View Full Version : DM Help Can an awakened plant speak?

2016-11-29, 04:57 AM
One of my players took the leadership feat and chose an awakened Petrifern (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/plants/petrifern) as his cohort. He gave it druid levels so it could support him in battle, but we have run into a disagreement. The Awaken (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/awaken) spell says the creature can "Speak" a language, but it doesn't posses the anatomy to actually form words. I think that they meant it more as "know" a language, since it doesn't state that the spell changes their biology. The reason this is an issue is because if it can't form words then it can't use verbal components which severely limits its spell list. Even the silent spell feat would still hobble it pretty bad.

I don't want to be unfair to my player, but at the same time I have always been one of those DMs who thinks that, when possible, things should make sense. If I'm wrong in my interpretation of these mechanics that's fine, I just need to know. If I'm right though can anyone recommend a work around? Like maybe another tiny plant type with the ability to speak, or something akin to Natural Spell (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/natural-spell---final) that would give it the ability to speak.

I know a lot of you are going to say "well you're the DM, just house rule it." But this is his signature character and his cohort is an intrical part of the build. Not every DM will house rule stuff so I want to help him make this character as rule compliant as I can.

2016-11-29, 05:07 AM
The spell says the awakened plant can speak. So it can speak. Anatomy really isn't the question here. If it is, 'it's a magical thing' is the answer. That makes sense to me.

FWIW, the Leadership Feat, and how it was adjudicated, might actually be the fundamental problem here.

2016-11-29, 05:15 AM
About that "speak" part of the Awaken spell, I do think it is meant to be understood as "can understand and talk", since from time to time there happens to be a monster that can understand but not speak a given langage, and in such a case it is clearly stated by WoTC. For example, the Hell Hound. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/hellHound.htm) "Hell Hounds understand but do not speak Infernal".
As a consequence, if WoTC meant for Awakened plants and animals to be only able to understand but not to actually produce intelligible speech, they would have expressely said so.

2016-11-29, 06:11 AM
Also, wasn't there a ruling of monsters without limbs can cast spells normally for critters like the Naga? I can't imagine there wouldn't be a similar version of this for speaking. Perhaps the plant emits some form of low hum. Or you could give it the Psionic displays. Of course, I only suggest that because the Psionic displays were creepy as all get out. :smalltongue:

2016-11-29, 07:37 AM
The Surrogate Spellcasting (Savage Species, so 3.0) is basically Natural Spell for aynone with Wis 13, that should fit the bill!

2016-11-29, 10:27 AM
The spell says the awakened plant can speak. So it can speak. Anatomy really isn't the question here. If it is, 'it's a magical thing' is the answer. That makes sense to me.

FWIW, the Leadership Feat, and how it was adjudicated, might actually be the fundamental problem here.

I expected someone to say that lol. I would expect, though that they might actually have made some effort to explain how it speaks. "When the creature is awakened it grows a month and all the required equipment to form words." Or "sounds emanates from out of nowhere when the creature wants to speak, similar to ghost sound."

Then again, the speak with plants spell doesn't say how you talk to something with no normal ability to speak, nor does it say the plant "gains the ability to speak" it just starts talking to you. Maybe it's a conspiracy amongst all the plants of the world to hide the fact that they can all talk.

2016-11-29, 10:35 AM
I expected someone to say that lol. I would expect, though that they might actually have made some effort to explain how it speaks. "When the creature is awakened it grows a month and all the required equipment to form words." Or "sounds emanates from out of nowhere when the creature wants to speak, similar to ghost sound."

Then again, the speak with plants spell doesn't say how you talk to something with no normal ability to speak, nor does it say the plant "gains the ability to speak" it just starts talking to you. Maybe it's a conspiracy amongst all the plants of the world to hide the fact that they can all talk.

Honestly, that they didn't specify means you're free to fluff it however you like. The tree might have a face form in its bark or a bole. Or maybe it forms a mouth out of its limbs and leaves. Or maybe it just speaks by modulating the rustle of its leaves and fronds so a loud "whisper" of intelligible speech can be heard in the susurrus.

2016-11-29, 11:47 AM
Honestly, that they didn't specify means you're free to fluff it however you like. The tree might have a face form in its bark or a bole. Or maybe it forms a mouth out of its limbs and leaves. Or maybe it just speaks by modulating the rustle of its leaves and fronds so a loud "whisper" of intelligible speech can be heard in the susurrus.

Yeah, I think this is the intention. That allows for the spell to work in campaign worlds that range from storybook fairy tales to mystical spiritual connection myths.

Mr Adventurer
2016-12-01, 04:36 AM
There's also the Nonverbal Spell feat (silly Buommans!).

2016-12-01, 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Segev
Or maybe it just speaks by modulating the rustle of its leaves and fronds so a loud "whisper" of intelligible speech can be heard in the susurrus.

This is exactly what I was about to suggest. Cool, thematic and functional.

Stealth Marmot
2016-12-01, 10:56 AM
Of course it can speak.

If awakened plants can't speak how can you explain that someone heard it through the grapevine?

2016-12-01, 02:45 PM
But does the spell grant it the ability to hear is the question.