View Full Version : I need a table of very cool, but not powerful loot.

2016-12-03, 10:06 PM
You know those times when you loot a dragon's hoard, and the most interesting thing there is "100,000 gold worth of baubles". Or, even worse, "You find one onyx, 2 diamonds, etc etc", "now you find out how much gold you got, and keep note of the thousands tiny little pebbles of gold in disguise."

So, does anyone know of a list of minor loot items, so that I can use to spice up the dragon's hoard? Art work is always fun (especially to have strewn around the place), but not always the most practical in terms of treasure.

2016-12-03, 10:09 PM
You know those times when you loot a dragon's hoard, and the most interesting thing there is "100,000 gold worth of baubles". Or, even worse, "You find one onyx, 2 diamonds, etc etc", "now you find out how much gold you got, and keep note of the thousands tiny little pebbles of gold in disguise."

So, does anyone know of a list of minor loot items, so that I can use to spice up the dragon's hoard? Art work is always fun (especially to have strewn around the place), but not always the most practical in terms of treasure.Roll up a ton of items on the low level tables in the MIC. Make sure to combine several of the ones that share item spaces (especially the ability score bonuses) so the players don't have to worry about swapping them out all the time.

2016-12-03, 10:20 PM
Here's some:

magic mirror lies to men but not to women
A goblin key which will lock (but not unlock) any door
a forgotten account of dwarven history. Anyone familiar with dwarven history who studies this text will find references to a king who has apparently been excised from the modern records
valuable but obscene tapestries
A tiny figurine of the goddess of fertility, carved from a rare, fist-sized pearl. For two weeks after it is picked up any woman touching the figurine will become pregnant with a half-celestial child. After the two week period has expired, the figurine will never work again
10 Rotating wall bisects a round room (rotates 45 degrees each round; if it moves you, Balance DC10 or fall prone)
1d12 human eyeballs in a jar
Ring of Extra Ring (magic ring allows you to wear one more ring than normal)
automagic broom (starts sweeping the area automatically when stood upright)
+1 dwarven waraxe which, once drawn, can't be dropped, put away, or exchanged for another item until it has scored a hit
statuettes of the PCs
a small granite pebble which registers faintly to detect magic and similar spells but which is otherwise wholly unremarkable
A tablet of pure gold, inscribed with the core rites and beliefs of the church of the deity of the sun. Careful study of this tablet, however, will reveal subtle – but important – differences between these ancient practices and the current practices of the church
Speaking stone statue of the god of secrets. Answers questions. All lies.
complete set of 7 dice
A large signet ring of gold, worked with a unicorn crest. Any commoner who dons the ring will suddenly discover its metal heated to unbearable levels – causing one hit point of damage per round. However, anyone with noble blood (however slight) who does the same will suffer only a momentary flash of pain (with an accompanying 1 hp of damage): They will find that the unicorn crest has reshaped itself to their own heraldry, which has also been branded in miniature form upon the back of their finger. From this point forward, they can put on or remove the ring at will without any further ill effects
a potted fern
Potion of Grow Facial Hair (The imbiber grows a random style of facial hair)
metal cabinet full of bottles of every emotion, carefully labeled
Nice rug, it really ties the room together.
+1 Undead-Bane Outsider(evil)-Bane Heavy Mace (glows blue in the presence of evil outsiders, red in the presence of undead, purple in the presence of both)
+1 Dragon-Bane Throwing Axe (glows in the presence of dragons with the dragon's colour)
horn of chickens: a large spiral goat's horn: if you blow into the horn (as a standard action) a chicken appears
hobnail. Pound into goblin's head to produce hobgoblin
Magic Coin (When targeted by the spell Detect Magic or similar effect, this coin detects as magical. That is its magical property.)
Evil greataxe that hungers for souls. Whenever you kill someone with it it traps their soul and gains a +1 attack/damage bonus for 24 hours (max +5). After 24 hours, the soul is digested and you need wish/miracle/truerez to rez them.
garment that always fits perfectly no matter who wears it but has no other magical properties
special magic weapon or armor that has sockets for more than one augment crystal (Magic Item Compendium)
a splendiferous garment of gorgeous many-colored silk, visible only to people with INT or WIS scores higher than 16
It's a hose- You put one end on a magic item and the other end against another, and it swaps their effects.
tube that makes change between one kind of coin and another (e.g., put one platinum in, get 10 gold out)
Staff of Rings (permanently sacrifice one finger and the ability to wear rings on your hands; can wear and benefit from up to 10 rings on the staff as long as you're holding it)
Machete "Untetherer" (+1 Undead-Bane short sword. If it hits any controlled undead, the controller must make a DC18 Will save or the undead is no longer controlled. If wielded by a character who can turn undead, the machete grants 1 extra turn attempt per day.)
wonderfully attractive many-colored garment turns invisible out of shame if anyone with a CHA of 14 or lower wears it
wand of identify that works fine, but any item it's used on turns permanently bright pink
divine scroll of Planar Ally, keyed to a specific deity -- DC20 UMD check to cast it to a different deity
Decanter of Endless Slaughter (as Decanter of Endless Water, but blood instead of water)
garment that automatically mends itself
Tapestry depicts party members murdering one another horribly.
A plain mirror with a frame of pale ashwood. Whenever someone looks in the mirror, however, they perceive an elven face in place of their own.
Bag of Holding Type III containing 1d4 Shadows for safekeeping
Cloak of Gray Tomorrow (1/day invisibility for up to an hour, but once you turn it off you're blind for exactly as long as you were invisible for)
A locked chest (DC25) containing nothing but its own key
Bag of Infinite Chalk
Bag of Infinite Muffins
A single random card from the Deck of Many Things
a robe of many colors that sustains all your stats, rendering you immune to ability damage and drain
<pick a metal> crown of immunity to <pick a status condition>
medium +1 shocking burst longsword inscribed with a stylized etching of a dragon which writhes and prowls around the item slowly
Deck of One Thing - Looks like an ordinary deck of cards, but when the cards are dealt every card is the two of clubs.
shard of pottery that sticks like a magnet to magical items

2016-12-04, 05:25 AM
You know those times when you loot a dragon's hoard, and the most interesting thing there is "100,000 gold worth of baubles". Or, even worse, "You find one onyx, 2 diamonds, etc etc", "now you find out how much gold you got, and keep note of the thousands tiny little pebbles of gold in disguise."

So, does anyone know of a list of minor loot items, so that I can use to spice up the dragon's hoard? Art work is always fun (especially to have strewn around the place), but not always the most practical in terms of treasure.

Well Draconomicon (pg. 277) has some generation tables for Dragon Hoards that help to provide some diversity, but it does still fall somewhat into "gold in disguise" thing. But with the right tweaks it can be fun. It includes art, musical instruments, clothings, furnishings, toys, tools etc. Of particular interest in my experience are Materials and Art pieces. Materials like Darkwood and Adamantine serve a multipurpose role as they can sell it for the listed gold value, craft with it themselves, or lead onto a quest minor or major to find someone to do something with the material.

Meanwhile finding and arranging for the perfect buyer for a specific piece of Art can be a good social-themed adventure too. That doesn't mean no combat either - as those that lost the bid might send goons to steal it, or someone might swap it for a forgery after the sale causing a ruckus. It can be for the rogue or the party face or the martial characters or whoever by tweaking the situation to your party.

Another option that I always liked and that is touched upon in Draconomicon is themed hoards. Maybe the Dragon collects books or exotic [english term, not the mechanical one] weapons or potions. Maybe he collects valuable creatures for his private zoo. Maybe he just invests all his wealth into his (now empty) castle home. It does put a lot of work on the DM to find interesting examples on theme though. For example a sandblaster is weird, useful and puts not obligation on the user featwise if they want to try it out, but finding a list of weapons like that for a Weapon collector Dragon isn't easy and most will still end up as gold equivalents.

2016-12-04, 05:39 AM
I found this generator very useful:
Mentioned Draconomicon has: "The Dragon’s Hoard" appendix, that has what the name suggest.

But if you want custom items, then you know what you want.

2016-12-04, 05:44 AM
This (http://paulmurraycbr.github.io/MICGenerator.html) site has a random treasure generator that uses the magic item compendium treasure generation rules. If you want multiple cheaper magical items, the magic item compendium has a conversion table that tells you how many lesser loot tables to roll for that to happen. Or you can just keep rolling until you have a good spread of items you want for your players.

2016-12-04, 03:02 PM
cool. a lot of good sources

2016-12-04, 03:04 PM
Well Draconomicon (pg. 277) has some generation tables for Dragon Hoards that help to provide some diversity, but it does still fall somewhat into "gold in disguise" thing. But with the right tweaks it can be fun. It includes art, musical instruments, clothings, furnishings, toys, tools etc. Of particular interest in my experience are Materials and Art pieces. Materials like Darkwood and Adamantine serve a multipurpose role as they can sell it for the listed gold value, craft with it themselves, or lead onto a quest minor or major to find someone to do something with the material.

Meanwhile finding and arranging for the perfect buyer for a specific piece of Art can be a good social-themed adventure too. That doesn't mean no combat either - as those that lost the bid might send goons to steal it, or someone might swap it for a forgery after the sale causing a ruckus. It can be for the rogue or the party face or the martial characters or whoever by tweaking the situation to your party.

Another option that I always liked and that is touched upon in Draconomicon is themed hoards. Maybe the Dragon collects books or exotic [english term, not the mechanical one] weapons or potions. Maybe he collects valuable creatures for his private zoo. Maybe he just invests all his wealth into his (now empty) castle home. It does put a lot of work on the DM to find interesting examples on theme though. For example a sandblaster is weird, useful and puts not obligation on the user featwise if they want to try it out, but finding a list of weapons like that for a Weapon collector Dragon isn't easy and most will still end up as gold equivalents.

What I meany by "gold in disguise" was that it's still not the least bit interesting. They are just a bunch of "valuable" rocks.

2016-12-04, 03:49 PM
I had an Ogre who had a nose ring that cost him 1hp per level, but granted 10% of damage done as healing.
You could do a similar item that heals the wearer 1 hp per successful hit.
An item that lets you fly inside only.
An item that does a swift action teleport 10' at will, but costs half your remaining hp to use.
An item that teleports you 10' at the beginning of any round that you have your weapon drawn. But the user doesn't control where he ends up.
A healing item that only works on someone with over 50% of their hp remaining.
A figurine that doesn't transform into the creature represented. (For extra fun, make the player do diplomacy to control whatever it becomes)
An item that lets you polymorph into anything, but you can't attack or take any action that could cause damage.

Just a few that might be fun

PS "Bag of Infinite Muffins" is too OP ;)

2016-12-04, 03:59 PM
How about Weapons of Legacy? They're cool if you don't look too hard.

Just...don't expect anyone who knows what they do to ever actually, y'know, use them.

Though if you take all of the stupid penalties they force on you and throw them into a fire, they might actually be worth taking.

2016-12-04, 07:11 PM
Mother of All Treasure Tables (http://www.kenzerco.com/free_files/moatt_preview.pdf) (preview).

It's really a great book, I'd recommend grabbing a copy.