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View Full Version : Fantasy Races, a look into Racial Norms of Abnormal Races.

2016-12-04, 04:26 AM
Most games include the Standard Races.
-Human Avg, Caapable of adapting.
-Half Elf Charismatic Half breed cross of human and Elf
-Elf stuck up pointy ears long lives
-Dwarf Bearded short Alcaholic Miners
-Gnome Short Tech geeks with bifocal lenses
-Halfling/Hobbit something about an evil warlord and a ring. Hairy feet
-Half Orc big Green dumb brutes. Saber tooth like tusk from lower teeth.

What other Races are considered common or standard in a fantasy rpg and what other less common races are there.

Monster Races included if they have a society of their own.

2016-12-04, 04:12 PM
...If by 'most games', you mean 'D&D and derivatives', sure.

Let's see, other races that show up a lot:
Beast-people of various types, like catgirls, lizardfolk or Ducks.
Tiny winged fairies
Rock people
Intelligent plants
Uplifted octopi

If you want to talk about the _weirder_ ones that have shown up in RPGs, we're going to be here all day.

Jay R
2016-12-04, 04:37 PM
-Dwarf Bearded short Alcaholic Miners

That makes me wonder - where did the notion of dwarves as heavy drinkers come from? It's not in Tolkien, Narnia, or Snow White. It's very much part of the Discworld, but I think it predates that, and Terry Pratchett was just following the trend.

Any ideas?

2016-12-04, 04:49 PM
I'm not sure specifically as to its start but even in Tolkien fantasy dwarves when partying are considered Stout and drink heavily without becoming intoxicated so quickly. It doesn't say that specifically but that's how they are portrayed.

2016-12-04, 05:11 PM
No mention online. I think it arose from their known hardiness and the fact that the origin stories of Dwarves came from the poetic Edda a norse mythology poem. Norse being Germanic and when thinking Germany you think Vikings, who drink and pillage. it isn't hard to see that in the minds of people the two became one and the same copying properties of the Vikings to fit the dwarves.

2016-12-04, 05:13 PM
I'm not sure specifically as to its start but even in Tolkien fantasy dwarves when partying are considered Stout and drink heavily without becoming intoxicated so quickly. It doesn't say that specifically but that's how they are portrayed.
Elves also had this trait and it WAS stated specifically. Dwarves were also expert toymakers and had a love of natural beauty, especially that of cave systems.

2016-12-05, 02:40 PM
That makes me wonder - where did the notion of dwarves as heavy drinkers come from? It's not in Tolkien, Narnia, or Snow White. It's very much part of the Discworld, but I think it predates that, and Terry Pratchett was just following the trend.

Any ideas?

The same place their northern accents came from.