View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Mad Scientist: Int-based Half-caster Crafter Class for 5e

2016-11-28, 11:02 AM
The beautiful pdf version is here! The Mad Scientist (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5efO4hwzMAHcDltUkpGd0lyTW8/view?usp=sharing)- formatted and designed by /u/barkalot

Halloa. Been awhile. What follows is undoubtedly my most difficult and (hopefully) crowning homebrew accomplishment. It was thanks to WOTC UnearthedArcana releasing their Forge Domain Cleric that got me the missing formula to my Construction feature. It also made me increase the crafting rate dramatically - it was embarrassing to see a 2nd level Cleric craft faster than an earlier iteration of my 17th level mad scientist. It still crafts slower until 11th level, but is much more flexible than the Forge Cleric's channel divinity.

It's missing a few subclass features (which I would appreciate your help filling) but is otherwise done.

Subclasses complete.

Inspired from the GirlGenius Webcomic, this class fills the niche of the quick-crafting, int-based halfcaster. It pulls from Cleric, Paladin, Rogue, Wizard, and has bits and pieces from even more. Notably, it lacks Extra Attack, and most of the base class features have little to do with combat. The base features are mostly focused on crafting Nonmagical items and augmenting them. To compensate, the base class has a variant of the Cleric's Divine Strike and a more flexible, weakened version of the Paladin's Divine Smite. Yet by my estimate it still falls behind in terms of minimum average damage due to being a half-caster with no cantrips. So it instead draws most of its combat potential from its subclass features.

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy the

Mad Scientist

Walking the halls of his laboratory, the bespectacled halfling awaits the results of his latest, most greatest invention of all. Towering high above him stands a giant figure. With a BEEOOP, its red eyes begin to glow with a menacing light.

As the enemy army approaches, the castle gate lowers to send out a single armored knight. Flames belch from his breastplate and lightning crackles along the length of his sword. Accompanied by the sound of whirring of gears and cogs, the dragonborn marches forward into the madness place.

Seated atop a grassy hill, the two humans idly watch birds and kites flitter in the sky. A paused breath, and then, “We could do that. Couldn’t we, brother?” Sharing a grin and a nod, the two rush for their bicycles, inspired skyward.

Such individuals are imbued with the “Spark”. To quote the Professors Foglio, the “Spark” is

"whatever it is that makes Mad Scientists what they are. A poorly understood concept that identifies and incorporates a batch of personality traits shared by those who have it… [They are] people who seem to have the ability to tinker with the laws of physics as we know them. They are brilliant, focused, and often impatient with those whose thoughts don't run with the speed or in the direction of their own. Because of this, some of those thoughts have veered off in truly alarming directions. This makes them dangerous and [often] shortsighted..."

Mad Geniuses
Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic. While the greatest scales of “magic” may be beyond a mad scientist, it is only a matter of time before the raw secrets of the cosmos are revealed through formula. Until then, they satisfy themselves with the marvelous and mechanistic, reveling in the process of creation.

Shared among all mad scientists is the ability to invent at blinding speeds and the synchronotic discovery of the affect engine, a machine that consumes ambient aether and spits out elemental work. It is mysterious in construction and function to all but other mad scientists.

Inspired and Narcissistic
Before their breakthrough, a mad scientist could have been anyone. Afterwards, they are still those things, but with 10 times the ego! Their sudden intellectual revelations tend to demand an urgent need to demonstrate their worth and capability. Newborn mad scientists will tend to quickly leave town in search of glory and a well equipped laboratory, if they have not already been killed by their inventions or driven out by their vengeful neighbors.

Few mad scientists settle down, as there is much more knowledge to consume adventuring, plus they seldom survive their own inventions long enough to do so. But the handful that do often do so because there is something to be discovered (and exploited) right where they are. In such places, watch out! There is no telling what a mad scientist can accomplish with enough time on their hands!

Creating a Mad Scientist
When you build your mad scientist, consider what your daily life was like prior to your breakthrough. Were you always hoping to uncover the mysteries of the universe, studying dutifully and practicing your craft as an apprentice in a machine shop? Or were you unaware of the talent hidden with you, blissfully or despairingly passing each day as humdrum as the last? Perhaps you were an artist, struggling to cleave the meaning of life with the limitations of technology. Or mayhap you were a soldier just trying to make a living while sketching designs for fantastical contraptions.

What was your friends’ and neighbors’ reactions to your first technological marvel? Was it well received, or did it threaten the public? Were you praised or cursed for your gift? Did you leave to seek out the answers to the questions of the universe, to conquer undeserving minds, or to protect your home from yourself? Think about who your inspirations were while growing up, or who deserves to have your revenge exacted upon them.

The Mad Scientist


Proficiency Bonus


Rate (gp/hr)

---Spark Slots per Level---
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th



Construction, Affect Engine (1)


--- --- --- --- ---



Sparkcrafting, Affect Discharge, Savant


2 --- --- --- ---



Genius Type


3 --- --- --- ---



Ability Score Improvement


3 --- --- --- ---



Affect Engine (2), InstaCraft (1 gp)


4 2 --- --- ---



Switch Function, Tireless


4 2 --- --- ---



Genius Type Feature


4 3 --- --- ---



Ability Score Improvement, Improved Affect Discharge


4 3 --- --- ---





4 3 2 --- ---



Genius Type, Savant


4 3 2 --- ---



Affect Engine (3), InstaCraft (10 gp)


4 3 3 --- ---



Ability Score Improvement


4 3 3 --- ---





4 3 3 1 ---



Intense Concentration


4 3 3 1 ---



Genius Type Feature


4 3 3 2 ---



Ability Score Improvement


4 3 3 2 ---



Affect Engine (4)


4 3 3 3 1



Instacraft (100 gp)


4 3 3 3 1



Ability Score Improvement


4 3 3 3 2



Genius Type Feature


4 3 3 3 2

Quick Build
You can make a mad scientist quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Intelligence your highest ability score, followed by either Strength or Dexterity. Second, choose the guild artisan background.

Class Features
As a mad scientist, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per mad scientist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per mad scientist level after

Armor: Light armor, Medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Three artisan’s tools of your choice

Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose three skills from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, and Religion

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

a) leather armor or b) a chain shirt
a) a scientific instrument (i.e. “arcane focus”)
a) an explorer’s pack or b) a scientist’s pack
a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or b) any simple weapon
1 dagger and 3 artisan’s tools of your choice

Scientist’s pack (33 gp). Includes a backpack, an empty journal of graph paper, 2 charcoal writing implements, a small box of chalk, a beaker, a pipette, a slide rule, 3 empty glass flasks with cork stoppers, and 5 empty glass vials with cork stoppers.

Behold your magnificent creations! You’ve broken through and your spark compels you to create! You gain the ability to craft any mundane non-consumable objects at a rate determined by your mad scientist level.
At 1st level, you can craft at a rate of 5 gold pieces per hour. This rate increases as shown in the mad scientist table. For example, a 3rd level mad scientist can craft a 15 gp morningstar in 1 hour. Construction crafting counts as light activity for the purposes of short and long rests.

While crafting, you must expend material, such as wood, metal or glass, with a value equal to the item you want to make. The item can be an exact duplicate of a non-magical item, such as a copy of a key, if you possess the original during your crafting.
You may also need an artisan’s tool(s). For example, if the item you want to make requires shaped glass, you might need glassblower’s tools. The PHB mentions that if you want to craft a sword or suit of armor, a forge would also be needed. However, a mad scientist should be able to get around such restrictions with creative uses of their Affect Engine, described beneath Powered Appliances later.

Objects you construct that aren’t weapons or armor have their own AC and Hit point values. For AC, consider the suggested values from the DMG’s Object Armor Class table (pg. 246) reproduced below. Alternatively, the DM may grant all items constructed by a mad scientist an AC equal to their spark save DC, as a reflection of their skill and experience.




Cloth, paper, rope

Iron, Steel

Crystal, glass, ice

Wood, bone


For Hit Points, consider the suggested values from the DMG’s Object Hit Point table (pg. 247) reproduced below:




Tiny (bottle, lock)
2 (1d4)

Small (chest, lute)

Medium (barrel, chandelier)

Large (cart, 10-ft.-by-10-ft. window)


Variant Rule: When a mad scientist finishes an item, consider allowing them to make an intelligence ability check. If they are proficient in a relevant tools set, allow them to add their artisan’s tools bonus to the check. Grant the item additional hit points equal to how much their check beats a DC15. There should be no penalty for failing.

Affect Engine
Science triumphs! You have discovered how to capture ambient “magical” energy and convert it into elemental output. The machines that facilitate these transformations are called affect engines.
At 1st level, you can have only one working affect engine at a time. Crafting a new affect engine causes the old one to fall apart. This number increases by one at 5th, 11th, and 17th level.
Affect engines are approximately the size of one’s hand and weigh approximately 1 lbs. It takes 1 hour to craft one or more affect engines, and due to the mysteries of science, a mad scientist can craft an affect engine with virtually any materials available so long as the total value of the materials equals or exceeds 5 gp per engine.
When you complete an affect engine, choose one of three engine types for it to be:

Flame Engine, which outputs fire
Lightning Engine, which outputs electricity
Cold Engine, which absorbs energy, spreading cold

As an object interaction, you can attach or detach an affect engine you are touching to a weapon or object. You can change an affect engine’s type through 1 hour of maintenance, which can be done during a short or long rest.

Power Appliance
Affect Engines can be incorporated into your constructions. They can supply power or perform some other task. Some examples of the ways in which affect engines can be used according to their type are detailed at the end of this document. Work with your DM to expand this list. In general, if a construction with attached affect engines is destroyed, all attached engines are destroyed with it.

By 2nd level, you begin to unravel the thread of so-called “magic”. The rules of Sparkcrafting are the same as Spellcasting as detailed in chapter 10 of the PHB. The mad scientist spark list is detailed at the end of this document. Instances of the phrase, "crafting a spark" are mechanically equivalent to the phrase, "casting a spell".

At 2nd level, you scribe a sparknote containing six 1st-level sparks of your choice. This functions similarly to the wizard’s spellbook.

Preparing and Crafting Sparks
The mad scientist table details how many spark slots you have to cast your sparks of 1st level and higher. To craft one of these sparks, you must expend a slot of the sparks’s level or higher. You regain all expended spark slots when you finish a long rest.
You prepare the list of sparks that are available for you to craft. To do so, choose a number of sparks from your sparknotes equal to your intelligence modifier + half your mad scientist level rounded down (minimum of one spark). The sparks must be of a level for which you have spark slots.
You can change your list of prepared sparks when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of sparks requires time spent studying your sparknotes and calculating the formulas and equations you must make to craft the spark: at least 1 minute per mad scientist level for each spark on your list.

Sparkcrafting Ability
Intelligence is your sparkcrafting ability for your sparks, since you innovate through study and inspiration. You use your Intelligence whenever a spark refers to your sparkcrafting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spark you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spark save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier
Spark attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier.

Careful Procedure
You can generate a spark in the same way a spellcaster can cast rituals if the spark has the ritual tag and you have the spark in your sparknotes. You don’t need to have the spark prepared.

Sparkcrafting Focus
You can craft a scientific instrument through your construction class feature by cobbling together any materials that look sufficient enough to resemble a refracting prism (crystal), puzzle cube (orb), ruler (rod), meter stick (staff), or pointer (wand). You can use a scientific instrument as a sparkcrafting focus for your mad scientist sparks.

Learning sparks of 1st Level and Higher
Each time you gain a mad scientist level, you can add one spark of your choice to your sparknotes. Each of these sparks must be of a level for which you have spark slots, as shown on the mad scientist table. On your adventures, you might find other sparks that you can add to your sparknotes.

Affect Discharge
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack with an attached affect engine, you can expend one spark slot to deal additional damage to the target. The additional damage is 2d6 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d6 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 6d6. The damage type is according to the engine type.
If a creature you can see hits with a weapon attack using a weapon that has one of your affect engines attached to it, then you may as a reaction expend a spark slot to deal additional damage like above.

At 2nd level, choose two of your tool proficiencies or one of your skills and one of your tool proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.
At 10th level, you can choose two more of your proficiencies in this same manner to gain this benefit. This feature does not stack with the rogue’s Expertise feature. If you acquire the Expertise feature in some way, you must choose different proficiencies.

Genius Type
When you reach 3rd level, you discover your genius type, an affinity for a particular branch of science. Up to this point you have been coming to terms with the nature of your genius. Now you are ready to pursue the tech trees of the Alchemist, the Steam Knight, the Smoke Knight, or the Mechanic, all detailed at the end of the class description.
Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level. Those features include genius sparks.

Genius Sparks
Each genius type has a list of associated sparks. You gain access to these sparks at the levels specified in the genius type description. Once you gain access to a genius spark, you immediately add it to your sparknotes, but must prepare them as normal. If you gain a genius spark that does not appear on the spark list, the spark is nonetheless a mad scientist spark for you.

From 5th level you can use your Construction feature to craft an item with a value of 1 gp or less as an action. You can do this a number of times per day equal to your intelligence modifier.
At 11th level, the value increases to 10 gp. At 18th, to 100 gp.

Switch Function
At 6th level, a breakthrough increases the flexibility of your engines. As an action or bonus action, you may change the elemental type of an affect engine you are touching to another type. To use this feature on an engine, the engine must not be performing any task. An engine that is attached to an object, but is otherwise not doing anything, is not considered to be performing a task.

Also at 6th level, you can craft for the entirety of long rests while still gaining their benefits. However, you can only craft during long rests for a number of consecutive days equal to your Constitution modifier, minimum 1. For each day beyond that spent crafting during long rests, you end the long rest with a level of exhaustion.

Improved Affect Discharge
At 8th level, you upgrade your affect engines to consistently output bursts of energy. Once per turn whenever you hit with a weapon attack with one or more attached engines, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 damage of a type according to the engine. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 14th level. Additional engines do not increase the damage, but you may choose between damage types when you make an attack.

Intense Concentration
By 14th level, you have developed the ability to repulse attempts to befuddle your mind through brute intellectual force. You add your Intelligence modifier to your Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.

Subclasses in next post.

2016-11-28, 11:03 AM
Genius Types
While all mad scientists may have the same maverick eccentricity, they roughly split off into majors or fields of study. The four most common branches cover the direct application of the aether, the art of war, subterfuge and trickery, and the clanky machinations of machinery.

Artificers apply their spark towards the direct blend of invention and the weave. Fascinated by the intersection of the aether with the corporeal, an artificer's animus tends towards imbuing objects with magical power and the manipulation of magical items.

Genius Sparks

Mad Scientist Level



Detect Magic


Magic Weapon


Dispel Magic


Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound


Animate Objects

Bonus proficiencies
When you choose this genius type at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the arcana skill and shields. If you are already proficient in the arcana skill, then choose another skill from the mad scientist skill list.

Incorporate Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to channel your mad scientist sparks into objects for later use. When you cast an artificer spark with a casting time of 1 action, you can increase its casting time to 1 minute. If you do so and hold a nonmagical item throughout the casting, you expend a spark slot, but none of the spark’s effects occur. Instead, the spark transfers into that item for later use if the item doesn’t already contain a spark from this feature. Any creature holding the item thereafter can use an action to activate the spark if the creature has an Intelligence score of at least 6. The spark is cast using your sparkcrafting ability, targeting the creature that activates the item. If the spark targets more than one creature, the creature that activates the item selects the additional targets. If the spark has an area of effect, it is centered on the item. If the spark’s range is self, it targets the creature that activates the item. If the spark requires concentration, the activator must maintain that concentration. When you infuse a spark in this way, it must be used within 8 hours. After that time, its magic fades and is wasted. You can have a limited number of infused sparks at the same time. The number equals your Intelligence modifier.

Engine Infusion
Additionally at 3rd level, you can as a bonus action infuse power from an attached engine into a melee weapon you are wielding. *For the next minute or until you let go of the weapon, you gain one of the following benefits that corresponds with an attached engine:

Flame Tongue: +1d6 fire damage, you have cold resistance
Frost Brand: +1d6 cold damage, you have fire resistance
Razor Bolt: +1d6 lightning damage, you have resistance to lightning

Once you use this feature you can’t use it again until the end of a short or long rest.
At 15th level, the damage increases by 1d6.


Wondrous Invention
At 7th level, you gain the use of two magic items that you have crafted. Choose two items from the
list of 7th-level items below. Crafting an item is a difficult task. When you gain a magic item from this feature, it reflects long hours of study, tinkering, and experimentation that allowed you to finally complete the item. You are assumed to work on this item in your leisure time and to finish it when you level up.

You complete another item of your choice when you reach certain levels in this class: 10th and 15th level. The item you choose must be on the list for your current mad scientist level or a lower level. These magic items are detailed in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
7th level: bag of holding, cap of water breathing, driftglobe, goggles of night, sending stones, alchemy jug, helm of comprehending languages, lantern of revealing, ring of swimming, robe of useful items, rope of climbing, wand of magic detection, wand of secrets
10th Level: bag of beans, chime of opening, decanter of endless water, eyes of minute seeing,
folding boat, Heward’s handy haversack
15th Level: boots of striding and springing, bracers of archery, brooch of shielding, broom
of flying, hat of disguise, slippers of spider climbing

Magic Transference
At 10th level, you may at the end of a long rest transfer any permanent magical enchantment from one item to another nonmagical item. The other item must be an appropriate vessel for the enchantment as determined by your DM. For example, an enchantment from a sword may transfer appropriate to a spear, but not to a bow. You must remain in contact with both items for the duration.

Copy Engine
At 15th level, you can convert one of your engines into a temporary magical item. Attach an engine to a magical item, then concentrate on that item while it remains in your possession for 1 hour. At the end of that duration, your engine acquires a copy of the item’s enchantment. The engine must then be attached to a non-magical item similar to the magical item in order to use the stored enchantment. If the enchantment uses charges or another type of consumable resource, your engine has a single charge. If the enchantment’s effect lasts indefinitely, then the effect instead lasts for up to 1 hour when a wielder activates it as a bonus action. While containing an enchantment, an engine cannot produce any kind of elemental output, so you cannot use Affect Discharge nor Improved Affect Strike with this engine.

Anti-Magic Engine
Studying the linkages between magic and science reveal unto you a startling discovery: the ability to cut a creature’s access to the Weave. At 20th level, you can create a unique engine called the anti-magic engine. While attached to a melee weapon you are wielding, any creature hit by your weapon must making an intelligence saving throw against your Spark save DC. On a failed save, the creature cannot cast any inherent or learned magic until the end of your next turn. Creatures animated by magic become stunned for the duration. Affect strikes and affect discharges with this engine deal force damage instead of any other elemental type.

Steam Knight
No arena can match the rapid scientific development inspired through the theatre of war. Steam knights wade into the front lines of conflict, seeking to prove the worth of their intellect through violent contest. Spitting lightning and roaring into the sky, these menacing soldiers of science reshape any encounter.

Genius Sparks

Mad Scientist Level


Heat Metal

Protection From Energy

Fire Shield

Banishing Smite

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this genius type at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor, shields, and martial weapons.

Affect Armor
Starting at 3rd level, you can as an action attach an affect engine in your hand to an object. If the engine is attached to armor you are wearing and proficient in, then whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack, that creature takes 1d4 + your intelligence modifier affect engine type damage. If you have multiple affect engines attached, you choose which damage type to deal.

At 15th level, the damage increases by 1d4.

As an action, you may expend a spell slot to deal damage to creatures and objects within 5 feet of an object with your attached affect engine. Each creature makes a Dexterity saving throw against your Spark save DC, taking half damage on a success and all on a failure. The damage is 2d6 for a 1st-level spark slot, plus 1d6 for each spark level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d6. The damage type is according to the engine type.

Armor Engine Upgrade
Starting at 7th level, depending on the type of affect engine attached to your armor, you can as a bonus action activate a corresponding feature that lasts for up to 1 minute. You can only use one of these options at a time. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Flame - You gain a 20-foot fly speed.
Lightning - As an action you can magnetize objects you are holding in your hand or attract and repel magnetized objects and metals up to a distance of 60 feet. The object must not weigh more than 30 lbs. If an object you are attempting to attract or repel is being held by a creature, the creature must make a strength saving throw against your spark save DC, losing grip of the object on a failed save. If the object is being worn by a creature, they automatically succeed the saving throw. You can make improvised ranged attacks with objects you are attracting or repelling. You are proficient in these attacks, the damage die is 1d6, and you use your intelligence modifier for the attack and damage rolls.
Cold - You generate difficult terrain on surfaces that come within 20 feet of you. This difficult terrain moves with you. Creatures that start their turn atop any of these surfaces must make a dexterity saving throw against your spark save DC, falling prone on a failed save. And instead of impeding your movement, your walking speed increases by 10 feet while walking on a surface with your difficult terrain.

Affect Armor Coat
At 10th level, while one or more affect engine is attached to armor you are wearing, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and resistance to the engine’s damage type(s).

Affect Armor Pocket
Also at 10th level, you can store one set of armor in an affect engine. To store, you must attach an engine to a set of armor and speak a command phrase you determine at the time. After 1 minute, the armor will finish collapsing into the engine. As an action, you can attach an engine to a willing or unconscious creature and speak your command phrase. At the start of that creature’s next turn, they will be wearing that set of armor. To retract, use an action to touch the engine and speak the command phrase. At the start of that creature's next turn, the armor will have returned into the engine. The armor must be able to fit that creature. You cannot apply medium or heavy armor to a creature that is already wearing either.

Engine Exoskeleton
At 20th level, as an action you can combine four affect engines of at least one of each type to create your ultimate armor. For the next minute, you gain 30 temporary hit points resistance to all damage types except psychic, your Affect Armor deals an additional 1d4 damage, your Affect Discharges deal an additional 3d6 damage, your Armor Engine Upgrade becomes active and you can swap between your Armor Engine Upgrade options as a bonus action, and whenever you take the Attack action you may make an additional weapon attack. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Smoke Knight
Deceptive and uncanny, smoke knights have long traditions in assassination, bodyguarding, and intelligence gathering. Preferring to stay clear of the frontlines, their machinations lend themselves towards stealth and subterfuge. They stay out of the public eye and tend to wear simple cloaks that obscure their faces, movements, and intentions.

Genius Sparks

Mad Scientist Level

Detect Poison and Disease


Gaseous Form

Greater Invisibility


Bonus proficiencies
At 3rd level when you choose this genius type, you gain proficiency in the Poisoner’s Kit, the blowgun and either Stealth or Sleight of Hand. If you already proficient in both skills, gain proficiency with another skill in the spark skill list.

Hidden Engine
Starting from 3rd level, you can attach your engines to your limbs. While attached in this way, effects from your engines (including Terrible Toxicant) can be delivered through to any weapon you are wielding, and other creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to determine the true source of these effects, as well as checks to discover them on your person.

Terrible Toxicant
Additionally at 3rd level, you can concoct an engine poison. You can spend 1 hour gathering poisons and venom from a natural or industrial environment to create a number of doses of poison equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). You can have prepared a number of engine poison doses equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). The poison can be applied to one melee weapon or 3 pieces of ammunition. Once applied, the engine poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying.

When a creature is hit with a piercing or slashing weapon that has your engine poison on it, the affected creature takes 1d6 poison damage and the creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your Spark save DC. On a failed save, the creature suffers the poisoned condition for 1 minute.

As an action, you can store any kind of poison inside an affect engine. While attached to a weapon, you can apply the poison to the weapon as a bonus action, though only injury-type poisons can be applied in this way. While contained within a working affect engine, a poison lasts indefinitely. An engine can hold only one dose of poison at a time.

Using your Construction class feature, you may be able to craft more deadly kinds of poisons. Work with your DM to determine what sort of materials and ability checks you’d need. Consider /u/shylockv’s homebrew Poisoner’s Kit expanded use guide as a resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5rrDIyM5HN4X2M0Z0tKQVdKV1U/view?usp=sharing

Subtle Substitution
Starting from 7th level, you can attempt to swap something a creature is holding with something you are holding. As an action, choose a creature you can see within your movement speed range. Consume movement as if you were moving to within adjacent range of the target, but do not actually move from your position. Then, make a Dexterity (Stealth) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by the target’s Wisdom (Perception) check. If you win the contest, the objects are exchanged. If the target creature loses the contest by 5 or more, they do not immediately realize that a swap has been made.

Also at 7th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon’s fiery breath or an ice storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Expert Apothecary
At 10th level, you may craft poisons at half the time or half the cost. Additionally, you improve the efficacy of your basic poison. It deals an additional 2d6 poison damage, and a target that fails its saving throw against your basic poison, in addition to being poisoned, is stunned until the start of your next turn.

Uncanny Dodge
At 15th level, when an attacker you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you.

Stealth Camouflage
At 20th level, you create the greatest infiltrator’s tool of all. You can create a unique affect engine called the Stealth Engine. While it is attached to you, you can as an action become invisible. Anything you are wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it remains on your person. Your invisibility ends whenever you make an attack or craft a spark. This engine does not produce any kind of elemental output, so you cannot use Affect Discharge nor Improved Affect Strike with this engine.

Specializing in mechanical engineering, mechanics discover life in their creations. They exploit the limits of their constructions and engines, rewriting the laws of physics as they go. Explosions follow in their wake like sweet humming in their ears as constructs march at their fore.

Genius Sparks

Mad Scientist Level


Hold Person


Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

Antilife Shell

Bonus proficiencies
When you choose this genius type at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with vehicles (land) and Tinker’s tools. If you are already proficient in Tinker’s tools, choose another artisan’s tools to gain proficiency in.

Quick Engine
Beginning at 3rd level, you can construct an affect engine within 1 minute. You are considered to have concentration during this period. The rules for concentration are detailed on pg. 203 of the player’s handbook. You must be wielding tinker’s tools during this period. You can move while constructing an affect engine. Each of your actions during this minute must be spent on constructing the new affect engine.

Additionally at 3rd level, you discover how to incorporate a self destruct function onto your affect engines. As an action, you can expend a spark slot to overload an affect engine you are touching. As part of the same action, you can throw it to a space within 60 feet of you.

At the end of your turn, the thrown affect engine combusts in a 10-foot-radius sphere. Creatures within the area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spark save DC. A creature takes 3d10 engine type damage for a 1st level spark slot, plus 1d10 for each spark level higher than first, to a maximum of 7d10, of a type according to the affect engine on a failed save, or half on a successful one. For each spark slot level greater than 1st, increase the radius of the sphere by 10 feet.

At 7th level, you add the Find Familiar spark to your sparknotes and can craft it as a ritual. It is always prepared and doesn’t count towards the number of sparks you can have prepared.

When you craft the spark, it is a construct instead of a beast, and is henceforth called a dingbot. It is immune to disease, resistant to poison damage and does not need to eat or breath, but can ingest food and drink if it wishes. When the dingbot drops to 0 hit points, it disassembles, leaving behind no recognizable form nor useful material. Constructing and reconstructing it requires 10 gp worth of material.

Your dingbot can craft at a rate equal to twice your mad scientist level per hour. When you use your Construction feature together with your dingbot, you can add your crafting rates together.

Flexible Creation
Starting at 10th level, whenever you begin crafting, you can choose to double the crafting time or value of materials needed to be consumed. If you do so, then double the item’s hit points. Alternatively, you can choose to halve the crafting time or value of materials consumed, which halves the item’s hit points.

Engine Efficiency Upgrade
Also at 10th level, constructions that use your affect engines gain double the benefit of each attached cold and lightning engine.

Artificial Intelligence
At 15th level, you discover how to grant your creations the spark of life. Once between long rests, when you finish crafting a construction, you can have your creation gain the benefit of the Awaken spell. This lasts until your construction reaches zero hit points, you end it as an action while handling your construction, or until you use this feature again.

At 20th level, as an action you can combine four affect engines you have in your hands to create your latest, greatest invention of all! By the end of your turn, your combined affect engines transform into a huge, humanoid mechanical construct with you in the cockpit. This invention lasts up to 1 minute, until you end it as an action, or until its hit points are depleted, whichever comes first. If its hit points are depleted, then the affect engines used to create it are destroyed. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Depending on the types of affect engines you used, this invention comes equipped with different features. Affect Discharge and Improved Affect Discharge do not work with Megarobo attacks unless otherwise stated.

Common to all megarobos are the following features:
Huge construct, unaligned
Armor Class Spark save DC (natural armor)
Hit Points 200 (16d12 + 96)
Speed 40 ft.
STR 20 (+5) DEX 20 (+5) CON 22 (+6) INT 4 (-4) WIS 14 (+2) CHA1 (-5)
Damage Resistances poison, psychic;bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses infrared vision 120 ft. (see heat sources clearly), passive Perception 12
Languages ---
CR 9
Designed.All effects targeting the megarobo that trigger physical saving throws uses your spark attack modifier instead.
Magic Weapons. The megarobo’s weapon attacks are magical.
Piloted.All effects targeting the megarobo that trigger mental saving throws target the pilot instead, using the pilot’s mental saving throws in place of the megarobo’s.
Siege Monster. Megarobo attacks deal double damage to objects and structures.

Multiattack. The megarobo makes two unarmed strikes.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 13 (3d4 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Your choice of engines creates mutually exclusive features. You choose which features you want at the moment of transformation. Unless otherwise stated, you cannot choose a feature more than once. Features may have cooldown periods, which mean that a certain number of rounds must pass before you can use the feature again. You reduce cooldowns by 1 at the start of each of your turns.

Affect Fist. Requirement: any 1 engine. You may use your Affect Discharge and Improved Affect Discharge features with your unarmed strikes, dealing a damage type according to the chosen engine.
Coolant. Requirement: 1 cold engine. Reduce the cooldown period of one feature by 1. Each additional cold engine reduces that cooldown by 1. You can choose this feature more than once.
Damping. Requirement: 1 cold engine. Increase the duration of the megarobo’s functionality by 1 round. Each additional cold engine increases the duration by 1.
Flamethrower. Requirement: 1 flame engine. As an action, recreate the effects of the spell burning hands as if it were cast with a 1st level spell slot. Each additional flame engine increases the damage by 1d6. Cool down: 3.
Flight boosters. Requirement: 2 flame engines. Gain a fly speed of 40 ft. Each additional flame engine increases the fly speed by 20 ft.
Fog Machine. Requirement: 1 flame engine + 1 cold engine. As an action, recreate the effects of the spell Fog Cloud centered on yourself as if it were cast with a 3rd level spell slot. Does not require concentration. Cooldown: 3.
Rail Gun. Delete
Rocket Fist. Requirements: 1 flame engine + 1 lightning engine. Whenever you make an unarmed strike, object interaction, or grapple attempt, you may increase its range by 120 feet. You may target creatures and objects behind cover so long as you can trace a contiguous, unimpeded line between the megarobo and the target. You must use a bonus action to reel in your extended limbs. Cooldown: 2.
Z-Bow. Requirements: Any 1 engine + 1 lightning engine + 1 cold engine. Two-handed, heavy. +9 to hit, range: 300/1200 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 5) piercing damage. The megarobo creates its own ammunition. You may make Affect Discharges and Affect Strikes with Z-Bow attacks, dealing a type of damage according to the chosen engine type. Multiattack: The megarobo can make two Z-Bow attacks.
Z-Shield. Requirements: Any 1 engine + 1 cold engine. One-handed. +2 AC and resistance to the damage of the chosen engine type.
Z-Sword. Requirements: Any 1 engine + 1 cold engine. Versatile. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 5)/22 (3d10 + 5) slashing damage. You may make Affect Discharges and Affect Strikes with Z-Sword attacks, dealing a type of damage according to the chosen engine type. Multiattack: The megarobo can make two Z-Sword attacks.

Multiclass RequirementsIntelligence 13
Proficiencies Gained: Light armor, medium armor, simple weapons, 2 artisan’s tools of your choice
Powered Appliances
The following are examples of some combinations between constructions and affect engines. If you find a complete object, such as a cart, then simply attaching the appropriate engine(s) will make it function as below.

Hand Rocket. Requirements: 5 gp of material + 1 flame engine. Size: small. You craft a finned, aerodynamically pointed, cylindrical object no greater than 2 feet in length and 4 inches in diameter. As an action, you may expend a 1st level slot to launch the rocket. It flies 600 feet in a straight line, then falls at the start of your next turn. For each lightning engine attached, you may program a 45 degree turn during its flight. For each cold engine attached, increase the number of rounds it flies by 1. Creatures in its path must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a fail. The rocket takes this damage, too. If the rocket’s hitpoints are reduced to 0, it and any attached engines are destroyed.
At Higher Levels.When you expend a spark slot of 3rd level or higher, increase its base speed by 300 feet and the damage dealt by 3d6. When you expend a spark slot of 5th level or higher, increase its base speed by 300 feet and the damage dealt by 3d6.

Power Tool. Requirements: Any handheld tool + 1 gp of material + 1 lightning engine. Size: variable. You upgrade a tool like a crowbar, hammer or shovel into a motorized version of itself. A creature using such a tool has advantage on any check made with the tool. If the greater of the two rolls is 5 or less, the tool and engine break apart.

Power Torch. Requirements: 1 torch + 1 flame engine. A more reliable torch. The torch spreads bright light in a 20ft radius and dim light 20 ft beyond that. A creature wielding this torch can turn it off or on as a bonus action.

Refrigerator. Requirements: 1 sealable container + 5 gp worth of material + 1 cold engine. Organic material contained in this container last for three times as long before decomposing. Container can be no larger than size medium. For each size category greater, an additional cold engine is required.

Freezer. Requirements: 1 sealable container + 5 gp worth of material + 2 cold engines. Organic material contained in this container last for five times as long before decomposing. Container can be no larger than size medium. For each size category greater, an additional cold engine is required.

Home Brewery. Requirements: 50 gp of material + 5 sp of ingredients + 1 flame engine + 1 lightning engine. Size: small. Weight: 60 lbs. You craft a portable brewery capable of brewing some of your favorite ales, beers and lagers. Thanks to the mysteries of science, it only takes 72 hours to brew and ferment a single batch of 12 small bottles! When a batch is finished, you may roll an Intelligence (Brewer’s Supplies) ability check against a DC 15. Creatures who chug a bottle as an action gain temporary hit points equal to how much your check beat the DC. Such creatures must also make a Constitution saving throw against a DC 5, gaining the poisoned condition on a failed save. The temporary hit points and poisoned condition last for up to one hour. Increase the latter DC by 5 for each additional bottle a creature chugs within that same hour. Each additional time you are poisoned by this effect while already poisoned from this effect, you gain a level of Exhaustion.

Grapnel Gun. Requirements: 100 gp of material + 50-150 feet of rope + 2 lightning engines. Size: tiny. Weight: 4 lbs. You craft a line-launching hand crossbow-like device that fires a retractable, detachable line with a hooked or clawed end. As an action, you may launch the line at an appropriate surface within 50-150 feet of you, like a rock ceiling or wooden beam, and make a spark attack roll against a DC 10. The DC may increase depending on the situation. On a success, the line hooks or wraps onto the surface. As a bonus action, you may retract or detach the line. Retracting the line pulls you up to 50 feet towards the surface. The line can retract a weight up to 15 times your Intelligence score and can support a weight up to 30 times your Intelligence score. Each additional attached lightning engine doubles these values.

Portable Forge. Requirements: 1 cart + 150 gp of material + 1 flame engine + 1 cold engine. Size: large. Weight: 100 lbs. You craft a cart-mounted forge that can serve most of your metalworking needs. This forge can be used to shape metal and produce finished metal works up to a total value of 100 gp. This forge does not come pre-supplied with raw materials.

Master’s Forge. Requirements: 1500 gp of material + 2 flame engines + 1 cold engine. Size: huge. Weight: 5000 lbs. This immobile forge is everything a master smith needs to produce metal works of any value. This forge does not come pre-supplied with raw material.

Rocket Barding. Requirements: any barding + 1 or more flame engines, depending on the creature’s size. Medium creatures require 1 flame engine. You need an additional flame engine for each size category above that. As an action, you may expend a 1st level slot to increase an equipped creature’s base speed by 20 feet for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. An affected creature must at minimum consume its base speed by the end of each of their turns and has a high likelihood of panicking. At the start of each of its turns, the equipped creature must make a wisdom ability check against a DC20. If the creature has a mounted rider, the rider may instead roll at the start of each of their turns a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check against a DC15. On a failed check, the creature panics and moves in a direction dictated by the DM. Each attached cold engine increases the duration by 1 minute. Each attached lightning engine reduces the DC by 5.
At Higher Levels. When you expend a spark slot of 3rd level or higher, increase its base speed by 10 feet and add 5 to the DC. When you expend a spark slot of 5th level or higher, increase its base speed by 20 feet and add 5 to the DC.

Rocket Cart. Requirements:1 cart + 2 flame engines. Size: large. As an action, you may expend a 1st level slot to propel the rocket cart as if it were being pulled by a dashing draft horse (base speed 40 ft) for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Maintaining control of the cart requires an Intelligence (Land Vehicle) check against a DC15 at the start of each of the driver’s turns, losing control on a failed check. Each attached cold engine increases the duration by 1 minute. Each attached lightning engine reduces the DC by 5.
At Higher Levels. When you expend a spark slot of 3rd level or higher, increase its base speed by 10 feet and the DC by 5. When you expend a spark slot of 5th level or higher, increase its base speed by 20 feet and the DC by 5.

Rocket Sled. Requirements: 1 cart + 2 flame engines. Size: large. As an action, you may expend a 1st level slot to propel the rocket sled as if it were being pulled by a dashing draft horse (base speed 40 ft) for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Maintaining control of the sled requires an Intelligence (Land Vehicle) check against a DC15 at the start of each of the driver’s turns, losing control on a failed check . Each attached cold engine increases the duration by 1 minute. Each attached lightning engine reduces the DC by 5.
At Higher Levels. When you expend a spark slot of 3rd level or higher, increase its base speed by 10 feet and the DC by 5. When you expend a spark slot of 5th level or higher, increase its base speed by 20 feet and the DC by 5.

Rocket Chariot. Requirements: 1 chariot + 2 flame engines. Size: large. As an action, you may expend a 1st level slot to propel the rocket chariot as if it were being pulled by a dashing riding horse (base speed 60 ft) for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Maintaining control of the chariot requires an Intelligence (Land Vehicle) check against a DC15 at the start of each of the driver’s turns, losing control on a failed check. Each attached cold engine increases the duration by 1 minute. Each attached lightning engine reduces the DC by 5.
At Higher Levels. When you expend a spark slot of 3rd level or higher, increase its base speed by 10 feet and the DC by 5. When you expend a spark slot of 5th level or higher, increase its base speed by 20 feet and the DC by 5.

Rocket Wagon. Requirements: 1 wagon + 2 flame engines. Size: huge. As an action, you may expend a 3rd level slot to propel the rocket wagon as if it were being pulled by a dashing draft horse (base speed 40 ft) for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Maintaining control of the carriage requires an Intelligence (Land Vehicle) check against a DC15 at the start of each of the driver’s turns, losing control on a failed check. Each attached cold engine increases the duration by 1 minute. Each attached lightning engine reduces the DC by 5.
At Higher Levels. When you expend a spark slot of 5th level or higher, increase its base speed by 10 feet and the DC by 5.

Rocket Carriage. Requirements: 1 carriage + 2 flame engines. Size: huge. As an action, you may expend a 3rd level slot to propel the rocket carriage as if it were being pulled by a dashing draft horse (base speed 40 ft) for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Maintaining control of the carriage requires an Intelligence (Land Vehicle) check against a DC15 at the start of each of the driver’s turns, losing control on a failed check. Each attached cold engine increases the duration by 1 minute. Each attached lightning engine reduces the DC by 5.
At Higher Levels. When you expend a spark slot of 5th level or higher, increase its base speed by 10 feet and the DC by 5.

Single Skyrider. Requirement: 10000 gp worth of good quality metal, 3000 gp worth of wood, 6000 gp worth of precious stones, and 1000 gp worth of glass + 2 flame engines + 1 cold engine + 1 lightning engine. Size: gargantuan. While riding in its cockpit, you may expend a 5th level slot to give it a fly speed of 600 feet for the next 10 minutes. Wide Berth: the single skyrider cannot make tight turns. To turn 5 degrees to the left or the right, the single skyrider must move 30 feet forward. For example, to turn 45 degrees in one direction, the single skyrider needs to move 270 feet forward. Maintaining control of the skyrider requires an Intelligence (sky vehicle) check against a DC 15 at the start of each of the driver’s turns, losing control on a failed check. Additional flame engines increase the fly speed by 200 for each. Additional cold engines increase the duration by 10 minutes for each. Additional lightning engines reduce the DC by 5 for each.

The hell does this mean? The max number of engines is 4!

Yes, that is true. The max number of engines for 1 mad scientist is 4.

Spark list in next post

2016-11-28, 11:04 AM
Spark list (Limit - 135)
I forget how I came up with such an upper limit, but I know that I wanted an in-between between Wizard and Paladin. The sparks are in alphabetical order, and the numbers in parentheses next to each spark mean (Spark Level, PHB Page Number)

Subclass names next to a spark means that spark is specific to that subclass.

Alarm (1, 211)
Animate Objects (5, 213) Artificer
Antilife Shell (5, 213) Mechanic
Armor of Agathys (1, 215)
Arms of Hadar (1, 215)
Barkskin (2, 217)
Blink (3, 219)
Blur (2, 219)
Burning Hands (1, 220)
Call Lightning (3, 220)
Charm Person (1, 221)
Cloudkill (5, 222)
Color Spray (1, 222)
Comprehend Language (1,224)
Compulsion (4, 224)
Cone of Cold (5, 224)
Confusion (4, 224)
Conjure Elemental (5, 225)
Conjure Minor Elemental (4, 226)
Continual Flame (2, 227)
Control Water (4, 227)
Create or Destroy Water (1, 229)
Darkness (2, 230 Smoke Knight
Darkvision (2, 230)
Daylight (3, 230)
Detect Magic (1, 231) Artificer
Detect Poison and Disease (1, 231) Smoke Knight
Dimension Door (4, 233)
Dispel Magic (3, 234) Artificer
Dominate Beast (4, 234)
Dominate Person (5, 235)
Enthrall (2, 238)
Evard’s Black Tentacles (4, 238)
Expeditious Retreat (1, 238)
Feign Death (3, 240)
Fireball (3, 241)
Fly (3, 243)
Fog Cloud (1, 243)
Gaseous Form (3, 244) Smoke Knight
Geas (5, 244)
Gentle Repose (2, 245)
Glyph of Warding (3, 245)
Grease (1, 246) Mechanic
Greater Invisibility (4, 246) Smoke Knight
Gust of Wind (2, 248)
Heat Metal (2, 250) Steam Knight
Identify (1, 252)
Illusory Script (1, 252)
Invisibility (2, 254) Smoke Knight
Jump (1, 254)
Knock (2, 254)
Lightning Bolt (3, 255)
Locate Animals or Plants (2, 256)
Locate Creature (4, 256)
Locate Object (2, 256)
Longstrider (1, 256)
Magic Weapon (2, 257) Artificer
Mirror Image(2, 260)
Mislead(5, 260) Smoke Knight
Modify Memory (5, 261)
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound (4, 261) Steam Knight
Protection from Energy (3, 270) Steam Knight
Protection from Poison (2, 270) Smoke Knight
Ray of Enfeeblement (2, 271)
Shatter (2, 275)
Shield (1, 275) Steam Knight
Silence (2,275)
Silent Image (1, 276)
Slow (3,277) Mechanic
Stinking Cloud (3, 278)
Stone Shape (4, 278)
Tenser’s Floating Disk (1, 282)
Thunderwave (1, 282)
Tongues (3, 283)
Unseen Servant (1, 284)
Water Breathing (3, 287)
Water Walk (3, 287)
Web (2, 287)

Power Appliance Guide

Though the DM and the Player should feel free to come up with their own Power Appliances, here is a general guideline on the basic principles behind some of Power Appliances above.

Type: Each engine corresponds to a specific type of function. Flame can heat as well as thrust. Lightning can provide fine control and motor functions. Cold absorbs energy and slows processes.

Size: The bigger a power appliance is, the more minimum number of engines it will require. Things that are handheld, like a Power Tool, or things that are no greater than size medium, like a Refrigerator, are likely to need no more than 1 engine. Increasing the size of a Power Appliance, such as with Rocket Barding, may warrant additional engines.

Complexity: How complex a power appliance is may also affect the minimum number of engines it requires. The Grapnel Gun, despite being handheld, requires a minimum of 2 engines, due to the complexity of its motor mechanism. In comparison, the Refrigerator, despite being much larger,, has a very simple function and thus does not warrant any additional engines. The Portable Forge requires not only tremendous heat but a means of carefully regulating that heat, hence why it requires both a flame and a cold engine.

Sustained vs. Temporary: Some of the Power Appliances can be separated into two categories - “Sustained” and “Temporary”. Power Tool and Power Torch are examples of the former. All of the power appliances with the word “rocket” in their name are examples of the latter.

Sustained power appliances have no limit on their duration. However, if they grant you improved performance on something like Power Tool does, then they may warrant a chance to break. Other sustained power appliances, like the Home Brewery, may not warrant a break chance at all. If the benefit, size, and complexity of a sustained power appliance is small, such as with the Power Tool, then the chance to break should be small, too. You might put some kind of check against a set DC every time the power appliance is used, with a failed check resulting in it breaking. For the Power Tool, I created a variant mechanic of this by having a very easy DC of 5 be set against the advantage the tool gives you. It is rather unlikely for the greater of two d20 rolls to be 5 or less. If you happen to make a larger and/or more complex sustained power appliance that grants advantage on a check, consider using this variant mechanic with an increased DC.

Temporary power appliances trade a chance to break with a limited duration. Doing so may warrant consuming an additional resource like spellslots. All of the rocket series power appliances are from this category. There is no chance that they might suddenly explode, but they are only usable for a certain amount of time before you have to feed another spellslot into them. Note how attempting to control them warrants an ability check against a medium DC of 15. Temporary power appliances have more powerful effects compared to sustained power appliances, but are often more unwieldy as a result. Additional, different types of engines can improve the performance and handling of such power appliances. Lightning engines can be used to improve handling by reducing the DC to control it. Cold engines can improve duration.

There is a lot of flexibility to power appliance design. Take a careful look at the Rocket Cart/Sled vs. Rocket Wagon/Carriage. They all use two flame engines as a minimum, but the latter two are size Huge while the former two are only size medium. Then notice how the Rocket Cart/Sled require a 1st level slot at minimum, compared to the Rocket Wagon/Carriage requiring a 3rd level slot. I wanted to make Rocket Wagon/Carriage accessible slightly sooner, so instead of increasing the number of minimum required engines to 3, I increased the minimum spellslot level consumed to 3rd. Flavor-wise, this is because I assert that bigger objects need more base energy to be moved, which can compensate for fewer engines. In this way you can make effects accessible sooner by increasing costs. You may then later allow a Rocket Wagon/Carriage with 3 minimum flame engines that consumes a minimum 1st level slot instead.

Wherever you can, try having power appliances mimic existing mechanics and resources. Besides the Hand Rocket, all of the rocket series power appliances’ speeds are based on draft and riding horses.

That’s all for now. If you have any questions, send them to www.reddit.com/u/Leuku (http://www.reddit.com/u/Leuku)

2016-11-30, 07:15 PM
Mad magic science... what's not to love?

I'm not a perfect homebrewing, but this is looking pretty good so far to me. Can't wait/hope to see it finished!

2016-12-02, 01:03 PM
Mad magic science... what's not to love?


What I need to know right now is what might a high level Artificer be able to do, besides make magic items? I've explicitly avoided magic item creation due to the nature of magic item cost and availability.

15th level and 20th level Artificer - what might each look like?

Next, I need more ideas for what a Mechanic might be able to do at 10th and 15th level.

Conceptual ideas with no mechanics are fine - I can design mechanics like nobody's business.

Lastly, I think I need more spells on the spell list. I think I have too few. I've avoided divine spells, cuz I think they diverge too far from the flavor. The number of spells should be like a cross between Paladin and Wizard, with a bent for, "effects you could imagine could be created by a mad scientist through strange science".

Things like "Dimension Door" and "Evaard's Black Tentacles" could basically be a mad scientist making momentary portals to other dimensions.

2016-12-05, 01:41 AM
Hey man, I'm that guy from reddit you asked to check out your class. Just got some free time to give it all a rundown.
Let me just say this really cool! I don't do home-brew a lot, but this is some of the bet I've seen. As requested, I'm here to leave my feedback. There is a lot to get through, so I'm just gonna try and do it point for point and keep each one short and sweet.

Flavor Text
Love it, cute wright brothers reference too. The only thing I might suggest is that some of the versions described seem a bit too geared only to CN or CE playstyles, so it'd be nice to see some overtly good or even lawful examples, rare as they might be. Even the Heterodyne have their Agathas!

The HP, Weapons, Tools, and Saving Throws for the class all make sense to me, and while others might raise an eyebrow on 3 tool profs, it's very similar to that of a Bard, but makes sense to get the most out of Construction. I'm a little iffy on the medium armor proficiency, at least in this current build. This is a really cool class, and a cut above the rest, but still suffers just a little from that home-brew instinct to have it all.

In my opinion, having the skills of a bard, burst damage of a paladin, and better spell versatility than almost any class not a wizard (and we'll get to that) and being able to possibly out damage warlocks is enough strengths that you might want to lower their base armor profs to light, and throw medium armor on for smoke knights and maybe mechanics. At least leave some incentive to take the armor prof feats. I imagine this class doing great as a mid-line support with some frontline busts and a LOT of utility, and plenty of room to break that mold.

Makes sense, and I like the scientists pack.

One of their coolest features, rivaled only by perhaps affect engines and the capstone for mechanics. Don't really have any complaints, and I can't think of and blatantly overpowered things, as long as the DM uses his head on what can and can't realistically be crafted. For the variant rule, I'd just increase the total HP, since their is no point giving an object temp HP. It's not like the object can "long rest" and lose it anyway. I couldn't tell you if the scaling is too fast or too slow, that's the kinda stuff heavy playtesting can only really say for sure.

Eh, sure. This actually helps with the fact many tools are not really INT or CON based, and your bonuses with them will actually be pretty wimpy without it in the world of point buy. Add's more weight to the case I want to make about sparks in a little.

Affect Engine and Power Appliance
So cool, I love this second only to Construction. I also love how different archetypes get special types of affect engines and things they can do with them. Fire has great uses for cooking, smithing, welding, and light propulsion. I'd use electricity to set up impromptu electric fences, power gadgets, magnetize stuff, and play music. Cold is a bit harder, but temperature control and a free refrigerator is pretty good. The ability to attach or detach should just be an action, and activate as an action, in my opinion. This preserves the importance of the action economy, and lets you give certain archetypes the ability to switch devices on as a bonus action as a special feature or perhaps as a later core class feature.

The combinations are all lots of fun, and giving final say to the DM means he can tailor power levels to his liking. Consider swapping the level acquisition of savant and Affect Engine along with a free single effect engine when starting at level 1. Simply because doing so with savant helps give a sense of "learning" as they go, and that the affect engine was the Mad Genius's first major breakthrough for flavor, and lets them start with their preferred engine right off the bat to play with. I know you are trying to mimic the progression of divine smite, but I feel this fits the class better thematically, tinkering for a level before they learn to deal some damage. Consider also just keeping Savant where it is but moving Affect Engine down a peg, as the combined 3 features at level 1 would still not be as much of a total power boost as the jump form 1 to 2 is.

Ok, the spells themselves, and the idea of it, is just fine. I feel giving them Wizard-style spells known actually hurts the class, as it causes a disconnect in how many spells they know and how many they can cast/prepare, which could be pretty small depending on stats. My vote would be to just make it half level + int like you do, but spontaneous casting, able to do whole new loadouts and synergies better with Genius Sparks by functioning like oaths or Domain spells. I also feel this fits a mad scientist with changing whims pretty well. Yet, I understand if you want to keep sparkcrafting as is, as it's partly a matter of taste.

Careful Procedure
Just fine as it is, but if you did change over to spontaneous casting, might I suggest this instead, and and a new dynamic unique to the class that it can call all it's own:

Quick Study [name could use some work]
Your dizzying intellectual speed and ability to improvise on the fly lets you adapt to nearly any situation at the expense of throwing preparation to the wind. As an action, you pour over your Sparknotes, and chose to forget a number of Sparkcrafts equal to your Intelligence modifier, and ready a number of new Sparkcrafts equal to those forgotten. The time taken ready these new Sparkcrafts equals one round per level of sparkcraft, and you must concentrate, as if on a spell. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. [edit to taste]

Affect Discharge
Seems like a proper amount of burst damage at the cost of a slot.

Genius Type
I'll give a short paragraph on my thought for each one at the end. Spoilers, mechanic is my favorite.

Reminds me of the Swift Alchemy feature from pathfinder. Pretty cool, def needs playtesting to get a better idea of what it can do.

Very thematic, and I really like for those times you want to get an item out when the plot won't give you the downtime to spare.

Improved Affect Strike
Seems fair, and no better than a Cleric. Though, might want to make it d6 just so it stacks better with Affect Discharge, but hardly matters.

Switch Function
Honestly kinda weak for a lv 10 power, but cool on its own. Again, I'd recommend making it only an Action or Bonus Action. An ability to activate them remotely might be cool, either here or as an archetype feature.

Intense Concentration
A pretty solid and thematic core capstone. Torn between it as is or "automatically succeed once a rest" but I do like the ability to use it multiple times at the cost of exhaustion, so I lean towards keeping it as is.

What I'd expect from the name, and the bonus spells make sense. I feel like Dingbot should be a mechanic power however, and that it's powers should focus more on the infuse/craft spectrum. Perhaps the ability to double his crafting speed on magic items (50 gp a day), the ability to craft magic item formulas, or discover a free magic item formula of a limited rarity. For an example ability, what about the power to transfer magic enchantments into different non-enchanted appropriate items (so you can custom fit random loot that does not fit the party) or even disable the baddies +9 sword of sharpness with a once per day spell attack.

Steam Knight
Very nice front line boost to the class, and Affect Armor Pocket seems like it has some fun utility uses for both the class and the party. Does Affect Armor Coat stack? Engine Exoskeleton is way over powered, but it's a 20th level power, so what do you expect. Spell list is good, but I'm surprised shield is not on there. The ability to create an affect engine to generate temp by spending a spell slot or something would be cool, but the existing options are pretty strong.

Smoke Knight
A nice little CG reference and a solid pick. Sparklist is a little meh IMO until greater later levels, but worth it in the long run. I like the hidden engine trait, especially with monk multiclass. I woulda thought it would be a poison producing version for extra 1d6 damage like with Artificer, but I kinda like this direction more, and is more versatile. Shame poison is pretty low on options for now. Everything else is pretty solid.

Best archetype, best engines, best powers. My only question is why Engine Efficiency Upgrade only applies for Cold and Lightning. I get that overload is supposed to be big, but the jump from d6 to d10 is a bit steep, especially considering the radius. The power to put delays or extend the distance of the activation would also be cool. That's a question for play-testing however. Mega Robo is over powered and stupid and has no precedence in 5e and it's the best thing ever and I want to use it to punch a Tarrasque like it's Pacific-Rim. For a 10th level power, how about getting Awaken added to the list of spells one can prepare/learn, and is able to affect objects? Fitting in with the robotic angle of the mechanic and the tendency for mad scientists to create life.

**phew** that took forever, hope I was helpful!

2016-12-05, 06:11 AM
Hey man, I'm that guy from reddit you asked to check out your class. Just got some free time to give it all a rundown.
Let me just say this really cool! I don't do home-brew a lot, but this is some of the bet I've seen. As requested, I'm here to leave my feedback. There is a lot to get through, so I'm just gonna try and do it point for point and keep each one short and sweet.

Hooray! FINALLY I've got something to move forward with. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou.

Flavor Text
Love it, cute wright brothers reference too. The only thing I might suggest is that some of the versions described seem a bit too geared only to CN or CE playstyles, so it'd be nice to see some overtly good or even lawful examples, rare as they might be. Even the Heterodyne have their Agathas!

I hadn't considered flavor text influencing player alignment play style. Flavor ain't my strong suit xD Hrm. That's something to work on.

The HP, Weapons, Tools, and Saving Throws for the class all make sense to me, and while others might raise an eyebrow on 3 tool profs, it's very similar to that of a Bard, but makes sense to get the most out of Construction. I'm a little iffy on the medium armor proficiency, at least in this current build. This is a really cool class, and a cut above the rest, but still suffers just a little from that home-brew instinct to have it all.

Ah, yes, the medium armor. I designed the class to be a slow, heavy hitter, hence no Extra Attacks, no alternative means of gaining additional attacks (except at 20th level), etc. More importantly, I wanted it to not be so Dex dependent. You start a class with light armor and prevent them from getting access to higher tier armors until higher levels, they're going to prioritize Dex. Of course, I didn't resolve the issue completely - the Cleric manages this by granting their bonus proficiencies at 1st level, but for many, many reasons I chose not to shoehorn subclass-based bonus proficiencies at 1st level. It's an imperfect compromise.

The point of medium is to make Strength-focus a viable option.

In my opinion, having the skills of a bard, burst damage of a paladin, and better spell versatility than almost any class not a wizard (and we'll get to that) and being able to possibly out damage warlocks is enough strengths that you might want to lower their base armor profs to light, and throw medium armor on for smoke knights and maybe mechanics. At least leave some incentive to take the armor prof feats. I imagine this class doing great as a mid-line support with some frontline busts and a LOT of utility, and plenty of room to break that mold.

With every sticking point, there is a compensation. Skills of the Bard, but no 9th level casting, and at least one "Expertise" benefit must be a tool rather than a skill. I would strongly make the argument that skill proficiencies dramatically outclass any, multiple tool proficiencies in terms of usefulness and frequency of use.

Burst of the Paladin (and ranged option, too!) but smaller damage dice and no bonus damage for creature type, yet your choice of 3 damage types and able to allow allies to use it. So... definitely on the strong side, but a lot of it is to compensate for the lack of Extra Attack and cantrips at 5th level. My philosophy on damage scaling is not increasing damage to compensate for weaknesses, but to find more methods of delivering damage.

Spell versatility... ya got me. I didn't put much thought into its balance other than limiting the Mad Scientist spell list to a number between Paladin and Wizard and reducing the number of spells learn per level to 1, compared to the Wizard's 2. And then there's the Genius Sparks, which are half the version of the Paladin's Oath Spells, and for extra caution I made it so that they're not automatically always prepared, which may be me going too far in limiting it.

Anyways... Dex is too good! I want Strength to be an option from the getgo. Just like my scale mail-wearing, battle axe wielding, defense fighting style Dwarf Ranger. I could not have built him as a Strength focus if I had been forced to start with Light armor. The true base chassis for this class is Cleric. Same hit die, similar equipment proficiencies (sans shield), same damage scaling except not a 9th caster and no cantrips.

I couldn't tell you if the scaling is too fast or too slow, that's the kinda stuff heavy playtesting can only really say for sure.

Phew, I'm glad it is easy to understand. Figuring out a way to streamline its design was a year long challenge, that was only solved thanks to that Forge Domain Cleric.

I just figured the THP would be permanent until drained. Didn't put much thought into it. Ehh... shrug

It's that blasted Forge Domain that made me scale the rate so high. 5 gp crafted per day in the PHB, and then they come out with a guy who can on average craft up to 200 gp worth of metal-based items every day!? But yeah, you're absolutely right, only playtesting will truly tell. And I don't think I could playtest it myself - I feel... weird... playing my own homebrew classes - feels like I'm cheating or something, even when everyone playing acknowledges that we're testing it.

This actually helps with the fact many tools are not really INT or CON based, and your bonuses with them will actually be pretty wimpy without it in the world of point buy.

I'm not sure what this means. I wasn't aware that Artisan's tools necessarily had any specific ability scores related to them. Like you could make calligraphy and beer brewing an Int check if it seemed warranted.

Affect Engine and Power Appliance
So cool, I love this second only to Construction. I also love how different archetypes get special types of affect engines and things they can do with them. Fire has great uses for cooking, smithing, welding, and light propulsion. I'd use electricity to set up impromptu electric fences, power gadgets, magnetize stuff, and play music. Cold is a bit harder, but temperature control and a free refrigerator is pretty good. The ability to attach or detach should just be an action, and activate as an action, in my opinion. This preserves the importance of the action economy, and lets you give certain archetypes the ability to switch devices on as a bonus action as a special feature or perhaps as a later core class feature.

Yeah, Cold is so hard! It was worrisome trying to flesh it out a bit more. I had initially intended to have a 4th elemental type (4 engines and all), but couldn't think of a 4th one that makes sense, and the 3 that's here is already doing a great job.

I definitely put "As an Action or a Bonus Action" as a placeholder, cuz I didn't really know what to do with it. Maybe the Mechanic and the Smoke Knight can make it a bonus action, or maybe Bonus Action should be at 5th level, or 11th level. Hrm...

The combinations are all lots of fun, and giving final say to the DM means he can tailor power levels to his liking. Consider swapping the level acquisition of savant and Affect Engine along with a free single effect engine when starting at level 1. Simply because doing so with savant helps give a sense of "learning" as they go, and that the affect engine was the Mad Genius's first major breakthrough for flavor, and lets them start with their preferred engine right off the bat to play with. I know you are trying to mimic the progression of divine smite, but I feel this fits the class better thematically, tinkering for a level before they learn to deal some damage. Consider also just keeping Savant where it is but moving Affect Engine down a peg, as the combined 3 features at level 1 would still not be as much of a total power boost as the jump form 1 to 2 is.

Interesting. Veeeeery interesting. ... Yessss, you are right. It wouldn't be a boost in power to move Affect Engine to 1st level. I had originally placed it at 2nd because without Affect Discharge, what would you do with it? But this was before Construction in its current iteration was developed. And I could make it more like a Bard and move Savant to 2nd level and 10th level, rather than 1st and 6th. I never really liked Savant coming in as soon as 6th, but felt like it didn't feel right anywhere else. This way, I could then do what I've long wanted to do and move Switch Function down to 6th level. 10th level just seems too great a weight to change engines types freely.

Ok, the spells themselves, and the idea of it, is just fine. I feel giving them Wizard-style spells known actually hurts the class, as it causes a disconnect in how many spells they know and how many they can cast/prepare, which could be pretty small depending on stats. My vote would be to just make it half level + int like you do, but spontaneous casting, able to do whole new loadouts and synergies better with Genius Sparks by functioning like oaths or Domain spells. I also feel this fits a mad scientist with changing whims pretty well. Yet, I understand if you want to keep sparkcrafting as is, as it's partly a matter of taste.

I am... feeling pretty square with keeping it to Spells Known - it is a limiting factor for many of the front-loaded power boosts we've discussed previously. And thematically, even Sparks as strong as Agatha need to take notes - Note-taking is very important for scientists! And even whimsical mad scientists need preparation time. Science is a lot like cooking: 80% preparation, 10% catching on fire. But I will draft a spontaneous casting version.

Quick Study [name could use some work]
Your dizzying intellectual speed and ability to improvise on the fly lets you adapt to nearly any situation at the expense of throwing preparation to the wind. As an action, you pour over your Sparknotes, and chose to forget a number of Sparkcrafts equal to your Intelligence modifier, and ready a number of new Sparkcrafts equal to those forgotten. The time taken ready these new Sparkcrafts equals one round per level of sparkcraft, and you must concentrate, as if on a spell. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. [edit to taste]

Fantastic. Possible names: EUREKA!, Sudden Epiphany, Grand Epiphany, Sudden Spark, Flash of Insight, Reckless Discovery, Sudden Inspiration, Surprise Conclusion,

Affect Discharge
Seems like a proper amount of burst damage at the cost of a slot.

Downgraded damage and no extra damage for creature type in exchange for ranged weapon use and ally use.

Very thematic, and I really like for those times you want to get an item out when the plot won't give you the downtime to spare.

Figured this would be a problem if unaddressed. DMs gotta know - can players craft or no during rests?

Improved Affect Strike
Seems fair, and no better than a Cleric. Though, might want to make it d6 just so it stacks better with Affect Discharge, but hardly matters.

Can't be too low. Being a half-caster with no cantrips nor Extra Attacks means its already taking lots of hits to damage. Compensated via Affect Discharge, Affect Strike, and subclass 3rd level features, all of which present a boost to damage output. Balance is all about relative comparative compensation.

Switch Function
Honestly kinda weak for a lv 10 power, but cool on its own. Again, I'd recommend making it only an Action or Bonus Action. An ability to activate them remotely might be cool, either here or as an archetype feature.

Weak because it comes alongside subclass features. But with changes to Savant and Affect Engine, I can place Switch Function at 6th level. I don't think I wanna do a remote function, though, except that may be perfect for a 10th level Mechanic feature! But otherwise I want these guys to stay close and personal with their engines.

Intense Concentration
A pretty solid and thematic core capstone. Torn between it as is or "automatically succeed once a rest" but I do like the ability to use it multiple times at the cost of exhaustion, so I lean towards keeping it as is.

I took it from my Bowmaster homebrew class xD

What I'd expect from the name, and the bonus spells make sense. I feel like Dingbot should be a mechanic power however, and that it's powers should focus more on the infuse/craft spectrum. Perhaps the ability to double his crafting speed on magic items (50 gp a day), the ability to craft magic item formulas, or discover a free magic item formula of a limited rarity. For an example ability, what about the power to transfer magic enchantments into different non-enchanted appropriate items (so you can custom fit random loot that does not fit the party) or even disable the baddies +9 sword of sharpness with a once per day spell attack.

I explicitly stuck away from magic item crafting due to how... different the nature of magic items in 5e is compared to previous editions. Basically, their availability and means by which to acquire them are even much more DM purview than it was before, so I went for magical effects rather than magic items themselves. Are there rules for crafting magic items? Something like you gotta cast the same spell on an item or location every day for a year or something?

I basically figured that Engine Infusion would basically be the 5e version of "crafting" magic items. Transferring enchantments certainly sounds, interesting, though! Disabling the baddies +9 sword actually gives me an idea: What if at the highest level an Artificer could create an Anti-Magic barrier through one of their engines? An anti-magic projector or bomb or missile or...

Anyways, this having been said, the Dingbot basically goes along my self-conceived flavor that an Artificer, more ably blending magic with science, basically gives their creations life. Sentience. A bit of the Spark. Which of course makes great sense for the Mechanic, too, but I already came up with 7th level features for the Mechanic, so...

Steam Knight
Very nice front line boost to the class, and Affect Armor Pocket seems like it has some fun utility uses for both the class and the party. Does Affect Armor Coat stack? Engine Exoskeleton is way over powered, but it's a 20th level power, so what do you expect. Spell list is good, but I'm surprised shield is not on there. The ability to create an affect engine to generate temp by spending a spell slot or something would be cool, but the existing options are pretty strong.

Affect Armor Coat absolutely does not stack, which can be delineated from how it says, "while one or more affect engine is attached to armor you are wearing". Engine Exoskeleton: I... didn't know where to stop. It's 20th level, so I figured I'd just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.

I was torn between Shield and a damage spell. We've already done so much for defenses - improved armor proficiencies, a retaliation mechanic. Then again, now that I think about it, the retaliation mechanic is actually more about damage than defense. Well, it's both. I would put both Searing Smite and Shield, but I figured I'd reduce the number of Genius Sparks by 1 each to compensate for having the Wizard's known spells. I figured it'd defeat the purpose of already halving the number of sparks known each level if I'd granted 2 new sparks every few levels anyways, but perhaps I'm overestimating it... help

Lastly, the resistance to damage of associated engine types is basically another way of granting THP, albeit more conditional.

Smoke Knight
A nice little CG reference and a solid pick. Sparklist is a little meh IMO until greater later levels, but worth it in the long run. I like the hidden engine trait, especially with monk multiclass. I woulda thought it would be a poison producing version for extra 1d6 damage like with Artificer, but I kinda like this direction more, and is more versatile. Shame poison is pretty low on options for now. Everything else is pretty solid.

I'm wondering if I shoulda picked Darkness instead of Invisibility but it seemed stranged to me that I'd have Greater Invisibility but not Invisibility.

I wanted to make the basic poison craftable via Construction but couldn't think of a proper way to do it, so I ended up just reskinning the variant non-magic ranger's Poultices.

Best archetype, best engines, best powers. My only question is why Engine Efficiency Upgrade only applies for Cold and Lightning. I get that overload is supposed to be big, but the jump from d6 to d10 is a bit steep, especially considering the radius. The power to put delays or extend the distance of the activation would also be cool. That's a question for play-testing however. Mega Robo is over powered and stupid and has no precedence in 5e and it's the best thing ever and I want to use it to punch a Tarrasque like it's Pacific-Rim. For a 10th level power, how about getting Awaken added to the list of spells one can prepare/learn, and is able to affect objects? Fitting in with the robotic angle of the mechanic and the tendency for mad scientists to create life.

I'm glad you like it =D

Why does Engine Efficiency Upgrade only apply to cold and lightning? Cuz I couldn't think of what it should do for flame. Cold and lightning always have the same effects, so it's easy to boost them all, but flame always has unique effects, and doubling the thrust of any flame just seems ridiculous.

I based Overload's progression on Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, a 300 ft range, 60 ft radius, 10d6 cold damage 6th level spell. In comparison, Overload with a 5th level slot is 60 ft range, 50 ft radius, 7d10 engine type damage (which makes me realize I have a typo; The max damage should be 7d10, not 8d10). In additiona, a Mechanic has to sacrifice an engine to use Overload. And whereas a Wizard can cast Otiluke's at 11th level, a Mechanic needs to wait until 17th to cast a 5th level Overload. So, compensations.

In framing it now, Overload might even be a bit on the weak side, hmm... Maybe add Int mod to damage on Overload at 10th level.

I forgot about considering delay and activation effects.

Megarobo: I just didn't know where to stop! What with Druid's unlimited Wildshape, and me having a poor understanding of encounter difficulty at 20th level, I'm not sure how many hit points to give a 1 minute per long rest uber transformation. Interestingly, despite the number of customization options, you don't actually get to use too many options at one time. They're almost all mutually exclusive, so most Megarobo transformations will likely only come with just 1 or 2 at a time among all of the options there.

Awaken would be... very interesting. Yes. You could potentially build a Tachikoma (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b9/99/6a/b9996a90f61fd6b2bdf9fa2874647a7e.jpg). Yes... sounds good for consideration.

Once more, thank you for your swizzbanger of a review. I'll attempt implementing what we have discussed here on the morrow.

2016-12-07, 04:01 PM
Here are some additional Power Appliances

Power Tool. Requirements: Any handheld tool + 5 gp of material + 1 lightning engine. Size: small. You upgrade a tool like a crowbar, hammer or shovel into a motorized version of itself. A creature using such a tool has advantage on any check made with the tool. If the greater of the two rolls is 5 or less, the tool and engine break apart.

Power Torch. Requirements: 1 torch + 1 flame engine. A more reliable torch. The torch spreads bright light in a 20ft radius and dim light 20 ft beyond that. A creature wielding this torch can turn it off or on as a bonus action.

Refrigerator. Requirements: 1 sealable container + 5 gp worth of material + 1 cold engine. Organic material contained in this container last for three times as long before decomposing. Container can be no larger than size medium. For each size category greater, an additional cold engine is required.

Freezer. Requirements: 1 sealable container + 5 gp worth of material + 2 cold engines. Organic material contained in this container last for five times as long before decomposing. Container can be no larger than size medium. For each size category greater, an additional cold engine is required.

Home Brewery. Requirements: 50 gp of material + 5 sp of ingredients + 1 flame engine + 1 lightning engine. Size: small. Weight: 60 lbs. You craft a portable brewery capable of brewing some of your favorite ales, beers and lagers. Thanks to the mysteries of science, it only takes 72 hours to brew and ferment a single batch of 12 small bottles! When a batch is finished, you may roll an Intelligence (Brewer’s Supplies) ability check against a DC 15. Creatures who chug a bottle as an action gain temporary hit points equal to how much your check beat the DC. Such creatures must also make a Constitution saving throw against a DC 5, gaining the poisoned condition on a failed save. The temporary hit points and poisoned condition last for up to one hour. Increase the latter DC by 5 for each additional bottle a creature chugs within that same hour. Each additional time you are poisoned by this effect while already poisoned from this effect, you gain a level of Exhaustion.

2016-12-12, 05:48 AM
I have updated the class. It is now complete. Changes are in orange.

2016-12-14, 02:32 PM
I have updated the class. It is now complete. Changes are in orange.

Cool! Gonna give it another look over later this week.

2016-12-17, 01:34 PM
Updated the original post with a link to the beautifully formatted Mad Scientist.

For those who don't want to scroll to the top:

The beautiful pdf version is here as well! The Mad Scientist (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5efO4hwzMAHcDltUkpGd0lyTW8/view?usp=sharing)- formatted and designed by /u/barkalot