View Full Version : Aramis: The Traveller Adventure

2016-11-30, 12:37 PM
We will start with Character Generation here in this thread. Mongoose Traveller 1e is OGL, so this is mostly what I will be using and we won't have to worry as much about everyone having the correct book or me sharing information that isn't allowed to be shared.

1. Roll characteristics and determine characteristic modifiers.
2. a. Choose a homeworld.
b. Gain background skills.
3. a. Choose a career. You cannot choose a career you have already left.
b. Roll to qualify for that career.
c. If you qualify for that career, go to Step 4.
d. If you do not qualify for that career, then you can go to the Draft or enter the Drifter career. The Draft can put you
back into a career you have been forced to leave, at your old rank. You can only apply for the Draft once.
4. If this is your first time on this career, get your basic training.
5. Choose a specialization for this career.
6. a. Choose one of the Skills and Training tables for this career and roll on it.
b. Roll for survival on this career.
c. If you succeed, go to Step 7.
d. If you did not succeed, then events have forced you from this career. Roll on the Mishap table, then go to Step 9.
7. a. Roll for Events.
b. Optionally, establish a Connection with another player character.
8. a. Roll for Advancement
b. If you succeed, choose one of the skills and training tables for this career and roll on it. Increase your Rank and take
any bonus skills from the Ranks table for this career.
c. If you roll less than the number of terms spent in this career, you must leave this career.
d. Military characters (Army, Navy, Marines) can roll for commission instead of rolling for advancement.
9. Increase your age by 4 years. If your character is 34 or older, roll for Aging.
10. If you are leaving the career, roll for Benefits.
11. If you have left your current career, then go to Step 3 to choose a new career, or to Step 12 if you wish to finish your
character. Otherwise, go to Step 5.
12. Finalize any Connections with other characters.
13. Purchase starting equipment and, if you can afford it, a spacecraft.

So to that end, you all need to roll characteristics first and assign them to which one you want.

Strength (Str): A character’s physical strength, fitness and forcefulness.

Dexterity (Dex): Physical co-ordination and agility, reflexes. A character’s Dexterity affects his accuracy in ranged combat and his reaction speed.

Endurance (End): A character’s ability to sustain damage, stamina and determination. A character’s resilience is based on his Endurance score, so a character with a low Endurance score will be very vulnerable in a firefight.

Intelligence (Int): A character’s intellect and quickness of mind. Intelligence is used in a great many skill checks.

Education (Edu): A measure of a character’s learning and experience. Education is also used in a great many skill checks.

Social Standing (Soc): A character’s place in society. Characters with a high Social Standing can claim a noble title in the Imperium and will find life much easier thanks to their reputation and contacts.

As most everything in Traveller you roll 2d6 six times (one for each ability), and then assign them in whatever order you want.

From there you see what your DM (Dice Modifier) is for each score.

Characteristic Score
Dice Modifier








Before embarking on your careers, you get a number of background skills equal to 3 + your Education DM (1 to 5, depending on your Education score). You must take the skills listed for your homeworld; any extra skills can be taken from the education list.

AgriculturalAnimals 0
AsteroidZero-G 0
DesertSurvival 0
Fluid OceansSeafarer 0
GardenAnimals 0
High TechnologyComputers 0
High PopulationStreetwise 0
Ice-CappedVacc Suit 0
IndustrialTrade 0
Low TechnologySurvival 0
PoorAnimals 0
RichCarouse 0
Water WorldSeafarer 0
VacuumVacc Suit 0

Education: A formal education gives you a basic level of competence in various sciences and academic disciplines. Any character may choose from the following list:
Admin 0, Advocate 0, Art 0, Carouse 0, Comms 0, Computer 0, Drive 0, Engineer 0, Language 0, Medic 0, Physical Science 0, Life Science 0, Social Science 0, Space Science 0, Trade 0.
At this point, you are eighteen years old. Next your choose a career.

CareerSpecializationQualificationSurvivalAdvanceme nt
AgentInt 6+
Law EnforcementEnd 6+Int 6+
IntelligenceInt 7+Int 5+
CorporateInt 5+Int 7+
ArmyEnd 5+
SupportEnd 5+Edu 7+
InfantryStr 6+Edu 6+
CavalryDex 7+Int 5+
CitizenEdu 5+
CorporateSoc 6+Int 6+
WorkerEnd 4+Edu 8+
ColonistInt 7+End 5+
BarbarianEnd 7+Str 7+
WandererEnd 7+Int 7+
ScavengerDex 7+End 7+
EntertainerInt 5+
ArtistSoc 6+Int 6+
JournalistEdu 7+Int 5+
PerformerInt 5+Dex 7+
MarinesEnd 6+
SupportEnd 5+Edu 7+
Star MarineEnd 6+Edu 6+
Ground AssaultEnd 7+Edu 5+
MerchantsInt 4+
Merchant MarineEdu 5+Int 7+
Free TraderDex 6+Int 6+
BrokerEdu 5+Int 7+
NavyInt 6+
Line/CrewInt 5+Edu 7+
Engineer/GunneryInt 6+Edu 6+
FlightDex 7+Edu 5+
NobilitySoc 10+
AdministratorInt 4+Edu 6+
DiplomatInt 5+Soc 7+
DilettanteSoc 3+Int 8+
RogueDex 6+
ThiefInt 6+Dex 6+
EnforcerEnd 6+Str 6+
PirateDex 6+Int 6+
ScholarInt 6+
Field ResearcherEnd 6+Int 6+
ScientistEdu 4+Int 8+
PhysicianEdu 4+Edu 8+
ScoutInt 5+
CourierEnd 5+Edu 9+
SurveyEnd 6+Int 8+
ExplorationEnd 7+Edu 7+

Alright, now since those tables were brutal enough to copy for me, I am not going to copy each careers specific tables. So what I want you to do you is roll for your characteristics, assign them how you want, and pick your background skills. If you want to be from a planet near Aramis subsector, there are plenty of maps with information on those planets and what skills you get from them.

In order to qualify for a career, you roll the relevant qualification characteristic as 2d6+DM. You get all the skills for training (which I will tell you after you pick a career and qualify). Then for each term you spend, you need to pick a specialization (it can change within a career without re-qualification every term) and then for each specialization you need to pick Personal Development Skills, Service Skills, or Specialist Skills (there is also an Advanced Education skill, which you have to qualify for) and roll 1d6. Then you roll Survival (roll 2d6+DM, see the career summary table above) and if you pass then you get an event (roll 2d6), but if you fail then you get a mishap (roll 2d6) and you must leave that career. Then you roll 2d6+DM for advancement and look at the summary career table above. If you pass then you gain a rank, if you roll equal or less the number of terms you have served, then you must leave that career, otherwise you just continue as normal. You can choose to leave a career whenever and then you will get mustering out benefits, which I will cover later.

I know this is a little confusing, but it should become easier with doing it than with reading it. So I need to you make one post with your characteristic rolls, then assign your background skills. In a separate post I need you to roll 2d6+DM to qualify for the first career, and in the same post go ahead and roll 1d6 (for skills, which you need to declare), 2d6+DM for survival, 2d6 for event or mishap, and 2d6+DM for advancement. Then you can ignore all the rolls if you don't qualify but if you do qualify, I will respond with what results you got on the relevant table.

2016-11-30, 01:22 PM
With permission I wish to use the High Guard supplement for the Navy College Path then into the core book for the Navy Career.


2016-11-30, 01:29 PM
Str 7 DM+0
Dex 9 DM+1
End 7 DM+0
Int 11 DM+1
Edu 8 DM+0
Soc 7 DM+0

Home World: High Technology: Computers 0

Background skills
Comms 0
Engineer 0
Space Science 0

Age 18
Career 1:High Guard Navy
Admission Dex 8+ [roll0]
Success Edu 8+ [roll1] - if this passes then there is no need for the commission roll in the normal career path
Honours Int 10+ [roll2] - if this fails there is no negative

2016-11-30, 01:31 PM
Age 22
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 1: Int 6+ [roll0] <- GM not certain this is required due to passing the naval college portion
Pilot (any) 0, Vacc Suit 0, Zero-G 0, Gunner (any) 0, Mechanic 0, Gun Combat (any) 0 [ Melee (blade) 1 from Rank 1]
Survive Dex 7+ [roll1]
Event [roll2]
8 Your vessel participates in a diplomatic mission. Gain one of Recon 1, Diplomacy 1, Steward 1 or a Contact - ( Recon 1 )
Advancement Edu 5+ [roll3]

Age 24
roll for rank 1 Benefits - Later

OOC: GM I will ask to continue the Navy Officer career path generation when I have the next opportunity to be at a PC but I am out of town for the next 5 days , not sure when I will get access during that time.

2016-11-30, 05:40 PM

2016-11-30, 05:52 PM
Str: 4
End: 5
Dex: 6
Int: 6
Edu: 10
Social: 9

Home World: Industrial (Trade 0)
Background: Vacc Suit, Drive

Age 18

Career: Physician

Admission: [roll0]

Survival: [roll1]

Advancement: [roll2]

Not great rolls on attributes, but I can work with that. Going for a book worm (educated as opposed to natural talent) of a doctor from a decent family. Alas I can't find my traveler books (Mongoose 1E right?) so I need to figure out what skills I've obtained thus far. I just moved about a month ago and they are packed in some boxes... somewhere, I thought I'd find them by now, but don't want to hold everyone up.

2016-11-30, 05:58 PM

2016-11-30, 06:25 PM
Str: 7 (+0)
End: 10 (+1)
Dex: 11 (+1)
Int: 9 (+1)
Edu: 11 (+1)
Social: 4 (-1)

Homeworld: Asteroid, Vacuum (Vacc Suit 0, Zero-G 0)
Education: Advocate 0, Language 0

Career: Merchant

Branch: Free Trader

Qualification: Int 4+

Training: Service Skills [roll1d6 Whoops

Survival: Dex 6+ [roll1]

Event: [roll2] roll Deception 8+ or Persuade 8+ to gain Streetwise 1 and an extra Benefi t roll

Advancement: Int 6+ [roll3]

2016-11-30, 06:36 PM
Training: Service Skills [roll0]

Advancement Benefit: Advanced Edu [roll1]

Deception 8+ [roll2]

Term 2

Age 22

Training: Free Trader [roll3]

Survival: [roll4]

Damn. At least we aren't using ironman rules, I guess.

Event: [roll5]

Advancement: [roll6]

Advancement Benefit: Free Trader [roll7]

2016-11-30, 06:40 PM
Mishap: [roll0] Your ship or starport is destroyed by criminals. Gain them as an Enemy.

Injury: [roll1]

Medical Insurance: [roll2]

2016-11-30, 07:09 PM
Benefits: Other [roll0]

Third Term:

Age 26

Rogue Qualification: [roll1]

Training: Pirate Specialization [roll2]

Survival: [roll3]

Event: [roll4] Your crimes pay off. Gain +2 DM to any benefit roll.

Advancement: [roll5]

Training: Personal Development [roll6]

Mustering Out: Cash [roll7] 100000 Cr.

2016-12-01, 07:31 AM
Looks good @Q'telun.

@Therumancer, give me a 1d6 roll and I can tell you what skills you got. I also need another 2d6 roll for the event you get. Otherwise you qualified and survived your first term, but did not advance. Feel free to give me your next term survival, skill, event, and advancement rolls as well (same dice as 1st term), don't forget to add your +1DM for Edu rolls.

2016-12-03, 09:58 PM
@GM i am presuming that we are going to age 34 with generation before play...

Navy Flight / Officer Rank 1
Survive Dex 7+ [roll0]
Event [roll1] <- will determine this via GM or will have to wait until tuesday
Advancement Edu 5+ [roll2]

2016-12-03, 10:00 PM
age 26
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 2
Survive Dex 7+ [roll0] <- pass
Event [roll1] <- will determine this via GM or will have to wait until tuesday
Advancement Edu 5+ [roll2]

2016-12-03, 10:01 PM
term 4
age 30
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 3
Survive Dex 7+ [roll0]
Event [roll1] <- will determine this via GM or will have to wait until tuesday
Advancement Edu 5+ [roll2]

2016-12-03, 10:02 PM
term 5 final
age 34
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 4
Survive Dex 7+ [roll0]
Event [roll1] <- will determine this via GM or will have to wait until tuesday
Advancement Edu 5+ [roll2]

2016-12-05, 07:33 AM
age 26
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 2
Survive Dex 7+ [roll0] <- pass
Event [roll1] <- will determine this via GM or will have to wait until tuesday
Advancement Edu 5+ [roll2]

@GM i am presuming that we are going to age 34 with generation before play...

Navy Flight / Officer Rank 1
Survive Dex 7+ [roll0]
Event [roll1] <- will determine this via GM or will have to wait until tuesday
Advancement Edu 5+ [roll2]

term 4
age 30
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 3
Survive Dex 7+ [roll0]
Event [roll1] <- will determine this via GM or will have to wait until tuesday
Advancement Edu 5+ [roll2]

term 5 final
age 34
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 4
Survive Dex 7+ [roll0]
Event [roll1] <- will determine this via GM or will have to wait until tuesday
Advancement Edu 5+ [roll2]

You can go to whatever age you wish to go until. You will just have to deal with aging effects (which are extra rolls to see how aging effects you).

For you rolls: term 3: a 3 means
You join a gambling circle on board. Gain Gambler 1 or Deception 1. If you wish, throw Gambler 8+. If you succeed,
gain an extra Benefit roll from this career; if you fail, you lose one Benefit roll from this career.

term 4: an 11 means
Your commanding officer takes an interest in your career. Either gain Tactics (naval) 1, or take a +4 DM to your next
Advancement roll thanks to his aid.

term 5: a 6 means
Your vessel participates in a notable military engagement. Gain one of Sensors 1, Engineer (any) 1, Gunnery (any) 1
or Pilot (any) 1.

You also need to roll for skills at each term (which is 1d6 and pick: personal development, service, advanced education, or officer skills).

2016-12-05, 10:23 PM
Time to get some characteristics on the board to play with.


I am going to break those Characteristics down as follows:

Social 9 +1
Intellect 8
Education 8
Dexterity 7
Endurance 6
Strength 5 -1

High Population Homeworld
- Streetwise 0
- Carouse 0
- Language 0

2016-12-06, 07:20 AM
18-22: Attempting to enter the Navy and pursue an officer commission

Enlistment: [roll0]
Basic Training: pilot (space), vacc suit, zero-g, gunner, mechanic, gun combat
Personal Development: [roll1]
Line/Crew Survival: [roll2]
Events: [roll3]
Commission: [roll4] +1
If Successful Officer Skills: [roll5]

2016-12-06, 11:09 AM
@EarthenRite, it seems you have the books, as you know what skills you got for your basic training, but just to be clear. You did enlist successfully, got your basic skills you listed, get +1 Social for Personal Development, You survived your 1st term, and "You foil an attempted crime on board, such as mutiny, sabotage, smuggling or conspiracy. Gain an Enemy, but also gain a +2 DM to your next Advancement roll in the Navy." You were successful in your commission, and are now an Ensign with Melee (blade) 1. Finally you get Tactics (naval) as an Officer Skill.

2016-12-06, 12:07 PM
okay GM just to summarize in total where I am at here is the info

Rolls that I need to make still at each term

Term 1 no skills
Term 2 <PD> [roll0]
Term 3 Specialist: Flight [roll1]
Term 4 <PD> [roll2] -- Life Event [roll3]
Term 5 Specialist: Flight [roll4]
Term 6 Officer Skills [roll5] Ageing [roll6]

2016-12-06, 12:25 PM
Mustering out Benefits
gets one Benefit Roll for every full term served in that career. < 6 >
highest Rank Reached: Officer Rank 5
Bonus benefit rolls: 3, and you get a +1 DM to all Benefit Rolls in this career

Benfit rolls = 9 and +1 to all and +2 to any 1 roll

1: [roll0]
2: [roll1]
3: [roll2]
4: [roll3]
5: [roll4]
6: [roll5]
7: [roll6]
8: [roll7]
9: [roll8]

2016-12-06, 12:49 PM
My character short of misc equipment should be ready

starting out

Str 7 DM+0
Dex 9 DM+1
End 7 DM+0
Int 11 DM+1
Edu 8 DM+0
Soc 7 DM+0

Home World: High Technology: Computers 0

Background skills
Comms 0
Engineer 0
Space Science 0

term 1
Age 18
Career 1:High Guard Navy
Admission Dex 8+ (2d6)[8]
Success Edu 8+ (2d6)[8]
Honours Int 10+ (2d6)[3]

term 2
Age 22
Navy Flight
Pilot (small craft) 0, Vacc Suit 0, Zero-G 0, Gunner (any) 0, Mechanic 0, Gun Combat (any) 0 < Melee (blade) 1 >
Survive Dex 7+ (2d6)[8]
Event (2d6)[8]
8 Your vessel participates in a diplomatic mission. Gain Recon 1
Advancement Edu 5+ (2d6)[4]

term 3
age 26
Navy Flight
Survive Dex 7+ (2d6)[7]
Event (2d6)[3]
3 You join a gambling circle on board. Gain Deception 1.
Advancement Edu 5+ (2d6)[5] < Leadership 1 >

term 4
age 30
Navy Flight
Survive Dex 7+ (2d6)[6]
Event (2d6)[7]
7 Life Event.
Advancement Edu 5+ (2d6)[9]

term 5
age 34
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 3
Survive Dex 7+ (2d6)[8]
Event (2d6)[11]
11 Your commanding officer takes an interest in your career. Gain Tactics (naval) 1
Advancement Edu 5+ (2d6)[10] < Tactics (naval) 1 >

term 6
age 38
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 4
Survive Dex 7+ (2d6)[7]
Event (2d6)[6]
6 Your vessel participates in a notable military engagement. Gain Pilot (any) 1.
Advancement Edu 5+ (2d6)[10] < Social Standing 10 or +1 Social Standing, whichever is higher >

Term 1 no skills
Term 2 <PD> (1d6)[2]
2 +1 Dex
Term 3 Specialist: Flight (1d6)[6]
6 Zero-G
Term 4 <PD> (1d6)[4]
4 +1 Int
Life Event (2d6)[10]
10 Good Fortune: Something good happens to the character; he comes into money unexpectedly, has a lifelong dream come
true, gets a book published or has some other stroke of good fortune. Gain a +2 DM to any one Benefit roll from his current
Term 5 Specialist: Flight (1d6)[1]
1 Pilot (any)
Term 6 Officer Skills (1d6)[2]
2 Tactics (naval)
Ageing (2d6)[8]

after skills rolls
Str 7 DM+0
Dex 10 DM+1
End 7 DM+0
Int 12 DM+2
Edu 8 DM+0
Soc 10 DM+1

Aging Table. Apply the character’s total number of terms as a
negative Dice Modifier on this table.

8-6 = +2 , 1+ No effect

Muster out benefits
1: (1d7)[1] 2: 2 +1 Intelligence
2: (1d7)[3] 4: 4 Weapon
3: (1d7)[1] 2: 2 +1 Intelligence
4: (1d7)[4] 5: 5 20,000
5: (1d7)[4] 5: 5 TAS Membership
6: (1d7)[3] 4: 4 10,000
7: (1d7)[2] 3: 3 +1 Education
8: (1d7)[3] 4: 4 10,000
9: (1d7)[3] 4>6: 6 Ship’s Boat

Str 7 DM+0
Dex 10 DM+1
End 7 DM+0
Int 14 DM+2
Edu 9 DM+1
Soc 10 DM+1

TAS Membership
Weapon - Cutlass 2 Melee (large blade) DMG:2d6+4 Heft:–1 Mass:1

30 tons
Hull 0, Structure 1
Armor none
no jump drive
maneuver Drive A Thrust 6
Power Plant A
Computer Model 1 Rating 5
Electronics Standard Sensors –4 DM
Weapons None
Fuel 1 ton One week of operation
Cargo 13 tons
Crew Stations 2
Sofware: Maneuver 0, library 0

2016-12-06, 10:34 PM
Term 2 22-26: Continue on with my naval career

Skill on Specialist: Crew: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Event Roll: [roll2]
Advancement Roll: [roll3]
If successful, Personal Development [roll4]

2016-12-07, 07:29 AM
You get Gun Combat (any) training, but didn't survive the term:

You are blamed for an accident that causes the death of several crew members. If you were responsible, then you gain one free roll on the Skills and Training table before you are ejected from this career as your guilt drives you to excel. If you were not, then gain the officer who blamed you as an Enemy, but you keep your benefit roll from this term.

You can roll for your mustering out benefits (you get 2 rolls: 1 for your previous term and 1 for your Rank). You may get 1 more roll depending on how you choose to handle your mishap above. Choose to roll on Cash or Other Benefits for each roll and roll 1d6 for each. Then you may try for another career, but it will be at -1 DM on your qualification/enlistment roll as you have already held 1 career.

2016-12-07, 09:22 PM
You get Gun Combat (any) training, but didn't survive the term:

You are blamed for an accident that causes the death of several crew members. If you were responsible, then you gain one free roll on the Skills and Training table before you are ejected from this career as your guilt drives you to excel. If you were not, then gain the officer who blamed you as an Enemy, but you keep your benefit roll from this term.

You can roll for your mustering out benefits (you get 2 rolls: 1 for your previous term and 1 for your Rank). You may get 1 more roll depending on how you choose to handle your mishap above. Choose to roll on Cash or Other Benefits for each roll and roll 1d6 for each. Then you may try for another career, but it will be at -1 DM on your qualification/enlistment roll as you have already held 1 career.

Isn't the survival for a line officer 5+?

2016-12-07, 10:28 PM
Assuming I was right on Survival (I am pretty sure I was), I am going to continue another term in the Navy.

26-30 Naval Officer continuing the career

Skill Roll on Officer Skills Table: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Event/Mishap: [roll2] - [roll3]
Advancement: [roll4]
If successful, roll on Personal Development: [roll5]

2016-12-08, 07:13 AM
alright well that changes things. I for some reason thought you were going for one of the other specialist, but for line/crew it is 5+, so you survived your second term, and:

"Your vessel participates in a diplomatic mission. Gain one of Recon 1, Diplomacy 1, Steward 1 or a Contact."

You advance to a Sublieutenant and gain Leadership 1. You also get +1 Education for your personal development.

For term 3:

You get +1 Leadership for your skill, and you survive to get:

"You are given a special assignment or duty on board ship. Gain a +1 DM to any one Benefit roll."

You then advance to a Lieutenant, which has no skills associated with it, and you gain +1 Dexterity.

2016-12-08, 09:05 AM
My character short of misc equipment should be ready

starting out

Str 7 DM+0
Dex 9 DM+1
End 7 DM+0
Int 11 DM+1
Edu 8 DM+0
Soc 7 DM+0

Home World: High Technology: Computers 0

Background skills
Comms 0
Engineer 0
Space Science 0

term 1
Age 18
Career 1:High Guard Navy
Admission Dex 8+ (2d6)[8]
Success Edu 8+ (2d6)[8]
Honours Int 10+ (2d6)[3]

term 2
Age 22
Navy Flight
Pilot (small craft) 0, Vacc Suit 0, Zero-G 0, Gunner (any) 0, Mechanic 0, Gun Combat (any) 0 < Melee (blade) 1 >
Survive Dex 7+ (2d6)[8]
Event (2d6)[8]
8 Your vessel participates in a diplomatic mission. Gain Recon 1
Advancement Edu 5+ (2d6)[4]

term 3
age 26
Navy Flight
Survive Dex 7+ (2d6)[7]
Event (2d6)[3]
3 You join a gambling circle on board. Gain Deception 1.
Advancement Edu 5+ (2d6)[5] < Leadership 1 >

term 4
age 30
Navy Flight
Survive Dex 7+ (2d6)[6]
Event (2d6)[7]
7 Life Event.
Advancement Edu 5+ (2d6)[9]

term 5
age 34
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 3
Survive Dex 7+ (2d6)[8]
Event (2d6)[11]
11 Your commanding officer takes an interest in your career. Gain Tactics (naval) 1
Advancement Edu 5+ (2d6)[10] < Tactics (naval) 1 >

term 6
age 38
Navy Flight / Officer Rank 4
Survive Dex 7+ (2d6)[7]
Event (2d6)[6]
6 Your vessel participates in a notable military engagement. Gain Pilot (any) 1.
Advancement Edu 5+ (2d6)[10] < Social Standing 10 or +1 Social Standing, whichever is higher >

Term 1 no skills
Term 2 <PD> (1d6)[2]
2 +1 Dex
Term 3 Specialist: Flight (1d6)[6]
6 Zero-G
Term 4 <PD> (1d6)[4]
4 +1 Int
Life Event (2d6)[10]
10 Good Fortune: Something good happens to the character; he comes into money unexpectedly, has a lifelong dream come
true, gets a book published or has some other stroke of good fortune. Gain a +2 DM to any one Benefit roll from his current
Term 5 Specialist: Flight (1d6)[1]
1 Pilot (any)
Term 6 Officer Skills (1d6)[2]
2 Tactics (naval)
Ageing (2d6)[8]

after skills rolls
Str 7 DM+0
Dex 10 DM+1
End 7 DM+0
Int 12 DM+2
Edu 8 DM+0
Soc 10 DM+1

Aging Table. Apply the character’s total number of terms as a
negative Dice Modifier on this table.

8-6 = +2 , 1+ No effect

Muster out benefits
1: (1d7)[1] 2: 2 +1 Intelligence
2: (1d7)[3] 4: 4 Weapon
3: (1d7)[1] 2: 2 +1 Intelligence
4: (1d7)[4] 5: 5 20,000
5: (1d7)[4] 5: 5 TAS Membership
6: (1d7)[3] 4: 4 10,000
7: (1d7)[2] 3: 3 +1 Education
8: (1d7)[3] 4: 4 10,000
9: (1d7)[3] 4>6: 6 Ship’s Boat

Str 7 DM+0
Dex 10 DM+1
End 7 DM+0
Int 14 DM+2
Edu 9 DM+1
Soc 10 DM+1

TAS Membership
Weapon - Cutlass 2 Melee (large blade) DMG:2d6+4 Heft:–1 Mass:1

30 tons
Hull 0, Structure 1
Armor none
no jump drive
maneuver Drive A Thrust 6
Power Plant A
Computer Model 1 Rating 5
Electronics Standard Sensors –4 DM
Weapons None
Fuel 1 ton One week of operation
Cargo 13 tons
Crew Stations 2
Sofware: Maneuver 0, library 0

I finally found the correct book and double checked over everything. It looks good, but I still need one more roll on the skills table for each time you successfully advanced a rank. So 5 more 1d6 rolls and choose which tables you want them to apply to. Also the college does not take place before you are 18, but after, so you do college from 18-22 and then your "1st term" takes place from 22-26, so with 6 terms your character is actually 42, and needs to roll on the aging table 2 more times (once for the 4th term, and once for the 5th term, applying those as the negative DMs) and I'll let the 6th term stand as it is now.

2016-12-08, 09:10 AM
Str: 4
End: 5
Dex: 6
Int: 6
Edu: 10
Social: 9

Home World: Industrial (Trade 0)
Background: Vacc Suit, Drive

Age 18

Career: Physician

Admission: [roll0]

Survival: [roll1]

Advancement: [roll2]

Not great rolls on attributes, but I can work with that. Going for a book worm (educated as opposed to natural talent) of a doctor from a decent family. Alas I can't find my traveler books (Mongoose 1E right?) so I need to figure out what skills I've obtained thus far. I just moved about a month ago and they are packed in some boxes... somewhere, I thought I'd find them by now, but don't want to hold everyone up.

Alright Therumancer, you need to roll 1d6 for the skill you get for qualifying to be a physician, but you did not advance a rank. and I need 2d6 for your event.

2016-12-08, 03:48 PM
I finally found the correct book and double checked over everything. It looks good, but I still need one more roll on the skills table for each time you successfully advanced a rank. So 5 more 1d6 rolls and choose which tables you want them to apply to. Also the college does not take place before you are 18, but after, so you do college from 18-22 and then your "1st term" takes place from 22-26, so with 6 terms your character is actually 42, and needs to roll on the aging table 2 more times (once for the 4th term, and once for the 5th term, applying those as the negative DMs) and I'll let the 6th term stand as it is now.

I rolled skills in that spoiler but looks like I do need 1more age roll which I will need to do later from a pc

2016-12-08, 04:00 PM
@samduke, you roll skills potentially 2x for each term. Once, for sure, when you start the term, and again if you advance a rank (which you did several times). So you rolled the once for sure for each term, but not the extra for each advance you made. You need to make the extra 1d6 skill roll for each term in which you successfully advanced a rank and pick a table to apply it to.

2016-12-08, 11:44 PM
I am choosing to muster out of the navy at 30, so I will roll my benefit rolls. By my calculations, I will get 6 of these (1 for each of my 3 terms in the navy plus 3 for bonuses).

Cash: (using +1 dm): [roll0]
Cash: [roll1]
Cash: [roll2]
Other: [roll3]
Other: [roll4]
Other: [roll5]

At the same time, I am also going to attempt to qualify for the Entertainer career for my 30-34 year. Pursuing the path of writing.

Qualification: [roll6]

2016-12-09, 07:13 AM
I am choosing to muster out of the navy at 30, so I will roll my benefit rolls. By my calculations, I will get 6 of these (1 for each of my 3 terms in the navy plus 3 for bonuses).

Cash: (using +1 dm): [roll0]
Cash: [roll1]
Cash: [roll2]
Other: [roll3]
Other: [roll4]
Other: [roll5]

At the same time, I am also going to attempt to qualify for the Entertainer career for my 30-34 year. Pursuing the path of writing.

Qualification: [roll6]

You get 3 benefits for the 3 terms you served, but you only reached rank 3, so you get 2 extra benefits, not 3. You can apply that +1 to any of the mustering out benefits, you don't have to decide before you see the rolls, if you want to change it. Also, you DO qualify for the entertainer career, now pick a specialization and roll for skills, survival, advancement, and if successful another skill. Also let me know if you want to change your +1 to any of the other benefits roll, and we'll drop your last one.

2016-12-09, 12:39 PM
@samduke, you roll skills potentially 2x for each term. Once, for sure, when you start the term, and again if you advance a rank (which you did several times). So you rolled the once for sure for each term, but not the extra for each advance you made. You need to make the extra 1d6 skill roll for each term in which you successfully advanced a rank and pick a table to apply it to.

uhhh okay... here are those rolls then...
set 2 as requested
Term 1 no skills again as it was college
Term 2 <PD> [roll0]
Term 3 Specialist: Flight [roll1]
Term 4 <PD> [roll2]
Term 5 Specialist: Flight [roll3]
Term 6 Officer Skills [roll4]
Ageing #2 [roll5]

I am not at my laptop which has the books so GM can you run these otherwise it will be probably Saturday before I can

2016-12-09, 01:36 PM
Sorry this is so confusing, samduke. You don't get a roll for term 2 because you didn't successfully advance, but I will just use the others as they are. So you get:

Term 3: Flight: 4- +1 Pilot (small craft)
Term 4: PD: 3- +1 Endurance
Term 5: Flight: 5- +1 Astrogation
Term 6: Officer: 4- +1 Melee (blade)

Ageing: roll of 5 minus 5 terms equals 0, which means reduce one physical characteristic by 1

2016-12-09, 05:04 PM
Age: 30
Race: Human
Homeworld: "Svinberflin" ABXY A000475-11 T I As Va

Str: 7 (+0)
End: 11 (+1)
Dex: 11 (+1)
Int: 10 (+1)
Edu: 11 (+1)
Social: 4 (-1)

Advocate 0
Astrogation 1
Broker 0
Comms 0
Drive 0
Gun Combat 0
Gunner (Turret) 1
Language 0
Persuade 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Social Science (Economics) 1
Steward 1
Vac Suit 0
Zero-G 0

Type: Poly Carapace
Rating: 10
Notes: Eye Protection, Magnetic Grapples, Personal HUD


Accelerator Rifle
Gun Combat (Zero G Weapons)
Linked to HUD

Gun Combat (Slug Pistol)
Linked to HUD


Hand Computer/2
-Intelligent Interface/1

TL10 Comm

Breather Mask

Accelerator Rifle

Poly Carapace


Advanced Welding Kit

Total Mass


Free Trader
Asked to smuggle illegal items onto a planet.

Ship destroyed by criminals

Crime paid off

The Blue Moon Pirate group destroyed my ship and forced me out of my first career!

I screwed over Captain Cuilange of the Blue Moons, and walked away with 100 MCr of his.

Credits: 74850

Debts: None

Ship Mortgage: ??? MCr


2016-12-10, 01:26 PM
Sorry this is so confusing, samduke. You don't get a roll for term 2 because you didn't successfully advance, but I will just use the others as they are. So you get:

Term 3: Flight: 4- +1 Pilot (small craft)
Term 4: PD: 3- +1 Endurance
Term 5: Flight: 5- +1 Astrogation
Term 6: Officer: 4- +1 Melee (blade)

Ageing: roll of 5 minus 5 terms equals 0, which means reduce one physical characteristic by 1

this should be the updated final sheet

Str 7 DM+0
Dex 9 DM+1
End 8 DM+0
Int 14 DM+2
Edu 9 DM+1
Soc 10 DM+1

Pilot (small craft) 1, Vacc Suit 0, Zero-G 0, Gunner (any) 0, Mechanic 0, Gun Combat (any) 0, Melee (blade) 2, Computers 0, Comms 0, Engineer 0, Space Science 0, Recon 1, Deception 1, Leadership 1, Tactics (naval) 3, Pilot (any) 2, Zero-G 0, Astrogation 0,

TAS Membership
Weapon - Cutlass 2 Melee (large blade) DMG:2d6+4 Heft:–1 Mass:1

Ship's Boat Pg. 132
30 tons
Hull 0, Structure 1
Armor none
no jump drive
maneuver Drive A Thrust 6
Power Plant A
Computer Model 1 Rating 5
Electronics Standard Sensors –4 DM
Weapons None
Fuel 1 ton One week of operation
Cargo 13 tons
Crew Stations 2
Sofware: Maneuver 0, library 0

2016-12-10, 11:19 PM
Term 4: 30-34 - Leaving the Navy to begin a career as a writer

Qualification: Accomplished
Skill Roll: Specialist: Artist: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Event/Mishap: [roll2] ; [roll3]
Advancement: [roll4]
Skill Roll: Specialist: Artist: [roll5]

2016-12-12, 09:16 AM
@Q'telun, I haven't double checked everything, but it looks good at a first glance.

@Samduke, the update looks correct.

@EarthenRite, You get art (any) for your skill roll, and you survive your first term, and get:

"You gain a patron in the arts. Gain a +2 DM to your next Advancement check and an Ally."

However, even with their patronage, you are not quite quick witted enough to advance, and so your 1st term as a writer ends (but you are free to keep pursuing this career).

2016-12-12, 01:19 PM
@Q'telun, I went back over your character sheet and noticed a few things you missed. I have that you got +1 Endurance for your third term, bringing it up to 11 (not that it changes your DM, but it does change your physical stats for wounds and such). Finally since you advanced to rank 1, you get 1 more bonus roll on the mustering out table for a Pirate (page 34 of core book). You have only rolled 1 time on cash and 1 time on other, so feel free to choose either.

@Samduke, Any time you got a skill from the skills table it started at a base of level 1 and then added +1 each additional time you rolled it. Except for basic training, which you would get everything at level 0. You will need to update the level of your skills accordingly.

I have you are Astrogation 1, Computer 0, Communications 0, Engineer 0, Space Science 0, Pilot (any) 3, vacc suit 0, Zero G 1, Gunner (any) 0, Mechanic 0, Gun Combat (any) 0, Melee (blade) 2, Recon 1, Deception 1, Tactics (naval) 2, and Leadership 1.

For the skills that say any in parenthesis, you need to pick a specialization. Let me know if you disagree with any of my numbers. Your characteristics and equipment all look correct.

@Everyone, feel free to shop around and figure out what you want for your character, but we are going to roleplay a little bit of you actually acquiring that equipment when the game starts. You get all your money and any benefits listed under Other, but if you want to spend that money, then we will roleplay a bit to cover what happens at the beginning of the game.

2016-12-12, 09:39 PM
Huh, dunno how I missed those things. I think I'll go with the Other table, and add my +4 bonus there.


Woot, Ship shares.

2016-12-13, 11:57 AM
@Samduke, Any time you got a skill from the skills table it started at a base of level 1 and then added +1 each additional time you rolled it. Except for basic training, which you would get everything at level 0. You will need to update the level of your skills accordingly.

I have you are Astrogation 1, Computer 0, Communications 0, Engineer 0, Space Science 0, Pilot (any) 3, vacc suit 0, Zero G 1, Gunner (any) 0, Mechanic 0, Gun Combat (any) 0, Melee (blade) 2, Recon 1, Deception 1, Tactics (naval) 2, and Leadership 1.

UM checking skills numbers and rechecking through the rolls and this below is the result

Computers 0
Comms 0
Engineer 0
Space Science 0
Pilot (small craft) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-G 0
Gunner (any) 0
Mechanic 0
Gun Combat (any) 0
Melee (blade) 1
Recon 1
Deception 1.
Leadership 1
Tactics (naval) 1
Tactics (naval) 1
Pilot (any) 1.
Zero-G 0
Pilot (any)
Tactics (naval)
Pilot (small craft)

total value of skill combined unless I missed any this should be accurate, as for the unset pilot (any) and the set pilot small craft, was specifically set this way to determine the other things I could pilot before setting it in stone
Computers 0
Comms 0
Engineer 0
Space Science 0
Pilot (small craft) 0, Pilot (small craft) 0 = should be Pilot (small craft) 1
Pilot (any) 1, Pilot (any) 0 = should be Pilot (any) 2
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-G 0, Zero-G 0 = should be Zero-G 1
Gunner (any) 0
Mechanic 0
Gun Combat (any) 0
Melee (blade) 1
Recon 1
Deception 1.
Leadership 1
Tactics (naval) 1, Tactics (naval) 1, Tactics (naval) 0 = should be Tactics (naval) 3

2016-12-13, 12:22 PM
Sorry this is so confusing, samduke. You don't get a roll for term 2 because you didn't successfully advance, but I will just use the others as they are. So you get:

Term 3: Flight: 4- +1 Pilot (small craft)
Term 4: PD: 3- +1 Endurance
Term 5: Flight: 5- +1 Astrogation
Term 6: Officer: 4- +1 Melee (blade)

Ageing: roll of 5 minus 5 terms equals 0, which means reduce one physical characteristic by 1

UM checking skills numbers and rechecking through the rolls and this below is the result

Computers 0
Comms 0
Engineer 0
Space Science 0
Pilot (small craft) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-G 0
Gunner (any) 0
Mechanic 0
Gun Combat (any) 0
Melee (blade) 1
Recon 1
Deception 1.
Leadership 1
Tactics (naval) 1
Tactics (naval) 1
Pilot (any) 1.
Zero-G 0
Pilot (any)
Tactics (naval)
Pilot (small craft)

total value of skill combined unless I missed any this should be accurate, as for the unset pilot (any) and the set pilot small craft, was specifically set this way to determine the other things I could pilot before setting it in stone
Computers 0
Comms 0
Engineer 0
Space Science 0
Pilot (small craft) 0, Pilot (small craft) 0 = should be Pilot (small craft) 1
Pilot (any) 1, Pilot (any) 0 = should be Pilot (any) 2
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-G 0, Zero-G 0 = should be Zero-G 1
Gunner (any) 0
Mechanic 0
Gun Combat (any) 0
Melee (blade) 1
Recon 1
Deception 1.
Leadership 1
Tactics (naval) 1, Tactics (naval) 1, Tactics (naval) 0 = should be Tactics (naval) 3
You forgot to add your last term advancement skill, which gives you another Melee (blade) (total of 2)

2016-12-14, 01:05 PM
edit sheet below

2016-12-16, 09:40 AM
I take it that Samduke and Q'telun are finished. What about you, EarthenRite, do you wish to continue or muster out?
I know some others were accepted and posted here initially, but I never heard from them again. We can start with three, but I will try to bump the recruitment thread and see if anyone else is interested.

2016-12-16, 01:24 PM
I take it that Samduke and Q'telun are finished. What about you, EarthenRite, do you wish to continue or muster out?
I know some others were accepted and posted here initially, but I never heard from them again. We can start with three, but I will try to bump the recruitment thread and see if anyone else is interested.

i will RL call my friend see if they are coming into this also
edit: called not sure when that they may get on and registered ect.. may have to start with out and then maybe allow them in at a later point

2016-12-19, 10:17 AM
I'm creating a table to use as your character sheet. It is in a spoilerbutton below. I will edit this post when it is complete and you all can use it.
EDIT: It is as good as I can get it. If you have any suggestions, let me know. If you have problems, I will try to help you!


Your Name here

Your Race here


Racial Traits:

Likely none

Home World:
Home World Traits here









Social Standing


type of armor


ratings of armor

Special Notes

notes about armor


Admin#Drive (???)#Language (???)#Seafarer (???)#

Advocate#Drive (???)#Language (???)#Seafarer (???)#

Animals (???)#Engineer (???)#Leadership#Sensors#

Animals (???)#Engineer (???)#Life Sciences (???)#Social Sciences (???)#

Athletics (???)#Explosives#Life Sciences (???)#Social Sciences (???)#

Athletics (???)#Flyer (???)#Mechanic#Space Sciences (???)#

Athletics (???)#Flyer (???)#Medic#Space Sciences (???)#

Art (???)#Gambler#Melee (???)#Stealth#

Art (???)#Gunner (???)#Melee (???)#Steward#

Astrogation#Gunner (???)#Navigation#Streetwise#

Battle Dress#Gun Combat (???)#Persuade#Survival#

Broker#Gun Combat (???)#Pilot (???)#Tactics (???)#

Carouse#Gun Combat (???)#Pilot (???)#Tactics (???)#

Comms#Heavy Weapons (???)#Physical Sciences (???)#Trade (???)#

Computers#Heavy Weapons (???)#Physical Sciences (???)#Trade (???)#

Deception#Investigate#Recon#Vacc Suit#

Diplomat#Jack of all Trades#Remote Operations#Zero-G#



pension information here


debt information here

Cash on Hand

cash information here

Monthly Ship Payment

ship payment info here



your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

Total Mass = #

Range Modifiers


your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

Allies, Contacts, Enemies, Rivals






Career History


your career
your branch
your events
your rank
your title

your career
your branch
your events
your rank
your title

your career
your branch
your events
your rank
your title

your career
your branch
your events
your rank
your title

2016-12-19, 12:44 PM
EDIT: I have yet to make any purchases yet What Tech Level are we using and other restrictions for stuff?





Racial Traits:


Home World:
High Technology: Computers 0 : TAS Membership














Social Standing



type of armor


ratings of armor

Special Notes

notes about armor


Admin#Drive (???)#Language (Sperithral)NativeSeafarer (???)#

Advocate#Drive (???)#Language (English)3Seafarer (???)#

Animals (???)#Engineer (???)0Leadership1Sensors#

Animals (???)#Engineer (???)#Life Sciences (???)#Social Sciences (???)#

Athletics (???)#Explosives#Life Sciences (???)#Social Sciences (???)#

Athletics (???)#Flyer (???)#Mechanic0Space Sciences (???)0

Athletics (???)#Flyer (???)#Medic#Space Sciences (???)#

Art (???)#Gambler#Melee (???)#Stealth#

Art (???)#Gunner (???)0Melee (Blade)2Steward#

Astrogation0Gunner (???)#Navigation#Streetwise#

Battle Dress#Gun Combat (???)0Persuade#Survival#

Broker#Gun Combat (???)#Pilot (small craft)1Tactics (Naval)3

Carouse#Gun Combat (???)#Pilot (any)2Tactics (???)#

Comms0Heavy Weapons (???)#Physical Sciences (???)#Trade (???)#

Computers#Heavy Weapons (???)#Physical Sciences (???)#Trade (???)#

Deception1Investigate#Recon1Vacc Suit0

Diplomat#Jack of all Trades#Remote Operations#Zero-G1



Unknown TBD


Unknown TBD

Cash on Hand


Monthly Ship Payment

Unknown TBD



Ships Boat Pg. 132
30 tons

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

Total Mass = #

Range Modifiers


its attack
very long
Heft:–1 Mass:1

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

Allies, Contacts, Enemies, Rivals






Career History


High Guard Navy
Flight College
Admission, Success, Honours
Officer rank 1

participates in a diplomatic mission
Officer rank 1

join a gambling circle on board
Officer Rank 2

Life Event: Good Fortune
Officer Rank 3
LT Cmndr?

commanding officer takes an interest in your career
Officer Rank 4

vessel participates in a notable military engagement
Officer Rank 5

2016-12-19, 05:54 PM
Happy holidays everyone! Let's get the latest crew member Koel started.

Characteristics roll:

2016-12-20, 07:37 AM
@Darkadvice, Those are some great rolls. Now assign them to the characteristics you like and give me a 2d6 to qualify for a career, a 1d6 and a skill table for that career, a 2d6 to survive, a 2d6 and 1d6 for events/mishaps, a 2d6 to advance (or comission), and a 1d6 and skill table if you get that advancements. Roll all of these in one post and then we can decide which ones to use. Good luck!

2016-12-20, 12:40 PM
I have pretty much all 1E MgT books except Aramis and a couple of the adventures. I've also got the core for 2E. Not sure what I want to play yet, I'll let the characteristics inform my choice.


2016-12-20, 01:02 PM
Not great but definitely not bad. Let's see. We have 2 navy guys and a merchant? We're playing neutral to good and there is some exploration involved? I'll try for Scout, specifically Courier from Book 3: Scout, with the X-Boat specialty.

Assigned characteristics as follows:

STR: 7
END: 9
DEX: 8
INT: 8
EDU: 9
SOC: 5

Homeworld: A Vacuum Asteroid
Homeworld Skills:
Carouse 0
Computers 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0

Qualification (END 5+): [roll0]
Draft (if failed): [roll1]

Service Skills (if successful):
Astrogation 0
Comms 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 0 (non-functional at rank 0)
Pilot (spacecraft) 0
Space Science (any) 0

Survival (END 6+): [roll2]
Mishap/Event: [roll3]
Promotion (EDU 8+): [roll4]
Specialty (If successful): [roll5]

2016-12-20, 01:07 PM
So I survived, got Event 31: Roll for life events: [roll0]. I got promoted to rank 2 (also forgot that rank 1 gives Comms 1). Rolled a 2 on the specialty table, which is Astrogation.

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 0
Pilot (spacecraft) 0
Space Science (any) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0

2016-12-20, 01:11 PM
Gained a new Contact from my Live Event:

Term 2:
Specialty Skill: [roll0]
Survival (End 6+): [roll1]
Event/Mishap: [roll2]
Promotion (if survived) (EDU 8+): [roll3]
Specialty skills (if promoted): [roll4]

2016-12-20, 01:15 PM
Got Pilot (spacecraft) from term 2 training. Event 55: You are given extra training in combat. Choose one of the following skills – Melee (blade), Zero-G, Medic or Gun Combat. I choose Melee (blade). No promotion.

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 0
Melee (blade) 1
Pilot (spacecraft) 1
Space Science (any) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0

Term 3:
Specialty skills: [roll0]
Survival (END 6+): [roll1]
Event/Mishap: [roll2]
Promotion (if survived) (EDU 8+): [roll3]
Specialty Skill (if promoted): [roll4]

2016-12-20, 01:19 PM
So, rerolling the skill from Term 3, since I did 2d6 before: [roll0]. Event 45: You are selected for Psionics training. If Psionics are not used in your Traveller campaign, re-roll on this table, ignoring the 45 result.

So, this roll is either a new career event if you don't want psionics, or my psionic test: [roll1]. If psionics are allowed then this roll should subtract 3.

2016-12-20, 01:23 PM
Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 1
Melee (blade) 1
Pilot (spacecraft) 1
Space Science (any) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0

Assuming that we're not using psionics then I instead got event 12, which is You intercept a message or communique that has profound military or diplomatic repercussions for your society. You bring it to the attention of your superiors with one of the following results: [roll0]. If you are using psionics then I got a score of 0.

2016-12-20, 01:28 PM
Assuming that we're not using psionics, this is the result of my Term 3 event: Your swift action results in the saving of lives and reputations. Gain an Ally. If we are using psionics then disregard the previous sentence.

Term 4
Personal Development: [roll0]
Survival (END 6+): [roll1]
Event/Mishap: [roll2]
Promotion (if survived) (EDU 8+): [roll3]
Personal Development (if promoted): [roll4]
Aging: [roll5]

2016-12-20, 01:35 PM
Event 41: A ship you are travelling on (xBoat or other Scout vessel) is ambushed by enemies. Either run, and throw Pilot 8+ to escape, or treat
with them and throw Persuade 10+ to bargain with them. If you fail the check, then your ship is destroyed and you may not re-enlist in
the Scouts at the end of this term. If you succeed, you survive and gain Sensors 1. Either way, gain an Enemy.
Rolling Pilot: [roll0] against 8+

2016-12-20, 01:46 PM
STR +1 (8). Had to leave Scouts at Rank 2.

STR: 8
END: 9
DEX: 8
INT: 8
EDU: 9
SOC: 5

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 1
Melee (blade) 1
Pilot (spacecraft) 1
Space Science (any) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0

1 Enemy
1 Contact
Possibly 1 Ally (if we're not using psionics)

Term 5
Attempting to qualify for Smuggler from Book 6: Scoundrel (Blockade Runner) (EDU 6+): [roll0]
Skill Training (if successful): [roll1]
Survival (DEX 6+): [roll2]
Event/Mishap: [roll3]
Promotion (if survived) (EDU 8+): [roll4]
Specialist (if promoted): [roll5]
Aging: [roll6]

2016-12-20, 01:49 PM
Ugh. Got Sensors +1. Failed: Event: You run afoul of an Imperial navy patrol. Roll 1d6. On a 1–4, they arrest you – roll on the Incarceration
table. On a 5–6, you are press–ganged; you must take a Naval career next term. [roll0]
Aged: STR -2, DEX and END -1

2016-12-20, 01:50 PM
Incarcerated: [roll0]

2016-12-20, 01:52 PM
Fined [roll0] * 1000 Cr.

2016-12-20, 01:54 PM
Fined [roll0] * 1000 Cr.

5 benefits (4 terms in scouts +1 for rank).
Cash 1: [roll1]
Cash 2: [roll2]
Other 1: [roll3]
Other 2: [roll4]
Other 3: [roll5]

2016-12-20, 01:58 PM
STR: 7
END: 8
DEX: 7
INT: 8
EDU: 9
SOC: 5

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 1
Melee (blade) 1
Pilot (spacecraft) 1
Space Science (any) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0

1 Enemy
1 Contact
Possibly 1 Ally (if we're not using psionics)
Cash: 46,000 Cr.
Secrets: 2

2016-12-20, 02:00 PM
Turning in 1 Secret to the Scout Service for a new benny: [roll0]

2016-12-20, 02:22 PM
I have pretty much all 1E MgT books except Aramis and a couple of the adventures. I've also got the core for 2E. Not sure what I want to play yet, I'll let the characteristics inform my choice.

Sounds good, I have almost all the books too. I will make comments throughout your career, just to let you know.

Not great but definitely not bad. Let's see. We have 2 navy guys and a merchant? We're playing neutral to good and there is some exploration involved? I'll try for Scout, specifically Courier from Book 3: Scout, with the X-Boat specialty.

Assigned characteristics as follows:

STR: 7
END: 9
DEX: 8
INT: 8
EDU: 9
SOC: 5

Homeworld: A Vacuum Asteroid
Homeworld Skills:
Carouse 0
Computers 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0

Qualification (END 5+): [roll0] (EDIT: You actually get another +1 DM for your home planet as well)
Draft (if failed): [roll1]

Service Skills (if successful): (EDIT: You don't get the specialist skills, you get the service skills. You should get: Pilot 0, Comms 0, Astrogation 0, Sensors 0, Navigation 0, and Streetwise 0.)
Astrogation 0
Comms 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 0 (non-functional at rank 0)
Pilot (spacecraft) 0
Space Science (any) 0

Survival (END 6+): [roll2]
Mishap/Event: [roll3]
Promotion (EDU 8+): [roll4]
Specialty (If successful): [roll5]

So I survived, got Event 31: Roll for life events: [roll0]. I got promoted to rank 2 (also forgot that rank 1 gives Comms 1) (EDIT: And you were successful in your advancement so you went from Rank 0 to Rank 1 (all careers start at Rank 0, even if it is not shown in the table.). Rolled a 2 on the specialty table, which is Astrogation.

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 0
Pilot (spacecraft) 0
Space Science (any) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0
Your current skills are:
Astrogation 1, Carouse 0, Comms 1, Computer 0, Navigation 0, Pilot 0 (you can't have specializations at 0 rank), Sensors 0, Streetwise 0, Vacc Suit 0, and Zero-G 0.

Gained a new Contact from my Live Event:

Term 2:
Specialty Skill: [roll0]
Survival (End 6+): [roll1]
Event/Mishap: [roll2]
Promotion (if survived) (EDU 8+): [roll3]
Specialty skills (if promoted): [roll4]

Got Pilot (spacecraft) from term 2 training. Event 55: You are given extra training in combat. Choose one of the following skills – Melee (blade), Zero-G, Medic or Gun Combat. I choose Melee (blade). No promotion.

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 0
Melee (blade) 1
Pilot (spacecraft) 1
Space Science (any) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0 (EDIT: You now have: Astrogation 1, Carouse 0, Comms 1, Computer 0, Melee (blade) 1, Navigation 0, Pilot (spacecraft) 1, Sensors 0, Streetwise 0, Vacc Suit 0, and Zero-G 0.)

Term 3:
Specialty skills: [roll0]
Survival (END 6+): [roll1]
Event/Mishap: [roll2]
Promotion (if survived) (EDU 8+): [roll3]
Specialty Skill (if promoted): [roll4]

So, rerolling the skill from Term 3, since I did 2d6 before: [roll0]. Event 45: You are selected for Psionics training. If Psionics are not used in your Traveller campaign, re-roll on this table, ignoring the 45 result.

So, this roll is either a new career event if you don't want psionics, or my psionic test: [roll1]. If psionics are allowed then this roll should subtract 3.

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 1
Melee (blade) 1
Pilot (spacecraft) 1
Space Science (any) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0 (EDIT: You should have: Astrogation 1, Carouse 0, Comms 1, Computer 0, Jack of All Trades 1, Melee (blade) 1, Navigation 0, Pilot (spacecraft) 1, Sensors 0, Streetwise 0, Vacc Suit 0, and Zero-G 0.)

Assuming that we're not using psionics then I instead got event 12, which is You intercept a message or communique that has profound military or diplomatic repercussions for your society. You bring it to the attention of your superiors with one of the following results: [roll0]. If you are using psionics then I got a score of 0. (I don't mind psionics, and this adventure has the potential for psionics.)

Assuming that we're not using psionics, this is the result of my Term 3 event: Your swift action results in the saving of lives and reputations. Gain an Ally. If we are using psionics then disregard the previous sentence.

Term 4
Personal Development: [roll0]
Survival (END 6+): [roll1]
Event/Mishap: [roll2]
Promotion (if survived) (EDU 8+): [roll3]
Personal Development (if promoted): [roll4]
Aging: [roll5]

Event 41: A ship you are travelling on (xBoat or other Scout vessel) is ambushed by enemies. Either run, and throw Pilot 8+ to escape, or treat
with them and throw Persuade 10+ to bargain with them. If you fail the check, then your ship is destroyed and you may not re-enlist in
the Scouts at the end of this term. If you succeed, you survive and gain Sensors 1. Either way, gain an Enemy.
Rolling Pilot: [roll0] against 8+

STR +1 (8). Had to leave Scouts at Rank 2. (EDIT: you are only Rank 1, see comments above)

STR: 8
END: 9
DEX: 8
INT: 8
EDU: 9
SOC: 5

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 1
Melee (blade) 1
Pilot (spacecraft) 1
Space Science (any) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0 (EDIT:You should have: Astrogation 1, Carouse 0, Comms 1, Computer 0, Jack of All Trades 1, Melee (blade) 1, Navigation 0, Pilot (spacecraft) 1, Sensors 0, Streetwise 0, Vacc Suit 0, and Zero-G 0.)

1 Enemy
1 Contact
Possibly 1 Ally (if we're not using psionics) (EDIT: we are)

Term 5
Attempting to qualify for Smuggler from Book 6: Scoundrel (Blockade Runner) (EDU 6+): [roll0]
Skill Training (if successful): [roll1]
Survival (DEX 6+): [roll2] (EDIT: you only have a dex of 8, so this should just be 2d6)
Event/Mishap: [roll3]
Promotion (if survived) (EDU 8+): [roll4]
Specialist (if promoted): [roll5]
Aging: [roll6]

Ugh. Got Sensors +1. Failed: Event: You run afoul of an Imperial navy patrol. Roll 1d6. On a 1–4, they arrest you – roll on the Incarceration
table. On a 5–6, you are press–ganged; you must take a Naval career next term. [roll0]
Aged: STR -2, DEX and END -1

Incarcerated: [roll0]

Fined [roll0] * 1000 Cr.

Fined [roll0] * 1000 Cr.

5 benefits (4 terms in scouts +1 for rank).
Cash 1: [roll1]
Cash 2: [roll2]
Other 1: [roll3]
Other 2: [roll4]
Other 3: [roll5]

STR: 7
END: 8
DEX: 7
INT: 8
EDU: 9
SOC: 5

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Engineer (any) 0
Jack of All Trades 1
Melee (blade) 1
Pilot (spacecraft) 1
Space Science (any) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-g 0 (EDIT: This should be: Astrogation 1, Carouse 0, Comms 1, Computer 0, Jack of All Trades 1, Melee (blade) 1, Navigation 0, Pilot (spacecraft) 1, Sensors 1, Streetwise 0, Vacc Suit 0, and Zero-G 0. You also get to choose one of the service skills from your Blockade Runner career for basic training.

1 Enemy
1 Contact
Possibly 1 Ally (if we're not using psionics)
Cash: 46,000 Cr.
Secrets: 2

Turning in 1 Secret to the Scout Service for a new benny: [roll0]
For this last benefit roll you either get a new Ally or another 20,000 Credits. You didn't specify which table you were rolling on.

Other than my notes, everything looks correct.

2016-12-20, 02:53 PM

Aidan Goodrow



Racial Traits:


Home World:
"Svinberflin" ABXY A000475-11 T I As Va














Social Standing



type of armor


ratings of armor

Special Notes

notes about armor


AdminDrive (Any)0Language (Any)0Seafarer (???)

Advocate0Drive (???)Language (???)Seafarer (???)

Animals (???)Engineer (???)LeadershipSensors

Animals (???)Engineer (???)Life Sciences (???)Social Sciences (Economics)1

Athletics (???)ExplosivesLife Sciences (???)Social Sciences (???)

Athletics (???)Flyer (???)MechanicSpace Sciences (???)

Athletics (???)Flyer (???)MedicSpace Sciences (???)

Art (???)GamblerMelee (???)Stealth

Art (???)Gunner (???)Melee (???)Steward1

Astrogation1Gunner (Turret)1NavigationStreetwise

Battle DressGun Combat (any)0Persuade1Survival

Broker0Gun Combat (???)Pilot (Spacecraft)1Tactics (???)

CarouseGun Combat (???)Pilot (???)Tactics (???)

Comms0Heavy Weapons (???)Physical Sciences (???)Trade (???)

ComputersHeavy Weapons (???)Physical Sciences (???)Trade (???)

DeceptionInvestigateReconVacc Suit0

DiplomatJack of all TradesRemote OperationsZero-G0






Cash on Hand

100 MCr

Monthly Ship Payment




your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

your equipment
its mass

Total Mass = #

Range Modifiers


your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

your weapon
its attack
its damage
very long
any notes

Allies, Contacts, Enemies, Rivals

Blue Moon Pirates
Destroyed my ship and forced me out of my first career

Captain Cuilange
The man who fired me as a Free Trader. I got my revenge by stealing 100 MCr from him.

Career History


Free Trader
Asked to smuggle illegal items on to planet

Ship destroyed by criminals

Your crimes paid off

2016-12-20, 07:37 PM
Koel Characteristics:

Str 5 -1
Dex 7 0
End 9 +1
Int 10 +1
Edu 10 +1
Soc 10 +1

Homeworld: Kepler-Tau Asteroid
Zero G: 0

Education: 3 + DM(+1)

Advocate 0
Carouse 0
Language 0
Social Science 0

Koel Age 18

Career: Agent

Admission: [roll0] (Int 6+ required)
Survival: [roll1] (Int 7+)
Advancement: [roll2] (Int 5+)
Event Roll if Survival goes through: [roll3]

2016-12-20, 07:46 PM
Ah looks like someone bit the bullet early on, Good stat rolls, bad career rolls. Alright I get the Basic Service Skills of an Intelligence Agent since I qualified for Admission:

Streetwise 0
Drive(Any) 0
Investigate 0
Computers 0
Recon 0
Gun Combat(Any) 0

So let's see how Koel got kicked out of Agent Training.

Mishaps Table:

2016-12-20, 09:52 PM
I'll take Gunnery (turrets) from blockade runner and the Ally from the Benefit.

STR: 7
END: 8
DEX: 7
INT: 8
EDU: 9
SOC: 5

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Gunnery (turrets) 1
Jack of All Trades 1
Melee (blade) 1
Navigation 0
Pilot (spacecraft) 1
Sensors 1
Streetwise 0
Space Science (wormholes) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-G 0

1 Enemy: Old Shegazbeer, dread corsair, who shot up my ship so I had to leave the service (as much as a scout can leave)
1 Contact: Professor Braxlebee, starship designer
1 Ally: Utmost Amazus, local Communications Leader
Cash: 46,000 Cr.
Secrets: 1

Is my guy going to be eligible for getting called to Scout missions? He didn't have a Mishap per se. I really love playing challenging characters, especially Scouts since they have so many interesting events, half of which tend to shaft you.

2016-12-21, 09:08 AM
Koel Characteristics:

Str 5 -1
Dex 7 0
End 9 +1
Int 10 +1
Edu 10 +1
Soc 10 +1

Homeworld: Kepler-Tau Asteroid
Zero G: 0

Education: 3 + DM(+1)

Advocate 0
Carouse 0
Language 0
Social Science 0

Koel Age 18

Career: Agent

Admission: (Int 6+ required)
Survival: (Int 7+)
Advancement: (Int 5+)
Event Roll if Survival goes through:
You only get 4 total background skills, one of which is your Zero-G 0 from your homeworld. So only pick three more, not 4. You do make admission and get all the basic training skills you listed in your next post (skills at rank 0 don't get the specializations in parentheses). You also need to roll 1d6 and pick a skill table, as you get that before making your survival roll. You did not survive your first term and so get no benefit rolls.

Ah looks like someone bit the bullet early on, Good stat rolls, bad career rolls. Alright I get the Basic Service Skills of an Intelligence Agent since I qualified for Admission:

Streetwise 0
Drive(Any) 0
Investigate 0
Computers 0
Recon 0
Gun Combat(Any) 0

So let's see how Koel got kicked out of Agent Training.

Mishaps Table:

Mishap 4 is:
You learn something you shouldn’t know, and people want to kill you for it. Gain an Enemy and Deception 1.
Now you get to pick a new career. It is easiest if you just do your rolls like this for each term.:
{roll]2d6+DM (Qualification)
{roll]1d6 (Skill table choice)
{roll]2d6+DM (Survival)
{roll]2d6 (Event)
{roll]1d6 (Mishap)
{roll]2d6+DM[/roll] (Advancement)
{roll]1d6[/roll] (Advancement skill table choice)

At the end of your 4th term, i will need ageing as well:
{roll]2d6-terms[/roll] (ageing)

2016-12-21, 09:16 AM
I'll take Gunnery (turrets) from blockade runner and the Ally from the Benefit.

STR: 7
END: 8
DEX: 7
INT: 8
EDU: 9
SOC: 5

Astrogation 1
Carouse 0
Comms 1
Computers 0
Gunnery (turrets) 1
Jack of All Trades 1
Melee (blade) 1
Navigation 0
Pilot (spacecraft) 1
Sensors 1
Streetwise 0
Space Science (wormholes) 0
Vacc Suit 0
Zero-G 0

1 Enemy: Old Shegazbeer, dread corsair, who shot up my ship so I had to leave the service (as much as a scout can leave)
1 Contact: Professor Braxlebee, starship designer
1 Ally: Utmost Amazus, local Communications Leader
Cash: 46,000 Cr.
Secrets: 1

Is my guy going to be eligible for getting called to Scout missions? He didn't have a Mishap per se. I really love playing challenging characters, especially Scouts since they have so many interesting events, half of which tend to shaft you.

I posted a character sheet table in the OOC thread that mimics the character sheet available in the books. If you would try to fill that out, I would appreciate it. Otherwise everything looks correct, except for basic training you only get level 0 skill not level 1 (for Gunnery). You are welcome to change your choice if it matters.

As far as getting Scout missions, you might get some, if I need you to follow a plot hook somewhere, but in general you are travelling in such a small area of the sector during this adventure that they will use ships capable of higher Jump levels than the ship you will have.

2016-12-21, 02:00 PM
Cool. Will fill out in a bit. Also, if the secret's plot thread is too much of a departure from the campaign I can trade that it for another Benny if you want.

2016-12-21, 02:14 PM
Speaking of our ship, are we going with a Free Trader?

2016-12-22, 01:05 PM
Changing out Secret for another non-cash benefit: [roll0]

2016-12-26, 12:26 PM
Speaking of our ship, are we going with a Free Trader?

even if its a lowly 100t scout ship that would work in my book, least the party will have a ship to surface craft with my ship's boat - and on that subject GM, will I need to track maintenance and fuel for it as my costs?

2017-01-05, 10:31 AM
Alright, I am back from my holiday travels. Sorry for my long absence. Hopefully everyone is still around and interested in getting this started? Let me get a sound off of those still around.

@Q'telun, you get the March Harrier, a subsidized merchant (often called the fat trader) which is intended to meet the trading needs of clusters of worlds, usually under a subsidy. It has Jump Drive-C, Maneuver Drive-C and Power Plant-C, giving performance of jump-1 and thrust 1. Fuel tankage for 52 tons supports the Power Plant and allows one jump-1. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model l. There are 13 staterooms and nine low berths. The ship has three hardpoints. There is one ship’s vehicle, a 20-ton launch. Cargo capacity is 205 tons and the ship is streamlined. The fat trader requires a crew of five: pilot, navigator, engineer, medic and steward. Up to three gunners may be added. The pilot also normally operates the launch. The ship can carry eight high or middle passengers and thirteen low passengers. The ship now mounts two turrets, each with dual beam lasers. The usual text of a subsidy agreement calls for a ship to service an agreed-upon route for at least 70% of each year. For the remainder of the year, the ship can undertake charters or service routes to other worlds. In all cases, however, the subsidy holder receives 50% of gross revenues. At times, unscrupulous ship captains circumvent these provisions by smuggling.

I know that 50% sounds like a lot, but it is generally less than a ship share would be and works out mostly in your benefit. If you would rather purchase your own ship, that is fine. You can also use the ship shares you have to upgrade and buy down how much of the ship is subsidized.

@DiscoSoup, Secrets or benefits is fine.

2017-01-06, 12:12 PM
my ship's boat,

There is one ship’s vehicle, a 20-ton launch

I will have to look around see if I can locate a ship layout of a fat trader... anyways cargo of 205 tons seems good though if the ship comes with its own 20T launch, then I guess my 30T ships boats will have to take up some cargo space, and I still need to know, will I need to track maintenance and fuel for it as my costs?

and I guess my character will fill the role of pilot...

2017-01-06, 01:15 PM
@Samduke, sorry about missing your question. If you want, you can trade the ship launch it comes with for your Ship's boat. It will be your boat, but it'll be up to you and the other players to decide if you want to setup a "ship fund" where each of you get so many shares based on your position and how much you contribute to the ship or if you want everything to be managed individually. The "ship fund" idea is fleshed out pretty well in the book and I can share it with you, if need be. As far as a layout for the ship, I'll post it in a spoiler below. There is a detailed description as well, if you want that information too.


2017-01-09, 01:14 PM
@Samduke, sorry about missing your question. If you want, you can trade the ship launch it comes with for your Ship's boat. It will be your boat, but it'll be up to you and the other players to decide if you want to setup a "ship fund" where each of you get so many shares based on your position and how much you contribute to the ship or if you want everything to be managed individually. The "ship fund" idea is fleshed out pretty well in the book and I can share it with you, if need be. As far as a layout for the ship, I'll post it in a spoiler below. There is a detailed description as well, if you want that information too.


actually the launch is setup differently for function from the ships boat so having both would probably be a good idea, so as long as the others do not mind that 30 of the 205T is occupied for the ships boat then all I would need is to look in the core for the maintenance and fuel costs and I have no issue tracking and paying that cost myself.
as for the main ship that would be an everyone pool for expenses and such and of course split profits appropriatly

2017-01-09, 08:00 PM
@rogue_alchemist Welcome back! I'm perfectly happy with that ship.

2017-01-10, 06:59 AM
I think Samduke is brainstorming right now. The details of exactly how the ship are setup don't really matter for the start of the game. I am getting the start of the adventure together, and hope to have it posted this afternoon. After that, I am going to try to work on the Character sheets for everyone.

2017-01-10, 11:57 AM
I think Samduke is brainstorming right now. The details of exactly how the ship are setup don't really matter for the start of the game. I am getting the start of the adventure together, and hope to have it posted this afternoon. After that, I am going to try to work on the Character sheets for everyone.

nah ship looks good to me, just brainstorming over the ships boat that I have

2017-01-10, 02:51 PM
Situated on the Aramis Trace and giving its name to the region as well as the subsector, is the world of Aramis (0710-A680656-B), trade centre and subsector capital. The planet is some 9,500 kilometres in diameter, swathed with a swirling corrosive atmosphere that makes life on its dry desert surface intolerable. Nevertheless, the world boasts a population of nearly 620,000, almost all contained within the tunnels of its only city: Leedor. The city is the personal fief of the Marquis of Aramis, and all important posts and contracts are let on the Marquis’ sufferance and can be cancelled at his whim.

Aramis has a type A starport with an associated naval base, scout base, and shipyard (operated by the megacorporation Naasirka).

You have come together over the course of the last several months and it is now time for the annual overhaul of the March Harrier. It is currently 001-1105. The March Harrier was just turned over to the Naasirka shipyard for its annual maintenance (paid for in advance – some Cr. 101,300). Although the crew retains access to their staterooms on board the ship, everyone has moved into hotel rooms in Startown for the duration of the overhaul. The ship is supposed to be ready for operations on 013–1105.

The maintenance situation puts the crew on its annual paid vacation. A local agent is prepared to book passengers and cargo for the ship and assign you a destination based on the best cargo he can find.

You are ready to disembark and join the new year festivities in town. The first day of the group’s stay in Leedor is New Year’s Day, one of two holidays common to most worlds of the Imperium (the other is the Emperor’s Birthday). The streets and parks are crowded with celebrants and a festive atmosphere pervades the city. Since Leedor is not bound by natural cycles of light and darkness, the celebration continues for the first 24 hours of the New Year.

You would know the following information before venturing out to Leedor:

Because the environment within the city of Leedor is entirely self-contained and replenished through the municipal air plant, the city has adopted an air tax to defray the costs involved. All individuals entering the city (through the starport, any one of the bases, the shipyard or through the mine tunnels) are called upon to pay a basic air tax of Cr. 10 per day expected to be spent within the city.

The collection booths will issue a bracelet that indicates payment of the tax and the expiration date. Bracelets are chemically coded to turn yellow 48 hours prior to expiration and orange 24 hours prior to expiration. They turn red when the tax payment period has ended.

It is considered severely ungracious to utilise the air and facilities of the city without paying a fair share of the costs. To avoid embarrassment, locals generally renew their air tax bracelets before they turn orange (they receive credit for the unused portion when it is turned in).

Leedor sprawls, just as the mines sprawled. The city is defined by a major east-west thoroughfare called Founder’s Way. This avenue leads from the starport to the Marquis’ Palace. Flanking the way is the business district filled with shops, stores and warehouse outlets. To the north are residential areas. Startown for the drifters and spacers, the Plazas for executives and the well-to-do and Wallside for the more ordinary citizens. To the south is the mining district connected to the main tunnels leading to the mines.

The city is small in area and originally expended without rhyme or reason, remaining relatively small in population. During the Civil War, Aramis’ mines produced crucial supplies of materials for the manufacturing complex at Rhylanor and were occupied by Imperial Marines for a time in order to keep them producing. In the prosperity following the war, Leedor expanded and the Naasirka yard was engaged in the production of express boat equipment for several decades. Now the economic boom has passed but Leedor still enjoys a prosperous lifestyle.

In the period following the war, Leedor went through a period of renewal and many of its older, shabby areas were renovated. In addition, the old access tunnels were straightened and equipped with slidewalks. Slidewalks are a people-transport device intended to cut down on the number of vehicles required in the congested corridors of Leedor. Typically, corridors are about 20 metres wide, with six metres on each side given over to slidewalks to give access to the various entrances along the corridor walls. The central eight metres are occupied by two three metre slidewalks moving in opposite directions, separated by a two metre buffer of slidewalk. Each slidewalk extends the length of a city block (about 150 metres) before ending at the intersection. Sliders then walk across the intersection and board the slidewalk for the next block.

Most slidewalks are slow (about five kilometres per hour) and offer no real advantage over walking, except for the energy saved in standing rather than walking. Long trips through town can be made easier by virtue of the fact that the slidewalk is free and goes everywhere.

Some basic thoroughfares (Founder’s Way, Cross-Town Link, Wall Street and Tunnel Strip) have an elevated strip that makes 10 kilometres per hour without breaks at intersections and thus provides faster transport to various parts of the city. As a result, most individuals use the major thoroughfares to move to an area of the city and then walk to their destination.

Because the slidewalks cannot handle the transport of large amounts of goods for sale, consumption or distribution, a limited number of small electric trucks are operated by transport companies. The slidewalks are stopped (actually, they run intermittently and are stopped without warning) for several hours each day (midnight to six in the morning of the Imperial standard day) in order to allow trucks to move through the city with deliveries. Private operation of the small flatbed trucks is not allowed and all driving is in the hands of local licensed transport companies.

The elevated major thoroughfares run at all times; since their operation will not interfere with the movement of the trucks, they need not be stopped
Alright, this is generally how I will let you know game relevant information outside of the story of the game. You find yourself leaving your ship (in the shipyard) and headed into Leedor. Let me know what you want to do or what you want to know and I'll either help you do it or learn it or tell you what rolls I need from you to complete the task.

2017-01-11, 12:47 PM
okay dates stamp 001-1105 to 013–1105 is the expected maintenance - I am guessing that is 12-13 days total and the ( air tax Cr. 10 per day ) is to be paid now
< Cr. 130 > also the law levels will prohibit or restrict things- so I am presuming that other than standard clothes and such as we have yet to make any purchases that weapons ect that were part of the muster out are left on the big ship in our cabins.

edit ( because the terminal BSOD'ed on me the other day )
Samantha will go find places for clothes/space suits, electronics/computers, and various other to include potential weapons

2017-01-18, 01:13 PM
Are you guys here? Are you aware of this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?507611-Aramis-The-Traveller-Adventure-OOC&p=21587143) thread (it is OOC). Respond on that thread if you are still interested in playing this.

2017-01-25, 11:39 AM
Samantha will go find places for clothes/space suits, electronics/computers, and various other to include potential weapons - (OCC: do I find the appropriate stores?)

2017-01-31, 09:11 AM
I think I have to call TOD on this game. Only Samduke is posting and interested. Sorry. I may try again in a few months. Happy Gaming everyone!