View Full Version : Pathfinder Maximum Dex Bonus: does it affect attack roll?

Red Bear
2016-11-30, 09:42 PM
So I have read this today and I have a few related questions

Maximum Dex Bonus:
This number is the maximum Dexterity bonus to Armor Class that this type of armor allows. Dexterity bonuses in excess of this number are reduced to this number for the purposes of determining the wearer's Armor Class. Heavier armors limit mobility, reducing the wearer's ability to dodge blows. This restriction doesn't affect any other Dexterity-related abilities.

First of all, am I understanding it correctly and it does in fact mean that your attack roll with a ranged weapon is not affected by your armor?

Second, if yes, am I the only one who played d&d for 10 years thinking it applied to all dex-related-ability like attacking with a ranged weapon?

Third is this also true for medium and heavy load maximum dex bonus?

Fourth, Why Have I never seen an archer build in full-armor and why do most ranged archetype of classes loose the heavy armor proficiency?

2016-11-30, 10:05 PM
So I have read this today and I have a few related questions

Maximum Dex Bonus:
This number is the maximum Dexterity bonus to Armor Class that this type of armor allows. Dexterity bonuses in excess of this number are reduced to this number for the purposes of determining the wearer's Armor Class. Heavier armors limit mobility, reducing the wearer's ability to dodge blows. This restriction doesn't affect any other Dexterity-related abilities.

First of all, am I understanding it correctly and it does in fact mean that your attack roll with a ranged weapon is not affected by your armor?

Second, if yes, am I the only one who played d&d for 10 years thinking it applied to all dex-related-ability like attacking with a ranged weapon?

Third is this also true for medium and heavy load maximum dex bonus?

Fourth, Why Have I never seen an archer build in full-armor and why do most ranged archetype of classes loose the heavy armor proficiency?
1.Yes. Do, however, note that ACP does effect your attack rolls if you're not profecient in the armor.
2. Probably not, given how many people have played the game.
3. Yes. Being encumbered gives you a max DEX and ACP, exactly the same as wearing heavy armors.
4. a.You haven't? I see them quiete frequently, given how most archer builds benefit from a lot of martial dipping, which usually ends up giving them proficiency with heavy armors by accident.
b. because it seems like a sensible trade-off. You trade the safety of heavier armor for the safety of distance.

2016-11-30, 10:36 PM
A fair amount of archery classes are proficient with medium or heavy armor, but heavy armor does not allow for much of a dex bonus. A mithral full plate of speed only gives a max dex bonus of +3, and most archer builds are going to have a dex much higher than 16 by the time they can get mithral fullplate. A mithral tatami-do gives you a max dex bonus of +5, which is still lower than most archers are going to have as a dex bonus by late game.

2016-11-30, 11:04 PM
There's no reason why an archer can't wear heavy armor. It's just that they can get just as good an AC, and get it cheaper, by making the most of their high Dexterity scores. The go-to strategy for choosing armor (as far as I've seen) is to pick the toughest one that A) you're proficient with, and B) that lets you apply your entire Dex bonus.

Basically, go take a look at the table for armors in the PHB and just add the AC bonus and the max Dex bonus together. Most of them give a total possible AC of 7 or 8, with one that's 6 and a couple of 9's on the most extreme light and heavy ends.

In the end, the choice of what armor you wear only matters for a couple points of AC. The real difference past the very low levels is how much you spend on magical bonuses.

EDIT: I realize this was a Pathfinder question and my armor numbers are from 3.5, but I assume they're not too different from basic armors in Pathfinder.

2016-12-01, 10:07 AM
Fourth, Why Have I never seen an archer build in full-armor and why do most ranged archetype of classes loose the heavy armor proficiency?

Because if you have a high Dex, then you can get the same AC as someone in heavy armor while wearing something cheaper and less cumbersome, so why wouldn't you? Not to mention that, for most characters, having a high Dex means middling to low Strength (since otherwise you need high point buy, amazing rolls, or dump stats elsewhere) and heavy armor tends to be, well, heavy.