite some time ago. From 1993 up until 2010 Miramax was a division of the Walt Disney Company, and within Miramax was Dimension studios, from 1992 until 2005 and when it broke of to join The Weinstein Company, with Quentin Tarantino following suit. Now that would mean that the movies Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill I & II and From Dusk Till Dawn were all produced and distributed by the Walt Disney Company, by way of Miramax of course. Or as my father once half-jokingly said, "See, Pulp Fiction is a Disney movie."

Now what does this have to do with gaming you ask. Simple, Disney Infinity and Kingdom Hearts, or to be more precise, M rated expansions of them based off of Miramax/Dimension films. Imagine being able to select from Jules Winnfield, Winston "The Wolf" Wolfe, The Bride, Sidney Prescott, Dwight "Dewey" Riley, Gale Weathers, Butch Coolidge, Seth Gekko and Jackie Brown alongside more typical Disney, Marvel and Star Wars heroes. Or go the Kingdom Heart route, as I intend for this thread and make some of the Miramax and Dimension movies their own world, one that they share with The Princess Diaries, because I can think pretty dark sometimes. Now oddly enough this screwed up mess of a world has more than one Princess of Heart, six of them to be exact.

Sidney Prescott
Princess Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi A.K.A. Mia Thermopolis
Mia Wallace
Kate Fuller
Yolanda/"Honey Bunny"
Or as our favorite friendly neighborhood pool guy Wade Wilson would say, "This ****'s gonna have nuts in it!"

P.S. The first Bad Santa (2003) was a Miramax film, so that's in this mess too. I kind of like the idea of Thurman Merman as a Prince of Heart. Maybe even throw in Down and Out in Beverly Hills (from Touchstone) and Criminal Minds (from Touchstone and now ABC Studios) for good measure. Yeah, this would be fun, too bad Disney and Square-Enix won't do it. At least very least this would make for good fanfic/RP/tabletop RPG campaign fodder.

2016-11-28, 05:48 AM
More on the Kingdom Hearts based crossover. For this crossover I've decided that Princess Mia has an older maternal second cousin, from Woodsboro, CA. The two have visited several times before the most recent in 1995 for the funeral of Mia Thermopolis's beloved aunt Maureen Prescott, following Mrs. Prescott's brutal murder. So was their great grandfather (I'm cheating here a bit, but since Tarantino took his film universe to The Weinstein Company after leaving Miramax with the Weinstein brothers I feel no trouble with grandfathering in Tarantino's later films) retired U.S. Army Lt. Aldo Raines, remarkably spry, hearty and hale for his age. The original Ghostfaces should thank God he wasn't in town, because he wouldn't have granted them the relatively quick and merciful deaths they got, especially after what they did to his granddaughter and tried to do to his great granddaughter Sidney. He'd also have two new scalps to add to his collection.

So, the basic gist of this crossover is that the film adaptation of The Princess Diaries shares the same world with Quentin Tarantino's movies, the Scream movies, From Dusk Till Dawn and Bad Santa. Here's a rough movie based timeline for the crossover.

The past

The events of Django Unchained.
The events of The Hateful Eight.
The events of Inglourious Basterds.
Maureen Roberts' brief acting career in Hollywood, ending with her gang-rape at a party hosted by B-horror movie producer John Milton, which he participated in. This in turn resulted in the conception and birth of her son Roman Bridger, Scream 3's Ghostface.
The birth of Sidney Prescott to Neil and Maureen Prescott.
The birth of Princess Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi or simply Mia Thermopolis, heir to the nation of Genovia to Phillipe and Helen Thermopolis Renaldi.
The divorce of Phillipe and Helen Renaldi.
The events of Reservoir Dogs.
The events of Pulp Fiction.
The murder of Maureen Prescott, née Roberts, by Billy Loomis and Stu Macher and their framing of Cotton Weary. This was done with the approval and advice of Roman Bridger, Maureen's son and a bastard in both senses of the word.
Maureen Prescott's funeral, attended her husband Neil, her daughter Sidney, her cousin Helen Thermopolis, Helen's daughter Mia and of course, Sid's and Mia's great grandad, Lt. Aldo Raines. Optional: One of the mourners at Maureen's funeral was an eccentric redheaded heiress who claimed to know Maureen from several years ago. She wouldn't exactly explain from what they knew each other, but her tears were genuine. Though she did speak in a highly stilted and overly former manner and sounded like she was regurgitating a thesaurus.
The events of Scream and the massacre of Beatrix Kiddo's wedding rehearsal by Bill and the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad.
The events of Scream 2 and Jackie Brown.
The start of the crossover
The events of Scream 3, The Princess Diaries and later From Dusk Till Dawn. This is where the crossover begins, with Sora and his allies looking for and aiming to protect three of this world's Princesses of Heart, Mia Wallace, Yolanda and Fabienne, and run into the other three, Sidney Prescott, Kate Fuller and Mia Thermopolis. The Princess of Heart list for the world overlaps with it's potential keybearer list.
The future
The events of Bad Santa.
The potential events of Scream 4.

By the way, various Disney/Kingdom Hearts villains will also get involved.

2016-11-29, 09:20 PM
Here are the main Kingdom Hearts/Scream/Pulp Fiction/general Tarantino/Princess Diaries/From Dusk Till Dawn crossover locations.


Los Angeles
Jackrabbit Slim's
The Diner
The Raymond Theater
Fosters Freeze
Crown Pawn Shop
Lance's house
Ingelwood strip club (Marsellus' front)
Marsellus Wallace's home
Big Kahuna Burger
Los Angeles P.D.
Sunrise Studios
John Milton's mansion

San Fransisco

Genovian consulate
The Thermopolis family home/former firehouse
Mia's private high school

The Prescott residence
The Loomis residence
Woodsboro High School
Woodsboro Police Department
Woodsboro Town Square


Windsor College


Butch Coolidge's home


The Titty Twister

Can you imagine Sora and his fellow keyblade wielders or King Mickey and the gang going to any of these places? Do you want to?

2016-12-05, 06:36 AM
I've been thinking about making this crossover a table top RPG adventure too. I'm just drawing a blank on what system to use for it. You have FATE, Mutants and Masterminds, a modified World of Darkness or a re-skinned Star Wars Saga Edition to pick from, as a start. Any other system recommendations would be welcome too.

I'm thinking of starting this crossover at or around the beginnings of The Princess Diaries and Scream 3, which will occur simultaneously in this crossover. Of course this will give Mia Thermopolis even more reason to be mortified about suddenly learning of her royal status. In canon, both book and Disney film, Mia was worried about failing to live up to expectations and being thought of as a freak, along with generally feeling like her world has been turned upside down. In this, as of yet unnamed crossover, Mia has all these reasons and more to be frightened by the prospect of being a princess.

The "more" part being related to Sidney Prescott, something Mia and her cousin Sidney would like to keep quiet. Mia's afraid that when the media, specifically the paparazzi, digs into her non-royal side, that they'll uncover her relation to Sidney Prescott and practically lead psycho killers right to Sidney, her father Neil or even Mia and her mother Helen. Mia's afraid for the lives of pretty much the only family she's known for most of her life. Mia Thermopolis will be really reluctant to reveal she's a princess to the public in this fic/adventure.

2016-12-06, 03:30 AM
So how do Pulp Fiction and Kingdom Hearts fit into this, you ask. Simple, this fic/adventure takes place shortly after the conclusion of KH Dream Drop Distance with Xehanort and his duplicates as the new Organization XIII. Yes, Master Xehanort has the requisite seven Princesses of Heart in his reach, yet not in his grasp, but he also knows they aren't the only ones out there. He wants to hedge his bets here. In fact he spots a single world that actually has seven Princesses of Heart living on it. Well six Princesses of Heart and one Prince of Heart, a pudgy and dimwitted boy who prattles on about "the Talking Walnut" and gets bullied and beaten up almost daily. Yep, that's Thurman Merman for you. That and one of this world's six Princesses of Heart is Mia, the coke snorting, ex-actress wife of ruthless crime boss Marcellus Wallace. Now strange and (http://www.khwiki.com/Heartless) dark creatures (http://www.khwiki.com/Nobody) begin hunting for this world's Princesses of Heart for Master Xehanort, focusing on three of them to start, Mia Wallace, Fabienne and "Honey Bunny"/Yolanda. That should help get this story moving.

2016-12-06, 03:42 AM
I think better than any of these ideas, you should maybe check out the Forum Rules.

2016-12-06, 05:15 AM
I think better than any of these ideas, you should maybe check out the Forum Rules.

Would you please phrase this comment a little more clearly so I can understand exactly what you mean. If you need a paragraph or two to properly explain what you mean that's okay. Some times it takes me a paragraph or two to make myself clear.

2016-12-11, 04:54 AM
Okay then I have a highly preliminary name for this crossover. It's Shadows Over the Golden Gate and the City of Angels. Hopefully better than the Birth By Sleep or Dream Drop Distance.

Like in some of my previous threads I'm posting a brief character sheet for one of the more notable characters to likely be featured in the crossover. I've also provided a template for writing up characters.

[I][Quote(s) (optional)]

Winston Wolfe
"If I’m curt with you it’s because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you to guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So pretty please, with sugar on top, clean the ****in' car."
1. Heightened perception and observational skills due to his years as a "cleaner" for various mob figures including Marcellus Wallace.
2. Winston is intelligent and resourceful enough to find and implement timely solutions to difficult situations. He solves problems.
3. Almost unfailingly polite and courteous, allowing him to easily work and interact with others. Though he will became rather snippy if he has to deal with obnoxious idiots. Just ask Vincent Vega. Oh, wait you can't, he's dead.
4. High speed precision driver. This allows him to drive to an area in a third the normal time at little to no greater risk to himself, other drivers or pedestrians.
5. Likely knows how to defend himself from/kill mundane enemies due to his years as mob cleaner/hit man. I strongly doubt he's a world class shootist or martial artist, but I'm willing to bet he's at least decent with a gun and in close quarters.
6. Winston Wolfe combines speed and precision in his tasks. He's as quick as he is careful.
7. Consummate professional who never loses his cool, no matter how angry you get him.
8. Expert at delegating, but willing and able to do hands on work as needed.
9. Is a highly respected employee of Marcellus Wallace.

I'm thinking about working on Sidney Prescott and her, in this crossover, second cousin Mia Thermopolis. I might even work on their great grandpa Aldo too. Though we'll also need to work on the Kingdom Hearts characters involved, after we figure out who they are.

2016-12-21, 05:46 AM
Another character form for Shadows Over the Golden Gate and the City of Angels KH/Princess Diaries/Scream/Tarantino filmverse/From Dusk Till Dawn/eventual Bad Santa crossover idea.
Sidney Prescott
"What's the point? They're all the same. Some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door. It's insulting."
-to the killer over the phone, Scream
"Why? Why did you kill my mother?"
-to Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, Scream
"Oh you know the usual small talk. "What's new?" "How you been?" "How do you wanna die?""
-Telling Dwight "Dewey" Riley and Gale Weathers what the killer told her, Scream 3
"I always thought I had the perfect Mom, the perfect family until I found out I was wrong. She had a secret life and I tried to understand that. And... soon as I thought... then I had more secrets. I don't know who my Mom was."
-to Detective Mark Kincaid, Scream 3
1. Killer instinct. While Sidney isn't a homicidal maniac like the spree killers who plague her family, friends and herself, she is willing and able to kill to protect herself and others. As warm and compassionate as Sid is, when it comes down to matters of life and death, kill or let herself and others be killed, miss Prescott has ice water in her veins.
2. Will to survive. Sid's a fighter and a survivor, backing her into a corner is a monumentally stupid idea. The more peril you put her in the more ferocious she becomes.
3. Stronger and tougher than she looks. Sidney has fought off and broken away from attackers about twice her size. She's not superhumanly strong or durable, but she is reasonably athletic and strong, likely stronger than average for a woman of her size (5'7") and weight.
4. Sidney's smart and a fast thinker. If given sometime to prepare she readily arms and armors herself. Sidney has and will use stealth and trickery to overwhelm and blitz attack her assailants and evade capture. In fact he whole battlefield/environment is a weapon in her arsenal. She'll tip over bookcases, stage prop pillars, television sets and tables either for protection or onto her attacker(s). Sidney will use whatever she finds, from pots and pans to thunder boards (metal strips attached to a wall with a rope to shake it with) to make loud noises and use bright lights to disorient her enemies. "Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky."
5. Has a mean right hook. Sidney can throw a good punch and is otherwise skilled at unarmed self defense. It also helps that Sidney has rightly given up the notion of "a fair fight." "If it's worth fighting for, it's worth fighting dirty for." (http://www.murphys-laws.com/murphy/murphy-war.html)
6. Sidney knows her way around knives and guns. If it has a sharp edge or fires a bullet, Sid can probably use it.
7. Sidney Prescott genuinely cares about and for other people. Most people might see this as a weakness, but frankly I don't. Yes some scum might try to manipulate and cower Sidney by taking hostages, all that will accomplish is to force to act more cautiously, attempt to draw you away from your hostages in hope of helping them escape and make it a lot that she'll either kill or severely physically inconvenience you. All threatening or harming innocent people will get you with Sid is her even more pissed off at you than normal.
8. Adjusted to horror. Sid's dealt with psychos twice in the past (this story starting at or near the beginning of Scream 3). She may be broken, but she's not fragile.

2016-12-22, 04:20 AM
Isn't there a rule about multi-posting somewhere on these forums?

2016-12-22, 06:05 AM
Isn't there a rule about multi-posting somewhere on these forums?

Yes there is a rule (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1) about multi-posting. However it's only generally frowned on, rather than outlawed. People have multi-posted in there own threads without incident before, just as long as it was topic and all the posts had a point. But I think we should leave the question of multi-posting allowances up to the mods and the Giant himself, they run the place, not us. PM one if you would, I'd eagerly welcome it.

2016-12-22, 03:44 PM
The topic isn't really getting any traction though. It probably doesn't need anything as drastic as locking, but y'know sometimes you just have to pull the plug and let nature take its course.