View Full Version : Upcoming Star Wars games?

2016-11-28, 09:38 AM
For all of the George Lucasian garbage that has grown around the franchise like a tumour, I still think the SW setting is a really cool one, and I have a particular fondness for Jedi... when they're done well.

Are there any interesting Star Wars video games around the corner?

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2016-11-28, 04:37 PM
Nothing that I know of in the pipeline, but the last few years saw the new Battlefront and the MMO, nothing really since then.

2016-11-28, 06:10 PM
And Star Wars Battlefrond EA isn't that good of a game, compared to its predecesors. But that's a rant for another day.

Old Star Wars games are cool, though. The first two Battlefront games are basically still played up to date. Galactic Battlegrounds has some servers up for multiplayer games. Knights of the Old Republic I and II are superb games, two of the best I've played ever I must say. The Jedi Knight series are also good, with good controls and interesting stories. And for a real classic, Star Wars Episode I: Racer is just a gem.

2016-12-02, 09:40 PM
Dunno if this counts, but Star Wars the Old Republic MMO just had another expansion. The games good, better then almost all other MMOs.

2016-12-09, 08:39 AM
Disney killed LucasArts pretty much the moment they bought it. So there won't be many since its on the publisher to arrange the licence and EA has an at least somewhat exclusive deal.

2016-12-09, 05:08 PM
EAhas an at least somewhat exclusive deal.

Well, Then I guess we can assume no more Star Wars games of an quality. Doesn't EA have a reputation for bad games? I know they have helped terrible games get released but I can't think of anything beyond the endless sports games and the terrible Call of Duty ones.

What else has EA released?

2016-12-10, 03:18 AM
Well, Then I guess we can assume no more Star Wars games of an quality. Doesn't EA have a reputation for bad games? I know they have helped terrible games get released but I can't think of anything beyond the endless sports games and the terrible Call of Duty ones.

What else has EA released?

battlefield games (basically the same thing if you don't play either :smalltongue:) are EA, cod is Activision.
Also dragon age and mass effect are EA games.

2016-12-10, 05:33 PM
Also dragon age and mass effect are EA games.

Those are made by Bioware and only released through EA. I am thinking of games that are really made more by EA like the EA Sports games. Because we apparently need more FIFA 2XXX, Madden XXXXX, NBA XXXXXX, and various racing games.

Why is EA spending money to help publish sports and racing games as opposed to games that are likely to be the next big awesome franchise possibility, as opposed to children's games (Sports/Racing-Grand Theft Autos on)?

2016-12-10, 09:13 PM
Those are made by Bioware and only released through EA. I am thinking of games that are really made more by EA like the EA Sports games. Because we apparently need more FIFA 2XXX, Madden XXXXX, NBA XXXXXX, and various racing games.

Why is EA spending money to help publish sports and racing games as opposed to games that are likely to be the next big awesome franchise possibility, as opposed to children's games (Sports/Racing-Grand Theft Autos on)?

Made by Bioware which is currently owned by EA. As it is though supposedly Bioware is working on a new Star Wars game, or at least I think I read something to that effect when EA gobbled up the Star Wars license.

Edit: After looking it up again it seems Visceral and Respawn are the ones besides Dice making new Star Wars games. The Bioware mention was apparently in relation to The Old Republic.

2016-12-11, 10:33 AM
children's games (Sports/Racing-Grand Theft Autos on)?


To answer your question: because taking risks in this multimillion dollar industry can ruin you, and EA franchises bring a steady amount of money.

I mean, Bioware fans were having a celebratory feast when EA graciously offered a sale on Mass Effect DLC for 50% off.

2016-12-11, 12:41 PM
Why is EA spending money to help publish sports and racing games as opposed to games that are likely to be the next big awesome franchise possibility, as opposed to children's games (Sports/Racing-Grand Theft Autos on)?

Because they know the former will make them lots of money, while the latter probably won't?

2016-12-11, 03:38 PM
Why is EA spending money to help publish sports and racing games as opposed to games that are likely to be the next big awesome franchise possibility, as opposed to children's games (Sports/Racing-Grand Theft Autos on)?

Because sports games make vast quantities of filthy filthy money.

FIFA has been EA's biggest cash cow for years, and they milk way more out of it in microtransactions for the Ultimate Team stuff than they ever could for any other genre. ($650m per year on top of selling 6-7million copies of the game annually. That's 50% of all of EA's revenue from DLC just on that one feature of their annual football franchise).

The Glyphstone
2016-12-11, 04:37 PM
Grand Theft Auto is a children's game now?

2016-12-11, 05:23 PM
Grand Theft Auto is a children's game now?

I was thinking the same thing about Burnout... no way I would've had a fast enough response time for a racing game before I was 14 or so.

2016-12-11, 06:57 PM
And Star Wars Battlefrond EA isn't that good of a game, compared to its predecesors. But that's a rant for another day.

Well, Then I guess we can assume no more Star Wars games of an quality. Doesn't EA have a reputation for bad games? I know they have helped terrible games get released but I can't think of anything beyond the endless sports games and the terrible Call of Duty ones.

What else has EA released?

The problems as I saw it with Star Wars Battlefront EA were as follows:

1. Too much missing content that should have been there. No space battles (has since been fixed by DLC), no story mode, no galactic conquest mode, nothing worthwhile in terms of offline or single-player content, barely anything at all from the prequels (which lent themselves to a game like Battlefront much better than the OT did, despite being vastly inferior films).

2. Ridiculously expensive season pass. Early on when the season pass was announced, there wasn't even any word what that $50 would get you. Then the first round of new heroes was announced and you're getting... Greedo? And Nien Nunb? Who but the most hardcore of Star Wars fans even knew who Nien Nunb was?

3. Terrible balancing. Everything involving fighter combat was broken at first because A-Wings were nearly unhittable and TIEs were garbage. On top of that, there was an exploit where the Millennium Falcon could insta-kill the Slave I by boosting into it and activating shields right before collision. The Falcon wouldn't even take damage. But it wasn't just the ships - the DL-44 was insanely strong with little drawback, and some cards were a little too good. Unfortunately, Dice's idea of balance seems to be "nerf it into the ground so nobody uses it anymore."

Admittedly, I've touched the game once in the past six months, so I'm not very familiar with the DLC, and I've no idea what they might have done in terms of balancing recently. I suppose it's possible they've learned how to balance a game since then, though I would be surprised were that the case.

2016-12-12, 11:39 AM
Grand Theft Auto is a children's game now?

That explains why the kids are so mean these days. Back in my day, we avoided the pedestrians.

The Glyphstone
2016-12-12, 02:56 PM
That explains why the kids are so mean these days. Back in my day, we avoided the pedestrians.

Hey, Carmageddon came out the same year as GTA1, and it didn't just allow you to run over pedestrians, you scored bonus points for doing it.

2016-12-12, 03:12 PM
Hey, Carmageddon came out the same year as GTA1, and it didn't just allow you to run over pedestrians, you scored bonus points for doing it.

So did GTA1.


2016-12-12, 04:04 PM
You could also win a level in Carmageddon by running over every pedestrian.

You'd only do it once by accident, maybe, but it was there. (mostly you got the bulldozer and wrecked everyone).

2016-12-15, 01:03 PM
Grand Theft Auto is a children's game now?

My reaction to that was more, "Grand Theft Auto is a children's game... HOW?"
And yeah, the better question would be, Why EA does bother with anything BUT the highly-lucrative sports titles? Those are basically a guaranteed license to print money, year after year after year. OTOH, looking for "the next big thing" carries an inherent risk of outright failure - and even the successes aren't going to make FIFA money.