View Full Version : Rate this outsider party?

2016-11-29, 07:19 AM
After a "short" talk, the group told me they would play as these in the party:

CG Aasimar Bard
CN Tiefling Sorcerer
NG Chaond Cleric
LG Zenythri Paladin

How believable is this set up? How likely are they going to clash against each other?

2016-11-29, 07:25 AM
That's going to depend on the party's individual goals and how racist the characters are.

I can see some tension between the paladin and the sorcerer, but unless the players are being an ass about it no real trouble should emerge.

2016-11-29, 07:35 AM
The Tiefling is obviously going to get into some trouble with the higher plane descendants depending on exactly how Chaotic and where in the Neutral axis he falls (if he's tending towards Evil as per his descent, the otherwise Good party might have some trouble with it). Ultimately if played competently and as an actual character rather than an alignment caricature, it should be workable though. He'll certainly have to adjust a bit to work with the rest of the party if he was thinking of Evilish Neutral as opposed to Goodish.

However, the Pally is what I'd worry about the most as well. The party is highly Chaotic (two Chaotic characters and a Neutral character of a Chaotic race), so the Pally can indeed feel ostracized and either have to go along with plans that would not sit right with her tendency towards law and order, or just sit some operations out entirely. Forcing her own will through in a 1-2.5 situation is not happening very often. The Pally is also the weakest character in the party by a good margin unless her scores be extraordinary and the character competently built to boot.

Overall, it should be fine though. Problems don't generally stem from character alignment but how the individuals are played. Thus, the baseline is workable but that doesn't guarantee smooth sailing. If the rest of the party is more optimized, the Paladin might need some help to hang in there though.

2016-11-29, 07:55 AM
I'll make sure the paladin player acts as an O-Chul paladin and not a Miko paladin then.

Also, just for fluff... they made the vital statistics for these heroes. Some are pretty average, some are...iffy.

Female Aasimar Bard, 18yo 5'9" 181lb
Female Tiefling Sorcerer, 17yo 6' 123lb
Male Chaond Cleric, 29yo 5'5" 148lb
Male Zenythri Paladin, 20yo 6'2" 184lb

What do you guys think?

2016-11-29, 01:08 PM
Age and vitals tend to mean little. The sorcerer looks like they are skin and bones, though.

2016-11-29, 01:36 PM
Age and vitals tend to mean little. The sorcerer looks like they are skin and bones, though.

123 pounds at 6' mean a BMI of 16-17*. Underweight, but not 'skin and bones'.

*Assuming such things work the same for tieflings as for humans, which is probably the case.

2016-11-29, 02:00 PM
After a "short" talk, the group told me they would play as these in the party:

CG Aasimar Bard
CN Tiefling Sorcerer
NG Chaond Cleric
LG Zenythri Paladin

How believable is this set up? How likely are they going to clash against each other?

Sounds plausible to me, as long as everyone is on the same page about how:
- Neutral is not Evil, and
- Chaotic is not LOL-SO-RANDUM-XD, and
- Lawful is not Judge Dread.

If your players are invested in making the game work, then they can easily make this set-up work.

It's more about the players than the characters.