View Full Version : The Eternal Winter IC 4

2016-11-29, 04:53 AM

Meanwhile, in Glacielheim…

Arrallae stands proud atop the highest frozen tower as her aura shines as bright as the sun, despite being night time…

But the frost has begun to creep up on her robes as her light diminishes, if only a little as she sighs in pain and her arms falter for a few seconds as well as Windemere looks out the window and smiles as her hideous Spriggan butler walks behind her with a tray and a bottle of the finest fey wine.

“Not so powerful now, are you, Arrallae? Even you cannot stop the winter I bring forth! Your body must be frozen solid! Your blood must have stopped flowing within you by now….”

Windemere walks away from the window as the butler shuts the curtains to avoid her Holy light from coming in and the Herald of Ice & Snow sits on her frozen tree of a throne as she looks at the Nibelungen ring on her ring finger.

She must be dead by now. Only her aura remains, stubborn, just like her and her Guardians…

In the end, I won this war, Arrallae.

It’s a tremendous golden glow that tears the thick curtains and burns them with holy light as Windemere averts her eyes and grits her teeth.

Windemere, you have not broken me. And neither will you break those that fight to save this land. I beg of you: release yourself from such malignant ring. This isn’t you and it will only bring much sadness to those who really love you.

The butler is quick to hoist a heavy piece of furniture to cover the window as Windemere places the glass down and looks at the rung on her finger as Nemain walks in and stops a few feet away as she stands perfectly still.

The Herald’s eyes show, for the briefest of moments, a sliver of humanity as she closes her eyes and clenches the arm rests of her throne and the Nibelungen Ring glows with dark purple energy even more as the Fey Mistress smiles and takes a sip from her wine.

“The pleas of a dying deity. Nemain! What news do you have for me?”

The Devious Gloura kneels before the Herald and remains silent for an entire minute.

“I asked you a question! What news of the battle against these mortals?”

"My Herald... it brings me no grief to report that Barbegazi has been slain in Krystalheim.""

"You would speak falsehoods to me? How is that possible? They are mortals. Humans! They would never stand a chance against him!"

"He did not fare against mortals only, My Herald...

The portals to Summer have been opened. Right now, my scouts report small squadrons of Summer Fey ambushing our patrols out in the frost.""

Nemain closes her eyes and clenches her fists, ready for a monstrous punishment from her beloved ruler.

Instead, Windemere looks at her ring and laughs maniacally as this one glows in purple intensity.

"So... they have come at last. I am not worried, Nemain. This time, I will not lose to them. This outcome has been fated and decided already."

The devious gloura stands silent for a few seconds and looks at her herald.

"You know I would die for you willingly, mistress, but please, reconsider:

We have only Grogagnor and Agreus in their domains. We still have pour forces, but...""

"But what, servant?""

"It is not too late to return home, My Herald. I think that...""

It's a blast of ice that sends Nemain flying across the room and embedding her body against the wall opposite Windemere.

"You doubt my power, Nemain? Did you not swear allegiance to me? Are you going to betray me like Barbegazi?

What? You thought I did not know? There is a reason why I am the Herald of Ice & Snow, Nemain.

The Champions of Summer will not even be able to set foot in Glacielheim. That much is a given... and if they do, I have you to deal with them, don't I?""

Nemain brushes the debris from her shoulders and bows.

"They will be dealt with, my herald. You have my word.""

"Good! As we speak, Gan Ceann has been sent by me personally to deal with the mortals who have claimed the lives of my courtiers. He will never stop until the very last one of them is dead.""

Windemere sits back on her throne and her Spriggan serves her a new glass of wine.

"We are perfectly safe here, my beautiful blade. If any of them sets foot in Glacielheim...

They will regret ever doing so.""


@Giles: You could visit the wizards the mage mentioned, but you have had enough of those tricksters to last you a lifetime.

Churches... nothing good comes out of a church. Not in your experience.

But a tavern? That place may be just right.

The Foaming Wench, a welcome place for someone like you as the heavy oak door gives in and you find quite a lively group here:


The cold winds blow out four massive heaters placed in each corner of the inn, which raise drunken insults from he patrons as a few wenches go relight them.

It's a cheerful man that greets you once you walk towards the bar:


"Welcome, traveler! This is the Foaming Wench and I, its proud owner, Otis. Looking for a warm meal? We have boar on a spit and all the ale you can drink, plus one available bedroom- kinda packed now with that freak weather outside.

A gold for a night. Fair price, what do you say?"

A bunch of tables are taken, but one in a corner catches your eye, amidst the music and the drunken patrons.

Cloaked men and a woman- kids. The shady type. You would know these well.

You used to be one of them.

Otis pints at the table as one of the men there does a quick gesture with his hands.

"Seems you are making friends fast here, sir. Will you be staying? I can have a room set up for you and brought your meal to their table.""

The group stands out because of the black cloaks they wear and little in regards to winter protection.

Then again, they are seated next to a large stove.

It's one of the men who bids you to sit down and another, much bigger and bulkier serves you a glass of beer.


"You're not the duke's militia. I know them, but your attire screams police. Kalypsia's new enforcer in town?""

A woman beside him nudges him and cradles a child in a large woven basket.

"Don't bust his chops, this guys looks nearly frozen. Must've gotten himself lost coming here, what with all the streets covered in snow.

I am Cecile, by the way. Nice to meet you.""

"And I am Tarith Spellbane, businessman. Who do I have the honor of sharing a table with this evening?"

Before you can utter a response, the crowd gasps as a series of white flashes of light appear in the middle of the inn and several colorful characters teleport into the middle of the room as Tarith Cecile and three other men at the tale reach for well concealed daggers.

Who are these people?


A warrior... no. That symbol on his shield. Cleric... and a dead one, too, covered in brutal lash wounds.

You then contain your rage as several people you have had the displeasure of dealing with before make their appearance:


That guy... wait. You have seen that guy! Back in Runestone. Looking all smug in the cafeteria, chatting with the snobby lady mages.

A smile draws on your face as he looks just as bad if not worse than the cleric,

Another pair of mages appear, with one visibly dazed:


The other is not, as he addresses Otis and Tarith.


"We need to hide... NOW!""

A pair of halflings appear as well:


A traveler. Maybe a bard? He doesn't look too well, either.

But at least he's better than the other one, who is carried by a sentient air devil:


You have been in the business long enough to know that little guy is dead. His eyes are rolled back and the wounds on his body are fatal. that much is clear.


And who is that guy? Not a mage. Definitely not a mage. He looks badly hurt too, but still standing.

Mages are known to hire bodyguards. Thugs for hire.

Those usually die first.

@The Party except Alizarin: The patrons panic and move away from all of you:

Bloodied people coming into an inn is never good for business. A buzz kill, if you will.

For those who know, the hooded folk in a corner of the inn belong to a group of local rogues and by the looks of it, Silas knows them.

But there is one who doesn't quite fit their circle:


A young man. Too young to be a colonel. Too old to be a cadet. A cliched sword and board.

A new face here in this frozen town.

@Alizarin: With Gan Ceann gone, his influence is as well.

You have been left behind in the ensuing panic, but the pool is still here.

If you could scry on Primrose, maybe. Just maybe....

You could find where they are.

2016-11-29, 05:28 AM
Alizarin trembles slightly, taking in many deep breaths, as the fear leaves him. Goddamnit! This wasn't fair! Alizarin usually wasn't like this. It was just some cheap parlor trick that made him and everyone else so terrified of Gan Cean!

He clenched his fists and went to retrieve his bow. This... wasn't good. Was Gan Cean still going after them?

Trying to rescue Primrose was... well, at this point, his own confidence was faltering. What he could probably guess was that Gan Cean was extremely powerful as it was, and whomever he served probably just as powerful, if not more. Primrose would be in such a being's possession.. and Alizarin wasn't ready to dive head first into the unknown all by himself. That's kind of what this pool did.

For all he knew, it could all just be a trap, using Primrose as bait - again.

It would be best to stick to the plan he had originally wanted to do with the others. Go back that town and recover, resupply, plan a little. And some drinks maybe. Gods and Goddesses, Alizarin could use a drink now... one that didn't taste like elk piss, preferably.

Alizarin took the time to fill up his magic quiver with more cold iron arrows. Then with bow in hand, he checked the pool. First, he'd check on Johann. Then Aurora. Then Rosalind. That was her name, right? The lady at that church? Hopefully, this pool could even see that far. Alizarin kind of assumed it could only see as far as the Fey Woods went... but hopefully, with someone or something in view, it was still possible to dive in and go there.

2016-11-29, 05:49 AM
Eneas tries to hide his panic behind a bad joke and a false smile...

Gan Ceam must have a terribly boring life to just sit and wait for a full day outside Krystalheim...

Bugger him and that lucky whip of his.

He kneels next to Dante and attempts to bandage him with his own ragged cloak of resistance...

you'll give it back to me later my friend


2016-11-29, 11:40 AM
All happens too fast and he was about to go fetch Alizarin when he was taken away to the Foaming Wrench.

"Dammit! We left Alizarin", he says and look at Raikou dear and a very sad little nimbus, almost rainning inside the inn.

"Worry not, Cyrus. Here", he make a whimsy gesture towards Raikou's corpse, as Boccob's eye appear on his forehead and the halfling body shine with golden light.


He then look to Dante and take a look to his watch.
"Not taking any chances...", he says and begin to wonder how many fates there is right now. A fate where Dante dies in the Foaming Wrench, another that he survives and even one where pondering and messing with time arent necessary to save his friend. But whatever, he choose the one where Dante is alive and drinking with them.

Calling on a Bralani and ordering him telepathically to use Curr Serious Wounds SLA on Dante, healing him for [roll0] hp

The wizard get dazed and shoo someone from their seats and take the place, breathing hard for a moment. He goes as far as borrowing the pint the customer was having once the spell after effect is gone.

"Thanks", he say to the surprised customer and get up, "We need to find Alizarin and bring him back".

He takes his scrying shard and look at it, as his eyes show cyan runes over it and he look at great distances.

And that goes the last 7th spell. On Alizarin.

"He's fine. Xander, Silas. Still have teleports? If yes come with me to the fastest rescue mission on Oerth".

He grab both mages and Teleport to Alizarin. Grab him and have another of them Teleport back to the Foaming Wrench.

Once he get backs he raise his arms and tell everyone.

"Sorry for the sudden appearance. Otis, you still remember me, right? Weall need some beers".

2016-11-29, 12:44 PM
“Those two!” Giles wills his sword to appear, keeping it low. His muscles twitch, readying for the change, but something holds him back. “No! Do not hesitate.” But the young Master resists the natural response to strike. For one there are too many people here, and at least one was the contact he was given by Mithmironel. For another they are making no overtly aggressive move which he could use as a pretext for attack.

Breathing deeply, Giles wills the sword back into its hiding place. And leans back with an ease he does not feel. Speaking to the one who called himself Tarith, “Well, I can’t vouch yet for the beer or the rooms, but this place certainly puts on a great floor show. Marvelous!”

Then, after the commotion has settled, turning and leaning a bit closer he continues, though it seems odd to him speaking so calmly about a Runestone mage, “I come with greetings from Archaidous Mithmironel. He has just dropped me off here in this lovely resort town. I was told there was work that needed doing hereabouts, and he mentioned you and an Otis Spellbane as ones who could point me in the right direction.”

It was a clumsy, hurried introduction, but it seems things are moving quickly here, and experience had taught Giles that sometimes openings needed to be seized.

2016-11-29, 12:46 PM
As Johan comes back, Eneas puts a large hand across his chest and says

This round is on me mage.

This round is on me everyone!!

Open a barrell Otis, Summer is Coming son, Summer is coming.

2016-11-29, 01:09 PM
"OOoooh my that one did hurt!"

Says the cleric, bleeding profusely, in the middle of the tavern, drawing a lot of scared eyes among those he didn't leave the place already.

"What, do I look that terrible?"

He places his hand in his chest. A brilliant and warm aura fills him and he suddenly looks like top shape.

"Oh, is that Raikou? What happened to him?"


"You revivified him? I'll admit mage, you never cease to amaze me. Unfortunatly, I'm short of powerful heals, so this wand will do for now. If we find Aurora we might be able to bring her here and properly cure our favorite halfling." he completes the sentence whispering to Baliarth "take no offense, I'm not considering you a true halfling."

Eneas is all to willing to pay beer for everyone. And Dante is just as willing to accept.

"Sure! That's certainly a much more proper way to celebrate our victory than getting a whip shredding your flesh by some sneaky dullahan."

He approaches Eneas

"Hey, check it out that guy talking with the mage. If we get him drunk enough he might accept joining us in our mutiple suicide mission"

He looks at the empty mug after saying "suicide mission" and suddenly feel a very bad omen about the whole thing.

2016-11-29, 02:09 PM
@Giles: Tarith watches the large group of bloodied people arrive in a flash inside the inn and keeps looking at them, hand beneath the table, no doubt readying his blade in case they try something.

"Wait... you said Archaidous Mithmironel? You know that elf? I met him a year ago, in this very place. Sent him out to do a job for me. He and a few others.

He really messed it up that night. But in the end, he turned out to be a very powerful mage. Some here say he saved the town.""

Cecile tries to hush her baby in the cradle and rocks it as the wailings stop.

"He and his friends saved me and my brother as well. Some ruinous encounter with a monster... if it weren't for him and his friends, I would not be here.""

Tarith looks back at you as his friends keep an eye on the colorful new patrons.

"And he couldn't come here? We sure could use his help about now. I don't know where you are from, friend, but I doubt, by your clothes and armor that you have been in a cold place.

Justcrown's been under a heavy and sinister winter for months now. It isn't going away and I don't think this town can take it any more before we all freeze over.

Those guys over there? I recognize one of them. A few weeks back he and several other faced a bird monster at the roof of this very inn. Drove it away.

I haven't had a chance to speak to him directly, but Otis tells me his name is Johann.

The other two egg heads are well known to me:

Silas Spencer, master mage in Justcrown.

Xander Corillian, his colleague. As skilled in magic if not more so that Silas.

But why are they here and looking so haggard?""

@Johann: The crowd is clearly frightened.

A bunch of bloodied and dead people and an elemental bursting inside an inn in the middle of the night? Not something one would expect or want.

You look at one of the patrons and snatch the mug from his hands.

"Hey, you! That's...""

And then the patron looks at your posse and smiles.

"You can have it! Cheers, mate!""

It's a full pint that goes down your throat in less than sixty seconds as you contain a burp and place your hand on top of Raikou's red hot bloodied forehead and draw the symbol of Boccob, asking the Multiverse to achieve the impossible as white arcane light fills the halfling and a low quiet breathing can be heard from him.

Not wasting any time, you ask the people to move their tables aside and a mighty Bralani comes into being as your robes glow with golden runes.

The crowd doesn't know whether to cheer or run out of the place, so petrified they are by the spectacle.

@Dante: It's a warm glow on your forehead as you lazily open your eyes and watch one of the knights of Arborea, barrel chested and elfin in appearance, take his hand off your face as your entire body still aches and Johann can be seen sitting on a table, head immersed in his hands, clearly in agony after all the spells cast.

But this isn't over yet.

@Johann: Vision becomes clear again as you get up and look at Xander and Silas, stating you need to fetch Alizarin and bring him here.

"He flew too fast and too far, Johann.""

"Those were our last teleports for the day. We are drained.""

And so, you sit back on your chair and have more than half a dozen patrons peek over your shoulder as you take out a crystal shard and focus into it, as your eyes glow blue and you find the vagrant pixie.

Before anyone can react to this, you disappear completely from view of everyone as the Foaming Wench rumbles and unmakes itself, switching roaring fires and the warm tones for the frigid forest, claimed by Windemere.

@Alizarin: He's gone...

Who knows where, but he is very fast. Not even your keen eyes can follow his movements through the night sky as he vanishes entirely.

The pool is still there and perhaps you can find a way to find Johann and the others.

If it worked on Primrose, maybe it can work outside the fey woods.

Making sure nobody's around, you fly down to the portal pool and kneel at its edge, focusing on Johann...

The pool ripples as you begin to see the mage's face, but something's weird...

Why is his hand coming towards you?

And it is at that moment that Johann Crawford picks you up by the hood from behind you and doesn't even bother to mutter a single phrase as he disappears with you, leaving a rumbling and unmaking forest behind.

@Eneas: Otis watches the display of magic in his tavern as a few patrons run up the stairs to their rooms and suddenly, Johann appears amidst the group, with Alizarin held by the hood.

Otis blinks twice at the sudden display of magic and then shakes his bald head as you mention rounds for everyone.

"Yessir! Ale for everyone!""

As the beer flows, Silas and Xander pace around the tavern, rather nervous.

"I'd drink up quickly if I were you. Tarith! You have still have... that room?"

@Giles: Tarith looks at one of the mages and gets up.

"What do you mean?""

@The Party: The beer has just been placed on the tables as the ceiling shudders and hooves can be heard above.

The chandelier rocks from the weight of whatever is on the Foaming wench's roof as clip clopping can be heard above.

Otis takes a big swig from his own mug and takes out a crossbow from behind the counter.

"What... what is that?""

2016-11-29, 02:20 PM
"Gan Ceann must be here", Johann says hearing the hooves, "Let's go outside. We dont need a fight with so many people here to get hurt. Everyone: stay inside and away from any windows. Dont try to be heroes, as it usually dont pay much".

He looks tot the party and gesture them outside.
"Keep this sword, Eneas. As cooler as it may be if I weaved both blade and spell, it will do no good in my untrained hands. Xander and Silas, stay inside: a spent wizard is as good as a commoner. Here", he throw Silas the wand of magic missiles, "You can use this one, a gift from you to me now back to your hands".

He give a silent order to the bralani, as this move to Raikou and give him a healing touch.

Healing [roll0]

"It's all I can heal, mister", he say before following Johann outside.

2016-11-29, 02:39 PM
@Johann: Tarith and his Rogue Ravens get up and herd the few patrons that haven't left up for their rooms as panic ensues and Cecile's baby won't stop crying.

"Hush, little one! Hush!""

The heavy hooves stamp the ceiling as the chandelier unhinges itself from the roof if only a little, causing saw dust to fall on the patrons, only causing more panic.

You hand Fenvarel to Eneas, claiming that, as awesome as a mage with a blade in hand is, you need both free to deal with this guy.

Silas places his hand on yoru shoulder as you hand him the wand.

"Johann, listen: none of us here are in any top fighting condition. Tarith has a room beneath this inn. A... headquarters of sorts. It isn't magical, but he's made sure that it can't be found by...

And then he contacts you and only you mentally as he avoids gaze with dante.

Inquisitors. It will be able to hold most of us down there. Please reconsider before going outside.

2016-11-29, 02:52 PM
“Yes, two of them are known to me as well.” Giles replies to Tarith. “Though I doubt they recognize me.”
“At least I hope they don’t.” he thinks to himself. Has Mithmironel set him up? No, he must trust his friends, if not the Runestone Mage.

“However, and please don’t let on, there are those I need to protect, those that Mithmironel also protects, and keeping my presence here a secret is important to that end. Do not be alarmed by what I am about to do.”

But before he can make the change a sound of hooves is felt as much as heard on the roof top. “Conner, go find a hole in the wall and hide yourself, but listen for my commands” Giles tells the rat in his pocket. Watching the rodent jump from his pocket, he pays him no more head, that rat is tougher than may heroes. He will be all right, if any here are to be.

Then grabbing Tarith’s arm he asks, “Do you know, would supporting these be in good favor with our mutual friend?”

He awaits the actions of the obvious group of adventurers, who seem to know what the challenge on the roof is.

2016-11-29, 07:56 PM
Johann stops in his track.
"Okay, let's get shelter and hide. Everyone: follow in", Johann stop his heroic stand and follow to Silas' hidden room, very grateful someone else had a plan.

2016-11-29, 08:51 PM
This scry of Johann was so weird. Wait, was he-

Alizarin turned around to see Johann grab him and nearly jumped out of his skin. And then they were gone, in a tavern. Teleportation, huh? It was a good thing the mage got lucky. There was a good chance the pixie's spell resistance would have made the whole trip pointless.

"Are we in Justcrown?" he asked, his voice small. Not like a halfling's at all. He definitely sounded like a child. The small boy was almost entirely enveloped in a large, hooded cloak. But he held a bow and his features were distinctly Elven. Could these adventurers have brought a child (relatively speaking) into their midst?

And just then, the whole building shook as hooves and neighing rattled the foundations, nearly dislodging the chandelier. Alizarin looked around at all these people. "There's no way we're in the Fey Woods! How did Gan Cean get here so fast!?"

Alizarin looked up to Silas. "How would hiding in a little rat hole help if he already pinpointed your location here instantly?!"

2016-11-29, 10:28 PM
@Giles: Tarith listens to your words about the two mages and their possible connection with Mithmironel, stating you are here to protect some people.

"So I was right: you are some sort of militia? Undercover agent? I get it: Loose lips sink ships.

Mine are sealed.""

Then you ask Connor, your loyal rat, to go find some hidey hole fit for his size as your companion squeaks and leaps off your pocket and zig zags amidst the panicking crowd as those hooves can be heard above, moving towards the edge of the building.

Connor is nowhere on sight:

He either got stepped on, or your agile friend found a hiding place.

He'll be fine.

And as Tarith and his crew get up and a couple of them bar the door with tables, you hold on to the rogue's arm and ask if supporting them would be good.

"Right now, my friend, supporting our selves and keeping us alive is in everyone's benefit. I do not know what that thing on the ceiling is, but I don't want to find out.""

@Johann: Tarith looks at all of you and does a quick head count:

"Me, Cecile and baby Otis, Oliver, Bill, Otis, Silas, Xander...""

It is then that the hooves above can be heard no more and something lands outside the large oak door, blocked by two sturdy tables as a mighty knock splinters the door just a tad, enough for the cold air outside to snuff out the lights inside.

The patrons scream as Otis points to the stairs.

"Lock yourselves in your rooms! Do not come out under any circumstance! Here, let me check my key ring...""

Cecile carries the basket cradle in her arms as little Otis cries uncontrollably and she does her best to rock the cradle as softly as she can to lull her child to sleep.

"Are there no guards outside? The night patrol?""

Otis nearly drops the keys as he fidgets with a handful of them.

"In this weather? Who would be insane enough to walk at this hour of the night? They'd freeze!""

Tarith then looks at you and the others and does a head count as a second knock pushes one of the sturdy tables a little backwards, allowing the blue light from the outside to seep in and Gan Ceann's shadow to envelop the entire bar.

"Johann, barbarian, two halflings, an elemental, a... pixie? Haven't seen one in awhile. Soldier Man and a cleric.""

@Alizarin: And just like that, Johann uses his amazing powers to bring you to Justcrown, a human tavern, just like many you have seen before.

Except this one is being emptied by the patrons as the light of the many candles is snuffed out and the screams of panic can be heard in the top floors as a multitude of doors slam shut.

Silas looks at you and then at the slowly breaking main door.

"If he wanted to get us, he'd have teleported right in here. I think he's sensing our general presence, but I do not know how.

As to how he got here so fast, well... that should not be a surprise.

A few weeks ago, Johann and others in his company, like Feathanil, Hissek, Father Aenar and Ambassador Dietrich reported seeing him in these very streets as children were abducted by an unseen force.

He can clearly cross the borders like me, Xander and Johann.""

Tarith looks at you as Otis kneels behind the counter and turns a key as the burly bartender opens a large latch with light coming from inside.

"I always suspected we'd be hunted by Mathilda or Kalypsia and her goons and so, I built this Panic Room below the Wench.

I laced the walls and roof and floor with a thin sheet of lead. Toxic in the long run, but enough to keep certain spells from finding me.

Here's the problem, though:

Otis and I built this room to hold up to ten people...and that's counting the baby.""

It's another loud knock as the other table is pushed back a few feet and another crack shows on the door as Gan Ceann's steed's neighing can be heard right outside.

Tarith has his group descend the short ladder and looks at all of you.

"Gotta make a decision. I can't get all of you in here and I have priorities here.""

2016-11-29, 11:08 PM
"I'll make do," Alizarin says. He flies up the stairs admist the panicking crowds of people, making himself invisible briefly. When someone goes into their inn room, he goes in with them and goes straight for the window. He was going to try the back way out and get the jump on this Dullahan, for once.

He had a bit of trouble fumbling with the window, though, being nearly frozen shut. He became visible again. "Uh, hi. Give me a hand will you? I need to get out of this window, but be sure to close and lock it again."

2016-11-29, 11:11 PM
Johann look at everyone assembled and make some quick count.
"Yes. Otis and your guys", he says pointing to all he didnt know, which included the guard-looking guy, "You go downstairs and stay quiet. There are three more spaces, so Xander and Silas can go down as well".

He look at the others in there.
"I'm a daredevil and his aura have no powers over me, but the others arent, so maybe Raikou or Alizarin should go down too. If Raikou go down, I can keep Cyrus inside my bag, since he doesnt need to breath".

"Who wants to go down? Alizarin? Raikou? Dante?", he look to Eneas and sighs, "I'll be needing you for this one".

2016-11-29, 11:31 PM
"Raikou, you go, and take this."

He puts the wand in the halfling's hands.

"Protect the Morwel's Grace while we are out, that pumpkin guy can't get his hands into it."

Dante recovered his health, but not his spells. His chances against Gan Cean are slim, to put it mildly. But if they succeed in holding down the dullahan, that would mean a victory in itself already.

2016-11-29, 11:39 PM
Giles looks at the group around him and for a moment considers going down to the safe room, but then, if these here are slain, there is no way to defend such a place, and no real help from the others in there.

No, his best chance is to stay up here and fight alongside these, hoping they are at least somewhat competent. Worse comes to worse he should be able to get away…. He hopes.

Of course maybe he can just stand to the side. This is not his fight after all, at least not yet. But no, one look at the faces of the others and he is pretty certain, whatever is on the other side of that door isn’t likely to care who is a bystander and who is not.

At one point in his life not too long ago he too might not have cared.
Besides, he’ll be damned if he is gonna run when a Runestone brat is going to make a stand.

He looks at the Mage who spoke, “No, I will not be heading into safety Runestone, I am no guard, I will stay here and see what this being brings.”

With that Giles stands tall and briefly his body is outlined in the image of a Great Oak. As the image fades into his body, his skin is left with a distinctly bark like texture for a moment and then that too disappears.

Giles breaths in deeply once the effect passes and setting his feet firmly he begins to transform himself, his skin changes color first, then his arms and legs lengthen and finally his torso thickens as his height and girth expand hideously.

Standing in the place where once a seemingly mild looking city guardsman stood is a grotesque and powerful War Troll.

It looks at the Mage and growls in distinct and understandable language, how does he speak so well around those tusks, “Any more suggestions that I run and hide Mage?”

The Great Beast flicks his right claw and a large long sword appears instantly in it. Giles gestures unmistakably at the Mage.

Spend Wildshape to gain Oaken Resilience
Change form to War Troll

Activate Sword Sizing ability to make Large sized

Giles War Troll (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1015860)

2016-11-29, 11:48 PM
Having just been brought down from full health, then sent through the doors of death and pulled back again in less than the span of a minute, Raikou is not feeling the bravest at the moment. So when Johann suggests that he take shelter in the hideout with the others, he is happy to oblige.

And when Dante asks him to watch over Morwell's Grace, the halfling nods and pockets the valuable artifact.

Try not to run screaming in terror this time guys. I'll watch over these fine people here. And if Jack'o'Lantern Head gets inside, I can teleport all these people to safety.

And Cyrus.

He turns to look at his familiar.

Be good and don't give Tattoos any trouble. Stay in his bag.

The halfling turns to jump, but a sudden thought strikes him and he turns around again.

Wait. One more thing I can do. Puck, Muscles, come here. Huh, Puck isn't here? Oh well. Just you then Muscles.

With a sudden surge of electrical energy, Raikou places a hand on both their respective weapons and lets a little of his own energy flow into them. Now if they managed to strike the evil horseman, a little of his own power would still be with them.

This is assuming we have time.

Casting the standard version on whichever blade Eneas plans to use, TyrantBane or Feneveral.
Bonus: + (empowered) 1d6 electricity and +2 sonic damage; fortitude DC 21 vs stun for 1 round

Then, having cast that, Raikou is about to leap into the hideout. But then, a radical transformation happens and he suddenly finds himself next to a fearsome war troll.

Holy s**t!! Uhh... Tattooos? Where did that ugly thing come from?? Is he friendly....?

Very nervous now, and not really wanting to find out the answers to his questions, he leaps into the hole and peeks out from it's safety.

And should Johann request, he will reluctantly cast the same buff on the troll's sword.

same as above, but on Gile's sword

2016-11-29, 11:56 PM
Johann look at the war troll.
"You know Runestone? Never saw a war troll there... But great. All help is welcome. I'm Master Johann Crawford, pleased to meet you", he look at Raikou, "Ah! And keep the sapphires. They too may not fall in wrong hands".

2016-11-30, 12:04 AM
@Alizarin: You could hide in that cellar and hope that Gan Ceann doesn't find you...

But this rider has ambushed you and the others twice already in the span of two days.

Without consulting the others, you fly up the stairs to the second floor and become invisible as the patrons trip over each other, prey to the panic of the Unknown that knocks at their door.

It's a young couple that is quick to rush into their bedroom as you slip over the girl's head and stop as her man, in the throes of absolute fear, watches his wife use her corpulent bulk and strength as she pushes a desk against the door and pants heavily.

The man sits on the edge of the bed and begins to shed tears as the woman, a heavy set maiden, slaps him silly.

"You need to get ahold of yourself, Dan! Get ahold of yourself, you hear me!?!""

The man looks at the woman and just takes the slaps in stride.

"Y...yes, dear, yes. But we are safe here, aren't we?""

And then you fly towards the window in the small and cozy room and try to pry it open as chunks of brittle ice have frozen the sill shut as the couple look at the window and you make yourself visible with a sheepish smile, asking to let them give you a hand.

Dan shrieks like a lady in distress and jumps on his wife's arms as the woman looks at him and frowns, dropping the man on the sturdy floorboards.

"My mother was right about you... hey little guy! You need to get out? It's cold.""

Dan looks at you from the ground and stretch his hand out.

"Careful, Midge! Looks like a demon! A child faced demon!!!""

Midge places her hands on the bottom of the window and looks at her frightened husband as she grunts and pulls the window up, trailing ice shards onto the ground as a strong freezing night wind seeps into the room and her braids dance wildly.

"Be careful out there, little guy. Fly away, be safe!""

The Foaming wench is rather big for a town like this.

The winds caused by Windemere are ruthless, as a thin patina of ice forms around your wings and, resuming invisibility, you fly down and around the building, towards its front door and there, amidst piles of splintered wood and with bloodied whip is Gan Ceann, the Knight of Blood & Sorrow.

His steed neighs and buts its head against the door, breaking it just a little more as that pumpkin head of his glows with an eerie green light as you fly unseen and unheard.

He doesn't seem to have noticed you...

This ought to be an easy shot.

@Johann: Tarith and his roguish faction descend the stairs as fast as possible, with Oliver holding the basket that houses Otis Jr., Cecile's baby boy.

Otis looks at you and points at a loaded crossbow lying beside the open latch.

"This is the second time you save my inn, Master Johann. You have unlimited access to any room you want. For life.

And if you need to, help yourself to my crossbow. I always keep it loaded, just in case."

Silas and Xander help Raikou down the stairs, with the help of Cyrus as Tarith grabs the inner latch and begins to close it as your wizard colleagues look at you and and those that remain outside and bow to all of you.

"May Delleb protect you... sorry we can't help.""

And then, the latch is shut as several indoor locks can be heard.

They should be safe inside, which leaves you, Dante, Eneas, Baliarth and this soldier boy to fend off against Gan Ceann.

With the tavern empty and the murmurs of the scared patrons traveling through the walls above, you notice Alizarin has taken off...

He probably wants to catch the Rider off guard.

@Dante: If only Aurora were here...

Who knows where she left off in the sudden panic.

But you cannot allow Gan Ceann to get ahold of Morwel's Grace and who better to guard it than the Storm itself?

Raikou will make a good steward out of it. Now, you need to find a way to ward this bastard off.

@Giles: The day a Runestone snob tells you what to do...

The day a Runestone mage, with his smug little smile tells YOU WHAT DO !!!!

Silvarel told you once:

You have great power within you, Giles. The power to Create...and Destroy.

It is up to you now how such gifts are used.

You may not be a savior, like the rat back in Halmathan claims, but you can help these people.

And as your body becomes blood red and steam pours out your nostrils and ears and your eyes turn feral and your hands become claws and you tower above everyone in the room:


It becomes clear that in order to save those here now, you must Destroy!

2016-11-30, 12:47 AM
The poor couple.. or rather the man, was startled by Alizarin's presence.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to... what?! Demon?! I'm a pixie! One of the fair folk! A fey! Fairy! Ugh, nevermind..."

He lowers his voice as the woman at least begins to help him. "Thanks. I'm going to go help the others fight this evil horseman. Be safe!"

He flies out and circles around, with the horseman in perfect view. There he is.. just in time to lure him away... or not.

Gan Cean broke down the door! Alizarin was just a bit too late to try to lure Gan Cean away! Or maybe he still could? Either way, his initial plan to put some distance between him and the horseman and lure him away probably wouldn't work now.

2016-11-30, 12:48 AM
A... war troll?

"Hey, guy-who-looks-dandy-but-is-secretly-a-baddass-monster. The creature outside brings fear and death, lots of both. Sometime we don't have even time to feel fear and go straight to death.

I want to know if you are up to fight by our side or run for your life."

With that said he casts a rather strong spell to affect everyone's moral.

Wee Jas, I beg you. Our opponents are mighty, make our resolve mightier yet.
An intense aura of fury envelops every ally left in the tavern.

Dante casts Righteous Wrath of the Faithful on everyone left.

by my counts, that would be Dante, Johann, Baliarth, Giles and Eneas.

HP: 112/112
AC: 32/15/31
Saves: 8/5/21
Dispelling Cord: 3/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2

Stoneskin 133/140
Alterself +5 nat AC

HP: 104/126
AC: 29/15/26
Saves: 19/15/15

Magic Circle Against Evil

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°°
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination °

Lvl 4:
Deathward °
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft °xx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds °
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight °
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward °
4 Freedom of Movement °
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °°
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning °

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-11-30, 12:52 AM
@The Party (except Raikou & Cyrus): The door finally gives in and the terrifying rider gallops inside at a slow pace, dragging that wicked whip made of a human back bone dripping and trailing blood onto the wooden floorboards as his steed neighs a gout of green fire and all of you take a defensive stance as the Dullahan's eyes glow with fey malice as it speaks and looks at the hulking troll.

"A son of Man attempts to mimic the forces of the Herald? Are you a druid, little human? I have battled many druids during my time on Oerth.

None I have seen before could turn into a giant kin. Perhaps they could, but...""

One of the tables tumbles over and you can all see that the mugs of mead and ale turn to blood as they spill on the floor boards as Gan Ceann takes another step inside.

"... I never gave them such an opportunity. Step aside, mortal! My quarrel is not with you.

I have come to fetch the heads of those who oppose fair Lady Windemere, the Herald of Ice & Snow.

Too long have you, short lived races, ran through her frozen woods and butchered her fair folk.

She has decided your lot tonight: you will travel the Lonely Road and I shall be your guide.

Any last words?""

@Giles: The silent halfling clenches his fists and also suffers a radical transformation as he turns into a magnificent bronze dragon and roars at Gan Ceann, whose steed neighs and thrashes his mane defiantly.

"Of course...Johann's scaled steed. Called to fight against Lord Eulenspiegel in Kinderheim.

His head shall adorn my lady's mantle as well.""

@The Party: You have had trouble with Gan Ceann before. This knight is not easily toppled and he knows quite a variety of tricks at his disposal.

But maybe with your new troll friend...

Maybe now you can bring him down for good.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192215)

Roll Initiative

2016-11-30, 01:32 AM
Round 1

@Eneas: Gan Ceann's disembodied head watches you and smiles wickedly as the Knight of Blood & Sorrow tramples over the upturned tables and chairs of the Foaming Wench, spilling blood from its broken mugs, rather than sweet mead and takes flight, fifteen feet above ground on the thirty foot ceiling.

"I was told your devotion to Kord is unbreakable, paladin."" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WfOiW0l9j4)

Gan's bloody bone whip becomes encased in black ice as he lashes at you once. And only once...

The pain is excruciating as the whip wraps around you and encases you in black icy, which seeps into your heart and soul.

This power.. It's similar to Barbegazi's, but no... much worse.

It is severing your ties to Kord!

22 damage plus 24 cold damage plus Will DC 35 or suffer the effects of Morality Undone. (http://alcyius.com/dndtools/spells/fiendish-codex-i-hordes-of-the-abyss--66/morality-undone--1152/index.html) plus 1 Con damage

"I shall break your spirit before I break your body, mortal.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192216)

Gan Ceann
Johann & Baliarth

2016-11-30, 01:55 AM
Johann look at the terrible enemy and look at the troll.
"Let me help pierce this knight's defenses", he says touching on the massive blade he carry.

The sword begin to shine with a multi-hued glow.

On Giles' weapon

He then take a step away from Gan Ceann and order Baliarth to keep close and block any attack aggainst him.

Baliarth is reading his action to move and intercept any attack on Johann.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192218)

2016-11-30, 02:36 AM
Alizarin swooped down low and put a bit of distance between him and the inn entrance. If the distance mattered at all, he'd at least want to make it hard for Gan Cean to retalliate against him. But now, he has a perfect shot. The gaping hole that was once a barricaded door was wide open, and if it was tall enough for the rider to casually stroll in, it was tall enough to shoot through at this distance.

Alizarin took aim, and he fired. Would it accomplish anything? Probably not. Contrary to popular belief or the craziness that happened when he shot the arrow that slew Barbegazi, he was not a particularly good assassin. But he was good at annoying and harassing his enemies.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] + [roll2] holy

Using cold iron arrow. Seeker bow.

"Hey squash face! Guess who killed Barbegazi? It was me!!" the pixie taunted. Maybe not entirely true, as he had a lot of help, but the last shot counted, didn't it? Anyway, if he had some vendetta about killing Windemere's courtiers, hopefully this would rile the dullahan up.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192219)

Alizarin Rouge HP: 62/82

AC: 26/20 touch/17 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge )
Spell resistance 24
fort: 17, reflex: 22 (evasion), will: 15

DR: 10/cold iron
currently invisible

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours?

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-11-30, 03:22 AM
@Giles: This lanky mage isn't even flinching by your monstrous new form.

You could tear him apart in seconds and yet, he just smiles.

You'll have a talk with him later... and then, before you can react, Johann the Runestone Snob imparts upon you tremendous arcane power to your blade, that it may strike this Knight and never miss.

The great bronze, on cue, stands defiant in front of Gan Ceann and protects his master.

Probably dominated by the mage. They do stuff like that back in Runestone.

@Alizarin: These humans... thinking you are some sort of fiend.

If they only took a stroll down the woods beyond the gates, then perhaps they would be justified inn their as of now, ignorant viewpoint.

So Gan Ceann has already made his first move.

If such a big horse can move in and break the doors to the inn, you can too.... and what?

What is a troll doing here? Raikou killed all of them back in Krystalheim.... or so he claimed.

One monster at a time now. Aiming Tyranny's Ruin at the Knight of Blood & Sorrow, you fire a single shot that bounces off his steed's rump, causing just a minor annoyance as the disembodied head turns its axis to look at you directly, despite being invisible.

"So here is the one responsible for the portals to Summer being opened. Barbegazi was a mighty courtier under Lady Windemere's banner... and yet, he fell to you.

Were it not for your untimely interference, the Herald would have all under her icy grasp and now, the Seelie run rampant through the woods.

You, pixie, will be the first to fall. I will not hold back against you, Gatekeeper. If you could best Barbegazi, you deserve no less than my finest and most brutal attack.

Pray to your fey deities, pixie- the Lonely Road awaits you...""

Well, you got his attention.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192224)

Gan Ceann
Johann & Baliarth

2016-11-30, 04:33 AM
betray them... take the sword and the saphires and run away... they will not catch you... they will fall to this rider of sorrow...leave them to die. The arrogant mage, the useless pixie, the loudmouthed sorcerer, the fascist inquisitor...leave them! f:smallfurious::smallfurious:k them!!!

Those are the voices that plague Eneas's mind.

Take the blade!!

He fights them, but they creep up his body, stronger than the cold...

Eventually he fights them off... but does the dullahan knows it?

He opens his wings for the last time today... and he takes a small jump out of the dullahan reach. into the table behind him.

He is holding fenvarel...

He smiles wickedly, a big grinn that runs from cheek to cheek...

He's always been a good doer, but fighting this hammy fey he has learnt to act evil... just laugh and banter non-stop about how strong and powerfull you are, while threatening others!


swift activate wings. 5' step movement on the table. STANDARD ACTION BLUFF in combat: [roll0] plus any bonuses since he probably wants to believe me???
reminder of rules "Feinting in Combat

You can also use Bluff to mislead an opponent in melee combat (so that it can’t dodge your next attack effectively). To feint, make a Bluff check opposed by your target’s Sense Motive check, but in this case, the target may add its base attack bonus to the roll along with any other applicable modifiers.

If your Bluff check result exceeds this special Sense Motive check result, your target is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) for the next melee attack you make against it. This attack must be made on or before your next turn. "

STATUS: HP 118 (+3 ON DAMAGE) DR 4/-
AC 20
SAVES 26/17/21

2016-11-30, 02:12 PM
Giles looks with suspicion at the Paladin. “What the hell? One of their own is now turning on them? No, but wait, there was a spell cast on him. It seems more likely that he is being coerced. Weak minded fool.”

Giles turns to the fey, he is interesting as a subject for future use perhaps. Giles doubted he currently possess the power to use this form, but it is wise to pay attention and learn now.

“Gan Ceann, you seem a mighty advisory, I should avoid a fight with one so powerful, but circumstances would seem to be pushing us toward conflict. I must admit that I do not trust your assurance that this is not my fight and you would leave me in peace should I remain out of it. I do not think peace is something you understand, I myself often have difficulty with the concept, but usually I am paid for my violence. However, since my judgement tells me I am in mortal peril, I must make this my fight as well. I hope you understand.” Giles smiles through his tusks.

Taking a small step toward the large fey, Giles takes aim and swings with all his new found might, not one, but four times. Then using the momentum of the last swing, reaches for Gan Ceann’s torso and tears at it with his left claw, bringing the scarecrow’s leg within range of his toothy grin and takes a chomp.

10 foot step to melle range,

FA - 4 long sword strikes followed by a claw and bite.

For each hit with the sword or claw:

Dazing Blow - Save v Fort or be dazed for 1 round DC 27

For Sword only:

Burning Blade - Save v fort or be Stunned 1 round DC 21

[roll0] RWotF strike Damage [roll1] [roll2] electric +2 Sonic

[roll3] RWotF strike Damage [roll4] [roll5] electric +2 Sonic

[roll6] RWotF strike Damage [roll7] [roll8] electric +2 Sonic

[roll9] RWotF strike Damage [roll10] [roll11] electric +2 Sonic

[roll12] Claw Damage [roll13]

[roll14] bite Damage [roll15]

2016-11-30, 02:49 PM
@Eneas: The voices in your head want to drive you into committing acts of cruelty and bloody murder.

And why wouldn't you? You do have one of Oerth's mightiest blades in your hands. You could seize it all.

Become a king yourself. Barbegazi was't too off the right track. He was just weak...

And yet, it is your true self that breaks this vile enchantment and, whether you have wings left to carry you for the day or not, you sidestep back and attempt to bluff Gan Ceann, claiming to hold the blade and sapphires.

The Knight of Sorrow & Blood watches you as a wicked smile draws on his disembodied head.

"If you have such weapon, barbarian, then the more reason to pry it off your hands:

I do not side with mortals- I drag them down the Lonely Road.""

@Giles: And yet another falls to vile magic.

You may have to tear that puny little man in two afterwards. Regardless of what he's talking about.

And then you analyze Gan Ceann.

A headless rider on a horse. An interesting form...

You can copy that. Ot is extremely easy for you and with your unmatched prowess in battle, none here could even stop you.

Not even this rider.

And so, you move towards the flying knight, claws, blade and tusks ready to bring him down for good.

"Foolish mortal who pretends to be one of us...""

Even before you strike him, his wicked bone whip lashes at your face!

24 damage plus 1 Con damage

"I was tasked in bringing the heads of those who oppose the Herald...""

22 damage plus 1 Con damage

"You have no business here.""

22 damage plus 1 Con damage

"Your understanding of any concept, mortal..."

26 damage plus 1 Con damage

"Is not my concern.""

25 damage plus 1 Con damage

"All you should be concerned with is...""

23 damage plus 1 Con damage

"Your life...and its very short span.""

By the gods, this guy may not hit that hard, but he sure is fast! There is some damage on his skin, but he isn't even dazed, much less stunned.

As a troll, you can absorb some of the punishment Gan Ceann deals, but his bone whip shreds your flesh and ruptures the blood vessels.

Were you not in this form right now, who knows if you;ld still be standing from sheer blood loss.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192283)

Gan Ceann
Johann & Baliarth

2016-11-30, 07:03 PM
Unable to get close to the panic inducing knight, Dante finds it better focus on keeping his comrades alive.

Johann, tell baliarth that I intend to switch him with the troll there so he can withstand punishment.

So, Dante picks his wand. And gets ready to use it on anyone being hit by the Dullahan.

Ready action to cast benign transposition on someone who gets hit by Gan Cean, to switch places with Baliarth.

HP: 112/112
AC: 32/15/31
Saves: 8/5/21
Dispelling Cord: 3/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 4/4

Stoneskin 133/140
Alterself +5 nat AC
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful

HP: 104/126
AC: 29/15/26
Saves: 19/15/15

Magic Circle Against Evil

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°°
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination °

Lvl 4:
Deathward °
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft °xx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds °
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight °
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward °
4 Freedom of Movement °
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °°
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning °

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-11-30, 09:26 PM
@Dante: Not wanting to risk running out into the cold streets, despite the fact that the door to the Foaming wench has been broken and snow begins to ice over its wooden hinges, you look at the mighty Gan Ceann, who exchanges blows with this... man? Monster? An unholy amalgam of the two?

Whatever the case may be, he's fighting by your side... and he's hurting the Dullahan.

That isn't to say Gan Ceann isn't fighting back- you know how hard that fey can strike with that remain of a human skeleton he uses as a whip.

You and the others were able to kill trolls before, in large numbers.

Logic states that Gan Ceann could do the same to this single one.

And so, in a move that surprises nobody who has traveled with you, you do nothing, but watch.

Watch and ready your trusty wand as you let Johann know that Baliarth may have to take one for the team.

Round 2

@Giles: Gan Ceann's entire body glows with a sinister black aura as thousands of screaming faces can be seen around him like spirits and his wretched bone whip becomes wrapped in them as it grows spikes from the bone marrow that connects each link of the whip.

"This is your final journey, mortal. Nobody has lived to tell the tale after I use this upon them:

The Lonely Road beckons thee...""

The wailing of the many souls wrapped around the whip increase in volume as you steel your body and brace for the worst...

It's a flash of white light that causes the entire inn to shake and rumble as you open your eyes and find yourself close to the lanky snobby Runestone Mage...

And his dragon has switched places with you...

Who are to question Providence at this point?

@Baliarth: This might hurt, as you roar at Gan Ceann and the Knight of Sorrow & Blood's disembodied face is mildly surprised by the switch, but then smiles wickedly nonetheless.

"You have decided to sacrifice another instead of the troll? Fine by me.""

And so, begins an onslaught of punishment the likes you have not experienced yet in these woods.

The whip cracks against your scaled body, but it is, like the weapons that your allies wield, laced with magic.

29 damage plus 13 cold plus 13 unholy damage plus 1 Con damage

"I want you to look at the man responsible for your suffering, dragon. Look at him well.."

58 damage plus 25 cold plus 25 unholy damage plus 1 Con damage

"Tell him how grateful you are for being here.""

28 damage plus 39 cold plus 39 unholy damage plus 1 Con damage

"Look at him and let him know the joy it brings you to serve him tonight!"

28 damage plus 36 cold plus 36 unholy damage plus 1 Con damage plus Fortitude DC 26 or die.

And in case he wasn't dropped yet, Gan Ceann uses a final lash with unprecedented speed, much like yours, to make sure the deed is done.

31 damage plus 1 Con damage

@The Party: Who knows if Baliarth made it through this. One thing is for certain:

Who knows if any of you would have been able or willing to take this brutal lashing.

And having punished the Proud Bronze, Gan Ceann's body displaces itself several feet back, still in the air, fifteen feet high and cracks his whip upon a nearby table below him, reducing it to splinters.

"Who is next?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192298)

Gan Ceann
Johann & Baliarth (if alive)

2016-12-01, 02:54 AM
@Raikou: Cecile, the only girl down here with you and the other rogue types, leans against the back wall and cradles a basket as she makes funny faces at the baby wrapped in winter blankets, hoping that he will quiet down, which frankly, is rather impossible at this point:

Chairs and tables can be heard broken as roars and whip lashes and blades rebound in sound within the room as motes of dust fall on all of your heads, causing the burly Otis to lose what little hair he has left.

"My inn... ruined! What on Oerth is going on up there? Master Silas, you need to tell me: what has broken in?""

Justcrown's Master mage has been laying his back against a wall and whispering into a small stone as he pockets it and looks at Otis and the others, while the rumbling chaos above does not diminish.

"The dark fey of the woods, Otis. Xander, Johann, Raikou here and many others above have been fighting these twisted nature spirits for several weeks now.

It seems that we may have killed way too many important fey and now, they have sent the Dullahan he is a...""

Cecile looks at Silas and gives him a stern look as her son looks at the mage from beneath his many layers of quilt and listens intently.

Justcrown's finest mage clears his throat.

"He's a bad man, but! The heroes upstairs are dealing with him. telling him to go away, Yay!""

The baby smiles as bubbles come out of his mouth and stretches his hands to the mage, attempting to say the same words.

Silas beckons Xander, Tarith and you closer, which isn't much of a private area, given that you are all very cramped in now and speaks in Draconic:

"Ever heard tales, Tarith, as a kid? The one about the Lonely Rider?""

Tarith scratches his head beneath his hood and recites an old poem:

The Headless Horseman rides tonight
Through stark and starless skies,
Shattering the silence with
His otherworldly cries.
He races through the darkness
On his alabaster steed,
The Headless Horseman rides tonight,
Wherever the fates would lead.

And he rides upon the wind tonight,
He rides upon the wind,
Galloping, galloping, galloping on
Out of the great oblivion,
Galloping till the night is gone.
He rides upon the wind, tonight,
He rides upon the wind.

The Headless Horseman rides tonight
Beggared in robes of black,
To bear a being from the earth,
Never to bring him back.
He’s evil, foul, and bottoming,
With laughter on his breath.
The Headless Horseman rides tonight,
The minister of death...

The leader of the rogues down here looks at the rest of his crew and Otis and then back at all of you.

"That's a folk tale. A story to scare children and send them to bed early. You aren't saying that...""

Xander adjusts his glasses and points at Raikou's wounds.

"A folk tale just whipped and killed my friend and is hell bent on doing the same to the others...

And possibly to everyone else in this inn. Tarith, we need to find a way to help them. I am all but spent. Same for Silas.

Raikou here, I don't know if he has any spells left. What about you? There is a reason why the Ravens are renowned here in Justcrown.""

Tarith rubs his chin and looks at all three of you and keeps talking in the tongue of dragons as a mighty thud can be heard upstairs.

Someone just got dropped.

"Look, Silas, Xander: we get along, you know this, but I like to keep things simple.

You're talking about dark fey from that haunted forest yonder... and they're here?""

Tarith looks at the three of you and eyes become hidden by the shadow of his cowl.

"They are here because of you. You deliberately brought them here, Silas! What on Oerth were you thinking!""

The young rogue holds Silas by the neck and pushes him a little too hard against the wall as the mage sighs and lowers his head.

"You and your Ravens fought so well a year ago against Kazym's salt mummies. Along with Mathilda, Wilhelm, Rosalind and myself.

How did that fare, you remember?""

"We won. We had a few losses, but we cut and blast all those dried up sacks to salty chunks. I know what you're trying to do- get me to go up there and fight whoever's giving your friends a hard time. Why?""

Silas places his hands on top of Tarith's and removes them from his shoulders.

"Because, Spellbane. If the Wench is not hit by Gan Ceann and the Unseelie he commands tonight, it will be tomorrow, or the day after that.

And all the while, you and your family will be stuck down here. supplies will dwindle and eventually run out. The cold will break in through the floorboards and well... need I continue?

I am not asking that your family goes out there- I am humbly requesting that you, a learned spellthief and master of stealth can lend my friends a hand...

And yes: that includes the Jasidan Inquisitor.""

Tarith crosses his arms as more tables can be heard broken upstairs and then looks at Raikou:

"Hey, half pint: Silas says you;re a caster... what can you cast?""

2016-12-01, 03:08 AM
Heavily injured and worried for his allies above, Raikou mostly stays silent as all these strange humans converse. It seemed the wizards were attempting to convince the roguish one to aid them.

But then they turn to him and the roguish one speaks directly to him.

Uh... yeah... mostly lightning magic. I'm pretty much out of magical power too. If I tried to help fight him, I'd probably be targeted first, and in my current state, I'd go down quick. He doesn't like me very much... I made too many pumpkin-related jokes last time we met. Also, he thinks I'm still dead.

Besides blasting, I could create some thunder fog, but that'd probably hurt us as much as it'd hurt him.

One last thing I can do though, is use the power of storm magic to travel long distances. But it takes ten minutes to reach the destination so it wouldn't really help the people up there...

One 6th level slot left, and a couple 2nd level slots

2016-12-01, 03:20 AM
It was painful to watch Baliarth get that treating. Certainly, much less painful than getting such treatment itself. Metallic dragons might be, afterall, one of the most noble creatures on Oerth.

"I though you had a plan when you suggested switching with Baliarth, mage"

"Me too. But I guess no one was counting that the dullahan would be that brutal, though."

"Still, we need to proceed with our other plan."

"Indeed. And you, wildshaper, might want to follow that plan. Even a troll can only take so much punishment."

The crimson inquisitor rushes to the kordite side, not losing the dullahan from his sight.
"Got powerhungry, Kordite? Just remember who are the ones your blade shall slay."

I wonder if Gan really bought his acting. Or if he cares at all. But now it's my time. Show me how you react to it, Gan, I'm curious

He unleashes one of his signature spells. The abjuration he used the most though his life.
Dispel Magic.

The painter mage closes in, next not only to Dante and Eneas, but Baliarth as well.

"Sorry my draconic friend, I miscalculated."
He starts chanting a conjuration spell.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192301)

Dante moves next to Eneas and defensively cast Dispel on Gan Cean after activating his Dispeling Cord.
Dispel Checks

Johann moves next to the others (map)
He readies a Dimension Door when everyone gets into touch range. Namely, Baliarth (object), Dante, Eneas and Giles. Not Alizarin, he is too far away. The Dimension Door is bound to the teleport everyone towards the Cuthbertite temple here in Justcrown (or as close to it as possible).

HP: 112/112
AC: 32/15/31
Saves: 8/5/21
Dispelling Cord: 2/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 3/4

Stoneskin 133/140
Alterself +5 nat AC
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful

HP: 104/126
AC: 29/15/26
Saves: 19/15/15

Magic Circle Against Evil

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°°
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination x

Lvl 4:
Deathward °
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft °xx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds °
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight °
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward °
4 Freedom of Movement °
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °°
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning °

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-12-01, 04:32 AM
Ok, he didn't buy it... i overstretched the limits of a good old feint...

well, you aren't as headless as it seems...

eneas adopts an aggressive stance, one that exposes him to attacks and attracts his enemies attention. A gambit, like exposing the queen pawn...

standard: feint in combat, body feint [roll0]
ready a mov action, if he moves towards Eneas, Eneas will move inside the dimension door

2016-12-01, 05:13 AM
@Raikou: More tables can be heard tumbling and breaking above as you look up at the rogue leader in the cramped panic room and explain what your powers can do.

Tarith Spellbane sits on the ground and takes out a small bundle as he unfolds it with care, untying leather strips as he reveals several wands and daggers.

"Ok, kid: What do you know about this guy up above?

Is he a caster? Like you, Silas and Xander?

How tough is his flesh? Some monsters need the right tool to be carved.

Anything he likes to do that I ought to know about? I don't make a living here without being prepared....""

Silas raises an eyebrow and looks at Tarith's supplies.

"Wait a minute... that's one of my wands! You didn't buy a... Tarith!""

The rogue smiles and keeps checking his tools.

"It was years ago, Silas. I went to your shoppe and had to pass a little... test, for my mentor. Are you really going to bring that up now?""

Xander adjusts his glasses and looks at his colleague.

"He is right. I am sure Spellbane will pay for that wand once this is over, right, Tarith?""

"...of course! Now, Raikou: tell me everything I need to know and I will go up there and hopefully, not get myself killed.

And should I not come back within a minute...""

The rogue looks at his family cramped together.

"Use that spell of yours and get everybody out of here...as far as you can. Got it?""

@Johann: You watch Proud and Noble Baliarth unrecognizable on the floor of the Foaming Wench.

His muscle tissue shows beneath broken scraped scales, as blood red ice shards form around bubbling fountains- the many arteries shredded by Gan Ceann.

The wings are all but a mess of ripped leather and broken claws. His left eye is dangling out of his left socket and his tongue has been scraped by the whip as well, shredding it into three forks, rather than two, along with a few broken teeth that lie amidst a large puddle of blood.

This bastard sure did a number on him. Not even Till or Barbegazi had been able to hurt Baliarth this way... much less kill him.

You cannot allow the others to share the same fate. Once everyone is together- including the troll- you're getting out of this tavern.

He wants you? You're not going to make it easy for him.

@Dante: before being a Thaumaturgist, you were an inquisitor.

And before being an inquisitor, you were a cleric. One who, rather than heal the wounded like Pelorites did in the Free City, devoted yourself to the fine arts of Abjuration.

Particularly, the Dispel Magic abjuration. A powerful one indeed. The counter to all magic users, such as Gan Ceann.

Its an emerald host of phantom skeletal cherubs that fly around the Dullahan and tug at his cloak and arms and legs and even toy with his pumpkin head as this one tries to bite one of the little buggers off...

In the end, with creepy laughter, the undead cherubs fly towards the ceiling and vanish, but not before taking several of Gan Ceann's own protections.

Heart of Earth
Heart of Water
Heart of Fire

There is something strange, though- all those spells are druidic and arcane. He doesn't look like a wizard, so his spells must stem from a more Natural aspect, which brings you to the next question- Haste.

He still has it on. Your Dispelling Chord Trick never fails and yet... it wasn't enough to remove it from him.

Somebody else cast this on Gan Ceann, enough to scoff at your own dispel attempt.

@Eneas: The Knight of Sorrow & Blood watches the remains of Proud Baliarth on the ground and smiles wickedly as he grips his bone whip.

"And you shall be bereft of yours before this night is over, barbarian. Neither false troll nor dragon were a match against me...

What makes you think you are?""

You watch your allies move closer and Johann grip his runestaff as he looks at Gan Ceann and places his other hand on Baliarth's bloody corpse.

It's a gamble, but if you can fool this rider now, perhaps you can move out of the way of his lethal whip and escape.

Hopefully, Johann and Dante have a plan to get rid of this guy for good.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192306)

Gan Ceann
Johann & Baliarth

2016-12-01, 05:38 AM
Raikou pauses to think for a moment as he tries to recall what he knew about this guy. He had only encountered him once before, but between that fight, and what Johann had told him, he is able to give Tarith some information about the deadly rider.

Well, his name is Pumpkin Head, he calls himself the terror of the Lonely Road or something like that.

But for how silly he looks, he's pretty scary, and I mean literally. I've seen him send angels and dragons screaming in terror with just his presence. And if you're brave enough to fight him, well, he hits hard with that whip of his. For instance, I can be a pretty hardy halfling, with the right magic of course. But that knight killed me in two hits. And if he catches you off guard, he can hit you in your weakest points for extra pain.
He likes to use a few special maneuvers and abilities that most normal warriors don't seem to know. So watch out for those.
Also, I think he has some sort of ability to see people that try to hide with magic, so invisiblity is probably out.

As for magic, well, he doesn't seem to be a spellcaster, but he has a bunch of weird tricks he can do that are like spell. I think he tried to blind me with his stare once...

Look, I don't know if I'd recommend going up there to fight him. Those guys up there, Tattoos, Redbeard, and Muscles and Puck are all pretty powerful people, and none of them can really handle that guy.

But if you plan on doing so anyways... I can give your weapon a little more shock and awe.

will cast it on his weapons if he wants.

Adds +1d6 electricity and +2 sonic damage, plus fortitude DC 21 vs stun

2016-12-01, 06:53 AM
Poor Baliarth! What happened to him was utterly gruesome. These guys were getting their asses handed to them!

"C'mon, c'mon, what are you guys doing?? Get out of there!" Alizarin muttered to himself.

What were they doing, indeed. It seemed that after Baliarth and the summoned troll got the beating of their life, they were all just stupidly standing there waiting to be slaughtered. Actually, that was a summoned troll? It seemed oddly well-spoken for a moronic giant...

Alizarin decided to make himself visible, since it didn't seem to help at all against Gan Cean, and once again tried to get the Dullahan's attention.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] + [roll2] holy

attack: [roll3]
damage: [roll4] + [roll5] holy

attack: [roll6]
damage: [roll7] + [roll8] holy

cold iron arrows

"Hey, you big fat stupid liar! You said that I'd be the first to fall!"

With that much negative attention the pixie probably attracted to himself, he decided it was probably time to get out of dodge.

A full attack, then a 5-foot step.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192309)

Alizarin Rouge HP: 62/82

AC: 26/20 touch/17 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge )
Spell resistance 24
fort: 17, reflex: 22 (evasion), will: 15

DR: 10/cold iron
currently visible

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours?

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-12-01, 09:04 AM
Better fight another time

Eneas touches johan for the teleport

2016-12-01, 01:35 PM
Almost finished with his spell, Johann alerts everyone in the room as to his plan.

Everybody. Gather around me if you can, that includes you too WarTroll. We can't fight this guy ourselves. I'm taking us to get some more help.

2016-12-01, 02:10 PM
Giles looks at the pile of mush which was once a noble Dragon, “Damn you,” he looks back not knowing exactly which of the archaists cast the spell. “It was my choice to enter battle, sacrificing this beast for me, unconscionable!”

Giles began calculating the best path out of this fight, “A Will-o-wisp should be sufficient to get past this horror.” Then he hears the words of the mage telling him of the plan to evacuate. “Hmmmph, I am not trusting these…” but glancing over at the warrior it was plain he was in no position to leave with his friends.

“Damn these again, they would leave one of their own! Well, I will do what I can. It is not fitting to chastise them for the Dragon, yet do nothing to save the only other who is facing the horseman.”

Then Giles takes a cautious step toward Eneas, standing between the caster and him, and shrinking the longsword into his glove, stretches out his claw to grab ahold of the warrior on one side and with the other claw grasping the anarchist. Perhaps a little harder than strictly necessary. “Come along and don’t struggle little one.”

10 foot step to between Eneas and Johann.

Free Action to stow the longsword in the glove.

Move action to make contact with both

2016-12-01, 03:08 PM
@Raikou: Tarith listens to your description and fidgets around his tool kit, checking for various mundane and not so mundane gadgets.

"So he can send people running for the hills? Ok... so he has some fear aura. I think I have something here to ward off against that...

And he can hit your vitals? Interesting... much like me and my friends. Never seen that done on horseback, though.

I don't think I have something here to protect me against that.

And you mentioned spells? So he can cast too. Silas, what exactly is this guy?""

Justcrown's mage listens to the fighting upstairs and crosses his arms.

"An old legend brought forth and turned into a nightmare. Xander and I would gladly be helping up there, but we have spent our spells for the day in a previous fight.""

Xander adjusts his glasses and looks up at the latch.

"I guess they want us really dead, this time. We have brought down many of their own. Retaliation like this was incoming...

Still, we need to find a way to buy them more time and save those here.""

@Giles: You watch the noble dragon reduced to a pile of blood and scales by Gan Ceann's cruel whip and curse at the Runestone scholar for using him as a literal meat shield.

You could have survived that. Granted, you would have been knocked out until the next week, but you'd be alive.

You will have a chance to punish these mages for such unnecessary act of cruelty and coercion, but for now...

For now, you will join them.

@Johann: With all you can take with you nearby, you feel the troll's claw dig a little too hard on your shoulder as you bring down the Runestaff and invoke the word of power, causing the entire tavern to shake and rumble as it unmakes itself and you, Dante, Eneas, the wild shaper and Baliarth's corpse reappear in the frozen streets of Justcrown...

It's cold and dark out here.

The frost has taken over everything- especially at this time of night. The few street lamps are covered in a thick coating of icicles and the houses, barely visible by the naked eye against the ever falling snow, are dimly outlined by the faintest of moonlight from above.

The houses are all closed, of course. people sleep soundly and snug inside.

And not a soul to be seen on the streets. Not even a guard. And it is obvious why:

It's amazingly cold. Nobody would be crazy enough to walk around at this hour and this temperature.

But at least you cannot see the Wench, or hear Gan Ceann.

You might be in the right direction towards the temple, but a single dimension door won't get you there.

@Alizarin: Why aren't these fools leaving? They are just standing there and...

Then they're gone. They disappeared in a flash of white light.

Johann got them out.

And so, you fire at the Dullahan, but your arrows miss their mark as this one turns around and looks at the exit.

"They left... ""

Round 3

@Alizarin: The cold nearly freezes your gossamer wings as Gan Ceann's horse neighs and thrashes about inside the inn and then flies out and lands on the ground, a few feet away from you.

".. except for one. Pixie, you are going to take me to your friends. One way or another.

Be it speaking... or screaming!"

And so, Gan Ceann raises his wicked whip and brings it down with brutal force.

28 damage plus 1 Con damage

"You wanted to fight me, little pixie? Your wish is granted. I will drag you to the Lonely Road... and a painful journey it shall be.

But you can make it easier for you if you tell me where the others are.""

@Raikou: Tarith is about to unlatch the door and get out when the neighing of Gan Ceann's steed is heard and heavy hooves leave the place.

All this preceded by a word of power uttered by Johann.

Xander raises his hand and places it on the many locks.

"Wait... I think they left..."

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192359)

Gan Ceann

2016-12-01, 06:34 PM
The whip lash was painful. One of many before Alizarin would be reduced to blood and pulp himself... but not if he had anything to do about it!

"No, actually, I don't really want to fight you. I just want to waste your time! I don't know where they went. Or maybe I do? Who knows!"

The pixie laughed in the face of death, and he twirled away mid-air, avoiding the reach of the Dullahan's whip, and then he darted in between the small space between two nearby houses.

move action - tumbling at half speed: [roll0]

Another move action: to get in that tiny space Gan Cean cannot fit in. I don't know how much more of these buildings there are off map, but I would prefer 25 feet of distance at least from either side so he can't reach me with his whip.

(then again, I don't know how tall the buildings are either) :smallwink:

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192381)

Alizarin Rouge HP: 44/82

AC: 26/20 touch/17 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge )
Spell resistance 24
fort: 17, reflex: 22 (evasion), will: 15

DR: 10/cold iron
currently visible

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours?

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-12-01, 10:31 PM
@Alizarin: It's a quick spiral through the ever falling snow that has you avoid Gan Ceann's lash as you dart towards one of the alleys in Justcrown.

These houses are like small apartment complexes. Two stories tall at the most. At a quick glance, twenty feet tall, for the most part.

Lumps of snow conceal trash buried between the houses- regular folk can walk through these alleys with ease, but a horse has no chance.

And that gives you a mild advantage.

Yonder the alley, more houses, with a few barely visible past the thirty foot mark due to the snow.

There are windows five feet above you, seal;ed **** and covered with a healthy layer of icicles, just like at the inn.

Who would want to leave their windows open, anyways? The whole house would be flooded with snow and ice in seconds.

And yet, here you are, shivering and cold and bleeding as the Rider's steed neighs and a clump of snow falls on your head, as well as a few shingles around you as you look up and there he is...

On the roof.

Round 4

"You would waste my time, pixie? I have come at the behest of the Herald of Ice & Snow! My task is to ensure her dominion is established throughout the young mortal races and the fey of the dwindling Summer Court are subdued and eliminated!

And though I will find the other mortals in due time, I shall take great pleasure in ending you first, Gatekeeper.""

The cold that blows around you increases as Gan Ceann's disembodied pumpkin face sucks the ice cones into its mouth and does an "O" face as it spits out an ice cold javelin right at you.

This bastard can cast as well? Not good.

12 piercing damage and 12 cold damage. Fortitude DC 18 for half damage. Failure to pass the save stuns Alizarin for 2 rounds

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192396)

Gan Ceann

2016-12-01, 11:49 PM
Johann look at his companions, old and new.
"Worry not, Baliarth will be back soon", he say the troll and and focus and cast the spell once more, taking them closer to the temples.

Once they rrive in another cold street, he focuses on his vest and do it once more.
Now, the temples are within eyesight at least.

"Which one? Pelor or St. Cuthbert? I believe Pelor can muster some daylight that is his weakness. Maybe Aenar is there and can help bringing Baliarth back"

2016-12-02, 12:09 AM
@Johann: You place your hand on Baliarth's mangled remains and focus once more on the two existing temples in Justcrown.

The duchy is big, but not as big as Halmathan.

Moving around with this short ranged spell should allow you to hop across multiple realities and evade Gan Ceann.

And so, not letting the troll get his hands on your fallen ally, you bring the staff down once more as the cold streets rumble and you appear in yet another cold street.

The moon above is now utterly covered by black clouds except for a dim silver outline and without street lighting, you are now traveling nearly blind in these deserted frozen streets.

It's a final use of your vest to bring the group to a more familiar looking street as the Pelorite Chapel can be distinguished only by the cherry blossom tree which, despite the cruel winter, casts off refractive pink light around it.

If that tree is there, that means that the Cuthbertine fortress is opposite the street.

Now, who knows how long it will take for that Dullahan to reach you, but given how fast he found you in the Foaming Wench, time is of the essence.

For one, Pelor is the Sun God.

Aenar, when he travelled with you, was able to hurt Gan Ceann with the power of the sun itself. A staple spell for many clerics of such deities.

Rosalind should be in the temple as well, but who knows if that novice can help you ward off against this fey?

On the other hand, there's the Cuthbertines, lead by Inquisitor Kalypsia.

She may not be a devotee of the Sun God, but the Cudgel, from your experience, is quite efficient and militant.

At least that's how things were shaping up back home before you left.

2016-12-02, 12:35 AM
Gan Cean shot a nasty blast of cold at Alizarin, but he managed to shrug it off. Somewhat... If shrugging off meant not totally succumbing to its effects.

Alizarin gritted his teeth. "Argh... What's your deal, pumpkin face? Did that bitch steal your head and is holding it hostage?"

This wasn't good. Not good at all. Even being attacked like this, which was slightly less painful than the whip, Gan Cean was going to kill Alizarin eventually. But he didn't want to break into someone's home and endanger them... Maybe, just maybe he'd have to. But for now...

Alizarin got a smoke stick from his bag, and he struck it along the cold bricks of the apartments, which caused it to start to ignite. But it wouldn't have fully activated for some more seconds.

So retrieving a smoke stick from the bag and igniting it. According to the description, it takes a full round to activate or something.

Map's the same.

Alizarin Rouge HP: 32/82

AC: 26/20 touch/17 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge )
Spell resistance 24
fort: 17, reflex: 22 (evasion), will: 15

DR: 10/cold iron
currently visible

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours?

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-12-02, 12:57 AM
@Alizarin: You could probably sneak into one of these houses, but in so doing, Gan Ceann might decide to simply crash in, just like he did at the inn.

Those doors back a the Foaming Wench were sturdy and barricaded.

Against a regular door, to an unprepared family, this monster could easily kick the front door in with his hooves and even bring down the house by busting the door frame.

And so, you draw one of your many rogue gadgets and run the smock stick against the building's wall, hoping to buy you enough time to hide and fly away.

This knight can see the unseen. Those protected by magic.

So what can he do against alchemy? One way to find out.

And of course, you insult him and the herald herself by calling her a bitch as the dark steed neighs and thrashes wildly as green flame spurts from his nostrils.

The Knight of Sorrow & Blood does not take your comment in light hearted humor as his pumpkin head begins to glow with black energy and the temperatures in the alley drop dramatically as everything turns grey and muted, with the walls beginning to rot away as his horrific gaze pinpoints you.

Round 5

"That was the last time you uttered a word, pixie! You will not insult the Herald and live to boast about it!

It is time that you saw the Lonely Road, Alizarin... this is the end of the line for you!""

It's a sinister and malevolent aura that clutches your heart and you watch your hands begin to turn coal black as your body feels numb and extremely cold- colder than the temperature around town.

This monster is using another spell, but he isn't even focusing on casting it. Much like you, he's using some innate power!

And if you cannot survive this... the Lonely Road will be your next destination!

Fortitude DC 27 or die. Success deals 27 damage

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192413)

Gan Ceann

2016-12-02, 01:26 AM
Gan Cean's awesome power pervades the very alley as it seemingly wills Alizarin's body to wilt and freeze. He can almost feel his heart stop and brain shut down, if but for an instant, but blessed by the grace of Trithereon, the pixie endures the wicked spell, forcing himself to take several labored breaths. Then the power dissipated. It looks like he survived. For now.

With a weak cough, he says, "You know, you tend to make a lot of empty promises... 'you will be the first to die!' 'You will not speak another word!' How has the Herald not cast you out by now for being such a loud-mouthed shammer?"

Now the smoke stick was really beginning to let off tons of smoke. Alizarin reached up to a nearby window sill to place it above ground before it virtually burst into a thick cloud of haze, filling up the narrow alley.

Then Alizarin landed to the ground and crouched down, hoping the thick smoke was enough to make it impossible to pinpoint him by sight, and he channeled the last of his healing power into himself, perhaps to live for just a little longer...

So the smoke stick has been placed 5' off the ground. It's supposed to make a 10' cube of smoke (as in 8 spaces) but the alley is pretty narrow. I would expect that this smoke spreads out and rises up a bit more because of that.

And now Alizarin is basically kneeling on the ground. I would hope that is enough to negate all sight from the roof and give him total concealment.

He uses all of the rest of his lay on hands to heal himself - 17 hit points.

edit: oh, and here is what I refer to by shammer (http://www.dictionary.com/browse/sham).

Map is the same.

Alizarin Rouge HP: 22/82

AC: 26/20 touch/17 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge... or not because of no visual)
Spell resistance 24
fort: 17, reflex: 22 (evasion), will: 15

DR: 10/cold iron
currently visible (but hopefully obscured)

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours?

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-12-02, 01:57 AM
Raikou too notices the lack of sound above.

He looks at Tarith, ready to head out to fight, and then at Xander, with his hand on the door.

So... should we keep staying in here?

Maybe he left?

2016-12-02, 02:28 AM
@Raikou: Tarith closes is eyes and hushes you as the rest of the hidden crew do the same.

"I cannot hear him up there.... hold on.""

The rogue begins carefully unlocking the latches inside and looks at the group as he is the first to peek his head out of the trap door cellar and after a second of hesitation, gets out.

Cecile rocks the cradle with her baby in it as Tarith can barely be heard upstairs as the floor boards creak if only a little and then he peeks his head down to look at all of you, but still speaking in a low voice.

"He's gone. So are the others. Otis, Bill, Oliver: we need to close the main door- the whole place is covered in snow right now.""

The group climbs up to the main floor of the tavern and indeed, there was a brief scuffle here.

A large blood stain can be seen near the bar, having splattered over the counter and frozen over it.

Several tables and chairs have been knocked over and a few others have been splintered completely.

And as for Johann, Gan Ceann and the large troll... all gone.

Silas rubs his arms as the freezing cold seeps into the tavern and looks around.

"Sorry about the mess, Otis. I'll be paying for any broken furniture.""

Otis contains a sneeze as he and the rest of the rogues walk up to the main door, sticking to the sides as Tarith lifts his hand for all to stop and points outside.

"He's on that roof, across the street. .. but he doesn't seem to have taken notice of us. So that;s the guy? Seems tough.""

@Alizarin: With the thick black smoke brought forth by your alchemical gadget, you disappear from Gan Ceann's view and crouch on the snow, right below the smoke and pray to Trithereon to heal your wounds, suffered by this murderous fey knight.

You have been lucky. Too lucky. Had that spell of his caught you, you would be dead by now and nobody would be nearby to claim your body and even attempt a resurrection.

Gan Ceann's steed neighs as a single shingle drops a few inches away from you and embeds itself on the snow.

Empty promises, you say? I do not think so. I applaud your will to live, pixie. It makes killing you that more satisfying.

You know, I can tell how close you are to the Lonely Road... very close indeed.

I will be back to hunt you, pixie. Make no mistake about that. Enjoy the few minutes you have left to live.

And rejoice in knowing that when you breathe your last, your friends shall be waiting to walk with you in the darkness and cold...

And with those words, Gan Ceann is heard no more.

@Raikou: Tarith leans against the shadows of the tavern and sighs in relief.

"He disappeared into the night sky... I think we're safe for now, but we need to get this place barricaded shut, just in case he decides to return.""

Silas takes out a small stone, the same he was used in the cellar below and looks at everyone.

"I have contacted Kalypsia. she is aware of our situation, but we have a long way to go before we reach the Cuthbertine Temple...""

Tarith shakes his head.

"Count us out, then- my family is staying here and safe. If you want to go deal with that monster beyond this inn? That's all you.""

Silas nods.

"Fine. I would not ask you throw your life away like that. Xander, any flight spells?""

The magus adjusts his glasses and looks at you and Silas.

"Two left, but between both of us we can carry Raikou...assuming he wants to come along.""

2016-12-02, 02:43 AM
Alizarin breathes softly, almost holding his breath too, bringing his cloak up to his face as he inhaled air laced with the thick smoke, trying not to cough on it. Funny how he said to enjoy the last few minutes. If only he could be by a nice warm fire or something, completely smashed drunk when his life was taken. Not out in the freezing cold, shot up with eldritch energy some minutes before, lashed, frozen, and suffering necrosis, breathing in fumes...

He waited a while, and listened. He could not even hear the horse neighing....

Was it a trick? Well for one thing, Gan Cean probably wouldn't waste an opportunity to monologue, but you never know...

Alizarin decided to use his ability to detect evil, concentrating upwards and around, looking for the mere presence of evil.

I don't need to use three whole rounds. If there's no evil in the area at all, I can change direction and scan for evil again. And so, assuming the walls of the buildings do a good job blocking out evil commoners and such, Alizarin will probably be sure Gan has left in about three rounds...

Once Alizarin is satisfied that Gan Cean has left, for now, he unsteadily gets to his feet and trudges a bit, fluttering his near-frozen wings a bit in a vain attempt to warm them and begins flying again. He'll head by the tavern area first...

Gods, I hate winter...

2016-12-02, 04:06 AM
Hate leaving the little guy, but if we all got killed, then the town would be in peril.

I'll go and fetch father Aenar adn Rosalind. Get that cuthbertine!

He runs towards the temple and hits the door loudly

Open up, allies coming back from the woods need some divine help.

2016-12-02, 04:44 AM
@Alizarin: To think you could have enjoyed a nice drink by a roaring fire and the scent of oak and mixed with freshly cooked meats and sweet sauces...

But no.

You are stuck in some freezing alley, with smoke polluting your tiny lungs and bleeding all over, covered in ice shards and trying to survive a Headless Horseman.

Gan Ceann mentioned he was coming to get you. To enjoy the few minutes left before he caught up with the others... wherever they may be.

Like all fey- and an Unseelie at that- Gan Ceann is probably lying and so, you call forth one of the simplest yet most sacred blessings of Trithereon, as your eyes attempt to feel malice in the air.

The buildings will not detect anything- solid wood and stone.

And with the smoke being blown away by the harsh winter winds, you realize that either this bastard really left, or has taken refuge inside one of the buildings.

However, given his flair for pageantry, he would have torn down the front of a house by now to get at you... and that isn't the case.

Time to go check on those in the tavern now. Maybe Johann and the rest returned while you kept the Dullahan at bay.

As you fly in, losing altitude due to blood loss, you collapse on the ground, clearly exhausted as Tarith, Otis, his rogues, Silas, Xander and Raikou greet you inside the very frozen tavern as the remaining rogues get on the task of fixing the hinges of the massive doors and closing the place shut before every single guest becomes a popsicle.

Xander adjusts his glasses and walks up to you, catching you mid air as he places you on top of a table.

"What on Oerth... don't tell me you fought that guy, Alizarin.""

Silas walks up to you and gestures at those here.

"We heard the fight, but could not see it. Do you know what happened? Where are the others?"

@Eneas: A few blocks down the street is nothing for a man of your stamina and physique.

You leave Johann, Dante, the troll and dead Baliarth and set your eyes for the cheery blossom trees, frozen over, but still casting off that distinguishing pink light as you bang on the door to Pelor's Chapel, nearly breaking it in the process as somebody trips down the stairs inside and Rosalind can be heard cursing as a few lights are lit inside the windows and Justcrown's Ruby Knight opens the door just a smidge and loos at you as she's covered in a heavy quilt wrapped around her like a cloak.

Her hair has been fixed into braids, so as to not mess them up in the morning and her eyes are glassy- a sign she was in deep slumber when you woke her up as she rubs her knee from the earlier trip.

"Eneas? By Pelor... what. What's going on? Come inside. You;ll freeze to death out here.""

And it is true. Your blade has frozen completely and taking it off its sheathe would be impossible at this point if Gan Ceann decided to come after you.

The pelorite walks a tad hunched and limping from her fall as she asks you to lower your voice and lights a few candles after making sure the door is closed tight behind you.

"Allies from the woods... what's going on? Why are you bleeding?""

2016-12-02, 05:07 AM
Alizarin could barely control his flight anymore as he all but crashed into the inn. Thankfully with some familiar and friendly faces. He looked to everyone bleary-eyed and shivering a bit, and answered Xilas first. "Well if by fighting, you mean annoying him, I guess I did..." Clearly he looked quite drained and haggard at this point. He didn't look covered in blood. But the other magics he had suffered had taken their toll on him.

"I probably bought the others a few extra seconds at best. I don't know where they went. Johann just used one of those magics of his and disappeared with everyone. Including Baliarth's corpse." Alizarin sighed.

"It really wasn't an even fight at all. That troll Johann must have summoned attacked Gan Cean, but he countered his every swing and severely injured him. Baliarth magically switched places with it, and he got diced to bloody ribbons instead... Oh, and Eneas started acting like a maniac all of a sudden."

The pixie shrugged. "I guess that's it. If Johann knew of another safe place to go, he probably took them there. Or maybe they're all just hiding in a dark alley somewhere."

He gathered his tiny limbs together and brought his wings inside his cloak, enveloping it around himself completely like a blanket and shivered again. "Either way... this guy is too damn strong... He's tougher than an adamantine golem, hits harder than an enraged giant, he has all the fighting prowess of a master.. and he has magic at his disposal too."

2016-12-02, 05:08 AM
Don't worry about the cold, an enchantment in my boots protects me from these inclemencies.

the rider, the headless one is here and we need some help else he will slaughter everyone at the inn

2016-12-02, 03:44 PM
@Alizarin: Silas, Xander, Raikou and the tavern owners, patrons and rogues that hid in the cellar greet you as you try and stand on top of a frost covered table and listen to your tale.

Silas looks at the broken door that leads to the street and then at the large bloody stain at the bar.

"Baliarth is dead? By Delleb, this is worse than we thought. I had hoped that large bloodstain belonged to the rider."

Xander adjusts his glasses and helps the others lift the large wooden door as Otis and the remaining rogues go about the hopefully efficient task of fixing it.

"Johann used a Dimension Door to escape. That much is clear. I recognized the verbal incantation by sound alone.

But where did he go to? And Eneas acting like a mad man..."

Tarith begins helping the others with the hinges on the great door as he turns to look around.

"That's the barbarian guy? Great. because a headless horseman chasing you isn't bad enough, you have to deal with a blood induced berserker...

Let me know how that goes."

Silas straightens a chair and sits on it.

"where could he have gone indeed? I sent for Inquisitor Kalypsia. She should be gearing up to assist in this chase. Maybe he decided to go the Pelorites.

He did travel with one for awhile, after all.""

And then you mention all you have watched Gan Ceann do as Tarith nearly swallows a nail that he held in his mouth before hammering the door back into place.

"Wait... Silas. You wanted me to go and fight that thing? You are all insane. Mental. Who picks up a fight with a guy like that?""

Silas goes help with the door as well and looks at Tarith.

"Because if we do not fight them, boy, nobody would be left here to live. Johann and the others are right now probably engaging him away from the inn and we should go as well.

I understand you will stay, but Xander and I will fly over the houses and, hopefully, spot them wherever they may be.

Raikou, Alizarin: you don't have to come if you don't want to."

@Eneas: You walk inside the Pelorite Chapel and boast of your prowess in enduring this frigid weather.

With those boots, no amount of cold will ever affect you. That is a guarantee.

Rosalind takes out her holy symbol from beneath the heavy quilt wrapped around her and looks at the Sun Disc on the wall, illuminated by the few votive candles she's lit so as to not trip on her way down.

"The rider? And you say the inn is in danger. Why are they here again? I thought they were staying in the woods.

Ok... let me process what you're telling me. You need to go fetch father Aenar. He isn't here. He lives in captain Withen's house, within the duke's palazzo.

Aenar told me about the horse man and how he fought against him in the Fey Woods. He since has prepared a spell for just that occasion, stating that fey may show up here at any time and that would scare him away.

The duke's palazzo is about six blocks north of here. The gates to the state should be locked, but I know his grace keeps a small guard post outside with a few men. They are probably asleep now, but if you wake them up and ask to see father Aenar and mention my name, they will let you in.

I will get ready myself. Can't be fighting in a quilt.""

2016-12-02, 05:06 PM
Raikou looks at the two casters about to fly up and search for the horseman.

Hang on. I'll come with you guys. Normally my familiar would be enough for flying, but he's with Johann so...

The halfling uses some of the last of his magic to take control of the winds and grant himself the power of flight.

Using my last 3rd. Casting on self

As he lifts up into the air and the winds begin to swirl around him, he looks at the assembled people and grins.

No need to look so amazed. I'm sure you guys have never seen a handsome flying halfling with power over the winds like myself heheh. Anyways, I must be crazy for wanting to do this. Ah well. What are we waiting for?

2016-12-02, 07:30 PM
"Wait," Alizarin says. "You want to go flying around the city looking for Johann, looking for the rider... but I thought you had no more arcane power. When you finally come face to face with Gan Cean, what then will you do?"

2016-12-03, 11:39 AM
sorry for the absence: final days of prepping up thesis presentation and exam week as well

Johann see Eneas running to the pelorite temple and look at Dante, the Troll and dead Baliarth.

"Who knew that dullahan would give chase. I think we did kick the hornet's nest. Good. We are getting close to Glacielheim and they must be getting desperate. What's your name again, Troll? Do you think you can drag Baliarth's body to the pelorite chapel? Staying here in the cold will do no good"

2016-12-03, 11:52 AM
Eneas just nods Mage! I'm going to get Father Aenar! be back soon, prepare our defenses somehow.

Eneas Runs on the semifrozen ground towards the Dukes Palazzo...

Run action as long as Eneas can, he will try to start removing his armor hastly. Either while running or as soon as the palazzo's guards call Aenar. Endurance check [roll0] Boots of the winterland allow him to run on snow or ice

2016-12-03, 10:33 PM
@Raikou: Xander and Silas both toss a pair of feathers into the air and they begin to levitate as Tarith and his rogues begin working on the door and you call on the your own powers of the arcane and catch up with them several feet above the bloodied tavern floor.

Silas smiles as he hands you Johann's wand.

"You are spent, as are we, but you might be of more use with this than Xander and I at this point. The fight against Barbegazi has left me hanging by a thread when it comes to sheer blasting power and the few spells I have are tactical.

Xander looks down at Tarith and adjusts his glasses.

"Same here. That jaebrin stole my most powerful spells to use against Johann and the others, but we cannot simply stand by the sidelines.""

@Alizarin: Xander flies out of the inn and Silas listens to your question as he sighs and looks at the open road, covered in frost.

"We have very little arcane power remaining, Alizarin. Truth be told, I am very much dry when it comes to spells, however...""

Silas looks down at Cecile, who has placed the cradle down on the floor as she helps quickly rebuild the broken door.

"... to stay here and wait for that rider or whoever else comes and watch by the sidelines is even worse.

This isn't the first time that Justcrown has been in danger, you know.

Sinister organizations have attempted to thwart peace in this duchy. A power hungry hextorite once tried to seize the town as well.

Undead have crawled from those frozen woods a year ago.

And I have been literally turned to dust. And yet, I am willing to defend my home. Just like I am sure you would yours. I will tell you again, what Xander mentioned earlier: You need not come.

Will we accomplish something? I do not think so. But if we can at least delay Gan Ceann and let others strike him down, then at least I can go to the Great Library, knowing that those that cannot defend themselves here were not left unprotected."

And with those words, the spent mage flies out the inn and takes to the frozen skies.

@Eneas: With new and old friends to help against this galloping menace, you sprint down the frozen dark streets of Justcrown, your body like a steel wall against the shards of ice and frost that form around your face, hair and chest.

The silent blue and black buildings watch with blackened windows as you dart past them. Light is very dim here as the wind howls in your ear, almost mocking your attempts at any kind of defense against an enemy that has been sent with the express purpose of eliminating all of you.

There is an old meaning for such a foe, learnt once by chance out at sea:

A punishment or defeat that is deserved and cannot be avoided.

That was taught to you by a cleric of Cuthbert, who happened to be sailing that day towards the Vinessian Archipelago aboard your ship.

But what was the name of the word? And damn be him and his teachings:

You don't deserve a punishment. On the contrary, you are punishing those that have committed atrocities towards this town, the woods and who knows what else.

And you will not fall for this Rider. Never again.

Although you cannot see the duke's palazzo, you can see the massive frozen gate with the emblem of a Hippogriff emblazoned in frozen bronze on the center and a massive chain and padlock wrapped around it.

A small wooden kiosk has been built outside and is boarded up shut, except for a small window, big enough for someone to look in or out.

Not the most defensive of places, but big enough to harbor a couple of people.

Nearly breaking the window as you yell inside and wake up the two guards, who had been sleeping back to back and sharing a pelt to protect themselves from the frost, you issue orders from Sister Rosalind and it takes them a few seconds to process all the information as they look at each other and play rock, paper scissors to see who is to leave the comfort of such a small house hole and open the massive gate for you.

It's one of them that nearly freezes over as he hoards the entire pelt and wraps himself in it as he fumbles with a large key and with a grunt, opens the padlock and asks you to push the gate inwards as ice falls at your feet and on your head as he points to the l;eft of a large frozen garden and small private forest filled with poplar trees, all bereft of leaves due to this freak weather.

And it is a modest two story house on a small white hill that opens its doors to you as Aenar welcomes you inside and listens to your tale as he grabs a cloak and doesn't even bother to put on his armor, taking only his thick night PJ's, boots, his mace and his ever present holy symbol around his neck.

"As if a Slaad Lord wasn't enough! Lead the way to the others, Aenar! I have faced that rider in the forest before. The soldiers here will be of no use against him.

But I have fought him before- we can end him if we work together."

@Dante, Johann & Giles: With Baliarth very much dead, the massive troll carries his corpse on his back and tromps by your side down the cold road towards the Cuthbertine Fortress, which has no soldiers guarding the portcullis outside as this one lowers and two people come out, fully geared:


"Inquisitor Levasseur. I thought you had left Justcrown already. And Johann Crawford, Silas' colleague.

We are aware of the creature that rides through the duchy, thanks to Master Spencer. What I would like to know is...""

@Giles: An inquisitor of the Cudgel, can't mistake them.

The dark armor, the cape, that heavy mace. The air of superiority.

And this one, like the other Cuthbertine you are familiar with, has an apprentice. However, unlike the Rat you worked for, hers is anything but lanky:


The inquisitor points her finger at you and the corpse you drag on your large back.

"Are you sure that is the only menace Justcrown faces? And why is it here?"

2016-12-03, 10:39 PM
Raikou watches to wizards start to fly away, and hurries after them.

Up up and away!!

As they all take to the frozen skies above the small town, the halfling calls out to them.

So, where to now?

2016-12-03, 11:27 PM
Alizarin really didn't want to go back out there... He'd already tried to take his shots at Gan Cean. He'd already been scared senseless by his overwhelming fear aura, had been lashed, shot at, nearly had his life extinguished outright. All to buy the others some precious small amount of time. ...hopefully, so that they could regroup, formulate a better plan, and do far better than he could ever hope to.

He didn't want to die, much less throw it away in vain in a pathetic attempt at defeating an insurmountable foe. He just wanted to curl up by a nice fire, hopefully with dreams not full of nightmares, and continue on his war with Winter in a way he at least knew he had a slight chance of victory. He had earned his keep already, hadn't he?

However, the words of Silas still inspired him, somewhat. What if Alizarin could make a difference in those grand plans Johann must be coming up with, but wasn't there to help? What if all his comrades in arms, and even the whole town perished? Alizarin knew he had one little spell he might be able to cast that could help someone. And eventually one of his arrows would be bound to hit the dullahan... would it be enough?

He didn't know, but as long as Johann and the others were out there, and these fools were going out as well, he may as well come too. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he at least didn't try a bit more.

"Wait up, I'm coming!"

And so Alizarin took a potion out of his bag, gripping it and bow in both small hands, his arms huddled awkwardly together as he flew, trying to keep them warm.

Are we even going to try being stealthy?

And for future reference, intact arrows:

Only the arrow that bounced off Gan Cean's horse's butt survived. Probably hiding in the bar somewhere. :smalltongue:

2016-12-04, 12:35 AM
@Alizarin: The idea of going out there and fighting this monster...

Only by Trithereon's Grace have you been able to withstand the Rider's malevolent spells and, were you not a fey, his whip would've flayed your flesh, just like it did with Baliarth.

You could probably stay at the inn. Help the rogues fix the door and light a fire. You certainly earned a room for life in this place. Never mind food and drink...

But all this would just be a placebo. You could probably get a few days of well earned rest and then...

Then everything freezes and The Court of Sorrows claims it all. The Eternal Winter is not stopping, even with the Champions of Summer being called to Oerth.

Even they might have a hard time besting the forces around Glacielheim. And Johann and the others mentioned marching against Jottunheim and Gartenheim.

Because of you, the forces of Summer are here... but you will not allow this second rate rider to end your life and hurt so many others.

Even if it takes one shot... or a million.

You will put Gan Ceann down... you have to. He has marked you as a killer of Unseelie. he isn't wrong in that regard.

You did put that final arrow through Barbegazi's heart. A powerful fey courtier of Winter... or so he liked to boast.

The others have been through the grinder as well, that much is clear. If those sapphires are any indication, who knows how many mighty battles they have waged before you came?

And this is your home. Not only the woods, but these lands, given by the Seelie to the first men that came here, looking for a place to settle.

The cold hits your face as you try to catch up with the three mages.

What will they do without an archer, anyways? They will very much need you.

@Raikou & Alizarin: The roofs are slanted and completely white as Xander stops beside a frozen weathervane and asks to halt as he grips his staff and fidgets with one of the ends of it, exposing a chamber and a small wand inside, which he takes out and motions to the group.

"I have nearly expended the charges on this one during my fights in Gloomheim and Helheim. Raiklou, Alizarin, if you need any healing, let me know. I have six such charges. they aren't much, but best to face this guy with less wounds.

An Ultimate Magus, after all, has some knowledge over all magic, be it arcane or divine.

Alizarin, you are a rogue, aren't you? I trust your training in magical manipulation is as good as your aim and stealth? There are only ten charges left in this wand...""

Xander turns his staff around and revels a second chamber on the opposite end.

"Remember Krystalheim and divinations? This wand was useless then. But now that Barbegazi is gone, you can make a better use of it. Let me know. Otherwise, I have two or three orbs I can throw at this guy.""

Silas lands on the white roof and checks around his own foot prints and then notices large horse shaped ones.

"He was here, alright. Using the rooftops to gain a better view. How is he even seeing through this blizzard? who knows.

But I do know where we ought to be headed: Inquisitor Kalypsia is aware of the situation. She is a devout follower of Cuthbert and is a no nonsense priestess of the Cudgel.

She is... well. Let's just say that she's dealt with her fair share of monsters before. The quicker with fly there, the quicker we can help.""

2016-12-04, 12:54 AM
The mage look at the troll carryong the dead dragon and then to Kalypsia.

"Him? Dont worry, he's good", he wave to Giles. Well, he couldnt say that for sure, but he had hopes in it. "The dulahan is the problem here. Remember the kidnapping of napping kids? He was one who helped the kidnapper".

He take a pause and look to Dante.
"Maybe your friend can tell more maybe?"

2016-12-04, 12:57 AM
Alizarin squints at the wand through his clouded breath and the falling snow. "Oh, healing magic in that wand? That's not a bad idea. Speaking of which..."

The pixie reaches into his satchel and pulls out a rather worn looking wand as well. It looks kind of like a twig. "I've got something similar in this wand as well, but it's nearly depleted. Activating it is a synch though. What is that other one? Some divination you said??"

He racked his brain trying to think. "Oh. Is it that one that pretty much guarantees a hit?" That would be great for trying to shoot Gan Cean! And then subsequently earning his ire and dying. The better question is: how to use it with a weapon that requires both hands?

Alizarin heals himself a bit with his own wand:


Then he takes the other one presumably that heals. "Raikou?"

2016-12-04, 01:01 AM
Raikou lands on the roof with the two wizards and watches as Xander pulls out the wand.

When he asks if the halfling needs healing, Raikou looks down at his own wounds, still fresh from the fight with Gan Ceann but a few minutes prior. If he was going to be able to survive even one hit, he needed more healing.

Hmmm, seeing as how I'm pretty much one whip-crack from becoming a bloody mess on these roofs again... hit me up with whatever you got Puck, X. Might be at least enough for me to run away again if he surprises us.

Maybe we should go find this Inquisitor lady. If she's anything like Dante she might be able to heal more, and suggest what to do next.

2016-12-04, 02:15 AM
"Sure," Alizarin says, healing Raikou a bit with his own wand.


This thing was going to crumble to dust any time now...

He then said, "I'll take some healing too, please."

Alizarin pondered a bit while all this was going on. It would be somewhat... difficult to use both a bow and a wand effectively at the same time. If only he had some magic doodad thing to combine his bow with a wand. But still. Maybe Raikou could make better use of that magic, to ensure his spells hit. Or, as Xander said, he had orbs of his own...

Hmm... this could still work though...

"Well, if you're sure you don't want to use it yourself..." Alizarin said hesitantly.

2016-12-04, 03:32 AM
@Alizarin & Raikou: Xander calls both of you to the roof and has both land close to him.

"Six charges. I will divide them evenly between both, unless you deem it necessary for one to get more than the other. Stay still...""

And so, Xander Corillian, magus of Rel Mord, activates the wands, as easily as a priest would and grants both of you some much needed healing as your wounds patch up... but not completely.

The first to receive such healing is the halfling.

27 HP healed

And then, the pixie.

35 HP healed

With the wand spent, Xander places it beside the weather vane and takes off, not before giving Alziarin or Raikou- whoever wants it- the wand of True Strike.

"It isn't much, but until we meet with Kalypsia, we won't have that much healing available and will rely on speed, should Gan Ceann be around here.""

And as the four of you fly above the rooftops, Silas and Xander focus on a simple divination to detect evil presences.

Silas keeps flying a few feet ahead, clearing his eyes from the snow.

"Kalyspia is a hard and stern inquisitor, but she isn't a tyrant. Many would consider her that way, but that's just her nature and upbringing in the church of the Cudgel...

She is actually a warm and kind person, despite the misleading title of inquisitor, which evokes, naturally, negative ideas in many people... past company included.

In battle, Kalypsia lives up to her title and foolish be the man or beast that threatens this duchy, for she is never alone- you will meet someone who, although not much in the way of words, is rather efficient at disposing of enemies- Gan Ceann included.""

Xander wipes the frost from his glasses and looks ahead at his colleague.

"You think he'll be enough?""

"He's not subject to human frailty. From what has been observed, Gan Ceann is able to weaken the body with his lashes. Lord Cinderbolt has no blood or organs that can be tainted by such whip and, being a construct, his skin is just as tough as that of Alizarin's.

And because Gan Ceann is a fey, he should not be able to hurt him much.... I hope. Let's speed up.""

@Johann, Dante & Giles: Kalypsia walks past the portcullis with her automaton ally and heavy chains close the gate behind her, keeping any people inside the Cuthbertine compound safe and looks up at Giles as the snow lands on her head and shoulders.

"He better be. I have been tasked with keeping this duchy safe. I do not need monsters running around, devouring people...

Making them disappear... and why does he have a dead dragon worn as a grim cloak? This will not do. Once the threat is assessed and dealt with, I will require paperwork. Even if you are friends with Master Silas, this is beyond normal.

I need to keep the peace in this place and I have reason to suspect that Dullahan is here not because of those under my care...""

Kalypsia and her metal bodyguard walk into the street and look around at the buildings and both ends of the road.

"Cannot sense anything beyond my senses as an inquisitor. Father Aenar had spoken of evil fey beyond the South Gate. Same stories as Ambassador Dietrich.

You need to understand: whatever ails the woods beyond, is not Justcrown's jurisdiction. Because the enemy is here, I will lend aid, but again, I have reasons to suspect, given Silas' hurried message, that it is not here because of me or anyone under my lawful auspices.

It is here because of you. And if that is the case- and I have a strong case to make for it- you better make sure, all of you here, that whatever you are doing in the woods, says in the woods. Am I clear?""

The zenythri inquisitor walks across the street and knocks on the Pelorite chapel as heavy steps can be heard coming towards the door.

"I will also have you know: this isn't a place were dragons are a common sight. Unless you plan to skin it and have Master Silas work the smithy for its scales, I cannot have a giant beast- noble as it may be- soaring around the duchy.

People are scared as it is already."

The door opens and Kalyspia takes a few steps back as Rosalind, the Ruby Knight, comes out fully decked in armor and holding a beautiful blade.


The armor has the insignia of a bear upon its breast plate, the same symbol that is engraved ornately around the blade's hilt.

"Madame inquisitor! I had not...""

Kalypsia bows to the Ruby Knight as the metal man stands in place- who knows if it is even turned on- the guy has no pulse whatsoever, except for low grinding gears within its golden plated body.

The zenythri does a military salute and looks at her gear, noticing the sword.

"So it is true- the famed Brunhausser Blade, wielded by the Exorcist Cornelius of the order of the Archpaladin. I heard his relics ended here. Never thought the Pelorian Church would claim them.""

Rosalind grips the blade and looks at the engraving.

"It carries a long tale of sorrow and loss, madam. I was the last to see Lord Brunhausser alive and...

And he would have liked for it to serve its purpose in worthy hands. Mine are far from it, but given what we face, it just might come in handy.""

@Dante: It's a flap of wings from above the chapel that brings forth a very familiar face as it lands next to Rosalind:


"My apologies again... I am embarrassed to always leave when that Rider shows up, Dante. Rosalind has once more calmed my fears.

I will not off again. I promise.""

And then, Aurora looks at the troll and grips her great sword in both hands as she looks at what the tusked brute carries and tears roll down her beautiful red cheeks.

"You killed him! That beast slew Baliarth!""

Kalypsia looks at Aurora and bows.

"And we have an Archon amongst us. Welcome to Justcrown... the dragon's name is Baliarth, then? I too, am interested in knowing what exactly happened here.""

2016-12-04, 09:22 AM
"Thanks," Alizarin said with a smile after he was healed, though perhaps it wasn't his happiest smile. He was still freezing out here. He wished he had prepared a spell or had asked for one to endure this weather too, earlier this day. It would still be active, even now... (no wait, Barbigazi dispelled him lol)

"Hm, warm and kind. I hope so," Alizarin said skeptically. Though he had met "inquistors" before... they never seemed to be in agreement, to put it lightly.

"It sounds like this, uh, person, might have a fighting chance. But Gan Cean isn't here for him... I'm sad to say, the rider's actual targets are quite vulnerable to his lashings, and he has quite an impressive reach, is quite fast... oh, and that fear. That stupid magic fear!" Alizarin complained. "I've been near him for a bit now. He isn't that scary! But sometimes, he does something... I hope this lord person, for all their lack of organs, doesn't feel fear too..."

2016-12-04, 09:52 AM
Johann hear Kalypsia talking about jurisdiction and legal stuff and just shake his head, "Who got jurisdiction over the Winter?"

Seeing Aurora returning, Johann smile and greet her.
"I'm glad you're alive and well", he then look to dead Baliarth and Inquisitor Kalypsia, "This dragon is my pet and friend. He died at the hands of the dulahan, protecting those in the Foaming Wench. This kind troll-person is doing me a favor in carrying him here, so we can bring back this noble bronze dragon back to life".

He look to Rosalind, "You dont have any Revivify prepared for the day, do you? That would be handy".

2016-12-04, 10:08 AM
"High Inquisitor Kalypsia Gastin, forgive me, that dullahan is here for us. I did leave Justcrown already, as did my pupil, Eveline, whose corpse I carry on a bag. I believe we could only succeed in this war so much before drawing attention.

This troll is merely the shape of someone we found in the Foaming Wench. A resourceful warrior who fought by our side against the dullahan who is roaming the streets of this Duchy right now."

He looks at Kalypsia, waiting for any sign of symphaty to their poor situation. But Kalypsia doesn't look like someone you ask for help when you need it. She looks more like someone you'd rather not see if you did something wrong, or else she would make you pay in kind for your transgressions.

Transgression like, bringing a Dullahan to Justcrown, willing or not.

It's about time I take out Eveline's corpse out of the Haversack, not the proper way to store her remains

He takes her out of the bag and carries her in his arms.

"Here, High Inquisitor. Just a quick gaze at the price we are paying. She is one. The dragon that lays on the troll's back is another."

"(...)You need to understand: whatever ails the woods beyond, is not Justcrown's jurisdiction. Because the enemy is here, I will lend aid, but again, I have reasons to suspect, given Silas' hurried message, that it is not here because of me or anyone under my lawful auspices."

"That will do. Thanks for you aid, High Inquisitor."

Rosalind enters the room and Dante can't help but feel relieved. She carries that warmth around her that the zenythri Inquisitor certainly lacks.
Also, Dante has a thing for gingers.

"Rosalind, good to see you! This dullahan has been most unforgiving."

After cumplimenting the Ruby Knight, he remembers one important piece of info.

"Before I forget, one more thing to add. We fought Gan Cean and I tried to dispel him. Some partial success, but one spell lingered. Haste. That happens sometimes when dispelling. But I'm afraid it was no simple fail. I believe that this particular spell was cast by someone else. If not a more powerful foe, certainly a more powerful caster. Beware."

An even better sigh than Rosalind, Aurora flies down, alive.

"My apologies again... I am embarrassed to always leave when that Rider shows up, Dante. Rosalind has once more calmed my fears.

I will not off again. I promise.""

"Embarassed? Don't be. He has an unnatural, impressive aura of fear around him, of that I'm certain. He is supposed to scare not only the common people, but even the mightiest warriors. What's important is that you are here, now, and alive. And hopefully, with some of your spells."

"You killed him! That beast slew Baliarth!"
"Let's trust that beast for now.

About the one who killed Baliarth, well, it could be said it was me. The troll was ready to defend the tavern, enduring vicious blows from that vile dullahan, when I decided to switch him with our draconic friend. Baliarth was willing to take a few hits from someone else, like he usually is, except this time those few hits could flay a Titan effortlessly, and so we lost Baliarth. A unhealthy mix of Gan Ceans brutallity with my own clumsy miscalculations, with Baliarth's own selflessness tossed in.

Which brings me the matter of ressurecting him. I left the wand with Raikou, and I hope he is still safe in the Foaming Wench. Once we get that wand, we might be able to bring Baliarth back.

And before you ask about the others, last time I saw, Eneas was running toward the pelorite temple and Alizarin was engaged in a dangerous fight with the dullahan."

Aurora looks at the Crimsom Inquisitor, she is also relieved to see that he and the others are alive, although Eneas and Alizarin might be in deep trouble.

"What about the one you carry right now? Eveline is staying dead?"

He looks down, to his pupil face. Serene, apparently oblivious to the terrors happening right now. He could almost envy her.

"She will stay dead for a little longer, yes. Right now we need fighting power. She? She will rest. Later we discuss what to do with her. But I'm bringing her back to life, although she is not joining us anymore in the woods. This is not a task that a pupil should be subjected to."

2016-12-04, 06:12 PM
@Alizarin: Xander flies beside you as the frost keeps layering on his glasses and the magus must constantly be wiping the ice off them.

"Well... Kind and Warm aren't the first things that come to mind with Inquisitor Kalypsia.

I would peg her more as Dedicated and... Protective. Yes, that is an accurate description. But to some, like Silas, she would display such qualities.

Who knew a Zenythri could be swayed?""

Silas looks back at Xander as the magus smiles at him and speeds up to be by his side.

"Well, it is true: Cuthbertines aren't known for being nice. You actually got her to smile once. And that is a feat all on its own.""

Justcrown's finest mage gives Xander a stern look and then looks back at you and Raikou.

"Lord Cinderbolt is Kalypsia's Guardian Inevitable. A Kolyarut. An extraplanar construct from Mechanus' Nirvana.

Normally, agents of Law and Order at a Cosmic scale, this one has been attached to the inquisitor's ancestors for generations. He will not leave Kalypsia's side and for that, we ought to be grateful.

In battle, Lord Cinderbolt is relentless, much like Gan Ceann, but he has the added advantage of being a machine. A thinking one, but a machine nonetheless.

The dullahan's whip and powers should not be able to affect him as much as us.""

@Johann: Kalypsia looks at you and then at the frozen buildings and roads as her metal man stands completely rigid in the snow.

"A freak natural accident, to be sure, but not one that concerns the duchy... until now, it would seem.""

Rosalind walks outside in the cold as Aurora flies above the chapel and lands to greet everyone as she nods to you and the Ruby Knight takes out a wand of her own.

"Whose hurt the most? I do not know how much more time we have before that Rider catches up with you, so Dante, pass it around and heal whoever needs it. The wand is nearly full, with the ability to heal your most grievous wounds. But make it fast, though...""

@Dante: It's the Cure Serious Wounds spell, trapped in a wand, easy to use for someone like you.

You haven't been hurt that much by Gan Ceann. Not upon arriving to Justcrown.

And then you address Kalypsia about staying and being somewhat responsible for the current situation.

The inquisitor looks at one of the nearby buildings as a complete stranger moves the curtains and looks through the frozen window and is quick to close the curtains again.

"Good job, Inquisitor Levasseur. Now your problem has become mine. And because of your reluctance to leave upon fetching Sir Gaula, you have lost your apprentice to those woods...""

Cinderbolt begins walking a few steps down the road and stops as he looks around at the eerie cold darkness and Kalyspia kneels to check dead Eveline.

"What did you expect, picking up a fight of this magnitude? Alone? That there would not be Retribution? My church is well aware of such a concept. Perhaps Jasidans are not too keen on it... and its repercussions.

But what is done, is done. Now we have to deal with this issue here and now. Unfortunately, we cannot choose were to fight him. So, if you and your friends... and the troll, have any protections you might want to cast. Any information you'd like to share before this fey finds us, now would be the time.""

@Eneas: Aenar keeps up the pace with you, not constrained to heavy armor as both race down the cold streets.

"Rosalind may not be as seasoned as I in the Mysteries of Pelor, but she will be a good ally in this fight. If you have fought him before, you know what he can do.

Steel your mind- stay away from his whip... and when you get the chance, hit him hard.

By the time you arrive back towards the Temple District, Aenar can barely catch his breath as he stalls a few feet behind you, nearly dropping the pelt that provides him with much needed heat. His face blue with red cheeks.

"Hold... hold on. Just a moment. Head up to the group. I need to catch my breath.""

Everyone is here, including a steel skinned priestess and a man made of steel as they take notice of you and the woman raises an eyebrow.

"Another one your friends, Inquisitor Levasseur? Are these all?""

2016-12-04, 06:23 PM
Raikou flies along the others, as they discuss the lawful Cuthbertines, he pulls out his runestaff and casts two minor protective spells upon himself. They wouldn't help too much, but at this point, every little spell helped.

Shield and mage armor

Then, the halfling catches up to Alizarin and smiles.

Hey Puck. You seem to be a pretty good shot with that bow of yours. Lemme give it a little more of a shock and awe factor. Here...

Assuming Alizarin permits...

His bow now does an extra +1d6 electricity and +2 sonic, plus fortitude DC 21 vs stun for 1 round

Sorry Windstruck, that's about the best I got

2016-12-04, 06:31 PM
Alizarin continues flying along with the others, the frost on his golden wings gathering more. He lets Raikou cast a spell on his bow, which makes it tingle slightly with electricity. Surely the foe who takes an arrow from this, however, will feel a lot more than that.

"An... 'inevitable'??" he asks, quite perturbed. "A being of pure law and order from Mechanis??" the pixie could do little more than repeat those words dumbfounded.

"Uh.. I see..." Alizarin said, though he didn't know what an inevitable was, and he thought maybe he briefly heard of Mechanis but didn't know much about it at all. Still. None of this sounded good. We're talking about a machine man of pure law, something with a body that wasn't natural at all, coming into close proximity with an anarchist pixie, whose vary essence stemmed from dreams, magic, and nature itself.

Alizarin had better keep his distance, that's for sure. It would be like mixing oil and water. No, white phosphorous and water!

2016-12-04, 09:20 PM
Johann ask for someone to heal some of his wounds and offer the Rod of Bodily Restoration to anyone hurt but either raven or whip.

"This rod can restore some of the damage to the body. I know some have suffered more than me, so use it wisely".

He look at Rosalind and Kalypsia, "This dulahan have a powerful whip that cause terrible bleeding and", he point to Baliarth, "he'll not hesitate to flay anyone who stand his way. He also have a powerful aura of fear that might send many runnign if they're not prepared, so maybe someone shpuld put on Zephyr's former cloak", he look at Raikou, "I think you have it on your bag, right? That standart can supress fear and stunning, so it will be good aggainst this fight. A Calm Emotions or Remove Fear spell are also good ones aggainst him".

He get ready for the dulahan and stay quiet.

2016-12-04, 11:39 PM
@Johann: With Aenar joining in and breathing heavily and the group mostly assembled, you take Rosalind's wand and use it on yourself, healing most of your injuries.

Kalypsia listens to your description on the foe and looks at Lord Cinderbolt, who walks around the perimeter of the street, keeping an eye out for the road and rooftops.

"Fear is not something that shall concern me or Lord Cinderbolt, Master Johann.

He does not know the meaning of it...and I make sure I am well protected against it. Ever since the children began disappearing from the duchy.

As for the flaying... that is a problem. Good to know. Needless to say, he must have the advantage of reach. We can work around that. father Aenar?""

The bulky pelorite wraps the bear pelt around his body and takes a few clumsy steps in the snow.

"I told you, madam inquisitor: that rider is a threat. I have the spells to make sure he isn't, though. Pelor gave me insight on the Dullahan's weakness the first time we fought him in the Fey Woods.""

The wind rises and becomes that much colder as Kalypsia's black hair covers her face from the gust.

"A malevolent force has made itself present! Be on your guard, everyone!""

@Dante, Giles, Eneas & Johann: The wind blows with brutal intensity down the road as a distant neighing can be heard and Lord Cinderbolt jogs towards Kalypsia and his metal hand begins to crackle with black energy.

"Threat detected...""

Rosalind takes a stand and holds the Brunhausser blade with one hand and her holds the holy symbol with the other as she begins to emit a vibrant radiance.

"I feel it too...""

Aenar grips his mace and he too begins to concentrate as both Pelorites create a brilliant golden radiance around them and stand tall and proud.

He isn't even bothering to conceal himself this time.

The hoofs echo down the street and people screaming can be heard inside the many buildings as Kalypsia keens her eyes and looks in the direction of the panic and gets her own mace ready.

So... you have decided to stop running? Have you chosen to accept your fate and be dragged down the Lonely Road?

Or is this a defiant stance you are taking against the Court of Sorrows...


... albeit the last one?

He's not too far away, as the frozen winds seem to part as he trots casually and halts about forty feet away from the group.

Kalypsia looks at him and then at all of you.

"Father Aenar, my apologies:

I had taken you for a deluded man. A drunken fool, even. But it would seem that this tale is very real.""

Aenar grips his mace and looks at Gan Ceann.

"You can gift me with a fine bottle of wine, High inquisitor... once this is done and over with.""

Rosalind says nothing as she fixes eyes with the Rider.

Gan Ceann's steed neighs loudly as the cries of panic can be heard from the buildings close to him.

"I have no qualms with new faces. Get out of my way! I have no need for more travelers to the Lonely Road... but you.""

Gan Ceann points at Aenar.

"You brought down Lady Decarabia, the Fair Queen of the Bog. You will be taken as well for rising against the Court of Sorrows. Red head child, step aside. I have no business with you.

The same goes for you woman...and your silent knight.""

Kalypsia locks eyes with Gan Ceann and raises her voice above the howling winds and panicky voices of the poor townsfolk caught in sheer panic within their own homes.

"I am the Law in this Duchy, and by orders of his Grace and the powers vested by my order, you are banned from this place! Leave now! You only get one such warning.""

The Knight of Sorrow & Blood listens to Kalypsia's talk and his disembodied head laughs as the voices of the panicked townsfolk increases behind their safe walls.

"Mortal... do you even know who you are addressing? I am the Knight of Sorrow & Blood! I have been traveling the roads of Oerth since before you were even born!

I represent the Ancient Ways. The Forgotten and Feared Fey Folk of Olde. And now, at the behest of the Herald of Ice & Snow, I have been summoned to her Court of Sorrows to ensure her claim over these lands and the downfall of Summer, long since established here and defiant of her reign.

You ask me to leave and in so doing, you actually humor me, woman.

If you will not stand aside, then I shall take you as well!""

@Alizarin: Raikou flies next to you and simply runs his hand over Tyranny's Ruin as a slight shock courses through your body.

It isn't much. You are all nearly spent after the grueling days in Krystalheim, but this is what you have.

For good or ill.

Xander nods as he flies next to Silas and the wind chill increases dramatically.

"Yes. An Inevitable. The name is quite scary, huh? Not to worry, Alizarin:

Those constructs are sent to the Prime to make sure certain Universal and Cosmic laws are maintained.

In the case of Kalypsia's Inevitable, a Kolyarut, they make sure oaths are maintained and never broken.

A long time ago, her ancestor...""

Silas clears his throat and Xander wipes the frost off his glasses.

"...right. At any rate, you have nothing to fear from him: they are sent to make sure nobody breaks the Law at a grand scale and, well... unless you've perpetrated a tremendous crime against Existence or have willfully broken an Oath, then you have no reason to fear him.

He's not much of a talker, though. So most of the time, it's like he's not even in the room.""

The group ascends several feet from the rooftops and catch a favorable current, but you still have awhile to go before you can catch up with Johann and the others.

Even the fastest flier cannot match the speed of broken Time & Space, after all.

And that's when, several blocks away, a distant glow of golden light catches your eyes and the winds carry the cries of fear of dozens of people.

He's already engaging them.

2016-12-05, 12:09 AM
Alizarin points ahead at the glaringly obvious spot of bright light, complete with screams of panic. That's them! C'mon!

With a burst of speed, Alizarin flits through the air faster, and he stops about 150 feet away, give or take, trying to assess not only the road up ahead in which it seemed a fight was about to ensue, but Alizarin's immediate surroundings. He was going to attack the Dullahan at a distance, and he needed a good spot, preferably up high.

When the others catch up to him, Alizarin says, "I'm hanging back, but I'll try to make a good use of your wand. I suppose all I'm good for at this point is shooting arrows anyway. Except one thing:"

Taking a small tuft of lion hair from a small pouch, the pixie makes an elaborate symbol of a lion in the air, which floats to Xander's chest and emblazons itself upon it.

"This will protect you from his fear attack for just a little while. Don't let that stupid pumpkin head scare you! He loves lashing at fleeing foes. Um... well I guess that's it. Good luck."

If you'd like, consider that as my action on the first round...?

Initiative: [roll0]

2016-12-05, 12:48 AM
@Alizarin & Raikou: You fly above the buildings and sure enough, Gan Ceann is down on the street below, with chorus of panicked voices cheering him from behind closed doors and windows.

Johan and the others are down there... but they aren't alone.

@Alizarin: Xander places his hand on your shoulder and smiles as frost covers his glasses and you imbue the symbol of a Lion on his chest.

"If I recall correctly, it was your arrows that brought down Barbegazi. Don't outsell yourself:

In this fight, ranged artillery and quick reflexes will prove to be golden against him. Stay in a safe position and shoot, Alizarin. Never stop shooting.""

And in fact, given your strategic advantage, you can get off a single attack before the Rider notices you as Silas and Xander both take to separate buildings and focus their own arcane power below as Gan Ceann is blasted by a combined effort of the lowly Magic Missile, but in Xander's case, a very powerful one, which causes the Dullahan to nearly fall off his steed as his pumpkin head looks up at the roofs.


Silas blows his hand from the arcane smoke as he smiles and winks at Kalypsia.

"Hope we aren't late.""

Xander adjusts his glasses and crosses his arms as he hovers above another building.

"This is as far as you go, Gan Ceann!""

@The Party: The Knight of Sorrow & Blood has not taken this well, as his steed neighs and thrashes in the snow and his entire body blazes with that green ghostly fire.

Unknown to all of you, however, Alizarin and Raikou are around and they can he;p bring this rider down. Hopefully unseen and undetected by him.

2016-12-05, 01:15 AM
The others flew off, while Alizarin found a good spot on a distant roof to perch on. The street was long and straight with a clear shot, and although the falling snow made it rather hazy to see details, he was confident that both the enchantments on his bow and the True Strike spell would negate that.

Settling down into position, he watched with glee as Gan Cean nearly got knocked off his horse. That was some well-deserved karmic retribution right there. And hopefully more would be coming.

Well, if the others were going to start why not me?

But first, Alizarin tries to activate the wand. Maybe he didn't need it.. but... thinking back even to when he recently shot at Gan Cean, he either had some heavy abjurations on him, or some really thick hide.. and now, the pixie's fingers were starting to feel numb. Using the wand of true strike was probably going to be the only way he'd land a hit on the dullahan...

And so, he tried to evoke the wand... and if successful, he sets it down on the snow, getting ready to fire soon.


Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192599)

Alizarin Rouge HP: 70/82

AC: 26/20 touch/17 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge)
Spell resistance 24
fort: 17, reflex: 22 (evasion), will: 15

DR: 10/cold iron
currently visible

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours
Flaming Sword (sub electric)
True Strike

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-12-05, 01:18 AM
Raikou decides to lay low for now and attempt to avoid attracting Gan Ceann's attention. In his current state, one hit from that deadly whip might be it for him. Besides, he only had one spell left of any significant power, perhaps it was best to save it for the right moment, whenever that may be.

Also, the deadly knight still thought he was dead right...?

With that thought in mind, unlike the two wizards, Raikou attempts to stick to the shadows and alleyways as they near the horseman. Hopefully out of sight for now.

Using the roll from the OOC

Attempt to hide (1d20+10)[27]

Hard to show on the map, but he'll be in the alley between the two buildings

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192601)

2016-12-05, 01:29 AM
Round 1

@The Party: Gan Ceann's steed neighs loudly and rears up on his hind legs as the pumpkin head glows with cold malice and the steed's' body suffers a radical transformation as fangs grow from the horse, like some wild cat and the Dullahan's chest increases in bulk as does his arms as one grips that bloody bone whip to the point of almost crushing it.

"This time... there is nowhere to run.""

Bite of the Weretiger

Kalypsia looks at Gan Ceann and then at her Kolyarut.

"Teach this law breaker and murderer the folly of invading Justcrown, my friend. he was given a chance. Not anymore.""

The Inevitable raises his metal hand at the Rider and the black energy that has been concentrating around it begins to swirl at amazing speeds as his gears whirr and grind and in a sudden blast of necromantic energy, Gan Ceann is caught point blank as the steed neighs as the explosion blackens the snow around him and Kalyspia turns around and begins to walk away.

"it's over...""

Is it?

Justcrown's High Inquisitor stops in her tracks and looks back at the Dullahan.

The necromantic energy released by Cinderbolt hasn't affected him in the slightest!

"Stupid mortal. Not long ago, an undead who hid beneath a metal mask attempted something similar.

It did not work then... it will not work now.""

The zenythri looks at her gauntlet and a green arrow draws upon it innately and very quickly as her entire body glows with emerald energy and the sound of perfect cogs working in unison gong around her.

"You may be immune to negative energy. Impressive. And that's not even a spell you have on.""

Kalypsia aims her mace towards Gan Ceann as the light begins to concentrate on her weapon as she's thrown back a few feet as a two blasts of light strike the Rider as his horse thrashes his head around in confusion.

"But do not mistake me for a mortal, Dullahan. I carry the ancestry of Mechanus within me.""

Whatever power she used, it was a combination of the True Strike spell and something else channeled through her body and into her weapon.

A trait her race must have carried and she has honed to perfection.
Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192604)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-05, 01:40 AM
Still hidden in the alley and out of sight (hopefully) for now, Raikou hears the sounds of blasting and fighting in the street beyond. He might be mostly out of magic, but there was still a little he could do.

The halfling pulls out a scroll that Johann had given him a few days earlier, a simple divination to help hit.

And as the scroll disappears, a faint white arrow seems to appear on his hand.

move action to pull out the scroll.

standard action to cast

2016-12-05, 02:21 AM
@Alizarin: You stay as far as you can, but hopefully still within good shot of Gan ceann, tracing the arrow sigil on your hand and dropping the wand on the snowy roof as you allow the powers of the spell to take over.

Unless you hit really low or the wild northern winds send your arrow astray, you should be able to hit this bastard.

@Raikou: There are few spells left on you now.

Silas and Xander, as well as the inquisitor have already opened fire upon the fey.

Fireworks, indeed, as the street alights in emerald and purple light.

You cannot see Alizarin, but if he flew with you all the way here, he wouldn't have turned tail.

He must be somewhere close.. hopefully.

And now, you must make sure these scrolls Johann wrote down a few days ago are put to good use. Even in large numbers, Gan Ceann alone is a terrifying foe.

You need to make sure every blast counts. Every. Single. One.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192606)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-05, 04:34 AM
Eneas moves a few steps ahead...

this ain't going to be pretty. this guy is on a different league.

He slowly points Fenvarel towards gan ceam... the sword must be able to help, it is a risk, a risk of being corrupted, a risk of death, but who cared anymore?

Eneas gather's all his charm into the blade, been a long time since he attempted something similar... a misshap that time

he concentrates on fenvare, concentrates on a ray of brilliant day light, something that hits this dark warrior and drives him away...

using UMD on fenvarel, activating it blindly [roll0]

2016-12-05, 02:40 PM
Johann look at everyone standing defiantly aggainst Gan Ceann and begin to cast a spell.
He concentrate the lightning in his hands and take on his archery stance, which he was using a lot lately. Maybe he finnaly saw the beauty on arcane destruction? Maybe Rebgast would be proud.

"Rosalind...", he says aimming for Gan Ceann, "Be careful".

He then unleash three lightning arrows to the dammed dulahan of Forever Alone Avenue.

Let's do it!
1st [roll0] dmg [roll1]
2nd [roll2] dmg [roll3]
3rd [roll4] dmg [roll5]

2016-12-05, 03:11 PM
@Johann: You look at Rosalind, who looks like a halfling next to Aenar, as both focus their own Radiance as Pelorites and ask her to be careful as you bring forth a brilliant bow of lightning and aim it at the Lonely Rider.

Gan Ceann keeps walking forward as the screams of the trapped townsfolk keep getting louder behind their safe walls.

It's a blast of lightning as the three arrows fly towards the Dullahan, but this bastard's new spell has made him a lot nimbler than he was before, as all three fly through his body, much like a phantom and strike the street, sizzling the snow.

"Is that the best you got, mage? Pathetic last attempt...""

@Eneas: He's not backing down...

Johann, Silas, Xander, the metal man and his mistress have not been able to put this monster down.

And if nobody does anything fast, you'll all end up in a snowy grave.

Time to see if this blade is worth all the hype. Barbegazi kept it sealed in Krystalheim for a reason, after all.

But if it's just a tool, your training as a rogue should come in handy.

Just like using a wand or reading a scroll... simple.

And so, you run your hand around the hilt, whisper softly to it. Ask it to please do something against this foe!

Fenvarel begins to glow as several ancient golden runes appear on the side of the blade as your entire body receives a jolt of golden power, even brighter than those of Rosalind and Aenar, focusing together.

Kalypsia and Rosalind turn around to look at you as your hair stands on end and your eyes burn, as if looking directly at the sun, a mere inch away from such celestial body.

"What is wrong with him?"

"I... I do not know.""

And it is at this moment that your entire body shakes and the blade seems to guide you, not the other way around as your heart feels swelling to enormous proportions and the tip of the blade concentrates a huge amount of raw solar power as the entire street is bathed in a mid day sun as Gan Ceann averts his eyes...

And then, a blast of brutal proportions as six beams of concentrated Sunlight strike Gan Ceann!

Six Empowered Sunbeams (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sunbeam.htm). DC=17 + Eneas' Charisma modifier. Gan Ceann is not an undead, but he is subject to Sunlight and follows the rules for such in the spell.

@The Party: The Rider of the Lonely Road watches the intense light coming at him and braces for impact.

This is not the same kind of power I saw them use before!!!!

Eneas yells at the top of his lungs as the entire street and the skies become illuminated for a few seconds and the mighty barbarian is knocked back several feet as his body twitches with golden light as Fenvarel releases a heavy curtain of smoke as the snow melts around the paladin.

Aenar is dropped prone as well, as the barbarian becomes a a bullet of muscles and knocks the Pelorite down on the ground.

"What the... what did he do???"

He's not dead, but using all that power has knocked him out... and who knows for how long.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192648)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-05, 04:00 PM
@The Party: Gan Ceann has suffered tremendous damage from those blasts, but once the light fades and the frost takes its place...

He's still standing!

There are heavy burn marks on his body and that of his horse, yes, but compared to Eneas, who lies several feet back amidst blooming flowers in the snow?

Who knows who got the worse end of the stick here.

"That was unexpected... your paladin actually managed to hurt me. But in his current state, he is worthless.

And if he was your best chance to escape me...""

Rosalind lifts the Brunhausser blade skyward and intones a few words in celestial as a a whirlwind of sacred fire envelops Gan Ceann.

"We don't plan on running away from you, Rider...""

The Knight of Sorrow & Blood thrashes around the flames as he wills for a blink of an eye, to avert Rosalind's Flamestrike.

"Hehehehee... is that so, mortal? You aren't getting that lucky this time. I can withstand that spell just fine.""

And it is true: Gan Ceann has managed to bring forth some sort of spell resistance upon his body, if only to resist Rosalind's spell.

Aenar smiles as he gets up from the ground and looks at the Dullahan.

"I had suspected you were able to use that, Gan Ceann. Saw you pull that trick back in the Fey Woods.""

Aenar's body begins to glow in holy radiance as he aims his holy symbol at the Dullahan.

"But you can't do it all the time, can you? Eneas must've hurt you badly. Here: have some more!""

It's another blast of heavenly sunlight that catches Gan Ceann. Not as powerful as the one Eneas used, but still mighty enough to sear the Rider's flesh as Silas and Xander watch the outcome from above and hover closer to the group and prepare what little spells they have left to help all of you should he decide something terrifying.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192657)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-05, 04:35 PM
Giles speaks over his shoulder at the casters behind him.
“One of you “Goodly healers” better keep me alive.”

With that Giles quickly makes a gesture with his left hand toward the Evil Fey and a long horn is briefly seen sprouting from his forehead, then the War Troll begins a charge straight at Gan Ceann roaring as a lion he leaps into the air and grasping his longsword with both hands he brings it down in three quick slashes.

Swift - Cast Rhino's Charge - Double Damage on first charge attack.

Free Action - Use Wildshape for Lion's Pounce. Full Attack on charge.

FA - Charge Attack on Gan Ceann. Brilliant Blade still in effect, all attacks discount armor. Using one handed cold iron weapon with two hands.

jump Check [roll0]

First roll with Rhino's Charge [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

second attack [roll4] [roll5]

[roll6] [roll7]

2016-12-05, 05:59 PM
"Good job, Inquisitor Levasseur. Now your problem has become mine. And because of your reluctance to leave upon fetching Sir Gaula, you have lost your apprentice to those woods..."
"This problem didn't become yours, High Inquisitor Gastin. This was a huge problem threatening your land. If I left after rescuing Sir Gaula, my comrades would have one less member to help them, and then who knows. Losing that war is not an option. Fighting this dullahan, for all it's terror, is a priviledge compared to have this whole land frozen and void of life."

With Eveline still in his arms, he walks towards a place to lay her corpse for a while.

"What did you expect, picking up a fight of this magnitude? Alone? That there would not be Retribution? My church is well aware of such a concept. Perhaps Jasidans are not too keen on it... and its repercussions.

But what is done, is done. Now we have to deal with this issue here and now. Unfortunately, we cannot choose were to fight him. So, if you and your friends... and the troll, have any protections you might want to cast. Any information you'd like to share before this fey finds us, now would be the time."
"Repercussions? Please tell me you are not afraid of those. That this is not the reason you are not there, in the woods, fighting to save the duchy.
High Inquisitor, they are the ones stepping into your lands, threatening your people, and even kidnapping your children. They are the ones who should face repercussion. We should not worry ourselves what the unrighteous think of our actions, for they are the ones to pay for their mistakes, not the other way around."

With Eveline's corpse laid somewhere in the temple, and Aurora healing Johann, he goes back with the others, to embrace the nightmare inducing threat.

The wind blows with brutal intensity down the road as a distant neighing can be heard and Lord Cinderbolt jogs towards Kalypsia and his metal hand begins to crackle with black energy.

"Threat detected...""

Rosalind takes a stand and holds the Brunhausser blade with one hand and her holds the holy symbol with the other as she begins to emit a vibrant radiance.

"I feel it too...""

Aenar grips his mace and he too begins to concentrate as both Pelorites create a brilliant golden radiance around them and stand tall and proud.
"No doubt, I can feel his presence."

Says Dante, while the Detect Evil warns about the rider's aura of evil.

************************************************** **

"Aurora, listen, now we won't run. We either kill this guy, or we die trying. But you, this is not your fight. If we all fall this day, you return to your plane immediately."

"Don't think of defeat in a time like this, Inquisitor. Let's just bring all our might to this vile rider so we will keep worrying ourselves with the Winter."

They see that Eneas inflicted some nasty damage to Gan Cean. And, indeed, the dullahan is somehow weak to light.

"Aurora, see this? I trust you know what to do."

"I am."

She aproaches the artist mage.

"Johann, among us, even those who fight at the front, you are the most fearless. I'll cast this spell on your robe and you try to stay moderately close to him."

Impossible not to notice Gan Cean's casting a powerful spell, something reserved to strong druids.

He has some respectable mastery over natural magic. This is bad. They can greatly enhance his already superior fighting capabilities.

And that's why Dante cast the last of his Spellthefts at the rider. This better work...

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192665)

Aurora casts Daylight on Johann's robe.

Dante activates Dispelling Cord and casts his last Spelltheft on Gan.
Dispel Check [roll0]

Movements, including Giles', are on the map.

HP: 112/112
AC: 32/15/31
Saves: 8/5/21
Dispelling Cord: 1/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 3/4

Stoneskin 133/140
Alterself +5 nat AC

HP: 104/126
AC: 29/15/26
Saves: 19/15/15

Magic Circle Against Evil

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°°
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination x

Lvl 4:
Deathward °
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft xxx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds °
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight x
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward °
4 Freedom of Movement °
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °°
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning °

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-12-05, 07:34 PM
@Giles: Gan Ceann has suffered a combined attack at a massive scale...

And yet, he still stands!

Your wounds have healed, due to having taken the body of a troll, but the Dullahan's lashes still fester in your blood vessels, corrupting them with dark vile poison.

Still, you should be able to take him down this time. You have to.

Aenar and Rosalind look up at your imposing figure as you grip your blade with both hands and lower your head as a massive horn sprouts from your forehead.

"Of course we will!""

"Just don't get too hurt...""

And so, as the last wisps of fire are doused by the snow around Gan Ceann, the streets rumble and more than a few windows crack under the immense pressure of your entire body rushing the Rider.

The Knight of Sorrow & Blood's disembodied face smiles wickedly as you come at him.

"You still have not learned anything, have you?""

It's that wicked whip that strikes your tough troll body before you even get within range!

49 damage plus 1 Con damage

You may not be a fast learner, but you are a hard hitter!

Gan Ceann avoids one of your blades, but is quick to retaliate for each attack you dole out at him.

"How long can you keep doing this, mortal? Your body must be feeling numb by now...""

50 damage plus 1 Con damage

"And still you have the bravery to face me...""

50 damage plus 1 Con damage

"... or is it blind stupidity and a desire to walk down the Lonely Road along the dragon?""

48 damage plus 1 Con damage

@The Party: For all his strength and might, the troll falls face first on the snow as Gan Ceann lashes his whip on the snow and this one turns blood red.

"A dragon, a barbarian and a troll... this has been extremely easy. Now, all of your valiant guardians are dead at my feet.

Get ready for your final Journey!""

@Dante: Kalypsia looks at you and focuses on the snowy road.

"There will always be threats to the land, Inquisitor Levasseur. As a seasoned priest of the Stern lady, I would expect you to know this.

It is also our job as inquisitors and protectors of the land to keep these threats away from common knowledge.

That is why I chastise you and your friends, Dante: lack of subtlety. I cannot stop you from going to the woods and fighting somebody else's war, but I can demand that you do not bring these problems here.

Even if they were here before you arrived. Your presence and actions in that forest have us facing something a lot more severe now.

And about repercussions... I will be the judge of that once this problem is taken care of. That is a promise.""

And so, Gan Ceann shows up and everyone begins blasting him.

Even Eneas, using the sacred sword, Fenvarel, is able to really hurt this bastard with pure concentrated Sunlight.

The Dullahan dislikes it, that much is clear. The Lonely Road must be a dark place, bereft of all Light and Hope.

And like many shades that would choose such places to live in, his skin is highly susceptible to it.

And so, telling Aurora that you aren't running anymore, the Archon flies towards Johann and inscribes the mark of Celestia on his robes as the mage shines like high noon.

And then you watch Gan Ceann bring down the troll warrior brutally.

As if he wasn't difficult before. Now he's using the powers of a druid... but maybe you can do something about this.

You don't have that many spells left... but this will have to work.

As the troll drops on the ground at Gan Ceann's hooves, you call forth mighty divine magic in the form of a ghostly fey ninja that evades the Dullahan's sight as she moves incredibly fast amidst the snow and the Rider stays put and with a quick lash, sends his whip out towards the wintry air and slices the assassin in two.

"You failed, Dante...""

Johann smiles confident and winks as he twists his hand, doing a quick gesture and Gan Ceann is caught unawares as the real phantom ninja creeps behind him and digs a kukri into his flank, causing the horse to neigh and nearly drop his master as the phantom fey dashes through the snow at incredible speeds, stops in front of you and kneels on one knee as she raises her hands to offer you a green spark of raw power that takes the form of a tiger as you feel an incredible surge of strength take over your body.

Able reflexes. Toughened hide.

Inhuman strength!

With so much power, you could best Gan Ceann mano a mano!

Bite of the Weretiger

The Knight of Sorrow & Blood watches his spell be stolen by you and your wispy accomplice and directs his gaze upon you.

"Last attempt at survival, cleric? How sad it is that you won't accept your fate in silence...""

Round 2

@The Party: Gan Ceann looks down at the troll and his pumpkin head smiles wickedly.

"And now... DIE!""

The rider comes at all of you like a bullet train! His speed has not been reduced in the slightest.

His wounds are not keeping him away from the fight!

And that whip of his swings above his head, ready to strike one of you down with lethal force!

Silas looks at Xander from their vantage point.

"Do it! Rosalind, Aenar! Go help him!""

The Ultimate Magus adjusts his glasses and puts his hand together in what seems like prayer as he begins forming the complex arcane gestures and Dante, Kalypsia and Cinderbolt are moved further back in a flash of white light.

Readied Dimension Step

Aenar and Rosalind stop right beside the Rider as a brutal explosion of snow and road erupts in front of him in a crescent shape.

That whip wasn't going to get just one of you:

It would've sliced all of you in one fell swoop!

Xander looks at Silas as his spell expires.

"It's all you now!""

Silas had been waiting for Xander to get them away.

Even with such a spell, neither Rosalind nor Aenar could do what he wanted them to do.

What they were born to do.

It's a quick complex sign as both Pelorites are moved closer to Giles with the same spell Xander used to move them.

@Giles: It's a warm glow that carries the scent of berries as you lazily open your eyes and see both clerics retrieving their hands from your wounds as they take a step back.

"Are you ok?""

"You did ask us to heal you. Better make it count.""

75 HP healed

Team Cleric delivered... now you need to give this guy a piece of your mind.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192667)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-05, 08:01 PM
hm. Now Gan Cean was a wee bit too far for Alizarin's liking. The snow and wind were confounding the pixie's view and his fingers. Still, at least he had a relatively clearish shot. The troll was prone on the ground still with two people kneeling beside him. Gan Cean stood tall and menacing, having just missed a devastating attack.

Well the true strike spell was going to wear off soon if not used. It was now or waste it.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] + [roll2] holy + [roll3] lightning + 2 sonic
On hit: DC 21 fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round.

attack: [roll4]
damage: [roll5] + [roll6] holy + [roll7] lightning + 2 sonic
On hit: DC 21 fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round.

attack: [roll8]
damage: [roll9] + [roll10] holy + [roll11] lightning + 2 sonic
On hit: DC 21 fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round.

Cold iron arrows.

Alizarin remarked at the accuracy of his first shot, but the utter failures of the subsequent two. He pondered if it would even be a good idea to bother trying to shoot so many arrows. Getting a tad bit closer might also be a good idea. Especially if Gan Cean kept moving away himself.

Alizarin Rouge HP: 70/82

AC: 26/20 touch/17 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge)
Spell resistance 24
fort: 17, reflex: 22 (evasion), will: 15

DR: 10/cold iron
currently visible

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours
Flaming Sword (sub electric)

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-12-05, 10:45 PM
Well, he couldn't stay hidden forever. Might as well join the fight.

Sticking to the shadows, Raikou flies as far as he can after the headless knight, and once close enough, he closes an eye to try to gauge the distance. He raises his finger and aims.

What comes next is a thin yellow ray that originates from his hand and strikes the evil fey straight in the chest (hopefully).

Hey Pumpkinman! I hope you didn't forget me did you?

Guess what? You may kill me as much as you want, but that's not gonna stop me from coming back to haunt your lonely pumpkin face!

move action to fly 60 ft

standard action to cast the spell

ranged touch attack [roll0]
penalty [roll1] dex

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192673)

2016-12-05, 11:13 PM
@Alizarin: Your fingers.. you can't even feel them anymore as you perch on a far away rooftop and flutter your wings to break the thin casing of ice around them.

He's moved... and you may not get a good shot, but hell-

This a****** isn't going to leave any time soon and he sure likes to whip people around.

Time to pepper him with arrows.

Two of them miss their mark entirely, but one catches Gan Ceann right in the back as his steed neighs and shares the pain.

It's almost as if they are one and the same. Horse and Horseman. And for a moment there, you watch his body twitch as his hand begins to numb and release that unholy bone whip...

Only to secure it even tighter as his disembodied head looks in your direction, over a hundred feet away and smiles wickedly.

"The pixie is still here... I can sense you, Gatekeeper. No matter how many Realities you are away, the Lonely Road will catch up with you.""

@Raikou: Gan Ceann looks up at you as you reveal yourself to him and point your finger at the Dullahan.

"For such a small pest, you sure are resilient, halfling! How many times must I end your life before you understand that standing up against me is a terrible idea?""

You give him a piece of your mind as the orange ray strikes Gan Ceann directly in the chest and his steed's legs stiffen and the disembodied face frowns as his black aura increases in size, getting quite mad.

"It is time that you and those who fly know their rightful place... six feet under!""

@The Party: It's a veritable war zone in the streets as the buildings are blasted in all manner of lights as Kalyspia watches Raikou come out of nowhere and then turns to look at all of you gathered and raises her mace at the Dullahan, tracing the arrow sigil on her gauntlet as a pair of emerald blasts punch the fey in the chest.

Not impressive damage, but at least he's taking a beating.

"How many of you are there? Somebody's sniping this monster from the shadows...a Gatekeeper?

And why is there a halfling here as well? Anyways... Lord Cinderbolt. Go.""

The Kolyarut nods at the inquisitor and grips his blade, with a hilt fashioned in the shape of a gear as he speeds up towards Gan Ceann.

"Another fool comes to face his end...""

The whip comes down on the Kolyarut and does massive damage to half of his face... but not enough to cause him to flinch as he stops right in front of the Rider and looks at Giles.

"Awaiting pincer strike.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192676)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-05, 11:38 PM
Alizarin yells back at Gan, both hands around his mouth, "What's that?! I can't hear you over the sound of you getting your ass whooped!"

All of those newcomers must have thought it was a kid. But maybe not a demonic child. :smalltongue:

2016-12-06, 12:10 AM
Johann look at him, now shinning like a sun. Fabulous indeed. "I dont think shinning will make me immune to a whip though... And if you go all touching me it might make Dante jealous".

He move a few feet ahead and look at the troll on the ground. And look at Giles in the ground.
"C'mon, buddy! You're a young man hard man. Shouting in the street gonna take on the world some day! You got blood on yo' face! You big disgrace! Somebody betta put that horseman back into his place!", he says as he make a new drawing in the battlefield, removing those who cant fight to somewhere safer while putting some others in greater danger.

Giles to standing and flanking position with Cinderbolt;
Eneas to inside the temple;
Himself back below Aurora;

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192678)

2016-12-06, 12:36 AM
@Alizarin: He's finally getting his comeuppance.

After chasing you for several days. Whipping you, blasting you...

Killing a few of your new found friends.

It sure is satisfying to see this arrogant bastard fall, just like the Brilliant Shadow before.

But like Barbegazi, he isn't going down easy. That jaebrin had borrowed powers which made him a threat... and several Unseelie Sapphires to boot.

This guy doesn't seem to carry one and he's still beating them down there.

And so, in true pixie carefree fashion, you shout to the hollering cold winds about his demise and that you can't really hear him.

Gan Ceann looks in your direction and his pumpkin head snarls as it raises his voice.


@Johann: This bastard sure can take punishment.

Having said that, so can all of you.

Aurora raises an eyebrow and processes the thought as she looks at Dante and blushes, looking forward to the brutal fight against Gan Ceann.

Even with the power of the Sun shining across your robes, you know this monster will reach you with that whip.

Can't let that happen.

And so, you snap your fingers and cause several of your allies to be moved around.

Eneas, knocked out by the power of Arrallae's blade, is moved along with Fenvarel into Pelorite grounds, leaving behind a flower bed in the snow.

Giles is showered in white arcane light and appears right beside Gan Ceann and Kalyspia's metal man is quick to react, as he digs his blade into the horse's flank, carving a deep wound as the steed neighs and coughs some blood from his mouth.

The blade itself hasn't done much harm to the Dullahan, but it has seemingly weakened him.

This of course, is preceded by another brutal lashing from the Rider himself towards the Inevitable, lashing at his chest and causing more than a few bolts to fly on the snow as a his chest plate is mildly exposed and this one turns to look at Kalypsia.

"Lex Captivas in danger of exposure...""

Justcrown's Inquisitor beckons with her hand.

"You have done your job well, Lord Cinderbolt. Come back by my side.""

The rider has been hurt tremendously, but it will still take a few more well timed hits to bring him down.

And at this point, it falls down on the archon, the cleric and the troll.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192679)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-06, 03:43 AM
That, power. That feline strenght. I feel like I could shred this dullahan in many tiny pieces...
Bestial thoughs take place in Dante's mind as his features become more similar to a tiger.

But it's better to hold those thoughs. That whip of his didn't get any smaller. And so, Dante tries to put his recently acquired bestial urges to rest while he tries to think tactically.

"Aurora, the party is split, flanking Gan Cean, and so will we. With your flight, you can reach our allies on the other side in no time."

"I see. Be sure to keep our friends alive this time, can't believe your last slip got Baliarth killed. Glad I wasn't there to see it."

"You tell me... hope the noble dragon has some spare nobleness to forgive me.
Oh, and when flying to them, mind his whip."

He moves closer to Johann.

"Another layer of protection can't hurt. Oh, and stop joking with Aurora, she doesn't think like us mortals and all you will manage to do is get her embarassed. In that regard, she is naive like a child." And with his mind.
Can you teleport me next to Gan Cean, in flanking position?

Aurora flies. High, and cast a protective spell on herself while watch Giles from above.

He sure can take some punishment, but if he gets near death, I can heal him.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192680)

Dante 5step and casts Deathward on Johann

Aurora flies high and casts Deathward on herself (sorry Greg, no idea how Giles is hurt. But Aurora is there for Heal next time... or revivify.)

HP: 112/112
AC: 32/15/31
Saves: 8/5/21
Dispelling Cord: 1/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 3/4

Stoneskin 133/140
Alterself +5 nat AC
Bite of the Weretiger

HP: 104/126
AC: 29/15/26
Saves: 19/15/15

Magic Circle Against Evil

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°°
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination x

Lvl 4:
Deathward x
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft xxx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds °
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight x
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward x
4 Freedom of Movement °
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °°
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning °

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-12-06, 04:16 AM
@Dante: You place your clawed hand on Johann's shoulder and call for Wee Jas to grant your ally a strong measure of protection against whatever sinister necromantic power Gan Ceann might use.

@Aurora: You take to the skies, even higher than Xander and Silas and look at the battle below.

The Dullahan is effectively surrounded by the Inevitable and the Troll.

If they work together, they might just have a chance to bring this fey down, but just in case...

Celestia answers your call and you too are blessed with a shield in your soul against the vile magic of Death this Knight might bring upon you.

And now, you watch and wait.

This troll has been on his back more than actually fighting, but when he has, he's been able to give Gan Ceann pause.

You will make sure he suffers those wounds no more... just hold on a little bit longer, Giles!

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192682)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-06, 02:09 PM
Giles is finally safely out of range of the Fey’s whip. So now he needs to look for some more healing. As he scans around for the clerics the world bends around him and before he can take a breath he is back standing right next to the Headless Horseman.

“Gah, you Arcane fools! You place me in jeopardy to assist this contraption with one or two attacks?” Giles glares at the wizards. Then he takes a close look at Gan and performs a wild backflip the likes very few have seen from a War Troll attempting to avoid a parting shot from that morbid whip. When he hits the ground he moves further away looking for a Cleric.

“Damndible Wizards, no concern for anything but their own hides. Mithronel was wrong about these!”

Free Action - Cuss at the Mages

Move Action - Move at half speed using tumble to avoid an AOO from Gan. [roll0]

Move action - move a further 20 feet back away from Gan.

Can't see the map, so just move me straight away from Gan a total of 45 feet.

2016-12-06, 03:38 PM
@Johann: Before you move Eneas back to safety inside the Pelorite outer courtyard, you take a good look at him.

"He's knocked out, but he isn't in a bleeding state. On the contrary.

Whatever the barbarian attempted to do with Fenvarel caused a tremendous surge of positive energy to swell through him. Not unlike that of someone being trapped in the Positive Energy Plane.

At this point, every single fiber in his body is attempting to hold back the surge of power blindly released by Arrallae's blade and hopefully, his body will be able to calm the surging energy within him.

However... if he were to be gifted by a single healing spell- even the slightest Cure or Vigor incantation...

Then Eneas would burst at the seams and explode in a brilliant radiance of positive energy, leaving nothing of him behind.

One would be quick to say that the opposite should stabilize him- negative energy. But at this point, that is mere speculation and a risky- VERY risky attempt.

When it comes to handling items crafted by the gods themselves, huge risk is usually involved...as is the case now.

How long will it take for Eneas to stabilize himself? It could be seconds, hours... weeks. That is impossible to tell at this point.

@Giles: You curse at the mages and, against all odds, perform a backflip like a seasoned acrobat and move as far away from Gan Ceann and his lethal whip, mentioning a certain mage in the process, which arouses the attention of several involved in the fight.

Silas: "Mithmironel? As in...""

Xander: "Archaidous Mithmironel, the elven Conjurer. How do you know him?""

Rosalind: "He's here? By the gods! We are saved! But where is he? Why hasn't he joined the fight?"

Kalypsia: "The elven mage... he certainly would be an asset now.""

Round 3

@The Party: Gan Ceann watches Giles back flip away from him and the Knight of Sorrow & Blood takes up into the air, avoiding Cinderbolt's blade.

"I grow tired of your petty antics, mortals! You were given the choice to accept your death in silence. Now watch as the very ground you walk on turns against you!

By the divine order of the Herald of Ice & Snow: Come forth, servants of Winter!""

Gan Ceann's pumpkin head blows a gout of frozen breath on the ground and the street begins to rumble as a pair of ice and snow geysers erupt from the frozen streets, revealing two imposing creatures:


This bastard used yet another druidic spell... and a powerful one too.

Animate Snow

The Dullahan flies off towards one of the nearby buildings as the hulking snow beasts tower even above Giles, at twenty feet.

"Destroy them all! I have somebody I wish to deal with personally...""

@Johann, Dante, Cinderbolt & Kalypsia: One of the beasts lowers his body, just like Giles did before and tromps through the streets of Justcrown, causing the buildings around it to shake and crack a little as he bowls over all of you!

19 damage plus 3 cold damage. The animated snow provokes AoO, and you can attack it, but in so doing, you forsake a Reflex DC 19 for half damage.

@The Party: One of the snow behemoths looks down at Aenar, who did not have time to put on his armor and brings down to mighty fists upon the pelorite, nearly dropping him.

Aenar coughs some slushy blood as his body becomes showered in snow and looks up at the beast.

"That's the best you got?""

@Raikou: Gan Ceann's steed neighs as he lands on the rooftop, right next to you, as his eyes and those of his steed lock on with yours and the air gets just a little bit colder.

"Alone on a rooftop, Raikou. With all your friends below...

Killing you will be a personal satisfaction of mine.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192718)

Gan Ceann & Animated Snow x2
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-06, 04:43 PM
Raikou immediately regrets coming out of hiding as soon as the large scary knight lands on the rooftop in front of him. He cranes his neck to look Gan Ceann straight in the eye and gulps nervously. This was not really an optimal situation to be in....

Why hello there PumpkinHead...

You know what you need? A face-full of thunder.

Forcing a nervous laugh, the halfling acts quickly and launches a small blast of thunder at the Dullahan's face.

defensively cast DC 16, autopass

Standard action to cast.

ranged touch attack [roll0]
damage [roll1] electricity and 1 sonic damage

fortitude DC 19 vs stun for 1 round

And you know, I'd love to stick around and chat but... actually I don't.

See ya!

With that, Raikou takes a quick step back and flies down into the narrow alley where the large knight hopefully could not reach him. But not before activating his bracers and showing Gan Ceann an extremely rude hand gesture.

activating bracers of elusive action in response to any AoO he might make

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192723)

2016-12-06, 04:53 PM
Johann manage to evade most of the snow behemot's trample.
"And here I thought I would enjoy making a snowmen when this was almost over...", he touch Dante in the shoulder and without saying anything cast a powerful spell on him, as the inquisitor become cloaked with a radiant fire, "I trust you can destroy this one here".

Using a spellglyph to raise the caster level by 1 (making it 15th).

With a successful melee attack, the subject deals an extra 1 point of fire damage per caster level (maximum +15). If the defender has spell resistance, it applies to this effect. Creatures that make successful melee attacks against the subject are susceptible to the same damage unless they attack with weapons that have reach, such as longspears. The subject of fires of purity takes only half damage from fire-based attacks. If such an attack allows a Reflex save for half damage, the subject takes no damage on a successful save.

He look at the war troll and pause for a moment.
"I'm sorry, I guess. I thought you were in for a fight", he speaks right to his head.

2016-12-06, 05:22 PM
The snow creature comes, and yet, instead of protecting himself, Dante tries to assess just how hard to hurt are those creatures.

Not hard at all

Perhaps it was from the recent assassin instinct acquired, courtesy of Gan Cean's spell. But the inquisitor choose the risky move. After hitting him even with a clumsy swing of the Guillotine, he feels more certain that puttig more power behind the blows might be a viable strategy.
Nevertheless, there is the problem with the allies who are either badly hurt or in the process of getting so.

"Aurora, the troll has been enduring a lot of punishment for a while. He is a superb fighter, try to bring him back into shape."

"Raikou is in danger."

Can't deny that. But as soon as Raikou evades Gan Cean, Aurora decide to help the weird creature on the ground.
Diving from the skyes, she reaches the troll and infuses him with celestial healing.

The mage touches his shoulder and infuses with Fire of Purity.

Clever mage, this could melt this big guy in seconds.

He can't lie to himself, he is being aching to test his feline strenght after stealing Gan Cean's spell.
The guillotine dances, flames following closely. The inquisitor with feline features holding it so tightly he could almost break his sword's grip.

He looks at Johann and telephatically sends
He decided to put some distraction while he murder us one by one. Hope the rest of us can take the dullahan while I hold his minions

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192724)

Aurora flies to Giles and casts Heal on him, healing 140 HP and all his Con damage.

Dante FA the Ice Creature (he can only atk twice without his trusty buffs).
Atks with PA of 5
atk 1 [roll0] dmg [roll1] +15 fire
atk 2 [roll2] dmg [roll3] +15 fire

HP: 100/112
AC: 32/15/31
Saves: 8/5/21
Dispelling Cord: 1/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 3/4

Stoneskin 123/140
Alterself +5 nat AC
Bite of the Weretiger

HP: 104/126
AC: 29/15/26
Saves: 19/15/15

Magic Circle Against Evil

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°°
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination x

Lvl 4:
Deathward x
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft xxx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds °
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight x
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward x
4 Freedom of Movement °
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °x
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning °

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-12-06, 05:47 PM
@Giles: Aenar looks at you and then at his own wounds as the mighty snow beast towers above him, his frozen fists red with his own blood.

"This is the best I can do now, troll warrior...""

The Pelorite focuses and holds his medallion as this one shines with golden light and you, Rosalind and him are healed for a small amount.

28 HP healed

Rosalind sidesteps and raises the Brunhausser Blade against the giant as her whole body glows with Celestial Light.

"If you aren't going to fight, troll, the others might need your help. We'll keep this one busy!""

It's two beautiful slashes from Justcrown's Ruby Knight that nearly cause the beast to collapse as piles of snow break off its legs.

And hurt as it is, the behemoth still stands!

Lord Cinderbolt looks up at Silas and points at his chest, badly damaged.


Justcrown's mage looks around at the battle field as Xander unleashes another mighty magic missile at the snow beast engaged with Rosalind and Aenar, causing its back to explode in purple snow... but not dropping him.

"We got this! Go fix him up! Can't let this escalate and get even worse than it already is.""

Silas draws out a metal wand and flies down to Lord Cinderbolt as he flies down to the Inevitable and taps the Kolyarut's chest as his gears are fixed and the plating rebuilds itself, almost as if he were brand new out of the factory.

Repair Critical Damage

Lord Cinderbolt turns around and charges the snow beast that ran him through and evades the massive fist as he digs his blade into the behemoth...

And still he isn't going down!

Kalypsia brings her mace on the beast's legs, but her strength isn't as mighty right now, as just a few chunks of snow drop on the ground.

"How did these things become so strong? They're just snow!"

@Johann: You withstand the worse from this rampaging snow brute and are reminded of happy snowmen, with carrots for a nose, coal for eyes.

You may not have coal and carrots nearby, but you have fire.

And who better to wield it now than Dante, who looks as feral as the beasts you have fought in the Fey Woods, dousing him in sacred flame, enough to bring these piles of snow down on the ground and turn them to slush!

@Raikou: Gan Ceann laughs as your orb flies around him and dissolves in the cold wind.

"That's the best you got, halfling? Pitiful!""

There is no way you are fighting this bastard one on one. His whip is devastating and he sure likes to use it.

The alley down below the buildings is narrow enough to grant you a measure of safety, though.

And giving him the proverbial finger, you grin and swoop down below.

"You're last mistake, Raikou!!!!""

The whip comes at you, of course, but at the very last second, a shimmering white arcane sphere causes the whip to bounce off your body as you turn around and give him two fingers as you disappear into the alley.

"Damn these small folk and their alleys...""

@Dante: No wonder Gan Ceann brought down the troll so easily.

With this much power, you could bring him and the entire Court of Sorrows on your own. This is intoxicating!

And now you have the power of Sacred Flame at your proverbial fingertips!

Time to test these new spells.

The snow behemoth has taken several hits from everyone, but it is The Ruby Guillotine, wreathed in arcane fire, that causes the mountain of snow to melt into grey slush.

Aurora on the other hand, flies low and places her hand on the troll's bald tough head, cleansing him of any maladies Gan Ceann may have brought with his vicious whip.

Things are starting to get better now.

One snow beast remains... but he is just a distraction.

The real threat is Gan Ceann, but how to get up to him?

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192726)

Gan Ceann & Animated Snow
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-06, 07:17 PM
Alizarin can't help but giggle as Gan Cean actually turned around to repeat what he said, only to get slashed by the pixie's allies. Good stuff! As utterly dangerous and serious as the whole encounter was, this was comical.

Still grinning, he took up the wand from the roof, now freezing cold and cursed, shaking off the extra snow before it became ice-cold liquid to chill his fingers more, and he tried activating it once more...

I'm just picking up the wand and activating it..

Or trying to anyway: [roll0]

The wand behaves and grants the pixie aid in the form of another magic arrow. This was going to be good. Another arrow with Gan Cean's name on it!

Alizarin Rouge HP: 70/82

AC: 26/20 touch/17 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge)
Spell resistance 24
fort: 17, reflex: 22 (evasion), will: 15

DR: 10/cold iron
currently visible

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours
Flaming Sword (sub electric)
True strike

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-12-07, 01:35 AM
The hulking war troll flicks his wrists and in an instant, the sword in his hand vanishes. It then tears into the giant snow creature thing with claws and a maw full of nasty sharp teeth like... a troll attacking a pile of snow for some strange reason.

claw1: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

claw2: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

bite: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]

With a mouth full of snow, it turns to the mages and says, “Mno! Miffmiranul ivnt her! Dof it rook rike 'ees 'ere?”

It spits out the snow and continues rather rudely, “We have enough wizards and warlocks running amok to form a coven as it is!”

2016-12-07, 02:19 AM
@Giles: These mages and their petty tricks...

None of them can compare to the might of a true beast like you!

And these happy little snowmen are no different!

Rosalind watches you rip the beast apart in chunks of snow as this one dribbles down your tusks and you spit the last remnant of the construct on the ground, covering Aenar in a healthy dose of slobber and snow.

"You're welcome, troll...""

The Ruby Knight looks up at you as the last snow beast is taken down and is reduced into a pile of slush.

"Wait... what? He isn't here? Then where is he?""

Kalyspia listens to you and turns her gaze from the smoking pile of snow, courtesy of Dante to you.

"A what did you say? A coven? I will have you know, beast: there are no witches or warlocks here. And I would be careful how you refer to those who protect this duchy...

I can see that behind that brute hides a much smaller one.""

Xander raises his hands and attempts to maintain the peace.

"High Inquisitor and... troll? Yes, I suppose, since we don't have your name yet. We are acquainted with Archaidous. He is a good friend of us here in Justcrown.

I have seen him walk beside all manner of wondrous beings. But a troll, well... that would be a first. Once we deal with this menace, perhaps you'd like to tell us how and why you are here?"

Now, let us finish Gan Ceann- he is up on that roof.""

Round 4

@The Party: The Knight of Sorrow & Blood looks down at all of you from his rooftop.

"Finish me? You certainly have gall, mortal. Gall and confidence...

But that isn't enough to be victorious in battle. You need strength as well as cunning. Two skills I have in spades...

This isn't over!""

And having said that, Gan Ceann shoots upwards towards the dark wintry sky and disappears completely.

Silas and Xander both look up, but the sky is covered in ever falling snow and strong winds, making vision rather difficult.

"You think he left?""

"It is possible... he did get quite a punishment from all of us. He can't be suicidal, can he?""

Aenar uses another powerful spell on himself to heal his wounds as Rosalind helps him up on his feet.

"That coward likes to flee when things go bad for him. He did it when we fought him in the Fey Woods and later outside Moruga... although I was the one fleeing that time.""

Kalypsia walks back towards the portcullis and looks at Cinderbolt, very much repaired.

"He was right about one thing: this isn't over.... SOMEONE OPEN THE PORTCULLIS!""

And as the chains begins to open the door to the fortress, the zenythri inquisitor looks at all of you.

"Except for Father Aenar and Sister Rosalind, I will need all of you to come inside and brief me on what the hell is going on.""

@Alizarin: You ready your arrow, marked with Xander's mighty magic and watch Gan Ceann rise several hundred feet above the sky as his body suffers a drastic change.

The ice and frost gather around him and envelop him completely, out of sight of the rest, but not yours, being at a better vantage point.

At a guess, he's over two hundred feet above the building he stood on, but why is he covered?


Looks like it pulsates with cold energy, unseen and unheard by the others below.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192766)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-07, 02:49 AM
At first, Alizarin thought Gan Cean was making an escape. But he kept watch on the rider and found that he floated high above in the skies.. seemingly gathering power! He looked down below at the distant streets to find that everyone seemed to have relaxed, and some began walking indoors.

Uh oh, this wasn't good. He had to warn the others that something nasty was coming!

Flying at top speeds above the roofs, Alizarin called out as he got near, "Waaait!! He's still here! He's doing.. something! I think you had better take cover!"

On second thought, maybe 'Wait!' wasn't a good thing to say. Maybe 'look out'? Well, too late now.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192768)

Alizarin Rouge HP: 70/82

AC: 26/20 touch/17 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge)
Spell resistance 24
fort: 17, reflex: 22 (evasion), will: 15

DR: 10/cold iron
currently visible

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours
Flaming Sword (sub electric)
True strike

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-12-07, 03:30 AM
@Alizarin: This isn't good!

Gan Ceann never planned to leave the battle, that much is clear.

And now he seems to be amassing some sort of power, encased in that pulsating ice orb several hundred feet in the air.

What exactly is his plan?

If you were a mage, you could identify what this is, but as it stands, your hunch tells you that it's probably something bad.

@The Party: The portcullis begins to open as Kalyspia and the others turn around to see you on the Pelorite temple's roof, quite visible as the inquisitor locks eyes with you.

"Another local from the woods? What is your name? You also know these people?""

Xander casts a spell on him to be almost untouchable by this fey.

Greater Mage Armor

"Alizarin... are you sure about this? Where exactly is he?""

Silas looks up at his colleague and then at you.

"Be as specific as you can, pixie: what exactly is that Dullahan doing?""

Silas places his hand on his chest and covers himself in a novice arcane spell that shimmers around his body before disappearing completely.

Mage Armor

Rosalind looks up at the dark wintry skies and shuts her eyes as a golden radiance shines around her body and her muscles increase in size, but not enough to break her armor.

Divine Power

Kalypsia looks at the portcullis and raises her voice to the guards inside the temple of the Cudgel:


She then looks at you and utters a prayer to St. Cuthbert as her strength becomes not unlike that of a titan.

Divine Power

"We hit that guy with everything we had... and he's still coming back for more? Damn those woods.

Everyone! prepare as much as you can! Given that monster's strength, he could tear down innocent homes. And I do not want him coming here and venting his anger on the innocent.

Lord Cinderbolt... stay by my side. Silas! You're on repair duty!"

But where is this guy and what exactly is he doing? And how can he be a threat... more than he already is.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192770)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-07, 03:42 AM
The pixie points up frantically. "He's up there! ..gathering a ton of ice around himself!"

He whirls around to try and look at Gan Cean again. He really hoped he didn't come all the way here just to eat a nasty magic spell... along with everyone else who didn't heed his warning and didn't take cover...

2016-12-07, 03:49 AM
@Alizarin: Xander adjusts his glasses and looks at you as the others cast a variety of spells.

"By your description, it doesn't sound like an offensive spell...

He's using the frost to cast Hibernal Healing, a spell best used in Frostfell places like Justcrown.""

Kalypisa looks up at the sky as Cinderbolt focuses his clockwork eyes on you and stays positively rigid as his gears wind and whirr beneath his golden breast plate.

"I am aware of that spell, but the power to call its effects into being requires the caster to be perfectly still and you say that he took off into the sky..

He would not be able to cast the spell otherwise. Not without any items of power on him.

And he certainly did not seem to use any when he fought us... so either he was saving it for that moment or he's using something else.""

Aenar looks up at you and then at the rest.

"If we allow him to heal, none of our attacks will have meant anything! How are we going to stop him when we can't even see him?""

2016-12-07, 05:55 AM
This feels warm. A soothing sensation, like the baths of the coast of the inner sea. Once in Gryrax Eneas spent a fortune in a bath house, trying out all the specialities.

This was just like that.

His senses numbled, he is barely aware of the world around him. Voices, those of is allies, come like from the other side of a thick wall. His eyelids remain closed.

And on those eyelids he sees red light, as when you stare at the sun. The warmth of Aralle's power, a brilliant sun in the midst of the dread winter.


2016-12-07, 04:15 PM
"Hibernal Healing?", Johann think for a moment, "If that's the spell he's casting, he will recover from our previous attacks. We can't let that happen".

Johann grips his runestaff and telepathically send to the many priests gathered together.
"Whatever you do, dont use any positive energy spell on Eneas: he is infused with so many positive energy from Fenvarel that he may end exploding like a star if submitted to more such energy. Maybe some negative energy might recover him from this stupor, but we better not risk it right now. If anyone can take him inside a temple and keep him and Fenvarel safe, it would be good".

He look ups and at everyone gathered.
"I can teleport with someone up to disrupt that spell, but it's quite a fall, so if anyone is willing or have ways to avoid the fall, with me".

He then slaps his forehead. he was dry on dimension doors.
Instead he use his pearl and recover his Fly spell.

2016-12-07, 08:34 PM
"By Alizarin's description, I guess this is one of those so called frostfell magic those wicked unseelie are so fond of use. The Hibernal Healing is a spell I used myself, twice, and can confirm that what Kalypsia says is true. If it's indeed Hibernal Healing, that will be a bummer, but all we will have to do is hit him again, and harder.

But I fear it's something more nasty. With his mastery over natural spells, guessing is a near impossible task. Even the possibility of being a frostfell spell is just a guess.
I'd say we find a roof over our heads meanwhile and brace for whatever he has in mind."

Inquisitor, Eneas is holding Fenvarel. That sword you claim to be a key to your war. Let's make sure we are close to him.

Good thinking, no risks to be taken. And remember, no positive energy to be placed on Eneas body.

Dante runs towards Eneas who is, himself, under a roof.
Aurora flies next to Eneas too.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192813)

Dante, double move inside the building.
Aurora, flies and enters TD

HP: 100/112
AC: 37/15/36
Saves: 8/5/21
Dispelling Cord: 1/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 3/4

Stoneskin 123/140
Alterself +5 nat AC
Bite of the Weretiger

HP: 104/126
AC: 33/19/30 (+4 on AC due to TD)
Saves: 19/15/15

Magic Circle Against Evil

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°°
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination x

Lvl 4:
Deathward x
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft xxx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds °
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight x
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward x
4 Freedom of Movement °
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °x
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning °

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-12-07, 11:45 PM
Warned of the seemingly impending danger, Raikou looks around for some kind of shelter or cover from whatever might happen. What Gan Ceann had planned next was certainly not going to be pleasant.

First he looks up at the houses on both sides of this narrow alley for any sign of an open window or an easily accessible entrance.

Barring that, he prepares to ready one of his own powerful protective spells to shield himself.

If there are any open windows or doors, he'll take cover inside the buildings.

Otherwise, he'll fly over to Rosalind and ready a resilient sphere centered on himself.

2016-12-08, 12:32 AM
In an awe-inspiring (or perhaps terrifying) feat of magic, Giles the Troll becomes Giles the Minotaur! Heeding the warnings of the pixie and the cautions of some mages, and with no way to strike at Gan anyway, the giant half-bovine beast chuffed rudely at the mages one last time before seemingly melting into the earth, now completely unseen and unsensed by everyone...

So he turns into a minotaur and uses his earth glide position to get on the position underground.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192813)

2016-12-08, 02:12 AM
@Johann: Silas looks at you and then at the blood covered snow street.

"With this weather? I would bet a monster like that would seize the opportunity- he clearly has some druidic mastery.

Dante being a proof of it. Let's see if we can distract him.""

Xander watches you retrieve one of your spells from the pearl and begins to ascend.

"At this point, we cannot allow him to heal his wounds. Everyone, best seek cover... We're going up there.""

Johann... try and stay close so we may maintain telepathic range.

And so, both mage and magus ascend as much as they can into the wintry night sky.

@Dante: Kalypsia watches you and Aurora head towards the small courtyard in front of the Pelorite Chapel as she watches both Silas and Xander ascend.

The cherry tree close to where Eneas has been placed by Johann has blossomed as if in full spring. The ice has melted away around it and all colors seem extremely vibrant.

Not unlike when someone gets brought back from the Veil.

If what Johann said is true, the paladin has absorbed such an amount of Positive Energy that it is affecting the area around him.

It isn't healing you- not at this point. maybe never.

But his serene appearance tells you that Gan Ceann is not an immediate threat to him.

The inquisitor looks at those still on the street and nods.

"We'll have to hit him harder, then. Father Aenar, how good are you with a sword?""

Aenar looks at his mace and puts it down on the ground as Lord Cinderbolt walks up to him and hands him his own blade.

"I am semi good at it. Why do you... oh. I see. Yes, good idea, Madam Inquisitor.""

The Inevitable looks at the pelorite and hands him his own blade, with the symbol of a gear emblazoned on the hilt.

@Raikou: Not wanting to follow both mages towards the dark cold skies of Justcrown, you quickly look around to check on any windows or doors.

The windows have a healthy layer of frost and ice that has sealed them shut. You could attempt to pry them open with your tiny halfling hands, but chances are you won't be able to pry it open by yourself and yiur tiny fingers might even get stuck to the ice.

Needless to say the doors are frozen and most likely locked from the inside.

You could blast a window open, but then again, that would be breaking and entering... in front of Justcrown's Judge.

For now, best stick next to Rosalind as the Ruby Knight watches Silas and Xander disappear into dark skies.

"It's alright, Raikou- we'll be fine. We just need to stick together, ok?""

@Giles: Screw that.

You are fighting Gan Ceann, but on your own terms.

Not those dictated by an Inquisitor of the Cudgel.

Not by some self righteous Ruby Knight.

And definitely not by the orders of some stuck up wizard!

The rage swells up within you even more as you bellow and cause the windows around you to nearly shatter as your body suffers a monstrously radical transformation and you sprout a pair of rock horns and a brown grey fur replaces the pebbly green skin as a pair of hooves reshape your feet and so, Giles the Troll is no more:


Enter Giles the Greathorn!

Locking eyes with Kalyspia and Johann, you begin to sink into the ground with amazing ease, leaving not a single hole in the bloody snow and then, your entire body submerges beneath Justcrown...

You may not be able to see where the others are- they were too far away when you transformed- but if they or that Rider gets close to you on the ground...

Just close enough... he's yours.

Kalypsia watches the perfectly unmoved terrain where you sank into and grips her mace tighter.

So he IS a shapeshifter... Johann was not lying.

Round 5

@The Party: The wind blows and howls violently across the street and above your heads.

The strange shapeshifter is gone. By now, he's probably on some other continent for all you know.

Gan Ceann has not made his appearance, as most of you move closer to the front of Pelor's Chapel.

Xander and Silas ascend more and the magus is no longer visible at this point.

Aenar grips the blade given to him by Cinderbolt and utters a spell as his body too suffers a gigantic transformation, bathed in golden light as he doubles in size and moves a bit closer to all of you.

Persisted Righteous Might

"Thank you, Lord Cinderbolt. This blade will come in handy against that rider.""

The Inevitable picks up the mace and heads towards Kalyspia.

@The Party except Alizarin & Giles: Rosalind walks with Raikou following suit and looks at the cherry tree in full bloom.

"Even in the coldest night, Hope and Victory shines upon us all.

Let this be a glorious stand!""

Raising the Brunhausser Blade, the Ruby Knight gives all of you tremendous fighting prowess.

Righteous Wrath of the Faithful

@The Party except Giles: Kalypsia looks up at Silas as he begins to ascend into the skies and then looks back at all of you.

"We best be ready. I am guessing not all of you- definitely one of you- is not an adherent to the Cudgel? Still, this should be able to give you a fighting edge against that Dullahan.""

It's a myriad of holy words uttered by the Zenythri that bolsters your body and soul to new heights!


There is enough divine power accumulated here to bring down Gan Ceann and probably the entire duchy.

Still, that sinister fey has not made himself present.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192836)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-08, 02:30 AM
Dang. Alizarin had a good opportunity to shoot, but he wasted that coming all the way over here. Now the effects of the True Strike spell were gone... Guess he'd just have to use the wand again! And maybe get closer. Noticing how the Inevitable was staring at him, it made the pixie feel rather uncomfortable. There'd be no better time to follow the other two up.. unless Gan Cean suddenly came down and flayed him to bits.

Alizarin tried once more to activate the wand, then he flew 30 feet up - it was all that his wings could carry him skyward for now.


Whoopsies, here is Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192837)

Alizarin Rouge HP: 70/82

AC: 28/22 touch/19 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge)
Spell resistance 24
fort: 19, reflex: 24 (evasion), will: 17

DR: 10/cold iron
currently visible

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours
Flaming Sword (sub electric)
True Strike

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-12-08, 03:58 AM
@Alizarin: Xander's wand is almost empty, that much is clear.

But at least you can activate it and if Gan Ceann shows up again... then you can give him a nasty taste of Tyranny's Ruin.

Who knows what he's conjuring high up in the cold dark skies of the duchy, but if he isn;t coming down right now... it must be something big.

The arrow sigil is drawn on your hand as you take flight to join the mages against the Dullahan. Both have mentioned they are nearly spent and yet, they have managed to pull off a few spells so far.

Maybe if you can intercept him in the sky, he won't be able to come down and wreak havoc amongst your grounded allies, bathed in spells or not.

Hell, you are but a few feet higher than Silas as the mage smiles and keeps ascending.

"Get that bow ready, Alizarin: We'll distract him while you snipe this bastard, how's that?""

The mage tries to hide his fear behind perky optimism, but you can tell that he isn't so sure of the outcome of all this.

The strongest here are on the ground...and below it.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192838)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-08, 07:51 PM
@Johann: With Gan Ceann not making his immediate appearance, you look at the many allies gathered near the Pelorite Church and take out one of your many rods, tipped with a single white feather and intone the arcane words as a powerful transmutation washes over most of your friends and allies, granting them the power of flight as you follow Silas and Xander, ascending thirty feet into the cold dark skies.

Fly on Johann, Dante, Rosalind, Aenar, Kalypsia and Cinderbolt

The zenythri inquisitor takes to the skies as well, but with such heavy armor, she isn't catching up with Johann just as fast.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192907)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-09, 12:14 AM
"Allright, let's just get ready if those two get blasted too hard.

Raikou, can you give me the wand?"

The inquisitor says, extending his hands towards the halfling.

"You won't be able to free yourself so easily if that dullahan entraps you, inquisitor."

The archon oftenly relies on her own teleportation to get out of sticky situations, but Dante isn't as resourceful.

Both inquisitor and archon get ready. If any ally falls, they rush to bring their lives back.

Dante ready action to pick the Morwel's Grace from Raikou once he aproaches.

Aurora casts Freedom of Movement on Dante

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192968)

HP: 100/112
AC: 39/17/38
Saves: 13/8/23
Dispelling Cord: 1/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 3/4

Stoneskin 123/140
Alterself +5 nat AC
Bite of the Weretiger 4/?
Fires of Purity 3/15
RWoF 1/?
Recitation 1/?

HP: 104/126
AC: 31/17/28
Saves: 16/13/13

Magic Circle Against Evil

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°°
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination x

Lvl 4:
Deathward x
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft xxx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds °
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight x
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward x
4 Freedom of Movement x
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °x
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning °

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-12-09, 01:45 AM
@Dante: Aurora places her hand on your shoulder and immediately you feel as fluid as the waters of the Okeanos River in Celestia's shores.

If Gan Ceann attempts any druidic trick on you, it will fail. That's a given.

And then Raikou flies up to you and hands over Morwel's Grace.

There should be one charge left in it, but enough to give you an advantage should any here fall to the Rider's nefarious power.

As for the former troll- now a minotaur... he's gone.

Who know where he is.

@Johann: Being airborne, and a tad closer to telepathic range, Xander is the one to send in the dire news.

That's not a Hibernal Healing spell, Johann. Gan Ceann took off to the skies to heal his wounds, but the spell, he used was...

The Rejuvenation Cocoon. And I'm afraid it's ready to break! I am out of dispels, but warn those below.

He's about to come out!

Round 6

@The Party: It's the Dullahan's sinister laughter that echoes through the dark wintry skies as pieces of ice, shaped as onion layers drop on the street and evaporate and Gan Ceann descends at tremendous speeds and lands right between most of you, staying twenty feet off the ground.

Most of his wounds have been healed during the time you took to prepare, but worse-

Gan Ceann has cast another spell upon himself to make sure he isn't hit this time and that his own attacks are even deadlier.

Sirine's Grace

"I will give this to all of you:

You are quite brave. I cannot deny it. But bravery and determination alone isn't enough to be victorious...""

Gan Ceann looks around and notices the shapeshifter is gone.

"That being said... I may have spoken too quickly. Your troll has decided to elope. Good. I will chase him down later.

Those who have threatened the Herald's Reign first will be given priority.""

Rosalind watches the Knight of Blood & sorrow land in your midsts and immediately calls on Pelor's aide to make her impressively nimble.

Divine Agility

Kalypsia watches the Dullahan descend between all of you and grips her mace with one hand as her body glows with emerald radiance.

"Your overconfidence shall be your fall, fey!""

The zenythri may have outsider lineage, barely noticeable to the untrained eye.

Now... it's quite evident.

Lesser Holy Transformation

Aenar rises to meet the rider, aiming for a decent charge and intones ancient words of power in celestial as his muscles enlarge even more.

Divine Power

Xander and Silas descend fast than they ascended and remain a cautionary distance from Gan Ceann, but wait and cast nothing.

Lord Cindebolt flies up to the Headless Horseman and avoids his whip, but as he brings down the mace on him, the Dullahan thrashes him across the face.

The Inevitable wasn't even able to land a single hit!

"It is pointless to try and fight me. Living or not, all of you shall be dragged screaming to the Lonely Road!""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192969)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-09, 03:28 AM
"If it's the lonely road, why don't you sod off and take a long walk down it yourself!?" Alizarin retorts, sticking the wand between his belt and tunic briefly.

"Oh yeah, one more thing. Dodge this!"

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] + [roll2] holy + [roll3] lightning + 2 thunder
Fortitude save DC 21 or be stunned for one round.

Cold iron arrow.

The pixie lets loose an arrow that strikes true, nailing the horse in the ass. Too bad Gan's steed wasn't a donkey.

Alizarin Rouge HP: 70/82

AC: 28/22 touch/19 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge)
Spell resistance 24
fort: 19, reflex: 24 (evasion), will: 17

DR: 10/cold iron
currently visible

12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours
Flaming Sword (sub electric)

Other effects:
Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.

2016-12-09, 03:55 AM
@Alizarin: Gan Ceann turns to look up at you as you line up your shot.

It has to be well precise. Calculated.

And then, off it goes!

The arrow is about to strike the Dullahan, but against all odds, this time...

Your arrow misses! It goes right through him as if he weren't even there, losing itself in the snow.

"Hehehehehhee... surprised, Alizarin? Your shots had been rather good lately... even for such a runt like yourself.

But this time, not even your tricks with that bow will give me pause, or reason to falter. I have taken my time to prepare against all of you now.

Not even with all your combined strength do you have a chance at even fazing me!""

Kalypsia looks at Cinderbolt, who has taken damage again, but not as bad as last time.

"He has the Sirine's Grace on him. A spell used commonly by druids and bards. I know of it because many who dabble in deceit and music in the courts back in the Free City used to attempt to cast it before going in for trial.

It's a spell that works really well for casters who rely on their sheer will of personality, as well as granting them impressive agility.

No wonder Lord Cinderbolt wasn't able to hurt him. We need to strip him of it before we can launch a final attack against him!"

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=192972)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-09, 09:55 AM
Johann look at the renewed enemy and look to Dante. If someone could strip him from spells, it would be the inquisitor.

He flies to Dante and hand him the precious Omni Pearl.
"I know you'll find good use to it"

2016-12-09, 02:22 PM
Johann: Being ten feet away from Gan Ceann, you look down upon him and then at Dante on the ground below.

Not even Alizarin's True Strike shot had been able to hurt this guy. If that spell on him isn't taken away, none of you will have a chance to hurt him!

And so, you take the plunge as you soar towards the inquisitor and take out the precious and dwindling Omni Pearl.

The Dullahan watches you move away from him and descend at full speed and brings down his whip upon you, lashing your back.

"Fool! Have you learned nothing from fighting me, Johann?

Any within range of my whip are doomed to die! You all seem too eager for it, it would seem!""

And so, Gan Ceann makes good on his promise.

42 damage plus 1 Con damage

It hurts terribly, but not fatally, as you hover a few feet off the ground next to Dante and hand him the precious pearl and look at the Knight of Sorrow & Blood, his whip dripping your own blood on the red snow below.

He really needs to go down.

@Dante: It was a painful delivery, but at least you have the pearl in your hands.

And now, like a greedy thief at market, you retrieve one of your trademark spells. One to make sure you steal that spell, just like you did with the last one.


Nobody can stop you now... not even a god like Gan Ceann.

The rider watches you from his lofty height and his pumpkin face smiles wickedly.

"What are you planning to do in the very short time you have left to live, Dante? You never know when to give up, do you? Mortals and their short meaningless lives..."

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193000)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-09, 07:23 PM
Raikou watches as Gan Ceann reappears and seems to have been healed significantly, and with even more powerful protective spells on him. This wasn't good.

Now it seemed to only way to even possibly defeat him was for that spell to be removed, and there was only one person who could probably do that...

And it looked like he had just become Gan Ceann's prime target. If not Dante, then most certainly someone else.

So, not wanting to see any of his new allies dead, the halfling readies his most powerful protective spell to defend Dante, or anyone else the deadly knight be kill.

Ready to cast resilient sphere centered on himself to block the entrance to the building if Gan Ceann is about to kill any of Dante, Aurora, or Rosalind and Xander and Silas don't do anything.

The radius of the sphere should include Dante and Aurora in addition to himself

2016-12-09, 10:06 PM
@Raikou: You watch Gan Ceann descend amidst most of you and, were you facing it any other day, you would be certain of your victory...

No. That is a lie.

This Unseelie is on a power level different from all ofyou.

Even an army of a Raikous would fare no better with a full year's rest.

And that much is evident.

Still, you might have a false illusion of hope in the cold streets as Johann takes a eild lashing on his way to hand Dante the pearl. Precious, precious pearl...

But will it even be enough? To face your mortality. The end of the Road in the harsh and silent cold.

2016-12-09, 10:27 PM
Dante seems pretty resolute on using that powerful abjuration on the Dullahan.

Aurora isn't so confident.

I can see the malevolence in the severed head of this horseman. He isn't letting Dante simply repeat his trick

Meanwhile, Raikou looks just as headstrong as Dante. Or Johann. Or Alizarin. Only Eneas is knocked out, brave or crazy enough to use a powerful artifact to put down a foe mightier than him. Giles, however, is nowhere to be seen.

Hmph, coward. But the others, those mortals have a commendable resolution. This day is likely the last day of their lives. I am an archon of Barachiel, I can be strong too.

She teleports right next to Gan Ceann, flanking with the Inevitable.

Used G Teleport to appear next to Gan Cean.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193015)

2016-12-10, 12:18 AM
Giles reaches out with his senses feeling for where the others are and if the Gan has touched down. There is no one in range?

Giles moves above him onto the surface ready at a moments notice to duck back under ground.

He looks around trying to see where the others have gone.

2016-12-10, 03:42 AM
@Aurora: Gan Ceann has amassed tremendous power and he seeks to end Dante's life.

Not only his... but that of everyone here. And yet, they don't seem to be running away.

In that regard, the Rider of the Lonely road has failed- he will not get the satisfaction of having you all cry into the dark, defeated and helpless.

And so, you call on the powers of Mighty Barachiel and in a flash of golden light, appear right beside the sinister Dullahan, away from Dante and the others.

Your body can withstand his punishment... much more than theirs.

@Giles: You can sense several presences below the ground... but not that many.

And so, you rise just a smidge above the frozen ground and take a peek.

Of course... they are all mostly airborne... same as Gan Ceann.

The fight seems rather uneven over there. You could probably go after hi, but given his altitude right now, it would be rather difficult to catch him.

And so, you recede back into the ground and wait for that golden opportunity.

A one in a million.

Round 7

@Dante: Gan Ceann's bone whip begins to overflow with black energy as his disembodied head looks at you as the horse sets eyes on Aurora.

"Dante, you seem to like to sacrifice your pets instead of you. First, it was that dragon Baliarth.

Then, it was the troll... who knows where he is now.

And finally, winged Aurora. With such a beautiful face and a defiant stare.

I want you to see this closely, cleric. Watch how yet another of your beloved pets dies for you and accomplishes nothing in the process..."

@Aurora: Gan Ceann rises his whip and this one wriggles in the air as it turns positively rigid as the moans and wails of dozens of souls can be heard whistling from the vertebrae and then, Gan Ceann's pumpkin head smiles immensely, showing teeth and a look of utter enjoyment as the whip lashes once... and only once, tearing through your magnificent holy flesh and an explosion of white feathers and blood take your breath away as you plummet on the frozen ground, head first, as blood splatters all around you and into the darkness you go...

146 damage plus 1 Con damage

@Dante: It all happens in slow motion as Aurora looks at you and smiles faintly as her chest explodes in blood and her eyes close as she bounces off the ground from the brutal impact...

Is she alive? Maybe. Maybe not.

The fall would have killed you, but for someone like her, with archon lineage...

She has to be alive... she has to.

Aenar watches Aurora plummet and his eyes blaze with holy rage at the Rider as this one laughs amidst the killing and blood spilled streets of the duchy.

"I will NEVER forgive you!!!""

Father Aenar's body suffers another radical transformation as his size reduces, but not his strength.

His skin becomes black and his features turn into that of a blood hound, with golden eyes and snarling jowls.

Holy Transformation

And in a rage, Aenar flies towards Gan Ceann as this one looks at the pelorite and grins as his whip lashes at the priest's face.

"Another fool who believes he can best me. Idiots who throw away such short lives. Well, you were going to die anyways, Aenar.

Might as well make it quick.""

The lash hurts the pelorite, but because of the many divine wards upon his body, he can take the punishment.

"Johann, Dante! I'll be your shield! Bring him down!!!""

Rosalind glides low, as Aenar takes a beating from The Knight of Sorrow & Blood and kneels beside Aurora.

She still lives... but she hangs by a thread. You trained for this Rosalind... bring her back!

It's a warm glow around Aurora and the Ruby Knight as the Voice of Barachiel's eyes open lazily and smiles at Rosalind as she looks up with utter hatred at Gan Ceann.

Heal: 110HP cured

The Dullahan looks down at Rosalind and Aurora and his steed neighs and thrashes about.

"Stupid little girl! Do not take away my kills!""

Justcrown's Ruby Knight looks up at Gan Ceann as she cradles Aurora's head.

"You aren't killing anyone here, monster! Not on our watch!""

Kalyspia looks at a servant of Celestia brought down and calls on the power of St. Cuthbert as her body doubles in size and strength as she moves to block Gan Ceann, taking a vicious strike from the Rider's whip in the process.

Righteous Might

"Lord Cinderbolt: move away from him... and don't dodge."

The Inevitable does as told and moves away, taking some punishment from Gan Ceann in the process.

The lash dents his metal body somewhat, but not as badly as all the others, stopping shy of a few feet above Silas.

Kalypsia looks at Justcrown's Mage as he's about to enter the fray and shakes her head.

"Keep him fixed.""

Xander flies low and away from Gan Ceann's whip and stands in front of Aurora.

"It may not be the best shield in my repertoire, but this is all I have to offer now.""

Gan Ceann watches everyone surrounding him and laughs as his steed neighs and blows a gout of green spectral flame.

"Your blind devotion is amusing! You wish to protect her? Tell me: whose going to protect you?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193016)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-10, 08:45 AM
"Dante, you seem to like to sacrifice your pets instead of you. First, it was that dragon Baliarth.

Then, it was the troll... who knows where he is now.

And finally, winged Aurora. With such a beautiful face and a defiant stare.

I want you to see this closely, cleric. Watch how yet another of your beloved pets dies for you and accomplishes nothing in the process..."
"A pet? PET? No sir, you are a pet, the unseelie favorite lapdog. They tell you to go after us, you bark and follow, tail wiggling. Who told you to come after us, Gan? Which Fey, soiling their pants after seeing their fellows fall, one by one, begged you to end us?

Because you are about to disappoint them badly."

The Dullahan answers by flailing Aurora.
But Gan is wrong, Aurora is brave, but not a inconsequential martyr. Both Dante and Aurora calls for a swift divine intervention, and instead of having her life taken away, it's hang by a thread instead.
Rosalind is the one to heal her properly, back into fighting shape.

By Wee Jas I love those two. Now I need to bring his attention to me. If I manage to steal it, I'll be his prime target.

Yes, it's one of his favorite abjurations. The best abjuration to be cast when the enemy has only one powerful spell affecting him.

A greenish hand attempts to snatch the dullahan's enchantments.

After the spell, he moves close to Gan and the others.

Aurora, who just got back into conscious flies to Gan's back and strikes him.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193026)

Dante defensively uses Spelltheft on Gan
Moves close to him.

Aurora flies close to him, flanking, and hit him.
atk1 [roll1] [roll2] (crit on 47)
crit conf [roll3] [roll4]

HP: 100/112
AC: 39/17/38
Saves: 13/8/23
Dispelling Cord: 1/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 3/4

Stoneskin 123/140
Alterself +5 nat AC
Bite of the Weretiger 5/?
Fires of Purity 4/15
RWoF 2/?
Recitation 2/?

HP: 104/126
AC: 31/17/28
Saves: 16/13/13

Magic Circle Against Evil
RWoF 2/?
Recitation 2/?

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°x
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination x

Lvl 4:
Deathward x
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft xxx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds x
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight x
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward x
4 Freedom of Movement x
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °x
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning °

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-12-10, 04:51 PM
@Dante: It'a quick reaction from both you and Aurora as the power of Wee Jas and Barachiel combined keep the archon from suffering a sure death.

It's Rosalind's faith in Pelor that brings Aurora back on her feet.

And then, you focus on that one spell. Used many times before, to steal Gan Ceann's newest incantation as a pair of ghostly green hands attempt to take it away from him...

And it is then that Gan Ceann himself goes utterly ghostly as he whips both hands and slashes them in two!

Phantasmal Denial

"Fool! A trick once used on me has no chance on working again! Dante, I am going to break you for standing against the Herald of Ice & Snow. There is no escaping your fate now.

So come forth: the Lonely Road beckons thee..."

And so, both you and Aurora fly towards the Knight of Blood & sorrow, only to get hit by his ghastly bone whip!

34 damage plus 1 Con damage

31 damage plus 1 Con damage

And yet, despite being utterly surrounded, not even Aurora can bring her blade to strike him, as she is hit once more.

34 damage plus 1 Con damage

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193040)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-10, 09:30 PM
Alizarin knew he was a good shot. He knew his bow was magically enhanced, and his arrows were guided by powerful magic. He also didn't flub that shot. He knew it was going to hit Gan Cean too! ...until it didn't. The pixie almost thought he was hallucinating. And then his jaw dropped.

What? There was no way that could have missed! And if that couldn't hit Gan Cean nothing could!

And so the others seemed to be hatching a scheme when it looked as if Aurora was killed by one single, brutal lash. "Oh my god! He killed Aurora! You bastard!" the pixie screamed, unleashing a volley of arrows which erratically flew and bounced on the dullahan's protections.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]+[roll2] holy + [roll3] lightning + 2 sonic

attack: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]+[roll6] holy + [roll7] lightning + 2 sonic

attack: [roll8]
damage: [roll9]+[roll10] holy + [roll11] lightning + 2 sonic

Only after his senses cooled did he realize that Aurora was not actually dead!

2016-12-11, 03:22 AM
@Alizarin: Is this guy truly invincible. No... that cannot be.

Back in the Twilight Thicket, Raikou was able to send him packing away, using his mighty powers as a Stormcaster.

But that was when the halfling was at full power. As it stands now, the sorcerer is barely able to hold to whatever precious arcane reservoir of power he has left to keep all of you alive as he remains as close to the ground as possible.

The minotaur has not dared peek his head out of the snow this time and Johann is way too hurt to help significantly in this very uneven battle.

And by the looks of it, Aurora and Dante are getting brutally lashed once more.

This is going to turn into a bloodbath soon unless you can do something.

And as your arrows fly past him, Gan Ceann looks up at you and smiles wickedly.

"Persistent to the very end, aren't you, pixie? I haven't forgotten about you...""

Round 8

@Dante & Aurora: With Gan Ceann effectively surrounded, the Knight of Blood & Sorrow looks around at all of you and his disembodied head smiles wickedly as his steed neighs and blows a gout of green spectral flame.

"It is time this comes to an end. Try and keep up, if you can...""

And having said that, Gan Ceann flies upwards and towards the Pelorite temple's roof, giving you, Aenar and Kalypsia a chance to strike, something that both Cuthbertine and Pelorite do not attempt, given how many protections he has on.

But who knows... you might get lucky.

from Dante & Aurora vs. Gan Ceann

And once he has landed on the roof, ten feet below Alizarin, the Dullahan's head looks down at all of you and his steed lowers his head as his mane turns into weeds and the smell of the distant ocean wafts down the street as the disembodied head spits three tangled black cold balls of kelp that catch Aurora, Kalyspia and Aenar, attempting to hold them tight.

Grapple DC 55 to escape

Kalyspia, despite her larger size, is unable to break free as she remains in place.

Aurira hopefully can escape this hold...

But it is Aenar, in the form of a Hound Archon that bites the black sea weed and with a mighty roar snaps free from his confinement.

Kalypsia tries to wrestle against the tight binds, but is unable as she looks at Aenar.

"Do it now... I'll break free of this!"

Aenar the Pelorite rises thirty feet straight up and locks eyes with Gan Ceann as he holds his holy symbol with his hand and then looks down at his allies and friends.

"You have relied on that spell for too long, Rider. Time for you to know the price of hubris!""

It's a celestial light that descends upon Gan Ceann as two green spectral angels descend from the wintry skies, each carrying a lance in their hands as they race towards the Headless Knight and this one lashes them away with his whip.

"Is that the best you got, Aenar? Another pitiful spell...""

Aenar snarls and a third one, hidden from view, launches the lance which speeds like a heavenly green comet and impales Gan ceann through the neck and imaples him on the roof.

There isn't damage here... not physical.

And as the angel nods to Aenar and vanishes, so does Gan Ceann's powerful incantation with him.

Sirine's Grace

The Rider is still a threat, but he's a threat that can be hit. Of course, he is airborne, but that should not be a problem for most of you.

Rosalind looks up at Kalypsia and calls upon a single spectral green angelic warrior flies out of thin air besides the Ruby Knight and with a long sword, attempts to cut the weeds holding Kalypsia down...

But these are too strong for the angel as Gan Ceann laughs.

"Stick to healing, girl! This is not a fight you can win!""

Rosalind looks up at the fey and then closes her eyes as a golden aura shines around her.

Please, Pelor... one more chance. Just one more!

The angelic warrior does a full swing with his body as slices the kelp holding down Justcrown's Inquisitor as Gan Ceann's eyes widen.

Dispel Magic plus Alter Fortune

"I would have expected that from Aenar, but you? You are nothing but a neophyte!""

Rosalind looks up at Gan Ceann and rises towards the sky, Brunhausser Blade in hand as her green angelic aid vanishes.

"And that is where you are wrong, fey! I have faced opponents stronger than you. Far stronger.

You have lost, Gan Ceann. And to stand on the roof of the House of Pelor? This trespass I will not forgive!"

And having said that, Justcrown's Ruby Knight ascends twenty feet to face him.

Kalyspia has the advantage of size, but not speed.

Still, she manages to fly just shy of ten feet away from Gan Ceann as she gets a brutal lashing across the face.

Kalyspia's body shines with the emerald power of law as her gauntlet manifests an emerald arrow in the blink of an eye and her hand becomes ice cold.

"Let us see how devoted you are to this Herald of yours...""

It is a second lashing that strikes Kalypsia as she holds the horses' leg with her massive hand and Gan Ceann's steed and disembodied head spew a gout of cold breath as the horse's muscles stiffen greatly.

The zenythri inquisitor has been hurt badly- those lashes have taken its toll on her, but her spell has paid off.

Gan Ceann is a lot less nimble now! Even more so: he isn't immune to cold, like Windemere's other courtiers. Perhaps because this one did not belong to the Court of Sorrows since the beginning.

Shivering Touch

Gan Ceann does not look happy now.

Before, he has a tremendous advantage, but his powers rely on his ability to move around and move fast.

Damn these new faces and their blind devotion! They have proven to be tougher to break than I had anticipated!

Still, I will not be defeated by mere mortals!

Lord Cinderbolt flies towards Aenar and retrieves his blade.

"You have done well...""

Kalypsia looks at all of you as the Dullahan has been clearly weakened and barks orders.

"Everyone! Bring this monster down now! Who knows how long he'll be as weak before we get another chance. use everything you have!"

Silas and Xander, bereft of spells in the fight against Barbegazi and having used the last of their power in this fight, fly around and get ready to use their own bodies as shields should it come down to it.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193053)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-11, 07:06 AM
With Gan Cean's protections gone and his being debuffed, it would seem unleashing as many arrows as Alizarin could might be a good idea... except the dark rider had flown dangerously close! Taking a whip lash for each arrow would be deadly and wouldn't help anyone.

So for now the pixie spiralled away midair then let loose a powerful arrow at their even more powerful foe.

Tumble away 30 feet (auto success).

Then shoot one cold iron arrow of fey bane.

attack: [roll0]

damage: [roll1] + [roll2] lightning + [roll3] holy + [roll4] bane + 2 thunder
DC 21 fortitude save or be stunned.

2016-12-11, 12:57 PM
With Gan Ceann to high for him to hit and without much options to go with, Johann land on the ground besides Eneas, putting his runestaff in his haversack and taking the holy sword for himself.

Putting back the runestaff and taking Fenvarel for myself

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193072)

2016-12-11, 04:18 PM
Raikou watches the battle rage on in the air above him between the assembled team of clerics and the evil fey knight. This fight had gone on long enough. This wanderer of the alone road had hurt and killed enough people. It was time to end things. It was time to show everyone why he was stormborn.

The halfling steps further out into the street to get a better view of the 'giants' colliding above.

Hey Pumpkin Jack!!

He says, calling out to Gan Ceann at the top of his lungs.

Ready for some more pumpkin jokes? I think you'll find these pretty shocking.

What did the jack'o'lantern say to the pumpkin?

"Cut it out!"

Why were the two pumpkins so close? Because they had deep roots!

He chuckles at his stupid jokes and looks at the clerics around him.

Hey guys, not that you would, but if you wanted to try healing Gan Ceann here, know what you would use instead of a cure spell?

A pumpkin patch!

Nearly in stitches, the halfling grins again before turning back to Gan.

I take back what I said earlier. My bad. You're not a jack'o'lantern. I think you're what they call... a jerk'o'lantern!

You know, I've carved a few pumpkins in my days, but none of that is quite as fun as blasting pumpkins with thunder.

Having said that, Raikou begins to channel an immense amount of electrical energy around him as the air near him crackles and sparks. His eyes glow white and his hair stands on end. And with a complex gesture he gathers the energy together and readies for one more blast.

Time for you to go back to that lonely road of yours!!

Its a massive blast of light and sound that race up from the halfling, towards the roof, and past Gan Ceann, exploding in a spectacle of thunder.

Five foot step out towards the streets.

Full round action to cast the spell.

Centering the effect twenty feet above Kalypsia so that it hits Gan Ceann but not her. He is 60ft high and she is 50ft high. So a 20ft radius effect centered 75ft high should hit him and not her. If you disagree lemme know and I'll reposition it.

Gan Ceann takes empowered [roll0] (74) electricity and 5 sonic damage; reflex save DC 24 for half
If he takes damage, fortitude DC 24 vs stun for 1 round

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193091)

2016-12-11, 05:50 PM
"Argh, what's this? It is getting all over my feathers. What a pointless trick!"

"Aurora, now it's time we bring him pain. I need you out of those kelps, ready to help the others. And don't attack him blindly, let us absorb some of his retaliation. Only attack after he is distracted. We need at least one powerful ally who is able to heal the others still standing. And some of us will fall pretty soon."

Aurora acquiesced silently. She knows what Dante, and the others, intend to do. Some foes aren't worth staining your blade for. Some are worth getting beheaded just to scratch them. This is the case.

She teleports out of there.

Meanwhile, Giles appears. Shortly after, he shapes into the now infamous wartroll form.

"And I though you intended to run away, wildshaper. Glad to be mistaken."

Giles quickly looks around. The Dullahan is up there. And he, well, is down there. Of course, mages could do their little cantrips and put him up the roof. Painful to ask then to do so. Eager to put Gan Cean down, he merely shifted into his meanest forms without realizing the one he wanted to hurt was out of his reach.

"Hmph. Now, if you mages could teleport me up there that would be good. For both of us. I would kick his ass, and you could feel useful, for a change."

He holds his weapon like trying to strangle it, ready to hit the dullahan once a mage does his teleporting job.

Now, it's a good oportunity to get Alizarin a bit further away from that fiendish whip.

"Hey, Mr. Troll. I'm no mage, but I think I have the right trick."

The troll swings at the dullahan as soon as he reaches the roof.

Dante flies towards Gan Cean as well. He only hopes that Aurora, Rosalind or Kalypsia can help mitigate the punishment they are about to receive.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193097)

Aurora G Teleport away from the kelps.

Giles 10ft upwards
Move Action to change Shape to a Wartroll
Ready action to, once with Gan Cean in his range, attack him

Giles Attack with Brilliant Blade
Atk [roll0] [roll1] (crit on 38)
CritConf [roll2] [roll3]

Dante Benign Transposition Alizarin with Giles
Flies closer to Gan.

HP: 76/112
AC: 39/17/38
Saves: 13/8/23
Dispelling Cord: 1/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 2/4

-1 Con
Stoneskin 113/140
Alterself +5 nat AC
Bite of the Weretiger 5/?
Fires of Purity 5/15
RWoF 3/?
Recitation 3/?

HP: 47/112
AC: 31/17/28
Saves: 16/13/13

Magic Circle Against Evil
RWoF 3/?
Recitation 3/?

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°x
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination x

Lvl 4:
Deathward x
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft xxx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds x
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight x
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward x
4 Freedom of Movement x
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °x
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning °

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-12-12, 03:48 AM
@Alizarin: Even with Gan Ceann under a frozen incantation by the inquisitor, your arrows miss their mark...and by a hefty margin.

"How were you able to finish off the Lord of Krystalheim? With such small puny arrows. he must've been at his weakest.""

And then, the shingles on the roof begin to rattle as a few crack and everyone sets eyes on Raikou below.

@Raikou: The Knight of Sorrow & Blood has definitely got your attention as your entire body ignites with tremendous sonic power as your voice echoes through the entire street and who knows... even beyond to the Fey Woods itself.

The Dullahan's expression turns to that of an angry pumpkin as you throw several lame puns about his head.

"Insolent halfling! I will have you know that NOBODY talks to me that way and lives!

I shall drag you screaming and bloodied down the Lonely Road my...""

Gan Ceann doesn't have a chance to end his sentence as you release a sonic yell of epic proportions, sending dozens of shingles flying and cracking in the wintry skies as Gan Ceann braces for impact and you watch his pumpkin face crack and ooze pumpkin juice and flames as one of his eyes, blasted by your spell, emits smoke from it.

He's been hurt. And badly...

But not enough to drop this fey menace.

"My head! You will pay dearly for this, halfling! I will not leave any of you alive!!!""

@Dante: With the minotaur rising from the snow, you watch him turn into his most powerful bestial form- the War Troll.

You don't even know his name, but you do know he can hit Gan Ceann on equal terms with a strength to rival that of any deity.

And so, you look up at the pixie and then at the troll and use your wand to bask both in white arcane light as they switch places, with Giles the Troll nearly bringing down the Pelorite Rooftop with his massive weight and bulk.

Aurora shines in golden light and disappears from her spot, causing the kelp to drop on the ground and turn to brittle black ice that is washed by the northern winds.

And then you close in, knowing that this Rider has it for you and he does not disappoint as his bone whip lashes at your body brutally.

"You tire my patience, Dante: time for you to die!""

35 damage plus 1 Con damage

@Giles: The roof of the chapel is about to give in under your immense bulk and weight as you swing your blade at Gan Ceann and do indeed strike him, but deep as the wound may be, he isn't going down!

And, against all odds, his brutal whip misses you by a small margin.

You have him right where you want. Whatever these clerics and mages have done, they have made it impossible for this monster to strike you back!

There is a chance now...

@Johann: You fly towards Eneas, who lies at the foot of the full bloom cherry tree.

The barbarian does not seem hurt in the slightest. Not even a single wound on him...

But he isn't moving at all. In fact, he looks rather peaceful as Fenvarel's golden sigils begin to disappear from her.

It may still be a powerful weapon against him, but this is an item that goes beyond mortal comprehension.

It hurt Gan Ceann, but in the process, it knocked down Eneas good. Who knows for how long.

It is then that several oval circles appear around the hilt, with two already in place- Uriti's and Decarabia's.

Round 9

@Giles: Gan Cean looks at the bloody wound on his steed's flank and then at you as his pumpkin head emits a healthy gout of orange smoke.

"Stupid mortal! You should have remain buried...

It would have saved me the time!""

It;s a kick on the face by Gan Ceann;s horse that knocks you back a few feet as the Knight of Sorrow & Blood leaps off the rooftop and avoids Kalyspia. Giles' and Dante's attacks and descends towards Raikou, landing on the ground right next to him.

@Raikou: Gan Ceann looks at you as his body becomes surrounded by the smell of iron as his body becomes encased in what looks like heavy dark blue plating and the emblem of the lonely Road appears on his chest as his steed raises his front legs and neighs loudly and the pieces of armor fall off Gan Ceann, carrying with it the frost effect cast by Kalypsia.

He may not have spells on him... but his movements are agile again. This bastard used another dark training to get rid of the effect completely!

"And now, hafling... it is time for you to feel true fear! You shall be dragged screaming to the Lonely Road!""

It's a dark foreboding aura that encompasses everything in a twenty foot radius as your friends and allies disappear, showing you a lone grey road flanked by black dead trees as their branches seek to keep you in this place... filling your heart and mind with utter panic!

As a free action Gan Ceann can cause all those within 20 feet to panic unless they succeed on a DC 35 will save.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193120)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-12, 03:58 AM
Raikou suddenly realizes the folly of his earlier action as the terrifying knight lands right next to him and terror takes ahold of him. Even his natural resistances to fear as a halfling are not able to save him.

And with no more spells...

Now hold up... wait... I uh... I....


Without another thought, the little guy turns tail and makes a beeline further inside the building.

2016-12-12, 04:11 AM
@Raikou: That horse looks at you as everything unmakes around you and the Lonely road spreads beneath him and you as the pumpkin head turns to look at you as it adopts a new form:

Your face! With a bloody socket where your left eye ought to be as it grins at you and the horse takes a single step forward as your robes become stained and drips fall on the snow five feet below you and turn into yellow ice.

Your head on his bloody hand tastes his own blood and then grins at you as he utters a single word:


That's it... you need to escape. Run away to the ends of Oerth!

Rosalind's temple... you can hide in one of the drawers there. Maybe the cionfessional.

And as you turn tail and head inside the building, you feel that whip punish your back.

33 damage plus 1 Con damage

@The Party: Gan ceann laughs as Raikou disappears within the church and then looks up at all of you.

"You gave it your all... and it wasn't enough! Now come:

Your end is nigh!""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193121)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-12, 09:45 AM
"Yeah pretty much. All the champions of Summer including Queen Petunia were duking it out with him, dropping like flies, and it still wasn't enough. If not for Arallae's power we would not be here. Well anyway at least you didn't say the end is neigh!" Alizarin said, flying back up to the roofs near the others to take a measure of cover behind them while drawing the wand. Then be tried to evoke it again.


2016-12-12, 10:35 AM
Johann look at the blade hilt and then at Gan Ceann close in the ground. Too close for confort indeed.
Johann's anklets glow with white light and he reposition himself, putting Eneas between him and Gan Ceann before giving them both his open palms.

"Your dedication to your job is admirable. Sadly one of us will have to say goodbye. Farewell", he shake his hand and send a blast of necromantic energy. washing both a blissful Eneas and Gan Ceann with it.

"I'm not sure this will help you, barbarian... But it's just what I can do right now", he thinks to himself and to the sleeping barbarian's mind.

Fatigued, no save.

He then fly away from the dulahan's view.

Anklet before the casting of the spell put me away from his reach, then I move south without taking AoO

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193127)

2016-12-12, 11:57 PM
He is emmanating it. The dreaded fear aura.

What we do now?

Stay away from it and let's become...

Dante stops mid sentence to look at the hulking troll right next to him.

"You know Aurora, fly over Gan. I just had an idea. Fly above Gan, the hightest you can, ok?"

And mister Troll. Have you ever heard of a Troll bomb? Of course not, because we are the ones making it.
It will hurt though, but I bet it will hurt him more.

Aurora isn't content with only flying high. So she let's a lightning bolt leave her fingers and reach Gan. She is nowhere near Raikou in terms of destructive lightning power, but she still can fry.
And then she flies. High into the skies.

"Ready Troll. Fall for us, right? Like a comet."

Wand on hand, Dante switches the Troll with Aurora.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193191) (Giles exact location pending on DM)

Aurora casts Chain Lightning on Gan Cean. She cannot hit anyone other than Gan.
For [roll0] lightning damage. Ref DC 21 for half.
She flies upwards, to the limit of her movement, 140ft directly above Gan Cean.

Dante uses Benign Transposition to switch Giles with Aurora.
Damage pending on DM aproval, but me and Niwrad predicted something like [roll1] damage for both Giles and Gan.

Here are the rules concerning this action

Just as characters take damage when they fall more than 10 feet, so too do they take damage when they are hit by falling objects.

Objects that fall upon characters deal damage based on their weight and the distance they have fallen.

For each 200 pounds of an object’s weight, the object deals 1d6 points of damage, provided it falls at least 10 feet. Distance also comes into play, adding an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 10-foot increment it falls beyond the first (to a maximum of 20d6 points of damage).

Objects smaller than 200 pounds also deal damage when dropped, but they must fall farther to deal the same damage. Use Table: Damage from Falling Objects to see how far an object of a given weight must drop to deal 1d6 points of damage.

For each additional increment an object falls, it deals an additional 1d6 points of damage.

Objects weighing less than 1 pound do not deal damage to those they land upon, no matter how far they have fallen.

HP: 57/112
AC: 39/17/38
Saves: 13/8/23
Dispelling Cord: 1/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 2/4

-2 Con
Stoneskin 103/140
Alterself +5 nat AC
Bite of the Weretiger 5/?
Fires of Purity 6/15
RWoF 4/?
Recitation 4/?

HP: 47/112
AC: 31/17/28
Saves: 16/13/13

Magic Circle Against Evil
RWoF 4/?
Recitation 4/?

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xx°
Silence °
Close Wounds °°x
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination x

Lvl 4:
Deathward x
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft xxx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds x
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight x
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward x
4 Freedom of Movement x
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal °x
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning x

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-12-13, 02:04 AM
@Johann: It's wave of black negative energy that comes out in the form of a cone and bathes Gan Ceann as it catches a prone and unconscious Eneas...

The barbarian flinches a bit, but other than that, he doesn't seem bothered by the spell.

The Dullahan, though, has been affected as his steed lowers his head and neighs a weak amount of green flame from his nostrils.

"You and your tricks, Johann... but this isn't enough to stop me!""

And so, using one of your many gadgets, you transpose yourself in bluish arcane light several feet away from the fey's bone whip.

@Alizarin: Having been moved down on the street, you activate the dwindling wand given to you by Xander and another arrow sigil appears on your right hand as the Headless Horseman looks at you and smiles wickedly.

"Well.. someone's decided to use you as an early sacrifice, pixie.

At this distance, you will never have a chance to even raise your bow against me.""

@Aurora: With Raikou flying inside the Pelorite Chapel, you call on the powers of Celestia as your entire body crackles with electricity and a direct blast covers the Rider in a blast as his steed thrashes about.

"Is that the best you got, archon?""

Gan Ceann evades the worse, even under Johann's spell and then you watch as Silas, Xander and Rosalind get blasted.

The Ruby Knight is hurt, but not by much...

The same cannot be said about the two mages, as they are shocked by the arching spell.

Kalypsia flies down towards Silas and looks up at Aurora as she places her hand on the Justcrown mage and washes away most of his wounds as these keep sealing up, albeit slowly.

"You and Xander need to get away now, Silas. Let us finish this monster. You are in no condition right now to fight him.""

Greater Vigor

Rosalind nods as she places her hand on the magus' shoulder and heals him of a considerable amount of damage.

"I must agree- fly indoors to the chapel. You will be safe in there.""

Cure Moderate Wounds

Aenar uses the powers of the Hound Archon and in a flash of golden light appears next to Eneas.

"I hope you don't mind if I borrow this, my friend.""

And so, the pelorite drops his mace and picks up Tyrantbane.

Lord Cinderbolt looks down at the Dullahan and his gears begins to spin wildly within his metal body as massive golden arcane cogs appear on Gan Ceann's arms, legs and his steed's body, attempting to hold him tight.

Hold Monster

The pumpkin head smiles wickedly as the restraints shatter and break, falling on the snow and disappearing.

"A simple spell like that will not be able to hold me down. I have faced entire armies before and none of them were able to escape the Lonely Road, no matter how many tricks they used."

@Dante: So a few allies were fried...

But they aren't dead, so that's a plus.

Still, this bastard is taking a lot of punishment and he isn't going down!

Speaking of going down...

You order Aurora to fly as high as she can above Gan Ceann and then look at the troll on the roof.

That guy must weight at least a ton. He was able to take the Rider's whips and not even flinch.

A little fall won't hurt him much.

Gan Ceann looks up at Aurora and tightens his grip around that damn bone whip of his and you intone the arcane words and have both angel and troll switch places as Gan Ceann's eyes widen in surprise, as well as his steed's.

"This is... unexpected.""

It's a boulder of pebbly green gray skin rolled into a ball of armor that cannonballs towards Gan Ceann and doesn't even give him a chance to use his whip as both are struck for great damage.

The Knight of Sorrow & Blood has been hurt, but he isn't knocked over. Plus, because of his fey skin, the impact isn't as devastating.

Giles the Troll has left a crater with his indentation next to the rider and is face down on the ground, most likely alive.

@Giles: You may have been used as a wrecking comet to smash against the fey knight, but every bone in your body feels like it was pressed through a grinder.

Worse yet: that sinister aura that drove the halfling running inside is attempting to affect you too!

Gan Ceann can cause all those within 20 feet to panic unless they succeed on a DC 35 will save. Those with 7 HD or less are shaken even if they make their save.

The Rider looks up at all of you as his body begins to blaze with a dark aura.

"Enough playing around!""

Round 10

@Giles: Still on the ground, Gan Ceann uses his teed to stamp his hoof on your face as he rides towards Alizarin, avoiding your Brilliant Blade in the process and stands right in front of him, intoning yet another druidic power to rid himself of Johann's malady.


@Alizarin: The Rider looks down at you and smiles wickedly.

"What are you going to do now, pixie? Your friends are too far away to save you now.

Accept the end in silence...""

@Raikou: A few neophytes gather by the stairs inside as you hide beneath the pelorite altar as Xander and Silas fly inside and look at you and then at the priests in training.

"Back to your rooms! lock your doors and windows!"

Rosalind flies in and the looks at her flock and gives them a stern glare.

"You heard Master Spencer...GO!!!!""

The pelorites rush upstairs as Riosalind tilts her head sideways and looks at you hiding beneath the altar and raises her hand towards you.

"Ever since Aurora came teleporting here a few days ago, scared witless, I have prepared a few of these. Have no fear, Raikou. His aura will affect you no more.""

It's a fire that burns within your heart, granting you a measure of courage to face off against this monster.

Remove Fear

"You are still too hurt, Raikou. Let me know if you wish to go outside. I have one more spell remaining that will remove all your wounds, but I have been saving it for a dire situation.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193196)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-13, 02:11 AM
Feeling a little more courageous now, Raikou looks up at Rosalind and grins.

Thanks Rosie! I'm pretty much depleted myself, but I guess there's still one or two little things I can try throwing at him.

But in order to do that...

Not leaving the church quite yet, he pulls out another scrolls of True strike and activates it.

True strike

Then he looks at Rosalind again.

Nah. Save that for someone who might be more useful. Maybe some less major healing might be better.

2016-12-13, 04:51 AM
@Raikou: You crawl from beneath the sacred altar to Pelor and stand tall and proud... or as tall as you can be.

Johann's scrolls sure have come in handy and with Gan Ceann devoid of all spells, as much as you can tell, you read yet another one and draw an arrow sigil on your hand and assure Rosie that she has nothing to worry about.

The Ruby Knight of Justcrown smiles amidst the destruction outside.

"I like that nickname... Rosie. Ok, then Raikou: I am servant of Pelor, healing shall not be a problem.

I'll make sure you're patched up well if you decide to go outside.""
Silas looks at you and extends his hand.

"You still have that wand of Magic Missiles I gave you back at the inn? If you have some spells left, I will gladly take it from you.

No way I am letting that monster trash my home."

Xander adjusts his glasses and looks at his colleague.

"Are you sure? That last wayward blast has left you rather weak.""

Silas listens to the fighting outside as Kalyspia illuminates the streets with yet another mighty spell.

"When it comes to raw arcane power, my friend, you have me outmatched, but right now, this is all we have.

Kalypsia's blessing will keep me healthy long enough to whittle that beast outside so the others can finish it for good. And if something were to happen... well.

You can take care of the school, can you?""

@Dante, Aurora & Alizarin: Aenar flies out of the Chapel, holding Tyrantbane in one hand as he and Kalyspia intone Divine words of Power and the inquisitor points her finger at Gan Ceann as the streets blaze in emerald light which concentrates in the tip of her index as a single ray strikes the Horseman and nearly unmakes him as his steed bears a hole through his glank and exhales red smoke.


Gan Ceann has barely had a chance to recover from the blast when the snow around him melts and a curtain of smoke rises around him as the skies above him become fire and a pillar of sacred flame pummels the Knight of Sorrow & Blood, causing his steed to neigh in pain as both priests pant and watch as the smoke clears...


He still stands!

Nobody could survive a combination as lethal as that and yet, Gan Ceann still rides, searing in flames and smoke as he directs his hateful gaze towards both priests.

"That actually hurt me... you two clerics have been a nuisance since the beginning. Your lives will be taken swiftly. Of that, you can be certain.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193198)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt

2016-12-13, 03:50 PM
Johann fly up 30 ft above the walls of the pelorite yard and point to Gan Ceann.
"I'm sorry, dulahan: your princess is in another castle".

Translocating Giles and Alizarin

"Safe and sound, princess", he fake a bow to the pixie.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193213)

2016-12-13, 09:23 PM
Seeing that, contrary to her plans, Aurora fried her allies along Gan, Dante asks.

"Aurora, what happened?"

"No idea, the lightning simply reached the others as well, one of them is severily hurt thanks to it. Let me heal him."

The archon exits the roof and enters the chappel, top speed, and reaches the mage she accidentaly hurt with lightning to heal him.

"I'm so sorry mage. Forgive my clumsiness. Hope this heal will help you get back to fight."

Dante looks at Gan. He is far away, and threatening as always. The wand drop trick worked just fine, but I can't use it right now.

Unable to contribute properly to the fight right now, Dante casts Divine Insight on himself, just in case.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193250)

Aurora goes eastward then diagonaly west/down, reaching Xander and Healing him for 140HP.

Dante casted Divine Insight on himself.

HP: 57/112
AC: 39/17/38
Saves: 13/8/23
Dispelling Cord: 1/5
Eternal Wand of Invis: 0/2
Eternal Wand of Alterself: 0/2
Benign Transposition 2/4

-2 Con
Stoneskin 103/140
Alterself +5 nat AC
Bite of the Weretiger 7/?
Fires of Purity 7/15
RWoF 5/?
Recitation 5/?
Divine Insight

HP: 47/112
AC: 31/17/28
Saves: 16/13/13

Magic Circle Against Evil
RWoF 5/?
Recitation 5/?

Dante's Spells:
Lvl 1:
Omen of Peril °
Sign °x
Ressurgence x°°
Ebon Eyes x
*Identify °

Lvl 2:
Divine Insight xxx
Silence °
Close Wounds °°x
*Augury °

Lvl 3:
Alter Fortune xxx
Magic Vestment xx
Spellcaster's Bane x
*Divination x

Lvl 4:
Deathward x
Panacea x
Divine Power x (DMM Persist)
Freedom of Movement x
Stoneskin x
*Scry °

Lvl 5:
Spelltheft xxx
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful x
*Commune °

Lvl 6:
Superior Resistance x
Heal xx
Vigorous Circle x (DMM Persist)
*Find the Path x

Lvl 7:
Ressurection x
*G Scrying x

Aurora's Spells:
1 Ressurgence °°°
1 Command °°
1 Cure Light Wounds °
1* Obscuring Mist °

2 Consecrate °
2 Silence °
2 Close Wounds x
2 Owl's Wisdom °
2 Spiritual Weapon °
2* Enthrall °

3 Magic Circle Against Chaos x
3 Daylight x
3 Cure Serious Wounds x
3 Remove Curse °
3* Gaseous Form °
3 Mass Conviction x

4 Deathward x
4 Freedom of Movement x
4 Panacea x
4 Neutralize Poison °
4* Sending °

5 Revivify °
5 Dispel Evil °
5 Break Enchantment °
5* Control Winds °

6 Heal xx
6 Superior Resistance x
6* Chain Lightning x

7 Fortunate Fate x
7 Mass Cure Serious Wounds x
7* Control Weather °

2016-12-14, 12:44 AM
@Aurora: You fly inside the Pelorite Chapel amidst blazing spells out in the street and stop in front of Xander as you place your hand on his shoulder, healing all of his wounds.

The magus adjusts his glasses and shakes his head.

"No need to apologize, Aurora, but right now, there are those outside who need this more than I.""

@Dante: Even with such a combined assault, Gan Ceann still stands proud and, although heavily injured, a very deadly threat.

Not having many options at your disposal now, you ask Wee Jas to confer you divine wisdom.

Who knows if it might be able to grant you knowledge of something to best this knight.

And worse yet: the stolen spell- Bite of the Weretiger- it is slowly fading away from your body.

Soon, its properties will have expired.

Round 11

@Giles: Still somewhat dazed by being moved back to the street, you watch the Knight of Blood & Sorrow use the hooves of his diabolical steed to knock you back a few feet as Gan Ceann takes off to the skies of Justcrown and sets his disembodied eyes on Dante, Kalypsia, Alizarin and Aenar.

"I will deal with you later, mortal. I have one who seems to like to move you around like a chess piece...

That will not happen again.""

@Dante, Kalyspia, Aenar & Alizarin: With renewed height and away from Giles, Gan Ceann raises his hand holding his pumpkin head and this one cackles madly as ghostly green fire alights from it and his steed breathes a gout of it from his nostrils.

"You are all condemned to travel the Lonely Road... and you shall stumble after every step you take!""

It's a pernicious power that invades your eyes as Kalypsia tries to avert her gaze, as does Aenar... but to no avail.

This monster is using another one of his nefarious powers! Vision is becoming blurred... not good!

Gan Ceann can permanently blind any who look at him. DC 35 fortitude negates.

Alizarin is affected as panic takes over him and drops the precious wand on the street as he becomes invisible and is seen no more.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=193261)

Gan Ceann
Dante & Aurora
Rosalind & Aenar
Xander & Silas
Kalypsia & Cinderbolt [/SPOILER]