View Full Version : Player Help Face of the Party?

2016-11-28, 04:20 PM
How would you build a good face to the party in 3.5?

Allowed Sources: PH1 and 2, DMG 1 and 2, All Completes, Races of Destiny, Wild and Stone, Spell Compendium and MIHB.

Would like advice on base classes?
Prestige Classes?

2016-11-28, 08:42 PM
Both Bard and Beguiler are pretty solid face-types, and get access to Glibness. Bard gets a lot more splat support.

2016-11-28, 08:54 PM
List of all base classes sorted by native social abilities (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U_Ql7b9nNI8y1K_yVgPbyusW_pclTa-q1k-OLMMO_EQ/edit#gid=0&fvid=554179648)

The best classes for the party face are bard and beguiler, so I would use one of those.

2016-11-29, 09:07 AM
Makes sense, I can see both those work in that role. Any suggestions as for feats etc? and prestige classes I should look at?

2016-11-29, 11:31 AM
Makes sense, I can see both those work in that role. Any suggestions as for feats etc? and prestige classes I should look at?

You don't really need to focus much to be party face. There are feats and PrCs that can boost it but you're better spending them on another party role so you aren't a liability in combat. Though, an Item Familiar is always an easy, large boost.

2016-11-29, 04:19 PM
Feats: Nymph's Kiss, Obtain Familiar, Celestial Familiar.

Prestige classes: Urban Savant, Worldspeaker, Halfling Whistler, Mindbender (1 level only), Heartwarder, Lyric Thaumaturge, Sublime Chord

2016-11-30, 04:10 AM
Almost anybody can be the party face. All it takes is a decent Charisma score, ranks in Bluff and/or Diplomacy, and probably Sense Motive. Gather Information might be situationally useful if your group makes use of those mechanics. You really don't need to devote your entire build to it.

Beyond that, you just have to avoid character traits that would make you a social outcast. Don't be a half-orc in a dwarven or elven town, or an undead at the temple of Pelor, or a barbarian in a library, or a penniless beggar in the King's court. If you're so out of place that people won't even consider listening to you, you won't be able to do your job properly.

2016-11-30, 04:45 AM
I have built solid sorcerers that can do very well as face, as well as throwing around serious arcane firepower.

As face and nothing but face, go bard. A bard is even face during combat. Beguiler is probably a slightly better choice for it imho as I like their abilities a bit more.

But a sorcerer, wilder, favored soul and the like also make excellent choices. Alternatively, with some slight charisma boosting, rogue type classes can also do very well as face people.

Ideally, you want your face person to represent the party. Is your party the outgoing goody types out to save the world? A paladin or cleric makes an excellent face of such a party. Is your group the adventurers for hire type? Beguiler or rogue works best. Is your adventuring group looking to be heavily looking towards the arcane? Sorcerer hands down. Is your group looking for high adventure? Bard works best. Each type of charisma based character works better in certain situations... figure out what type of situations your party is most likely going to gravitate towards and select the apropriate face.

2016-11-30, 10:42 AM
Makes sense. yeah was looking at a Bard/Rogue build for it. Maybe going into Master of Masks:) was playing Dragon Age again this weekend and the Orleasians in the game all wear masks and I love the concept. A diplomat who always wears a different mask in situations. :) a little combat nerf I know but in the long run I think might be fun to play. Thoughts?

2016-11-30, 11:22 AM
Makes sense. yeah was looking at a Bard/Rogue build for it. Maybe going into Master of Masks:) was playing Dragon Age again this weekend and the Orleasians in the game all wear masks and I love the concept. A diplomat who always wears a different mask in situations. :) a little combat nerf I know but in the long run I think might be fun to play. Thoughts?

If you're going to play a character that's dead weight in combat, at least talk about it with the rest of the group. It depends on the roleplay:combat mix and average optimization in your games but it could be perceived as purposeful sabotage.

Stealth Marmot
2016-11-30, 12:14 PM
Any class that is charisma based or benefits most from a great charisma works as a party's face.

Bards and Beguilers are a popular option, Charisma is their bread and butter. They are born for making people like them, for honorable or nefarious purposes.

Rogues have a ton of skill points, so they can throw some into charisma skills and make a good face.

A Sorcerer can actually make a decent face too since they have a good charisma usually. Their skill points are often lacking though, and according to flavor text they are distrusted a good bit since they shoot fire out of their hands because their great great grandaddy boinked a red dragon.

Paladins actually make great faces. Not only do they usually have charisma and class skills in diplomacy, but the fact that they are a paladin means that people are more likely to trust them in general.

Clerics can make a decent face since they benefit from a good charisma and the fact that they are a holy man makes them more trustworthy to people in general, unless they are a cleric of say, Mephistopheles.

The rest of the base classes are not charisma based and don't have many charisma skills on their class skill list. They can make a decent face for the party though if they are sincere, don't at least have a charisma penalty, and the player knows how to communicate. I don't recommend druids, barbarians, or monks since these classes usually shun or stay separate from cities in general.

2016-11-30, 01:18 PM
Paladin is an interesting idea for sure:) and I agree will always check with party. is a low opt game so shouldn't be that much of an issue. in combat would be more of the buff bot support type making everyone else's combat a little better. in later levels will have masks to summon or heal etc.