View Full Version : Tales of the Dead

2016-11-27, 02:20 PM
The fall morning air is crisp and dry in the city of Norwich this morning. Several double story drab buildings stand erect in a disorganized fashion around a temple of the human pantheon in the center of the town. Several grim looking humans and even some halflings are walking briskly along the cobblestone paths. Town guards armed with spears and shields sit at nearly every corner, vigilant. Crows cry in the air as they fly across the overcast sky.

2016-11-27, 05:06 PM
Milo plods up the road with the hood of his cloak pulled low over his eyes. Glancing up through the trees at the sky he quickens his pace towards Norwich, not wanting to be caught outside if it decides to rain. When the town comes into view Milo stops under a tree to take a short breather, or so he tells himself. Really he's taking a moment to think. Passing his hand over his face Milo allows the thoughts he has been pushing away since he broke camp this morning to storm through his mind, Why did I come here? Did I walk all this way for a job? I passed up dozens of jobs, good paying jobs along the way. So, I'm not here for the job. Do I just have a desire to see what family I have left? Family that I've never met, that mom only mentioned once before I left, that wouldn't know me from Adam. She told me they would help me if I ever needed it, but I'm not in need. My vow then. Am I here to protect my family from the dead? Maybe that's it. With a resigned sigh Milo resumes his trek.

Looking around the town itself Milo whistles a soft tune to himself. The family has really come down in the world, he thinks inspecting the buildings as he makes his way through the streets. Milo is careful to keep his hands well away from his weapons and to be courteous while casting an appraising eye over the guardsmen, I wonder how bad things really are. Heading towards the square Milo looks around for some type of notice board or official looking building, someplace to get information.

2016-11-27, 05:22 PM
Llana walks into the city of Norwich with just a bit of anxiety. Most places get a little, how do you say... over-zealous, when heavily armed people enter town. To say that Llana fit that bill, was an understatement. Shield on her back, sword at her right hip, with chakrams at the other would qualify her well enough. The armor just made her a bit more foreboding. But the hammer. That giant hammer is what truly made her appear threatening. Llana continued walking at a brisk pace, hoping to get into town and let her intentions be known before someone stopped her.

Finally seeing the nearest guard, she approaches with her hands far away from her weapons. "Good morning. Names Llana. I'm here to help fight the undead, " she says matter of factly.

Dacia Brabant
2016-11-27, 08:18 PM
Marko Grobari

"You'll not be wantin' t' waste words on the likes o' these city folk, missy. Softies, the lot o' them, sleepin' in their comfy beds while beasts that'd soon as tear their faces off as look at 'em be on th' prowl," came a gruff voice from the sidelines, not shouting but loud enough to be heard.

Leaning up against the facade of a random building on the main drag into the town centre, Marko had been sizing up the travelers as they passed by--not as marks, which surely most black-clad denizens on the edges of "civilized" places like Norwich must do, but to see if anyone was capable of standing up to the undead scourge that surely was coming. He paid little heed to the guards, and even less to the townsfolk or smallfolk for that matter, but the amazon hoisting an even bigger hammer than his own caught his eye.

After calling to her, he slowly trod up to meet her. Tall, dark and scruffy-looking, Marko must have seemed every bit the vagrant that he had become, but his bright eyes betrayed his sincerity.

"If'n ye can use that thing," he said, nodding toward her lucerne hammer, "an' 't ain't just fer show, ye may have a chance fer facin' what's comin'. Oh, where be me manners--name's Marko."

He offered a grubby hand in greetings.

2016-11-27, 08:36 PM
Llana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1016179)

She reaches out hand down to meet Marko's. "I... uh... that is, the name's Llana and uh... yeah, I know how to use my hammer." Llana, then retracts and blushes realizing how awkward she sounds. That was Llana's problem. She is aware enough to realize when she says something dumb, yet not aware enough to realize it before saying it.

Now quite a bit flustered, she adds, "So... I take it you are here for the same reason as me?"

2016-11-28, 10:52 AM
Stone walked with ease as he started his way to Norwich. He was never in a hurry. Where ever he needed to be, he found he was there on time in the past. He looked out toward the fields nearby, wondering if any of the trees carried any apples.

"So, " he says to himself, "will this job be any fun...or will this be a big trouble. Sometimes, I wonder why the gods cursed me to be so different."

He noticed so many armed people. In town, he guessed it made sense if the stories were true. But did they really think a few spears will repel the dead. All he saw were new "victims" for the next attack. But hey sometimes people surprised you, a few might live.

2016-11-28, 11:05 AM
The guard eyed the outsider who insulted him so and spoke up. "Watch ya tongue, ya don't know what you speak. I be a guessing your here for that job?" The guard said gruffly before he spat to the side.

2016-11-28, 11:20 AM
Big folk, with even bigger hammers, Milo thinks his eyes getting a faint sparkle. Trusting to his appearance to keep him below the notice of such individuals Milo breaks off his search and simply loiters nearby, just within earshot, After all, it would seem that we share the same purpose at the moment.

Dacia Brabant
2016-11-28, 01:00 PM
Marko Grobari

"Heh, aye," he replied, technically to both Llana and the guard, but gave the latter barely a glance as he continued, "but 't isn't a 'job' fer me, 'tis a way o' life. That's why I was wantin' t' know if'n ye can swing that thing an' aren't just paid a few silvers t' hold it an' look scary. Ye got yer self a grip, so that's somethin' at least. I'm thinkin' we'll be needin' another warm body or two fer this one though..."

2016-11-28, 01:59 PM
Warm bodies who know their way around some cold steel. Milo chuckles softly to himself at his own, admittedly very poor, joke. No need to jump into the fray just yet... He tucks closer into the shadow a a nearby building.

2016-11-28, 02:05 PM
"I reckon that ya may have ya a halve decent idea there fella. The last pair that went after them didn't come back...still a breathing at least..." The guard says while looking around.

Anyone wanting to avoid notice from him should roll for stealth.

2016-11-28, 08:23 PM

"He... I... er.. that is, we, I think... meant no harm. We, uh, we would be interested in that job, if, it is, you know, the fighting undead one." Llana sighs audibly as she is still quite flustered. "By my counter there are... one, two, three... yep, three of us, who seem to be willing to help."

Dacia Brabant
2016-11-28, 09:13 PM
Marko Grobari

For the first time since the conversation started, Marko's attention swung to the guardsman.

"'Still a breathing'... what happened t' 'em, 'xactly? Was they turned an' did ye have t' dispatch 'em, or was they merely corpses that got dragged back? An' if'n they were corpses, was they disposed of proper so as t' keep 'em from risin'?"

2016-11-28, 10:34 PM
"I'm afraid not, they came a shambling back still in the armor and a stuff they left in, almost took out ole Gregen cause she couldn't get past the armor quite so quick."The guard says to the one that seemed worth talking to. "Out here we burn the bodies, we don't have us no priest strong enough to stop em from rising." After the guard finished saying that a flash of lightning lit up the sky and a ccouple seconds later a crack of thunder was heard.

2016-11-28, 11:04 PM
Milo steps out into the street. Parting his cloak he lays a casual hand on the hilt of his sword and calls out, "Enough prattle! I have spent too many nights under the unforgiving sky and I don't plan to get rained on with so many roofs nearby to shelter me. Guardsman, who can tell us more about this contract and where can we find them?"

2016-11-28, 11:42 PM
A job! Better make myself known, "I will also be willing to help with any jobs, with those three, " He decided they looked capable.

"Why don't you just cut them into pieces? Never seen a zombie or skeleton that can walk without legs."

2016-11-29, 01:21 AM
The guard grumbled a bit and started to lead the group of outsiders to the local inn. "As soon as ya want to spend hours chopping up bodies be our guest. Doesn't even help, Murval tried that when his wife passed and we saw her body stitched up and walking about like the rest of em."The guard explained as he leadthe group inside to an inn called The Reaper's Gambit that you all saw on the sign before heading in. The inside seems clean enough, though a bit dourly colored. There is a rather nice looking raven haired halfing lady behind the counter and a couple of people inside, though it seems business is slow at this hour. The inside is made of a dark brown wood and the windows have light curtains over them. There are several small tables around that can seat about four humans while there is also a much larger one in the center of the room that can house about twenty. Opposite of the door is the counter where the halfling lady is and to the left from the door is another door.

2016-11-29, 01:30 AM
Llana is glad to be out of the weather. She takes a seat at the table for four, and orders a round for her three new coworkers. "Name's Llana and I look forward to working with you all." She drinks the ale entirely too fast. It is not obvious if that is out of habit or nervousness.

2016-11-29, 11:54 AM
Milo looks up at the chair, obviously meant for a human and sighs. "I'm Milo. And I don't drink, but you look as if you could use another." He reaches up to the table top, which is about at his eye level, and slides the tankard across to Llana. "I'm going to go have a chat." hes says nodding towards the bar maid. Milo unpins his cloak and hangs it over the back of the chair along with his sword.

Walking over to the halfling woman he catches her eye and gives a small smile that comes out as more of a grimace. "I hope your common room isn't quite this empty all the time," he says trying to be friendly. "I am seeking some information, about a job for those like me and them." Milo hooks a gloved thumb over his shoulder at the three humans. "When we asked we were told that this was the place to find it."

2016-11-29, 01:26 PM
The halfling lady looked him over before smiling and responding back in a delicate voice. "The priest at the temple of Nyx was looking for some help exterminating undead." She said as she pulled out a halfling sized stool from behind the counter and brought it over to the table. "You can find him in the temple after dusk. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Dacia Brabant
2016-11-29, 02:24 PM
Marko Grobari

"Aye, burnin' 'em's the safe bet, if'n ye don't have the means fer a proper burial," Marko remarked. He might have said more, but as they were ushered into the tavern Marko kept his mouth shut--though he gladly opened it for the tankard of ale, drinking it down greedily as though he hadn't had a taste of the stuff in ages (in reality it hadn't been more than a fortnight).

Marko was about to inquire after the halfling who'd joined them, but noticed with a smirk that he'd already gone to chat up the barmaid. So instead he turned his attention to the guard.

"So, they was stitched up, aye? Sounds like the whole thing's a stitch-up, if'n ye take me meanin'. 's there anythin' else ye can tell us?"

2016-11-29, 08:22 PM
"Yeah, I can tell ya my shift is up so you can go bother that damn priest next." The guard said, he was going to spit on the floor but then the barmaid caught his eye and he seemed to think better of it and walked out instead.

2016-11-30, 02:09 AM
Llana tries to calculate how long until dusk so that she can make a plan on what to do until she goes to find the priest.

2016-11-30, 10:20 AM
After the guard leaves Milo looks over at the barmaid. "Are they all that charming?" he asks. "With so many of them stomping around the streets I would hope some of them are better mannered." Milo carefully studies her response trying to gauge just how bad the situation is. Does she feel that the guards are necessary, a necessary evil, a nuisance?

2016-11-30, 11:48 AM
It is hard to say in the tavern what time it is but it seems to be still in the late afternoon.

"They are not all quite that ill mannered, but these people do lack sophistication." The bartender says with a sigh.

"Is your group going to be requiring a room? or maybe something to eat?"

2016-11-30, 11:54 AM
"I imagine that your dead walk more under the moon than the sun," Milo says. "Something hot to eat would be welcome for me, but I think a room may have to wait until the morning comes again." He takes a seat on the stool and looks at his new companions. "I suppose we should get to know each other."

2016-11-30, 11:57 AM
"What do you want to tell us in exchange, trust is a two way street," Stone said to Miles comment about getting to know each other.
"Well, me, I like to kill the dead. I can cast the spells to make the enemy fall down. And I am pretty awesome. Your turn."

2016-11-30, 12:05 PM
Appreciating Stone's direct approach Milo says, "I have worked as a scout and a mercenary. I know my way around the woods and I'm not half bad with either a bow or a sword. Since leaving that line of work, my partner and I have been hunting the risen dead. Unfortunately, the living are sometimes the more dangerous of the two, and so, I find myself traveling alone."

2016-11-30, 03:39 PM
Llana looks at her mug as the other two exchange backgrounds on each other. When there is an appropriate break she looks up and begins, "I grew up on a farm. Was bigger and stronger than most boys so I learned to fight. Where I come from, they don't much care for girl fighters. So, I went else where for training... and here I am." Llana pauses for a second and realizes she didn't say exactly what she brings to the table. "I am very effective when fighting with my hammer. I can usually take down foes before they get to me. I can also fight more conventionally, using a sword and shield in a pinch. But aside from fighting, I don't bring much to the table. I'm not a scout, simply a warrior."

Dacia Brabant
2016-11-30, 04:34 PM
Marko Grobari

Marko snorted in laughter at the guard's reply, apparently taking his rudeness as a compliment. He put his feet up on an empty chair, took off his coat--which landed with a heavy "thunk" next to his other gear--and pulled down his hat and settled in. Despite his casual (some might say lackadaisical) attitude, he listened attentively to the others introduce themselves.

"I'm a gravedigger," he finally said, then after a pause to let it sink in added, "Oh, an' I know me way 'round the wilds, I know a few things 'bout killin'--or re-killin', dependin' on what's what--an' I know when people's bein' square with me, an' when they ain't. Just so ye knows."

He didn't direct that last bit toward anyone specifically, it was more just a statement, one it sounded like he was used to making.

2016-11-30, 05:04 PM
The halfling bartender came up to the group and smiled warmly at them. "My name is Sylna and I am the innkeeper and bartender. Is there anything I can get for any of you?" the fair skinned halfling asked the group.

2016-11-30, 11:01 PM
"Well, first things first, a dwarven stout if you one. Next, how much are rooms, Sylna ".

2016-11-30, 11:44 PM
Sylna smiled and said "Coming right up and it's 5 silver per person for rooms and the drink is on me because you are helping the town out."

2016-11-30, 11:49 PM
Milo orders a simple meal. After wolfing it down rather quickly he begins to grow bored with talking and scans the room for some form of entertainment, maybe a dart board or some form of communal gambling table. He's looking for something he can challenge his new companions at to get a measure of their skills.

Dacia Brabant
2016-12-01, 10:34 AM
Marko Grobari

"Just summore o' that ale," Marko replied to the barmaid, sliding his empty tankard toward her before settling back in to his chair. He seemed perfectly content to rest right there until it was time to go see that "damn priest" the guard had mentioned.

2016-12-01, 01:18 PM
As the barmaid was refilling the outsider's drink a group of twenty or so men, mostly humans with about 5 halflings and a half-orc that towers over all of them came in chuckling and started pulling some tables together and pulling out cards and dice. The fair halfling came back to the table with a simple meal and a now full serving of ale.

"I am sorry, but I will be very busy dealing with the evening rush. Please feel free to find me if you require more services." The halfling explained before going up to the lively group of workers to take their orders.

2016-12-01, 07:06 PM
"Not a big fan of crowds," Milo says in a quiet voice, glancing at the newcomers. Realizing what he said his eyes dart back towards those at his table as if daring one of them to make a short joke. "Maybe we should clear out and go find this church?" he suggests.

2016-12-01, 08:54 PM

"I agree with Milo, I am ready to move on... maybe get some more information... and put and end to the dead. Or the not dead... or living de... uh.. undead... yeah undead." If Llana could turtle up and disappear into her armor, she would. Since she can't, she blushes and looks down at the table.

2016-12-01, 09:59 PM

"I agree with Milo, I am ready to move on... maybe get some more information... and put and end to the dead. Or the not dead... or living de... uh.. undead... yeah undead." If Llana could turtle up and disappear into her armor, she would. Since she can't, she blushes and looks down at the table.

Stone considers Llana's words, "You mean, force the undead... to be redead?" Stone thought he put it best as he could. Undead aren't natural so speaking of their demise felt likewise.

"But sure, Milo, which Church was it for again?"

2016-12-02, 12:32 AM
"Huh?" Milo say giving Stone a strange look, "I don't know. It wasn't one of my gods. Maybe Nox or Mix or something like that."

Dacia Brabant
2016-12-02, 08:03 AM
Marko Grobari

"Nyx," Marko said sternly as he glared over the top of his mug of ale, the last of which he quickly downed before slamming the empty tankard onto the table--hard enough for emphasis, but not so hard as to break anything.

He stood up, put on his coat and the rest of his gear.

"Right, let's go," he said before turning and walking out.

2016-12-02, 11:46 AM
With a glance around at the others Milo gives an apologetic shrug. Buckling on his sword and wrapping his cloak around him, he follows quietly after the big man with the hammer. Upon reaching the door Milo stops and looks back at Sylna, hurriedly bustling around the common room. Slipping through the crowd, Milo leaves a single gold piece behind the bar for her. He then turns and hurries out the door after Marko.

2016-12-02, 02:55 PM
The sun is now half-way down the horizon, casting a red tint on the grim city. More guards are on patrol now, and the temple of the human pantheon in the center of the city is now illuminated by the sun's setting rays. The wind blows coldly past you all.

2016-12-02, 10:15 PM
Llana makes her way out of the tavern and is more than happy to follow the lead of others in the group. The less speaking, the better in fact.

Dacia Brabant
2016-12-03, 12:50 PM
Marko Grobari

As the chill wind blows, Marko bundled up his heavy black duster tightly about him, and as he did so he noticed the halfling--Milo was it?--had caught up with him.

Saying nothing at first, Marko continued on in silence until, without looking at him or turning from his course toward the temple, mumbled not-quite-entirely under his breath something resembling an apology to Milo.

"Ye've yer own gods, I should'n'xpect ye t' be knowin' mine," he muttered.

2016-12-03, 03:07 PM
Milo raises an eyebrow and gives Marko a sidelong look as he trots along on his short legs, almost jogging to keep up. Shrugging he says "I've learned over the years that some hold their faith close. Others... less so. I'll try to be more respectful."

Milo stops at the doors to the church and glances back at the others, "If we can judge by the townsfolk then we've got quite the job ahead of us. Can't afford to make enemies of each other." The tiny halfling holds out his hand to the hulking warrior.

Dacia Brabant
2016-12-03, 05:02 PM
Marko Grobari

"Aye, we've enemies 'nough among the dead not t' be needin' more among the livin'," he replied, shaking hands with the halfling, and was somewhat taken aback that one so small could have a good and proper grip.

"Well met."

2016-12-04, 12:09 AM
Stone follows the two, no need to make a fuss, but "I guess, that makes sense," Stone remarks when Marko replies about not making enemy of living.

"So, what was Nyx, god of? I really aren't the religious sort."

2016-12-04, 02:11 AM
A wizened man in midnight blue robes wearing a necklace showing the cycles of the moon (one of Nyx's symbols), said, "She is the goddess of night, darkness, death, and rest traveler. My name is Byrn and I am the priest of Nyx at this temple."

You are now all at the temple doors and the sun is nearly competently set.

2016-12-04, 08:28 AM
"Hello, Byrn, I am Llana. We are here to offer our services in destroying the undead.". Llana breathes a sigh of relief that she didn't stammer through that.

Dacia Brabant
2016-12-04, 04:49 PM
Marko Grobari

When the priest made his presence known to them, Marko acknowledged him with the appropriate gestures or genuflection for a layman of his station within the faith.

"Aye, that. How bad 'xactly be the problem, yer reverence?"

2016-12-04, 05:54 PM
Milo feels an involuntary surge of disgust for the priest but he chokes it down and keeps his expression neutral. He remains in the doorway listening to the conversation and keeping an eye on the town outside.

2016-12-04, 07:25 PM
"Ah, it is good to see another child of the Nyx! How are you my son?" the priest told the slayer. "I require assistance with ridding these poor people of trouble some undead. The temple of the divines would be happy to reward you for you services if you do so."

2016-12-05, 03:02 AM
"In that case, just tell us where to go and who to do..." Llana is anxious to get on with it. She knows the longer they wait to end the threat, the more time for an innocent person to get hurt.

Dacia Brabant
2016-12-05, 12:52 PM
Marko Grobari

"Still 'bove ground, so 'bout as well as can be 'xpected, yer reverence," Marko replied. "But me fellow hammerer's got a point: time 'nough fer pleasantries after the troubles be dealt with."

2016-12-05, 08:02 PM

Llana couldn't help but smile a little bit at Marko's comment. He called me a "fellow hammer" and he thinks I have a point, she thought to herself. Llana tried not to blush at fitting in and someone agreeing with her. Usually people made fun of her being a woman carrying a weapon, or her size, or how she spoke. This was different... and nice.

2016-12-05, 09:09 PM
Milo shuffles uncomfortably and draws his cloak tighter around himself. Sanctimonious windbag. The halfling's eyes flash with barely concealed contempt. Milo puts his hood up to conceal his face. "The weather is taking a turn," he says to no one in particular.

2016-12-07, 12:30 AM
Llana doesn't really know what to do, so she just asks whats on her mind. "So, where do we need to go, and what exactly do we need to do Byrn".

2016-12-07, 09:49 PM

Cantas approaches the group. He is a very ordinary looking man other than the scale armor, bastardsword at his side. His hair is long and brown, with brown eyes.
"I understand there is an undead problem in town. I am here to help in destroying them."

2016-12-07, 09:58 PM
Milo eyes the new comer up and down from the depths of his hood. "Join the club," the halfling mutters.

2016-12-07, 10:05 PM
The priests hands his fellow worshiper of Nyx a map of the surrounding area that has has been marked to show the undead sightings locations, times and dates.

"Here is all we have on the attacks, if you need any more help we here at the temple of the divines are always here for you."

The man said humbly before turning around and entering the building.

Anyone can make a survival check when examine the map to try to discern where the attacks are coming from.

The attacks seem to be coming from a small cave about a half a mile from the city.

2016-12-07, 10:07 PM
"Hate to bail on you guys, but I thought I felt something fishy down at the inn. Im going to go check it out." Stone explained before leaving the group and heading towards the inn.

Dacia Brabant
2016-12-07, 10:18 PM
Marko Grobari

Marko turned to face the newcomer as he approached, gave a curt nod and then returned his attention to the priest, who handed him a map, which the slayer gratefully accepted and unfurled for all to see. He barely turned from it to acknowledge Stone's departure.

"Bye," was all he offered, engrossed as he was in the map.

When you say Insight, do you mean Sense Motive? Either way, Marko's bonus is the same:


2016-12-07, 10:27 PM
Huh, I guess not everybody has the stomach to stick to their words Milo thinks watching the man walk back up the road.

Then the halfling shrugs to himself and reaches up to pull Marko's wrist down far enough so that he can see the map too. With a wink he says, "I read better from the front of a page than through the back." After a moment of study Milo taps a cave marked on the paper not far from town. "My guess is that's where we need to look. Shouldn't be more than half an hour's walk, even if we take it slow."

2016-12-08, 03:41 AM
Llana smiles and begins to speak to the new guy when Stone leaves. Llana stands around looking between Stone, the newcomer, and the map. She decides to keep her mouth shut as she has no idea what is going on.

Dacia Brabant
2016-12-08, 02:32 PM
Marko Grobari

Marko frowned at the intrusion, but that changed to a smirk at the halfling's comment, which he had to admit was a fair one.

"Right," he replied, turning his attention back to the map, but before he knew it Milo had spotted the landmark. "Hmm, aye. Well, lead the way then, 'less any other o' ye have some'r else t' be."

He rolled up the map and offered it to Milo with one hand while with the other he withdrew an iron rod whose tip sparkled with the light of a torch.

2016-12-08, 08:41 PM
Milo takes the map and tucks it into one of the pockets inside his cloak. "Follow me then, but stay back a ways. You big people can't help but make an unholy racket in the woods."

Milo leads the party towards the cave. The halfling is some thirty feet in the lead, sneaking along eyes and ears peeled.

Stealth check: [roll0]

2016-12-08, 08:46 PM

Cantas nods and follows along. He is unsure why they need to sneak up on mindless undead.

2016-12-08, 10:59 PM
Llana is comfortable bringing up the rear. Metal armor is loud and her weapon gives her a bit of reach anyway.