View Full Version : Does anyone know of this race?

2016-11-26, 10:23 PM
I remember there being a race of creatures, that were basically 2 creatures sharing a single soul. I think they were either human-like or elvish...I don't really remember anything else about them.

Anyone know about them? I know of the Dwarf thunder siblings, or whatever, but that's not what I'm thinking of.

2016-11-26, 10:28 PM
You may be thinking of Dvati that are from Dragon Magazine #271. They also appear in the Dragon Compendium.

2016-11-26, 10:29 PM


2016-11-26, 10:40 PM
That's...exactly it...wow. I was quite sure it was in a book.

2016-11-26, 11:22 PM
...I don't remember the unlimtted range telepathy. Mindsight? God. That would probably be the most disorienting...or even the most incapacitating thing I could think of. Literally overloading a person's mental functions by having them see literally every mind in the plane...possibly multiverse, by some readings.

Is there a way to impart Mindsight on to someone?

2016-11-27, 01:39 PM
It is in the Compendium so it is kinda in a book.

2016-11-27, 02:02 PM
...I don't remember the unlimtted range telepathy. Mindsight? God. That would probably be the most disorienting...or even the most incapacitating thing I could think of. Literally overloading a person's mental functions by having them see literally every mind in the plane...possibly multiverse, by some readings.

Is there a way to impart Mindsight on to someone?

Void Disciple can give people feats. It requires them to be 'allies', but that's not a defined game term and should be subvertable.

2016-11-28, 04:12 PM
Void Disciple can give people feats. It requires them to be 'allies', but that's not a defined game term and should be subvertable.

Ally ( http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_ally&alpha=) is a defined game term.

2016-11-29, 01:49 AM
Ally ( http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_ally&alpha=) is a defined game term.

Cast Charm Person first, in that case.

2016-11-29, 02:33 AM
...I don't remember the unlimtted range telepathy. Mindsight? God. That would probably be the most disorienting...or even the most incapacitating thing I could think of. Literally overloading a person's mental functions by having them see literally every mind in the plane...possibly multiverse, by some readings.

Is there a way to impart Mindsight on to someone?

Two things:

1) Mindsight is a feat that only requires you have the telepathy ability to take. Just take the feat.

2) The telepathic link between dvati twins isn't the same telepathy ability that mindsight requires and, even if it was, the only creature you'd be able to sense is your twin since he's the only mind you can contact with this form of telepathy.

That out of the way, there are some creatures with the normal telepathy ability out to extreme ranges, such as the queen of a formian colony (100 miles IIRC). As for the information overload issue, you just ignore the extraneous information. You're not debilitated by seeing a library shelf's worth of book titles all at once. You just focus on them one at a time until you find the one you want.

2016-11-29, 03:12 AM
Cast Charm Person first, in that case.

Casting Charm Person won't change a thing in regards to defining what an ally is. A target failing a save may, the casting will not. I don't understand your point.

2016-11-29, 04:08 AM
Casting Charm Person won't change a thing in regards to defining what an ally is. A target failing a save may, the casting will not. I don't understand your point.

I was referring to casting charm person on the person you want to regard you as an ally, with the hope of that person failing the save. I didn't spell it out because I didn't think anyone would read it as 'cast charm person at empty air and magically gain an ally'. :smallsmile:

Ranged Ranger
2016-11-29, 04:42 AM
Two things:

1) Mindsight

As for the information overload issue, you just ignore the extraneous information. You're not debilitated by seeing a library shelf's worth of book titles all at once. You just focus on them one at a time until you find the one you want.

It depends on how the text of the feat is interpreted... I while your reading is definitely the one I would argue for, I can see how it could be interpreted as concurrent knowledge... In which case the analogy becomes one person for every book in the library, each saying the title, shelving location, and total # of pages for a different book all talking at the same time - major sensory overload.

2016-11-29, 04:48 AM
I was referring to casting charm person on the person you want to regard you as an ally, with the hope of that person failing the save. I didn't spell it out because I didn't think anyone would read it as 'cast charm person at empty air and magically gain an ally'. :smallsmile:

Correct, that was my point. The casting is irrelevant. The failed save by the target is the thing.

2016-11-29, 05:07 AM
Correct, that was my point. The casting is irrelevant. The failed save by the target is the thing.

Yes, but casting is an inherent part of making someone fail a s...

Nevermind. I don't want to start a discussion about this. You were right, have a good day.

2016-11-29, 05:12 AM
Yes, but casting is an inherent part of making someone fail a s...

Nevermind. I don't want to start a discussion about this. You were right, have a good day.

Actually, mea culpa, I got caught up in pedantry.
I wish you and your's well too.

2016-11-29, 05:51 AM
Why can't more discussions end like this? :smalltongue: