View Full Version : Mystic theurge confusion

2016-12-03, 03:24 AM
Okay so I have a question.
Let's say I take Wiz 3 CLR 3 MT5 and then I take some other prestige class that gives "+1 spellcasting" without being specific as to whether it's arcane or divine. Can I choose Mystic Theurge as the class I am advancing?

2016-12-03, 03:33 AM
No. Mystic Theruge is not a spellcasting class (it grants no spells of its own, only progresses an already existing spellcasting class. Or rather, two.)

2016-12-03, 03:35 AM
simple answer: No
MT has no casting of its own so it can not be progressed with other PrCs.
What you need from a PrC is +1 to Class to progress it MT (Like Legacy Champion)

2016-12-03, 03:35 AM
Well darn. And also thank god.

2016-12-03, 03:41 AM
Can I use Versatile Spellcaster to qualify for Mystic theurge faster?

2016-12-03, 03:55 AM
Can I use Versatile Spellcaster to qualify for Mystic theurge faster?

That is debatable and you will get answers both ways here on the boards RAW maybe RAI probably not.

2016-12-03, 09:50 AM
Can I use Versatile Spellcaster to qualify for Mystic theurge faster?

Depends on the class.

A 1st-level sorcerer, for example doesn't know any 2nd-level spells until they reach level 4. As a result, they can't use the feat to cast 2nd-level spells.

However, a 1st-level beguiler, dread necromancer or warmage with Precocious Apprentice may be considered to 'have access' to 2nd-level magic. If that is the case, they can use Versatile Spellcaster to cast other 2nd-level spells, thereby satisfying Mystic Theurge's requirements.

2016-12-03, 02:13 PM
Are there any divine classes that have predetermined spells known like a warmage or Beguiler that also cast spontaneously?

2016-12-03, 02:23 PM
However, a 1st-level beguiler, dread necromancer or warmage with Precocious Apprentice may be considered to 'have access' to 2nd-level magic. If that is the case, they can use Versatile Spellcaster to cast other 2nd-level spells, thereby satisfying Mystic Theurge's requirements.
No, they only know spells of the levels they have access to. If they're too low-level to cast 2nd level spells, then they won't know any, either.

When a warmage gains access to a new level of spells, he automatically knows all the spells for that level listed on the warmage's spell list.

2016-12-03, 02:36 PM
Versatile Spellcaster: on it's own, no. However, you can combine it with Heighten Spell to allow for such. Eldritch Corruption is also good for entering early.

2016-12-03, 02:42 PM
No, they only know spells of the levels they have access to. If they're too low-level to cast 2nd level spells, then they won't know any, either.

That's what Precocious Apprentice is for.

2016-12-03, 02:54 PM
That's what Precocious Apprentice is for.
You lose access to the 2nd level spell from Precocious Apprentice once you become able to cast 2nd level spells, so that's not really very effective either.

I would use Improved Sigil (Krau).

2016-12-03, 05:39 PM
Can I use Versatile Spellcaster to qualify for Mystic theurge faster?

There is the Test Based prerequisites which allows you to enter at level 3.

2016-12-03, 10:14 PM
I would use Improved Sigil (Krau).

This is, imho, the best way. It means you are using a race that goes great wit Mystic Theurge and is on solid ground RAW wise (not to mention it never becomes useless. Pick the spells carefully and enjoy).

2016-12-03, 10:29 PM
Krau is also the method that is actually aligned with the spirit of the rules, since illumians are intended to be multiclassers.