View Full Version : Pathfinder Ending campaign 14lvl - 1lvl sorcerer dip (crossblooded) for a druid 13 - any fun ?

2016-12-01, 10:52 AM
We know our campaign will end at level 14.

My character is a 13lvl humand druid menhir savant with feather domain.

Rest of the party is not that OP : Zen archer, warpriest, rogue, ifrit wizard(fire blaster)

So I can afford to waste a level to have fun with something different. Also because our DM like challenges that don't only need more spell and more powerful spell.

A 1 lvl dip croosblooded sorcerer would give me two bloodline arcana. I would chosse Draconic (bronze) and Elemental(air)

As a druid I have many elemental spell that I could turn into electricity and get +1/die.

What do you think about that ?
Should I choose a different element (maybe acid) ?
Should I consider something else ? (only core, APG, UM, UC and DM approved stuff)

2016-12-01, 11:13 AM
Electricity is not a common resistance, fire and cold are more common so it is a solid choice, but acid is equally good. If you had a lot of electricity blast spells you were using like call lightning and call lightning storm, you could be a primal elemental bloodline and stack with the draconic, adding +2 damage per dice rolled and really blast things. Combined with menhir savant to increase your caster level is is very strong.

If you dumped charisma, you won't get any spells, which is a bit of a shame. You need at least 10 to use the cantrips and 11 to use your 1st level spells. That said, nothing at these levels is going to make too much of an impact. If you are preparing to fight the BBEG, protection from evil might be a very handy just in case spell. Arcane spells also have penalties and you are likely wearing armor.

You said you don't need more spells or more powerful spells, but all you are doing is converting all of your damage elemental spells to electricity and increasing the damage. Certainly it breathes new life into all of your lower level elemental spells like snowball, but it is just more damage at the end of the day.

2016-12-01, 12:10 PM
Certainly it breathes new life into all of your lower level elemental spells like snowball, but it is just more damage at the end of the day.

Maybe a bit more than that because somtimes I didn't use some spell like tar pool or sirocco for battlefield control because opponents had fire immunity and it seemed like an action waste to cast those spells without damage.

If you dumped charisma, you won't get any spells, which is a bit of a shame. You need at least 10 to use the cantrips and 11 to use your 1st level spells.

Fortunately, I got a +6 headband of mental superiority from loot so I end up with 13 Cha :)

2016-12-01, 04:08 PM
On the spell selection front, if your character doesn't use a shield, the Shield spell is a solid first level pick for pre combat buffing. True Strike is also a good contender if you have a quicken rod.