View Full Version : DM Help Balancing class-specific boons

2016-11-29, 07:22 PM
So my players are soon to encounter one of the only magic items they'll get. I have prepared 9 (only coincidentally the number of players in the largest of 3 campaigns) enchanted gemstones that can be incorporated into any item they choose. These gems will grant two benefits that scale with level. First, a passive effect (different for each gem). Things marked in BOLD are things I want help balancing (against the others)

Gem Color
Passive Effect

Enhanced darkvision: You see normally within 60 feet no matter the light level. This does not penetrate magical darkness.

Lick of Flame--Weapon attacks you make deal an additional amount of half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) in fire damage on hit and count as magical for overcoming resistance and immunity.

Celerity--Your movement speed increases by 5 feet.

Lightning Lash--Weapon attacks you make deal an additional amount of half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) in lightning damage on hit and count as magical for overcoming resistance and immunity.

Nature's Bulwark--You gain 1d4 + your proficiency bonus temporary hit points after completing a short or long rest. This stacks with any other source of temporary hit points.

A Leaf On the Wind--Attacks of opportunity against you are made at disadvantage.

Frost's Kiss--Weapon attacks you make deal an additional amount of half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) in cold damage on hit and count as magical for overcoming resistance and immunity.

Imperious Presence--You are always considered to have at least half cover (+2 AC) against range

A Whiff of the Grave--Weapon attacks you make deal an additional amount of half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) in necrotic damage on hit and count as magical for overcoming resistance and immunity.

The other effect of the gem doesn't vary based on the gem, but on the person attuned to it. I've thought of class specific boons that extend the capabilities of the class itself and are relevant to all archetypes. I haven't played some of these so I'm much more unsure as to the relative balance of these. Help here would be much appreciated. Multi-classed characters (which I don't have any of) would have to choose one or the other, and all level-based things refer to class levels. All of these activated abilities are usable once per long rest.

Edit: Based on the comments, I've decided to completely revamp these boons. Four follow, individually spoilered for length. The rest will come soon.

You can’t Run! You leap at an opponent—your inner rage allowing you to defy gravity itself. As an action while you are raging choose an enemy you can see within twice your normal movement range. You charge at them regardless of intervening obstacles. This even allows you to charge at flying enemies. When you reach them, make an attack roll at advantage. If you hit, they are knocked prone (and fall, if flying) and you deal critical damage. If you miss, you still deal normal damage. If you end this movement in the air, you fall safely to the ground and deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 feet fallen to all enemies within 5 feet of your landing point.
As an action you sing one of two songs—one of healing and one of doom. Choose one of the following effects—it continues for one minute if you spend a bonus action each turn to sustain it. You count as concentrating on a spell for the duration.

We will rock you! Choose a number of enemies you can see equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1). When the song begins and at the beginning of each turn you sustain the effect they take 1d8 damage for every two bard levels you have. Targets must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be fascinated and cannot willingly harm you for the duration. Targets that succeed on their saving throw only take the damage.
We are the Champions! Choose a number of allies you can see equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1). While the effect is active they gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma bonus + proficiency bonus and gain a use of your Bardic Inspiration die at the beginning of each of their turns.

You are judged and found wanting. You utter a prayer as an action and you are filled with the power of your god or goddess. For one minute the range on all your spells are doubled (touch spells gain a range of 30 feet). While this effect is active your concentration cannot be broken except by casting another concentration spell or becoming incapacitated. For the duration of the effect any spell or effect that you create that deals hit point damage deals maximum damage; any spell or effect that you create that heals hit point damage heals the maximum amount.

As an Action, you let out a yell calculated to strengthen allies or dishearten foes. Choose one of the following effects:

Hold the line! All allies within 60 feet of you receive healing equal to your Second Wind value. Healing above their maximum hit points is converted into temporary hit points that last until your next short or long rest. All allies affected also gain advantage on their next saving throw made within one minute.
All foes will fall! All enemies within 60 feet of you must make a wisdom saving throw against a DC of 8 + Proficiency + (the better of strength or dexterity). On a success, they take 3d8 + your proficiency bonus psychic damage but avoid any other affect. On a failure, they take the damage and are also dazed until the beginning of your next turn. Dazed creatures cannot expend movement unless they take the dash action and cannot take bonus actions or reactions.

Do any of these boons stick out as dramatically more powerful or exploitable than others? I intend for this to be a powerful item. It's likely to be the only combat-relevant item they'll find throughout the campaign. Only one can be attuned at a time, so they're not stackable by the same character.

2016-11-29, 11:06 PM
The arcane caster class boons seem way better than the others. The flexibility you are adding to the sorcerer and warlock seems pretty nuts, given how they are currently balanced at least in part by their small list of known spells. Giving the wizard metamagic also seems like an unfortunate usurping of the sorcerer's schtick. All three seem better than the martial ones.

2016-11-30, 07:13 AM
The Rogue boon is...lacklustre. Uncanny Dodge already does something very similar, so having a slightly better version 1/rest isn't going to stand out as being cool or even really adding anything at all. The same can be said for some of the others.

Making the boons into things that actually add something new or interesting would be preferable, IMO. Giving the Rogue a short range teleport when he uses Uncanny Dodge, for example, or some kind of riposte ability, perhaps is going to be more memorable than merely a slightly improved Uncanny Dodge.

2016-11-30, 08:20 AM
The Rogue boon is...lacklustre. Uncanny Dodge already does something very similar, so having a slightly better version 1/rest isn't going to stand out as being cool or even really adding anything at all. The same can be said for some of the others.

Making the boons into things that actually add something new or interesting would be preferable, IMO. Giving the Rogue a short range teleport when he uses Uncanny Dodge, for example, or some kind of riposte ability, perhaps is going to be more memorable than merely a slightly improved Uncanny Dodge.

I was worried about that. I haven't played enough with rogues, monks, or fighters to really know what they want. How does the following sound for rogues?

When you use your Cunning Action to Disengage, you can teleport to any point you can see within your movement range. This does not use your movement.

Do you have recommendations for improving any of the others you feel are lacking? I like the idea of trading one resource for another, but I'm not sure where to go with some of them.

2016-11-30, 08:25 AM
The arcane caster class boons seem way better than the others. The flexibility you are adding to the sorcerer and warlock seems pretty nuts, given how they are currently balanced at least in part by their small list of known spells. Giving the wizard metamagic also seems like an unfortunate usurping of the sorcerer's schtick. All three seem better than the martial ones.

Any ideas of what sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards want? Wizards have versatility, but lack...well...pretty much everything else.

Maybe something along the lines of:

When you cast a spell requiring Concentration, you can sacrifice [resource] to remove the concentration requirement.

Would that make the imbalance worse?

Iron Angel
2016-11-30, 09:24 AM
Barbarian: Could be useful. Seems situational but in the scenario in which it would come in handy it would greatly improve the chances of success.

Bard: A forced reroll is always useful.

Cleric: Seems strong, but DOES require you to use your Channel Divinity to do it. At higher levels, though, this is going to be infinitely more useful than anything except arcane caster bonuses.

Druid: See Cleric.

Fighter: Some people have mentioned the martial classes as being underwhelming but the fighter one is downright bad. An additional bonus action is nearly always valueless to a fighter unless they:

1: Dual wield
2: Draw both weapons simultaneously
3: Use surge immediately after they have drawn both weapons.

Doing this pretty much just lets them draw both and then attack. Thats a lot of hoops to jump through for one specific build to get something very minor.

Paladin: Shafted. Spending 20 points of Lay On Hands to get one level 2 spell back is universally not worth it.

Ranger: This is very constricting for a very relatively standard bonus.

Rogue: This seems fairly ordinary.

Sorcerer: So... You can just... Cast any spell you want, and you just sort of pay your sorcery points for it. That seems potent.

Wizard: Short answer: No. Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Stealing from another class takes some of the uniqueness of that class.

I would add interesting effects instead:

Barbarian: Battle Cry! When you rage, you can release a terrifying war cry that frightens your foes and motivates your allies. For the first round of combat after you rage, your allies have advantage to hit, and enemies must pass a WIS save (DC is 8+your STR mod while raging) or have disadvantage to hit. Any creature that fails this save you also have advantage to Intimidate rolls against. For as long as this rage persists, you gain an additional 2 STR and have advantage on CON saves.

Bard: Power Ballad! Pick any moment when you are playing your instrument, including when you are using it to cast spells. You launch into an epic solo that melts faces and inspires tears. You can keep this up for up to a minute, during which allies can add double proficiency to all rolls they make that allow them to add their proficiency as long as they can hear you. Any spells that use your instrument can be cast during this time, but spells with somatic components not involving playing your instrument cannot be used. If you were entertaining someone with it, you have advantage on the next charisma-based skill check you perform on a member of your audience.

Cleric: Praise it! You can use your holy symbol to summon the divinity of your chosen diety, who imbues you with blessed power for one minute, causing you to burn with holy fire. Any creature that attacks you in melee in this time must make a CON save equal to your spellcasting DC or take 1d6 points of Radiant damage. The power can be expended in several ways:
-Increase the DC of resisting one of your spell or channel divinity effects by 10.
-Automatically hit on a melee attack. This deals an additional 5+your proficiency radiant damage.
-Cast a healing spell as if you had rolled the maximum value for all associated dice.
Upon expending the power, you are healed for your proficiency bonus.

Druid: Nature's Bounty! You summon primal forces from the earth, creating a magical silverwood tree within 20 feet, covered in pure white bark and resplendent blue leaves, that grows from any solid surface to maturity over the course of 1 round. Silverwood trees are sturdy and have resistance to all nonmagical damage, 20 HP, and an AC of 11. It produces one of two effects at your discretion, and disintegrates into silver light particles that flutter away after one minute:
-It bears 8 magical white peaches that glow softly and are warm to the touch. Eating one counts as a full day's nourishment, gives the benefits of a short rest, and restores 1d4+half of your druid level hit points. Uneaten peaches vanish when the tree does.
-It bears a vengeful emerald hornet nest, swarming with enraged glowing green hornets that deal damage equal to 1d4+your proficiency damage to all creatures you wish within 30 feet of the tree that fail a CON save equal to your spellcasting DC each round. If the tree is destroyed prematurely by an enemy, the swarm enrages, persisting for an additional 1d6 rounds and dealing 1d6+your proficiency damage to all creatures in the same area.

Fighter: Martial Prowess! Upon use, you surge forth with the confidence of training passed down from blademasters born eons ago to now. For one minute, you cannot be flanked, and can flank enemies from any angle (If you and an ally are adjacent to a foe, you both count as flanking even if you are not on opposite sides of the enemy). You may also select a single foe to be your Adversary. On any round where you make an attack against your Adversary, you have advantage on the attack, and you have advantage on all saving throws your adversary directly imposes on you until your next turn. In addition, if you attack your adversary, all attacks made against you by creatures other than your adversary have disadvantage until your next turn.

Monk: Move as Water, Strike as Wind! You may activate this ability when you make an attack. For one minute, whenever you use the attack action to attack a creature, you may make an additional attack against the same creature. For this duration, you may add half your proficiency bonus to your AC (Minimum 1), and any time you are attacked in melee and the attack misses, you may make a single immediate attack against the attacker.

Paladin: Justice! You become a conduit for the wrath of your god for the next minute, causing you to emit light that casts bright light within 30 feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet, and giving you resistance to all damage. All attacks you make in this time deal an additional 2 Radiant damage, and all Undead you hit suffer the effects of Turn Undead cast at your level. All terrain in spaces you threaten also counts as difficult terrain for any creature you choose. You can end this effect prematurely at the start of your turn. Whenever the effect expires, you explode in holy power, dealing 2+your proficiency bonus radiant damage to all creatures within 15 feet that you choose, and healing 2+half your proficiency bonus to creatures you choose within the same range.

Ranger: Foestalker! You blend with your environment, giving you double proficiency on all stealth rolls for one hour. During this time, you can attempt to hide even if there is nothing to hide behind as long as you are within 5 feet of a wall, table, rock, or other textured surface that is not the floor. You may also use the floor, but only if you are prone. If this environment is your preferred terrain, you have advantage on the roll. While this time persists, you also move silently and have double proficiency on rolls to track or find creatures; If the creatures are your preferred enemies, you have advantage on the roll. At any time during the duration, you can select one creature you can see. For the remainder of the duration, you know the exact location of that creature as long as it is on the same plane as you.

Rogue: Whisper of shadow! You may use this effect to step into any shadow and vanish, instantly appearing in another shadow you can see up to 300 feet away. Neither shadow has to be any bigger than your fist. Upon making the journey, you may make an immediate Stealth check with advantage on the roll, and your next successful sneak attack within 10 minutes deals an additional 3d6+Proficiency damage to your target. In this time, you may enter the shadow you exited from to be carried back to the first shadow you used; After doing this, the effect ends.

Sorcerer: Untapped Potential! The magic swirling within you is as mighty as the tide and its power will not be contained. For the next minute, you are wreathed in arcane power composed of the damage type of your dragon blood if you have Draconic ancestry, or a random damage type otherwise. It swirls about you like a tornado, and any creature within 5 feet of you or which makes a melee attack against you must pass a CON save versus your spellcasting ability or takes 1d6+CHA of the damage type you chose. You also become resistant to damage of that type, and all spells you cast that deal that type of damage are empowered, allowing you to affect them with an additional free metamagic.

Warlock: Dark Favor! Your gifts swell inside you, filling you with the familiar presence of your patron, who answers your call briefly. An unsettling darkness surrounds you, making you obscured to any creature that is farther away than 20 feet for ten minutes, and during this time you have advantage on all Intimidation skill checks and all CHA, INT, and WIS saves. You also gain resistance to all non-physical damage, and any ranged attack or targeted spell that misses you or you successfully save against is intercepted by otherworldly forces and redirected to another creature of your choosing (Including the creature who made the attack). During this time you cannot be charmed, mind controlled, persuaded, or magically influenced in any way.

Wizard: Mind Over Matter! Your eyes flash with arcane lightning, and an invisible rush of air signals the winds of magic are blowing in your favor, the air crackling with arcane energy as you channel all your focus into bending reality to your will. Immediately gain a pool of points equal to half your wizard level. For the next minute, you may cast spells that do not use spell slots, instead subtracting their spell level from this pool. The spells must be spells you can cast, and they must be on your spell list. During this time, you are also enshrouded in a bubble of arcane force; In order to harm you, the bubble must be destroyed first. The bubble has resistance to damage from magical sources, and has 10 AC and your wizard level in hit points. The bubble moves as you do, staying centered around you, and anything wish to be allowed to pass through the bubble may do so freely.

These are NOT BALANCED, but COULD be with some tweaks. They are, all in all, far more interesting choices, at least in my opinion. I am not trying to sound harsh, but major effects like this, especially in a low magic setting, can create some really epic moments for your characters. Your players are more likely to remember that time the wizard was just raining hellfire for five rounds nonstop as spells bounced off his shield, or the time angry magic hornets swarmed twenty goblins to death, or when the fighter singled out the enemy general and slew him in an honor duel or when the bard played Van Halen as a backdrop to everyone beating some serious ass than simple "I made a reroll".

2016-11-30, 10:06 AM
Snip with great suggestions

This is more of what I'm looking for. Thanks! I confess to being very timid with my boons (which paradoxically are harder to balance since they're crunchier). I'm not nearly as good with big flashy effects.

I'll consider these, but would still love more ideas on this vein.

Iron Angel
2016-11-30, 10:16 AM
Remember that your players should feel like badasses sometimes. If you want, make it so the thing only happens once a week or every few days, so it has to be rationed out; At the same time, you dont want to make the punishment for its use (IE downtime) so long that they feel they can't use it for fear the BBEG is right around the corner and gosh darn it if ONLY they had their ultimate powers up!

2016-11-30, 08:51 PM
Remember that your players should feel like badasses sometimes. If you want, make it so the thing only happens once a week or every few days, so it has to be rationed out; At the same time, you dont want to make the punishment for its use (IE downtime) so long that they feel they can't use it for fear the BBEG is right around the corner and gosh darn it if ONLY they had their ultimate powers up!

Thanks for the feedback. I agree about needing to feel awesome. I've revamped the boons--only 4 up so far, but they're much more significant effects. If this allows them to tackle bigger foes earlier, so be it. I'm playing more of a heroic fantasy style anyway, so that fits. Long rests tend to happen when they're appropriate for the story flow--no 5 minute adventuring day here so once per day seems about right as a frequency.