View Full Version : Ic Skulls and Shackles... B Team...

2016-11-30, 09:53 AM
For each your own reasons you have travelled to Port Peril and on the same night found yourself drinking at the Formidibly Maid, a notorious drinking establishment in the port.

The next morning you wake in a dark room. You all remember the night before; the ringing laughter of a wild night, the heady joy of excess, scents of rich stewed meat and perfume lingering in your nostrils. Now however all you feel is a pounding headache, the sickly taste of cheap wine in your mouths, the hard floor, a rythmic creaking noise, and the room is swaying as if you are still drunk.

2016-11-30, 11:28 AM

Thellan raises his head only to ly it down again, in pain. "Ow. What did I drink? What did I do .... Where the hell am I?"

He pauses a moment and hears others breathing and creaking. His hands dance over his body looking for his stuff, which is disappointingly missing. He goes to get up only to lay back upon feeling more pain. "Ow."

Draconi Redfir
2016-11-30, 12:30 PM
Kawa was the next to awake, her eyes shifting behind their lids as she slowly realized her body was pressed up against some other breathing, living, thing. "Oh gods not again..." She thought, quickly pushing herself away from the other and slowly blinking her eyes awake. At first she thought she still had her eyes closed in the darkness, though as her mental facilities kicked in she quickly realized three critical things. First, it wasn't bright daylight out as she had expected. Second, this was not some stranger's bedroom she had inadvertently agreed to visit the previous night. And finally, there were a lot more people here then she had initially thought.

The Hobgoblin snarled and forced herself to her feet, her head pounding and her legs giving way on more then one occasion, causing her to stumble and fall as she willed herself to stand. Kawa's right hand instinctively reached for her sword once she was on her feet, feeling nothing but air on her hip as her legs steadily adjusted to the rocking of the ground. Of course, the bastards hadn’t even given her the luxury of letting her keep the scabbard, why would they?

Kawa gazed over the others who were slowly beginning to awaken around her, having apparently all been in the same boat as her, though the irony of the thought was lost for the moment. Hoping for more answers then anything else, The Hobgoblin hobbled her way over to a nearby half-elf, grabbing her arm in her own and carefully helping her to her feet.

2016-11-30, 01:23 PM
Gwen wakes up after having passed out drinking the previous night. She notices Thellan and briefly wonders if he had finally managed to convince her to go home with him, but the headache from her hangover proves too annoying to dwell on that mystery.

As she starts to get up, she notices her companions in this mysterious room and grins proudly to herself for not having any important gear to be missing. A large jolt to the room knocks everyone down again, which she recognizes as the swaying of a boat, and not just another hangover. A hobgoblin comes over to help her up, as she mutters under her breath. "What did you get yourself into this time?"

2016-11-30, 02:38 PM

Thellan sat up slowly this time to avoid the shock of pain. He looked around and saw a female hobgoblin that seemed familiar in a drunk haze kind of way and then he spotted Gwen. What was going on? "Gwen ...", the loudness of his own voice caused him more pain. He spoke softer, "Do you know what is going on? I am really hung over and don't remember anything."

2016-11-30, 03:41 PM
"Wake up Lausanne!" The thrus began to bite at the young witch's ear.
"What happened, Lillend?"
"The patron that sent me, your patron, told me to tell you to get drunk in the bar and that it was vital to complete our destiny. You got pressganged by some thugs in there, but you see, I'm just a Thrush and too little to help."
"That doesn't even make sense. I shouldn't have made that deal with you...whatever you are. Who are these other people? The blonde haired, blue eyed petite woman in the blue silk robes tried to rise, but the swaying of the room knocked her back down. "Who the hell are you people? I'm a witch, and I'll hex you if you try to hurt me!"

2016-11-30, 03:45 PM
The Half-Orc man struggled to get up, swaying due to the hangover. "So this is a what a hangover is like" he mutters. "Cant say I enjoyed it. Standing up he sways constantly, he feels for his sword, only to relize its no there. "I'd recognise this kind of swaying anywhere, but why am I on a ship, likely held captive?" He thinks to himself as he stumbles around in the darkness, then bumps into someone."Who do we have here?" He asks the person infront of him.

2016-11-30, 03:53 PM

Thellan glances at the witch. "I think you are bitching at the wrong people witch."

"I don't think any of us knows what is going on exactly."

2016-11-30, 04:47 PM

Thellan glances at the witch. "I think you are bitching at the wrong people witch."

"I don't think any of us knows what is going on exactly."

Cocking her head to one side, she says, "Weren't you the man who sat next to me at the bar?"

Draconi Redfir
2016-11-30, 05:00 PM
Kawa turned to the body that collided with hers after she assisted the half elf, her face immidiately being greeted with that of a half-orc. She snarled and all but pushed him back a step, her posture only calming as she realized his age and the fact it was likely a mistake.

"Eyes on where you're stepping old man, Headaches bad enough as it is, we don't want to add bruises to that now do we?"

2016-11-30, 05:05 PM

Cocking her head to one side, she says, "Weren't you the man who sat next to me at the bar?"

Thellan looked back at the witch. "Not that I recall. As I recall I was playing cards, but then again I don't recall a lot."

2016-11-30, 06:27 PM
The blonde haired, blue eyed petite woman in the blue silk robes tried to rise, but the swaying of the room knocked her back down. "Who the hell are you people? I'm a witch, and I'll hex you if you try to hurt me!"

"You may call me Gwen. But I assure you, miss, you would regret attacking me. I may seem as poorly armed as these people, but trust me when I say my punches would sting as much as the swords they're all missing." She turns to Thellan. "And Thellan, dear. I can't say I know much more than that we're on a boat. But all of you should be acting better than this. I know we're all hungover, but we can only get out of here alive if we aren't at each others' throats."

2016-11-30, 07:07 PM

"My name is Thellan and I expect figuring out what is going on is a good plan. As has been said, we seem to be in a ship", he looks around the room. "I would say a largish ship."

Profession(sailor) [roll0] to judge by feel if they are at sea or in port etc.
Perception [roll1] to listen for telling sounds

2016-12-01, 04:05 PM

"My name is Thellan and I expect figuring out what is going on is a good plan. As has been said, we seem to be in a ship, he looks around the room. I would say a largish ship."

Profession(sailor) [roll0] to judge by feel if they are at sea or in port etc.
Perception [roll1] to listen for telling sounds

"What are you doing? By the way, I'm just going to lay back down a while, my head hurts."

2016-12-01, 04:16 PM
"What are you doing? By the way, I'm just going to lay back down a while, my head hurts."

Thellan looks at Lausanne. "Hmm? Just listening."

2016-12-01, 05:12 PM

" Oh, uh sorry madam but uh, hello fellow... captive I guess. I'm Gunderson if it matters"He says, then adds sarcasticly "and can I just say what a pleasure it is to be here with you" What the hell have I got myself into this timehe ponders to himself.

Perception [roll0]
Profession (sailor) [roll1] to get a feel of where we are, whether at sea or in port

Draconi Redfir
2016-12-01, 05:25 PM
"Kawa. Pleasure." The Hobgoblin scoffed at the lot of them, her eyes scanning the room for signs of an exit. It was dark, but she could still see fairly well, so it shouldn't take her long to find the door or hatch they used to get in here in the first place.

Everyone in the room was awake and at least somewhat lucid at the moment, though Kawa wasn't entirely sure about the self-proclaimed "witch" who still seemed a little dazed. Regardless, Kawa's sea-legs were starting to grow on her, so she made her way to the nearest wall, one with a door if possible. Kawa smacked it loudly with the side of her fist several times as she shouted.

"Heey! Anyone out there!? Get me out of this pit!"

2016-12-01, 09:08 PM
"See? Isn't this much better? Now we at least aren't total strangers all trapped in this room together."

Gwen clasps her hands together, looking rather pleased, then goes to sit next to the temperamental witch, trying to be friendly. She leans over and speaks to her in an aside sort of voice. (Imagine things like "This is a load of barnacles..." "I heard that!") "Personally, I'm just going to let Kawa take her anger out on the door, while I sit back and watch. Don't want to risk the anger of whoever kidnapped us."

If Kawa is noticeably banging on a door:

She calls out, "Kawa, have you thought of trying to open the door?"

2016-12-05, 10:05 AM
Profession(sailor) [roll0] to judge by feel if they are at sea or in port etc.
Perception [roll1] to listen for telling sounds

Perception [roll0]
Profession (sailor) [roll1] to get a feel of where we are, whether at sea or in port

you definitely feel out at sea.

"Kawa, have you thought of trying to open the door?"

You all remember engaging in either spicy rum or spicy food for some reason the night before. If you attempt to locate any of your equipment, anything seemed to have an value or serve any danger has been stripped from you. As of in response to the thought of opening the door, you suddenly hear several bevy pairs of footsteps entering the room. A harsh light suddenly spears your eyes. Before you is a tall bearded man dressed to the nines in pirate gear down to a large black leather coat and a large whip in his hand. With him are six rough looking but armed pirates of less distinguished attire.
The distinct leader makes a face easily mistaken for pain but clearly is some perverse attempt at a smile before he cracks his whip and tells at you:
"Still a bed with the sun over your yardarm? On your feet ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap'n Harrigan Flays your flesh not sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast."

You remember the man with the whip as having been at the pub last night.

You discern the aftertaste of oily nutmeg on your tounge.
You recognize this as a clear sign of oil of taggit poisoning.

2016-12-05, 10:17 AM

The light made Laussanne squint. After rubbing her face, the witch unsteadily got to her feet and said in a not-so-confident voice, asked "Where is my bird?"

Draconi Redfir
2016-12-05, 01:16 PM
Kawa reared from the sudden hit of the blinding light, her left arm reaching to press against both of her eyes in an effort to dull the pain. Despite her best efforts however, it felt as if her arm was transparent, as the burning light of the midday sun still managed to leak through to her vulnerable eyes. Slowly, by peeling her head away to blink into the half-illuminated darkness again and again, Kawa was able to adjust her eyes, her body tumbling against the nearest wall as she finally pulled her arm away from her face.

Kawa just about dares to strike the man who shouted at them, her rage only stopped by the sight of the guards standing behind him, each looking like they'd gladly join an unfair fight between the two. With an annoyed grunt, Kawa forced herself into the burning light and out of the prison they had been trapped in, her stomach rumbling as she passed the Pirate and his guards, she hadn't eaten since dinner the previous day, and the recent mention of sausages hadn't done her any favours.

2016-12-05, 01:49 PM

Thellan smirks at the physical and emotional pain brought by the site of the pirate and the light that accompanied him. Pirates, of course. It certainly made more sense now.

"Well, I would have stayed in bed if I had one," he looks around the room and shruging. "but a stretch of the legs and some fresh sea air would do me wonders." He begins to walk past leader and his men towards the deck as if he was born to it.

2016-12-06, 02:28 PM
Gwen briefly considers playing the oblivious elf who doesn't understand Common, but decides it safer not to. Instead she heads out the door, apologizing for the delay. As she passes Laussanne, she continues to try befriending the girl, by saying, "Don't worry. I'm sure your bird is perfectly safe."

Intelligence: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Knowledge: [roll2]

EDIT: Noticed the strange taste, don't remember the guy, and it doesn't even matter if she could make the untrained check, since I rolled a 3 anyway

2016-12-06, 05:24 PM
As the light pierces the room Gunderson looks relatively unfazed "good thing I can't see in the dark like the rest of my race..." He mutters to him self and starts walking outside while still facing the person who entered the room so suddenly, arms raised "Sure thing, mis..."
Int check [roll0](+1 if bardic knowledge applies)
Perception [roll1]
"Ter, wait a minute, oily nutmeg with a taste of something. Something like poision" He eyes the man suspicously as he makes his way out, arms still raised and facing him.

2016-12-06, 06:30 PM
Gwen briefly considers playing the oblivious elf who doesn't understand Common, but decides it safer not to. Instead she heads out the door, apologizing for the delay. As she passes Laussanne, she continues to try befriending the girl, by saying, "Don't worry. I'm sure your bird is perfectly safe."

Intelligence: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Knowledge: [roll2]

EDIT: Noticed the strange taste, don't remember the guy, and it doesn't even matter if she could make the untrained check, since I rolled a 3 anyway

"I hope so." The witch was still slightly dazed, but she followed the others.

2016-12-07, 05:28 PM
Gunderson, now outside has a look around, especially for a peice of copper wire. If I could get a peice of copper wire I could communicate with my fellow captives he thinks to himself. Feeling mostly recovered due to his very strong stomach (if he can't find a peice of copper wire) he whispers to no one in particular "This may be a odd question but is anybody injured? Or happen to see a peice of copper wire? I have a trick that could prove useful right now but I would need that.". In the bright light he looks at the group in detail. He thinks to himself againSo we got a pushy hobogoblin with a temper, a lady who wants her pet birdy back, a freindly reassuringly half elf thats worried about the birdy too and the only other guy who looks like he would pick my pocket at the first chance he got. This is going to be so much fun.