View Full Version : Avengers: The Next Age II

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-11-26, 10:24 PM
Avengers Assemble!

The familiar voice of Nick Fury booms through the mansion wide intercom. Within moments Avengers of all types begin walking into the briefing room. A hidden door opens in the northern wall of the room. Fury walks in and props forward on both hands against the table.

We're splitting you up. Agent Romanov, you'll be leading a team to help the Dare Devil track down these ninjas. Agent Barton, take the cowboy and provide cover for ground team. Boy Genius, go with them. Run pragmatics. We've got world leaders riding us hard as it is with all this time variant BS, we cannot afford collateral damage. The Vision will go with you as well. He is uniquely suited for bypassing those security doors, if you happen across any more of them. If you run into trouble and need more muscle, I have it on good authority that Asgard is keeping an eye on the situation. Now move out.

As half the room clears out he looks around.

As you can see, we've brought in a few more assets. The rest of you, here's the situation: One of our satellites detected a comet entering the solar system recently. That comet entered the atmosphere two days ago and landed in the Savage Lands. Since then, there has been a 60% reduction in the number of rifts being generated in the Savage Lands. The comet is emitting an energy signature that is difficult for us to analyze, but is clearly alien in origin. If there’s an alien power source out there that can block these rifts, we need to claim it before anyone who lives in the Savage Lands does. Your mission is to travel to the Savage Lands, locate that comet, and find out what’s causing the interference with the rifts. Any Questions?

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-11-26, 10:51 PM
Wolverine while using his bone claw to pick out bits of a stolen ham sandwiche from his teeth sits there, seeming oblvious to much of what is being said. He puts his claws away, still squating in his swivel chair.

"What are the savage lands?"

He sticks a finger in one of his ears, attempting to clean out an irritating ear wax itch.

Andrew Markham
2016-11-26, 11:51 PM
Black Panther steeples his fingers. "The Savage Lands...a place created by aliens in order to house dinosaurs and other supposedly extinct creatures. Alone it would be a dangerous place. With the influence of the rifts, I shudder to think of the possibilities."

2016-11-27, 12:04 AM
"If there is some form of energy affecting the rifts, we will need to find a way to harness it. I can assist in analyzing them though I expect the origin of this energy will be scientific, not mystical." Strange folds his arms, standing near the entrance with his hands up as he is in he process of casting some of his divination magic. He is attempting to see if anyone he is familiar with is in the Savage lands so he can do some recon for the team before they depart.

2016-11-27, 06:17 AM
Storm looked at Logan in confusion, both at his behavior and his unfamiliarity with the Savage Land, "Logan, what on earth happened to you? Do you not remember, we've been there before with the other X-men?" She looked at her friend with concern before turning to the others, "We do have at least one ally there. Ka-Zar. He is a good man, but his highest priority is protecting the Savage Land. The only difficulty I see is if this meteor is helping with this rift situation there, he may not want to part with it."

2016-11-27, 07:43 AM
Reptil stretches as he finishes his ham sandwich "I've heard of the Savage lands before. Sounds like my kind of place"

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-11-27, 11:50 AM
Wolverine looks to the white haired storm witch. He sniffed at her. His eyes looking at her hard.

"Storm... You smell like storm... You.... Should know magneto did this to me. I don't remember the savage lands... I remember alot of fighting.... Maybe when I get there I'll remember. "

2016-11-27, 12:53 PM
Voodoo sits there and listens carefully to everything that is said about this place.

Andrew Markham
2016-11-27, 09:06 PM
"Dismissed!" Fury says. The Avengers break up into their teams. The Savage Land team boards a Quinjet and heads for Antarctica.

5 hours passes. Doctor Strange breaks out a mirror and attempts to scry on Ka-Zar, but has no success. During this time, it is explained to everyone that due to the rifts, the assembled Avengers are not all from the same time frame. Captain America pleads for everyone to stay focused on the mission so they can return time to normal and prevent abuse of the rifts.

Black Panther reports from the pilot's seat, "We are approaching the Savage Lands. Beginning scans for--" He is cut off as there is a grinding sound from the rear of the Quinjet, followed by a repeated impact sound which sounds like hail bouncing off the ship. Panther checks his instruments and begins struggling with the controls. "There's...something...wrong with the right engine! We're losing altitude! Everyone, strap in!"

Over the course of a minute, Panther attempts to gain control of the jet, but to no avail. The Quinjet passes through the clouds and reveals the verdant green land of the Savage Lands, punctuated by volcanoes rising over the landscape. Much to everyone's anxiety, the ground grows closer and closer. Panther manages to struggle with the ship enough to make the ship parallel to the ground at impact. The Quinjet slides across the grass and collides through trees, testing its metal frame. Finally, the ship comes to a stop. There is still the sound of repeated impacts against the hull, sounding like light hail.

2016-11-27, 09:20 PM
Dat could have been better. Voodoo rubs his shoulder.

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-11-27, 11:10 PM
Wolverine cuts out of his seat and growls as any wounds he sustained slowly close.

"No good... under attack... where..."

On all fours he moves toward the door, opening it to assess what is attacking.

2016-11-28, 10:23 AM
Reptil morphs his hands into dinosaur claws and cuts his way free of his seat and makes his way to the exit of the jet "What the hell happened back there?"

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-11-28, 10:59 AM
Captain America, standing, gripping a cargo net, rides out the crash until the jet stops. Then he rushes forward to the cockpit to check on Panther. Is anyone hurt? waiting for reply, he looks out the windscreen to assess the situation. [roll0] perception.
Logan wait! We're being swarmed.

Andrew Markham
2016-11-28, 11:34 AM
Captain America moves to the front of the Quinjet. He finds Black Panther uninjured. They both peer out the front window. "What in the world...?" At that moment, they hear Wolverine open the side door. He looks out to see that just to his right is a swarm of silver metal insects slamming repeatedly into the side of the jet.


Roll initiative!
Captain America: [roll0]
Black Panther: [roll1]
Feral Wolverine: [roll2]
Doctor Strange: [roll3]
Storm: [roll4]
Voodoo: [roll5]
Reptil: [roll6]
Wasps: [roll7]

Captain America
Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Feral Wolverine

Captain America is up.

If you do not respond within 24 hours of your turn being announced, your action will be held.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-11-28, 12:03 PM
Cap rushes to the open door and tries to raise it back up before the swarming insects get into the ship. He holds his shield to offer maximum protection [Total Defense this round]

2016-11-28, 03:14 PM
Storm shook herself out of being disoriented from the crash and got up from her seat, hearing Cap's call to arms and moved to the open door of the Quinjet (o12). She raised her arms towards Swarm 1, "Winds, banish these vermin!" she shouted as a huge blast of air slammed into them!

Cast: Gust of Wind
This spell creates a severe blast of air (approximately 50 mph in a 60'line) that originates from you, affecting all creatures in its path. All flying creatures in this area take a -4 penalty on Fly skill checks. Tiny or smaller flying creatures must make a DC 25 Fly skill check or be blown back 2d6 x 10 feet and take 2d6 points of damage. Small or smaller flying creatures must make a DC 20 Fly skill check to move against the force of the wind.

Swarms made up of Diminutive or Fine creatures are susceptible to high winds, such as those created by a gust of wind spell. For purposes of determining the effects of wind on a swarm, treat the swarm as a creature of the same size as its constituent creatures.

Andrew Markham
2016-11-28, 04:31 PM
The horde of wasps seems to resist Storm's powers. They continue flying in place. Captain America hits the button to close the door. Even with Storm standing on it, it begins to rise. (Will close at beginning of next round)

Reptil is up.

2016-11-28, 07:01 PM
Reptil moves to square o-10 and gets ready to attack in case any make it through before the door closest (holding until next round) "what the hell are those things?!"

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-11-28, 07:08 PM
Don't look at me. I'm from Brooklyn.
Cap says with a slight smirk.

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-11-28, 09:25 PM
Wolverine Growls as he sniffs the Air.

"Smells like Adamantium...."

He snarls.

"Bugs made of Adamantium."

2016-11-28, 10:27 PM
Voodoo unlatches himself and flies out the door and prepares to cast when the swarms are closer to him.
Readied action to cast fireball as the swarms get closer to Voodoo at least when they are within 15ft

Andrew Markham
2016-11-28, 11:32 PM
Voodoo prepares his spell. The Adamantium Wasps began converging on the open jet entrance. Voodoo sends out a powerful blast of fire behind them, which explodes. Fire washes over the wasps, but they seem to resist the magic. The Quinjet's right engine, however, is not so lucky. The metal of the plane is warped somewhat by Voodoo's fireball. The wasps keep on coming. 1 moves to M12/N13 and engulfs Voodoo.

1 vs Voodoo
Take [roll0] damage and Fort save DC 17 vs poison

Swarm 2 moves to N11/O12 and engulfs the closing door to the Quinjet.

2 vs Wolverine, Cap, and Storm
Take [roll1] damage and Fort save DC 17 vs poison

Swarm 3 moves slightly south and continues beating on the hull of the Quinjet.

Black Panther moves out of the cockpit, then stops as he sees the situation. "Ororo!" he shouts as she is enveloped by wasps. Quickly, he assumes his multi-formed stance (Swift Action) and moves to P11. He reaches for Storm through the doorway and attempts to reposition her back in the ship.

Reposition vs Storm
[roll2] vs CMD, for every 5 over CMD, moves another square

T'Challa pulls Storm to his side, then behind him to Q10. "My wife, you and the Sorcerers are our most effective weapons against this foe. We will shield you from the creatures- put an end to them."

Doctor Strange is next.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-11-29, 10:54 AM
Cap knocks away several wasps with his shield, others have trouble piercing his uniform, but two find their mark in his skin. Ouch, son.... He shouts. These things are metal. Try shocking them.

2016-11-29, 10:56 AM
Strange releases his harness and moves to get a clear line of fire on the swarm. His hands begin making the gestures to open tiny gates to another realm. Arms outstretched and fingers spread he completes the incantation and a torrent of diamond shards sprays forth. His eyes flash as his arcane reserve adds more power to the spell.

Casting Diamond Spray, spending an Arcane point to boost the DC by 1 and ignore 5 points of spell resist. DC is 21, reflex for half. It is an area spell so I think they take double regardless.

Damage [roll0] considered adamantine and cold iron to overcome damage reduction.
Spell caster check for resistance [roll1]

Andrew Markham
2016-11-29, 07:51 PM
The swarms scatter, lessening the damage they take from the spray of diamonds. Voodoo is also caught in the blast (Make a Reflex save for half).

Wolverine is up.

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-11-29, 07:57 PM
Wolverine looks around. Sniffing.

"Metal Bugs, Better Outside. "

He moves outside before the door closes, hoping the bugs follow.

He looks out for Voodoo who Flew out before him.

"Boy! More Fire on Bugs!"

Andrew Markham
2016-11-29, 08:08 PM
Wolverine steps outside just as the doors finish their closing cycle. The doors slam shut, trapping half of Swarm 2 in the Quinjet.

Begin Round 2!

(Yellow line is the closed door)

Captain America is up.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-11-29, 08:57 PM
Cap breaks from the swarm to give the others a shot at it. He moves northeast, then north [P5] and raises his shield in defense again. (Total Defense this round)

2016-11-29, 09:12 PM
Storm breaths a sigh of relief at Panther pulling her from the swarm, "Thank you my husband. These swarms are unusually resilient. I agree with the captain. Perhaps they will be susceptible to the power of lightning!" Suddenly her eyes whiten as she calls on a miniature thunderstorm to appear within the Quinjet itself, forming around Swarm 2 at N11, electricity sparking throughout!

Cast: Greater Aggressive Thundercloud
A crackling, spherical storm cloud flies in whichever direction you point and deals electricity damage to those it strikes. It has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability. If it enters a space that contains a creature, the storm stops moving for the round and deals 6d6 points of electricity damage to that creature, though a successful Reflex save negates that damage. The first creature damaged by the cloud is also stunned for 1 round (Fort negates); this is a sonic effect. It provides concealment (20% miss chance) to anything within it, and its flickering light illuminates the same area a candle would.

The sphere moves as long as you actively direct it (as a move action for you); otherwise, it stays at rest and crackles with lightning. It can be moved by wind effects and counts as a Small creature for the purpose of determining how winds affect it. The sphere has no physical substance and cannot exert any force on corporeal creatures or objects. It disperses if it exceeds the spell's range.

Spell Resistance check: [roll0]

2016-11-29, 09:52 PM
Seeing that he's mostly useless in a fight like this, Reptil activates his defenses. Hardened scales appear over his body, giving him greater defense (+2 natural enhancement to AC). He then moved away to q8

2016-11-29, 10:18 PM
Voodoo moves 5ft back swings his hands and aims toward the swarms.

Burning hands [roll0]

Andrew Markham
2016-11-29, 11:11 PM
Voodoo moves out of the swarm and sends a gout of fire through them! Many of the adamantium flies drop, smoldering the grass underfoot slightly. Wolverine is able to dodge, but the closed door of the Quinjet takes the full blast.

The wasps all stay in place, continuing to attack their present targets.

1 vs Wolverine
[roll0] piercing damage + DC 17 Fort save vs poison

2.1 vs Wolverine
[roll1] piercing damage + DC 17 Fort save vs poison

(2.2 in next post)

Swarm 3 moves 10 feet south and continues attacking the Quinjet.

Black Panther moves 15 feet north to P8, seeing nothing he can do to aid his comrade against the wasps.

Doctor Strange is up.

Andrew Markham
2016-11-29, 11:19 PM
Swarm 2.2 moves 5 feet left and envelops Doctor Strange

2.2 vs Doctor Strange
[roll0] damage + Fort save DC 17 vs poison

2016-11-30, 11:46 AM
Strange tries to burn some of the swarm with a simpler spell but hey seem unaffected by the magic. Not wanting to remain in such close proximity he looks out the cockpit of the jet and opens a small crack in space, slipping through and reappearing outside a bit up in the air so he can get a good view.

Burning hands results posted in dice thread. Spending an Arcana point to Dimensional Slide to x6 and be about 20ft above ground, since that is part of my move action I will then fly another 50 ft upwards.

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-11-30, 02:53 PM
Wolverine Huffs and Puffs, and Exhales in frustration as the bugs fly about him, like a lazy dog on a porch. He rolls his eyes and swats at the insects as his wounds close. He looks at Voodoo and Glares.

"Are you waiting on your brother? Big Gun Voodoo, Or go home. I can take it. "

Wolverine moves to M12

Andrew Markham
2016-11-30, 08:43 PM
Begin Round 3!


Captain America is up.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-11-30, 08:57 PM
I've got an idea Cap moves 10' west to N5 (free action Martial Flexibility learn Penetrating shot 1 minute)

He shoves his shield forward, broadside out, attempting to smash the wasps between it and the door.

[roll]2d6×13 (22 in dice) vs swarm 2.2
[roll1] [roll2] vs the door. Hopefully breaking the weld loose.

If this works, get that door open and everyone get clear of the doorway.

2016-11-30, 10:38 PM
"Thank you husband," Storm replied to Panther as he saved her from the swarm, "I've never seen anything like these insects but we shall prevail!" she concentrated further on her thundercloud hoping it will be more effective this time...

[roll0] damage +50%, REF DC 21 to negate

Andrew Markham
2016-12-01, 07:51 PM
Captain America smashes the adamantium wasps and barrels into the door, smashing the recently melted hinges. The door hinges shatter and the left side of the door falls down behind Wolverine. Storm may now maneuver her orb outside.

2016-12-01, 10:16 PM
Now that the door was opened, Storm got a full view of the swarms outside and with a simple thought, moved her miniature thunderstorm outside to N12 where it overlapped with both Swarm 1 and 2! If anything, the electricity seemed even more intense when it struck at both swarms at once.

[roll0]+50% REF 21 to negate on each.

2016-12-03, 10:26 AM
Reptil grunts in frustration "Damn bugs! Give me something big to fight!"

2016-12-03, 07:39 PM
Voodoo talks over the intercom.
Everyone get on top of da jet its pretty much lost now. So I figure since magic is having a hard time penetrating these creatures we'll use something a bit bigger and more modern like an exploding jet but we need to get all da bugs close yo the center
moves to K8 and hopes others follow. Full defense

Andrew Markham
2016-12-03, 08:05 PM
Voodoo flies up to the top of the plane. Black Panther's voice immediately comes over the coms in response to him, "Negative, we are not doing that. We have already defeated one of the swarms, half our force is INSIDE the jet, and I spent millions building it. You will not detonate it!"

Swarm 1 and 2.1 converge on Wolverine.

Swarm 1 vs Wolverine
[roll0] damage and Fort save DC 17 vs poison

Swarm 2 vs Wolverine
[roll1] damage and Fort save DC 17 vs poison

Swarm 3, still on top of the Quinjet, changes course with the arrival of Voodoo and moves to engulf him.

Swarm 3 vs Voodoo
[roll2] damage and Fort save DC 17 vs poison

Black Panther moves to the now open doorway at M11. "Wolverine, if your injuries become severe, you may move away to heal as needed. They seem to attack the closest person, and I can also regenerate my wounds."

Doctor Strange is up.

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-04, 09:06 PM
Wolverine swats at a bug on his arm and growls as his flesh heals some from the bites. The poison seems to have absolutly no effect on him. He seems to have taken relatively little damage.

"The Magicians need to make with the Magic like the Witch."

He stayed where he was looking around.

[roll0] Surveying the Area Perception

Andrew Markham
2016-12-04, 09:34 PM
Begin Round 4!


Captain America is up.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-12-04, 09:54 PM
Trying to repeat his previous success, Cap moves 15' South [N8] and hurls his shield once more (60' line)

[roll0] [roll1] vs 2

[roll2] [roll3] vs 1

(Will roll again if there happens to be anything else within 60' unseen.)

2016-12-04, 10:37 PM
Storm's eyes continued to shine white as her thundercloud continued to try to fry the swarm which remakably hasn't moved, however she moved 15' towards the back of the Quinjet (now at N10)

[roll0] lightning damage +50% REF 21 to negate on each
SR check: [roll1]

Her frustration at the Avengers' seemingly futile attempts to defeat this menace culminated as she tried to unleash her fury against the swarm, "I have had enough! I summon the icy blasts of the Antarctic Wind!"
suddenly a sub-zero blast of cold air rushed from Storm to strike at the adamantium swarms!

Cast: Cone of Cold
A 60' cone of freezing air shoots from Storm's hand, dealing 1d6 cold damage/lvl (Max 15d6)

[roll2] cold damage, REF 21 for half damage.
SR check: [roll3]

Andrew Markham
2016-12-05, 11:58 AM
Captain America's shield flies through the wasps, knocking away many of the metal creatures. They seem to resist the mighty blast of cold magic, but the lightning archs through the swarms, putting down both 1 and 2. The only swarm left is attacking Voodoo on the roof of the Quinjet.

Reptil is up.

2016-12-05, 05:42 PM
Reptil moves to o10 as he heads toward the door "We gotta get outside and help Voodoo!"

2016-12-06, 03:55 PM
Voodoo feels the sting as it slows him down. He takes a five 5ft step to J7 and turns to face the swarm. His brothers spirit swells within him as a fire releases from his mouth as if a dragons breath was roaring out.

Aiming at the angle I left from

SU Ability: DC20 for reflex [roll0] 15ft cone fire damage rounds till next use [roll1]
Fiery Soul (Su): The shaman gains fire resistance (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities#TOC-Energy-Resistance) 10. In addition, as a standard action (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Standard-Actions) she can unleash a 15-foot cone of flame from her mouth, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage per shaman level she possesses. A successful Reflex (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Reflex) saving throw halves this damage. The shaman can use this ability three times per day, but she must wait 1d4 rounds between each use.

Andrew Markham
2016-12-06, 07:33 PM

Voodoo unleashes flames on the wasps, downing some of them.

(Voodoo needs to make 2 DC 17 fort saves in a row or suffer an additional [roll1] Dex damage)

The swarm once again moves to envelop him.

Swarm 3 vs Voodoo
[roll2] damage + Fort save DC 17 vs poison

Panther moves outside and starts assessing damage to the ship.

Doctor Strange is up.

2016-12-06, 10:17 PM
Strange flies in closer to the swarm and summons for a gout of fire to try and damage it. With a snap the Book of Vishanti appears in his right hand and the pages flip rapidly as he extends a hand towards Voodoo, undoing some of the damage the swarm has done to the Sorcerer.

Move to O7
Cast Firestream, spending an Arcana point to increase the DC to 21
Does [roll0] fire damage (half on a save). +50% since AOE
SR check [roll1]

Swift action with Book of Vishanti to cast Cure serious wounds on Voodoo restoring [roll2] damage

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-06, 10:21 PM
Wolverine frowns, covered in frost. He shakes himself to remove the frost from himself.

He looks around further. The battle must have some source. He growls in frustration.

Andrew Markham
2016-12-06, 10:27 PM
Begin Round 5!

The creatures resist the magic of Doctor Strange. Wolverine sees no sign of life nearby.

Captain America is up.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-12-07, 12:42 AM
Cap stomps his heel (activate boots of speed round 1/10) he runs out of the jet and lines up a shot [K14] Then he sends his shield flying north into the remaining swarm


Andrew Markham
2016-12-08, 07:03 PM
Hundreds of wasps drop at Voodoo's feet. The swarm is heavily damaged.

Storm is up.

2016-12-09, 09:37 AM
"Finally!" Storm exclaimed as the swarms she fought against dropped, she turned quickly to Wolverine who looked more than a little cold, "Sorry about that Logan but I knew you could handle it. She could hear, but not see the battle on the roof of the Quinjet so she moved to M13, being careful not to walk through her own thundercloud. Now that she was outside, she had a better idea where the remaining swarm was and noted it was slightly too far for her cloud to reach in time so she unleashed another blast of cold air at the swarm instead, aiming so it wouldn't harm Dr. Voodoo, "Once again, I call upon the Antarctic Winds to freeze these vermin!"

Cast: Cone of Cold

SR check: [roll0]

Damage if hits: [roll1]+50%, REF 21 for half dmg.

2016-12-09, 01:51 PM
Reptil moves to q-12 "Take them down, Voodoo!"

2016-12-10, 12:10 AM
Voodoo takes a 5ft step back. Unfortunately I got no more spells readily avalible for dese things. voodoo goes full defense.

2016-12-10, 02:18 PM
With his fire spell still going Strange attempts another blast into the swarm.

[roll0] fire dmg still at DC 21
SR check [roll1]

Andrew Markham
2016-12-10, 03:20 PM
(This happens before Strange's action)

The poison continues to coarse through Voodoo's veins. (Make 2 DC 17 Fort saves in a row or take [roll0] Dex damage)

The wasps once again move to pursue Voodoo.

Swarm 3 vs Voodoo
[roll1] damage and DC 17 Fort save vs poison

Panther continues to assess the Quinjet.

Doctor Strange emits fire onto the last of the wasps. Finally, they fall to the ground all around Voodoo.

(Everyone gains 4800 XP)

2016-12-10, 05:27 PM
Reptil carefully walks over to the swarm on the ground and gently prods on the insects with his boot "Good riddance"

2016-12-11, 07:26 AM
Storm dismisses her thunder cloud and looks around surveying the area, "Is everyone unharmed?" She asked.

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-11, 09:15 PM
Logan shakes off more ice as he attempts to clean his wounds with his fingers, pushing out dirt and stray debris, his healing factor closing his wounds.

"No. I am bleeding. "

He glares a little as his wounds continue to close, his eyes focused on the weather witch. He rolls his eyes and attempts to focus on the pain of healing wounds. (Should take 24 rounds)

2016-12-11, 09:54 PM
Voodoo waves his hand over his legs where the wasps attacked harshly.

Lesser restoration casting it once to see if the it fixes any of the ability damage


2016-12-11, 10:08 PM
After seeing that the spell is effective. Voodoo casts it 2 more times to restore his lost stability.


STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-12-12, 12:21 AM
Cap looks out into the Jungle. Any idea where we are? Or where we're going?

Andrew Markham
2016-12-12, 12:15 PM
Panther finishes inspecting the Quinjet. He reaches a hand into the inactive right engine and pulls out a handful of crushed wasps. "These things started hitting us as soon as we passed into the Savage Lands. Looks like they jammed themselves into the engine. We didn't make it very far into the Savage Lands before we crashed. Good news is we still have power, so I can use the computers." Panther goes back inside.

He pulls up a map on one of the screens. There are 3 flashing dots- one at the northern edge of the map, one a moderate distance to the southeast, and one far south of the first. "We are on the northern edge of the Savage Lands." He points to the northern-most dot. "The comet is more than 2 days travel south of here. Our last known location for Ka-Zar's people is here, to the southeast. We can try to make it to the comet on our own, or go for help."

"The Quinjet won't fly without some repairs to the right engine. That'll take time, and I don't think I have the right resources to do the job. We can salvage it later. Whatever we decide, the Quinjet's coms are still operative. We can call SHIELD for a pickup later."

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-12, 12:20 PM
Wolverine sniffs out toward the jungle.

"Lets go... comets waiting."

He begins to slowly move forward.

(Exit stage Left)

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-12-12, 02:36 PM
I'm with him, stay close. Keep on your toes. Either way we're headed southeast. Logan, how's your sense of direction?

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-12, 02:42 PM
Wolverine looks up to the sky, gaging the time and position of the sun.


He grunts, adjusting his path, walking on all fours.

"South this way. lets go"

2016-12-12, 05:48 PM
Reptil nods and follows the group "Alright, let's get this show on the road"

2016-12-13, 08:57 AM
"Do we all start together or should some of us try to locate Ka-zar? Perhaps those like me who can fly long distance can get to his village quickly and catch up," Storm suggested.

2016-12-13, 02:16 PM
I concur with Storm we should go at least get some information from Ka-zar. Maybe he know thing dat we are unprepared for. And in dis situation caution is needed Voodoo says in a solemn tone.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-12-13, 03:54 PM
Don't split up. We go together. There's no telling how Ka-Zar will react to our presence, but if going there first is the plan, then we all go. This place is too dangerous to splinter off.

2016-12-14, 03:45 AM
"I could grant us all a temporary telepathic bond, as I did on the last mission. It is more reliable than just our coms, in case anything in this place jams them and we do happen to get split up. Either way, I agree with Storm that those of us that can fly should at least provide an aerial perimeter. Give us a better view than from down here on the ground." Strange holds onto the flames in his one hand, his firestream still active and waiting to be released for at least another minute before the flames finally die down. Looking over the group he takes a moment to assess the team's state of health.

Making a Heal check to determine how badly each member of the team is injured.

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-14, 07:58 AM
Feral Wolverine Pauses when Strange speaks.

"Alright Strange. Cast your mojo, then We go."

Andrew Markham
2016-12-15, 06:57 PM
"Wolverine, even if you should reach the comet alone, would you know what to do with it? You should not go off on your own," Black Panther says.

2016-12-15, 07:00 PM
Reptil nods "We're more effective together. Plus, I can turn into dinosaurs and that can come in handy in a place like here"

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-15, 08:41 PM
Wolverine grunted and snorted at Black Panther.

"Claim it. Make sure no one interferes until your slow feet get there. Why go to out of way for people we dont need? Waste of time"

2016-12-16, 11:31 PM
Voodoo goes over to Wolverine.
Logan we both know dat you be the strongest one of us all here. But you know dat it be better to have more information. Especially if dey may know where dese bugs got covered in animantine. Dere could be more creatures like dat out there too and running into them alone even for you may be too much.
Voodoo then turns and walks away.

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-16, 11:38 PM
Wolverine Huffs at Voodoo.

"Fine... I go with you... "

Wolverine can understand having a tactical backing to a unknown situation. Not knowing what is what is one thing versus otherwise. He moves to follow Voodoo.

2016-12-17, 04:16 PM
Voodoo turns to Panther Are der any armaments dat we can use from de jet. Just in case more of those swarms show up I'd like to have a little more options than to burn out everiting dat I have left. For instance armory locker and rockets me may have access to.

Andrew Markham
2016-12-20, 07:24 PM
"No- SHIELD prefers not to have such equipment on their Quinjets. Now let's get going."

The Avengers set a bearing southeast. They travel for several hours, following Wolverine and Panther's direction. The Savage Lands are humid and warm, and water supplies are used up quickly to keep everyone in good health. After a time, the scouts lead the group to a small lake to replenish their water. As everyone sits near the water, suddenly the water ripples. Then it ripples again. No one is surprised when a Tyrannosaurus emerges from the trees to the south. They are slightly moreso when three more emerge from behind it, and all four run straight at the lake!

(You have one action to either prepare or avoid. The first post that launches an attack will initiate IO for everyone.)

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-12-20, 08:53 PM
Cap loosens his shield and takes a defensive posture. (Total Defense) he looks back at Reptil. Scales?Ideas?

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-21, 10:16 AM
Wolverine growls low in his throat and steps back into the shrubbery. Sniffing the air.

"Come... no fight here.... They are Beasts... not our foe."

[roll0] Survival to lead group to avoid combat

(Exit stage Left)

2016-12-21, 01:04 PM
Voodoo take flight upward at a 45 degree angle heading the way Wolverine starts

2016-12-21, 01:35 PM
Reptil beats a hasty retreat with the rest of the group

2016-12-21, 06:55 PM
Strange throws up a Scripted Hallucination of a secondary group that runs toward the Tyrannosaurus to "engage" the beasts. He then follows the lead of everyone else.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-12-21, 07:30 PM
With Strange's illusion in place Cap covers the rear of the group.

Andrew Markham
2016-12-21, 10:16 PM
Panther joins the group in moving to the side. The illusionary group of Avengers charges towards the dinosaurs. The T-rexes lower their heads and overrun the illusions, which react by flattening themselves onto the ground. The four T-Rexes keep going past the illusions and enter the lake, sticking their noses into it and roaring. From the center of the lake rises a dino even larger than they are, one with a crocodile snout. The dinosaurs all begin fighting each other, creating waves which soak the Avengers.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-12-21, 10:19 PM
There's always a bigger fish

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-21, 10:49 PM
Wolverine huffs under his breath.

"Lets go. Let them find their dinner, we have things to do"

He continues to move around the lake toward their goal.

2016-12-22, 01:00 AM
"A battle avoided is a battle won," Storm added, "getting soaked isn't bad," she wringed her cape and hair as they moved on, "We may even have a laugh about this later." She also called on a light breeze to help dry off faster.

2016-12-23, 01:45 AM
Strange waves a hand and he is dry in moments, thanks to casting a minor prestidigitation.

Andrew Markham
2016-12-23, 08:32 PM
With the Avengers' water supply replenished, they move on to the southeast. After a few hours, the sun begins to set. Night falls upon the Savage Lands. "Surely we should camp soon," Panther says. "Our sorcerers will need to replenish their magicks, yes?"

2016-12-23, 09:15 PM
I have a few good spells left but setting up a camp soon may be beneficial for when we need others

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-12-23, 10:38 PM
I'd rather camp than traverse this jungle in the dark. Though neither sound like much fun.

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-23, 11:26 PM
"Night is only good if you can smell or see at night. You slow movers would do no good."

Wolverine sits on his hind frowning.

2016-12-24, 05:20 PM
"I could produce a meager shelter for us to dwell in for the night. We would be well secured within it." Strange readies his spell if the group decides to utilize his magic for shelter.

2016-12-24, 07:41 PM
Reptil stretches, popping his back some "Setting up camp for the night sounds like an excellent idea"

Darius Vibrtrar
2016-12-26, 11:15 PM
Wolverine settles down, digging a little into the ground with his bone claws, only about a foot down before pulling foilage from nearby vegetation and proceeds to cover himself in the hole, meaning to stay in the ground for the night, masking his scent with the smell of earth and flora.

2016-12-28, 12:47 PM
"Very well then. Let's set up our watches for the evening. I propose that our spellcasters take first or last watch to allow an uninterrupted rest," Storm suggested.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2016-12-28, 09:10 PM
Then I'm bedding down. Wake me if you need me.

2017-01-02, 04:07 PM
As Reptil takes first watch, he activates his dinosaur senses and settles down for the first watch

Activate senses, giving him low-light vision and scent

Perception roll

2017-01-02, 07:59 PM
Reptil yells inside the tent "Wake up guys. We've got something out here that you're gonna want to see!"

2017-01-02, 10:49 PM
Storm awoke at Reptil's call and nudged Panther as well, "my love we are needed!" She left their room and the hut Dr. Strange set up, "What is it Reptile?"

Andrew Markham
2017-01-03, 12:04 AM
Black Panther wakes up as his wife's insistence and moves to her side. He peers into the jungle, though it is dark, to attempt to spot what Reptil has spotted.

Perception: [roll0]

"You mean that dark shape in the distance?" Panther focuses his eyes. "Whatever it is, it seems to be quite large, and it is coming straight for us. Let us all move into the hut and wake the Captain and Wolverine, at least. Perhaps it will ignore us, but we should be ready just in case."

2017-01-03, 01:02 AM
"The hut should hold up to whatever it is. But in case it can overcome my magic, be ready to fight, or flee should it be another threat we can avoid." Strange readies himself as he comes out of his meditative state. A spell read your to cast should the hut be breached.

Strange readies a blindness/deafness spell in the event of the hut being breached.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-01-03, 08:47 AM
Upon hearing a commotion, Logan sniffs the air from beneath his foliage, he rises a little, enough to see out of the foiliage, but not betray his location entirely.

[roll0] Perception.

Logan stands up from his hole and shakes off the foliage. He moves and stands between the hut and the creature, trying to get a better look at the apparition. He sniffs the air, attempting to smell the creature.

"What are you..."

Andrew Markham
2017-01-03, 02:07 PM
A tall ghostly creature floats towards the hut, then stops at Wolverine's words. Two glowing eyes consider him for a moment, then begin reaching out for him. Roll Initiative!


Reptil: [roll0]
Wolverine: [roll1]
Black Panther: [roll2]
Storm: [roll3]
Doctor Strange: [roll4]
Captain America: [roll5]
Voodoo: [roll6]
DW: [roll7]

Black Panther
Captain America
Doctor Strange

(Cap and Voodoo are still asleep. Perception DC 20 to hear the battle and wake up)

DW and BP go first. The moon is out, so current light level is dim. If you do not have Darkvision, you have a 20% miss chance.

Andrew Markham
2017-01-03, 02:54 PM
The spectral hand reaches down to pass through Wolverine.

Incorporeal Touch Attack vs Wolverine
[roll0], [roll1] negative energy damage + Fort save DC 23 vs [roll2] Con drain (can only be healed with magic)

The hand passes through Wolverine!

Black Panther hisses through his teeth. "It's some kind of ghost creature, and it's attacking!" Panther assumes his multi-style form (Swift Action, +3 to hit). He moves to J10, steps out of the Hut, then moves 15 feet south to J13. As he begins moving up to the creature, it strikes at him as well.

Panther Claw Counter vs DW (-2 to AoO if hits)
[roll3], 1 misses
[roll4], [roll5] damage/2, BP takes [roll6]

AoO Touch Attack vs BP
[roll7], [roll8] negative energy damage + Fort save DC 23 vs [roll9] Con drain (can only be healed with magic)

[roll10], 1 misses
[roll11], [roll12] damage/2, BP takes [roll13]

[roll14], 1 misses
[roll15], [roll16] damage/2, BP takes [roll17]

Panther then strikes at the dark form, using a defensive stance. (+7 dodge AC from Crane Wing)
Fighting Defensively vs DW
[roll18], 1 misses
[roll19], [roll20] damage/2, BP takes [roll21]

The Panther Claw deflects the creature's attack, sparing T'Challa from harm and opening the creature up to counterattack. Black Panther pummels the creature four times, damaging it somewhat.

Wolverine is up.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-01-03, 03:16 PM
Wolverine Grunts as he attempts to resist the creatures powers.
[roll0] Fort Save

He moves 5 feet south taking a more wide stance as he squats, lowering his center of gravity.

"So... your dead.... Thats what... "

His bone claws pop out as he begins to hack and slash at the creature in a flurry, the power of his attacks coming at the expense of accuracy.








(None Miss due to concealment, check Dice Roller)

Andrew Markham
2017-01-03, 04:00 PM
Wolverine slashes rapidly at the creature, but only hits twice, dealing some damage to the creature.

Captain America continues to sleep, despite the battle happening.

Doctor Strange is up.

2017-01-04, 04:44 AM
Strange decides to forgo blinding the creature as most spectral beings are not hindered by simple perception penalties. He rises into the air and points with his finger at the being. Five seering bolts of energy fly forth, whizzing true to the target and searing through it, avoiding the Doctor's companions.

Casting Magic Missile
[roll0] points of force damage
Strange levitates 30 ft straight up

Andrew Markham
2017-01-04, 02:32 PM
Doctor Strange blasts the creature with force bolts which all impact.

Voodoo wakes up. It is his turn.

2017-01-04, 09:11 PM
Vodoo wakes and stands looking at the creature. De dead should stay dead, let me guide your way and prepare you to meet Baron Samedi. As he says this he raises his hand casting Chain of Perdition 5ft from the creature. The chain will then attempt to bind the creature. CMB for the chain made of force. [roll0]

Andrew Markham
2017-01-05, 06:40 PM
The creature easily avoids the chain of force.

Storm is up.

2017-01-06, 12:37 AM
Seeing her husband and her friend in close quarters with this ghostly creature fire up Storm's protective nature. Her eyes glowed white as she summoned the power of nature's elements, "Power of lightning, strike this fiend down!" She shouted as she pointed her hand towards it

Cast: Lightning Bolt: [roll0] electric damage, REF for half, DC=20

Andrew Markham
2017-01-06, 12:48 AM
Reflex save: [roll0]

The creature seems only partially affected by the lightning.

Reptil is up.

2017-01-06, 08:23 AM
Reptil goes over and attempts to shake Captain America awake "Wake up, Cap! The team needs you!"

Andrew Markham
2017-01-06, 10:54 AM

Wolverine is up.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-01-07, 01:06 PM
[roll0] Fort Save

Wolverine Grunts as the creature again attacks him, his own wounds closing from previous attacks. He lauches another whirlwind of slashing attacks against the creature.

[roll3] Miss on a 1

[roll6] Miss on a 1

[roll9] Miss on a 1

[roll12] Miss on a 1

[roll15] Miss on a 1

[roll18] Miss on a 1

[roll21] Miss on a 1

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-01-07, 02:53 PM
Cap stirs awake, he instinctively grabs his shield and stands. He moves south out of the tent and circles to stand beside Storm. (M9) What in the world is that?

2017-01-07, 10:37 PM
"I do not know Captain. Whatever it is, our attacks are having little effect," Storm replied with concern.

2017-01-08, 12:40 AM
Voodoo has the chain continue to attack the creature]
Chain will attepmt to blind the apparition. [roll0]

2017-01-08, 09:46 AM
Reptil nods "Do what you have to do, Voodoo"

Andrew Markham
2017-01-08, 09:51 AM
Wolverine manages to slash through the creature once. It is beginning to seem more transparent.

Reptil nods and Voodoo casts upon him. The chain lashes out for the creature again, but it still manages to avoid the attack.

Storm is up. Doctor Strange is holding his action.

2017-01-08, 09:58 AM
Strange moves over to Reptil, examining the spell Voodoo had cast and determining its anchor point to Reptil. He adds to the spell, strengthening the hold it has and removing the time limit on its duration. Strange expends a sizable amount of expensive components to cement the spell, but it will be worth it for the future.

Strange casts permanency on the spell Voodoo cast on Reptil. It no longer will have a duration.

2017-01-08, 09:57 PM
"Winds rise around me and keep me from this monster's reach!" Storm commanded, causing her to float up 20' into the air.

Cast: Levitate

Andrew Markham
2017-01-13, 12:22 AM
Begin Round 4!

The creature once again reaches for Wolverine.

Touch Attack vs Wolverine
[roll0], [roll1] negative energy damage + Fort save DC 23 vs [roll2] Con drain

Panther realizes his Panther Style is no longer going to work and moves to offense. He clicks his heels together and switches to offense.

Full Attack + Haste + Fighting Defensively + Flanking
[roll3], 1 misses; [roll4], [roll5] damage, Panther takes [roll6] damage
[roll7], 1 misses; [roll8], [roll9] damage, Panther takes [roll10] damage
[roll11], 1 misses; [roll12], [roll13] damage, Panther takes [roll14] damage

Black Panther hits twice and his vibranium suit absorbs the shock from the blows. The creature is beginning to flicker and fade.

Wolverine is up.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-01-13, 12:30 AM
Wolverine Tenses up as he attempts to resist the creatures attack.

[roll0] Fort Save.

He growls as the creature looks to be slowly dying between himself and Panther.

[roll3] 1 Misses

[roll6] 1 Misses

[roll9] 1 Misses

[roll12] 1 Misses

[roll15] 1 Misses

[roll18] 1 Misses

[roll21] 1 Misses

Andrew Markham
2017-01-13, 12:35 AM
Wolverine slashes and thrusts his claws into the creature savagely! He lunges forward and delivers a final blow. The creature's form seems to unravel and dissipate into the darkness. Wolverine overextends and impales his eye on a tree branch the creature was apparently standing on (botch result, blinded for one round).

Black Panther looks around to see if there are more creatures.

Everyone gains 4270 XP!

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-01-13, 07:47 PM
Wolverine circles where the spector once stood before spitting on the ground, his wounds already nearly completely knit. He returns to his bed mound.

2017-01-15, 03:51 PM
Reptil scratches his head and looks at the spot where the thing was "Well, that was definitely something I wasn't expecting to find in a jungle hidden in the middle of the antarctic"

2017-01-15, 07:44 PM
Voodoo moves to wake those in the tent up. Tries to quietly wake each up. Shakes each person awake saying De undead be restless tonight. Dere be a group headed directly for us.

2017-01-16, 04:11 PM
Reptil yawns and stretches as he stands up "What is going on here? Something isn't right"

2017-01-16, 04:15 PM
"Normally on the Savage Land, one expects to encounter Dinosaurs, not the undead," Storm deadpanned as she woke up. "I hope these will be more easily dealt with."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-01-18, 04:55 PM
Cap grips his shield once more. Big lizards, restless spirits, what's next, an army of robots?

Andrew Markham
2017-01-18, 09:38 PM
Everyone wakes up, arms themselves, and moves to the edge of the Tiny Hut spell. Voodoo points off to the south, the same direction the wraith from earlier came from. Three ape-like undead seem to be shambling through the woods. It is difficult to make out features from this distance in the darkness. One of them has drifted off from the other two, but there is no doubt they are headed in the Avengers' direction.


Roll initiative!
Black Panther: [roll0]
Captain America: [roll1]
Doctor Strange: [roll2]
Reptil: [roll3]
Wolverine: [roll4]
Voodoo: [roll5]
Storm: [roll6]
Enemies: [roll7]

Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Captain America/Reptil

(Reminder that the light level is still currently low-light. Unless you have darkvision or someone creates a light source, you have a 20% miss chance.)

Andrew Markham
2017-01-18, 10:11 PM
Panther assumes his multi-style stance and channels his ki to harden his skin (Barkskin ki power, +3 Natural armor). Then he moves south out of the Tiny Hut area.

As he steps closer and looks at his opponent, Black Panther shudders slightly, but continues on. He moves south to L14. As he moves past 1, the creature lashes out at him with its claws. Panther sniffs the air as he dodges.

Panther Claw counter #1 (-2 to AoO if hits):
[roll0], [roll1] damage, Panther takes [roll2] damage

#1 AoO vs BP
[roll3], [roll4] damage, Fort save DC 21 if hits

If enemy AoO misses, Snake Fang AoO #1:
[roll5], [roll6] damage, Panther takes [roll7] damage

If Snake Fang hits, immediate action to attack again:
[roll8], [roll9] damage, Panther takes [roll10] damage

"These creatures are hideous and smell foul! I believe they are carrying disease. Engage at range!" Panther announces. He continues his maneuver heading southwest to K15, provoking #3 into attacking him.

Panther Claw counter #2 (-2 to AoO if hits):
[roll11], [roll12] damage, Panther takes [roll13] damage

#3 AoO vs BP
[roll14], [roll15] damage, Fort save DC 21 if hits

If enemy AoO misses, Snake Fang AoO #2:
[roll16], [roll17] damage, Panther takes [roll18] damage

Panther moves past the creatures again, moving southwest to J16, provoking #2.

Panther Claw counter #3 (-2 to AoO if hits):
[roll19], [roll20] damage, Panther takes [roll21] damage

#2 AoO vs BP
[roll22], [roll23] damage, Fort save DC 21 if hits

If enemy AoO misses, Snake Fang AoO #3:
[roll24], [roll25] damage, Panther takes [roll26] damage

Panther moves 10 feet west, ending his move away from the undead at H16.

Panther manages to land one hit on 1 and 2, and 2 hits on #3. They seem somewhat injured by this.

Voodoo is up.

2017-01-18, 10:41 PM
Voodoo moves to N11 and speaks.Life is due only way to take away death. I ask the plants and trees to give me your strength to send de's monster to de Baron
Voodoo holds his hands up aiming at the 2 apes at k14 and j15. Light comes from the plants forming a ball in his hand then blasting forth as the plants in a 40ft radius around Voodoo wither away.

[roll0] DC 21 WILL

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-01-18, 10:57 PM
Wolverine Roars with primal fury, his muscles rippling and pulsing, pressing against his outfit as a layer of glistening sweat seems to form on his body. A light layer of hair seeming to grow across his form. His bone claws fully extended. He takes a half step forward as they come into better view in the moonlight, and he freezes. [roll0]

Andrew Markham
2017-01-18, 11:01 PM
Voodoo pulls power from the earth. The shrubs and plants within 60 feet of him all wither and die, but their energy coalesces between Voodoo's fingers. He blasts a beam of sheer white light at the two undead. They stand fast and, though singed, survive the blast. Wolverine leaps from the now-decayed bushes with a howl of rage, but the bones protruding from the bestial undead bring back memories close to home, piercing his mind even through his rage and causing him to stop in mid-attack.

Doctor Strange is up.

2017-01-18, 11:15 PM
Strange focuses on the creature standing apart from its allies. He begins casting with arcane gestures and mutters under his breath as the air around the beast grows deathly cold, frost forming on its being. As the spell completes the ice thickens about it, restraining and possibly freezing it in place. His runes flare as he expends extra energy into the spell.

Move to 8o and cast Icy Prison on #3. It gets a reflex save, on a failure it is helpless, on a success it is entangled. For each round it remains helpless or entangled it takes 13 cold damage. The ice is 13 inches thick, with hardness 0 and 38 hit points. DC is 22 to be entangled instead of helpless. The break DC for the ice is 28.

! arcane point spent to boost ECL

Andrew Markham
2017-01-18, 11:32 PM
Reflex save, DC 22: [roll0]

#1 moves to M12 and claws at Voodoo.

#1 vs Voodoo
[roll1], [roll2] damage, Fort save DC 21 if hits

As the creature moves up to Voodoo, he involuntarily breathes in the thick dust that surrounds it. He feels it enter his body, and coughs. The ape undead claws Voodoo, draining energy from him. (Energy Drain- take 1 negative level)

#2 moves 5 feet west and attempts to claw and bite Black Panther.
[roll3], [roll4] damage, Fort save DC 21 if hits
[roll5], [roll6] damage

The ape creatures attempts to flex himself free. [roll7]
The ape creatures drags the ice along with himself 15 feet to N12, where he attacks Voodoo.

[roll8], [roll9] damage, Fort save DC 21 if hits

Captain America and Reptil are up.

Andrew Markham
2017-01-18, 11:36 PM
Panther uses Snake Style to counter the Zombie's failed attacks.

Snake Style AoO #4 vs Undead 2
[roll0], [roll1] damage, Panther takes [roll2] damage

Snake Style AoO #5 vs Undead 2
[roll3], [roll4] damage, Panther takes [roll5] damage

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-01-18, 11:51 PM
Cap clicks his heels together and steps 5ft into the now open doorway of the hut.(k10, activate boots of speed)
He sends his shield flying at the undead creatures attacking his companions.

[roll2][roll3] +19 (42 to confirm crit)
Attack order is 1,2,1,2...etc. in the event one of the two falls, subsequent attacks will target the other. In the event both fall, remaining attacks will target 3.

Andrew Markham
2017-01-18, 11:58 PM
Captain America's shield flies across the field, ricocheting between 1 and 2 repeatedly. Both bodies drop, then the shield goes on to shatter the ice around #3 before returning to Cap's hand.

Reptil is up.

2017-01-19, 10:02 AM
Hardened scales appear all across Reptil's body "Let's do this" Reptil moves down to J-14
Activated Totem Transformation: Scales (+2 natural armor bonus to AC)

2017-01-19, 05:09 PM
Storm moves to M11 and her eyes glowed white as she stares at the remaining undead, "Power of lightning strike this evil down!" She shouted as she pointed at the monster, a bolt of lightning shot out!

cast: lightning bolt


Andrew Markham
2017-01-20, 10:04 PM
Neither Reptil or Storm are phased by the creature's hideous appearance. Storm's lightning shatters the ice encasing the third undead and blasts it, but the creature begins moving again.

The lightning blasts begins to heat and ignite the dead fauna, but the exploding ice sprinkles the ground, and the potential fires are currently too wet to catch.

Begin Round 2!

The wounds on the undead, even those on the ground, begin closing. Black Panther sees this and smashes his fist into the prone body of Zombie 2 (Coup de Grace). The creature stops regenerating.

Voodoo is up.

2017-01-21, 07:44 PM
Voodoo retreats back 4 spaces and a 45 degree tangle taking him 20ft into the airto N7. Then casts remove disease on himself.


Darius Vibrtrar
2017-01-21, 11:36 PM
As the effect of the creature passes over Wolverine, the effect of his own feral mind catches up.

[roll0] DC 26 vs confusion.

Wolverine Charges toward Zombie Number Three, Powered by his Feral Rage.
(Any Hits are Considered Confirmed Critical Hits)
[roll3] Miss on 1

[roll6] Miss on 1

[roll9] Miss on 1

[roll12] Miss on 1

[roll15] Miss on 1

[roll18] Miss on 1

[roll21] Miss on 1

[roll24] Miss on 1


01-25 Acts normally
26-50 Does nothing but babble incoherently
51-75 Deals 1d8 points of damage + Str modifier to self with item in hand
76-100 Attacks nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self)

Wolverine Charges toward Zombie Number Three, Powered by his Feral Rage.
(Any Hits are Considered Confirmed Critical Hits)
[roll27] +52 Damage from Crit rolls
[roll28] Miss on 1

[roll30] +47 Damage from Crit rolls
[roll31] Miss on 1

[roll34] Miss on 1

[roll36] +53 Damage From Crit rolls
[roll37] Miss on 1

[roll39] +53 Damage From Crit Rolls
[roll40] Miss on 1

[roll43] Miss on 1

[roll46] Miss on 1

[roll49] Miss on 1

[roll50] Damage To Self

Wolverine Charges toward His Nearest Ally, Powered by his Feral Rage.
(Any Hits are Considered Confirmed Critical Hits)
[roll53] Miss on 1

[roll56] Miss on 1

[roll59] Miss on 1

[roll62] Miss on 1

[roll65] Miss on 1

[roll68] Miss on 1

[roll71] Miss on 1

[roll74] Miss on 1

Wolverine Howls out Finally as he allows his rage to subside....

(Reclaim 1 rage round/day from the kill)

Andrew Markham
2017-01-22, 10:44 PM
Wolverine thoroughly eviscerates and dismembers the last standing zombie. His grunts and growls echo through the night woods. 1 and 3 are no longer regenerating, and 2 is easily finished off. Victory for the Avengers!

(Everyone gets 4800 XP)

2017-01-22, 11:38 PM
"Thank goodness that is over," Storm breathed in relief, "All these unusual events does help confirm the object of our search is nearby I believe."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-01-24, 11:02 PM
All these spooks are coming from that direction. If we're going to get any sleep tonight we may need to find out why. Cap points into the jungle toward the direction of the zombies' approach.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-01-24, 11:20 PM
Wolverine grunts and growls and spits before sitting next to Cap. He uses his hind leg to scratch a spot on his side.

"Lets get this done, as a group, you are not sneaky, might as well walk over there and ask for sugar like a rightful neighbor."

He sneers as the words are spoke, but keeps his eyes in the direction cap is pointing.

2017-01-25, 10:17 AM
I don't have much left but what I got is yours.

Voodoo hovers just overhead.

2017-02-01, 02:47 PM
"Yes. I think it is time we stopped waiting to be attacked and bring the fight to them," Storm agreed, following Logan and Voodoo.