View Full Version : Epic boon alternative idea

2016-11-30, 01:39 PM
So I was reading over the epic boons in the DMG, and an idea struck me for an alternative: rather than choosing a boon every 30,000xp after level 20, you may choose another subclass of your single or primary class (if there's a 10/10 split or the like, you can only choose one), and get its entry level feature. You get the next feature of the same subclass after another 30,000xp. Only once you've exhausted all of a single subclass's features may you choose again.

This obviously is great for wizards and clerics; not so much for barbarians or druids. EKs and ATs need to be figured out if they're chosen in this manner, given their spellcasting mechanic. But how much more beyond 20th level does any adventure typically go? I can see maybe the first subclass feature boon activated in my campaign by those leading the XP pack while the stragglers play catch up, but otherwise...