View Full Version : Rise of the Titans - Act One: The Ogres of Kettle

2016-11-30, 12:39 AM
Rise of the Titans
Act One
The Ogres of Kettle

Scene One: Ill Tidings

The group sits within the shade of an open walled inn known as the Lost Anchor on the wharf in Anchorhead. A light breeze blowing off the ocean does little to disrupt the oppressive humidity and swarming flies that populate the area. Today marks the tenth day that the group has been waiting for the elven emissaries. The innkeeper, polite as always, also seems rather smug as he takes yet another silver piece in payment for the round of drinks he sets on the table.

As the sleepy afternoon gives way to a slightly cooler evening, the group hears a cry from the wharf. It is a cry they have heard many times before, of course; the harbormaster is announcing that a ship has entered the harbor. Perhaps this time the ship will bring in the elves the group is waiting for so that they can finally move on towards Windspire. As the group watches, though, they spy two ships entering the harbor. They can clearly recognize one of them as being a coastal patrol ship for the kingdom of Rhaewind. It tows a battered vessel that lies low in the water.

2016-11-30, 08:10 AM
Therion watches closely the arrival of the ships. Normally, such an occurrence wouldn't hold his attention. It could easily be a pirate vessel, a smuggler ship or a rescue....yet something told him neither would be the case. Considering that, he decides to recline against his chair and enjoy what would (hopefully) be one of his last moments of relax.

His eyes linger on the other members of the group. Formal introductions were made on the first day of their meeting, and during the long days of waiting, he has come to know a bit of their stories or, Therion reflects, the stories they tailored to their own liking. He was in no position to judge, however, considering he has secrets of his own.

With a sigh, he says as if thinking out loud: "You know, someone should've told our future wards that when people talk about the elegance of the elves, they are not precisely talking about their being elegantly late. "

After a small pause to take a sip from his drink, he adds: "My keen powers of observation deduce those certainly aren't the ships we were expecting. So, what are your thoughts, people? Pirates, smugglers, fugitives..? "

2016-11-30, 12:44 PM
Dressed in her Red Jack persona as always, Kumi rested in a chair near the edge of the open walled inn, watching the ocean with her feet propped up onj the table. She had her lute in her lap and she strummed the chords idley, not truely playing, simply passing the time as another humid day crawled by. She glances around at the other members of the escort party and smiles beneath her mask. they were an eclectic bunch, to be sure, and she found she rather liked them. It almost made her sad that none of them knew her as anything more than Red Jack.

When the costal patrol ship appears towing a second ship into harbor, Kumi perks up a little, "Finally, a little excitement! she thinks to herself as she slings her lute over her should and stretches lazily, preparing to head down to the wharf and see what was going on. When she hears Therion claim this likely isn't the elven ambassadors they are waiting for, she laughs and dips her hand into her coin purse, "Oh I don't know. I'd be willing to wager a coin or two your wrong," her mask muffles her husky voice enough to make it difficult to deduce her gender, and she flips a gold coin in her fingers, letting it sparkle in the evening sun.

2016-11-30, 01:05 PM
Next to the masked man who introduced himself as 'Red Jack', the smal figure of Akilah was sitting at the table. The halfling had left his armour and cloak in his backpack, it was too hot and uncomfortable wearing them without needing to! Half asleep, he listening to the sounds of the lute, thinking that perhaps, later this evening he would take out his flute, so they could play some music together...

As the harbormaster shouts, Akilah straightes himself up to look for the arriving ship. Could it be the one the group was waiting for? But wait, it wasn't a single ship, but two of them, one had the familiar form of a patrol ship, but the other seemed strange. "It's damaged..." he mutters, before turning to his comrades again. He listens to Therions oppinion before slightly shaking his head. "I'm no sure... Maybe this damaged ship IS the one we are expecting. And the elves are late because they got into trouble on the way"

If they were lucky, this ship had wittnesed a storm or some other kind of natural danger. But maybe someone was trying to sabotage the negotiations... "Someone should ask the harbormaster about this ship. If he knows its origin and if there are survivers" he suggests, but he does not seem to be eager to do it himself.

2016-11-30, 05:40 PM
With every day that came, Tharias had become more dissatisfied with the situation. While he still behaved in his typical disciplined manner, he apparently disliked it to sit around instead of actually accomplishing something. The dwarf had of course in the beginning introduced himself to the others, namely as member of the Order of the Horizon, one of the suborders of the Knights of Gadarheim. While they were sitting around and probably also talked about their basic capabilities, he had designated himself as a tracker, hunter and scout.

When the cry of the harbormaster pierces the air again, he is torn apart between jumping up and moving out, just like he did on the first day, just to find that it was not their call, and just sitting there to wait that someone let them know that it is their ship this time.

As an answer to Akilah, he nods. "Fair enough, could use a walk anyway. Sitting around way too much doing nothing." This was probably the most he had ever complained about the job. He then gets up, straightens his clothes, and tightening the straps of his armor. He did not expect battle, but it was a habit of preparing himself for duty. "Does someone want to join me?" he asks, while getting the rest of his stuff ready.

2016-11-30, 05:52 PM
When she hears Therion claim this likely isn't the elven ambassadors they are waiting for, she laughs and dips her hand into her coin purse, "Oh I don't know. I'd be willing to wager a coin or two your wrong," and she flips a gold coin in her fingers, letting it sparkle in the evening sun.

Therion grins as he sees the golden coin and says: "I'll raise the stakes! If I'm right, Red, you're buying the next round. If I'm wrong, I'm buying!"

"It's damaged..." he mutters, before turning to his comrades again. He listens to Therions oppinion before slightly shaking his head. "I'm no sure... Maybe this damaged ship IS the one we are expecting. And the elves are late because they got into trouble on the way"

If they were lucky, this ship had wittnesed a storm or some other kind of natural danger. But maybe someone was trying to sabotage the negotiations... "Someone should ask the harbormaster about this ship. If he knows its origin and if there are survivers" he suggests, but he does not seem to be eager to do it himself.

As an answer to Akilah, he nods. "Fair enough, could use a walk anyway. Sitting around way too much doing nothing." This was probably the most he had ever complained about the job. He then gets up, straightens his clothes, and tightening the straps of his armor. He did not expect battle, but it was a habit of preparing himself for duty. "Does someone want to join me?" he asks, while getting the rest of his stuff ready.

Therion looks over to the halfling and the dwarf and frowns, the playful tone in his voice gone. "Hm, you might have a point there, Akilah. I assumed the elves would travel in a fancier ship, but perhaps they were trying to avoid attention on purpose, which does seem like their style. So it might not be a bad idea to go inquire. I can go with you, Tharias, if you wish. Maybe they have news. Seeing as you suggested it, Akilah, perhaps you'd like to come with us, as well?"

His eyes move to Red and the playful tone returns to his voice. "At the very least, it'll be a fast way to settle a friendly wager, don't you think, Red?"

Therion reaches for his greatsword and fastens it to his back, after watching the dwarf settle his equipment. "Always prepared, eh? The Order of the Horizon trains their people well, I see."

2016-11-30, 10:06 PM
The gnomish woman chuckles softly at the exuberant energy of her counterparts, as they loudly debate going, staying, and everything in between. Her laughter is dry and raspy, almost reminiscent of something sliding across the ground. At last Tharias stepped in, standing and making the decision for the rest. Fenwyse stands delicately, and hikes her small pack over one shoulder, leaving the appropriate cash for the service provided.

"I would be delighted to accompany you, Tharias. Much as I enjoy my craft, so much time spent underground in crypts and laboratories deadens one's senses and makes one forget the simple joys of the outside world. It will take longer than a few weeks for me to grow tired of the sea breeze."

Her snake coils out from under the table and into her pack, coiling discreetly with only its forked tongue visible, until that, too, is hidden by the flap of her pack.

2016-12-01, 04:50 PM
Hearing everyone else would like to inquire about the ship, Akilah desides to go along.

"It won't hurt me to join you, but don't expect me to ask the questions" he declares while standing up, without bothering about adjusting his stuff. He had left his pack in his room since he did not expect to need it until they were on the move again. Of course, he was not entirely without eqipment, he had some essentials and his weapons, but nothing too bulky.

2016-12-02, 05:37 PM
Kumi gets to her feet, stretching her arms above her head as she passes the coin between her fingers nimbly, "Well, looks like we're all going. Let's hope this little excursion isn't for nothing and we find a little excitement," she is grinning under her mask as she makes her way away from the inn and down toward the wharf, leading the way with an energetic stride. Her eyes roam over the damaged ship being towed in, trying to determine if she knows it's origin as she makes her way to the harbor master or who ever seems to be in charge at the moment, "Ho there!" she calls, "What news from the waterfront?" she asks, trying to be as friendly as possible.

Diplomacy - [roll0]

2016-12-02, 05:45 PM
Tharias seems happy that the others want to join him, he smiles and nods to the others as he grabs his stuff.

Therion reaches for his greatsword and fastens it to his back, after watching the dwarf settle his equipment. "Always prepared, eh? The Order of the Horizon trains their people well, I see."

Tharias reaches for the longspear that was leaning against a wall. "Sure thing. After all, goblins don't wait with their ambushes for you to be ready." He begins in a very serious voice, then turns to Therion, grinning and winks. "This, and you only march for 8 hours with a badly donned armor once. The chafing kills you..."

2016-12-02, 07:43 PM
Tharias reaches for the longspear that was leaning against a wall. "Sure thing. After all, goblins don't wait with their ambushes for you to be ready." He begins in a very serious voice, then turns to Therion, grinning and winks. "This, and you only march for 8 hours with a badly donned armor once. The chafing kills you..."

Therion laughs. "Indeed! You're quite wise, ser Tharias. Nothing could be worse than fighting goblins with a chafing armor, except, perhaps, fighting them naked."

Her eyes roam over the damaged ship being towed in, trying to determine if she knows it's origin as she makes her way to the harbor master or who ever seems to be in charge at the moment, "Ho there!" she calls, "What news from the waterfront?" she asks, trying to be as friendly as possible.

Therion's eyes move to the harbor master. He was taught to never assume and always be alert, so he pays close attention to the man's answer.

Sense Motive-[roll0]

2016-12-03, 03:30 AM
There is a great deal of commotion on the docks as sailors run back and forth, securing both the coastal patrol ship and the ship being towed. As they draw near, the group can see that the crew of the patrol ship is also manning the second ship, which seems to have suffered a great deal of damage. The sails are torn and tattered with signs of recent patches in several areas. the same is true for the hull which is pocked with arrow and ballista holes as well as a larger tear on the port side, which looks to be the result of a glancing blow from a ram. Parts of the ship show signs of charring, probably from flaming missiles of some sort. The ship lists dangerously to port, indicating that she is probably taking on water and the crew must be constantly bailing out the hold to keep her afloat. Drawing nearer the group can also clearly read the name of the ship. It is the Zephyr's Song, one of the elven ships they have been waiting for.

The harbor master barely even registers the groups approach. He glance irritably at them, "What's it look like? Either lend a hand or get off my docks!" he bellows at them as he stomps away to oversee the men who are working to keep the elven ship floating while more men move on board to aid the elves that have collapsed on the deck.

2016-12-03, 08:21 AM
Akilah silently examines the damages the ship has sufferd, than turns toward Therion "Looks like the next round is on you!"

The halfling does not wait for an answer, but turns to the ship again and disappears into the crowd in order to help the workers keeping the ship floating. He might not be a sailor or carpenter, but at least he knew how to use a rope, so he was helping fasten ropes to keep the damaged ship in place.


2016-12-03, 08:05 PM
Taking in the damage the ship has taken, Fenwyse gives a quick nod. Given the lateness of their charges, the damage to the ship is hardly surprising. Breathing in slightly, she then begins a short incantation, her pupils narrowing into vertical slits, and her skin briefly flashes a sallow green. Her skin quickly returns to normal, and she releases the breath, although the slitted eyes remain. Moving up to the ship, she concentrates on scouring the ship for magic auras that might give some indication of what might have caused this damage, as well as any lingering magic that may be still on the ship or the elves.

Exploring the ship using detect magic to detect any hidden auras, determine any magic items, and try to figure out which of the elves is the most important by way of checking which has the most bling :D

2016-12-05, 08:39 AM
Akilah silently examines the damages the ship has sufferd, than turns toward Therion "Looks like the next round is on you!"

Therion makes a playful sad look and says: "Alas! It looks that way. Perhaps you'll all be generous and ask for the very, very, cheap ale?" He chuckles.

Seeing the damage the ship received, he wonders if there aren't any injured among the crew, so he walks around the vessel, checking in with them. If he's lucky, he might even find valuable information.

2016-12-06, 03:41 AM
Kumi is a little taken back by the harbor master's tone, but she looks to the ship and realizes there are more important matters to attend to. As she heads up the ramp to the deck of the ship she calls back to her companions, "We can discuss which extremely expensive drink Therion is going to buy us later. Right now we need to find out how many elves survived and make sure their taken care of. If the ambassadors are dead we might have a serious political situation on our hands here," She quickly takes stock of the situation on the deck of the ship and makes it a priority to aid any elves she sees, "We need to get the wounded to healers," she curses under her breath, praying that the ambassadors were still alive.

2016-12-09, 02:53 PM
Tharias nods to Kumi. "Indeed." He then supports her in getting the elves off board, and into safe haven. This seemed to have a higher priority than introducing themselves as their escort at the moment.

2016-12-09, 11:50 PM
Detect Magic reveals very little in the way of magic about the ship or it's crew.

Climbing on board the Zephyr's Song the group find the elven crew exhausted and in many cases injured. Many of them have collapsed on the deck or in the quarters below. Only a single elf seems to be on his feet, though he appears heavily injured. His uniform and the silver token around his neck mark him as the ship's captain, and he appears to be very busy, ignoring his own injuries as he helps to get his crew off the heavily damaged ship.

It takes several hours of exhausting work to securing the Zephyr's Song enough to prevent it from sinking, and several more hours to get the elven crew into rooms at the local inns. Those with the worst injuries are taken to temples for healing, and the dead are laid out respectfully in a garden plaza just off the wharf to await transport back to Tel'Qushar for their final rest. It isn't until after the sun has set and the stars have begun to sparkle in the velvet black of the night sky that the group is finished aiding the elves and are able to track down the captain of the Zephyr's Song at a small, dockside inn.

When they ask for him, they are directed to a room on the second floor where they find the elven man sitting on the edge of his bed waiting for them. Like all elves, he is a tall, regal figure of a man with sharp features and brilliant green eyes, though one of them is partially covered by the bandages wrapped tightly around his head. His long, straight hair is silver-white, suggesting he is much older than he appears, and one of his arms rests in a sling. When the group enters the room the captain gestures to a number of chairs he had obviously had brought up for this very meeting. He introduces himself as Rythas Starbreeze before beginning his tale.

”We set out over a month ago to make the journey down the Star Wash to the sea and around the cape of Arthenhal,” he begins as he settles back in his own chair by the window, ”We expected trouble, and we were ready for it. We had two sorcerers in our small fleet of three ships, including my cousin, Ambassador Teilas. They used their magic to create favorable winds. When we rounded the cape of Arthenhal, we thought we were going to make it after all, though some of us had entertained doubts all along,” the captain gets a pained expression on his face, suddenly showing the age of centuries that weigh on him, ”Then they set upon us like hounds on a fox. We were only three days out of Anchorhead and we had let our guard down. Five black ships out of the Bloodstone Isles bore down on us from the west, filled with hobgoblins. We gave them a fight,” at this a small smile briefly plays across Rythas's face before his somber expression returns, ”But their numbers overwhelmed us. Two of the ships pinned the Eagle's Flight between them and swarmed all over her before the guards could stop them. Another two pulled the same maneuver on the Willow's Song, only they cracked her hull while doing it. The fifth ship tried to ram us, but failed to score a solid hit,” Rythas balls up the hand of his injured arm into a fist as the memories play across his mind, ”After a few exchanges of missiles our sorcerer whipped up a wind to carry us away while becalming our pursuer.”

The elven captain pauses now, taking a drink of water from a glass beside his bed before he continues, ”As I looked back, I saw that the other two ships were lost. Hobgoblins were rounding up the crews and clapping them in irons. I could see Teilas himself, bound and bleeding, being hustled onto one of the pirate ships,” the old elf's face is filled with pain as he speaks of his captured cousin, ”I don't know how many died in the fighting, but I saw with my own eyes that they must have captured at least two dozen of my people. The ambassadors are gone, prisoners of the Bloodstone pirates. I don't even know where to begin looking for them,” Rythas looks to the group as he finishes his tale, a pleading look in his eyes.

2016-12-10, 07:37 AM
Akilah was doing his best to help out, at first securing the ship, later lending a hand to move the elves.

When the group finaly moves out to meet the captain, he felt tired but he would not allow this to stop him from hearing what happend. Uppon the introduction of Rythas Starbreezen he replys ""I am Akilah, from the Wyvern Legion. Sincere condolences for your losses"

He slightly bows his head, than quietly sits down in a corner of the room and listens. The more he knows about the ill fortune of the ships and crews, the more he feels with the captain. When the story finaly ends, he is sitting there, not knowing what to say. But sure, his new friends were more wordy than him...

2016-12-10, 08:12 AM
Tharias had also introduced himself before the captain began his story, actually giving his full name and affiliation without stuttering. "Tharias Hagraldson of the Dunahofr, Knight of Gadarheim in the Order of the Horizon."

When Captain Starbreeze has finished his report, Tharias doesn't hesitate long to speak. "Sir, we have been sent to escort the Elven ambassadors to Windspire." He pauses for a moment, just briefly looking at the others. "... and if this includes breaking them out of the fangs of pirates, so be it."

2016-12-10, 05:05 PM
Therion, like his companions, gives a brief introduction of himself: "Greetings, captain. I am Therion Val'Aubre, paladin and proud member of the Order of the Hearth. A shame we are meeting in these dire circumstances."

He listens with mounting rage to the Captain's story. Once the elf is done, Therion says with a solemn voice that barely masks his emotions:"A grave injustice has been done to you and your crew, Captain Starbreeze. I have sworn an oath to escort your people to safety, and like Tharias here said, if that requires rescuing them from filth such as the Bloodstone pirates, by Heironeous, it shall be done. Justice will prevail."

2016-12-10, 05:32 PM
Tharias gave a friendly nod to Therion; as it appeared, the two shared more than just the first two letters of their names.

2016-12-10, 11:42 PM
Like the others, Kumi is exhausted after spending the afternoon and evening helping to secure the ship and move the elves into rooms or to the temples. But she wasn't going to let that stop her as the group finally makes their way up to meet with the captain of the Zephyr's Song. She gives a courtly bow to the elder elf and introduces herself as Red Jack, her disguise, as always, still in place. She then turns one of the chairs the wrong way around and straddles it, folding her arms across the back to listen to the captain's report of what happened.

When Rythas finishes Kumi is quiet. She listens to the others boldly declaring their intentions to launch a rescue mission for the ambassadors and waits for the room to fall silent before speaking, "Of course it is our duty to rescue the ambassadors, but there are other matters to be resolved first. The delegations from Gadarheim and Arthenhal are waiting in Windspire and they should be informed of the situation," she turns to Therion, "Before we run off half cocked, go the temple of Heironeous here and see if you can arrange for a swift messenger to be sent to Windspire, tell them it's urgent," she then returns her attention to Rythas, "Captain. Is there any way you can get a message to Lady Mystraven? She should also be informed of the situation as soon as possible," once she has an answer she stands and addresses the group, "This is more than a simple rescue. The balance of power in the north may very well rest on our success. If we fail, it may mean Tel'Qushar will close it's boarders for good. Which means Arthenhal and Gadarheim will receive no support should the rumors of war coming out of Wraithmaar prove true. Worse, Lady Mystraven may perceive this incident as a deliberate failure to act on our part, possibly as a means of persuading her in the negotiations. That could lead to war with Tel'Qushar," Kumi sighs as she heads for the door.

We don't even know for sure where the pirates might be taking the ambassadors, or why they took prisoners in the first place. They may even be in the service of Wraithmaar spies," She opens the door before turning back to the group, "Get those messengers on their way before this whole powder keg goes off," she turns and sweeps out of the room, "I need to change my clothes..."

The group was in need of information. That was her specialty and she worked best alone. Returning to her room at their inn she removes her mask and her Red Jack outfit before flipping open the disguise kit she always carried with her. No one in Anchorhead had ever seen her face, so it was a small matter to add a few freckles, tie her hair up and rub some dirt into her skin. She added a few fake bruises and changed into an outfit of worn, homespun clothes. In the matter of few minutes she was no longer Red Jack. Instead, she was a nameless street urchin indistinct from the dozens of others who roamed the streets of the port city. Even her own team wouldn't recognize her. Slipping out of the inn she makes her way down to the wharf and begins to ask around discretely about the Bloodstone pirates. Where they make port. Who leads them, and where they might take prisoners.

Disguise - [roll0]
Gather Information - [roll1]

2016-12-11, 03:33 PM
Having passed along her own introductions, condolences and assurances of contacting her own order, Fenwyse took stock of the captain. Interesting, that he had survived when the rest of the crew had fallen, and with the aid of no magical artifice or items, at least that her magic-sensing abilities could detect. Clearly he must be a powerful fighter or mage, and it was surprising he chose to use such humble belongings.
Forgive me for asking, but it would be best if we were as prepared as possible before confronting the pirates. Did you catch any particular emblems or other distinguishing characteristics, other than the black hulls? Perhaps one of their leaders was distinctively dressed or in appearance?

Assuming that the captain is more interested in dealing with his crew and ensuring that they are all in good health before further speaking with their escorts, Fenwyse will then retreat to the closest tavern, where she will treat sailors to free drinks in exchange for information. That night, she sends out a messenger to her order to inform them of the updates.

2016-12-11, 04:43 PM
Akilah simply agrees with the others. They would try to rescue the captured elves, they simply had to do it. But they would need to prepare first. For a second or two, he wonders whether it was a goof idea of Red to talk that openly about her oppinion about the whole situation, but since the masked man was much better with words than Akilah himself, it propably was not too bad.

He turns to Captain Starbreeze again "If you, or anyone of your crew will receive any information about those pirates, we would be glad if you could share it with us. If you want to contact us, you can send a message to the 'Lost Anchor' at the harbor"

Assuming the Captain has nothing else to say, Akilah will leave after a short goodbye and go back to his room at the Inn to get some sleep.

The next morning he will get up early and buy some loafs of bread. After this, he will search for some street urchins in order to talk to them. He will distribute the bread and show them some 'magic' tricks like pulling a coin out of a kids ear and let them keep the coins in order to entertain them first. After this, he will ask them if they heard storys about hobgoblin pirates.

I'm going to spend a total of 1GP at those tricks and the bread, in addition to ca. 4 hours of time. I will return to the inn after this time
Edit1: Rolls in the OOC, since they did not work here the first time and I can not edit them in.
Edit2: I realized it should be night right now, so I desided to wait till moring for my actions.

2016-12-12, 08:34 AM
Therion returns the friendly nod to Tharias.

He ponders on Red Jack's words. The man has a point, if they rush towards the pirates unthinkingly and without letting the rest of the emissaries know what happened, there could be chaos, specially with such a tenous truce.

As he saddles a horse, he nods to Jack, and says to the captain: "I will go to the temple of Heironeous, Starbreeze. If any of your people are there, I will inquire about their health and bring you the news.". Then thinks to himself: "I will also take the chance to pray for strength and resolve. I think they will be sorely needed."

2016-12-13, 02:59 AM
Captain Starbreeze has nothing further to add, and he agrees to arrange a messenger to return to Loratranna to inform her of the situation. He thanks each member of the group as they promise to rescue his people and leave to collect information.

Asking around the wharf turns up dozens of people who have heard of the pirates and know that they sail out of the Bloodstone Isles. Between everyone asking around, the group is able to gather the following information. It is unusual for so many pirate captains to work together. It is unusual for them to attack ships so close to Rhaewind and the rare chance to capture elven ships must have been too much of a prize to pass up. The Bloodstone pirates don't usually take prisoners, but from the sound of things they went out of their way to capture as many elves as possible.

Most importantly the group hears the name Pell the Wicked fairly often in their discussions about the pirates. Rumors say that Pell knows more about the Bloodstone pirates than anyone in Rhaewind, and some say he even sailed with the hobgoblins and earned their respect. These days he lives alone in a house just off the docks in Anchorhead, and several of the locals can point the group in his direction.

2016-12-13, 07:04 PM
Gathered in whatever room they found for a meeting, and be it the taproom of the tavern they stay in or one of their chambers, they had just discussed their findings.

Tharias: "So, should we check out this retired sailor then? There is the risk that he's still in contact with the pirates, but hopefully those days are over... And we could really use more information. What do you think? I am also still thinking about why they would actually take the hostages... Do you think they are after ransom money?"

2016-12-14, 09:46 AM
Therion returns from the temple trip. A messenger has been dispatched, and his prayers strengthened his resolve.

With a sigh, he says:

"Someone whose nickname is "The Wicked" is someone we should be wary of. I doubt he will welcome a party such as ours, much less provide us with information. I suspect we will have to handle this very carefully. In any case, he is our only lead, so I say let's pay him a visit. I'm sure regular patrons at the inn can point us into his direction"

He pauses a moment, in deep thought, then answers to Tharias:

"Ransom? Hardly. There has been no note, no attempts to communicate with the rest of the elves. I believe this has been a deliberate attempt to disrupt the peace talks. The hobgoblins are not behind that, they don't care enough to disrupt peace talks, their interests are much more mundane. We should be worried about who is commanding or paying the pirates, and why are they so interested in the collapse of the truce, I think."

2016-12-18, 04:24 PM
After telling the others what he had heard about the pirates and listening to the other reports Akilah turns to Tharias.
"I don't think they would try to ransom them. It would be quite dangerous to do so. But maybe someone is willing to pay them for elven prisoners..."

The next person to get his Attention is Theron: "I guess Therion is right both times. We have to talk to this sailor and we need to be careful while doing so. Even if he does not do anything bad while we are visiting him, he might try to warn the pirates later. We should watch his house after our meeting for some time, maybe even hiring some local helpers to do so while we have other things to do"

At last, Akilah turns to Red Jack and looks up to his masked face "If we choose to hire someone, could you do the recruiting? Of cource, we should not pay anyone before we know whether we need them or not"

2016-12-26, 03:01 AM
Having changed back into her Red Jack persona Kumi nods at the question from Akilah, Of course. I can take care of it should it be necessary.

She makes sure no one else has anything to say on the matter before heading out toward the house of Pell the wicked, following the directions given to her by the locals.

2016-12-30, 08:23 AM
Therion looks at Red Jack leave. His gaze lingers on the door for a while, before sighing and saying:

"Seems waiting until we have a clear plan is off the table. If Red's negotiations fail, Pell could go under and we'll lose the only clue we have to sort out this mess. There's still a big chance that he left town once he learned of the attack, so we'll need to be prepared to investigate his house for clues. I also believe that we should be ready for a fight, we don't know what kind of man Pell is, and the less that's left to chance, the better."

Therion grabs his equipment, makes sure his sword is properly attached, and lifts from the table, anxious to get some answers.

2016-12-30, 10:54 AM
"Yes, it's probably best to at least follow. This would also give us a chance of anticipation if the man tries to flee the scene, or if he actually attacks Red." Tharias concurs.

2016-12-30, 11:37 AM
"I hope, you know what you are doing..." Akilah mutters in Reds direction, but Therion had a point and Tharias agreed, so he would not stand against them. "But at least give me a moment to grab and don my armor!"

The Halfling leaves the room and about one and a half minute later, he returns, ready for a fight should it come to the worst.

2017-01-02, 05:35 PM
The walk to Pell's house doesn't take long and soon the group is standing outside what can only be described as an old shack. Though it may have once been a cozy little hut near the docks, it now stands derelict. The roof is shagging and the walls show signs of wood rot. There is only one small window in the from, but the glass is cracked, covered in filth, and a ratty looking curtain covers it from the inside. the wooden door seems to be the only secure part of the building, and a knock brings the sound of something glass smashing hard against the inside and a shout of, "G'way!!"

2017-01-05, 06:25 PM
Therion looks at the derelict shack with mild indifference, although he imagined that a former pirate would live in something a bit more...extravagant.

He ponders what to do. He knows that, should the group wish it, they can smash the door and barge in. However, he decides that perhaps it's best to try a bit of diplomacy, first, before resorting to violence.

After knocking on the door a couple of times, he shouts:

"Pell the Wicked? Is that you? Open the door! We just want a bit of information! You need not fear us, we won't harm you. What's more, giving us the information we seek could prove quite lucrative for you, but only if you let us in for a chat!"


2017-01-06, 03:23 PM
While Terion is trying to gain the attention of the retired sailor, Akilah looks around, searching for good hiding places, alleys of escape and other things which might be useful later. Depending on the outcome of the negotiations, he would have to observe the shack, so it was nice to know the location.

While doing so, he was also keeping his ears open, so he would hopefuly notice if the drunken sounding man would try to escape through a backdoor or something like that. Or if there was another person insede. Or realy, anything interesting...

In case you need them:

2017-01-07, 02:14 PM
There is a long pause after Therion speaks, as though his words are being considered. Then a shout comes, "Ye got rum? If not then g'way!" there is another loud smash against the back of the door, and this time it opens a crack. Apparently it hadn't been locked.

Pulling the door open the group ius assaulted by the stench of old rum and body odor. The floor just inside the door is littered with green shards of glass from broken bottles, and the inside of the door is scarred from the impacts. The interior of the shack is dark, lit only by the light coming in through the door and a few cracks in the filthy window. The light reveals a single room hovel cluttered with empty bottles, old fishing nets, a dity table with a broken chair, and piles of old rags and sail cloth. One of these piles near an overturned barrel suddenly moves and the group gets their first look at Pell the Wicked.

It is clear that once, in his prime, this man had been a towering, imposing figure, likely topping eight feet with broad shoulders. However, the wreck of a man sitting on the floor before them is a far cry of what he once was. He appears nearly emaciated, with visible ribs beneath a tatter, loose tunic, and his pants are tied off in knots, one just above the knee, the other halfway down his calf revealing where he had lost both legs. His black hair hangs limp and greasy, and a thick curly beard dominates his face with little bugs crawling in and out of it. His skin is a dark, leather color that only comes from exposure to sun and salt, and grey eyes peer into the light to regard the group, "Well? Waddaya want?" he asks, lifting a bottle to his lips only to find that it is empty before dropping it on the floor beside him.

2017-01-09, 12:00 PM
As Kumi steps into the shack she makes a face behind her mask at the smell, thankfully no one can see it. She looks around and when he gaze finds the broken man sitting on the floor she feels a small stab of pity for him. For a man like that, once a sailor and a pirate, likely respected and feared, to end up a crippled drunk, she was surprised he hadn't killed himself. Moving closer she squats down, sitting on her heels so she is face to face with the man, "We are looking for information, Mister Pell," she informs him, "If you help us, we can make it worth your while I'm sure," She removes a pair of gold coins from her pouch and rubs them together in front of his eyes, "What do you know of the Bloodstone Pirates?"

2017-01-11, 03:20 AM
Pell eyes the coins and gives Kumi a yellow toothed grin, "The Bloodstone pirates? What would a group o' land lubbers such as yerselves want with them dogs?" He turns his gaze to each member of the group, taking in the knightly armor and weapons of a party obviously not accustomed to life at sea.

2017-01-14, 08:05 PM
Akilah enters the shak as well, but keeps in the background. He would be glad to let the rest of the group do the talking. The odor of the room was an assault on his nose and he had to spend a lot of his willpower to restrain himself from showing it too obviously or even leaving the room again. Maybe he should feel pity for the crippled sailor, but he did not...

2017-01-17, 07:32 AM
Therion replies instantly to Pell, impatiently:

"What we want with them, is not your concern. The gold my companion is offering to you, is. So tell us, what do you know about them?"

He rests his hand on the hilt of his sword and rises straight, to intimidate the old sailor.