View Full Version : 3rd Ed Presenting: A big list of armour, its crafting options and special materials

2016-12-04, 06:10 AM
Armour, its modifications and special materials
A resource for dungeon masters

Photograph by Mathias Kniepeiss, Getty Images.

I would like to thank ComaVision, GilesTheCleric and LordOfCain for their help in finding and testing a method to share this table of armours, their modifications and special materials, they were both patient and courteous. I must also thank the legendary Chet Erez, whose indices of items, monsters, feats and the like (http://chet.kindredcircle.org/) directly inspired me to begin a table of my own for personal use in my D&D 3.5 campaign setting; his index of armour has been incorporated into the table and I have adopted his system of superscript footnotes.

The armour table
This table began as a simple catalogue for my gaming group, allowing me and my players to peruse the vast array of armours that exist in the D&D universe using a single consolidated list. Crafting options for the armour, bolt-on extras and special materials were also included. There are a scattering of typos throughout the document, some item names might be duplicated between different source books and there are a number of cells highlighted in yellow which indicate that I need to go back and check the stats against the source or correct an error. It is a work in progress, so I apologize for how scrappy it looks, but despite this I think it will still be useful for dungeon masters as a resource for some interesting NPC's, treasure or regional armours.

Due to Google Sheets scrubbing the cell formatting on upload, I am instead hosting the spreadsheet files for you to save and use locally:

ODS format (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3_yL6XGq4tbR250cXJOekNqSFk) - A widely compatible spreadsheet format.
XLSX format (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3_yL6XGq4tbOTFlZ1RRMFUxN0k) - For Microsoft Excel.

The table was put together over the last two or three years, and for the sake of completeness it uses sources from Wizards of the Coast, third party publishers, the Grand Open Gaming Licence Wiki and, very occasionally, from professionally produced community sources. I haven't made a significant start on including Pathfinder material yet. I don't know as I'll ever finish it, but it's still quite useful in its current state with upwards of 1,750 entries.

As a lurker on the forum for years, and having used many a handbook and compiled list from here (with particular acknowledgment to Personman for his exceptional work in this area), I thought it was about time I gave something back to the community.
