View Full Version : Movies The Deadly Alliance (Mortal Kombat) V.S Harkon and Miraak (Skyrim)

2016-11-30, 01:34 PM
The two sorcerers battle the First Dragonborn and the Vampire Lord of Molag Bal.
Both sorcerers are extremely good martial artists and great sorcerers. The Vampire Lord Harkon is quite good at conjuring servants himself, and Miraak is no slouch when it comes to shouts and melee combat. Quan Chi and Shang Tsung and suck out souls from their enemies like Miraak, although their powers are definitely better at absorbing Humanoid souls. Who is better at close quarters combat, and who is better over all?

2016-12-01, 03:36 AM
need to explain the setting mate shang tsun and quan chi vs dragon born and npc vampire lord boss what happens
a. the moment quan chi and tsun have enough souls to kick start a soulnado dragon born have solid problem aka no dragon souls for him becouse every dragon he slays directly goes in to shao khan

2016-12-01, 03:37 AM
The two sorcerers battle the First Dragonborn and the Vampire Lord of Molag Bal.
Both sorcerers are extremely good martial artists and great sorcerers. The Vampire Lord Harkon is quite good at conjuring servants himself, and Miraak is no slouch when it comes to shouts and melee combat. Quan Chi and Shang Tsung and suck out souls from their enemies like Miraak, although their powers are definitely better at absorbing Humanoid souls. Who is better at close quarters combat, and who is better over all?

The Dragonborn pauses the game, eats twenty wheels of cheese and then wails on the other three and wins.

2016-12-07, 12:52 AM
I found Miraak to be an underwhelming fight that I had to keep reloading just to see what he could do when I didn't accidentally kill him in one attack. No hacked gear, mods, or gear loops needed. Just 100 enchanting used to make fortify smiting gear used to enhance dragonscale weapons and the guy dies in seconds.

I thought the Ebony Warrior was the hardest fight in the game given the chances of being disarmed, blown off the cliff, paralyzed, and his damage reflection.

2016-12-08, 10:21 PM
Im giving it to Quan Chi and Shang Tsun, mostly because the two actually have worked together for a prolonged period and are a fairly decent team, while Miraak and Harkon are just two powerful dudes who dont even know each other.

2017-02-07, 07:36 PM
I found Miraak to be an underwhelming fight that I had to keep reloading just to see what he could do when I didn't accidentally kill him in one attack. No hacked gear, mods, or gear loops needed. Just 100 enchanting used to make fortify smiting gear used to enhance dragonscale weapons and the guy dies in seconds.

I thought the Ebony Warrior was the hardest fight in the game given the chances of being disarmed, blown off the cliff, paralyzed, and his damage reflection.

If he's your first final boss he can be quite a challenge at Adept level. Most enemies in Skyrim aren't that difficult at Adept level, even Harkon, Alduin and Miraak.