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2016-11-26, 03:30 PM
The Guardians. Preservers of lost knowledge both ancient and modern. These mages are the best in their field, true practitioners of the arcane arts. Your backgrounds are diverse, your skills many, and your practice varied. Many of you might know eachother, while other may have never heard a whisper in the great distance that typically separates Guardians. Indeed, past your training it is often a solitary, gaunt work, with rarely so much as a single other mage to partner during treks into the jungles, deserts, and swamps of Terra.

But not so today. You have received orders to work under a Tier 2 mage, one of similiar rank and ability as your old masters, in Umbria city, the capital of Frontiera and a bustling center of trade on the continent. The mage is called Diael, a greyhorn nephilim with a reputation due to his arrogance and incredible talent. The others only spoke of him rarely, past that they haven't worked with him in several years.

You arrive by train, the primary mode of travel between cities in Frontiera, as the elevated tracks do their best to stay out of the Black Forest that consumes the lost cities below and past the walls that protect from the wild growth. The terminal is busy, but, seeing the Guardian's coats you wear, the civilians give you a wide berth and curious stares. Diael himself is nowhere to be seen. There is a beautiful, tall catfolk orange hair and black stripes on her tan skin, wearing a uniform akin to your own. She spots you, and shoves past some of the people to get to you.

"So you are the Guardians sent to help my Master?" she asks, her tone respectful but her posture apprehensive. She looks over you with her hazel eyes. This must be Tora, Diael's new apprentice and the first catfolk slated to be a Guardian. Of course, less is known about her than even her master, except that she obviously is very conscientious of her appearance. Despite the normally chilly weather this time of year, she's wearing hot pants and thigh highs under her coat, flashing a few inches of thigh every time her movement disturbs the length of the coat. Her hair is kept impractically long, but not a single split end is to be found. Her nails are long, but the black polish is likely of the magic resistance moth oil, at least. This is not a practical person.

Feel free to make some knowledge checks if you have any questions.

2016-11-26, 04:30 PM
And you must be Tora! Was Master Diael not able to make it to greet us himself?

With a bow and a smile Fender continues, ?You may call me Fender Stonebreaker, on orders to serve under Master Diael. And it is a true pleasure to meet such a fascinating creature as you.

2016-11-27, 04:29 PM
"Hello, my name is Melanie." She introduces herself with a smile, staring curiously at Tora.

2016-11-27, 11:56 PM
Grundi pulls his cloak closer around him, more out of reflex than to keep out the cold. As usual, his appearance his disguised by his magical cap, though he changes how exactly the disguise looks frequently. Though he keeps the guardian cloak obvious, the rest of his body is altered to a man who looks like he has dwarf blood: short and squat with a swooshed face and fiery red hair and a full goatee, wearing a wide-brimmed hat that matches his guardian cloak.

Grundi stares at Tora, recalling his theories about her. The first catfolk guardian: it seems the new catfolk queen had finally decided she wanted access to the organization with all of the powerful mages and magical items. Most likely the guardians had been deliberately stonewalling the catfolk from joining specifically to bar them access from that magic. Until now, that is; Grundi wondered what deal the catfolk had made to gain access to the Guardian's monopoly. Regardless, she was who the catfolk had chosen as their first envoy, so she would almost certainly be extremely competent and dangerous. She might make a good ally in Grundi's quest to uncover the true nature of the Guardians, even if they would have different end goals. Best to play nice with her.

Grundi looked over her apparel with approval. Everything about it screamed impracticality, which would lull observers into a false sense of security and make them underestimate her. She might have actually gone a bit overboard, as it was incredibly obvious.

Grundi nods respectfully to her. Yes, but don't know what help Diael needs with. You fill us in? Guessing you're Tora. Grundi Enochole. Good to meet you.

Using Detect Psionics on Tora (52 - 1 = 51 pp)

Knowledge (History): [roll10] What does Grundi know about the Southern Catfolk Kingdom and its queen?
Psychic Knowledge: [roll11] Same as above
Knowledge (History): [roll12] What does Grundi know about Tora specifically?
Psychic Knowledge: [roll13] Same as above

Is Tora visibly bothered by the cold?

2016-11-28, 12:54 PM
Tora confidently flourishes her hair, proudly smiling with her eyes closed. "Well, one does hope to get by, beyond being 'exotic'," she says. "I am Tora. Indeed, my master had to attend to the bureaucracy of the current situation. We've had a license for an excavation in the area for a while, but it's not until recently the researchers dug up something juicy for us to find," she continued. It's not uncommon for the Guardians to have purchased or bargained for the opportunity to explore buildings and facilities abandoned by corporations due to the Black Forest. Lower level Guardians are often tasked with sifting through data and contracts to see if there is anything useful or particularly interesting to check out, and their determinations are used to prioritized expeditions. "We can probably intercept my master on our way to the mansion. He texted me a few minutes ago that he was almost done."

The Queen has a bit of a habit of playing coy. The Catfolk kingdom has several interesting site, more of the "ancient" kind rather than the "modern laboratory" variety. Angling a mutually beneficial agreement between her kingdom and the Guardians was a priority, which is why Diael was stationed there for the past year or so.

Luka would often joke that the reasons why Diael was chosen for this assignment were "he spoke catfolk" and "knew, like, one catfolk growing up."

As for Tora herself, knowing you'd be meeting with Diael and his apprentice gave you the opportunity to look into her a little. She was a ranger in the Catfolk Kingdom military, with good marks in marksmanship and notably magical ability. Her name isn't catfolk, however. Usually, Catfolk named translate from their native tongue into something inane in Common, like "Coconut Milkshake." However, Tora is aquan, and probably a pseudonym at that. It's likely she isn't actually from the Catfolk Kingdom initially.

Speaking of Tora, she has a couple of transmutations, a divination, 2 abjurations, and two conjurations showing. The magical christmas light rule is in full effect here. She does seem a little bothered by the cold, though.

2016-11-28, 01:06 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow shuffles off the train, seemingly a little agitated and arguing with a four armed robot. "I'm not saying you're a grunt. I'm just saying it'd be nice if you helped your siblings out once in a while!" The robot throws all of its arms in the air. "Siblings?! You call thos-" Winslow lifts her hand up. "Later."

She sizes up the cat folk. "I see your fashion sense is almost as good as mine." The artificer admits. "It's no wonder you're slated for guardianship- hold on." She turns around and shouts at the train. "Barbarian, Paladin, Ranger, Winston, get a move on!" She turns around and shrugs at Tora as three effigies and a dedicated wright emerge from the train with various bags and boxes. "Sorry about that, I had to transport my lab and the like. Short notice and all..."

One small grunt and she turns to the other guardians. "Oh ho ho! Well, this is an interesting group. Are you all a part of my team?" She shakes everyone hand, if they let her, starting at Tora and ending with Grundi. Her hand shake is awkward, overly zealous, and she uses both hands to everyone's one. "I'm Elspeth Winslow, but you can call me Winslow. Dr. Winslow, if you like. I have a PhD in bio-mechanical engineering, theoretical arcanics, and advanced alchemy. I also minored in planar theory and dabbled in just about every useful craft I could find."

2016-11-28, 01:52 PM
As she sauntered off the train, Tassy's bells jingled congenially. She couldn't help but smile at Winslow. "It's good to see you haven't a bit since I last saw you." She pats her friend on the shoulder. "As for the rest of you, I'm Tassy and it's a pleasure to be here."

She shoots a curious look at Tora and pleasant smile. "Can't say I've ever seen a catfolk in person. We don't get a lot of those where we come from." She reaches out a hand. "How do you do?"

2016-11-28, 02:13 PM
Fender happily shakes hands with Winslow and turns to greet all the newcomers. "My, what a group we make here! May I offer to carry all of your bags? I see no reason that we should all be burdened as we walk."

He looks over at the robots, "Er... Aside from what they are carrying anyway. They seem to have their loads well in hand."

2016-11-28, 02:40 PM
Grundi tilts his head at Winslow's curious greeting of Tora. A coded phrase, perhaps? Perhaps these two have a previous connection that they are trying to hide from the others. Grundi would have to keep an eye on that. As Winslow starts going around shaking hands, Grundi cringes but tentatively reaches his out as well. He was trying to play nice, after all.

"Yes. Interesting group. Should be fun.

2016-11-28, 03:01 PM
Tora shakes hands with Tassy and Winslow. She seems unsure how to take Winslow's backhanded compliment or how to react to being the first Catfolk that Tassy met. "Hahaha, that's enough now. Excellent, so we're all here then, and a few extras. Robots? Golems? Shall we get moving, then?" she asks. Of course, she snaps around and gestures for the others to follow as she sashays to the exit, her tail gently swinging in contentment.

You exit into a suburban area, far from the city enter but close to the Black Forest. The sky is grey, as usual for this time of year, but the leaves have changed their colors, giving a splash of color to the neighborhood. Now that you're outside, the Catfolk pulls her phone out, and checks it quickly. "Okay, if we take Harrison we'll bump into him."

2016-11-28, 03:31 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"Tassy!" Winslow exclaims, giving an exaggerated hug and patting her on the shoulder. "It has been too long. You never answer my calls. Don't you blame it on Vrock Wireless! I told you to switch to Terrasque Mobile a long time ago!" She scolds, shaking her finger. Hearing her friend hadn't seen a catfolk in person before, Winslow reaches into a box that one of her effigies is carrying, pulling out a pen sized metal object and leather bound book.

"Catfolk are interesting!" She pulls on one end of the metal object, revealing it as a telescoping pointer. She opens the book and places it in Tassy's hand. "As you can see from the diagram, catfolk can have their age deciphered by the graying around their nose." She gently, but carelessly, boops Tora on the nose with her pointer. "Judging by Tora's lack of graying, she either dyes her fur or is a young lady." She then taps her rib cage with the pointer. "But judging by her proportions and lack of bone visibility, we can say she's young and doesn't dye her fur. She's but a kittenfolk." Winslow chuckles and puts her things away, pulling out a sucker and handing it to Tora. "I'd be a shameful doctor if I didn't keep suckers on me at all times."

As they depart, she smiles at Fender. "How kind of you! Likewise, I will offer Wizard as a suitable baggage transport. Don't let his name fool you, he is quite strong and only has a 15% chance of totally failing to live up to his namesake!" Grinning, she follows Tora.

2016-11-28, 03:32 PM
Winslow's Greeting snaps Melanie's attention away from Tora, as she begins to follow Tora she asks Winslow, "Are all of those really degrees?"

2016-11-28, 03:45 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"Every last one of them." She nods to Melanie. "I can show you my degrees when we arrive at our residence, if you like. I was offered a professor position, but the Guardians pay better and fund my research so..." She trails off. "Also, I failed my public speaking course." She shrugs. "What do you do? They gave me last minute notice on my teammates and location, probably to prevent me from studying my colleagues and surveying my destination for weeks in advance." She shakes her fist at an imaginary person in front of her. "Curses!"

2016-11-28, 03:47 PM
Tassy's smile widens at the greeting from her friend. "Well you know how crappy signal can get when it comes to intercontinental communications. I'll try and switch when we're done here. I will admit though, it has been too long."

After listening to her lesson about catfolk, Tassy ponders for a moment then speaks up. "I probably didn't need a 101 on catfolk but I appreciate the lesson none the less."

2016-11-28, 04:00 PM
The new city is neat and all, but Fender finds himself having much trouble focussing on the sights around when there are far more interesting sights close at hand.

"I, for one, enjoyed the lesson greatly!"

Fender gestures to the greathammer slung over his back. "I am here, I think, provide a more hands on and physical style of combat support. Though I'll admit a bit of skill with the post-living magics."

2016-11-28, 04:21 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow smiles at Tassy. "Knowledge is powerful. Did you know, that there is a plant on the eastern continent that, when properly distilled, produces a positive reaction similar to dopamine or other natural stimulants when exposed to catfolk? In fact, it effects 66% of them." She is excited about this news. "I ordered a plant and brought it with me... it also has positive effects on white nephilim, though not nearly as well pronounced."

She snaps her attention to Fender, as if ripped out of a trance. "Necromancy? Believe it or not, there is a lot of parallels between effigy building and necromancy. Very nifty stuff."

2016-11-28, 04:43 PM
"Similar to dopamine? I don't think I've heard of a plant that works on white nephilim and not other people." Melanie says full attention on Winslow now.

2016-11-28, 04:44 PM
Behind his mask Grundi narrows his eyes at Winslow, though his illusionary form still seems calm. This one would be both incredibly helpful and dangerous if her tendency to dig into even seemingly trivial matters was any indication. Good for helping him learn stuff, bad that she might learn too much about him.

At Fender's mention of why he's here Grundi whirls on him. "Combat? We expecting fights here?"

Grundi nods at what Winslow says about knowledge. "Agreed. Specialize in information gathering. Good to know what you're dealing with. You...brought some Nepeta cataria? Why?" Grundi hoped his inquiry sounded innocent enough. The scientist bringing a drug that almost solely affects catfolk was curious indeed. A goodwill offering perhaps?

2016-11-28, 04:51 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"I believe it's the first of it's kind. You see, when on holiday, I noticed this particular plant gathering attention from butterflies and cats, so I plucked some and did some harmless experimenting." She stresses the word harmless. "I'm studying the possible medical uses of the plant, but so far only catfolk and white nephilims register the effect. It may be too strong for catfolk to use, though. They go crazy." She chuckles.

She brightens up when Grundi recognizes her plant. "I think I can harness its properties to make a suitable anxiety medication, so long as the dosages are followed." She looks Grundi up and down, analyzing him. "You're sure sharp!"

Looking back at Melanie, she adds. "White horns must have just a smidgeon of correlating genes with moths, or perhaps partial ancestry with a creature in the lepidoptera order? Tell me, do you have any relatives that may or may not be an insect?"

2016-11-28, 05:07 PM
Tora's tail thrashes suddenly, and she turns around to face Winslow. "Okay, can stop it with the catfolk comments! I am my own person, and beautiful and magnificent in my own right," she protests. She snatches the candy, demonstrating her cat like reflexes. "Am I to assume that you laced this with your drugs?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"That would lead to an interesting situation," a voice with a signature growl to it says. Behind Tora is a nephilim wearing the signature coat of the Guardians, but the coloring is much darker than normal and he has several extra swords and magical objects hanging from the belts on his waist, as well as pauldrons that match the arm guards he is wearing under the sleeves. Poking from under his blonde hair are six horns, three small ones on each side. These eyes are a dull grey, matching his eyes. This be Diael.

"Hey, this is your new apprentice, right?" asks a young lady's voice.

Tora snaps around again, and points the sucker at the lady. "Okay, I had enough of-" she stops herself when she sees the person she is addressing. It's a woman in her late teens, 18 or 19. Her blonde hair is tied into a pony tail, but enough is leftover to frame her face. She's fair, and her blue eyes are bespectacled by wire frame glasses. She's wearing a government jacket over a hooded sweatshirt and jeans, and a small spellbook is strapped to her hip. "Oh, hey. And you are?"

"Tora, meet Edinah. She's an intern at the site office. I offered to walk her home after my meeting with William Owens, the officer in charge. We met back before I went to the Catfolk Kingdom, since this is the same duo I had to work with back then. " Diael says. Edinah extends her hand and Tora timidly shakes it. "And I take it you are the team that was sent to assist me with the site?" Diael asks the team.

2016-11-28, 05:14 PM
Elspeth Winslow

She opens her mouth in feigned shock. "What sort of doctor would I be if I laced my suckers with drugs!" She provides no answer whether she did or did not (she didn't), but she is slightly offended nonetheless. "Why, here I am attempting to harness the pow- oof!"

In the process of winding herself up to explain why it would be a terrible decision to mix candy and catnip, she lapses in attention and runs smack into Diael. "Excuse me s-" She looks up and begins to almost drool, her pupils widening as her eyes make their way to his horns. "Wizard, catch me, for I am about to faint! I must study this occurrence!" She pulls out paper and a pen from her satchel.

2016-11-28, 06:10 PM
"hello Diael, I believe we are the team sent to assist you." Melanie says, taking his measure, "Are all those swords necessary?"

"Winslow, I am fairly certain there aren't any insects in my family." She replies distracted by Diael's swords, intensely looking at them.

2016-11-28, 06:19 PM
Fender looks at Grundi in all seriousness, "My friend, I always anticipate combat. It's a habit."

Luminary Diael, it is good to meet you. Edinah, the same. I'm sure a speak for all of us when I say we are at your service." Fender gives them a bow.

"If you are feeling faint, Dr. Winslow, I am willing to carry you. It would seem the large man has a sense of humor as he gives Winslow a wide smile.

2016-11-28, 08:04 PM
Diael moves into action upon Wislow's, catching a woman is not falling. After a second he remembers himself and removes his arms from around her. "My apologies for grabbing you so brusquely. I was afraid that you falling," he says, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Were you referring to one of your golems?" He asks, doing his best to ignore Winslow's expression.

He examines the group again. "A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Melanie. Bander told me to offer you any aid or special accomidatioms, if your require them. Well, she told Ms. Owens to tell me," he says, chuckling and shaking his head.

He returns Fender's bow with a respectful nod. "How well mannered you are, Mr Stonebreaker. I am glad to receive your aid."

2016-11-28, 08:31 PM
'Ha ha! My manners are little more than an act! This takes no small effort for me. I chose to try to make a good first impression. Didn't figure you'd like much if I came in with bodily noises and stone-cutter's language." Fender replies with remarkable candor.

2016-11-28, 10:24 PM
At hearing Bander mentioned Melanie looks up at Diael with a surprised blink. "I don't think that will be necessary, Diael. Thank you for your hospitality while we assist you in this matter." She says with sudden politeness.

2016-11-29, 01:05 AM
Tassy reaches out a hand to Diael. "Glad to make your acquaintance. My name is Tassiel Rivers but my friends just call me Tassy for short." She giggles slightly at the theatrics between Diael and Winslow, making a mental note to give Winslow some flak later for it.

2016-11-29, 01:58 AM
Grundi gives a sidelong glance at Edinah. Young, new to this assignment, yet works for the government and the guardians and carries a spellbook. Nepotism? Possibly, but such people were often groomed for underhanded politics and dealings. Need to be careful around her. And around Diael, of course. Still, the nephilum seemed to have a weakness for flattery. Should indulge it, if only to put him at ease.

"Luminary Diael. Good to meet you. Curious about the site, what it is and what we'll do."

2016-11-29, 10:28 AM
Elspeth Winslow

Awkwardly clearing her throat and brushing herself off, Winslow explains. "Ah, yes. Wizard is the four armed one. He casts spells... with only a 15% failure rate!" The last part she says proudly. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to get the failure rate that low on an effigy?!" She reaches out a hand. "Elspeth Winslow, call me Winslow. Doctor Winslow, if you like. I've got three PhD's.... you know what, you've probably read my file."

2016-11-29, 11:46 AM
Diael shake's Tassy's hand. "A pleasure, Ms. Rivers."

He also shakes Winslow's hand with his own gloved one. "Indeed, your reputation precedes you. It certainly is an impressive machine, but it lacks a certain je ne sais quoi."

"And, yes, I do find the swords necessary," Diael tells melanie. He touches the one on his left hip, which is a particularly battered specimen with a guard that looks like bird wings, as he stares into some far off place a hundred miles away. "Of course, in our line of work, you never know when we will engage in hand to hand combat with all sort of magical beasts and persons." He looks towards Tora. "Finally, the sword is a symbol of status and power, and has been traditionally carried by Guardians for this reason. It's a nobleman's weapon," he finishes, and Tora nods in reply.

"That being said, I do applaud the Herculean effort taken on my behalf," Diael tells Fender. "It takes a level of nobility and respect to act as you do. That almost makes it more admirable. It has been said tha-" Diael's pontificating is interrupted by Edinah tapping him of the shoulder.

"Hey, I have to go, but it's been fun! We'll talk later," she says quietly. Diael nods and she waves goodbye. Diael nods and she walks off.

"And yes, the site. It's a biotech research facility located about a klick and a half from the wall. It's a fairly large facility, over run by plants an animals. In particular, there was research being conducted to bring back the dead. Now, I don't mean simple reanimation of the body through necromancy, but actually retrieving a person, in whole, from death. It sounds far fetched to me, and incredibly unhealthy for anyone to attempt, but orders are orders," Diael continues, and he shrugs. "Of course, I will give credit to our research teams. There was a lot of data to look through for this project. Unfortunately, specifics were lost after some point. It may have been possible to reverse engineer what they were doing from the files, but our researchers believe that someone might have intentionally destroyed some information.

2016-11-29, 12:24 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow knocks on Wizard's chest. "Wizard is a top of the line construct. I'd say if anything is missing 'a certain je ne sais quoi' it's all those cheap constructs out there us Guardians are promoting." She carefully pronounces the phrase, making sure to make emphasis on how to correctly pronounce "ne". Petty? Yes. Does Winslow care? No. "Cheap does not mean better." Clearly she is offended. Nobody diminishes her constructs. "Fender, I would like to set up laboratory and establish a base of operations. Would you kindly assist?" Winslow huffs and puffs, herding her constructs into an orderly line.

2016-11-29, 12:25 PM
Well, Fender's eyes had been taking in the scenic views of Tora while listening to the goings on, but the description of their target location began to bring him back. At the mention of necromancy all diversions were dropped immediately.

"A full and complete return from the grave? I admit, I'm having trouble imagining how that might be made possible."

He turns to jog after the Doctor. "On my way, Dr. Winslow!"

2016-11-29, 04:18 PM
Diael shakes his head. "Ideally I wouldn't let any constructs work with me."

Tora smiles at the attention she's getting. She even gives Fender a little wink. Diael, however, seems to want everyone on topic. "Tora, enough teasing," he says. She snaps back into attention and chuckles. "And yes, that is what we're here to find out. It is time for us to get moving." He gestures everyone to follow and heads up the street. Tora immediately moves up to him and walks in step.

"So that Edinah girl seems cute," Tora says as she nudges him with her elbow.

Diael isn't enamored with the direction this conversation is going. "I would not consider it, Tora."

"Oh come on."

"She's too young."

"How old is she then?"

"18, I believe."

"That's past the age of consent, isn't it? Around here it's 17, right?"

"Tora, if you have to ask about the legality, then she's too young." Tora laughs and slaps her hand on his shoulder. He gives shorter chortle in return and smirks.

2016-11-29, 04:41 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"Thank you, large humanoid." She nods to Fender. "You can carry this... and this... and this and this." She piles a fair few extra boxes on Fender and then hands a few to Wizard, leaving herself with a singular box. "Shall we head to our abode?" She asks no one in particular.

Keeping up with the rest, she interjects herself into the conversation between Diael and Tora. "I don't see Diael winning any affections if he insists on insulting a girl's fascination, unique horns or not." Hurt from his comment about Wizard still seeping through. "I think we can fix him up suitably. I've got all sorts of tricks and products of my own design we can use. I'm even working on a horn polish for Nephilims. I've got an alchemical solution for a longer lasting and more natural fur dye as well, in case you're interested, Tora." She shrugs. "Are we close to our home? My arms are getting tired."

Does Dael have a robo-arm yet?

2016-11-29, 06:01 PM
I wonder what dangers we can expect at that facility. He mentioned plants and animals, but if they had been playing with Death like that we might find something entirely different. She might need help with that fur dye...

Fender follows along, lost in thought.

2016-11-29, 07:20 PM
"Me...?" Diael trails of, but offers to carry anything that Winslow is carrying. "Is that how I was supposed to take that? You were so enraptured that you forgot yourself?" Diael chuckles and shakes his head again.

Tora isn't so jovial. "Excuse me? Do I look like someone who needs to dye her fur? This color and this tan are all natural, thank you very much!"

Diael continues. "We'lll be there shortly, Dr. Winslow. I believe you will be quite pleased." He addresses her by her proper title. "That is we don't get any unpleasant surprises," he says, spying a teenaged girl running at him.

"Did somebody say 'surprise'?!" says the young, short nephilim with grey horns that curl backwards. Her skin is pale, to the point of being unhealthy looking, but it does make her grey eyes pop in contrast. She wearing a short skirt and a buttoned jacket.

"No, stop."

"Oh come on! No compliments, shorty? We haven't seen each other in a year! Tell me how much I've grown!" The girl demands.

"I'll pass, thanks. You're still the same petulant imp I remember," Diael says, averting his eyes.

"And what is this? Phat D, you dog! A Catfolk! And a real looker, too!"

"Shut up, that's my apprentice."

Tora speaks up. "Who the hell is this?" Tora asks, annoyed despite the compliment.

"This is Ni-" Diael starts.

"I'm Nimi. If you're looking for a good time, just call me, shorty," Nimi interrupts. Diael is shaking his head again, signaling Tora to not take the bait.

2016-11-29, 08:06 PM
"You should lighten up a little Diael, a lot of people learn really well if they are allowed to make some mistakes." Melanie interjects gently, "You seem like someone who gets a lot of stress, maybe you should have a relaxing cup of tea when there is free time."

She greets the newcomer, "Nice to meet you Nimi, my name is Melanie. How do you and Diael know each other?"

2016-11-30, 01:22 AM
"Seems you have a right little harem here." Tassy chimes in as she follows the group. "I mean does anyone else find that funny? There's, what, like 3 dudes here including Diael. And now there are five girls. I mean that's creeping pretty close to harem territory, wouldn't you say, Winny?

2016-11-30, 01:26 AM
"You must have gotten along with Ms. Owens very well," Diael says sardonically. He understands that Rebecca wouldn't be told to lighten up. She'd jack Melanie in the face if that happened. "No, you didn't deserve that. You don't know what you're getting into. Go on, Nimi, tell here what you think happened."

Nimi wastes no time invading Melanie's personal space, practically throwing herself on Melanie at the sign of any positive attention. "Hey, Mel. Okay, so I'll tell you what you want to know," she starts. "So one day I went with Little D when she was doing her government thing, and then I saw this handsome devil at the office, and I'm like 'this guy's hella cute, who that' and Edinah tells me who he is. Now so I start talking to him, getting friendly. He pretended to get mad but he drops all of the hints that he wants this, playing hard to get you know. That's how you know they want you. But he tells me I'm too young and I'm like 'I know you'll wait' and then keeps playing hard to get." She leans in closer, too close and intimate for someone who only just met you. THis is quite a feat, considering that she was already pressing herself into Melanie. "He's a very traditional guy," she whispers, but not any quieter than her normal tone. "So I think in couple of years we'll get married then get it on."

"Okay, that's enough," Diael yells, somehow in an even worse mood. "Nimi, how did you even know I was around again."

"Oh, Little D told me. She said she had a meeting with you, and I was all like 'oh is my Phat D there,' and she was like 'no I don't think he would like that,' cuz she knew that I'd see you, and I was like 'no, he playing, he loves me.' To make Little D happy I made sure she didn't see me follow you guys."

"Of course," Diael states.

Tora just looks bewildered. She looks at Diael for answers, and he replies with a shrug and "No, I don't know what's wrong with her, either. Maybe some kind of personally disorder or disease."

"That might be a little harsh," Tora says,"but I can see why you don't like her." She just shakes her head.

2016-11-30, 03:17 AM
Grundi's eyes rapidly shift to each newcomer. Each a new person with their own agendas and schemes, each filing in so quickly, trying to overwhelm him. It wouldn't work. Grundi wracks his mind and senses for any information on these people while also assessing this "Nimi." Apparent nymphomaniac, but curiously she seems to be focusing her attention on guardians. Classic tactic, attractive person attempts to seduce powerful people for access to information. And she was appearing just as a new team gets in to a research site and was already throwing herself at one of them. So transparent. Yet another self-interested party to keep track of. Tedious.

Grundi grunts. "Hmph. Not harem. Harem devoted to one person. Many individuals, more estrogen. Each self-interested, each own agenda. Difference. Say research may have been destroyed? Suspects? Whose handled research? How long been looking into material?"

Grundi nods at the newcomer. "Nimi. Name's Grundi. Work for government? What you do? How long you been here?"

Grundi clasps his hands together and pulls them apart as if stretching some goo between them. The goo solidifies into a plant with a cluster of white flowers at the top. He shoves it in her face and says. "Don't even think about it."
Will use Psionic Minor Creation to make catnip. Hope Winslow's right about it having an effect on white Nephilum too.

PP: 51 - 1 = 50

Knowledge Checks on what I know about each of these people:

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]
Psychic Knowledge: [roll1]

Knowledge (Local): [roll2]
Psychic Knowledge: [roll3]

Knowledge (Local): [roll4]
Psychic Knowledge: [roll5]

2016-11-30, 03:29 AM
Melanie takes a moment to think about what Nimi said staring off into the distance. Then she comes to what she believes is a sensible conclusion given Diael's dislike of Nimi and Nimi's story. Melanie turns to Nimi realizing how close she is, but just puts a hand on her shoulder and says trying to be comforting, "Nimi, I'm afraid your relationship is doomed to fail. One of you is probably an Illusion or a shadow living in the other's dreams." while giving Nimi half a hug she gestures into the distance, "There are a lot of people and dreams out there to find." Melanie then asks Diael, "Is Rebecca related to this William Owens?"

2016-11-30, 09:27 AM
Nimi shrugs at Grundi. "No, I don't work for the government, but I can if you want me to," she says, winking.

She then accepts Melanie's hug. "Aw, are you jealous? Do you need some love and care?" she says as she squeezes Melanie. "I don't know what you're on, but I want some. Diael is pretty dreamy, though."

Diael groans. "Give her an inch, you have to give her a mile..."

"You can give me more than one-"

"Okay, shut up!" Diael says, concluding the conversation. "Will is Ms. Owens' younger brother. They don't talk much. Of course, I wouldn't talk to Ms. Owens' if I had the choice, too." He looks around, regaining his bearings. "Listen, we're only about a block away from the mansion. Let's try and get there without anymore interruptions."

2016-11-30, 10:43 AM
Elspeth Winslow

"Fear not, Tassy. Barbarian, Paladin, and Wizard are all male." She nods. "If we add Grundi, Fender, and Diael to their number, I believe we can eliminate the harem trope." She talks about a harem as if it is a negative effect that must be countered.

"Oh yes, I hope the lab pleases me. I was promised quite a lot." She nods at Diael, their previous dialogue now long in Winslow's past. "No need to be bent out of shape, Tora. You and I both know a girl needs to keep these things in their back pocket for the future." She adds. At the mention of delays and distractions due to 'surprises', followed by Nimi's appearance, Winslow frowns. "I do not like surprises."

She takes in all of Nimi's actions, words, and quirks. "No, Tora. I believe Diael's diagnosis is most likely accurate." She frowns, but maintains a serious voice. "Her obtuse personality is most likely due to some form of ADHD or lack of parental guidance." She finger quotes under the box she is holding. "You know, 'daddy issues'."

Hope Winslow's right about it having an effect on white Nephilum too.
To be fair, she did say it was minor.

2016-11-30, 10:48 AM
"Are you going to be eating dinner when we arrive? I'm starved." Tassy turns to address Winslow. "If they're robots, wouldn't they just be genderless? I mean how could you even classify them as 'male' and not 'robot?'"

2016-11-30, 11:14 AM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow raises an eyebrow at Tassy. "They're not actually robots. Barbarian, Paladin, Ranger, and Wizard are all golems under the classification of effigy." She uses her head to point towards Barbarian, since her arms are occupied by a box. "They're all modeled after actual beings, alive or otherwise. Just another benefit of being a Guardian, plenty of bodies to choose from... alive or otherwise." She'll slow down to walk by Tassy while talking to her. "They're incredibly accurate, so I believe they fall under traditional humanoid sexing. I have lots of books on the matter, if you're interested. Barbarian was modeled after an exceptionally large Nephilim that, unfortunately, fell in combat to a troll. That doesn't sound special, until you realize he took four other trolls out before that." She grins.

2016-11-30, 11:30 AM
"Getting to our new home and eating sounds like a fine idea," Melanie says. Then directing her attention to Winslow and Tassy she says, "I don't think we would count as a harem even if you didn't count the constructs. Pesonally, I wouldn't count them. They don't have a certain realness to them even if they are physically there. Maybe if you could add some personallity to them and a brain you could count them?" She goes on sizing the 4 up.

2016-11-30, 11:48 AM
Fender adjusts his path to sidle up to Diael. "Luminary, what will our room and board situation be?"

His gaze roams across the walking ladies, "Access to a bit of privacy might do us all some good, eh?"

2016-11-30, 12:08 PM
"Privacy? I have nothing to hide. I mean maybe for a nice, warm shower."

Tassy shoots Winslow a smirk with a speculative eyebrow raise. "How accurate are this effigies?"

2016-11-30, 12:15 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow beams at Melanie. "Actually, they've all got distinct personalities. Unfortunately I only had the funds to install Wizard's." She frowns. "He's fairly intelligent, most likely on par with the general populace. But I told him not to talk much. Didn't want him crowding the conversation. Say hello, Wizard."

The automaton whirrs to life. "Hello."

Winslow grunts. "Where are your manners?"

Again Wizard speaks. "My apologies. I'm WIZARD, Witty Ingenious Zany Automaton Restricting Damage."

"I'm not very good at acronyms. But at least it fits." She admits, shrugging.

"Quite. I am the utility knife of the group, so to speak." The construct shrugs, causing some of his held boxes to tip, only to be stabilized by his second pair of arms.

Winslow looks at Tassy with a sheepish, yet devilish grin. "As accurate as I chose them to be?" She squints. "You want one? I never took you for a mechrophiliac. But hey, no judgement."

Just as a nitpick, which is not a big deal seeing as I didn't mention it and already exposed their true nature to the whole party. But going forward for NPCs and the like. All effigies are actually extremely lifelike and require a DC 20 spot check to identify them as anything other than the creature they were modeled after. (Complete Arcana, page 151)

Not a huge deal. But that's more than enough to fool most low level NPCs and the general population. I don't know that anyone in our party could even identify them by taking a 10, to be honest.

Wizard is a small exception, since I crafted him to look funny. But that can still be chalked up to "magical hooha". Ha!

2016-11-30, 01:06 PM
Tassy lightly punches Winslow on the shoulder as a bit of color runs to her cheeks. "No, I'm good, thank you. I only ask because you spoke so highly of them and about how detailed they were. I almost took you for a mechrophiliac but I suppose that isn't the case, now is it." She giggles a little bit. "Am I right to assume that you have at least thought about it a time or two? What with you tinkering with lil' bots for as long as you have."

She turns to address the automaton. "Hi, Wizard, how do you do?"

2016-11-30, 01:20 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"Of course not! Each and every one of my creations is like a child to me." She sticks her tongue out. "It'd just be too weird." She nudges Tassy. "I'm just trying to help a sister out. I know sometimes you can get a little awkward." Says the pot to the kettle. "I'm here for you. You pick a guy, I'll kidnap him, recreate him, and hand the recreation over to you. They'll do anything you say, constructs are great listeners." She sighs, dreamily. "Winston even cooks for me."

Wizard chirps up. "I am 'well', miss Tassy. Winslow has briefed me about you many times, how are your brothers?"

"Eep! I almost forgot!" Winslow perches her lips and whistles loudly, eliciting a response in the form of a mechanical horse whinny. A large clockwork steed bolts off the train after them. "That would've been unfortunate. Paladin, do keep better tabs on your horse."

2016-11-30, 01:41 PM
"Awh! Winslow! That is so sweet of you!" She exclaims, wrapping Winslow up in her arms. "No one has ever offered to kidnap a boy, make a robotic replica of him, and give me the replica before. But just imagine how weird it would be for me to fornicate with one of your robot children! Perhaps in another life."

"My brothers are well. Axel is elusive as always but it sounded well the last time we spoke. Lil Rivers is in a pickle. Came into contact with a bit of negative energy so he'll be dead soon without some divine intervention. Fear not though for his clever friends, and a few of mine back home, are working to find these totally ludicrous little-grenade things that grant wishes. I'd be there now but I trust Karon, Grace, and Renzo enough to look after him while I'm searching for answers here."

2016-11-30, 01:52 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"It wouldn't be that weird. I'd be like your mother-in-law. We'd be family!" She chuckles, awkwardly shifting her box away from being squished.

"Oh. That is unfortunate to hear." The construct sympathizes. "Perhaps the good doctor could help?" He suggests, unsure whether or not Tassy has already asked.

"Dammit Wizard! I'm a doctor, not a scie- wait. I'm both." Her expression hardens. "Why haven't you asked me for help? I'm sure I could've done something, even if it was only slowing his decay..." Winslow's brain begins to work. "We could ship him some refitted menders? I'll just fit them with cure spells, instead of repair spells? They should at least buy a little time? I have a few in my bag."

2016-11-30, 02:07 PM
"Perfection does not demand a backup plan," Tora tells Winslow haughtily. "Of course you'd complain about my Master's attitude, but everything you've been saying is incredibly backhanded!" She crosses her arms.

"Joke's on you! I don't know my father!" Nimi exclaims, sticking her tongue at Winslow. "And as for privacy..." Nimi giggles, still smushing herself into Melanie.

"That's not okay," Diael points out Nimi's suggestion. "I implore that you don't give in," he tells Melanie. "As for boarding, the mansion is quite large. Everyone will have their own room. It was given to the Guardians as A donation some time ago, by an old Alexandrian family."

Nimi grumbles to herself. "Dr. Bots, do you take requests?" She asks Winslow.

Diael looks like he's going to be ill. "I think this isn't a conversation for polite company. I don't see the merit in replacing family with imperfect facsimiles."

2016-11-30, 02:18 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"Actually." Winslow starts matter-of-factly, at Tora. "The opposite is true. I've already mentioned you're well rounded and young, then suggested a way to preserve that once youth fades. Preservation of beauty is half of effigy crafting. You could say it's my business." She shrugs. "No offense meant, simply here to help out another girl with needs."

Wizard points out to Nimi. "I believe the joke is actually on you, as the good doctor suggested you've suffered a lack of parental guidance, which is what you just admit-"

"Shh, Wizard." Winslow raises her hand. "I do not take requests, but I do partake in the occasional commission. Diael is disinterested in this topic, but perhaps swing by my lab once it is set up. Wizard, card."

The robot reaches into Winslow's back pocket with one of his free hands and pulls out a business card, handing it to Nimi. He quietly quips to Melanie. "Careful there, that one falls under 'if you have to ask', by Diael's age of consent standards."

"Too the mansion!" Winslow exclaims.

2016-11-30, 02:35 PM
Melanie brightens up at Wizard's ability to talk, "How delightful, maybe we can count this one, but the others... How can you count something if they can't even intelligently respond or make their own decisions? Nice to meet you wizard."

"You don't know your father?!" Melanie says shocked in response to Nimi, giving her a big hug. "Poor thing, well you can find family in strange places. As for your suggestion, I shall have to decline, we can talk about things when you get older, maybe."

2016-11-30, 02:45 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"Give me 12,000 gold pieces and I'll have them all talking in a jiff." Winslow says, frowning.

Wizard is pleased to be addressed by yet another person. "It is nice to meet you as well, miss."


2016-11-30, 03:19 PM
"Unfortunately there is not much that can be done for the lil dude. I would've asked if I didn't already but unless you have a spare wish you can give him, the grenades are his last hope." Tassy holds up her hands and counts up to 8 on her fingers. "There's like 15 people working on it to find those blasted things." She chuckles. "Next time I have an issue, I'll make sure to seek your help first."

"But alas enough talk of my little bro, he can so handle himself. Aren't we already family or do I actually need to marry and philander with one of your robots to achieve such a status."

2016-11-30, 03:25 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"A shame. We should talk more about him later. I'm quite handy with a socket wrench, you know." She digresses. "We are family of the heart, but we could also be family of the law!" Winslow smiles. "I could grossly misinterpret the laws and represent myself in court well enough to allow an intelligent construct to marry."

2016-11-30, 03:28 PM
Grundi narrows his eyes at Diael. So the man was avoiding his questions. Asked perfectly reasonable stuff about their mission and simply brushed off. Just this once Grundi decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe, just maybe, he was so annoyed by Nimi that he didn't register the questions. Unlikely, but plausible.

"Luminary, with respect, didn't answer my question about research disappearance."

Grundi flicks his eyes at Nimi. So she seems to have a preference for females, considering she's ignoring Fender and him completely and flirting quite openly with the other women primarily, yet is extraordinarily dedicated to seducing Diael. Definitely trying to gain access to something Diael has. But what? Would have to get closer to her, give him chance to investigate more. "Nimi, could help find father if you want. Good with figuring out stuff. Have anything from him?"

2016-11-30, 03:34 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"I'll bet you ten gold pieces you'll need a shovel to find her father." Winslow quips to Grundi. "Technology is advanced enough now that we'd be able to at least find her origin or distant family."

2016-11-30, 03:59 PM
Grundi's mouth gives the slightest twitch of a smile. "You're on. Psionic. Can use powers to dig father up, don't need shovel. Alternatively, might have been incinerated or disintegrated, not buried. Still interesting to learn though. Might gain insight, knowledge. Always good."

2016-11-30, 04:07 PM
"Excuse me, don't you think it is a bit rude to talk like that in front of her, you don't even know if her father is dead. Though if she is an illusion she might not even have a father..." Melanie interjects going from shocked to lost in thought in a very short period of time.

2016-11-30, 04:14 PM
Grundi stares blankly at Melanie for several seconds. "...rude?"

He nearly stops in his tracks at the mention that she may be an illusion. Of course! The nymphomaniac may simply be a distraction for other forces, and that was one of the easier ways to do so. Though she had interacted with them physically, both at present and in the past. A disguise, perhaps? Grundi shifts his focus on her, trying to determine any magic she may hold.

Using Detect Psionics on Tora (51 - 1 = 50 pp)

2016-11-30, 04:16 PM
"Winny, I told you about Aaron and Aarina, right? Twins are among the strangest and cutest oddities on this planet." Tassy asked, trying to steer the conversation away from daddy issues.

2016-11-30, 05:05 PM
"No as in I don't know who my daddy is. Why would I have need one, anyway. I have Phat D if I need a sugar daddy," Nimi says. She manages to take the card from Wizard, despite Melanie squeezing her. "You don't know me." She stops for a moment. "Hold on, just because I don't have a dad doesn't mean I'm not real." She does pout at Melanie, though.

"My apologies," Diael says, doing his best to ignore Nimi. "I believe data may have been lost over time or when it was being transferred. There was a chance it was deleted on purpose, in order to protect the company's secrets."

"I think there was a horrible catastrophe, and they made terrible monsters they could not control," Tora says. She's looking right at Winslow as she says this.

"Unlikely, in my honest opinion. I remain skeptical that they succeeded at this particular endeavor. They may have had another project that needed to keep secret or otherwise backfired, however." Diael stops. "Oh, we've arrived."

Before you, past a hedge, is a large, brick mansion. Three stories tall. It's quite a site, with good detail put into the many windows and columns. Diael unlocks the main door, leading to a foyer with a ceiling as high as the building. The floor is a sleek black and white variety of marble. The stairs are a white marble with matching railings. The doors are all stained wood. There are several potted plants and expensive vases decorating the room.

2016-11-30, 05:23 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"Indeed, you did." Winslow responds to Tassy. "Are they still in the suburbs?"

At Tora's jab, Winslow scoffs. "Pffft. Must have been amateurs then. At this point you can even circumvent the old turncoat clay golem conundrum. But honestly, who builds a clay golem?" She rolls her eyes, as if everyone should know why. "Shouldn't you be sucking on that sucker, pretty kitty?"

Comically, when Melanie calls Winslow and Grundi out for being rude, she'll reply in unison with Grundi. Unintentionally, of course. "... rude?"

"Oooooooo. Diael, you tease. This is our place?!" She hops up and down. "Constructs and Fender! Fall out to the laboratory!"

2016-11-30, 05:40 PM
"Alright Nimi, I think it's time to go. Luna and I have to get settled in. See you around perhaps." Melanie says as she produces a white rabbit out of her cloak.

2016-11-30, 06:12 PM
"No worries, Doctor. I'd be grateful to whomever was to get the doors for me, though. I don't have nearly as many arms as I'd like, HA!" It's not the weight of the boxes that tax Fender, it's the innate awkwardness of the sizes and shapes of the boxes.

2016-11-30, 06:17 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow props open any available door with her foot. "After you, good sir." She does an awkward curtsy, while speaking in an over exaggerated British accent. "I do ever so appreciate your assistance and would love to provide you more arms, should you want them."

2016-11-30, 06:26 PM
"Does anyone else think this place is just a little excessive? I mean it's all very nice and pristine but how could you possibly live in such a place if you were just a familly and not an elite organization of trench coat wearing BAMFs?" Tassy says. "I will have to admit that the echoes of my bells in this place is quite the music to my ears."

2016-11-30, 07:17 PM
Grundi casually waves his hand, summoning a psionic force to open doors and such for him. "Excessive? Probably. Depends on what space is used for. Did not realize being Guardian paid so much, such nice perks. Should have expected though."

Using Ring of Perpetual Attendance to summon an Unseen Servant to perform tedious tasks.

2016-11-30, 08:48 PM
Fender nearly stumbles as he tries to key his eyes on both Winslow and Tora. "You can get me more arms? That would do wonders for my combat ability!"

2016-11-30, 10:40 PM
"I'm still not sure you didn't do something to it," Tora mutters, waving the candy.

Nimi does detach herself from Melanie. "Oh, alright. I'll see you later, Mel. We are the best of friends after all!" She nuzzles Melanie one last time before heading away. "You'll see me again! You'll all see!" She gives an almost maniacal laugh as she leave earshot.

Diael sighs, relieved now that Nimi gone. Now he only has to deal with Winslow's fake accent and bad bow, which is grating to someone who maintains an accent as posh as his as well as a refined manner. "The mansion isn't mine. It's the property of the Assembly," Diael states. "I wasn't the one to request it, either. You can thank the High Luminary for that," he continues, referring to Bander. He doesn't sound too pleased.

He leads Winslow to a room in the east wing on the second floor. "It was a ballroom, so it should be plenty spacious. However, renovations were not allowed. This is a historic district after all. Preserving the architecture is considered paramount." The room is white large, and the exterior wall being almost entirely dominated by windows with lavish curtains. There are several stainless steel tables with many cabinets and drawers set up on them. "The air lines are fed through a compressor, hidden in the next room for sound insulation," he says, gesturing to the structured mats on the floor protecting power conduits, as well as water and air lines. "You should be able to get started here at least. I figured you'd need more specialized equipment, but this was done on short notice, as I didn't know I would be using this building specifically." He shrugs. "I can always have more specialized tools ordered, if you haven't brought them with you. Now that I think of it, you'll probably want some spot lighting as well. I do believe you did bring your own kitchen sink," he jests, noting Winslow's considerable luggage.

2016-12-01, 12:21 AM
Elspeth Winslow

"Sure thing." She replies to Fender. "Limbs are easy."

Winslow runs her hand along some equipment. "This will do nicely!" She beams. "Quick, Fender, go get my kitchen sink out of box 23A." She waits, hoping for Fender or Diael to react, eventually saying. "Just kidding!" She chuckles. "Yes, this will all do nicely. I promise to only make minor modifications to this house without permission." No guilt on her face. "Now I can start building some really big constructs."

2016-12-01, 12:32 AM
Fender sets down his boxes and leans toward Diael, "Um... Are you as shocked as I am that there ISN'T a box 23A containing a kitchen sink?"

2016-12-01, 03:14 PM
Answering Tassy's question Melanie says, "I believe people who live in places like these generally hire servants to do everything for them, and they need guest rooms for things like balls. So really these types of places were built to show off and not really to live in. Where are the guest rooms at anyway?"

2016-12-01, 11:39 PM
"Please, no modifications. ALso, for larger constructs, you may wish to assemble them outside. We can't exactly fit anything much bigger than a person through the doorways," Diael tells Winslows.

He then replies to Fender. "Of course not. That's a ridiculous method of organizing boxes."

"Not that I think about it," Tora speaks up, "I haven't seen a a single servant."

"The place always seems clean," Diael says, stroking his chin.

"Well, we always make sure to Prestidigitation a room after we're done using it."

Diael looks around suddenly. "Indeed, but there's no way that can account for everything being so immaculate."

"Well, if there isn't any, we can hire some maids. I can think of at least one." She nudges Diael again.

2016-12-02, 04:25 AM
Grundi stares at Diael, dumbfounded. "You...no idea how mansion stays so clean? Never looked into before? How long you been here? Any theories?"

Grundi shakes his head in exasperation, but a part of him is thrilled to have this curiosity to look into. Unless, of course, it is merely a distraction to keep him from examining more pressing issues, but even then if he can get to the bottom of it he may find out who is distracting him, which is a solid lead itself.

He nods at Diael. "Want to find reason. Would like to test. Need me now, or free to investigate?"

2016-12-02, 12:09 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow immediate begins to unpack her laboratory, her constructs follow suit in a practiced manner. "I've got so much work to do. I've got to build, study, make money, make an expandable door that isn't detectable under intense scrutiny of the home owner's association." She rambles, Diaels words bouncing right off of her. "Come back tomorrow and I'll conduct experiments on your horns. Non-harmful of course." She unpacks a box. "Oh look. My plant!" She places it on a shelf and snips a small bit off of it, grinding it in a metal contraption. "Tora! Come here, please!" She readies a squirt bottle, just in case.

2016-12-02, 03:12 PM
Melanie goes over to Winslow as she is setting her lab up, "Is this the plant you were talking about? So what kind of effects is this supposed to have on white nephilim?"

2016-12-02, 03:52 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow's eyes widen and she begins scrawling notes as Melanie walks into the room. "Fascinating." She walks around Melanie, still taking notes. "One of the effects is drawing white nephilim into its direct vicinity, as you've just proven!" She pokes Melanie in the side gently with her pencil's eraser.

2016-12-02, 05:47 PM
"If we're seriously underestimating our cantrips, then their may be a servant somewhere. I do get the impression that if they've not been seen, they don't want to be scene, even in such a large building. Some traditions of servants behave in this way," Diael says.

"Yep. I knew a few guys like that," Tora says, as she absentmindedly strolls over to Winslow, nnot paying attention who gave the order.

"I do protest to that conclusion, Winslow. Correlation is not causation, after all. It's a sloppy assumption," Diael says while frowning. "Of course, if it does what I think it does I think she might just pass out. She looks narcoleptic as it is." He looks directly at Melanie. "No offense intended. I'm merely concerned about your health. Pay me no mind." Still, he looks tense, like a snake coiled and ready to spring into action.

2016-12-02, 06:13 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"She's probably fine. Plenty hardy." Winslow continues to grind the plant until Tora makes it to her. "It's plenty harmless, especially for white horns. " She opens the grinder and blows the powdered plant all over Tora's face.

2016-12-02, 06:42 PM
"I'm fine, never had a sleeping problem." Melanie says reassuringly. "Besides, Winslow's a doctor right? You're not one of those stupid psychologists right, Winslow?"

2016-12-02, 09:46 PM
Tora turns as Winslow speaks again, and sneezes as the plant dust flies into her face. "Oh **** ****." She swears. "I knew I never should have trusted you." She sneezes again, and continues speaking while slurring. "You little puubnk. I'll get you as soon as..."

Tora stumbles into Melanie, and starts pawing her in the face, her face red even through her tan skin. "Heeey, whaats up," she says as she presses her weight into Melanie. Tora is taller and heaver than Melanie, making it difficult to stand. Tora starts grumbling something in Aquan about playing with the neighbor's cat. Unfortunately, Melanie does not understand Aquan.

Diael uncrosses his arms. He seems ready to move at a moment's notice. Still he tries his best to maintain normal conversation despite his caution. "You have issues with psychologists?"

2016-12-02, 10:08 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"Definitely not a psychologist. She'll be okay." Winslow smiles, walking up to Tora and taking her arm over her shoulder. "C'mere, pretty kitty. Want another sucker?" Winslow puts on a motherly tone. "Come sit with me."

2016-12-02, 11:35 PM
Fender quickly moves to Tora's side, as if to provide support. "Please, Tora, allow me to help. It would be my pleasure. You don't need to worry about any type of burden, you couldn't weigh enough to slow me down in the slightest. Not that could imagine your weight being an issue for anyone. I mean, um, to say that there's no way you could be overweight. Er... Um... That is... Your body looks great!"

By this time Fender is blushing so badly it's hard to believe he isn't naturally crimson.

2016-12-03, 12:24 AM
Melanie stands there, staring blankly for a moment. "Thank you, Winslow, Fender." She says grateful for the assistance, as she is not very strong at all. "What was that? Pshycologists? Uh, I guess I would say they don't like me."

2016-12-03, 01:02 AM
Tora hisses at Winslow, gripping Melanie tighter. "You're not my mom!" she says in aquan. She pulls Melanie with her as she evades Fender and Winslow. She rubs herself on Melanie some more. "Mrrr. Compliments will get you nothing! You're acting suspicious!" Her Aquan accent is spot on for a Catfolk Kingdom native. She must be an impressive linguist.

"Yes, I imagine they don't," Diael says. He's still prepared for action, but for what?

2016-12-03, 01:55 AM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow shrugs. "Don't ruffle your feathers, Diael. Barbarian of Fender can step in if she crosses a line. But this plant won't make her aggressive." Winslow hands the spray bottle to Melanie. "It' three-quarters water and one-quarter vinegar. Completely harmless." She jots some things down in a book. "Pretty kitty, I've got more suckers? No?" She reaches out and scratches Tora on the head. "I recommend the spray bottle, before she gets more... affectionate."

2016-12-03, 02:07 AM
"It's okay kitty. Everything will be alright." Melanie says, stroking the back of Tora's hair in a comforting manor and in a slight daze. Melanie doesn't seem to register Winslow's offer of a spray bottle, or exactly what is actually going on. "This is all just a dream, a fading nightmare that will be gone when you wake."

2016-12-03, 12:51 PM
Grundi casually watches from the side, filing several disparate bits of information. Servants that clean the place but are so secretive not even Diael (claims to) know of them? That certainly warrants investigation. People don't go to such great lengths to stay hidden unless they have something to hide.

Right now, however, Winslow's experiment was his main focus. So that's what catnip does to catfolk. Good to know for the future. And Winslow offers her a sucker yet again. Definitely not ordinary suckers, but what would their effect be? Grundi hopes Tora will take one so he can observe. And it seems Tora is from the Eastern Isles Tenrai, since it's language was the one she reverted to when her cognitive abilities were impaired. What brought her to the Catfolk Kingdom before her Guardian-apprenticeship then? Might have some interesting history as to the reason.

Grundi looks at Diael. "They drug your apprentice and use her a case study, you just watch? Guess more interested in experiment's result than her well being. Expected. Sloppy experiment though. Too many variables not controlled, rushed too quickly, no control on the subject. Could have learned more if set up properly. Disappointed."

2016-12-03, 01:50 PM
Tora purrs contently, rubbing the side of her face again Melanie. "This is a dream, huh?' She's entirely ignoring Winslow.

Diael answers Grundi's and Winslow's questions, still focusing on Tora. "She'll be fine. She's perfectly capable of taking her own revenge," he says. "Of course, it's her pri-"

"You smell nice," Tora tells Melanie, still speaking in Aquan. She starts licking the side of her face, which prompts Diael to grab her by the collar.

"Woah, hey! Don't forget yourself now. Don't want to anything to embarassing," Diael says, giving a forced laugh.

Tora slowly turns to Diael, and her face brightens. "Master!"

"Yes, it is I," he replies, trying to pull her away from Melanie. "We should watch one of the Bryce Lee movies you like so much. They're so much fun when you're totally blazed." Diael emphasizes the last phrase, which is already sounds awkward coming from him.

"Oh." Tora says. "OOOOoooh. Yes, let's see a movie." She still seems reluctant to let go of Melanie.

"Excellent." Diael looks at the team. "I won't have time to prepare a meal. This region is famous for it's deep pizza. Maybe you should order some?"

2016-12-04, 02:22 AM
Tassy finally shakes off the state of shock she was in. A little dumbfounded at what she just witnessed, she speaks up. "You got her high." She says, blatantly. "Does anyone else think that this whole thing is a bit ridiculous? I mean Winslow, c'mon, you can't just go around, getting people high like that. I know 'for science!' is probably one of the best excuses to do anything but seriously."

After rubbing the bridge of her nose, she addresses Diael. "Excuse me, I'm not from around her, but deep pizza wouldn't be like pizza with a bunch of tentacles or something right? I mean I didn't know what a deep goose was until I got to this continent and that turned out to be pretty ****** up."

2016-12-05, 09:50 AM
Fender takes a moment to compose himself after what he felt was quite the blunder. Slowly he returns to his proper color.

"Uh, is there a common room we can all go to to relax? Maybe have this pizza there?"

2016-12-05, 01:57 PM
Melanie, while still not registering what's going on, at least seemed to hear about the movie and the pizza. "Yes, a movie and pizza sound like a fine idea. Where are the couches? Your face smells nice." She says looking at Tora.

2016-12-05, 03:03 PM
"Yes, there is a screening room. It has couches," Diael says. He escorts down the hall, back across the foyer, and down another hall. He opens a dow, revealing a room with a large screen surrounded by couches. "The owner had this set up for his grandchildren. I'm not much of a movie viewer, but Tora enjoys them." He goes into a closet with a bunch of electronics and movie case in it. He pulls from a shelf of the works of a very important martial arts filmmaker, Bryce Lee. He slots it into one of the machine futilely fiddles with some remotes. "I guess you can eat in here. It's not how I was raised, but there's no reason not to permit it. I can always clean up with magic, if I have to."

"Deep pizza just has a lot of cheese and crust. It's supposed to be more of an evening meal," he continues, answering Tassy's questions. "Of course, calamari is a common topping for it, given the fishing industry in the region."

Tora slumps onto a couch. She blushes at Melanie's compliment. "That's so nice," she says.

"It was kind of a poor experiment," Diael mutters as an after thought.

2016-12-05, 04:00 PM
Fender drops onto the couch like his legs have gone to jelly.

"I'll take a large three topping deep dish. Bacon, bacon, bacon. And a liter'a cola."

2016-12-05, 04:12 PM
Melanie takes a seat next to Tora.

2016-12-05, 04:39 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow remains in her lab, meticulously setting up shop. "I don't have time for movies! We're on a mission, for goodness sake." She scoffs as she begins taking measurements of the wall.

2016-12-05, 05:13 PM
"Yeah, but even evil geniuses need to eat!" yells Fender to Winslow. "What do you want?"

2016-12-05, 05:23 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"A bigger door!" Winslow retorts. "Possibly a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!"

2016-12-05, 05:30 PM
"Hey! Whose putting in the order? Our evil genius wants a peanut butter and jelly pizza!"

Fender looks quite pleased with his joke.

2016-12-05, 05:42 PM
Diael pulls out his phone. "I'll take the order. One heart attack in the making. Are you feeling okay, Fender? And, one sad evening spent alone." He pulls a flask out of his coat as well, takes a quick nip, and returns it. "Alright, I'll get a primavera... anyone else know their order?"

Tora scotches closer to Melanie. "Wow I am soooo out of it," she says. She rolls on her back, laying across Melanie's lap, and pushing one of her hands on the dreamer's face.

"Okay, if you won't put in any effort, I won't either. Diligence is a virtue, but this is ridiculous," Diael mutters at Tora. "I'll just get you a calamari pizza."

2016-12-05, 05:50 PM
"Calamari pizza? Truly related to the deep goose... I'll have onions and sausage on mine." Tassy says, sitting down on a couch and kicking off her shoes. "Golly you have no idea how heavy those things get."

"Winslow," she calls, "stop being anti-social and come sit with me. We're going to do the movie thing. It'll be fun, I promise."

2016-12-05, 06:14 PM
"This is such a strange dream." Melanie says while petting the pretty kitty on the head and behind the ears.

Edit: Luna jumps up on the back of the couch behind Tora and Melanie, before disappearing.

2016-12-05, 07:33 PM
"Two sad evenings spent alone," corrects Grundi. "Don't need food. Movie mass propaganda, subliminal messages. Waste of time. More important things to do here."

Grundi heads out to the wider mansion, hoping to test who and how the mansion stayed so clean, in a much more methodical and scientific process. He pulls out one of his empty flasks from his bag and concentrates on it. Ectoplasm begins to fill it and form into an ink-like substance. He heads for an empty room and deliberately puts several items out of places and spills several splatters of ink on the floor. He then exits the room, waits a minute, then returns back inside to see if the mess has been cleaned up. Regardless if it has or not, he again displaces many items and spills more ink on the floor. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a small, light green crystal and places it on a peace of furniture. The crystal pulses with a bit of color, as if coming awake.

"Oh, zo you call on mon sairvices again. Aré you ready to let me unleash mon true tailents and créate stunneng wairks of arteestry zat would mak onlookairs weep, air do you went me to 'elp mak zum maire poisons."

"Neither. Watch ink spill and mess. See if cleaned, and how. Relay to me."

Grundi turns and leaves as the Crys lets out a telepathic moan. "Sacre bleu. Ai get non respéct."

Grundi then heads to whereever trash is disposed and begins sorting through it for anything of interest. If he sees anything of Diael's or Tora's during his search, he will pick it up and handle it, trying to read any psychic impressions they have left.

Spot and Listen checks if needed, and taking 20 on Search (and now I really wish I had the spare skillpoints to actually boost them to be somewhat not-terrible):


Search: [roll10]

Manifesting Minor Creation: 51 - 1 = 50 pp

If Grundi handles anything from Diael or Tora, he will use his Gloves of Object Reading to read them.

As always, Mindlink is up between Grundi and his psicrystal.

2016-12-05, 07:48 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow shuffles out of her new laboratory with a frown and sits on the couch next to Tassy. "I was making blueprints." She pouts. "Wizard and I were going to do science on the wall."

2016-12-05, 09:27 PM
"One moment," Tora as as Grundi head out. She whips one of her boots at his, nailing him square in the back. "Bryce Lee is an artist, you philistine," she says, before returning to Melanie's attention and purring. "What makes you think this is a dream," she asks, very interested in whatever Melanie has to say.

Luna hides in the shadows of the dimly lit theater room. That's a good job, little bunny!

"Well, that was necessary," Diael says. A conversation with Grundi about movies being propaganda may have been interesting, but Diael thinks the Grundi's attitude was a little over the top. He shakes his head. He looks at Winslow."Dr. Winslow, can you help me with these remotes? Oh, and help me help you by not doing anything to the walls of this structure."

So, at another part of the mansion, Grundi places his crystal, which stands guard vigilantly over the mess Grundi made. He's not going to be making any friends with the staff, if he finds them. He then proceeds to dig through the trash. He does find a couple of scribbled notes and a sandwich wrapper. Diael had been furiously writing notes about illusion spells before throwing these out. Tora was eating a sandwich at some point.

Grundi takes 6 points of damage from the boot. It's quite heavy. Steel toed.

The paper was handled by a Neutral Good Male Human, which could only be Diael around here. He purchased the paper at a small office supplies store from a Lawful Neutral Male Human.
The sandwich wrapper was handled by a Chaotic Good Female Catfolk that can only be Tora. She bought it at a cafe owned by a Chaotic Neutral Female Catfolk.

2016-12-05, 09:59 PM
"Everything just seems kinda hazy." Melanie says drowsily. "Met many people that seem unreal. Like that Grundi... Winslow is interesting. That plant can't be real, and you seem impractically beautiful."

2016-12-06, 12:36 AM
Tassy rubs her head against Winslow and smiles at her. "Thank you ever so much for joining us, there'll be time to science with Wizard later. Plus this Bryce Lee stuff sounds pretty cool!"

2016-12-06, 01:24 AM
Grundi jerks as the heavy boot hits him, rubbing the bruised spot and glaring at Tora. He knew he should feel sorry for her for having been lost to Bryce Lee's influence, but mostly he was quite angry. He bit back a retort though; she seemed like she would hit him again if he responded, drugged or no. So it seems catnip doesn't make them completely docile. Good to know.

Grundi examines Diael notes. Interesting; several discarded, but all on the subject of illusion spells. Related to the research, perhaps? And the only trash in there, besides the sandwich wrapper, so quite recent research at that. Grundi commits to memorizing them and examining exactly what Diael was taking notes on, and why the notes were subsequently trashed (how unscientific).

While doing so, he casually sends a message to Crys, "See anything?"

Taking 10 on Autohypnosis to memorize the notes: [roll0]

How old are Tora and Diael?

What do the notes say?

Also, if you want to respond for Crys, I'm playing him as a underappreciated and (he believes) tortured artist with an outrageous accent (accent translator here (http://www.payneful.co.uk/projects/french-accent-translator/#).)

2016-12-06, 06:37 PM
"Aw, that's so kind of you. You're so not so bad yourself," Tora tells Melanie. She takes off her other boot and relaxes further. "Of course, there's nothing impractical about looking this amazing. I'm one hundred percent genuine. Now what is taking this movie so long."

"The controls are baffling. I can't figure it out," Diael says. "Besides, I'm ordering the pizza right now. You should handle it."

"Aw, but I don't wanna get up!"

Meanwhile Grundi is investigating. The psicrystal responds "Non. Notheng 'as 'appéned yet. Notheng éxcept zis éxtragavent pairtrait ai 'avé rendaired." As for the note, the formulas and proposed magic diagrams are too advanced for Grundi to decipher. He'll need help to uncover their mysteries. Still, he memorizes them anyway, just in case.

Diael is in his early 30's. Tora is in her mid 20's.

2016-12-06, 07:52 PM
Melanie uses Umbral hand to retrieve the remotes Diael was fiddling with. "Will these get the movie started?" Melanie asks Tora.

2016-12-07, 04:07 PM
Grundi considers his options. He is no arcane specialist, and the notes are beyond his understanding. Need someone to help translate. Melanie, most likely. She'd probably just dismiss them as a dream. Unless of course that is merely an elaborate ruse.

When he thinks of Melanie, Grundi slaps himself in the face. Fool. He'd already determined he needs allies, or at least people willing to help him, and here they are enjoying propoganda together while he's by himself. Won't make allies that way. He settles the trash back as it was and heads to the movie room. "Keep watch," he sends to Crys.

As he enters the movie room he says, "Thought about it. Sad evening alone sounds sad. Room for another? Would like to see this Bryce Lee "artist." "Artist of propaganda," he mentally adds but does not say.

2016-12-07, 05:05 PM
The psicrystal mutters something about being left with art supplies, but otherwise affirms his orders.

Tora looks at the remote as she receives it. "Oh right, Magic," she says. "How can you concentrate. Am I not astonishingly enchanting enough for you?" She does get the movie started. It's a Kung fu action flick, several decades old. Even though the format is digital, the print was grant enough that it really shows its age, which gives it an air of distinction and authenticity. Bryce Lee is a student of famous dojo in this one, which is being shut down by the evil dojo across the street! Looks like it's up to Bryce to one inch punch and yell his way through this conflict and save his dojo!

Grundi arrives, which startled Diael. "I did not expect you to be back. I suspected this was something that offended you to the core of your being."

Tora just smiles. "Man, you made the right decision. These movies are awesome! Bryce Lee does all of his own stunts and moves. The guy really knew how to work out, too. 'Dedication, absolute dedication, is what keeps one ahead,' he would have said," she says, quoting the martial artist.

2016-12-07, 07:53 PM
"I don't think that plant affects me as much as it affects you." Melanie says. "Also that mystery is ridiculously easy to use, but don't worry you are plenty enchanting." She keeps up her attentions on the feline in her lap.

2016-12-07, 08:24 PM
Tassy let out a hearty laugh. This movie was the most amazing thing. "This is a national treasure. Bryce Lee is a genius!"
She exclaims.

"Grundi, come sit by Winslow and I and behold this wonderful work of art!"

2016-12-07, 10:22 PM
Grundi looks at Diael, slightly confused. "Offended? Just pointed out what it was. Not unusual. Besides, good to know what's they're churching out, what influence they want to put on masses. 'Keep friends close, enemies closer' stuff."

At Tassy's invitation Grundi hesitates for several seconds, then tentatively walks over and sits down with them.

2016-12-08, 07:12 PM
Diael takes a seat next to Fender. "You don't mind, correct? The food should be here in a few minutes." He puts away his phone. "So, who are 'they?'" he asks Grundi. He cringes slightly.

"Oh, that's shadow magic, isn't? Diael has taught me a bit about using shadow matter for spells. I can't really get the hang of it, though," Tora admits. "I'm really relaxed. Like I don't have anything to worry about. I could sit here forever. WHAPOW!" She suddenly throws a fist in the air. "Right there! Bryce is indeed a genius!" The action star had just punched a guy so hard he flew back several feet. Tora lets her arm drop.

2016-12-08, 08:12 PM
Fender nearly snorts at Diael, "The couch is, I believe, yours, Illuminary. You can sit anywhere you want!"

2016-12-08, 08:35 PM
"Yes, it is indeed shadow magic." Melanie says brightly. "People who are adept at using shadows can learn a different way of casting. The magic becomes a part of you and offers some advantages. For example the most basic spells are so easy to cast they require no components and are very difficult to interrupt without an antimagic field." After Tora punches the air Melanie gives her a good scratch behind the ears, "yes, he is an artist. It's hard to believe that someone can move like that on their own. He must be very athletic and talented."

2016-12-10, 12:40 AM
"I appreciate the consideration," Diael tells Fender, leaning back to enjoy the movie.

Tora purrs as Melanie scratches her ears. "Diael says he hasn't been able to manage that magic in that way. He told me not to try, and just stick to conjurations and arms like everyone else does in though situations." She wiggles in place, repositioning herself for comfort. "And yes, Bryce is very good. I spent a lot of time studying his style. It's actually highly functional."

"He's quite an eloquent speaker as well," Diael says. "I find his take on meditative martial arts very enlightening."

2016-12-10, 01:14 AM
"Well, This kind of magic does have a lot of limitations. It is very structured, and requires learning an entire way of casting to use it. For a lot of people using other types of magic is better." Melanie explains, "I'm sure you are very talented at using your own magic, and i'm actually not very good at using firearms. In fact I'm generally not very good at direct combat. Why don't you roll over a bit and let me help you relax even more beautiful." She says starting to massage Tora's shoulders and trying to gently roll her over on her stomach. "You use conjurations? I'm not really good at using magic like that. It sounds very practical. And you seem to have great taste in movies. Bryce seems very inspiring."

2016-12-10, 03:19 PM
'Mmm, interesting. Of course, I"m well trained for combat. I spent a few years with the Rangers in the Catfolk Kingdom." Tora removes her coat, dropping it on the floor. She's wearing a black low cut sweater. Sleeves seem like an odd choice, given her style. She rolls over as Melanie directs. " I dabble in conjuration, really. Diael's an illusionist and he still does. Says it's best to be well rounded."

"Indeed," Diael says. He holds up his phone, showing a text from the delivery man. "The food has arrived. I'll fetch it." He exits, and returns with a stack of boxes. "Ready to eat?"

"Nah, give me a moment," Tora says enjoying her massage.

2016-12-10, 04:15 PM
Grundi briefly considers revealing to Diael what he knows. If the Guardians had connections to the movie industry, this might not be wise. This was relatively common knowledge though, at least as far as conspiracies go. Showing knowledge of it probably wouldn't let on too much, and how Diael reacts would be informative.

He shrugs. "People in charge of the movie business. Wonder why movie stars, directors have mostly monolithic political beliefs, even though mass entertainment nothing to do with politics? Is simple; using media as propaganda outlet, push their view of society on people. People's views shaped by what they see, shaped by media, propaganda. Show goodthinkful stuff positively, ungoodthinkful stuff negatively, repeat often enough, people believe. Media very social business; all about connection you have to get job. People joke about with obvious nepotism, but views affected too; don't have the right views, don't get jobs. Some movies seem harmless, like don't have message to give. False on four counts. First, always a message, even if very subtle, showing stuff in either good or bad light. Second, still make them money to make more films pushing stuff more overtly. Third, with 'popcorn flicks,' lower audience's standards for good movies, make them more accepting of bigger propaganda pieces." He does decide to leave out his suspected connections between the media and the World Mercenary Oversight Committee, what with their films on adventurers and war glorifying the two and creating a favorable public opinion of the latter. A senior Guardian like Diael probably wouldn't like it if he knew Grundi had caught onto the WMOC's more sinister side.

At the mention of food he holds up a hand to decline. His ring obviated the need for it, and he wasn't going to take the chance getting drugged from something he ate.

2016-12-11, 05:19 AM
Melanie gives Tora a good back rub and proceeds to try and relax her with a hard massage. "I admit, I am a bit surprised to see you wearing a sweater with the rest of your attire. You seem very confident about your athletic and gorgeous body. You are a very interesting person. If this is a dream you must be one of the dreamers at the very least. Enjoy the massage, we can take our time and get food when you want to."

2016-12-11, 08:32 AM
The smell of bacon, bacon, bacon deep dish pizza is too much for Fender.

"You guys can wait if you want, but I'm going to dig in. Gotta keep healthy, y'know?"

Plate? Who needs a plate? Feh, Fender takes the entire box containing his pie and flops back down on the couch. The first slice disappears in two bites. See, now this is good stuff."

2016-12-11, 01:30 PM
Diael needs a plate, and a TV tray. He also pulls out a fork and knife, which, to be fair, is considered the traditional way to eat the deep pizza. The slices are usually considered to thick and heavy to take reasonable bites out of. of course, Fender is much larger and heartier than the normal city dweller, so this doesn't bother him one bit. Diael takes a bite of his pizza, before continuing his discussion with Grundi. "So, what agenda is this fine martial arts movie pushing," Diael asks. "And what was the fourth point?"

Tora suddenly tenses up momentarily when Melanie mentions her sleeves. "I get cold sometimes, okay?" she states. She's still loopy from the plant, and that combined with Melanie's massage suddenly cause her to relax again. "I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you very much." Tora starts to nod off.

2016-12-11, 01:42 PM
"It's ok, just relax and let yourself go." Melanie says gently, noticing Tora tense up. She continues the massage and as Tora nods off begins gently stroking the her letting her fall asleep if she wants.

2016-12-13, 11:05 AM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow nods at Grundi. "Right right." She pulls a gizmo out of her pocket and begins to tweak it with a tiny screwdriver. "What's the sense in watching movies when they can't even make a decent special effect?" She crinkles her nose and shouts over the back of the couch. "Winston, can you be a dear and make mommy a sandwich?" A small dedicated wright appears a few moments later with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (heavy on the jelly). "Thank you, dear." She pats him on the head and he hobbles away. "Would you like a sandwich, Grundi?" She asks, already chomping down on it.

2016-12-13, 09:39 PM
Grundi snorts. "Establishment good, anything challenges establishment bad. Bryce Lee hails from famous dojo. Famous dojo good dojo. New dojo arrives, challenges it. Obviously new challenger evil, ok for established dojo to beat out competition. Literally. Other stuff too, but that main one."

Grundi gives Winston a cold look when she offers a sandwich. "Sandwich? How do I know you not add to it, make me a guinea pig like Tora for effect of substance on body?"

2016-12-13, 09:51 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow shrugs. "You could watch Winston prepare it?" She speaks, mouth half full of sandwich.

2016-12-13, 10:09 PM
Grundi shakes his head. "Don't need to; don't eat. Question: you tried to make me watch robot eat sandwich. Incredibly mundane; trying to distract me from something?"

2016-12-13, 10:15 PM
Elspeth Winslow

She squints at Grundi. "I offered to let you watching him make the sandwich." She corrects. "So you would know what he used to make it." Raising an eyebrow, she adds. "Awful suspicious, aren't we?"

2016-12-14, 12:20 AM
Tassy smiles at Winslow's remark. "Well, it's part of the fun when they don't have good special effects. It gives the whole thing a lot of charm, wouldn't you say, Grundi?"

2016-12-14, 01:05 AM
Grundi looks at Winslow in surprise. "Your robots don't test food they make for poisons or malmagic? Sloppy security."

He then gives Tassy an even stare. "So naive. That's just what they want you to think."

2016-12-14, 01:50 AM
Tassy turns her attention back to the movie, not dignifying Grundi's words with a response.

2016-12-14, 04:02 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"Why would they? I make the peanut butter and the jelly." Winslow raises an eyebrow before lolling her head backwards over the couch. "Whizzer, I need to make a phone call!" Some crashing and banging happens in the "lab" and a tiny helicopter-like construct flies into the room and silently hovers over the couch.

If he isn't protected in any way from telepathy, "Whizzer" (Umbral Spy) transmits between Grundi and Winslow secretly. Mighty suspicious aren't you?

2016-12-14, 05:47 PM
Tora mumbles "Hey don't talk over the movie," and yawns as she curls into Melanie. She's soon fast asleep.

Diael blinks as Grundi speaks. "Okay, but what does that say about the message. The the dojo has a right to be there, just as the other one, which is attacking it. Bryce's dojo hasn't done anything wrong." He gets up to take a look at Tora. "Wow, she is unconscious. I haven't seen her so relaxed in a while. I think I'll call it a night as well. I have some work I want to get done in the morning." He pats Tora on the head, and she squirms and purs. "Melanie, you want a blanket? I'm hesitant to wake her, so you'll be stuck under her for the night."

2016-12-14, 06:25 PM
"A blanket would be lovely. I don't mind staying hear for the night." Melanie says.

2016-12-17, 11:01 AM
"Humph. Speaking of sleep, I'm beat. Illuminary, where am I to bunk down?" Indeed, Fender is looking a bit drowsy after eating that whole pizza.

2016-12-17, 11:03 AM
Grundi starts and has to physically stop himself from jumping out of his seat and lobbing a blob of ectoplasm at Winslow. He knew it was in and of itself just telepathy and not mind reading, but he still shoots a glare at Winslow. "Yes. Experience taught me that."

He regains his composure and looks back at Diael. "Exactly. That is point. Both have right to exist, Bryce dojo done nothing wrong. Bryce dojo, established dojo, perfectly innocent and good, as writers make it. New dojo evil, as writers make it, attacks established dojo. Is so you know who is good, who is evil. But subtext, new "upsetter" is evil one against poor, beleaguered establishment. Isolated incident, not interesting. But show traditional way better, more moral consistently, pattern emerges, agenda discovered."

2016-12-19, 12:26 PM
"Hmph, interesting," Diael says. "There are rooms upstairs. That is to say, the 3rd floor of the east wing. I'll see you sometime tomorrow. I'll be working on my own project int he morning, but afterwards we can discuss the site and the work we'll be doing there. Just a moment." Diael leaves the room for a moment to fetch some blankets, placing them on Tora and Melanie. "Now, if you'll excuse me." Diael exits.

The rooms that Diael has provided are quite spacious. They have comfy, king size four poster beds. Each comes with a wring desk perfect for setting up a computer, as well as a small table, a full closet, and a couple of chairs.

The next morning!

Tora and Melanie

Tora awakens to find herself in the arms of another woman, and she freaks out. After a scream she falls off of the couch. "Ugh, my head," she mumbles and she props herself up on her knees and her left hand, her free hand rubbing her temple. "What the hell happened, and why was I sleeping with you?" She give Melanie an accusatory look.

2016-12-19, 01:32 PM
Well before the sun reveals itself into the sky, Fender is hard at work.
He discovered quickly that the nice, big bed is also rather heavy. So, after stretching out, he rolls under it, braces his back under it and proceeds to do pushups.
The rest of his workout follows the same theme, using heavy furniture to provide additional resistance and difficulty.
The final step is a nice long run around the town.

When he returns, it's just in time for a shower and breakfast.

2016-12-19, 02:16 PM
"Last night, while watching the movie, you fell asleep on the couch with me. You looked so peaceful, neither Diael nor I wanted to wake you. So we slept on the couch together." Melanie explained with a worried look on her face. "If you have a headache, we should go get something to drink and some breakfast. It might have something to do with that weird plant Winslow blew on your face. Perhaps we should get washed up first and make sure the plant matter is gone. after that do you want to grab something to eat?" she says with a hopeful expression on her face.

Luna the rabbit, decides it is best to leave the room as soon as she hears Tora scream. She goes to wait in the dining room.

2016-12-19, 03:32 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Well then, I'm no enemy. Winslow admits telepathically. If I were, I'd be devising an anti-Grundi plan in my lab right now. Probably something to do with soap and snakes.

Winslow yawns in an over-animated fashion. "Perhaps I'll call it a night." She winks at Grundi and lays her head down on Tassy's shoulder to "sleep".

2016-12-19, 11:18 PM
Elspeth wakes up to find that she is in a bed in one of the bedrooms that has been assigned to the new arrivals.

Fender does find a nice, hefty piano to lift. Unfortunately, it's hardly heavy enough for a good workout.

Tora and Melanie.

Tora snaps her fingers, using the same somatic component that Diael uses when he casts Prestidigitation. "There, problem solved," she says. "Maybe I won't have to spend the day smelling like you." She rubs the back of her head awkwardly. "I mean, not that you smell bad or anything."

Tora tosses on her coat. "I don't want cold pizza for breakfast. I'm going out." Tora heads to the exit of the room.

2016-12-19, 11:44 PM
"Would it be alright if I joined you? I don't particularly want cold pizza for breakfast either." Melanie says grabbing her coat and heading after Tora.

2016-12-20, 12:41 AM
Tora and Melanie

Tora looks over her shoulder at Melanie. "You're your own person. Do what you will," she says.

She leaves through the front, heading to a little cafe owned by an energetic catfolk with ebony hair and mocha skin. The cafe itself is small, with an outdoor setting area. The furniture is white, but despite the color and the service, there is no coffee stains to be found.

"Bittersweet's is good to eat!" the owner declares loudly. He voices is a like cream and sugar. This catfolk is wearing a maid's frilly maid's uniform, purely because it draw customers. Of course, Bittersweet is more than willing to use her body to entice more customers off of the street. It's just good business. "Bittersweet has seen you before, hasn't she? Diael's apprentice?" she asks Tora.

"Uh, yes," Tora says. She looks around at the other people at the cafe, making note of each one. A practiced behavior. "I'll have something stiff."

"Oh, at this hour?" Bittersweet covers her mouth with her hand, but her smile shows that she is only feigning horror.

"Listen, my head is killing me. I've had a rough day-"

"Oh, Bittersweet is interested," Bittersweet interrupts.

"And I don't want to talk about it," Tora continues.

"Oh, Bittersweet sees." Bittersweet extracts a bottle of wine, seeming out of nowhere. "And something for your friend?" Bittersweet asks, gesturing with her palm outward at Melanie. "Is it customary for Guardians to drink at this hour? Is it customary for you to be awake at this hour?" she asks Melanie.

The Manor

Diael arrives at the dining room. He's prepared himself some eggs. Seeing Fender, he offers him to make him some breakfast. "It would be rude of me to leave you starved," he says.

2016-12-20, 04:41 AM
"Didn't say you are," sends Grundy. Didn't say you aren't. Don't know yet. Is point. Though prefer to be...what is word...oh yes, friends. Impressed by your analytical abilities and constructs, research methods unorthodox but informative. However, assurance of not devising plans less comforting when has robots to do dirty work. Big soap not very effective at cleaning, dangerous, bases used in it bond with bones and weaken them. Easy to cheaply mass produce though; heavily pushed to run mom-and-pop prestidigation cleaners out of business. Surprised at snakes though. Don't seem your style. Unless...clockwork snakes? Actually pretty cool. Use synthetic poison for them?"

When Grundy finishes talking to Winslow, he retires to his room. He immediately does a thorough search of the room*. After this he takes out a jar of shapesand from his haversack and wills it into a brace, which he sets against the door. He scatters some papers from the desk on the ground, then pulls out Crys and sets him on the desk. "Keep watch," he says to the crystal. He thinks for a second, then places a few pieces of paper and a pen next to the psicrystal. "Design if want, but keep good watch."

Crys mentally sighs in contentment. Oh, you do lové mé.

Grundi then carefully takes a pillow and blanket from on top of the bed and arranges it so they are not immediately noticeable. He crawls under the bed, sets them up there, and dozes off for the night.

*Taking 20 to search the room (and closet, which I'm counting as part of the room).
Search: [roll0]

2016-12-20, 06:47 AM
"Hello, no alcohol for me, thank you. I think I have a long day ahead of me yet. Perhaps tea or coffee?" Melanie says, "Despite being better suited for night time pursuits, people i work with tend to like the day so i do tend to keep most people's hours." She adds, "This is a lovely looking cafe, you must get a lot of business."

2016-12-21, 02:13 AM
Tassy meanders into the dining room and takes a seat at the table. Her hair is a disheveled mess, seemingly gone wild without her bells. Enrobed in a t-shirt depicting a heavy metal band that is two sizes two big for her and yellow ducky pajama pants, she smiles at the smell of cooking food. "Smells wonderful if you're cooking eggs. If not then we may have a problem."

2016-12-22, 02:17 AM
Tora and Melanie

Bittersweet pulls out a carafe of coffee and pours a teacup of it for Melanie. She then takes the liberty of putting in two creams and four sugars on Melanie's behalf. "Bittersweet takes long hours sometimes, too," she says. "Bittersweet is usually are pretty busy around noon.

"Yeah, people don't stick around this early. It's usually a coffee for them, and then they are off," Tora says, pouring herself a glass of wine. She drinks it in a single swig.

"Mhm. Bittersweet wishes they would stay a while. These early shifts are quiet for her," Bittersweet says sadly. "On that note, Bittersweet would like to offer the breakfast menu. The Supersweet Bittersweet Mushroom Breakfast suprise is good to eat!"

The Manor

Grundi searches the room, but he doesn't come up with anything. Crys does not spot anything during the night either. "If zere eez a prettay young maid, she probab-lee eez avoideng us whilé wé try to sleep. Eet would be rude to wak la mastair. Eet could explain why le othairs 'ave non seen hair," it comments. In the morning, however, he does find that the mess Crys made with its 'art' in the other room has been cleaned up in his absence.

Diael frowns at Tassy's disheveled appearance. "I would prefer it if you would get dress before breakfast in the future," he says. He does exit the room for a few minutes and returns with some poached eggs and biscuits for Tassy. "Dig in. I expect us to be ready for investigating the site today. I want to get you all orientated for operations in the area."

2016-12-22, 11:13 AM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow awakes to the smell of food. She'd woken up around 3am, showered, gotten ready, and went to work in her "workshop". But she inevitably fell asleep at her desk. "Winston..." She yawns. "Can you make me a sandwich?" She stumbles into the dining room and sits at the table. "Good morning, friends..." She lays her head back on the table and dozes off for another three minutes or so until Winston presents her with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which she delicately devours.

2016-12-22, 03:21 PM
"Thank you for the coffee," Melanie says taking the cup and a small sip. "It's a shame people don't stay around here in the mourning. There is a lot of charm to this place. Well, at least i know a good place to come eat breakfast. Did you say a mushroom breakfast surprise? That sounds interesting, I never would have thought of something with mushrooms for breakfast. Perhaps I will give that a try."

2016-12-23, 01:15 AM
Grundy blearily awakens, but still feigns sleep for several minutes and listening intently, just in case someone had kidnapped him while he rested and he wants to find out as much as possible before they know he was awake. When he is sure that he is still in his room and unrestrained, he rolls out from under the bed, placing pillow and blanket back on the bed. He briefly checks through his bag to make sure everything is still in there, then deliberately places several particles, mote of dust, and other tiny objects around the room and memorizes their locations*. If anyone rummages around in there, they should disturb at least some and he would know. Grundi moves to the door and pulls off the shapesand brace. The shapesand crumbles into his natural form as he places it in a jar and that in his bag. He sends to Crys, “Stay for now, keep watch.” He listens for several seconds by the door**, then opens it and moves outside.

He makes his way to the site where he had made the mess the previous day. On seeing it cleaned, he immediately scours that area for even the slightest trace of anything cleaners may have left behind***. After making his search, he makes his way to the breakfast area, assuming that’s where the others would have gathered. Curiously, neither Melanie nor Tora are there, and Grundi expects that a briefing of some kind would occur over the meal. Interesting. Tora giving Melanie a private briefing? What else are they doing away from the others? Investigate further. Later. He sits down, declining any food offered, and nods to Diael as he enters. “Good. Would like to know about situation. Curious, where are Melanie and Tora? Not need to be briefed?”

*Can autohypnosis be used to memorize non-text related items? If not, Grundi will use the table and ink to write very specific information on the locations and exact positions of the particiles, memorize that, then tear it up and eat the paper. Taking 10 on the autohypnosis check: [roll0]

**Taking 10 on listen: [roll1]

Taking 20 to search the area. If he finds anything, uses GoOR on it: [roll2]

2016-12-23, 02:31 AM
Tora and Melanie

Bittersweet smiles at Melanie's order. "Bittersweet will whip it right up," Bittersweet says as she bounces to the back and into the kitchen.

Tora pours herself another glass of wine. "Next, is my plan for revenge," she mutters. She gives Melanie a look over as she sips at her drink, her other hand drumming against the table.

The Manor

Grundi doesn't find anything particular out of place, but he marks it down on paper anyway, and proceeeds to memorize and eat that. The now clean room that Grundi is investigating has been cleaned. Grundi, through a combination of smelling, rubbing, and otherwise closely examining the area, is able to identify at least 3 different cleaners, which rules out Prestidigitation. Obviously a trial and error clean up job, but the end result is well cleaned room. Once he's done, Grundi makes his way to the dining room.

Diael smiles sardonically at Grundi's question. "I am not her mother," he says. "I don't know where she is. However, you are correct in that Tora already has been briefed. We've already taken a couple of brief excursions in the site." Diael stands up, and pulls a map from the inside pocket of his coat, and spreads in on the dining table. It's an old map, the paper is stiff and yellowed with age. It depicts an area of the city that has since been swallowed by the city. Judging by the spread, the map must be several decades old. There are many markings draw on in purple, such as several buildings outlined, as well as a marking of the newer wall and growth of the Black Forest since the time the map was drawn. "We'll be working in the Apsenheim Research Compound, here," Diael says, pointing out the outlined buildings. "They dealt in biomedical research before they were shut down. The Black Forest overrun the facility, and most of their capital with it. Aspenheim went bankrupt, with the Supernatural Disaster Salvage ACT rights going to the state. Fortunately, with a little work with our mutual friends at the WMOC-FFF* liaison office, we were able to secure those right."

* That is, the World Mercernary Oversight Committee and Frontieria Federal Forces. The office is responsible for how the Guardians and other similiar interact with the Committee and the Frontierian military.

2016-12-23, 03:44 AM

"Revenge? on Winslow? or perhaps you mean something else?" Melanie asks looking over at Tora. "Either way, if you would like some assistance please let me know, I would love to help you out if I could. Maybe get to know you better."

Luna, the manor

Luna hops up onto a chair and then the dinning table to get a look at the map Diael put there.

2016-12-23, 01:16 PM
Fender walks over to peer at the map.
"Sounds like a pretty standard salvage job. Kill anything that harasses us, loot the place of info and equipment slash items. That about cover it?"

2016-12-26, 02:03 AM
Grundi stares intently at the map, committing it to memory*. Hmm. Biomedical research is broad category. Any specifics they focused on? Also, any other parties in particular interested in site? Believe we were called mostly for security, correct? Implies suspected need for it. Any security breeches or concerns with site?"

Takng 10 and using Autohypnosis to memorize the map: [roll0]

2016-12-26, 02:54 PM
Tora and Melanie

"Winslow, of course," Tora says. Satisfied with her inspect of Melanie, she returns to her drinking, look out the window and into the street. "Of course, I can't let you in on it, either. I'm not convinced you weren't in on it. What exactly are your intentions?" Tora accused. Her eyes narrow.

"Bittersweet is glad you two get along so well," Bittersweet says upon her rearrival. She places a dish in front of Melanie. The primary piece is a large, purple mushroom, with an omelette cooked inside of it. Their is half of a grapefruit with a lot of sugar sprinkled on top, and a couple pieces of bacon on the side. "Bittersweet is glad that you're making new friends, Tora," Bittersweet says, her tone dissonant as she leans in to smile at Tora.

The Manor

Diael scratches Luna behind the ears as she sniffs at the map. "Basically, Fender. It shouldn't be too much of a problem. Of course, it would not be an issue at all, save for the monsters roaming the area. We've also gotten reports of strange phenomena unique to the area. I'm not one to confuse correlation and causation, but we should be mindful," Diael continues. "As for the facility's purpose itself, I have been able to dig up rumors about bringing back the dead. It's daft, honestly, but I take it to mean that the researchers somewhere on the command chain were losing their minds. Frankly, if they got anything to work, I reckon they were working with some early necromancy or cybernetic enhancements. If something designed not to die exists n the faciltiy, it could engage us. Hypothetically, of course."

2016-12-26, 04:33 PM

"My intentions? You seem like a wonderful person and I would like to get to know you better," Melanie replied. "Are you going to have anything to eat? If you want you can have some of my breakfast. Thank you for the food Bittersweet." Melanie begins to eat her omelette, looking between Bitterseet and Tora with some confusion.

The Manor

Luna appreciates Diael's scratches and leans back into them.

2016-12-27, 01:12 AM
"I mean it sounds standard enough but we should at least try to be careful with the loot," Tassy emphasizes the word loot with air quotes. "Extracting artifacts is a tricky thing and the utmost caution should be taken. I brought along some silicone tipped suede gloves to make sure there aren't any embarrassing fumbles that will lead to the destruction of precious artifacts. They are also very fashionable."

2016-12-27, 10:46 AM
Elspeth Winslow

Eyeing the map and taking in other's input, Winslow chimes in. "It wouldn't take too much for me to get into any machinery on site." She shrugs and whistles over her shoulder, prompting her four main constructs to walk into the room. "As far as security and maintaining safety around any rogue experiments in the building, I can add a layer of protection with my constructs. I've also got quiet means of communication within 100ft, if you're all not opposed to a little telepathy."

2016-12-27, 07:12 PM
Grundi rubs his chin. "Bring back the dead...flesh golems, perhaps? Say there are monsters roaming the area. What kind, how aggressive, how much trouble caused so far?"

Grundi bristles at Winslow's suggestion of telepathy. He knew academically that standard telepathy could not probe the mind, only receive thoughts specifically sent. Still, receiving other people's voices in his head still made him feel uncomfortable. He thinks about it for several seconds, then slowly nods his head. "Telepathy useful. Private conversations, difficult to intercept or block. Would be good."

2017-01-01, 12:33 AM
The Manor

"Good thinking, Tassy. Personally, I carry some blacksilk and moth oil nailpaint to handle magical artifacts. However, Dr. Winslow, I don't think we'll be able to maintain anything permanent at the site. Leading into what Grundi is saying, the local magical beasts are intelligent, and they are drawn to magical equipment." Diael strokes his chin. "Flesh golems would be an interesting find. Primarily due to the fact that flesh golems were thought to have been invented 50 years ago, by researcher in Blacklight. It's a fascinating thesis to read, by the way."

Bittersweet's Cafe

Tora blinks when Melanie answers her. She quickly composes herself, closing her eyes and placing a hand on her chest confidently. "Well, of course I do try. You are looking at the first catfolk Guardian in the making, and the chosen apprentice of Diael. I've got prestige, beauty, and skill." She takes moment from her boasting to order her breakfast. "Steak and eggs please. And some whiskey. The breakfast of champions." Nevermind, nothing will stop this bravado train.

Bittersweet stands up. "Okay, Bittersweet get you your mundane breakfast. Your master might be disappointed."

"I think I know the great and powerful Diael a little better than a tea shop owner, thanks," Tora says smugly.

"Getting a little feisty. Bittersweet is fine with this," Bittersweet says, putting her hands on her hips as she turns around and saunters to the kitchen, a wide smile on her face.

2017-01-01, 01:24 PM
"Oh? And just how great and powerful is this master that hand-picked the beautiful, skillful, and prestigious Tora." Melanie responds playfully putting a little emphasis on beautiful.

2017-01-02, 10:52 AM
Elspeth Winslow

"Well, it's a good thing constructs don't radiate a magical aura then." Winslow shrugs, suspiciously shaking a spray bottle and loading a tactical fan with a green powder before stuffing them into her backpack. "Though I imagine everyone here has plenty of magical items to draw attention." She raises an eyebrow.

2017-01-02, 12:49 PM
"If beasts intelligent, smart enough to avoid tough constructs anyway," says Grundi. "Probably prefer to attack weaker targets. Problem, weak is relative, don't know what they consider strong. Curious; beasts solitary, or work together?"

2017-01-04, 10:53 PM
The Manor

Diael winces. "People are often attacked by magical beasts, even if they have no potential of their own. The beasts can be very territorial. This can extend to equipment as well. It is true that we stand out to them more, Sissy would call this the 'Christmans Tree effect,' but either way we would be accosted." Diael looks around. "Are their any other preparations you can think of?"

Melanie and Tora

Tora sits up a little straighter, pouring more wine. "Diael is quite talented. Top of his class. Tier 2 Guardian. Master of Illusions. Special ops training and experience against the HRA. He's even got a rather nice project going on right now. I'd spill the details, but this is his magnum opus. Getting as far as he has on this project makes him a genius," she says. She flourishes her hair with her left hand. "Of course, you should watch it with the compliments. I don't want you to get hurt. I'm renowned for my homosexuality." Tora sips at her wine, but quickly spits it out. "Heterosexuality," she backtracks, wiping her mouth with sleeve while slouching. "Slip of the tongue." Her ears droop.

"How is Bittersweet's little champion doing?" Bittersweet says sweetly as she puts Tora's breakfast in front of her.

2017-01-04, 11:38 PM
"Hm, i thought that... never mind not important." Melanie says playing with her coffee a little and staring into it. "That is a shame, you are a beautiful person, and I would be lying if i said i wasn't interested. You are however a very interesting person, and I hope we can still get to know each other better and be friends... I don't have a lot of friends and things at least seemed to go well yesterday. Though given your reaction, I at least hope that reputation of yours is for yourself and not for other people's benefits." Melanie continues to eat the rest of her omelette stuffed mushroom.

2017-01-05, 03:05 AM
"Preparations? Don't worry about me. I just gotta finish getting dressed and grab my hammer. Heh, I pack light!"

"I'll go get ready now." With a shrug Fender gets up and head back toward his room and the combat gear within.

2017-01-08, 07:04 PM
Grundi thinks for a few moments. "Few things still want to know. Method of travel to facility? If teleport, no preparations needed there, otherwise will need basic travel stuff, like Rope Trick. What resources we have to work with? Know my own, don't know anyone else's haven't had time to find out. Good to know what we got. Also, how closely we working with you? Together, or dividing party? Anyone else working there we need to know about? Don't want to see someone, attack, find later was working with us."

2017-01-09, 06:00 PM
The manor

Diael gives Fender a respectful nod, as if to say "reliable, just as I expect."

Diael continues. "Well, I could teleport us in. However, that would deplete some of my magic, or rather tax my resistance, unjustly. It's best to conserve it whenever possible." Diael goes to a bookshelf, and pulls out a tome filled with more maps of the area. He flips to a page, detailing the city before the Black Forest has encroached on the Aspenheim facility. He draws a line on it with a black marker, which he labels as the current wall surrounding Umbria. "As you can see here, the site is only about a mile out from the city wall. However, the nearest gate has some thick forested areas to difficult to traverse by car," he says, placing more marks on the map. "Tora and I already scouted the best path to hike, but path is being used loosely. It's precarious. However, it should only take about 20 minutes to get to the site from the wall. So we will be hiking until we determine a better method. I will be working with the team closely. Unless something comes up, we should not divide our group. I understand that we can't all be everywhere at once, so if we choose to allocate teams to different areas, we should remain in constant contact."

Diael pulls out his phone agian. "Speaking of, I'll get a hold of Tora now." He taps out a message to his apprentice.

Tora and Melanie

Tora is caught off guard by Melanie's comment about reputation. "Well, we all do what we can," she admits. "I've been all over the world. Can't say I've done a good job making friends."

Bittersweet does grab Melanie. "Oh, you poor thing! You always have a friend here. A friend of Diael's is a friend of Bittersweet's."

Tora averts her eyes, distracting herself with her phone. IT buzzes. "Oh. Diael wants us back at the manor. We'll be getting ready for the excavation."

2017-01-09, 07:22 PM

Luna intently examines the new map as Diael draws on it.


Melanie is a bit embarrassed but quickly takes the opportunity to slip away. "Well, I'll be your friend Tora." Melanie says quickly finishing her coffee. "Thank you Bittersweet, for the food and company. I'll be sure to stop by again. We should get back, poor Luna's probably been waiting for me."

2017-01-10, 10:23 AM
"Well, in that case, I'm going to get ready. Shouldn't take that long." With that, Tassy adjourns to her quarters to get ready.

2017-01-17, 11:47 AM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow puts on her cap and adjusts it for maximum cuteness. "I'm as prepared as ever." She shrugs, stuffing 'Wizzer' into a backpack along with some other supplies. "Bots, let's rollout! Paladin, please don't forget your pony this time."

Winslow then stands by the door, but curiously keeps the funny spray bottle in her hands.

2017-01-17, 01:06 PM
Grundi takes a look at the map, committing it to memory. He shrugs. "Suppose ready. Best do quickly, before circumstances change."

Take 10 on autohypnosis to memorize map:[roll0]

2017-01-19, 11:28 AM
Tora and Melanie

Melanie leaves, but Tora is stopped by Bittersweet, who slaps some mints into her hand. "Bittersweet thinks she's a nice girl. One might say, 'get 'em, tiger!'"

Tora is perplexed. "Are you giving me advice? Ugh, you're not my mom!" Tora shakes her head as she leaves.

The group at the Wall

The West Wall is a large, stark structure made primarily of concrete. It was built about a century ago in order to keep out the Black Forest, as well as the monsters that congregate there. Gathered in front of one of the smaller entrance is you, a group of Guardians decked out in your coats and plentiful magical equipment. The guards, in their standard military equipment, look nervous.

Tora catches up to Melanie, and hands her one of the mint. "Compliments of that barista."

"Good, we're all here," Diael says, nodding at his apprentice. Diael uncrosses his arms and faces the guards. "We'll be departing then." The guards say nothing, but shake their heads in agreement.

You all shuffle through the door, through the entrance tunnel with the single bare bulb for light, and through the exit door. The difference between the Forest and the city is like day and night. The trees are so thick and plentiful, they blot out the sun. The air is cold, and the wind howls unnaturally.

2017-01-19, 09:14 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow carefully observes everything on her way, her constructs flanking her on her sides. When they get to the building, she hands the nervous guards each a sucker. "Don't worry, gentlemen. The robotic reinforcements have arrived." She signals her constructs, causing Paladin and Ranger to veer off. "Keep these guards safe, units."

Once inside the forest, pulls Whizzer out and lets him take flight about five feet above their heads. Well, this is pleasent. Grundi, dear, can you direct us? She says this telepathically, allowing Whizzer to relay between the party. Time to go audio silent, team!

2017-01-19, 11:54 PM

"Thank you." Melanie replies cheerily to Tora, taking the mint.

Along the way Melanie Talks with Luna and catches up on what they are supposed to be doing. Also feeding her a carrot to tide her over for another meal. Noting that the forest block out the sun Melanie casts a few buffs, and she and Luna hide in the shade. Luna and I will be hiding in case of a fight.​

Caul of shadows self (+2 deflection bonus to ac for 8 min.)
Caul of shadows Luna (via share spells, separate casting so it works if Luna goes more than 5 ft away.)

Melanie hide[roll0]
Melanie move silently [roll1]
Luna hide [roll2] +4 if there is heavy undergrowth
Luna move silently [roll3]

2017-01-20, 12:23 PM
Grundi cringes when Winslow's thoughts are projected into his head. Telepathy is undeniably useful, but he still doesn't like the feel. He shivers but sends back, "Why ask me? Know the direction, but so does Diael. Follow him?" Still, Grundi checks his own memory to make sure Diael is actually leading them in the correct direction.

He takes Winslow's lead and pulls Crys out of his haversack, letting the crystal float just above them and keep watch. The crystal sends everyone in the group a mental grumble. "Oh, zo zis eez all ai am to you? A maire watchman? Féh! A 'awk could do zis job. Mon tailents are wasted on le likes of you!"

Grundi and the crystal keep watch.
Grundi spot: [roll0]
Grundi listen: [roll1]

Crys spot: [roll2]
Crys listen: [roll3]

2017-01-20, 07:53 PM
The Team is in the Black Forest

Luna and Melanie disappear into the brush. The heavy, overgrown foliage provide natural cover for Melanie's rabbit familiar.

Now, Grundi and Crys can't see anything. Any number of horrible monsters could be hiding in these woods, behind the branches and leaves, and no one would be the wiser.

Diael seems unconcerned. In fact, he stands straighter. While alert, he genuinely is more comfortable and confidence now he's in danger. He gestures for the team to follow. The hike is uneventful, save for several roars and growls. Each time, Diael stops the team for a moment, hanging onto the tension and quietly waiting for the danger to pass.

Eventually, the team arrives at a gate and a chain link fence. The growth gives way, ever so slightly, to reveal the concrete and asphalt below. This was a part of the city a century ago.

"Here we are, Aspenheim Research." Diael slides open the gate. It creeks and catches on the vines several times, only for Diael to pull it more forcefully. The facility past the fence is less destroy than the rest of the abandoned cityscape. The sturdy, reinforced laboratories than the standard residence. The underground rooms would be insulated from the aggressive greenery above, making them ripe for looting. "Alright, building A is first. There should be something in there that can give a more clear picture of what we are looking for. If we're lucky, we'll find a file that hasn't been shredded, or a hard drive that hasn't aged beyond use or wiped."

2017-01-20, 09:20 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow motions her constructs to flank her sides until they reach a door that is unopenable by means other than force, in which case Barbarian will pry it open. "Let's go then, no time to dawdle." Winslow commands as she presses forward, companions at her side.

Couple readied actions and a couple "just in case" rolls.

In case we do come into contact with a computer of sorts, or possible even a few, Winslow will do some snooping for data.

Knowledge (Engineering)

In case we do hit a door that can't be opened by other means, Barbarian will remove the door(s).

Strength Check

If we are attacked by hostiles, Wizard will cast Nerveskitter as an immediate action. If it gets too dark, he'll cast Candlelight.

2017-01-20, 09:41 PM
Fender takes the rear, comfortable that he can handle anything that might try to bite him.

2017-01-23, 04:44 PM
The Team is in Aspenheim Research Labs.

Diael directs the team to Building A. The sliding door is stuck, and without electricity, so Winslow is kind enough to have BARB heave it open. Inside, the building is dusty, and the air is stale. A few papers lie on the ground, and ahead is a receptionist's desk with a computer, and to either side of that is a door. It's incredibly still, and has been for decades.

The team shuffles in, the floor creaking beneath them. Fender is the last one in, and he cautiously turns around.

Suddenly, a large, spider-like creature appears out of thin air, inches from his face. Its blue and white chitinous body dwarfs every member of the party, save for maybe Fender. The mandibles open in a silent scream as it rears up on its hind four legs, the front four spreading into the air in an intimidating fashion, and it swoops down on Fender, biting him.

Bite versus flat footed.
[roll1] Damage and poison
Poison: Injury, Fortitude DC 17, initial and secondary (one minute later) damage 1d8 Con.


The spider disappears as quickly as it appeared. However, behind where it once stood, two more spiders appear to be moving into position, and disappear as well.

2017-01-24, 01:24 AM
Melanie casts glitterdust in the area the spiders disappeared, and tries to hide again while moving over a little.

glitterdust: 10 ft radius spread, -40 hide, invisible creatures outlined, will save DC 19 or be blinded. Duration 6 rounds.
hide [roll0]
move silently [roll1]

2017-01-24, 01:54 AM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow moves close to Barbarian and readies her attack, while Wizard springs into action!

She will ready her ranged touch attack to spray any enemy (or Tora, if she looks threatening) with her vinegar and water mixture!

Attack One (Vinegar Water Spraybottle)
[roll1] (Unfortunate Smell)

Attack Two (Vinegar Water Spraybottle)
[roll3] (Unfortunate Smell)

Barbarian will 5-foot step next to Winslow and hold his attack action(s) until the enemy gets too close to her.

Attack One (Large Greataxe)
[roll5] (Slashing)

Critical Confirm (-/x3)
[roll7] (Slashing)

Attack Two (Large Greataxe)
[roll9] (Slashing)

Critical Confirm (-/x3)
[roll11] (Slashing)

Wizard will attempt to hit one of the spiders with an Orb of Fire, Lesser!

Use Magic Device
[roll12] (Success if over 20.)

Attack One (Large Greataxe)
Touch Attack
[roll14] (Fire)

Critical Confirm (-/x2)
Touch Attack
[roll16] (Fire)

2017-01-24, 10:18 PM
Stray rays of light seem to bend and coalesce in Grundi's hand in the shape of a violet gem of pure force. He whirls on the spiders that attacked Fender and hurls the psionic grenade at them.

Manifesting Amethyst Gem with 8 pp. Hurling it to catch as many spiders in the 20 ft radius blast as possible Spiders 2 and 3. All creatures in the area take [roll0] force damage (DC 20 reflex save halves).

Current PP: 44/52

2017-01-27, 01:59 AM
Tassy performs a short kata and at the end of it, a blue, shimmering aura erupts to surround her body.

Tassy uses Inertial armor. She spends a total of 7 points (6+1) and has 39 remaining. Total AC bonus of +7.

2017-01-30, 02:56 PM
The Party is in Building A of Aspenheim Research

Melanie sprays magic dust, but the physical substance created by the spell flies out only to merely float to the ground.

Spider 1 pops up among the party, biting at Winslow! Winslow sprays it at vinegar, which merely offends it. Do you think this is some kind of simple animal?
It takes a hit from Barbarianbot (19 damage) and Wizardbot (3 damage) , takes its bite, and disappears.
[roll1] and poison Fortitude DC 17, initial and secondary damage 1d8 Con

Spiders 2 and 3 appears in front of Fender. They look at him curiously, then snap at him anyway. They disappear as well.
[roll3] and poison Fortitude DC 17, initial and secondary damage 1d8 Con

[roll5] and poison Fortitude DC 17, initial and secondary damage 1d8 Con

Top of the Order!

Grundi, you can can choose to keep those rolls, and attack which area you want.

2017-01-30, 03:37 PM
Melanie readies a Daze Monster spell, targeting the first spider to appear.

Daze Monster DC 18 or be unable to act for 1 round, if 6 or less HD

2017-01-30, 04:04 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow coughs up blood. "That was unfortunate."

She will ready her ranged touch attack to spray any enemy (or Tora, if she looks threatening) with her vinegar and water mixture!

Attack One (Vinegar Water Spraybottle)

(Unfortunate Smell)

Attack Two (Vinegar Water Spraybottle)
[roll3] (Unfortunate Smell)

Holding his attack action(s) until the enemy gets too close to her.

Attack One (Large Greataxe)
[roll5] (Slashing)

Critical Confirm (-/x3)
[roll7] (Slashing)

Attack Two (Large Greataxe)
[roll9] (Slashing)

Critical Confirm (-/x3)
[roll11] (Slashing)

Wizard will cure light wounds on Elspeth!

Use Magic Device
[roll12] (Success if over 20.)

Cure Light Wounds

2017-02-02, 11:20 AM
[roll0] vs dc 17

"A waiting game. Ugh! I hate these!", he say as he feels the spider's venom trying to take hold within him.

Fender lifts his greathammer above his head and waits for the next spider to appear.

To Hit [roll1]
To Hurt [roll2]

2017-02-09, 09:16 PM
The Party is in Building A of Aspenheim Research

Grundi's power shatters the air in front of Fender. Soon after, the spiders reappear, noticeably injured from the destructive psychic energy. The team snaps into action. One spider is pummeled immediately by Fender and Tassy in a whirlwind of hammer blows and fists. The second is dazed by Melanie's subtle incantations before it can do anything. Paralyzed, it's easy pickings for Tora, who dispatches it with two quick shots from her handgun. The last one appears next to Winslow, but her golems dutifully cover her, shoving it away in tandem.

This gives Diael time to cast a spell. The air hums with energy, and he lets out an unearthly, screeching vocalization. A quick but sudden gesture, culminating with him pointing his middle and pointer finger at the spider, unleashes the spell. Like jet lightning, the barely contained ray crackles and strikes the remaining spider. Light ceases to be and the energy holding it the spider's molecules together is annihilated. For the briefest moment, the spider appears to be blacker than possible. So black that it's painful to the eyes. In the next instant, it ceases to be, a spider shape cloud of thick dust in its place, which soon dissipates.

"Tora, give Winslow your antivenom," Diael says, quickly gesturing to Winslow.

Tora nods. "Yes, right away." Tora steps up to Winslow, handing her a vial. "Drink up, it should help deal with the poison," she says, placing a hand on Winslow's shoulder in a comforting manner. She looks up at Diael. "Diael, she looks like ****. I think she'll need to see Luka when we get back." She looks back at Winslow, eying her carefully. "Are you okay for now?"

"Hopefully you'll be well enough to assist with the computers," Diael says, hopping over the receptionist desk and attempting to reboot the computer there. "Damn, the BUPS is dead. Should have expected. Still, with Winslow's expertise, we should be able to salvage the hard drives, or at least the ones that haven't been wiped, corrupted with age, or destroyed."

2017-02-10, 12:54 AM

"would making an illusory wall attract the creatures here? If not i can hide us while we work on the computers. I won't be much help working on them anyway. If it gets serious enough i can also sneak people back to the city with invisibility, though it doesn't seem like a good idea to split up if possible." Melanie offers, while getting ready to cast a silent image.

2017-02-10, 12:55 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"Thank you, I will be fine." She says to Tora with sincerity, as she wipes a small bit of anti-toxin off her lips. "Age, damage, and corruption are only a roadblock for an inexperienced creator." She says indignantly to Diael as she has Barbarian assist her to the computer. "Even a clean wipe can sometimes be recovered." She starts salvaging everything she can, even popping out a few full devices she believes could be helpful to the investigation, handing them to Barbarian to carry. "If this were Winslow tech, this place would have never been taken by the elements." She grumbles, taking a few more pieces of tech that she doesn't need but she definitely wants.

2017-02-10, 02:06 PM
The Party is in Building A of Aspenheim Research

"Good to hear," Tora says as she pats Winslow on the shoulder. She steps up to Melanie. "Diael, about the illusion," she calls over her shoulder.

Diael responds. "It should be fine. We're a christmas tree, as Sissy would say, anyway. One illusion shouldn't be noticeable over that or the mess we just made." Diael steps away from the computer. "I was just considering it. Honestly, I am not good with computers. Most of mine," Diael mimes a fire with his fingers, "and the one I have now had to get its aluminium hull replaced with an anodized adamantine one to protect it from my magic."

While Melanie's illusion hides the team, Winslow is able to salvage several data drives from the receptionist computer, as well as several from the offices as well. "Excellent," Diael says. "I believe we are finished here, if there are no objections. With the data on these drives, we might be able to identify key projects that are worth recovering from the other buildings. We should think about carrying a permanent petrol generator in next time, in order to feed power to the facilities. We'll have to bring something ti cover it from the beasts as well..."

2017-02-10, 07:58 PM

"I certainly have no objections. I need to go get an item from a store," Mealnie explains, then looking over at Winslow adds. "Winslow, do you need extra medical attention? I can probably help get you there while i go shopping."

2017-02-11, 08:56 PM
Tassy Rivers

Using her internal focus, Tassy emits and small shockwave from her body, clearing off the blood. "Spiders need to stay small and such. They're so cute when small. They wear little water droplets as hats when small. These spiders just turned out to be a huge pain."

She strides over to Winslow, grabs her hands and looks her in the eyes. "Are you sure you're okay?"

2017-02-12, 09:48 PM
Grundi leans over one of the dead spiders and examines it closely. "Hmm. Curious; say magic items make us like "Christmas tree," easy for monsters to detect. Monsters very broad groups, lots of variance in members. How all them detect our magic? If method of detection identified, discovering how to conceal much easier. Probably best to not to do field studies on it now though; no objections to returning."

2017-02-13, 12:34 AM
Elspeth Winslow

"I think I'll be alright." She smiles at Tassy. "I'm not cut out for combat. That's why I brought my boys." She pats Barbarian's chassis with a solid ting. "Thanks for the concern. I'm definitely going to need Winston to make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich later..." She coughs, a little weak, but held up by Barbarian with care.

2017-02-13, 09:41 AM
The Party is in Building A of Aspenheim Research

"How very astute, Grundi. The magical beasts appear to operate under separate rules of magic. They can often invoke it, but not in the same way humans can. Scholars have studied them in the past, and some believe that they are naturally more attuned ti its power. They've gone as far to say that humans should be able to sniff out magic much better than they do. However, that will have to wait. Winslow seems to be in bad shape. We should get her looked at," Diael says.

"I've already said that I'm taking her to Luka's," Tora says.

Diael frowns. "Alright, so if we're concluding today, I'll just Tele-" Tora punches Diael in the throat as he tries to teleport himself away.

"Diael, you don't have to come if you don't want to, but I'm not letting you snake away from covering us on the way back." Diael coughs as rubs his throat, but gives her a thumbs up. "Alright, we're getting out of here," Tora finishes. She picks up Winslow, despite any protests she may wage.

Thanks to the cover of Melanie's illusions, you are able to return to the city without any incident. Now it's dusk, and the clouds hang heavily in the sky. "I'll be headed back to the mansion. Anyone is welcome to accompany me," Diael says, and he walks back to the mansion.

"Alright," Tora says. "I'll be heading to Luka's. Melanie, if you want to come to his place, we can go to the store afterwards."

2017-02-13, 12:10 PM

Tassy lets a smile grace her lips. "I'll be sure to keep a better eye on you next time. As you might have noticed, I'm built like a truck... or like a cool muscle car... I'm built like a truckscle car and made for combat. I got you."

2017-02-13, 01:04 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow nods at Tora, signaling she's ready to leave and then looks at Tassy. "Don't be silly, Tassy. Truckscle car?" She thinks about the concept. "You'd need to at least have a combustion engine to be a- Oh, that was a metaphor." She nods logically. "You are indeed a 'truckscle car', Tassy."

2017-02-13, 03:07 PM

"Of course Tora, we need to make sure Winslow is in top condition. Besides I should know where this luka is if something happens without you or diael around." Melanie replies following Tora. She smiles at the banter between Tassy and Winslow, they seem to be good friends to Melanie.

2017-02-15, 12:29 AM
Grundi pulls his collar closer around his neck. "Hmph. Might as well return to mansion. Want to study unseen cleaning service more. Curious. Might have interesting information."

2017-02-15, 05:23 PM
The Manor

The manor is dark as quiet. Diael and Grundi step inside. The master Guardian closes the door behind him, which makes a loud, echoing noise as it slams shut. Out of the echoing comes a soft, harmonious sound. A series. Somewhere, quietly in the cavernous void of the mansion, the sound of a piano rings true. Diael stays silent, but he gestures for Grundi to follow him with a glance and a nod. His left hand's fingers twitch, anticipating action.

The pair makes their way through the mansion, tracing the music. It's a sorrowful piece, full of flourish. Eventually, you arrive in one of the rooms in the West Wing. Diael opens the door, and he whispers to himself in surprise. "Ath-" he catches himself and frowns. His eyes narrow.

Sitting at a piano in the middle of the room is a very tall woman. Her hair is long, black, and flowing. Among the hair is a black crown, twisting spines protruding from it. She wears a dark set of heavy armor, senselessly fit to her impressive figure. Where inky plate isn't showing, long cloth of muted purples and greyed blues is. Her eyes open, and her armored fingers release the keys. Her eyes, closed during the performance, open as the last note reverberates in the room. Her eyes are an unnatural blue, which almost glow in the dark of the room.

"Mortimer," she says. Her voice is like silk, but there is an ineffable power behind them.

"Queen Alatreia, I presume," Diael says. His frown is gone, replaced with a polite smile. "I loathe to correct you, your highness, but I go by Diael now."

"I see," she says. She stands. Very little light comes from the window behind her, as the Frontieran sky still is overcast. Despite this, she casts a long shadow over Diael and Grundi.

"Forgive my bluntness, highness," Diael says, "but what brings you to my home?"

"A personal matter," she says, as her eyes slide over Grundi. She squints. "Who is your friend?"

"Grundi, highness. A fellow Guardian." Diael elbows Grundi.

Luka's House
Melanie, Tassy, Winslow

The group arrives quaint house with well kept flower bushes. Tora knocks on the door, which soon opens slightly. A single green eye peeps out, it's owners face hidden by the frame and door. "Oh it's you!" a small, shaky voice says. The door slams shut, and some scampering is heard from inside.

Tora looks back at the team. "Don't worry about that. Lahala is timid." Her voice is tired from a long day of adventure.

The door opens again, this time by the hand of an androgynous man with short strawberry blond hair and golden eyes. "Oh, Tora. What a pleasant surprise," he says. He sees the other party members. "I am Luka," he says, introducing himself. He extends a hand, and gives a toothy, pointy smile.

2017-02-15, 05:47 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow enters the home and nods to Lahala, motioning her constructs to remain outside. "Good morning, Lahala." She smiles, doing her best to mask her pain before turning to Luka. "You got something for spider venom, doc?"

2017-02-15, 10:11 PM

Melanie gives Luka a small curtsy, "My name is Melanie." She does not offer her hand for a handshake though. "Tora, you seem tired. We should get you and Winslow inside. Let's get you two seated."

2017-02-16, 01:45 PM

Tassy graciously accepts the handshake. "I'm Tassy Rivers. Archeologist, bamf fighter, best friend." She strides into the abode and situates herself near Winslow, keeping a careful eye on her.

2017-02-17, 12:47 AM
Luka's House
Melanie, Tassy, Winslow

Tora slumps onto the couch, leaving space for Melanie beside her. "Good to see you again, Luka," she says.

"Always a pleasure. Can I offer you any tea or some scones?" Luka graciously shakes Tassy's hand. "Yes, a pleasure," he says. He also gives a nod in response to Melanie's curtsy.

Meanwhile, Lahala has been peeking in from the kitchen door. When Winslow addresses her, she lets out a quiet "eep!" and disappears again.

"Now, now," Luka says as he steps between Winslow and the door to the kitchen. He examines her spider bite. "Ah, the progresss is slower than what I had expected. An antidote was used. Winslow, take off your coat," he finishes, poking the wound, healing her slightly. "Did you do anything interesting?"

Heal 3 con damage, Winslow.

2017-02-17, 01:34 AM
Elspeth Winslow

"We were searching for some old data." Winslow shrugs, wincing when Luka pokes her wound. "Gently!" She frowns at Luka. "We found some blinking spider creatures. Three of them. Barbarian did sufficient damage to one. He's my newest child. You'd appreciate his worth, Luka."

2017-02-17, 01:41 AM
Melanie sits next to Tora, and Luna hops up on the arm next to Melanie seeking attention. Melanie absent-mindedly scratches Luna with one hand. At the offer of tea and scones Luna perks up, making bunny noises at Melanie. "Sure, we'll have some tea and scones," Melanie accepts the offer for Luna. Melanie pays more attention to Tora, glancing her over to make sure she didn't get injured somehow, relaxing next to her after satisfying herself that Tora isn't hurt.

2017-02-20, 04:04 PM
Luka's House
Melanie, Tassy, Winslow

"Very well," Luka says to Melanie. "Lahala, please prepare the tea." Nothing can be heard from the kitchen, but Luka seems satsified and continues to examine Winslow. "Yes, you were with Diael, I assume. He and I worked together for a while. Have you seen his ice sculptures? I played a fun prank on him. I swapped one of his unfinished ones for a duplicate I made. It took him forever to figure it out," Luka prattles. "So where were you digging up data," he continues, taking a look at Winslow's golem.

"Uh, Aspenheim research," Tora says. "Apparently there was some crazy mad science was being performed there. Bringing back the dead, or so the rumors go." She leans, spreading her arms over the back of the couch. "Speaking of the dead, do you have anything stronger than tea. I haven't had anything to drink today." Tora seems to be in good shape otherwise, so Melanie relaxes next to her.

Luka smirks. "Sure," he says. "I'll fetch you something once I pick up the tea."

2017-02-20, 04:36 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"That sounds like it would aggravate Diael." Winslow nods with approval. "A suiting social experiment." She smiles as Luka looks Barbarian over. "I wasn't able to afford his intellect unit yet. But he's sturdy an his strength is far superior to the others." She nods. "Lahala, please no food for me! I shall craft my own sustenance when I return home." She shouts to the kitchen.

2017-02-21, 01:52 AM

Luna is a bit annoyed at the lack of attention she is receiving, but at least she is getting scratches and presumably tea and scones so she begrudgingly makes do with the absent-minded scratches. Melanie waits patiently for the tea and scones and just enjoys the company, not having much to add to the conversation about the mission.

2017-02-21, 10:53 PM
Tassy Rivers

"What are you planning to 'craft,' Winslow, more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?" Tassy says, nudging Winslow gently in the arm. "I haven't had tea in ages. Back home we're all about coffee, pop, or just water. Not very many people are tea drinkers."

2017-02-22, 05:14 PM
Luka's House
Melanie, Tassy, Winslow

A quiet squeak can be heard from the kitchen. Lahala doesn't like Winslow. The timid girl finds her too pushy and picky.

Luka chuckles disarmingly. "I didn't mean to upset him. I just wanted to see if I could pull one over on him," he says, shaking his head, but still smiling. "And I can still see your diet is terrible. No wonder why you insist on leaving on your coat. I bet you look sickly." Luka tuts, obviously concerned. "The tea should be ready. I'll fetch it."

He heads into the kitchen, coming back with a tea tray full of tea and scones. "I hope this is too your liking Tassy. Where do you hail from?" He sets tea by everyone, including a small saucer for Luna, with an accompanying corner of a scone for the rabbit. He then pours some whiskey from a crystal bottle on a cupboard, handy it to Tora.

"Leave the bottle," Tora says. Luka rolls his eyes but does as she says without any verbal complaint. "Want some?" she asks Melanie offhandedly, without looking at her.

2017-02-22, 05:23 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"They are a perfectly balanced source of nutrition, Tassiel." She nods. "Even though some people don't appreciate them." She looks at Luka with great judgement. "The nerve of some people, trying to relieve a young maiden such as myself of her outer layer of clothing. Rude." She tisks and huffs. "My coat is the only protection I have from Luka and his experiments, Tassiel."

2017-02-22, 06:32 PM

Luna gives an approving nod to Luka and begins to nibble on the scone and drink from the saucer.

"Sure, I'll have some Tora. I haven't really had much to drink before except some wine when we celebrated graduating from our apprenticeship." Melanie replies to Tora, interested in the alcoholic beverage.

2017-02-23, 01:20 AM
Tassy Rivers

"Well, you always have me, Winslow. I think I fair a bit better than a coat when it comes to protection." She turns to Luka. "I hail from a suburb of this huge city on the eastern continent. It's a nice little hamlet, not too far from downtown but not too far from open spaces too." She gingerly takes one of the cups of tea and sips at it. "Lovely. I don't think I've ever had tea like this before."

2017-02-24, 10:16 AM
Luka's House
Melanie, Tassy, Winslow

"What, I would never," Luka says, doing his best to sound upset while also playing the good host. Tora makes sure to finish her drink and pour another one for her and Melanie.

Before Luka can apologize, a teacup sails from the kitchen and hits Winslow in the head, which bounces off of Winslow's thick skull. A small catfolk walks out. Her ears and tail are while, but her hair is died read, almost has red as her face. She glares at Winslow with her blue, slitted eyes. "Now you excuse yourself, miss!" she yells, but her voice isn't terribly loud anyway. "I am appalled that you think my master couldn't get you to do anything he wants!"

Tora downs another shot. "Glad it's not me this time," she mutters.

Luka, nervous, takes a step while Lahala, his apprentice, chews out Winslow. "So, Tassy, that sounds lovely," he says, avoiding the catastrophe unfolding in his living room.

The Manor

The manor is dark as quiet. Diael and Grundi step inside. The master Guardian closes the door behind him, which makes a loud, echoing noise as it slams shut. Out of the echoing comes a soft, harmonious sound. A series. Somewhere, quietly in the cavernous void of the mansion, the sound of a piano rings true. Diael stays silent, but he gestures for Grundi to follow him with a glance and a nod. His left hand's fingers twitch, anticipating action.

The pair makes their way through the mansion, tracing the music. It's a sorrowful piece, full of flourish. Eventually, you arrive in one of the rooms in the West Wing. Diael opens the door, and he whispers to himself in surprise. "Ath-" he catches himself and frowns. His eyes narrow.

Sitting at a piano in the middle of the room is a very tall woman. Her hair is long, black, and flowing. Among the hair is a black crown, twisting spines protruding from it. She wears a dark set of heavy armor, senselessly fit to her impressive figure. Where inky plate isn't showing, long cloth of muted purples and greyed blues is. Her eyes, closed during the performance, open as the last note reverberates in the room and her armored fingers release the keys. Her eyes are an unnatural blue, which almost glow in the dark of the room.

"Mortimer," she says. Her voice is like silk, but there is an ineffable power behind them.

"Queen Alatreia, I presume," Diael says. His frown is gone, replaced with a polite smile. "I loathe to correct you, your highness, but I go by Diael now."

"I see," she says. She stands. Very little light comes from the window behind her, as the Frontieran sky still is overcast. Despite this, she casts a long shadow over Diael and Grundi.

"Forgive my bluntness, highness," Diael says, "but what brings you to my home?"

"A personal matter," she says, as her eyes slide over Grundi. She squints. "Who is your friend?"

"Grundi, highness. A fellow Guardian." Diael elbows Grundi.

The Manor

Grundi shirks away. "I don't think he'll be any trouble," Diael says.

The Queen's eyes narrow. "Hmph, indeed. What brings me here is a personal, family matter. Despite you forsaking your family, I still consider you kin. Family is very important, Diael, and in that interest I wish to inform you that my daughter, who shares my namesake, has disappeared. She was last heard of from this area." She places a hand on Diael's shoulder. "Can I have your assurance that you will inform me if you find her?"

"Of course, your highness," Diael says placidly.

"I thank you from the bottom of my heart." Satisfied, the woman disappears.

Diael shakes his head. "Now this is why I don't keep the mansion warded. You never know when someone important might show up uninvited," he grumbles.

2017-02-24, 10:39 AM
Elspeth Winslow

"Thank you, Tassiel. I do appreciate you-" She gets cut off by the teacup sailing into her head.

Winslow waves off Barbarian, who immediately tenses when Winslow is attacked as it is his job to prevent her damage. "Time and place, Barbarian." She stands. "How uncouth of you, Lahala." She rubs her forehead. "We're not all pandering wallflowers that drool over the object of our affection with our eyes, keeping practically nothing a secret from the world." She raises her eyebrows and clearly eyes Lahala's dyed hair. "But I'd expected better of you, really, resorting to violence in your master's home because you can't control your own bewitched heart?" She shakes her head at Lahala.

2017-02-24, 01:17 PM
Tassy Rivers

Tassy smiles awkwardly and sips at her tea, "Yes, terribly lovely. Melanie, what is your preferred beverage then? Wine?"

2017-02-24, 01:36 PM

Melanie absentmindedly downs her drink while watching the events with Winslow unfold, growing slightly flushed after just one drink. She offers her glass for a refill. "I don't know, i've only had wine once with Bander and the whole thing is a little hazy, i remember mostly staying up and talking about things, not much about the wine." Melanie replies to Tassy, still fixated on the fight. "I mostly drink tea." She grabs a scone and sets it by Luna in case she wants more and fills up her saucer of tea.

2017-02-26, 02:17 AM
Luka's House
Melanie, Tassy, Winslow

Tora is ignoring the fight, and instead chooses to focus on her company. "Bander must be fun to drink with. She always seems so... well, she seems like she is always thinking," she says to Melanie and Tassy. "I can do wine though. It's a little sweet for me sometimes, but when all you have is a hammer, you still get hammered, right?" She chuckles at her own joke, downing another drink.

Meanwhile, Winslow had struck one of Lahala's nerves. Lahala turns nearly as scarlet as her hair, and hisses furiously. She lunges at Winslow, ready to claw her. However, Barbarian intercedes and grabs her in a bear hug. Not able to attack physically Winslow physically, Lahala utilizes a verbal assault. "Bewitched?! How dare you, you blood-stealing skank!!! How I feel for Luka is genuine!" She struggles against the golem, but it holds fast.

"Okay, stop it you two," Luka says firmly, but calmly. He walks up to Barbarian, and pats Lahala on the head. She settles for a bit, while Luka pushes aside Barbarian's arms with no effort. He puts a hand on Lahala's shoulder, keeping her in check. "I think it's best we call it a night. It's getting lately," Luka says cordially, glossing over the conflict.

"Sure, fine with me. We might be busy tomorrow, depending on how the data comes up," Tora says. "I'll see you later, Luka."

She walks outside, leading the team back towards the mansion. "Man, that was pretty crazy, right?" she asks, taking a sip from the crystal bottle of booze she had stolen from Luka's house.

2017-02-26, 03:31 PM
Grundi tenses at this queen, wracking his mind for information on her. Royals were always trouble, with their political games and maneuvering, treating everyone else as pawns in their grand schemes. Definitely not a good sign. On the other hand, it seems Diael had royal claim and had left it behind for magic, which Grundi could respect...unless, as was likely, it was just one of Diael's royal games to get in the good graces of the powerful Guardians, the ones who controlled the magic and the true great power of the land. Clever Diael.

Grundi looks at Diael quizzically. "Odd. Seems important people showing up good reason to have wards always up. Also, "Mortimer," noticed you not seem too shaken up about queen's daughter disappear. Curious, why? Regular occurrence?"

Psychic knowledge on the queen: [roll0]

2017-02-26, 03:45 PM
Melanie takes the extra scone for Luna and follows Tora back to the mansion with Luna close behind. "That was... interesting," Melanie says hesitantly. "That one night we celebrated, i do remember talking to Bander late into the night about a lot of stuff." She says to Tora. "I had a good time but i can't really remember all the specifics of it. Also hammered?" She adds at the end seemingly confused.

2017-02-27, 11:08 AM
Elspeth Winslow

At Lahala's outburst, Winslow replies shortly. "I'd imagine that's what they all say." She rolls her eyes, not blinking when Luka steps in to contain his apprentice. "I would agree, Luka. Have a good evening." She exits the house, Barbarian ducking under the door to follow.

2017-02-27, 12:06 PM

"Welp, I'm going to have a chat with her," Tassy says. "Have a goodnight, you two!" A moment later, she disappears with a sweet jingle of bells.

She reappears next to Winslow outside. "You okay, my sweet scientific savant?" She asks.

2017-02-27, 12:06 PM
The Manor

"I go by Diael," Diael says icily, "and I don't want to explain to the Council why I fried the queen of Blacklight with a glyph of warding." Diael pours himself a glass of brandy, offering some to Grundi. "Of course I wasn't particularly interested in the princess disappearing. She's been dead for two years, I want to say. How far can a corpse go? I must presume the Queen has lost her mind, made Alatreia the lesser into a zombie and misplaced it, or worse." Diael shakes his head. "Speaking from personal experience, people have funny ways of dealing with grief."

The Blacklight royal family is the Mavrostemma. It's often translated to "Blackcrown" in popular media. Blacklight is a rather small country, and rather insular. As such, the royal family is very rarely seen in public, and not much is known about them.

There are some families from Alexandria that maintained strong relationships with the Blacklight royal family. Queen Alatreia is said that have entertained these families in the past, or graced them with her presence during their events. Of course, these families do not divulge details readily, out of respect for the queen.

Queen Alatreia herself wasn't fond of the previous ruler ship and their lack of focus on magical research. Early in her rule, the budget for necromancy and research doubled in Blacklight. She was also known to not be fond of classical arts.

The front of the Manor
Tassy Melanie Winslow

The group makes their way back to the Manor. Tora raises an eyebrow at Melanie. "Hammered. You know, get really drunk," she says, taking another sip of the drink. "Anyway, don't worry about Lahala. I find her shy and basically just insecure. I'm more interested in Bander, personally. I know Diael and her are tight, but I've never met her."

2017-02-27, 02:21 PM

"Bander is awesome. She is so nice and thoughtful. She is a very deep thinker, and always seems to have some answers," Melanie starts explaining a bit starry eyed. "She also seems super confident. Without her I would probably still be living off the streets and would never have gotten here and met all of you." Melanie finished with a contented sigh.

2017-02-28, 11:20 AM
Elspeth Winslow

"Of course, dear Tassiel." Winslow nods matter-of-factly. "Lahala's outburst was nothing more than a childish tantrum." She shrugs. "As a mother of six, I'm quite used to such a thing. Why, WIZARD often times sasses me." She shakes her head. "Why can't he be more like his younger brother." She dramatically looks to the sky.

2017-02-28, 11:36 AM

"For a second there, I thought you meant six biological kids but I get it. You're referring to the mechanical ones. If you made them, why did you give them the ability to sass you?"

2017-02-28, 12:04 PM
Elspeth Winslow

"They're my children. I'd hate for them not to have free will." She shrugs. "Mother knows best, but sometimes a little creative input from the kids is important to life." She smiles a little.

2017-03-06, 04:28 PM

The Manor Dining Room
Tassy, Melanie, Grundi

Diael is putting on his coat as the group eats a breakfast of waffles and sausages. "Tora, I'm going out. There is something I need to discuss with an old friend," he says. "Take the team out to target practice. I want them all requalified, or qualified at all if they haven't been."

"What, you're going out?" Tora asks. "Weird. You never take a day off."

"Don't worry about it. I just want to make sure the group is combat ready," he continues, as he places his swords on his belts, with the toothed one on his right, and the broken one on his left.. "After yesterday, we should be more careful."

"UH, okay. I'll take them today, I guess."

The Lab

Winslow is eating a PB&J in her lab, and she notices she is out of self sealing stem bolts. How will her work continue without them. She's going to have to go to a local shop to replace them.

A Train to Umbria
Tiramisu and Zoisite

IN the train compartment with a table and a window sit Bander and Rebecca Owens, as well as two other guardians.

Rebecca is a human woman of Eastern descent, a powerful abjurer, and a guardian of high prestige. She has black hair, with the right side of it shave, and the other side long and tangled into shoulder length spikes. Her eyes are brown and sharp. She's wearing the standard guardian coat, with a close fitting cut. Additionally, she's modified the outfit with armor on the shoulders to compliment the bracers she is wearing the rolled up sleeves of the coat. Her fingers drum impatiently on the table in the middle of the room, as she looks out the window at the cityscape passing by.

Next to her is Bander, an attractive nephilim, and the number one rank Guardian of the local order. Her hair is very long, and a faint, unnatural blue. She has five horns sticking out of the back of her head, each a brilliant banded pink. Her eyes, pink but with a darkened sclera are half closed, as if drowsy. She has a pair of bat like wings sticking out the back of her guardian coat, as well as a scaled tail. She absentmindedly sips at a cup of tea, which has taken her over half an hour to drink, as she stares blankly, distantly past Zoisite, is who is sitting across from her.

Zoisite and Tiramisu were brought along to aid Diael, a Guardian in Umbria, on an assignment to bring in a rogue mage by the name of Aldrin. Aldrin is a former Guardian researcher, and has been using what he had learned as a Guardian to practice illegal necromancy. Activity in the south of Umbria and the surrounding forest suggests he may be active there.

2017-03-06, 04:41 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow frowns, she'd meant to replenish supplies sooner but she'd been too busy. This field work business was really cutting into her office hours. "Come, bots. To the store!" She motions, bringing her bots with her and casually riding on PALADIN's horse.

2017-03-06, 05:22 PM

"Qualified for what exactly?" Tassy asks as she prods at a sausage.

2017-03-07, 01:09 PM

With a sigh, Zoisite reached behind her to touch her emerald dragonfly wings. In response, they melted away without a trace, allowing her to lean back into her seat without worrying about them, her alternating blue and green hair subtly parting so it wouldn't be caught behind her. Her foot quietly tapped on the floor, while one of her tails twitched restlessly, swishing across the seat as its twin curved over Zoey's lap.

Train rides were boring.

With a flick of her wrist, she brought up a small image in her hand - a slightly flickering bust of Bander. "So, have you ever considered trying out more traditional horns? The spines are great, but I think you'd rock the curved look." She gave the image a careful poke, altering it to reflect her suggestion. "Or maybe some cute ones on the forehead?"

2017-03-07, 01:27 PM

"Yes, what kind of target practice are we going to do?" Melanie asks with Tassy, while Luna munches on some toast.

2017-03-07, 03:00 PM
The Manor
Tassy, Melanie, Grundi

Diael exits, leaving Tora behind to explain herself, answering the crew's questions. "Guns, of course! Having more options in a fight is always handy. Plus, it's my favorite way of doing things," Tora says, pulling out a nickel plated hand cannon. "If Diael says we should train, we train. I know of a few gun ranges around here. Sounds like an adventure, right guys." Tora is trying to hype the group up.

Wrench of Hephaestus

Winslow searches around on robo-horseback, but is only able to find one golem supply store in the area. "The Wrench of Hephaestus" reads a sign with worn lettering. The windows are dusty, and very little light escapes from the shop. Still, there are some magically powered mechanical curios in the window, so it must be the right kind of place.

Inside is a man wearing a vest over a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His features are gaunt, and his black hair curled and tangles, but his blue eyes are full of vibrant energy. He's pulling a large burlap sack behind the counter when the door's bell tinkles as Winslow enters.

"Ah, yes! A guest. Such exquisite machines," he says, admiring Winslow's creations. His voice has a palpable eagerness. "I am Ananthropos, proprietor of this quaint little shop. I rarely get a guest with such wonderful taste. Where did you acquire them?" he asks, eying Winslow hungrily.

The Train
Tiramisu and Zoey

Rebecca growls under her breath as Zoisite finishes her question. Bander doesn't respond with such immediate aggression, as her eyes focus on Zoey.

"Uh, excuse me?" she asks as she gains full consciousness. "Oh, my horns. No, no, I am quite okay with them the ways they are," she says gracefully. Her voice is quiet, but powerful, as if she is whispering directly into Zoey's ears. "I'm not one to besmirch the gifts I have been given, Zoisite. While they can be... difficult when I want to sleep on my back, my wings already make that uncomfortable. In the end, it can't be helped anyway. Attempting to alter or disguise nephilim traits is difficult, and sometimes even dangerous." She shakes her head. "I look fine the whay I am, don't I?"

"Of course," Rebecca barks, a little too suddenly. Compared to the smoothness of Bander's voice, hers is raspy, almost growling. "You look fantastic." She says this to Bander, but she is glaring directly at Zoisite, like a wolf who's territory has been encroached upon.

2017-03-07, 04:01 PM

"Yay, let's do it. I've never really practiced with a gun before." Melanie says getting excited, "perhaps you should stay at the mansion for this Luna." she continues concerned over the rabbits big ears. The bunny agrees to this and decides to start exploring the mansion.

2017-03-07, 04:04 PM
Elspeth Winslow

Winslow raises an eyebrow at the man eyeing her constructs. "I built them, of course." She thunks Paladin on the chest solidly. "They are like children to me." She smiles.

"And to create more, I am in need of self sealing stem bolts and a 13mm wrench. Barbarian sat on mine this morning." She tisks, shaming the construct that can feel no shame. He does, however, lower his head in "shame".

2017-03-07, 11:18 PM

Carefully taking off her hat, Tiramisu laid it down on her lap and looked around curiously. She fidgeted around a little before staring curiously at Bander's horns and saying, in a quiet voice. "I like the horns. The colors are cute."

She startles a little at Rebecca's outburst, glancing up suddenly with a bit of apprehension in her eyes. After a moment, she calms down, but leaning imperceptibly away from the angry human.

2017-03-08, 01:32 AM

"I think I'll pass. Guns aren't really my style. More of my bros thing really, wouldn't want to take that from him. I'll watch you guys but distance hasn't even really been an issue for me."

2017-03-08, 07:32 PM

"Its not a matter of disrespecting what you have, or even about how good or bad it looks. Its about choosing what you want, or even just when you want it. People shouldn't feel confined to what random chance and luck handed to them, if there's the possibility of choosing what they want or need instead. It's about self expression. Zoey smiled easily and leaned back, dismissing her illusion with a snap of her fingers before she stretched out her arm to rest along the back seat. "Like I said, the spikes are great! But wouldn't it be fun to be able to change them up like you can with your hair? Choosing to go with a ponytail doesn't mean you don't like other styles, just that hey, maybe you want a ponytail, whether for one day or for the next five years."

Zoisite's vivid green eyes slid over to Rebecca. "I'm betting you know what I'm saying. You've obviously put some effort into your rocker look - heeeey. Have you considered horns?" Was her smile just a little more devilish? "With your hair and the armor it'd look fantastic. Forehead ones, definitely. Straight, or maybe swept back? It'd be perfect."

2017-03-09, 12:26 PM
The Manor
Tassy, Melanie, Grundi

"Wow, a first timer and a slacker," Tora says. "Oh well, lets get this going." Tora gets her coat on. Once the others do the same, she walks out the door, leading the team to a local firing range.

It's a brick building, with a worn, wooden sign on it that reads "Woodsley Arms and Arming." Inside there is a small, empty room with a single door, a single old-fashioned bare bulb, and a barred service window. Behind this window is a man with a large, bushy, black beard, and wearing a bandana, a white tank top, and sunglasses. Tattoos are visible all over his bare arms.

"Heya! I got to show someone some shooting. The range free," Tora asks.

"Sure thing, kitten," the man croaks. The door opens ominously, leading to a small firing range with several compartments made of plywood.

Wrench of Hephaestus

"Oh. Oh! A looker and a thinker. Don't see many of those around here. A rare breed, indeed," he chuckles. "Not many women interested in family lives, either." He gives a raspy laugh as he turns around and examines the shelves . "So, stem bolts... I have some old Alexandrian Hardened Adamantine, which is a bit pricey, and some local Frontierian Mithril.

The Train
Tiramisu and Zoey

Rebecca shakes her head. "Tsk. I think getting some horns is the least of my issues with how I look. I could use some real curves," she says, glancing at Bander. "Anyway, you could say 'rocker.' I was in a gang before I joined the Guardians. I haven't really changed my look a lot since then."

Bander purses her lips. "Self expression requires you to express your self. Nephilim have a very strong sense of identity. We're lucky to be born at all. Out of a hundred conceived, only a handful survive until birth. Even after then, we are struggling. Pulled between what we are and what we could be come," she says. Her voice darkens at this last part, as her distant stare returns. "All the while, we march towards death. It's a losing battle to never change. A constant onslaught in this line of work. We hope we die before we lose our selves." She sighs. "Anyway, thank you for the compliment, Ms. Tiramisu. I will admit that the coloration doesn't always fit my personality. I have been a little girl in many years." She smiles wryly. "The hair is naturally like this too. I'm told these are rare traits, and I've never met another nephilim with this horn color."