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View Full Version : Interstellar prequel to Firefly?

2016-12-02, 11:01 PM
All right..

So in Firefly's background, Humanity - without any FTL capability - has abandoned Earth That Was because she was "spent".

The whole of Humanity (as far as we know) went to the Verse; which consisted of a trinary start system with dozens of worlds and hundreds of moons. This magnificent Verse was apparently within reaching distance of Earth That Was, despite no FTL. Also; because of the aforementioned lack of FTL, humanity hasn't spread much farther than its current star system.

Is it me, or this sounds a lot like the setup Humanity would end up with at the end of Interstellar?

- No FTL
- Abandoning the Earth that is "spent"
- Dozen of available planets within reaching distance
- Since only 3 of those planets is within the local star system (around Gargantua), it's a possibility that the other 9 planets orbit stars that are part of a Binary or a Trinary system (otherwise it would take decades before ever reaching them)
- the whole of humanity has moved as a whole into a new location despite lack of FTL capability.

2016-12-03, 04:21 AM
No and it's that easy. Mostly because Nolan and Whedon had no intention of them being connected what so ever. Let's be honest, neither premise is all that new or unique in Sci-Fi. Are all Sci-Fi stories where mankind leaves the planet without FTL travel because Earth is "spent" a prequel to every other story where people are in the future where people left Earth?

Kitten Champion
2016-12-03, 05:32 AM
Wasn't there a similar head-canon thing with Firefly existing within Ridley Scott's Alien universe? I seem to recall that.

2016-12-03, 12:38 PM
No and it's that easy. Mostly because Nolan and Whedon had no intention of them being connected what so ever. Let's be honest, neither premise is all that new or unique in Sci-Fi. Are all Sci-Fi stories where mankind leaves the planet without FTL travel because Earth is "spent" a prequel to every other story where people are in the future where people left Earth?

Except that how often non-FTL humans who abandon a "spent" Earth end up concentrated in a single, localised region of space that happens to have multiple colonisable worlds?

I mean, non FTL humans had to scatter far and wide just to find a few systems to colonise. How lucky was it that they found a superjackpot on what probably is their galactic door step?

Oh. And despite coming from another system, they Still have not explored beyond the Verse.

Also, you dont need a creator cooperation for two franchises to be headlinked. The whole "Dragonlance is a prequel to Dark Sun" exists on its own.

The Glyphstone
2016-12-03, 12:45 PM
Or Event Horizon being set in the earliest days of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

2016-12-03, 02:12 PM
Wasn't there a similar head-canon thing with Firefly existing within Ridley Scott's Alien universe? I seem to recall that.

I know Alien, Predator, Soldier, Firefly, Avatar, and Blade Runner all have little easter eggs in them that could be taken to mean they are in the same universe.

For example the Wayland / Yutani logo can be seen on shipping containers in both Firefly and Avatar.

I am sure you could take it even further like the people who do the "Tommy Westphall Universe" lists.

2016-12-03, 02:26 PM
Or Event Horizon being set in the earliest days of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

Oh, i TOTALLY buy that one.

Too bad that there is FTL in Alien. Otherwise there wouldnt be no reason for not being a prequel to Senerity as well

2016-12-03, 02:43 PM
Also, you dont need a creator cooperation for two franchises to be headlinked. The whole "Dragonlance is a prequel to Dark Sun" exists on its own.

That's the operative word. The two are not related in any way outside your own personal headcanon. So the answer "No" is still the correct answer. Are Interstellar and Firefly in the same Universe? No. They were produced by two independent companies by two independent directors with two independent writing teams. There are no mentions of either in Universe on Firefly's side to even support a Headcanon. No. The answer is no.

Kitten Champion
2016-12-03, 02:50 PM
I know Alien, Predator, Soldier, Firefly, Avatar, and Blade Runner all have little easter eggs in them that could be taken to mean they are in the same universe.

For example the Wayland / Yutani logo can be seen on shipping containers in both Firefly and Avatar.

I know Whedon did the script to Resurrection and Cameron obviously did Aliens... and it seems Paul W.S. Anderson did one of those crappy Aliens v. Predators as well.

Of those, I kind of like the idea of Blade Runner occupying the Alien universe. They don't quite fit logically, but it would be a compelling backstory for their universe's synthetic life and provide a portrait to the sort of awful place future Earth is, which is only ever mentioned in passing within the Alien franchise.

2016-12-03, 03:37 PM
There isn't much impetus in Interstellar to create the America-China fusion culture seen in Firefly. Also, I have some trouble seeing the setting of Firefly producing the dimension-warping singularity-beings who created the wormhole in Interstellar.

2016-12-03, 07:07 PM
Except that how often non-FTL humans who abandon a "spent" Earth end up concentrated in a single, localised region of space that happens to have multiple colonisable worlds?

Probably most of them - improbably dense clusters of planets are typical in sci-fi. Missing FTL almost requires them, so that the characters can have a destination or the aliens somewhere to live. :smallwink:

2016-12-03, 07:21 PM
I can't see it; Interstellar and Firefly are really, really different on a thematic level. There are superficial similarities, they're not flat-out contradicting one another in the way that, say, Star Trek and Interstellar would be, but there's no reason to link them either. It seems like you could use the same logic to argue that Downton Abbey is a prequel to Saving Private Ryan because they're both set on an Earth without fantasy/sci-fi elements; yes, they're logically consistent, but I don't see the point in trying to connect them.

2016-12-03, 08:38 PM
Honestly, Firefly can be crowbared into pretty much any SciFi universe. They pretty much never talk about their science or technology, so that doesn't matter and they can always just be colonists that left whatever other setting during some catastrophe.

2016-12-04, 02:43 AM
That's the operative word. The two are not related in any way outside your own personal headcanon. So the answer "No" is still the correct answer. Are Interstellar and Firefly in the same Universe? No. They were produced by two independent companies by two independent directors with two independent writing teams. There are no mentions of either in Universe on Firefly's side to even support a Headcanon. No. The answer is no.

Man you must be so fun at parties

2016-12-04, 02:52 AM
Man you must be so fun at parties

I mean...I'm not the only one pointing out it doesn't work. I'm just being honest with you? "You don't have the same kind of fun as I do so that means you must be exactly like this where ever you go!" Stellar rebuttal. Inter-stellar one might day.

Dire Moose
2016-12-04, 10:18 AM
I mean...I'm not the only one pointing out it doesn't work. I'm just being honest with you? "You don't have the same kind of fun as I do so that means you must be exactly like this where ever you go!" Stellar rebuttal. Inter-stellar one might day.


2016-12-04, 12:12 PM
I mean...I'm not the only one pointing out it doesn't work. I'm just being honest with you? "You don't have the same kind of fun as I do so that means you must be exactly like this where ever you go!" Stellar rebuttal. Inter-stellar one might day.

Nah, it more like you step into people's business where they are trying to have a fun discussion and go "this absurd this would not work for these serious reasons. Stop having fun"

Geez louise. You made your case. Can you go away and let people have their light-hearted discussion without it ruining your day. Or probably more important: without you ruining theirs just because you felt like it?

You disagree. Fine. Go away.

2016-12-05, 05:53 AM
I don't really see it... Hell, one could make the argument that Interstellar fits more as the Starcraft prequel. Xel'naga made the wormhole, deteriorating conditions on Earth create the totalitarian Terran government we know and love... It might be workable.

Edit: Raynor and Kerrigan are descendants of the Interstellar lead duo, natch.