View Full Version : Arcane armour feats/ feats compendium.

2016-11-27, 03:13 AM
I'm looking to reduce my AC penalty for my true necromancer. I know battle caster is the feat I want to get too but I need to find the feat the Reduces AC penalties and what book its in

John Longarrow
2016-11-27, 09:05 AM
If you have access to all simple and martial weapons take a look at a one level dip in spellsword (Complete Warrior page 79) for a 10% reduction in spell failure.

2016-11-27, 09:12 AM
I'm looking to reduce my AC penalty for my true necromancer. I know battle caster is the feat I want to get too but I need to find the feat the Reduces AC penalties and what book its in

I don't think there is a feat to lessen the armor check penalty )took me a while to read AC as something other that armor class haha), aside from medium and heavy armor proficiency. The it's special materials, mithral being the obvious one.

Edit: Oh, there is also the twilight special ability that lessens the ACP (book of exalted deeds).

2016-11-27, 10:28 PM
ACP or ASF? For the former there's not much and even less if you're not in heavy armor:

Guerrilla Warrior

Heavy Armor Optimization->Greater Heavy Armor Optimization

2016-11-27, 11:45 PM
Armor Check Penalty, if that's what you're worried about, can be minimized with magic. The Nimbleness property raises max dex by 1 and reduces ACP by 2.

2016-11-28, 06:24 PM
Arcane spell failure from heavy armour is what I meant

2016-11-28, 11:21 PM
Well you could get Mithral (DMG) Caster armor (Dr Mg 358) Twilight (MIC) which would reduce your ASF by 25% and if possible you can also take a 1 level dip into Spellsword which would give you a further 10% less to ASF allowing you to use Full Plate without any ASF at all although you would not get only up to a +3 Dex bonus to AC for which I reccomend taking also Segmented (Dr Mg 358) which could increase it to a total of +4 and further increase it from there with the Nimbleness property to a +5. This is without any feats and just a single level dip if you are a gish which I assume since you want to use heavy armor which is way more valuable but if you want to make this you would need the level of Spellsword and to make the armor it would have to be a Mithral Full-plate Segmented Caster armor +1 Twilight Nimbleness which would cost a total of 20,950 GP for a total of +9 Armor AC and a Max dex bonus of +5. If you can afford it I would reccomend also taking the property Reinforced which is again from Dr Mg 358 which would increase the armor bonus from the armor by 1 and only increasing the cost by 1,200 GP. All that with an expenditure of 22,150 GP and a single level with no feats wasted and no loss to CL.

Edit: Or for what I would reccomend if you have high Dexterity I would take a Reinforced (Dr Mg 358) Gnome twistcloth (RoS) which would be a total of +2 armor with no Armor check penalty and no maximum dexterity bonus along with 0% ACF which would be better as you can boost dexterity astronomically high with some optimization. Mostly useful if you have no proficiencies with armor since it gives no drawbacks for using it as long as you are the correct size. This is actually light armor but I reccomend this in the case of high dexterity on your caster

2016-11-29, 03:36 AM
Arcane spell failure from heavy armour is what I meant

Only Duskblades can get to heavy with Battle Caster; Bard etc. top out at light. Runesmiths can prepare differently, but you wouldn't need Battle Caster for that.

You can get heavy armor to 0% but that involves eating up a bonus, a template AND stuff that is 3.0 and/or Dragon. Frankly anything that needs more than Githcraft and Twilight probably isn't worth it.

2016-11-29, 05:31 PM
the battle sorcerer variant grants the ability to cast in light armor. Add Battle Caster and get Mithril fullplate and you're set.

2016-11-29, 06:09 PM
Coulda sworn I found a feat that reduces ASF a while back. I just can't remember what book. it maybe 3.0 but any ways if not I', a little screwed.


2016-11-29, 10:05 PM
Keep in mind that if you are not PROFICIENT with the armor, you take the armor check penalty to all attack rolls (including attack rolls with spells). A Warmage over 8th level with Battle Caster suffers no ASF chance, but is not proficient with heavy armor.

Now, that said...Mithril Breastplate (DMG) with a Thistledown lining (RotW), enchanted to +1, and add the Twilight and Nimbleness properties (MiC, each worth a +1 bonus).

Cost is 13,450gp. It has an armor bonus of +6, a Max Dex of +6, an ACP of 0, and an ASF of 0%.

Which means a single-classed wizard or sorcerer can wear it with no penalty.

2016-11-29, 10:54 PM
Mithril (-10% ASF -3ACP increase to +3 max dex) twilight (-10%ASF) githcraft (-5%ASF) feycraft (-5%ASF) thistledown padding (-5%ASF, +1 ACP) reduces a set of sectioned plate (base AC+8) to 0 ASF, with an ACP of 3. Add in nimbleness, you can get that down to an ACP of 1 and the max dex up to +4, add in the comfort enchantment from pathfinder, that gets the ACP down to 0.

If you want to go the extra mile, you can also add on halfweight enchantment (+3, coming up to a total of +5 in special abilities at this point, +6 if you include the minimum +1) to make it treated as light armor, so you can move at full speed. Also works to remove ASF for classes that can cast in light armor, removing the need for twilight, githcraft, feycraft and thistledown padding for those classes.

If you take a level in spellsword, you can also remove either feycraft or githcraft (to make the armor more believable) as well as the thistledown padding, which also lets you ignore the comfort enchantment (if your DM doesn't allow pathfinder material for example), to remain at 0ASF and 0ACP.

2016-11-30, 01:30 AM
Okay so May be I should start with the build so that you guys know where I'm at I got 2 spare feats I can utilize One of them will be battle caster ( I think that reduces it 0% if you have something else that reduces it)
I have 3 levels cleric, 2 levels of wizard one level of true necromancer I am a human so I have three feats I took spell focus necromancy to meet the requirements for true necromancer.
I need to know what I need interms of a a feat to meet the prerequisite for the battle caster feat.

2016-11-30, 10:12 AM
I have 3 levels cleric, 2 levels of wizard one level of true necromancer I am a human so I have three feats I took spell focus necromancy to meet the requirements for true necromancer.
I need to know what I need interms of a a feat to meet the prerequisite for the battle caster feat.

Well, you've got two problems here:

1) There is no feat in 3.x that allows you to ignore ASF while wearing any particular armor.

2) Even if there was such a feat, it would not work with Battle Caster because the prereq specifies that it has to be a class ability.

So you have to start with a class that already has this as a feature: Bard, Battle Sorcerer, Beguiler, Duskblade, Warlock, Warmage, maybe a few others.

Beguiler and Battle Sorcerer are the two that come closest to matching the versatility of a Wizard.